13 minute read
Wokingham latest town to receive fibre optic broadband
ON ITS WAY: Superfast broadband Picture: CityFibre
By DANIEL BLACKHAM dblackham@wokingham.today

WOKINGHAM has been announced as the latest town to receive a multi-million-pound investment in its digital infrastructure.
CityFibre is investing more than £15 million in the town, with a full fibre network that will bring “fast and reliable” internet services within reach of almost every home and business in the area.
The works are a continuation and further investment of the wider £58m network build which is currently ongoing in Reading and parts of Wokingham.
Construction work on the full fibre network in Wokingham has started this week in Norreys.
Stacey King, regional partnership director at CityFibre, is responsible for overseeing the project, while also acting as the main point of contact for all stakeholders.
She said: “It’s a pleasure to be announcing Wokingham as one of the latest towns to benefit from our UK-wide investment.
“The new full fibre network will bring a range of benefits to the town and its people, from smoother connections for home working, schools, and businesses, to more capabilities for entertainment purposes, including gaming and streaming.
“Our builders will soon get to work on a full fibre network, and we think people will be blown away by the difference it will make. The network offers more opportunity to everyone in Wokingham, and we look forward to playing a key role in its modernisation that will underpin its progressive digital capabilities for decades to come.”
Full fibre networks, unlike many of the copperbased ‘fibre broadband’ services available today, use 100% fibre optic technology to carry data at light speed all the way from the home to the point of connection.
This gives users speeds of up to 1,000 Mbps for upload and download, near limitless bandwidth and more reliable connectivity.
Full fibre boosts households and businesses alike, with experts saying it will drive a range of economic benefits, such as making us more productive and innovative.
As work is completed in each neighbourhood, CityFibre will designate the homes “ready for service”, which means residents can choose to connect to full fibre-enabled broadband services when they go live in their area.
In Wokingham, services will be available from an increasing range of broadband providers.
Across the UK, CityFibre is already working with launch partner Vodafone to supply full fibre infrastructure for customers on selected Vodafone Pro Broadband plans, while TalkTalk, IDNet, Giganet, Zen and other providers are expected to join the network soon. n Residents interested in giving their home broadband a boost can find out more about the build and register their interest at: cityfibre.com. READING BUSES have announced changes to bus fares for Reading FC fans on match days.
Adjusted prices came into effect on Saturday for the Royals’ clash against Coventry, and will be in force for future fixtures.
Robert Williams, Reading Buses chief executive officer, said: “We were due to change the football fares in September alongside the changes we made to other fares across our network, but this was postponed for the first part of the season.
“We now need to make these changes and felt that implementing them after the mid-season break made some sense.
“There are no changes to our football services and we will still offer the same great range of ticket options for great value.
“So let’s all get on board with the Royals and cheer them on, hopefully to promotion to the Premier League.”
A single ticket on the F1 shuttle is now £2.50, while a return will cost £3.50.
The F2/F3 park and ride service now costs £4.50 for a single and £5.50 for a return. A return ticket on the F51-54 will be £6.50.
Concessionary pass holders get free travel to the stadium, but the return journey is chargeable.
The company runs a range of matchday routes, including from Wokingham and Woodley to the Select Car Leasing Stadium. n To view all price changes, visit: www. reading-buses.co.uk/changes-footballbus-fares

InthesechallengingtimesChristmasmeanslightandlife, peaceandlove,helpandhope.Christmascelebrates thebirthofJesuswhoiswithusinallourtroubles. ToexploremoreofJesus’messagevisitalocalchurch thisChristmas,inpersonoronline.
WokinghamMethodist Sunday,December11 4pm Carolsby
Candelight Thursday,December22 4pm LongestNight
Service Forthose whofindChristmas hard ChristmasEve 4pm Christingle 11.30pm Midnight
Communion ChristmasDay 10.30am Worshipfor
ChristmasDay Seeourwebsitefor furtherdetailsand tobookaplace, www.wokingham methodist.org.uk StPaul’sWokingham Sunday,December18 6.15pm NineLessons&
Carols Wednesday, December21 10am CribServicefor
Infantsandyounger ChristmasEve 3pm and 5pm
Christingle 11pm MidnightMass ChristmasDay 8am BCPEucharist 9.30am JoyfulFamily
Eucharist CorpusChristiCatholic Church ChristmasEve 4pm,6pm&9pm Mass ChristmasDay: 10am Mass KingsChurch Wokingham ChristmasDay 10.30am Christmas celebration Wokingham BaptistChurch Sunday,
December18 10am Explore
Christmasfor familieswith, children11and under 7pm Carolsby
Candlelight ChristmasEve 3.30pm Christingle
Craft&Carols ChristmasDay 10am Celebrationfor thewholefamily AllSaintsChurch, Wokingham Ourmainservices willbeheldinThe Cornerstonethis year Sunday,December4 3.30pm Messy
Pleasebookin advance Sunday,
December18 6.15pm NineLessons andCarols atSt
Cornerstone 4pm CarolSinging aroundthe
Christmas treeinMarket
Place,Wokingham towncentre 11.15pm Midnight
Communion ChristmasDay 8am Holy
Communion 9.30am Parish
Pleasebookin advance
Findoutmoreat www.wokinghamchurches.org.uk
AN ART group in Wokingham has invited a member of the Royal Society of British Artists to lead its next meeting.
Lewis Hazelwood-Horner will demonstrate how to paint a still life in oils for the members of Wokingham Art Society.
He studied at Byam Shaw School of Art and obtained further training from London Atelier of Representational Art.
The demonstration will take place at Wokingham’s Bradbury Centre, on Tuesday, December 20. Doors open at 7.30pm.
Entry for non members is £5. n For more information visit: wokinghamartsociety.org.uk.

Friends and family pay tribute to ‘vivacious and fun-loving’ Sally
By STAFF WRITER news@wokingham.today
Crib service
CHILDREN in Spencers Wood are invited to a special Christmas Eve service.
St Michael & All Angels Church’s crib service will see youngsters hear the Nativity Story.
Everyone is welcome to attend. The service takes place at 4pm. n For more information, search: St Michael & All Angels on www. facebook.com THE FRIENDS and family of Sally Gunnee, who died following a road traffic collision on Wokingham Road, have released a tribute to her.
“Sally Gunnee sadly passed away on Thursday, November 24, following a car accident the previous evening.
“Sally was a much loved and integral part of our line dancing club, Steps ‘n’ Stetsons, based in Lower Earley and Winnersh.
“She had danced with us for many years but was also well known in a much wider line dancing community as she frequently attended linedancing socials and weekends further afield.
“Sally was a vivacious, funloving and very positive person and her life reflected these personality traits.
It continues: “By profession, she was a nurse and she spent much of her career working abroad and even on cruise ships.
“Apart from line dancing, Sally’s interests included horse racing and she was a member of a racehorse owners club.
She took a very keen interest in the development and success of the horses owned by the club, frequently visiting the various stables and becoming well known to the respective trainers.
“Her love of horses came second only to the cats that were ever present in her home.”
“Above all, Sally was lovely friend who would do anything she could to help anyone.
“She will be so very much missed by all our dancers
but we will all remember her enthusiasm and her ability to throw herself fully into all our activities, most memorably when she dressed up as a Christmas elf or, on St Patrick’s Day, an Irish leprechaun. “Line dancing will not be the same without her but she has left us with such happy and special memories.” Sally’s Stepdaughter, Sarah, has released the following tribute to her: “I have known Sally over 20 years. “She had a very happy and close relationship with my father, initially her boss and then as his wife. “Our relationship continued REMEMBERED: The friends and family of Sally Gunnee, who died following after my father’s death in 2004. a road traffic collision, have released tributes to her. Picture: Courtesy of the We became very close but friends and family of Sally Gunnee we didn’t live in each other’s pockets. “She never wanted children herself and we used to laugh that she ended up with me. “She had to give up work to look after my father after he had a bad stroke. She never blueprint_advert_190x137mm_TKT17746_advert-1-v02-PR.pdf 1 28/07/2022 15:38 complained and was happy that they were finally together, disabled or not.
“It didn’t stop them going out and holidays abroad – she gave him another 10 years of full life and I will be forever be grateful to her.
“Sally continued her love of line dancing, horses (she was a member of the Elite Horse Fraternity) and visited stables all around the country either by herself or with a girlfriend.
“She was very generous with her time and often gave her friends presents for their grandchildren.
“She was very fit and wasn’t taking any medication except painkillers for an achy shoulder. She was very proud of that especially at 86.
“She never turned an invitation down and lived life to the full. She still had plenty on her bucket list to do.
“It is sad that her life ended this way – she still had so much to give and share.
“We will all miss her terribly but she is leaving us all with such fond memories to hold on to.
“RIP Sally – you are now with Ron your only true love.”

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By SUE CORCORAN news@wokingham.today
RESIDENTS say their village is under siege from developers wanting to build houses on its green spaces.
Ninety villagers turned out to Hurst Parish Council’s meeting to hear about two more plans to build houses in the village.
One is for 24 homes on a much-loved Willowmead field in School Road. It’s known to thousands as the former home of Hurst Show and Country Fayre. After being told to leave, the show moved to the school field and Martineau Green.
The other plan is for three houses at Walden Acres, Wokingham Road. Agents told the parish council meeting about the plans last week.
Hundreds of Hurst objectors are already fighting a scheme for 200 homes, between Tape Lane and the B3030 from Winnersh towards Twyford. An appeal for planning permission starts on January 31.
The council’s procedures don’t allow discussion by residents attending, but afterwards chairman Cllr Wayne Smith said:
“Residents tell me they feel under the cosh of prospective developers trying to take advantage while objectors are busy fighting the Tape Lane plan, hoping they’ll get in under the radar. The parish council will decide its view once it’s seen the applications for permission.”
Objectors saw off a scheme for 33 homes at Broadcommon Road, in January.
Later four homes were approved on appeal for Sawpit Road. It’s believed two more schemes may be on the way for the village.
A villager said: “It feels very much like it’s open season on Hurst for prospective developers.”
Wokingham borough does not have a five year supply of housing land. This means there is a presumption in favour of a development being approved at a planning appeal, unless it can be proved a scheme’s harm outweighs its benefits.
“Once there’s a weakness the developers sweep in,” added the villager.
Another said: “It feels like we’re under siege.”
The proposal for three homes is by Tim and Rupert Drake for part of the site of their family home at Walden Acres, said Matt Taylor of St Edwards Design and Planning, part of Churchgate Premier Homes, also involved with the planning application.
He said the application for a pair of semi-detached cottages and a detached house would go in this month. The homes would be infilling in that road.

MEETING: Some of the 90 people who turned out to hear about yet more building plans for Hurst, said to be’under siege’ by developers. Not every resident was against the proposals The site’s existing house would remain. The brothers’ mother, former borough councillor Annette Drake, used to live at Walden Acres.
Mr Taylor said there was a house shortage and villages like Hurst were expected to provide a proportionate number. It was proven that building small sensitive developments meant bigger ones could be staved off.
Edward Butler-Ellis of Ward Strategic Communications who spoke at the parish council meeting about the Willowmead field proposals was unavailable afterwards.
Cllr Smith has criticised Wokingham Borough Council’s controlling Liberal Democrat group for not getting on with the Local Plan showing areas for new homes – although a new draft is currently in preparation.
“Without it the whole of the borough is exposed to potential planning applications,” he said.
Cllr Smith said donations to pay for a barrister at the 200 homes planning inquiry were going well.
“We’re not quite there yet,” he added. “The parish council is very appreciative of the donations so far and for the favourable comments about how the council is taking on the case.”
Hope & Anchor’s acoustic night
A WOKINGHAM pub is holding a new weekly music night.
Acoustic Café, showcases different bands every Monday.
The last Monday line-up for this year features Linda Moylan, Michael Tuffery, Meddling Fox, Robert Buttrick and Andy Lavery.
The event is at The Hope And Anchor pub on Station Road.
The music starts at 7.30pm on Monday, December 19. Admission is free and the event is organised by the Graham Steel Music Company. n For information, log on to: www.grahamsteelmusiccompany. com
A BRACKNELL music group presents an evening of festive music.
Musical director Greg Hallam, will lead the Bracknell Choral Society in its Family Carol Concert.
All are welcome to the event, which takes place at Newbold College Church, Bracknell, on Wednesday, December 21.
Doors open at 6pm.
Tickets cost £10, and include a soft drink and mince pie.
Accompanied under 18s enter free of charge. n For tickets and information visit: www.bracknellchoral.org. uk.
Family carols

PLANTS IN THE AUDIENCE: The volunteers celebrate the bulb planting in Elms Field Picture: David Wilson Homes
Housebuilder helps make town look pretty, but you’ll have to wait until next year to see why
A TEAM-UP will pay dividends, but their work won’t be seen until next year.
Housebuilder David Wilson Homes partnered with Wokingham Borough Council, Wokingham Town Council and Wokingham in Bloom to sponsor a community volunteer day to plant a range of bulbs on Elms Field.
It gave £500 to Wokingham Town Council’s funds of £1,000 to source 4,000 bulbs to planted on the green open space at its Landmark Square development in the town centre.
Bulbs of a wide range of plant species were scattered by local residents, all under the expert guidance of Wokingham in Bloom.
The bulbs will flower in time for judging the annual contest next year, while the housebuilder hopes it will complement the nearby Elms Field.
Campbell Gregg, managing director at David Wilson Homes Southern, said: “We were delighted to support the bulb planting in Wokingham and everyone in attendance will have provided a lovely addition to Elms Field when spring arrives.
“Supporting the communities in which we build is a priority of ours and we jump at the chance to help with these fantastic projects.”