5 minute read
DONATIONS: Shoppers support festive appeal to help borough’s less fortunate Lions do the can can to make it a happier Christmas
By PHIL CREIGHTON news@wokingham.today
THE CAN CAN took place in Wokingham on Saturday, and there wasn’t a frilly dress or lively band in sight.
The reason? Well, it wasn’t dancing but a food collection aimed at helping others this Christmas.
Members of Wokingham Lions have been running the appeal for more than 20 years, and it’s simple in its approach: they ask shoppers at a range of supermarkets to buy a non-perishable food item while they are in store and then donate it on the way out.
The donations are then gathered up and turned into food parcels that the Lions then deliver to people within the Wokingham community who need them.
And it should come as no surprise that Wokingham’s shoppers at the Tesco and Waitrose stores have given generously – thousands of items have been given to the appeal.
The Lions are working in partnership with First Days Children’s Charity, Wokingham Foodbank & SHARE Wokingham to ensure the support gets to where it is needed.
“The Wokingham Lions Can-Can Christmas Food Appeal has had another successful year,” said John Cleary, who is part of the appeal’s organising team.
“Nearly 3,000 items have been collected which are now in the process of being distributed across Wokingham to those families and individuals who are finding life a little tough at the moment.
“Can Can started 30 years ago, long before Foodbank’s were a thing, however our collaboration with Wokinghan Foodbank, First Days and Share Wokingham in recent years has proved extremely successful ensuring that donations continue to reach all the right people.”
He added: “A special thank you to Tesco and Waitrose in Wokingham for their ongoing support and of course their very generous customers.” n wokinghamlions.org.uk
GIFTS IN STORE: Wokingham Lions Club members, Jane Bentley, John Allen and Ian Hall with Customer Donations outside Waitrose in Wokingham on Saturday. Picture: Steve Smyth
Thousands respond to council survey on bin collections

SING UP: A Winnersh church is hosting a 24-hour carolathon starting at 9am on Saturday Picture: Frauke Riether from Pixabay Carol singing round the clock
n From front page
Cllr Shenton added: “We hope to see the changes come into force as soon as possible, because this would save us about £700,000 per year right away, followed by a higher amount after starting a new waste collection contract in 2026.”
The survey drew criticism from opposition councillors and some residents as no option to keep the current weekly collections was available to select.
Cllr Norman Jorgensen, shadow executive member for environment said: “We have seen that the Liberal Democrat/Labour council have a habit of ignoring the results of consultations and the wishes of residents when it is convenient to them.
“The Liberal Democrats say they have no alternative because they can’t afford to retain weekly waste collections. This hasn’t stopped them retaining elections three years out of four or finding money for expensive consultants to write HR policies.”
Cllr Jorgensen added: “This move to a less frequent service is going to cost the council significantly more to begin with than the current weekly waste collection.
“It is very difficult to see how they will make £700,000 of savings per year when the cost of the wheelie bins is considered.”
Feedback from the consultation will now be reviewed and used to form a new waste strategy that will go before the council’s decision making executive committee in February next year. A WINNERSH church is preparing to sing of the season this weekend. Not for a short service of nine lessons and carols, but for 24 hours, nonstop.
Former Welsh Guards musician Peter Lewis enjoys festive tunes so much that he will be leading the epic affair this weekend.
Together with other musicians from around the area, he will perform this carolathon, in aid of two churches: St Catherine’s in Bearwood, and St Mary’s in Winnersh.
The group are taking requests, and ask people to let them know which favourite carol they would like to hear played.
Carols can be requested to be performed around a specific time, if necessary.
Other musicians who want to join in, are warmly welcomed, along with any additional individuals and groups of singers.
Peter will be playing for most of the time, assisted by Richard Whitaker on keyboard, and will appreciate the encouragement of everyone who comes along.
People are invited to join in with the carolathon at any time during Saturday and especially in the early hours of Sunday morning, when the musicians will be most in need of support to get them through the night.
The event takes place at St Mary’s Church, Winnersh, where Peter starts his not so silent morning, noon and night at 9am on Saturday, December 17.
His last Noel can be heard at 9am on Sunday, December 18. n To make a request call the church office on: 0118 979 3898 or email: admin@winnershparish.org

'Alice in Wonderland New Year’s Eve Party'
31st December
Chalk Restaurant will be going down the rabbit hole for a tea party to end all tea parties! Step into another world of madness and intrigue with cocktails in tea pots, live entertainment, quirky food and canapés, a swing band and even magic from the Mad Hatter himself!* Cheshire Cat. Bill the Lizard. The Mock Turtle. The White Rabbit. Alice. Want to get dressed up as one of your favourite Alice ’ s Adventures in Wonderland characters? As well as the entertainment, our team will be dressing up and getting in the spirit so you can too. Dress code is smart OR fancy dress OR both.... Glass of Champagne, Canapés, Four-course Menu, Entertainment; Queen of Hearts, Burlesques, Caricaturists, Mad Hatter Magicians and Swing Band, Midnight Bacon Bap, and Count Down Champagne There are two sitting options, at 5.30pm or 8.30pm.
Family Early Seating - Ticket at £49.95 per adult Face Painting, Magician, Caricaturists (Kids menu available) Party Late Seating – Ticket at £124.95 per adult Dinner and Full Entertainment