2 minute read
Volunteer corner
EXPLORER Scouts in Caversham are looking for volunteers to support young people in building resilience, independence and confidence by challenging them to undertake new skills and activities.
They are seeking a volunteer Branch Manager to oversee the work of the advice centre.
new bin store has now been installed.
“It’s great to see action to resolve the overflowing bins, which have been concerning residents. There is still some way to go but we will keep up the pressure.”
You can report local environmental issues like bin problems using the Love Clean Reading smart phone app: https:// lovecleanstreets.com/reports/home
Greens are the second largest party in Reading
Following the local elections in May the Green Party has consolidated its position as the second largest party on Labour-run Reading Council.
We are now two councillors ahead of the Conservatives on the council. There is a growing team of hard-working Green councillors standing up for residents across the town.
If you’re keen on being part of the change in Reading, get involved and help us make Reading fairer, greener and cleaner: https://reading.greenparty.org.uk/ get-involved
By Green Party councillor Rob White, leader of the main opposition group on Reading Borough Council
Explorers are Scouts’ eldest age range at 14-18 years and are largely in charge of their own programme but we need volunteers to help guide, assess and mentor the young people as they plan and organise activities.
You would be part of the largest youth organisation in the world with the opportunity for training, adventures and new experiences.
n Trust House is a small charity based in Reading that provides a range of support services for people affected by rape and sexual abuse.
Their building is used for counselling and therapy for people of all ages and genders and they often have maintenance and decorating jobs that are required for the upkeep of the building and our counselling rooms.
They are seeking a volunteer with practical/ DIY skills to help out on an ad hoc basis with these small jobs. They would be very grateful for any support offered and happy to provide tea and coffee, and biscuits n Frontline Reading provides expert help to those who are under the burden of debt, often through no fault of their own. n Take a look at our brand new Reading Volunteer Connect platform for details of these and many more opportunities to volunteer via our website, www.rgneeds.me. Want to get in touch? Drop us an email at volunteering@rva.org.uk or call 01189 372 273.
The Branch Manager will undertake a number of tasks including ensure the office is appropriately staffed, recruit, train and develop volunteer advisers, represent Frontline in the local community and provide information as required to the Trustees and CEO Experience in managing a small office, working in the local community, and liaising with a head office would be an advantage. There will be a handover available from the current Branch Manager who will be available to support over at least the first 12 months.