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Cocktail firm nominated hosting free community
A COCKTAIL bar which holds free community events has been nominated for the Pride of Reading Hospitality Award.

High Spirits Cocktail Company is in its second year of operating from its premises in The Village leisure complex on Kings Road in Reading.
“I told them about PC Harper and showed them the rock. They were very moved to hear how he lost his life and told me how they had also lost colleagues in the line of duty. It was very moving to know that while they lived in a different country they too were brave just like PC Harper in Berkshire. It is officers like them who run towards danger while the rest of us run in the opposite direction.
“The two officers took the rock and promised to take it back to their station and tell the other officers about PC Harper.”
Before flying back to the UK, Caroline left other rocks at different places including Ground Zero and when she returned a few days later, she discovered they had gone.
“I’ve also handed other rocks to people when I was taking part in the London marathon this year and they carried them around the course. They then posted a picture of themselves with the rock saying how the words inspired them.
“Members of the Reading Kindness Rocks group leave them in different places so anyone who finds them can take them home or place them somewhere else for others.
“I now take rocks on my BA trips and holidays. It is such a simple way to connect with people who might be going through a difficult time or maybe just need a word or two to cheer them up.” n Reading Kindness Rocks has been nominated for a Pride of Reading award in the Putting Reading on the Map category, sponsored by The Purple Turtle and Jacobs The Jewellers.
The independent business, which was praised by its nominator for hosting free community events, is also committed to supporting the environment and making a positive impact on climate change.
They say they offer value and quality with the aim of providing the best experiences for guests.
The Hospitality category, which is new this year, is sponsored by REDA, Reading’s economy and destination agency.
It recognises ‘excellence in the hospitality industry, either an individual or business that has shown resilience, outstanding dedication to their customers and a strong commitment to Reading’.
The award was set up in memory of journalist Hilary Scott, one of the organisers of the Pride of Reading Awards and food writer for our predecessor, the Reading Post, who supported the hospitality sector through the Food Monthly publication.
Hilary sadly passed away last year.
REDA, sponsor of the Pride of Reading Hospitality Award
READING’S Economy & District Agency (REDA) will be sponsoring this year’s Hospitality Award, inspired by and in memory of Hilary Scott.
The category recognises excellence in the hospitality industry, either a person or business which has shown resilience, outstanding dedication to customers and a strong commitment to Reading.
Nigel Horton Baker, the chief executive of REDA, said: “It’s the first award that we’ve sponsored, so we’re really excited about that.
Authentic Malaysian cuisine sees Susie and Kat put forward for award
IT’S THE daddy of all burgers and it’s only available for one very special day only.
Wetherspoon pubs The Back of Beyond in Kings Road and The Hope Tap in Friar Street will be serving a Brunch Burger, but only on Father’s Day – Sunday, June 18.
It comprises a 3oz beef burger with American-style cheese, maplecured bacon, a free-range fried egg and and topped with a hash brown.
As it’s Wetherspoon, the meal is £7.15 and includes chips and a soft drink, or £8.55 and a pint or other alcoholic drinks.
The regular menu, including steaks, grills and small plates, will also be served.
The Hope Tap pub manager, James Harris, said: “We are confident that our customers will welcome the return of the Brunch Burger for one day only.
“It features 100% British beef.”
TWO young women who supply authentic Malaysian dishes through their online business have been nominated as Entrepreneurs of the Year.
Best friends Susie Jolly and Kat Perry, both 32, from the Reading company Makan Malaysia, send dine-at-home meal kits nationwide in chilled, insulated boxes.
Their nominator said the pair “are two of the hardest working, most collaborative, nicest people I have ever met. I was so impressed with their energy and kindness.”
They cook authentic Malaysian food and sell it through mail order, at festivals, during pop-ups, and their supper clubs, she added.
“They ALWAYS promote other businesses and have great business ethics. They are pure joy.”
The duo, who live in Caversham and Hermitage, work with a huge number of other local independent businesses, she said, including Clays, Anonymous Coffee, Fidget and Bob, and Loddon Brewery plus at Reading Food Festival and Readipop.
The category is sponsored by insurance and financial planning company Macbeth and recognises “an individual or group with a business venture in Reading, which has shown passion and commitment to their business to ensure success.”
Entrepreneur of the Year is sponsored by Macbeth
Insurance brokers and financial services company Macbeth is once again sponsoring the Entrepreneur of
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