2 minute read
Quiz Challenge
1. Poor Richard’s is a famous US collection of what?
2. The French Open Tennis Championships are played at which venue?
3. Which book of the Bible contains the account of Moses being given the Ten Commandments?
4. Which US state, known as the Pine Tree State, has Augusta as its capital city?
5. Pineapple juice, rum and coconut milk make up which cocktail?
6. What was the title of Delia Smith’s first cookbook, published in 1971?
7. Which 2022 film, starring Michelle Yeoh, won seven Academy Awards?
8. Our solar system is situated in which galaxy?
9. The Jorvik Viking Festival, Europe’s largest celebration of Norse heritage, is held in which city?
10. What F is a 2023 hit song by Miley Cyrus and a popular Valentine’s Day gift?
Here are two miniature five-square crosswords using the same grid –but the letters have been mixed up. You have to work out which letters belong to which crossword.
1. Girl with a song in her heart (8)
5. Long film is only part of the picture (4)
8. Fellow getting on with running the company (8)
9. Young skipper (4)
11. I, say, notice plant disease (3-4)
13. Imp finds the slattern without work (5)
14. Extravagant person will blue it on the pink (11)
18. Nonsense, it can be found in a ship (5)
19. Love twitch in ear possibly caused by amatory literature (7)
21. Deeds Romans followed (4)
22. Dramatic account? (8)
24. Ten caught in net following (4)
25. Guard seeking to maintain his title? (8)
Place the four signs (add, subtract, multiply, divide) one in each circle so that the total of each across and down line is the same. Perform the first calculation in each line first and ignore the mathematical law which says you should always perform division and multiplication before addition and subtraction.
1. Does he live with intent? (6)
2. Lightly wash the resin out (5)
3. Bowler walks briskly to place in north-west London (3,7)
4. French say no to prefix (3)
6. Dismissal of student in the deciding match (4-3)
7. Blue for graduate, an inexperienced player outside (6)
10. Conventional image of a hi-fi buff (10)
12. Let it become the name of a book (5)
15. Duty paid to keep a parrot? (4,3)
16. Get in boat that has been wrecked (6)
17. Visitor on the line (6)
20. I struggled when covered in evergreen (5)
23. Not a true position (3)
Each number in our Cross Code grid represents a different letter of the alphabet. You have three letters in the control grid to start you off. Enter them in the appropriate squares in the main grid, then use your knowledge of words to work out which letters should go in the missing squares.
As you get the letters, fill in other squares with the same number in the main grid and control grid. Check off the alphabetical list of letters as you identify them.
Each row and each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9, and so must each 3 x 3 box.
693 2
How many words of four letters or more can you make from this Nonagram? Each word must use the central letter, and each letter may be used only once. At least one word using all nine letters can be found.
748 16 3 5 2 6 7 2 485 4 7 6 7 2 8 9 1 6 92 3
chip; chirp; cipher; cripes; crisp; epic; kepi; peck; peckish; perch; peri; perish; perk; phew; pick; picker; pier; pike; piker; pish; precis; price; prick; prise; ripe; scrip; ship; SHIPWRECK; sipe; skep; skip; spec; speck; spew; spheric; spice; spike; spire; swipe; swiper; whip; whisper; wipe; wiper; wisp.