C omputer S cience C urriculum I nstructor E dition
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Copyright ©2015 PCS Edventures®, Inc. All rights reserved. This User’s Guide, as well as the software services described in it, is furnished under license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. The content of this manual is furnished for educational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by PCS Edventures, Inc. PCS Edventures, Inc. assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this book. Except as permitted by such license, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of PCS Edventures, Inc. PCS Edventures! and PCS Academy of Robotics are trademarks of PCS Edventures, Inc. in the USA and other countries. All other products or brand names are the trademarks of their respective holders.
WARNING! Electrocution Hazard.
Do not use the materials provided for other than its intended purpose as described in the included manual.
©2015 PCS Edventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this material is restricted to PCS Licensees.
D iscover : R obotics & P rogramming .........................................
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• Programming in Arduino and Other Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. JOURNALING AND REFLECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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3. THE BRAIN & CORTEX USERGUIDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
• The Brain Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
• Document Structure • Pedagogy
• Journal Evaluation (classroom activities provided)
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ii. Uploading to The Brain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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• About fishertechnik® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
i. Powering, Recharging, and Buttons ii. Lights and Motors iii. Sensors • The Cortex
i. Quick Start Guide iii. Writing Programs
4. COMPUTOR SCIENCE CURRICULUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 • L evel 1 - Students learn the basics of motor control through an introduction to the language and reasoning used by computers to manage basic mechanical tasks.
• L evel 2 - Students construct their first robot, and apply what they’ve learned about motor control to produce useful robotic behavior. Through activities with math and physics applications, and work with some more advanced coding, students expand their knowledge of programming while practicing math and science.
• L evel 3 - This level introduces students to the use of subroutines, if- and forloops, as well as the use of basic sensor inputs. These new skills are applied to challenges with new and interesting applications.
• L evel 4 - In level 4, students will continue to expand their working knowledge of programming. They will create more sophisticated robots that interact with their environment in quite complex ways. Much of the logic used to create code in level 4 reinforces fundamental math concepts at a very intuitive level, setting the stage for explorations into discrete math and advanced programming applications.
5. APPENDICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
A. Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B. Common Core . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
C. Bibliography
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©2015 PCS Edventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this material is restricted to PCS Licensees.
D iscover Overview
PCS Edventures promotes hands-on, activity-based learning as a means of helping students develop their problem-solving, communication, reflection, and collaboration skills. Our content is designed to integrate instructional goals into application-based learning experiences. With the freedom to iterate and design, students gain tangible benefits that come from frequent analysis and reflection. Projects are designed to accommodate groups of 2-3 students, though groups of 4 can work with some additional structure, such as more specific task assignments for group members. The robotics curriculum is a platform for teaching basic programming logic in the context of mechanical output (e.g. a motor moves) and data input (e.g. a light sensor identifies a boundary). Projects incorporate applied math, physics, and engineering principles via optional approaches and extensions. These extensions are designed to be optional, and the instructional time made available for these activities. Many of the extensions are also convenient ways to assign deliverables (exit items) and/or homework. PCS has created the robotics programming curriculum to include a journaling component in response to the extensive research that illustrates the benefits of including reflective elements in STEM classrooms. Since students will be applying concepts repeatedly, with ever-increasing difficulty and rigor, it is critical that they both record and reflect on their process. The reflective component of the curriculum should not be omitted or understated, as student outcomes are highly correlated to the effort they put into such record-keeping. For additional information about our suggested journaling process, please review the appropriate index in the instructor’s guide.
Š2015 PCS Edventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this material is restricted to PCS Licensees.
D ocument S tructure This is an instructor’s guide. Blue italicized text is for the instructor, whereas the remaining text is included in the student materials (with some language adjustments). Extensions are suggested but optional, and are included in both the instructor and student materials. Activity sequences for all four levels have a structure that includes A) initial projects with explicit directions meant to expose students to the concepts associated with each level, B) challenges, which ask them to apply those same concepts, and C) a personal design project, which typically incorporates all previous material and provides a lot of creative freedom. Explicit build and design instructions are provided only for projects where each build is first encountered. The expectation is that students will be able to either reference prior work or create functional builds based on their growing understanding of the build process. Also, we don’t want to remove creativity from the challenge and personal projects, as diverse pathways to accomplishing the goals will serve to broaden the learning in the group.
©2015 PCS Edventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this material is restricted to PCS Licensees.
P edagogy You may already be quite familiar with the following information. The purpose of this section is to explain the rationale for the design of this content.
E ngineering With the advent of the Next Generation Science Standards, and the philosophical approach that underlies the Common Core, it has become clear that many educators could benefit from additional support regarding methods for instructing some of the processes now emphasized by these standards. For more than 25 years, PCS has specialized in the kind of application-based, iterative discovery that characterizes an engineering design approach to problem-solving. With this curriculum, we have attempted to scaffold this process in a way that we hope will fit nicely into a more formalized classroom environment. As an instructor, the critical piece of the engineering design approach is in the method of iteration. There are two typical erroneous ways that learners iterate on their solutions. First, and often least effective, is some version of the classic “guess and check” approach, in which students invest little to no energy in planning their approach to a problem. Rather, they simply try something and then adjust, repeating this process until they either stumble upon a solution or lose interest in the problem. This is not always bad. Some students are more tactical in nature: very thoughtful about their plan following their first attempt(s) at solutions. When the stakes are low, there is no harm in this. The second, sometimes problematic, approach to problem-solving (the one historically emphasized in any technical academic program/course) is purely analytical, wherein the first attempt is expected to be perfect, flawless if possible. While this method certainly has academic and educational merit, it fails to take into consideration practical, application-level issues (imperfect parts, environmental variation, etc.). It is nested neatly between these two extremes—thoughtless fumbling and purely theoretical analytics— that the engineering practice lives. The activities in this curriculum were designed to encourage engineering design, but it is critical that oversight be diligent, such that students who fall toward one or the other extreme be provided with some guidance and redirection. In the first case, simply mandating that they outline their plan prior to initiating any experimentation often solves the problem. In the second case, encouraging disengagement from analysis once a reasonable approximation is possible generally suffices to bring students closer to effective completion.
©2015 PCS Edventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this material is restricted to PCS Licensees.
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E ngagement
P edagogy
Effective instruction for innovative design and deep understanding of technical concepts is all about engagement. Often, it has been found, students are directed by an expert to follow a pre-established sequence of instructions (2, 28, 29), and this generally does very little to encourage students to develop and consider their own analytical process (21, 22, 23, 24) . If something is confusing, the resolution is obvious – ask the teacher. It has been shown to be more effective if students create their own solutions to challenges. It is ideal if students practice seeking varied resources to develop those solutions. The ultimate is when students generate novel and innovative solutions to problems (1, 25, 30). With our hands-on, activity based curriculum, we aim to encourage students to engage in low-stakes problem solving on various scales: setting up structures (building, assembly), planning for challenges (sketching out designs, gathering information, etc.), and analyzing results for future applications.
F eedback Learning is a constructive, iterative process. Learners actively build understanding by assembling bits of information into working models and concepts. A learner can then fortify his or her understanding by attempting to apply it to a new scenario (1, 25). Truth is subjective; something that withstands many of these iterations. When our process is rigorous, our truth is more universal. Since the process of construction, testing, analysis, and reconstruction can take some time, it is ideal if no step along the way is bogged down by the need for excessive feedback. Traditionally, classroom feedback comes from the instructor. With many students and one instructor, this means that any individual learner’s process can be repeatedly slowed by the feedback bottleneck. Otherwise learners can find themselves in a sort of limbo, charting territory without feedback, often only to discover that they have been moving in a non-productive direction for some time. Instructor feedback can be interpreted with hidden or counter-productive messages by students who receive abstracted information (grades, percentages, points, etc.). From these abstract concepts, students actively judge themselves and their peers in order to establish an intellectual hierarchy. Such habits reduce motivation among both high and low achieving students, and can severely hinder the development of effective collaboration skills (30, 31, 32, 5, 9, 10, 25). Again, it has been shown through extensive studies and test groups that it is better to provide students with immediate, continuous feedback, coming directly from their personal experience. This is a primary goal of hands-on, activity based learning. Students, during the development of a project, are repeatedly observing the results directly the results of their work, and they can adjust their process according to that “natural” learning. In doing so, motivation tends to shift from extrinsic to intrinsic, as students focus on the task at hand rather than on others’ perception of their skill/value (14-20, 23, 25). The design-build component of most PCS activities supports this repeated (nearly continuous) feedback loop. The act of connecting two elements together, all by itself, requires that a learner test the way their mind visualizes each element, and also demands hat they configure and reconfigure their methodology until they find something that works. Use of these manipulatives teaches the process of procedural organization and efficiency, as well as reinforcing basic physics, math, construction, and logic principles again and again. Thus, students are provided with constant learning on many levels. Historically, students who proceed through a rote set of instructions have difficulty applying their methods in a new context. The design process offers resolution of this problem. Through hands-on projects, concepts can be accessed via visual, tactile, and even auditory experiences (in addition to pure, and abstract, cognitive connections). In this way, learners can more readily make neural connections (create lasting understanding) that are available for future learning and application toward novel challenges.
©2015 PCS Edventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this material is restricted to PCS Licensees.
P rogramming in A rduino O ther L anguages
The Cortex uses a graphical user interface to create code in the Arduino language. Whenever you install the Cortex onto your device, a library of functions and coding elements is installed as well. If your students show a serious interest in more advanced coding practice, the Cortex makes the language used to instruct the bot visible for inspection or for cutting and pasting into the free, open source Arduino software. Arduino was originally built for custom electronics, developed specifically for hobbyists and hackers to create new and exciting devices. All of the basic Arduino-based components are extremely affordable. Students expressing an interest in these electronics can, and should, be encouraged to explore the platform further, using the coding they’re learning here as a jumping off point. Finally, Arduino itself is a platform on top of the coding language of “C.” C is one of the most common and powerful computer programming languages in use today. For students who really want to take this to the next level, encourage them to explore and work with C. Fortunately, C is also free to the public.
©2015 PCS Edventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this material is restricted to PCS Licensees.
G etting S tarted G uide
Journaling P.A.R.
Journaling P.A.R.
* Journaling & P.A.R. (Peer- assisted reflection) are both optional, reccommended extensions
©2015 PCS Edventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this material is restricted to PCS Licensees.
J ournaling R eflection
Rationale Reflection is another means of adding value to a learning experience. Both content and meta-level insight are available through the process of evaluating your work after it has been done. We recommend that journaling be a central and significant part of this curriculum. Our journal structure is by no means the only one that will accomplish the goals of reflection; we provide it as a default—a starting point. If your students are already journaling in your classroom, we encourage you to modify our prompts and categories to fit into your existing structure as you see fit.
Š2015 PCS Edventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this material is restricted to PCS Licensees.
R eflection
S tructure
J ournaling
The journal can either exist on paper or in a digital medium. The advantage of paper is that it is low-tech and portable, whereas an electronic journal allows for inclusion of photos and video, something that young people tend to find both enjoyable and familiar. It is also possible to combine the two platforms. Because there are so many easy and free ways to set up blogs, the projects section could be done electronically (they could showcase their projects, and post photos/videos), while the notes and questions might be done on paper so that students could easily flip through and reference them as needed. The programming for robotics journal is designed with three sections: Note: Masters of all three of the following journaling sheets are found in the Student Edition's journaling section.
N otes / suggestions This sheet is a reference space; a platform where students can summarize their conclusions, and record ideas that they anticipate will be useful for future projects.
Q uestions / hypotheses Here, students will record questions and testable answers to those questions. If there is a stagger in how students complete certain activities, they can be directed to explore these questions to the extent that it is feasible in your environment. They can also be turned into personal projects at home that students later report to their classmates about.
P rojects / conclusions This will be the most used section of the journal. Here students record their process and conclusions for all personal projects and some challenges. While less explicitly a referenced resource, the idea is that through record keeping they will be able to transfer skills and experience forward, as well as reflect on the work they just completed. A secondary benefit is that students can look back through and observe the trajectory of their understanding.
Š2015 PCS Edventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this material is restricted to PCS Licensees.
J ournaling E valuation E valuation Feedback on journaling should come in a variety of forms, but the emphasis should be nearly entirely on the process and purpose of the journal. Feedback should provide information about the quality of the reasoning used, the thoroughness of observations, readability (clarity of explanations), and use of media (mainly if they use the online version). To increase the level of self-evaluation used by student authors, it is advisable to have them write occasional summaries of their experiences and lessons learned, using only their journal as a reference. Allow them to work in groups when doing this but prompt them to ask one another as few questions as possible. Take note of questions they have to ask to recall information and motivate them to reduce this list by coming up with personal guidelines for improving their process. In addition to this activity, you should have some additional, more formal evaluations (though always formative, as journaling, in some form, will forever be a part of their student life). Here, we will describe several possible evaluation protocols:
T raditional Collect journals (or review digital journals) periodically and provide feedback. This should be heavily frontloaded, as with the peer-to-peer alternative described below, so that students correct process problems early. This is the most time intensive, but requires less classroom time.
P eer - to -P eer Ask students to exchange journals with one another and provide feedback. A new process, “Peer Assisted Reflection,” created by Dr. Daniel Reinholz at CU Boulder, has shown particular efficacy for student to student reflective feedback. Students read one another’s work, providing written feedback according to provided guidelines. They then discuss each item, offering verbal explanations as well as working together to make revisions. These activities, administered repeatedly and with care, promote a wide range of highly valuable skills and habits for multidisciplinary success. A great way to do this is to focus on a specific challenge or design project and the associated journaling. This way students will have a shared context. A secondary advantage of using a design project is that they will almost certainly have created unique solutions and therefore will have a lot to gain from one another. Also, if you plan to have them present their projects to the class, this is a great way for them to flesh out their presentations in a safer, more intimate and well structured setting. Below is an excerpt from Dr. Reinholz’s instructional guidelines [language has been adapted for middle school students].
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J ournaling E valuation ( cont ) P eer -A ssisted R eflection (PAR) Experts have reflective understanding, persist in solving difficult problems, and work well with others. PeerAssisted Reflection (PAR) is a specialized activity that will help develop these skills. Developing reflective understanding requires working with others, getting feedback, and being exposed to new ways of thinking about things. Here are some guidelines to help you get the most out of the activity.
R eading P eer ’ s C onclusions Question others’ solutions. Ultimately, you’re developing skills to apply to your own work as well.
Try to understand their journal and their experiences based only on what is written (without thinking of your own conclusions). Tell your partner if you have to guess what something means, or if a description it is unclear.
Does the conclusion connect to the evidence? Are they drawing clear and supported conclusions?
Finally, compare your partner’s conclusions to your own for the same challenge. Did you get the same result? If there are differences, discuss these with your partner during your conference. Try to decide if one or both conclusions are accurate.
P eer C onferencing A few simple guidelines will help you have more meaningful conversations with your partner.
Be critical, but kind. Your job is to help your partner improve their work as much as possible.
Ask questions. Encourage your partner to ask questions. Discussing ideas will help you learn.
Demand meaningful feedback. If your partner only says “everything looks good” you learn nothing.
Practice revisions to your explanations (verbally) before writing them. This is a unique opportunity to get instant feedback on your communication. Use it!
If both you and your partner are unsure about the solution, try to figure it out together. Talk through your reasoning, where it got you, and where it got you stuck.
©2015 PCS Edventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this material is restricted to PCS Licensees.
J ournaling E valuation ( cont ) S uggestions
M eaningful F eedback
Here are a number of examples of feedback, followed by examples of how to make that feedback more meaningful in italics. • Everything looked good. — Even the best solutions can be improved. Put more effort into thinking how your partner could do so. — What evidence do you have for saying this? • Your solution was explained well. — This feedback not only fails to say what about it was explained well, but it also doesn’t help your partner improve. • Your solution could use a little bit more explanation. — Tell your partner exactly what needs more explanation and try to suggest how they could improve their explanation. Remember, simply adding more isn’t always better. • Your explanations were a little unclear. — You need to tell your partner what exactly was unclear, and try to suggest how they could improve it. Try focusing on what you couldn’t understand or where you got lost. • Show a little bit more work. — Tell your partner exactly where you got confused be more specific with your feedback. • I found an error. — Tell your partner what the error was and why it was incorrect. • Your answer needs improvement. — Tell your partner what was wrong and how to improve it. • I think your conclusion is wrong. — Tell your partner what the error was and why you think it was incorrect.
S trategies
F acilitating P eer -C onferences
Sometimes it may feel like you don’t know what to say or how to get better feedback from your peer conferences. If your partner simply says “it looks good” it does nothing to help you improve. PAR is a unique opportunity to get feedback and talk about your work, so make sure that you take advantage of it! Here are some suggestions for things you might say or ask in order to have a more productive conversation. It is important that your questions are specific. For example:
I was struggling with how to say ________, do you have any suggestions?
Would it be alright if I practiced my explanation with you before I revise my work?
I noticed that we solved the challenge differently. Can we look together and make sure our solutions are consistent?
I was unsure about ________. Can we talk more about it?
In your explanation I notice that you did ________. Can you explain why? ©2015 PCS Edventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this material is restricted to PCS Licensees.
Y our
name :
U nit
name :
Q uestions / H ypotheses :
T ests / E xperiments P erformed :
: R esults :
Š2015 PCS Edventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this material is restricted to PCS Licensees.
T he B rain and C ortex The PCS Brain is an Arduino compatible robotic microcontroller that responds to the commands sent to it by the PCS Cortex Programming environment. Use The Brain to program devices that walk, roll, and shake as you explore computer programming in its most exciting way - robotics! The Brain is designed be an open platform, both through it's Arduino heart, and through it's unique housing which was designed to connect to all major building systems such as fischertechnik®, K’NEX®, Erector® and others. The Brain even has the ability to add on R/C standard nuts and bolts so you can bolt it on to anything. The Brain is designed to be open-ended, extensible, and flexible and to encourage creativity - just like your own brain.
©2015 PCS Edventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this material is restricted to PCS Licensees.
The Brain and Cortex
T he B rain USB Port
Power Connector
ON/OFF Switch RUN/STOP Button RESET Button
Bluetooth DONGLE Connector
SENSOR Ports (8)
DC MOTOR Ports (4) Ports 6 & 7 are only INPUT
B uttons ON/OFF SWITCH When you turn The Brain switch ON with a power source connected, you will be able to power DC and servo motors. Note: You can power The Brain for programming using the USB cable, however the USB is not adequate voltage to drive motors. RUN/STOP Pressing this button will run a program stored in The Brain's temporary memory, or will interrupt a program that is running. RESTART This button will reset The Brain. Use this button if your program is not operating properly and you want to reset the microcontroller. LIGHTS ON THE BRAIN The lights that flash on The Brain represent different things. Look at the illustration above for details.
Š2015 PCS Edventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this material is restricted to PCS Licensees.
R echarging
Option 1: LiPo Re-Chargable Battery
The 11.5 volt, 500mAh lithium polymer battery requires about 20 minutes to fully charge and will run more than an hour.
Battery Option 2: Power Adapter
You can power The Brain directly from a wall socket using the DC power adapter. This is very useful for testing and building stationary robots that do not require mobility.
Power adapter
Recharging the Battery
Recharging cable
1. Connect the power adapter to the outlet. 2. Connect the battery and power adapter ports together using the charging cable. 3. The charging time is about 20 minutes.
Š2015 PCS Edventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this material is restricted to PCS Licensees.
The Brain and Cortex
P ower
The Brain and Cortex
L ights Green light: DC motor ON Red light: DC motor ON & in REVERSE
Green light: Brain POWER ON. Connected to a power source such as USB or battery.
Yellow light: LED on Digital Port 13 wired for the classic arduino "blink" test program. DC motor port D shares this pin and will cause it to light when running positive polarity.
Purple light: Servo motor is ON Blue light: Receive Data Red light: Transmit Data
Blue light (under dongle): Program is executing [D8 on Arduino board]
DC M otors
Solid Pink light: Power to Bluetooth Module
Solid Pink light: Power to Bluetooth Module
Blue light: Status Red light: Receive Data Blue light: Transmit Data Yellow light: Com link established
Blue light: Status Red light: Receive Data Blue light: Transmit Data Yellow light: Com link established
S ervos Servo Motors
DC Motors The Kit includes two 9 V DC Motors. You may have up to four DC motors working at one time.
Motor cable
The cable plugs attach to the holes of the fischertechnikÂŽ motor on the back side. There are 3 ways to connect the plugs:
Servos are not included with the PCS Discover Robotics package, but if you are an advanced user and want more information on how to use these parts, please contact our technical support team at support@edventures.com. PCS will be releasing an exciting servo add-on package for The Brain - watch for it!
1. Top holes of the motor 2. Back holes of the motor 3. Side holes of the motor If you switch the location of the plugs, the motor will run in the opposite direction!
The Brain includes four dedicated servo ports which can be used to run standard hobbyist servos like the one shown here.
Š2015 PCS Edventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this material is restricted to PCS Licensees.
Infrared Sensor
Touch Sensor
LED Sensor
This sensor bounces a beam of infrared light off a surface and reads the amount of light reflected. It is most useful for short distances of one or two centimeters.
Use this sensor as a bumper or push button to start or stop actions. When the button is pressed it returns the value of 1 or "true." When not pressed it returns a value of 0 or "false."
LEDs can be plugged into ports 0-5 and can be used as status indicators, glowing robot eyes, etc.
Light Sensor
Ultrasonic Sensor
This sensor detects differences in ambient (surrounding) light conditions. It is a "photoresistor" which increases resistance based on the amount of light it is exposed to. This sensor will return a value between 0 and 1023 based on lighting conditions. The light sensor can be connected to read a lowhigh range or high-low range.
Use this sensor for object avoidance and measuring distance. It sends out a sound signal and measures the time it takes to receive the signal back after it bounces off an object.
WARNING! CONNECT ONLY ONE CABLE INTO THE LIGHT SENSOR AT A TIME! Using both may cause irreparable damage to The Brain.
WARNING! Read instructions carefully as connecting incorrectly can irreparably damage The Brain.
Š2015 PCS Edventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this material is restricted to PCS Licensees.
The Brain and Cortex
S ensors
The Brain and Cortex
C ortex Q uick S tart G uide Software Installation Instructions: Windows and Macintosh Users To install Cortex, go to riq.edventureslab.com/cortex or insert the Go to: http://www.edventures.com/cortex Download and install the appropriate installation package. Android Users Using your Internet connected tablet device, goto the Google Play Store and search and install "PCS Cortex." Alternatively you can go to the following web address and download and install the APK. http://www.edventures.com/cortex iOS Users Note: Tablet users only. Go to the Apple App Store and search for PCS Cortex and install. Contact support@edventures.com for help!
IMPORTANT NOTES ON INSTALLATION AND USE 1. A current version of Java Runtime is required to run the Cortex software. JRE 6.0+ 2. You must have an active Internet connection to compile Cortex programs on a tablet.
I ntroducing C ortex This section will introduce you to the basics of programming with the Cortex programming environment.
Motor Commands Procedure Commands
Library of Programs Build the Program
Sensor Commands Logic Commands Misc Commands
Save Program
Connection Status
Integrating virtual tablet sensors and the UI canvas
Shows which sensors are active and their output value
Arduino code display Complete and send program to The Brain Run/Stop the program
Š2015 PCS Edventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this material is restricted to PCS Licensees.
to the
B rain
When a program is finished, you must send it to The Brain.
The Brain has to be ON in order to Connect to the Cortex!
OPTION B: Wireless (Dongle)
1. Make sure the Bluetooth dongle is removed. The connection will not work with dongle attached. 2. Connect the USB cable from The Brain to the Desktop.
O ption B: U ploading
1- DESKTOP/LAPTOP with no integrated Bluetooth
2- TABLET and DESKTOP/LAPTOP with Bluetooth
B luetooth
Windows/Mac/Android 1. Go to: Control Panel; Devices & Printers; Add a Bluetooth device 2. Wait for it to Search for PCS BT 3. Pair the device using Code: 1234 iOS 1. Go to: Applications; System Preferences; Bluetooth 2. Wait for it to find PCS BT 000-029, then pair the device. The dongle number will be identified by a label on its back. *Some laptop/desktops have integrated Bluetooth. For these, you do not need to purchase a Bluetooth module.
1. Attach the dongle to The Brain. Make sure the black circuit side is facing away from The Brain. 2. Establish a Bluetooth Connection between The Brain and the Desktop/Laptop/Tablet (see next section).
1. Go to: SETTINGS; Bluetooth 2. Turn Bluetooth ON 3. Search for the PCS-BT 4. Click on PAIR CODE: 1234 *You will have to find out where the Bluetooth connection manager is for your operating system.
Š2015 PCS Edventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this material is restricted to PCS Licensees.
The Brain and Cortex
U ploading
The Brain and Cortex
W riting P rograms 1
Add a new user or click on one of the user profiles previously made.
2 Once in your profile, you may start a new project or continue with a saved one.
3 Click or tap the appropriate command menus you want 4 Drag the commands onto the workspace with your to use.
mouse or your finger.
5 When placing new commands a gray box will appear. Let the command go and it will connect.
6 Double click or tap on motor command to select which motor(s) you want to use.
Š2015 PCS Edventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this material is restricted to PCS Licensees.
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7 To delete commands, drag them into the trashcan.
 When the gray box appears click the check mark to confirm deletion.
8 Save your programs so you can continue to work on them in the future. Note: programs are saved in the application and cannot be moved.
User Interface Canvas
Sensor Displays
Build your own robotic control panel.
Virtual Sensors
Virtual Controls
Sensor Displays
Virtual Sensors
Virtual Controls
These displays can be used to display values of different sensors, or counters.
Microphone, GPS, compass, accelerometer, etc. are some of the virtual sensors available on tablet devices.
Create your own control panel using joysticks, sliders, ON/OFF switches, buttons, etc.
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The Brain and Cortex
W riting P rograms
The Brain and Cortex
W riting P rograms
( cont )
9 Look at the Arduino Code to learn Arduino language. You can also copy this code and use it in the Arduino IDE.
S ending v
P rogram
to the
B rain
10 Click/tap on the status icon to open up the connection status panel.
COMPILE 1. Make sure you have an Internet connection for compiling programs when using tablet devices. Computers can compile locally or online. 2. Press COMPILE to transfer the program to The Brain. It might take a few seconds. RUN Once the program is sent, you can either RUN/STOP it from the Cortex or else directly from the RUN/STOP button on The Brain.
Connection Status
If The Brain and Cortex are connected correctly and communicating, the “LINKED” icon will display. Now you are ready to compile the program and transfer it to The Brain!
NOTE: If using a tablet you must have an active Internet connection to COMPILE.
NOTE: Click/tap on the icon to refresh the connection if it is NOT LINKED.
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Choose motor(s) to control.
Sets direction of selected motor(s) to run THIS WAY. Global command, so the motors will always turn THIS WAY unless otherwise specified.
Turns selected motor(s) on for specific time.
Sets direction of selected motor(s) to run THAT WAY. Global command, so the motors will always turn THAT WAY unless otherwise specified. This is a global
comand .
Turns on selected motor(s). To be most useful, used in a loop command.
Reverses direction of selected motor(s).
Turns off specific motor(s).
Sets power level on selected motor(s).
This is a global
This is a global
comand .
comand .
P rocedure C ommands
G lobal 26
command :
Create and name procedure (section of code) which you can call into your main program.
Create and name a new global variable.
Used to end procedure(s) and program(s).
Set the value of a variable using a number.
Call a defined procedure to run. Double click to chose procedure.
Set the value of a variable using a sensor.
A command that remains on until specified otherwise.
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The Brain and Cortex
M otor C ommands
The Brain and Cortex
S ensor C ommands Turns ON the specified port which will power an LED.
Represents the value of a selected sensor for variables.
Turns OFF the specified port.
Represents the value of a selected virtual sensor for variables.
Enter a number value.
Represents the value of a selected sensor for command(s).
Represents the value of the ultrasonic sensor on the selected port.
Represents the value of a selected virtual sensor for command(s).
R eading S ensor V alues Knowing how to use sensors when programming is important. They send certain values to The Brain, and depending on the value they report, it will act one way or another. It is very important to find out which values are to be expected from each sensor such as the ultrasonic, infrared or light sensor as well as other tablet built-in controls like the microphone. Obtaining the values 1. Create this simple program (make sure you are connected to The Brain).
2. Compile and Upload it to The Brain.
For example: •
Ultrasonic: values change according to how far an object is from the sensor.
Infrared: values change by detecting the changes of color nearby.
Light: value changes with brightness.
Microphone: value changes with sound intensity.
3. Run the program and see how the value changes.
Port number 0 is being used in this case.
EXAMPLE: This is an example of how you can analyze the sensor values 1. Connect your infrared sensor to any port on The Brain. 2. Make the Connection between The Brain and Cortex. 3. Build the “SEND” program shown above. 4. Press Compile, when it is done uploading, put the front of the sensor facing the white area very close (3 mm). While you do that look at the “SENSOR OUTPUT” on the Cortex.
Best distance around 3 millimeters.
5. Do the same thing with the black area. Do you see how the values change? ©2015 PCS Edventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this material is restricted to PCS Licensees.
Repetitions (NUM) COMPARE or SENSOR Procedure Repeats the attached code the number of times defined.
Procedure If the described condition is met, the attached code will be run.
COMPARE or SENSOR Repeats the attached code infinitely until a “BREAK” command is reached, or the user stops the program.
Stops a Loop from continuing and sends the program to the next command after the Loop.
If the described condition is met, the attached code will be run. Else, if the condition is not met, the second branch of defined code will run.
Used to compare two values. Can be used to check if two values are equal, greater than, less than, etc.
M iscellaneous C ommands Add a space in your program where needed. (Cosmetic)
Play a short beep.
Delay for a given time. No commands in the program will run during this.
Delay for a time defined by a sensor or variable.
Frequency (NUM) Play a note of a specific frequency for a specific duration. Duration (NUM)
Note Frequency: C D E F G A B C
261 294 329 344 392 440 493 523
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In the grey square to your left you can see the main note frequencies. If you multiply or divide any frequency it will raise or lower by an octave. For example, 344 and 688 are both F’s. But 688 is one octave higher. Check it out at: riq.edventureslab.com
The Brain and Cortex
L ogic C ommands
Precise and Realistic
The fischertechnik® manipulatives included with RiQ are high-end, quality products from Germany, ideal for engineering-related builds. Here are a few benefits of the fischertechnik® system.
User Friendly fischertechnik® elements are naturally friendly and approachable by students and staff alike. The simple approach to connections and the variety of pieces enables builders to quickly grasp the basics of building with this amazing system. fischertechnik® manufactures kits and models for students as young as five years old.
Durable Engineered to scientific precision and manufactured using high strength nylon, plastic and steel, fischertechnik® components are designed to last not for years, but for decades and beyond. Many original kits purchased in the 60s are as good as new and continue to serve reliably year after year in high use settings. Purchasing fischertechnik® systems is an investment in quality that will serve your students for years to come.
Precise and Realistic Utilizing an ingenious groove, slide, and interlocking pin system, fischertechnik® creations are more flexible, realistic, and robust in all modeling and simulation environments. This system is not a toy, rather a professional modeling system that enables students to experiment, design, produce, and create amazing machines with real world results.
Strong The unique design of fischertechnik® results in far stronger physical connections when modeling and building. Students who have experienced frustration with watching their hours of work fall apart due to the limitations of a building system will appreciate the amazing strength and solidity of fischertechnik®. The multitude of options for mechanization and power are also extensive with access to an advanced power motor system that enable serious engineering endeavors.
30 millimeter (mm) block is called a “Building Block 30”
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 (mm)
METRIC SYSTEM RULER: use this to measure the manipulatives ©2015 PCS Edventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this material is restricted to PCS Licensees.
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C omputer S cience C urriculum
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L evel O ne Programming For Robotics: DC Motors
In this level, you will learn the basics of programming robots with The Brain robotic controller using the Cortex programming environment. The Brain is a micro-controller which is used to coordinate various sensor inputs and device outputs according to programs created for it. The Cortex is a computer programming environment where a sequence of instructions or procedures can be created to instruct the micro-controller (The Brain) to do something (such as make a motor turn on when a touch sensor is activated). Direct current (DC) motors are used to operate robotic devices. DC motors connect to ports on The Brain using cables. Bolded words are defined in the Concepts and Key Terms section at the end of each level.
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L evel
Level 1: Programming for Robotics
L evel one S chedule
Project 1: Build and Program a Motor Test Station Connect It Challenge 1: Create 3 Programs Reflect Project 2: This Way/That Way Challenge 2: This Way/That Way Reflect Personal Project: Computational Multitasking Reflect Key Concepts
Project 1 Build and Program a Motor Test Station In this project you will build a DC motor testing station, connect everything properly, and identify all ports and cables. You will also begin writing your first set of commands in Cortex.
Begin by building your testing station. When you are finished it should look like this:
Icon Legend Set assembly aside.
Build the number shown.
Rotate assembly.
Flip assembly.
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Level 1: Programming for Robotics
Materials you will need:
*some part colors may vary
Clip Adapter (Qty2)
Link 15 (Qty 2) Mini Motor 6-9v (Qty 2)
Motor Reducing Gearbox (Qty 2) Motor Plug (Qty 2)
Base Plate 120x60 (Qty 1) 0
10 2
30 4
Brain (Qty 1)
Battery with Cable (Qty 1)
50 6
70 8
All steps have an “exploded view” which helps with assembly.
The assembly should look like this before proceeding to the next step.
Clip Axle T28 (Qty 2)
Building Block 15 with 2 Pins (Qty 2)
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Dongle (Qty 1)
180 (mm)
Level 1: Programming for Robotics
4 3
Make sure to slide the Mini Motor 6-9v all the way into the Motor Reducing Gearbox so that the gears inside mesh together.
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Level 1: Programming for Robotics
4b From Step 3
From Step 1
5 2 Make sure the round side of the Link 15 is inserted into the Clip Axle. x2
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6b From Step 5
Level 1: Programming for Robotics
From Step 4
4 7
Plug into DC Motor Port A
Plug into DC Motor Port B
The red wires plug into the left side of the Mini Motors.
The Dongle should not be attached if Brain is connected to a USB.
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Level 1: Programming for Robotics
8 5
Finished Model
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( cont )
Power The Brain with either a battery, or through a power outlet using the DC power cord. The motors will be powered through The Brain.
In order to program The Brain, it must be connected to a computer or tablet via USB cable or Bluetooth.
Physical Connection: Use a USB cable to connect The Brain to a computer that has the Cortex programming environment installed. The Bluetooth Dongle should be removed when using a USB cable.
Wireless Connection: The Brain and Cortex can also communicate through Bluetooth signal to either a computer or tablet. Make sure the Bluetooth Dongle is attached.
See The Brain & Cortex user guide (pages 15-27) for more details on connecting to your programming device.
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Level 1: Programming for Robotics
P roject 1
Level 1: Programming for Robotics
P roject 1
( cont )
Launch the Cortex programming environment. Click on the different color tabs in the Cortex. Identify the types of commands that are listed in each of the following tabs: orange, red, teal, lime green and purple in the Cortex (example below).
Motor Commands
ORANGE: Motor commands Your Brain has 4 DC and 4 SERVO motor ports. Access this menu to select and control these DC and SERVO motor ports and set their power, direction, and onoff status.
Procedure Commands
RED: Procedures Proceduresare sections of code that you create and reuse for efficiency. Access this menu to create and call procedures, as well as create and set variables.
Sensor Commands
BLUE: Sensors Your Brain has 8 ports for Input and Output (I/O) that allow it to take readings from light, touch, and other kinds of sensors as well as send Output signals such as those that light up your LEDs. Access this menu to monitor and control these I/O ports.
Logic Commands
LIME GREEN: Loops & Logic Access this menu to access and integrate importantprogramming features such as looping, repeat statements, if statements, and number comparators.
Misc Commands
PURPLE: Miscellaneous Access this menu for things like notes and beeps and wait commands as well as cosmetically useful spacers to make your program easier to read.
Connect The Brain of your motor testing station to the computer/tablet using either:
1. The Bluetooth device or 2. A USB cable
Enabling Bluetooth: In order to connect to the Bluetooth function of The Brain, you will have to enable the Bluetooth settings on whichever machine (tablet, desktop, laptop) you are running the Cortex with. First set your machine to discoverable mode in the Bluetooth settings. Ensure that the Bluetooth dongle is attached to The Brain appropriately. Ensure that power is provided to The Brain with either the provided 9V battery pack, or with the AC/DC power cord (preferred for testing station). The Brain will automatically make itself discoverable, but you may have to instruct your operating machine to look for other Bluetooth devices. The Brain will show up as an option named PCS-BT; select it. Once The Brain is discovered then the machine will prompt you to enter a security code. The code is 1234. Once you have established the Bluetooth connection between your operating machine and The Brain, open the Cortex software. See page 21.
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The first step to programming is to write a procedure for your robot to follow. A procedure is a list of commands that when followed in order, will communicate a desired outcome. In the Cortex programming environment you can grab commands from different colored tabs inside the menu and drag them into your program. To include commands into your program they must appear in between the MAIN and END commands.
L et ’ s
Level 1: Programming for Robotics
P rogramming
write our first program !
To program motors, identify each motor (using the MOTOR command) and tell them to turn on (ON FOR command). The “name” of each motor is the port it is plugged into (i.e. the motor plugged into port A is motor A). Find the ON FOR command under the orange tab and drag it into place between the MAIN and END commands. The ON FOR command has an arm extending off of it’s side, like many of the commands in the Cortex. This signifies that there is additional information required for this command to function. Under the blue tab you will find a NUM (number) variable. NUM is a value that can be adjusted up or down by selecting the value inside. If you connect the NUM to the arm of the ON FOR command then it will complete the request. Double click on NUM to adjust the value. Send your program to The Brain what happens?
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Level 1: Programming for Robotics
M ore
programming !
Motors default to run in a particular direction, so as long as your DC motor cables are attached the same way, both motors will turn in the same direction. The REVERSE command will switch the direction the motor turns. Program the motor testing station by recreating each of the following programs, one at a time, in the Cortex. After you create each program, send it to The Brain and note what happens. Is it what you expected? If you are unsure, you can run your program multiple times by pressing RUN in the Status Bar, or by pressing the RUN/STOP button on The Brain.
Can you read your program and see why the motor is doing what it is doing? If not, talk it over with a peer and be sure you understand before moving on. For the next challenge, you’ll be asked to create codes using this samecomputer language.
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Create Three Programs Using your motor testing station, create three separate programs to do the following: Program 1: Make motor A run for 10 seconds and Motor B run for 5 seconds.
Level 1: Programming for Robotics
L evel
Challenge 1
Program 2: Make motor B run for 5 seconds and then reverse for 8 seconds. Program 3: Make motors A and B run simultaneously for 5 seconds and then reverse simultaneously for 5 seconds. Adjust the value of NUM such that the flag attached to motor A spins around exactly 3 times and stops where it started. Try the same challenge for motor B. Is the value that you used for motor A lesser (<), greater (>) or equal (=) to the value used in motor B for the same result? We will explore the answer in the next challenge.
Reflect Now that you have created your first programs, respond to the following prompts: 1. Which of the three programs was most difficult to create? Why? 2. Imagine you are going to coach another student who is about to repeat this challenge. Make a list of â&#x20AC;&#x153;tips and suggestionsâ&#x20AC;? for that student. Think about both the construction of your motor testing station and programming it. a. Exchange your list with a classmate. i. Give your companion feedback about how clear their list is (how easy it is to follow). ii. Think about the items in their list that differ from your own. Are there any that you would like to add to your list? b. Colaborate in your pair group on one or two most important tips from your lists and record them in the class list on the board.
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L evel
Level 1: Programming for Robotics
Project 2 This Way / That Way When programming, motors default to the direction known as THIS WAY, which is one of the motor commands that can be found in the Cortex. In order to specify a desired direction, THIS WAY and THAT WAY commands must be used.
Motors also default to run at 100% power. In order to specify the percentage of power, the SET PWR (set power) command must be used. This is helpful because, as shown in project 1, each DC motor is a little different. Check out the following new commands: SET PWR, THIS WAY, and THAT WAY,. Program your motor testing station using each of the following program procedures. Always check to make sure your testing station matches the description of what it says it should do: This is how The Brain will read this program:
Motor A SET PWR 85%
Motor B SET PWR 100%
Motors A and B go THAT WAY
Turn ON FOR for 5 seconds As you can see, you must give specifics to each motor individually, then call both motors again to turn on at the same time. All programs are being interpreted by The Brain from the top of the program after the MAIN command through the END command at the bottom. Motors need to be identified in a command before they can follow directions. * Note that youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll need to set the power differently for your test, according to the specific motors that you have, in order for both motors to spin at the same speed. 44
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After running the program on the motor testing station, read it in itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sequence just as we did with the one above. Does the way you read the program match with how it performs?
Level 1: Programming for Robotics
This program is very similar, do you see the difference?
In this program, Motor A runs THIS WAY
Motor B set to go THAT WAY
Motors A and B turn ON FOR 5 seconds You can see that in order to turn both motors on, after stating their direction,both motors had to be named once again at the same time.
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Level 1: Programming for Robotics
This program is very similar, do you see the difference? After running the program on the motor testing station, read it in it’s sequence just as we did with the oneabove. Does the way you read the program match with how it performs?
SET PWR, THIS WAY, and THAT WAY are all global commands, which means that once you use them, they are true for the rest of the program unless you say otherwise. That is, selecting THIS WAY means the motor will always turn this way until you tell it to turn THAT WAY (if you choose to do that), even if you tell it to stop and then restart, change its power level, etc. All other commands are known as local commands because once they have been used in a program, they will no longer be true. For example, if BEEP or WAIT are part of a program, once they have performed their function (or that moment of the program has passed) they will no longer play a role in that program. There are four light-emitting diodes (LEDs) on The Brain that correspond to the DC Motor ports. Identify the location of the DC motor LEDs on The Brain and try to explain what it means when they are illuminated. Instructors: If students have trouble, encourage them to discuss this with peers.
* Note that you’ll need to set the power differently for your test, according to the specific motors that you have, in order for both motors to spin at the same speed.
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Using your motor testing station, create programs to do the following: 1. Make motors A and B simultaneously run THIS WAY for 5 seconds, and then run THAT WAY for 5 seconds.
Level 1: Programming for Robotics
This Way / That Way
L evel
Challenge 2
2. Make motors A and B simultaneously run in opposite directions for 5 seconds, and then both switch for another 5 seconds. 3. Experiment with the SET PWR command on motors A and B. Adjust the percentage of power until you can get both motors to run at the same speed.
Reflect These motors are manufactured in large numbers using the exact same specifications each time. Why do you think that different motors might not go the same speed when both powered at 100%? Come up with some hypotheses for now and record them in your journal. After recording your ideas, participate in a class discussion about this. Consider others’ ideas and record in your journal those that you might like to explore later. Instructors: Again, they don’t need correct answers to this question right now. These questions will be used later. Groups that have completed their work on a given project might experiment/research to try to develop good answers for the various hypotheses.
©2015 PCS Edventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this material is restricted to PCS Licensees.
Personal Project
L evel
Level 1: Programming for Robotics
Computational Multitasking
This project requires that students combine groups and use two kits (so they’ll have four motors). You may have them simply take turns using the motor sets, but write individual codes in the Cortex. Computers are great at following instructions; often better than our own bodies. You will program four different motors to do four different things, but have them all run at the same time. You need to decide what four actions to program the motors to do. Here are the requirements:
1. Add two more motors to your motor testing station.
a. Decide how you would like to connect them to your baseplate, be sure all motors are facing the same direction so that you can see how they run differently or the same.
b. All motors should be plugged into the ports and named A, B,C, and D.
2. Before actually writing the program, predict exactly what you would like to happen to each motor (record your goals in your journal).
a. You must demonstrate the appropriate use of each command you learned about (MOTOR, REVERSE, THIS WAY, THAT WAY, SET PWR, and ON FOR).
3. Get two classmates to sign off on your plan before starting to write your program. They should be able to clearly understand what your program is supposed to do, and give feedback if anything is unclear or confusing. These same students will serve as your audience (if they’re both available) when it comes time to test your program. 4. You must demonstrate the appropriate use of each command you learned about (MOTOR, REVERSE, THIS WAY, THAT WAY, SET PWR, and ON FOR). 5. When you have written your program and are ready to conduct your trial, gather two witnesses to read through your written plan and observe the trial (they can be the same or different classmates). 6. After conducting the trial, record any differences between your plan and the outcome. 7. If there’s time, make adjustments to your code as needed to achieve your stated goals. If there isn’t time, at least record which adjustments you plan to make. 48
Reflect Make a record of your project in the project section of your journal. This includes: 1. Goals a. What were you trying to accomplish? 2. Procedure a. How did you go about trying to achieve your goals? 3. Conclusions a. What went well? b. What useful techniques, skills, and ideas did you discover? i. Focus on things that you might use in the future for other problems/ challenges. 4. Evidence/Reasoning a.
Why do you think that these techniques, skills, and ideas are useful? What did you do or observe that shows they might be important?
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Robot — A machine capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically, especially one programmable by a computer. A robot uses a mechanical system which is controlled by an electrical system. That electrical system can be programmed to autonomously perform a task. Computer Programming — Creating a sequence of instructions that enables a computer to perform a specific function.
Level 1: Programming for Robotics
L evel
Concepts & Key Terms
Micro Controller — A small computer on a single integrated circuit containing a processor core, memory, and programmable input/output (I/O) peripherals. They are used in automatically controlled products and devices. The micro controller used at PCS Edventures is called The Brain. Procedure — A set of commands that can be executed in order. DC Motor — An electric motor powered from direct current. It uses electricity and a magnetic field to produce torque, which causes it to turn. Polarity — Refers to a magnetic orientation. It is the magnetic property of an object that makes it attracted to or repelled by a magnet or electric current. An electric charge has a polarity of either positive or negative. Port — A specialized outlet on a piece of equipment to which a plug or cable connects and works as an interface between any combination of computers or peripheral devices. Cables — Two or more wires running side by side that are bonded, braided, or twisted together to form a single assembly. LED — Stands for light-emitting diode. LEDs are semiconductor light sources that are used as indicator lamps in many devices. When a light-emitting diode is switched on, electrons pass through and create light photons. Global Command — A command in the Cortex that is true throughout the duration of a program, unless instructed otherwise. For example, SET PWR, THIS WAY, and THAT WAY are all global commands. Local Command — Unlike a global command, a local command in the Cortex is only true to a program for its specified purpose or duration. Once a local command has performed its function (or that moment of the program has passed) it will no longer play a role in that program. To make a local command true throughout a program, a LOOP function is required. Motor Command — Chose motor(s) to control ON FOR — Turns selected motor(s) on for specific time THIS WAY — Sets direction of selected motor(s) to run THIS WAY. Global command, so the motors will always turn THIS WAY unless otherwise specified. THAT WAY — Sets direction of selected motor(s) to run THAT WAY. Global command, so the motors will always turn THAT WAY unless otherwise specified. REVERSE — Reverses direction of selected motor(s). Global command, so the motors will always reverse unless otherwise specified. SET PWR — Sets power level on selected motor(s). Global command, so the motors will be set at that power unless otherwise specified NUM — Enter a number value. Value will change depending on what is connected to ex. time, frequency, etc.
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L evel T wo
Programming Useful Behaviors
In this level, you will continue to experiment with the basics of programming with The Brain robotic controller using the Cortex programming environment. You will build a basic robot out of fischertechnikÂŽ building elements and program it to complete different projects and challenges.
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Project 1
Level 2: Programming Useful Behaviors
L evel
L evel T wo S chedule
Project 1: Build Your Robot Extension Reflect Project 2: Identity Commands Challenge1: Circle Bot Teaching Approach More Extensions Reflect Challenge 2: The Big Enchilada Reflect Teaching Approach Personal Project: Make Your Bot Draw Reflect Key Concepts
Build Your Robot Program a robot to execute a simple set of commands. Start by building your robotâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;his name is RiQ. You will use RiQ to complete multiple projects and challenges in subsequent activities. Follow the building plan. When it is complete, the RiQ will look like this:
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Level 2: Programming Useful Behaviors
Materials you will need:
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Level 2: Programming Useful Behaviors Š2015 PCS Edventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this material is restricted to PCS Licensees.
Level 2: Programming Useful Behaviors 54
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Level 2: Programming Useful Behaviors Š2015 PCS Edventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this material is restricted to PCS Licensees.
Level 2: Programming Useful Behaviors 56
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Level 2: Programming Useful Behaviors Š2015 PCS Edventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this material is restricted to PCS Licensees.
Level 2: Programming Useful Behaviors 58
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Level 2: Programming Useful Behaviors Š2015 PCS Edventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this material is restricted to PCS Licensees.
Level 2: Programming Useful Behaviors 60
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Level 2: Programming Useful Behaviors Š2015 PCS Edventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this material is restricted to PCS Licensees.
Level 2: Programming Useful Behaviors 62
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Level 2: Programming Useful Behaviors Š2015 PCS Edventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this material is restricted to PCS Licensees.
Level 2: Programming Useful Behaviors 64
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Level 2: Programming Useful Behaviors
Finished Model
Attaching LED - Option A
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Level 2: Programming Useful Behaviors
Option A
Alternate Option B
Attaching Touch Sensors - Option A
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Alternate Option B
Level 2: Programming Useful Behaviors
Option A
Attaching Light Sensors - Option A
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Level 2: Programming Useful Behaviors
Option A
Alternate Option B
Attaching IR Sensors - Option A
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Level 2: Programming Useful Behaviors
Option A
Option A
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Level 2: Programming Useful Behaviors
S tart P rogramming Once RiQ is built, write this program in Cortex that will move RiQ forward approx 60 cm (depending on your motors), then backward for the same distance.Measure and mark 60cm using the black electrical tape. RiQ must travel on a 60 cm line segment (marked on the floor with tape) so it starts and ends at the same point. You might notice that the motors are set at different power levels. Each motor is different, so youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll need to adjust the power level for each to get RiQ to drive in a straight line. This program is instructing RiQ to: Motor A to SET PWR (set power) to 85% Motor B to SET PWR to 100% Motor A & B THIS WAY and ON FOR 3 seconds, then THAY WAY ON FOR 3 seconds
All programs are being interpreted by RiQ from the top of the program after the MAIN command through the END command at the bottom. Motors need to be identified in a command before they can follow directions. 70
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For this activity, produce a table on a board in the front of the room where each group can post their speed. The purpose of this extension is to discuss sources of error, comparing random (e.g. motor variability) vs. systematic (e.g. measurement/precision error). Secondarily, this will provide some exposure to the inherent variability of the mechanical elements of their robots. They will refer to this later when they explain some of the difficulties that they might encounter with the more advanced programs. 1. Using a stopwatch and 60cm line previously measured and marked with tape, calculate the speed of robot at maximum power (remember that one motor will probably need to run with less than 100% to get a straight line).
Level 2: Programming Useful Behaviors
Speed = Distance / Time
2. Once you have decided on a method of figuring this out, share it with at least one other group. The goal is to agree that your method (and theirs) will work. Don’t calculate the speed until you are confident of your method (at least an 8 out of 10 confidence). 3. When you have measured the speed of your robot at maximum power, and you are confident that it is correct (were you able to consistently repeat the measurement?), add your speed to the table at the front of the room. You may choose to generate a scatter plot and/or a statistical distribution plot for the various speeds. For the statistical distribution, select ranges for each plot section (e.g. all values between 1 and 1.5 m/s are grouped together, etc.), to increase the likelihood of some sort of bell curve with outliers. It may or may not produce a bell curve, but hopefully it will show that there is a range with more clustered values in the center. 4. Attempt to explain any differences in speed between the groups. If some values are dramatically different, try to figure out if any group had a systematic problem (i.e. with their procedure). 5. Have a class discussion about sources of error. When you conduct this discussion, prompt them to explain the error(s). As they come up with explanations, place systematic errors in one area, and random errors in another. If the discussion isn’t moving, try giving them a couple of minutes to discuss in their groups. Once you have decent lists in each category, either ask them to identify what they all have in common (this can be the definition of the category), or just give them definitions and ask if they’re fair labels for each list. 6. After the discussion, write down definitions for systematic error and random error in the “notes/ suggestions” section of your journal.
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Level 2: Programming Useful Behaviors
Reflect In your journal, respond to the following prompts: 1. Did your RiQ start and end in precisely the same place?
a. Was your code perfect for accomplishing the goal?
b. What factors might have compromised the precision of the botâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s behavior?
c. Think about and list the uncontrolled variables. What makes you think that each is significant?
2. Compare the interactive program (accelerometer or joy stick) with the specific program you used. Describe the advantages of each (interactive vs. specific program). 3. Try to imagine a use for RiQ. That is, imagine that you can program it to do anything that is physically possible for it to do (considering its design).
a. What would you like to be able to program it to do? Bonus points if your idea helps to solve a problem that really exists. b. Record your ideas on the class board.
It would be ideal if you could keep a visible record of these ideas, so that students might revisit them as they develop their understanding of all that can be done with RiQ and the programming environment. Some of these ideas might be unrealistic, while others could be highly possible and clever. There are references to this list later in the sequence, so try to keep a record of it in a way supported by your specific learning environment.
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Identity Commands Beep & Wait Identify the types of commands that are in the PURPLE tab in the Cortex: The Purple tab in Cortex contains miscellaneous commands. We will be using two new commands it this next program, the BEEP and WAIT commands. To understand these commands, BEEP and WAIT, start by programming RiQ using each of the following programs:
Level 2: Programming Useful Behaviors
L evel
Project 2
BEEP WAIT for 3 seconds BEEP In this program, no motors will be running.
Motors A and B Turn ON FOR 3 seconds WAIT for 3 seconds Turn ON FOR 3 seconds BEEP
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L evel
Level 2: Programming Useful Behaviors 74
Challenge 1 Circle Robot With your team, select a diameter length (D), greater than 60 cm. Measure and mark your diameter with tape on the floor. Your goal is to successfully program RiQ to drive in a circle with a diameter (D, specified above) on the first try. RiQ must go halfway, beep, wait for 2 seconds, beep, and then complete the circle.
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O ptions S tudent
T eachers
Students are given the challenge and free reign to develop solutions. Students present their solutions to one another at the end. (possibly very time intensive) 1. Prompt students: “You only get one chance at the circle. You may experiment all you like with the robot, but it may only drive a curved path once. The group whose circle is closest to the target (specified diameter D) wins. When you have completed this challenge, you will present your problem solving process to the class. This presentation has the following requirements:
Level 2: Programming Useful Behaviors
T eaching A pproach
• You explain each idea (method of preparing the robot for success) that you considered, and why you decided it would or wouldn’t work. • You explain any problems that you encountered, and solutions that your group came up with for those problems. • Every group member should have a chance to participate in the presentation. “If there are any materials that you need for experimentation, just ask.” This option is best facilitated by a particular classroom culture. Specifically, it is ideal if students view failures as valuable and important. If this is the case, their presentations will be far more meaningful, the collaborations will be much less intense/competitive, and their experimentation will be more fruitful.
G uided
student discovery
Student groups work together to come up with possible problem-solving approaches. The instructor provides guidance in the form of prompts and suggestions. (time and instruction intensive) 1. Begin with the prompt: “What kind of a program might make the robot go in a circle?” a. Initially ask individuals to think it over for a couple of minutes. (think) b. Next, ask students to share ideas with members of their group. Have them specifically explain the rationale for each idea to one another. (pair) c. After some specified time (approximately 5 minutes), have groups report back. (share) d. Make a list of possible solutions and encourage debate/discussion about whether they might work. They might produce a novel solution, but we’ve only seen this accomplished in the testing lab via different power levels on inside vs. outside wheels. 2. Next, (assuming they arrived at the same conclusion) prompt them with: “How could you figure out the required speed difference between the two motors without simply guessing and then repeatedly trying a circle?” a. Repeat the same think-pair-share procedure.
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Level 2: Programming Useful Behaviors
If certain groups came up with different solutions, then they could be encouraged to pursue those, but in such a case it is highly likely that others will use the variable power method. 3. “How will the time taken by the inside wheel to complete the circle compare with the time taken by the outside wheel?” This might be best facilitated via an abbreviated think-pair-share procedure, or it could be posed with no resolution, just a minute or two of wait time. 4. Option: Using the pen holder, a dryerase marker, and a large whiteboard or paper, challenge your students to decipher the circumference of the circle with previously specified diameter: “How far must the pen travel to create a circle with your diameter?” This one will probably take some time, as they’ll need to recall their circle relationships. For the next step, it helps to lay out stopwatches and tape for measuring length, though this is optional (you may choose to have them ask for what they need, depending on how independent the group is). Once they recall the calculation for circumference, both of the next questions should be pretty straightforward for them. 5. “How far does the inside wheel have to travel for the pen to draw your circle?” and “How far does the outside wheel have to travel for the pen to draw your circle?” Give them some time to figure this with their group. An optional prompt might be: “Be sure that your answers are correct before moving on.” 6. Then: “Without actually driving RiQ in a curved path, try to experiment to figure out how long would it take for the bot to drive the required outer wheel distance at full power.” Here, expect some students to feel unsettled by the lack of explicit direction. collaboration are critical in that case.
Encouragement and
7. Finally: “Now repeat what you just did to figure out the power required for the inner wheel.” 8. “Prepare your program.” a. “Do whatever it takes to feel confident before conducting the actual trial with the circle. Once you’re confident, get a witness to observe your trial.”
I nstructor
Explicit instructions guide students through the math extension. (less time intensive) 1. Select a diameter length (D), greater than 60 cm. Use a measuring tool and tape to mark the diameteron the floor. 2. In the pen holder in the center of the RiQ, place a dryerase marker. How far does your robot’s pen have to travel to draw a circle with a diameter D? 3. How far does the outer wheel have to travel for the pen to draw a circle with your diameter D? 4. How far does the inner wheel have to travel? Return to contents 61 5. What is the speed of RiQ with the outer wheel at 100% power? Conduct an experiment to determine the speed of your robot and how long it should run to cover the distance determined in step 3. 6. According to your response to step 4, how much power should the inner wheel have in order to travel that distance? 7. Write a code that directs RiQ to draw the circle. 8. Give it a try! 76
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Percent error: •
Before they start, challenge the groups to program a circle that is closest to their target diameter, and for the circumference that is closest to the goal (since many likely overshoot or undershoot the length, even if the diameter is close).
When they’ve completed their challenge, ask them to measure the diameter of their circle. They will then complete a percent error calculation •
Absolute error = the absolute value of the actual diameter - 60 cm
Percent error = absolute error/60cm (x 100 for percent)
A = | D - 60cm |
P% = (A ÷ 60cm) x 100
Level 2: Programming Useful Behaviors
More Extensions
Derive pi: •
Ask students to measure the length of the pen mark (the actual diameter) and divide circumference by diameter, then record the values (diameter, circumference and C/D) on a public board. The pattern should emerge as values go up (pi).
Reflect In your journal, draw conclusions about calculating speed, circle circumference, error calculations, pi. Support those conclusions with evidence: Describe specific experiences so that someone else will understand the connection between your experiences and conclusions without having been there.
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L evel
Level 2: Programming Useful Behaviors
Challenge 2 The Big Enchilada Successfully program RiQ to navigate the “Big Enchilada” obstacle course and beep at the end. There are multiple ways to program RiQ to turn. However, if you want to rotate RiQ with a center pivot point, both wheelsmust be moving at the same time. **Hint: use THIS WAY and THAT WAY. Your code can be quite long.
Usually, it is best to code each part of the course, one at a time, testing each section. Then combine the codes at the end. You can also build on each section after it is tested. Predict, as precisely as possible, the time it will take RiQ to run the program that you write to complete the course. Use your speed calculation technique from previous activities. You may set up the course however you like. Here is a suggested arrangement. Depending on the limitations of your space and schedule, and the interest level of your students, you may choose to make it more or less difficult. This challenge could take more than a single class session. Be sure students know how to save their programs, and that you can reset the course at a later time. Also, depending on your specific circumstances, you might choose to offer more time outside of class for those who experience a lot of difficulties. Debugging and Finding Errors: Explain to the students how to find errors in programs when your robot is not behaving as expected. Refer back to Level 1, project 2. Saying the program out loud and reading it like a sentence is a great way to notice any errors. Also, keep in mind all Global Commands will remain true unless programmed otherwise.
1. Debugging is a critical part of programming. It is rare for a code of any difficulty to work the first time perfectly. Working with your team, try to come up with some tips/ tricks for debugging that you would give to someone attempting this challenge for the first time. 2. Compare your method with those used by your peers. What seem to be the strengths of your process for this kind of problem solving What were the advantages of alternative approaches? Or, If you were to repeat this challenge, what would you do differently?
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M ore O ptions
T eachers
COMPLETELY OPEN: Suggest that all three options below are available and ask the class which they think will be most effective/efficient. Respond to all student ideas with skepticism to encourage discussion regarding their approach to the problem. Ideally, some groups would attempt to approach it in each way. This way, they could debrief at the end. This is tricky. Often, groups observe others who appear to be doing better and quickly abandon their plan. You may also choose to either assign specific groups to each of the following approaches, or require all of them to use one or another method.
FULL PROGRAMMING METHOD: Students apply the methods they discovered and/or applied in the previous challenge to prepare their code so that the course is navigated on the first try (without any trial runs). Point out in this case that they’ll need to determine times for each straight section as well as power ratios for each turn (and times for each turn). Once they’ve completed their first trial, they’ll go through and do some pointed debugging.
PROGRAMMING AND TESTING HYBRID: Allow students to run trials on specific portions of the course (you can choose the limitations), but require that they still try to make it through the entire course on the first full try.
FULL TESTING METHOD: Students write a full test code using their educated guesses about what will work (developed through the previous challenge). They will then systematically debug the inevitable errors.
Level 2: Programming Useful Behaviors
T eaching A pproach
Extension Drive through the Big Enchilada using the Accelerometer and it’s program included in Cortex. To use the Accelerometer, you must use a tablet. Instructions for connecting the tablet to RiQ will be found on page 17. Before being able to write this program, you must pull the Accelerometer onto the User Interface Canvas. The Accelerometer will work if the program is correctly written, the Accelerometer is on the UI Canvas, you have Compiled and are running the program from Cortex. What do you notice when driving through the Big Enchilada? Is it easier or more difficult than programming? Are you as accurate? Record this in your Journal.
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L evel
Level 2: Programming Useful Behaviors
Personal Project Turn RiQ into an Artist Place a dry-erase marker in the pen holder on RiQ, robot and program it to draw something recognizableâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; a shape, letter, name, etc. (may not be a circle or a straight line). This is Level 2 so it should show some level of difficulty. Then, clear your canvas to move to the next project.
Reflect Make a record of your project in the project section of your journal. This includes: 1. Goals a. What were you trying to accomplish? 2. Procedure a. How did you go about trying to achieve your goals? 3. Conclusions a. What went well? b. What useful techniques, skills, and ideas did you discover? i. Focus on things that you might use in the future for other problems/ challenges. 4. Evidence/Reasoning a. Why do you think that these techniques, skills, and ideas are useful? What did you do or observe that shows they might be important?
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Robot — A machine capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically, especially one programmable by a computer. A robot uses a mechanical system which is controlled by an electrical system. That electrical system can be programmed to autonomously perform a task. Debug — A systematic process of finding and correcting errors in a sequential instruction set. In coding/ programming, debugging involves finding code errors in order to get the desired output
Level 2: Programming Useful Behaviors
L evel
Concepts & Key Terms
Pivot Point — The center point of any rotational system. A central point on which something balances or turns. Line Segment — A part of a line that is bounded by two end points. Circle — A round plane figure whose boundary (the circumference) consists of points equidistant from a fixed point (the center). Diameter — A straight line passing from side to side through the center of a body or figure, esp. a circle or sphere. Circumference — The distance around the outside of a circle. Speed — The ratio of distance to time for a moving object. To calculate speed use this formula: Speed = Distance / Time Accelerometer — A device that senses any change in orientation (e.g. tipping). Whenever you rotate a cell phone, tablet, etc, and the screen rotates, it is because the accelerometer has recognized that the device changed orientation. This device is used by the tablets when you control the bot by tipping the tablet. Variables — Changeable values which are stored until they are changed by users or programs. Experiments are performed by changing variables Uncontrolled Variables — Some variables cannot be controlled in experiments. Some examples can be temperature, humidity, noise, or any other conditions that you cannot control. Systematic — Done or performed methodically, according to a fixed program. Pi — The relationship between a circle’s diameter and its circumference is an irrational number—a number that never stops or repeats itself. To make pi manageable, it is usually abbreviated to 3.14 Absolute Error — The difference between the value measured, and the value expected. Percent Error — The absolute error divided by the expected value. BEEP — Play a short beep. WAIT — Delay for a given time
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L evel T hree Procedures & Logic
In this level, you will continue to experiment with programming robots. You will create subroutines in the Cortex. Programming with subroutines helps to keep your program more concise and enables you to conveniently reuse a programming strand. You will also begin to use digital sensors and LEDs to give RiQ sensory feedback and information processing features.
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Level 3: Procedures in the Cortex
Project 1: Procedures, Calls, Repeats, and Loops Extension Reflect Challenge 1: Spirograph Robot Reflect Extension Project 2: Adding Sensors Extension Challenge 2: Bounce Robot Extension Personal Project: IF & IF ELSE commands... Reflect Extension Key Concepts
Project 1
L evel
L evel T hree S chedule
Procedures, Calls, Repeats, and Loops P rocedures
C alls
In this project, we will write a procedure called “STRAIGHT”, which will enable RiQ to run in a straight line. 1. Procedure a. In the Procedures tab (RED), choose the PROCEDURE command. b. Once it is on your canvas, click on the command and rename it “STRAIGHT”. c. Attached to this procedure, you will create your program for RiQ to go in a straight line. d. Use the program here as an example, remember your SET PWR is dependent on your motors. 2. Call -To get this procedure to run, you must CALL it out. a. In the Procedures tab (RED) grab CALL and place it under the MAIN command on the canvas. b. Click on the CALL command and choose STRAIGHT. The CALL command will always have a list of procedures that have been named, be sure to choose the correct one. c. Finish your MAIN program with END Note: You must create the PROC before adding the CALL to the MAIN program strand. In this example, the left code is the procedure, and the main program is calling it on the right. ©2015 PCS Edventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this material is restricted to PCS Licensees.
Level 3: Procedures in the Cortex
P rocedures &
( cont )
3. Run the program a. Record what happens in your journal conclusion section by describing how a subroutine works. 4. Modify the program so that RiQ makes a 90 degree right turn, and then travels in a straight line for 30 cm. Using the programs below to createprocedures you can then call into your program. a. You will need to have two PROC, one with a straight program and one with a right turn program. Name these STRAIGHT and RTURN. b. Under your MAIN command, you will only have two CALLs STRAIGHT and RTURN. c. Run your Program. If RiQ does not do this correctly (straight line and 90 degree turn), adjust your SET PWR and ON FOR. Be sure that each step is perfected before moving on to the next activity. To save programs see page 23.
R epeat C ommand Insert the REPEAT command, adding it to the existing program, to make RiQ travel in a square (ending in the same spot it started). REPEAT is used when you want to have the same program happen more than once. 1. In the Logic Tab (GREEN), choose the REPEAT command and insert into the program as shown below. Since a square has 4 straight lines and 4 corners, you will want to repeat your program 4 time. 2. Send to the Brain.
3. Before moving on make sure that your square is close to perfect. You may need to troubleshoot SET PWR and ON FOR
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LOOPs repeat the attached code infinitely until a BREAK command is reached or the user stops the program. 1. Insert the LOOP command to the existing program as shown below. Everything that you want to repeat indefinitely should be attached to the arm of the LOOP command. 2. Send your program to The Brain 3. RiQ will repeatedly draw squares until you press the RUN/STOP button.
Level 3: Procedures in the Cortex
L oops
Extension How could you rewrite your program for Big Enchilada from Level 2 using procedures? This extension is intended to reinforce the efficiency of using Procedures and Calls rather than long, hard to follow programs.
Reflect 1. In your questions/hypotheses section, propose a situation where this kind of programming (loops and repetitions) might be very helpful. Hint: Loops are among the most commonly used coding commands.
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L evel
Level 3: Procedures in the Cortex
Challenge 1 Spirograph Robot
Modify your square program so that RiQ repeats the square 36 times, but turns approximately 10 degrees between executions (after each square) to create a “spirograph” effect of 36 squares. You will end up with an entire circle of overlapping squares if RiQ is programmed accurately. This will not likely be perfect, as defects on the floor, motor variability, etc. can affect the behavior of the bots. It’ll still look good, though.
Extension Math Reinforcement - Challenge students to explain why 36 squares are necessary to complete a fully circular spirograph. They should include this explanation in their journal. * At 10 degree turns, 36 squares would be 360 degrees. Math Reinforcement - Each square is roughly the same as the previous one, except that it has been rotated 10 degrees. What other degree rotations would result in a spirograph that should, in theory, start and end in the same place? Programming People - Ask students to think of a repetitive activity that they, or someone they know, does on a regular basis. Using commands like “move arm up 10 inches,” “repeat,” “loop,” etc., students should work together to write out a program for one of their family members to follow in order to accomplish that task. (e.g. stapling papers together). Complex Subroutines - Research and define fractal in your journal. Imagine you want your RiQ to draw a row of flowering plants, each with these spirographs for the flowers. Now imagine the rows themselves are giant spirographs. Journal about what kind of code might be used to create a fractal. See if you can identify what the most difficult part of that program might be.
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In your conclusions section, describe how you used subroutines, LOOPs and REPEATs to accomplish your goals in this challenge.
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Level 3: Procedures in the Cortex
L evel
Level 3: Procedures in the Cortex
Project 2 IF & IF ELSE commands, LED's, and LIGHT ON Sensors provide information about the environment, and can be used to trigger robotic responses. Light, motion, sound, and touch can all be programmed to activate certain routines in your program via sensor inputs. This project will teach you how to start using sensors and logic commands.
Sensor Testing Station Build a sensor testing station using the image below. It can be built however you like, as long as you have: 2 touch sensors (plugged into sensor ports 0 and 1) 1 pink LED in port 2 1 blue LED in port 3 1 motor mounted with a link 30 to help indicate the direction of rotation.
Program It! Recreate the program seen here to program your lights to turn on and your motor to run when either touch sensor is pressed. 1. Attach MOTOR A and ON (not ON FOR) to the MAIN command
a. We are using ON here since it goes directly into a LOOP. 2. Add the LOOP and IF ELSE commands. a. An IF ELSE command is used when you want to activate one code or another, here they would be activated by touch sensors. b. Attached to the IF ELSE command is the SENSOR command bar you will change the number according to the port it is plugged into. In this case, it is port 0. c. Under the first arm of the IF ELSE command will be the program you want to run when the touch sensor is activated that is associated to port 0. i. IF sensor 0 is activated, the program states that MOTOR A will go THIS WAY, the LED in port 2 will turn on, and the LED in port 3 will turn off.
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a. IF touch sensor 1 is activated, the same motor will go THAT WAY, LED 3 will turn on and LED 2 will turn off. 4. Because we used the ON command at the beginning of this program, those lights and motors will stay on indefinitely until the other strand is activated. Send the program and press the touch sensors. Does it do what you thought it would do? Read through the program and say it (or think it) in a sentence format.
Level 3: Procedures in the Cortex
3. IF is attached to the second arm of the IF ELSE command.
Extension This is the first time you are using an IF ELSE command. As you might imagine, the IF ELSE code is about as important as loops are. 1. On a piece of paper, write down some cases where you, yourself, are operating on an if else instruction (e.g. if I mow the lawn, the grass is cut, else it will be too long and I’ll lose my cat). 2. Share your ideas with your group and decide on one or two to share with the class. Where have you seen a robotic sensor in your everyday life? 1. In your group, come up with as many examples of robotic sensors as possible. Create a list. 2. Within your group, discuss each example and decide whether it is truly a robotic sensor. To do this, you’ll need to agree on what defines a robotic sensor together. The purpose of this exercise is to have the group come up with their own definition of what they believe to be a robotic sensor. 3. Once you are satisfied with your list, add any new examples to the class list at the front of the room. Bonus for the most interesting examples. The “bonus” is deliberately left until the end, as students might see that early and focus too much on the unique to the neglect of the fundamental. This way, they’ll start thinking about less obvious stuff after they’ve gotten the common ones. You may choose to have a discussion about further defining robotics and robots, since they’re now thinking about it in terms of sensors. “What is a robot” is an interesting open-ended question. What mechanical devices might benefit from the incorporation of a sensor (or sensors)? 1. Think about what sensors can do in terms of efficiency, diligence, and precision. a. Record your ideas in the question/hypothesis section of your journal, so that you might test them later.
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L evel
Level 3: Procedures in the Cortex
Challenge 2 Bounce Robot
1. Modify RiQ so that it has touch sensors on the front and back and pink and blue LEDs mounted on the frame. See page 64 and 65 for ideas on how to attach the touch sensors. 2. Program RiQ to run forward (with the blue light on) until the front touch sensors is activated, run backward (with the pink light on) until the rear touch sensor is activated. 3. Make a record of your code in your journal.
Extension Write a program that allows you to drive with the accelerometer (accelerometer code shown here), but coordinates the pink and blue LEDs with backward and forward motion. That is, modify this code so that when you drive the RiQ by tipping the tablet in such a way that it always shines a blue light when traveling forward and a pink light when traveling backward. This is tricky. If you look at the control screen, you can see where the inputs are coming from in this code (x - left and right, y - forward/backward. See below. â&#x20AC;˘
Write down tips and suggestions in your notes/reminders section so that you can refer to them when programming with sensors later. See the extension in Level 2, Challenge 1 for a reminder on how to work the Accelerometer program.
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IF ELSE Statements Program your robot to do something either useful or clever. It should be controlled by at least one sensor incorporated into an IF ELSE statement.
Level 3: Procedures in the Cortex
L evel
Personal Project
Reflect Make a record of your project in the project section of your journal. This includes: 1. Goals a. What were you trying to accomplish? 2. Procedure a. How did you go about trying to achieve your goals? 3. Conclusions a. What went well? b. What useful techniques, skills, and ideas did you discover? i. Focus on things that you might use in the future for other problems/challenges. 4. Evidence/Reasoning a. Why do you think that these techniques, skills, and ideas are useful? What did you do or observe that shows they might be important?
Extension Look back at your class list of possible uses/applications of RiQ from Level 2. Are there any that you think you might be able to accomplish now that you have more advanced skills? If so, select one to work on. Once you get it to work, you will later present your program to the class. This extension could be used to spur ideas for the personal project if a group is stuck. Š2015 PCS Edventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this material is restricted to PCS Licensees.
L evel
Level 3: Procedures in the Cortex
Concepts & Key Terms Subroutine — A set of commands that can be executed in order, and can be called from different places in the main procedure of the program. Robotic Sensing and Sensory Feedback — Sensors provide specific measurements to robots. The information sensors send is specific for each kind of sensor. They can measure things in the environment like color or distance, and they can measure conditions on the robot itself like motor rotation (distance). With conditional statements in a their programming, sensors allow robots to adjust paths or actions during operation, which helps them accomplish their tasks.
Information Processing — The change of information in any manner detectable by an observer. When applied to robotics, it is the use of algorithms to transform data that is received through sensors. Event — An action or occurrence detected by the program that may be handled by the program. Condition — Also called conditional statements, conditional expressions, or conditional constructs. Features of a programming language which performs different actions or events depending on a programmer’s specified Boolean condition. Digital Sensor — An electronic or electrochemical sensor, where data conversion and data transmissions are done digitally. Touch Sensor — A type of switch that only has to be touched by an object to be activated. LED — Light Emitting Diode IF — If the described condition is met, the attached code will run. IF ELSE — If the described condition is met, the attached code will run. Else, if the condition is not met, the second branch of defined code will run. Sensosr Command Tab — Represents the value of a selected sensor and it’s port. LIGHT ON — Turns ON the LED connected to a specified port. LIGHT OFF — Turns OFF the LED connected to a specified port. ON — Turns selected motor(s). Must be in a loop to be useful.
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L evel F our Expanding Programming Knowledge
In Level 4, you will be expanding the ways in which you can use sensors, as well as practicing with some more sophisticated computer programming. Your robot will become more powerful, along with your programming knowledge. The projects at this level might require access to research resources. This may be a laptop cart, computer lab, or a library. Research components of projects could be assigned as homework and shared as presentations, or they could be incorporated into class time, whatever you deem to be most appropriate for your circumstances (logistics, student population, requisite background knowledge, etc.).
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Level 4: Expanding Programming Knowledge
L evel F our S chedule
L evel
Project 1: Infrared & Ultrasonic Project 2: Light Sensors Reflect Challenge 1: Light and Seek Robot Extension Reflect Challenge 2: Enchilada with Sauce Reflect Extension Personal Project: Challenge/Counter-Challenge Reflect Extension Key Concepts
Project 1 Infrared & Ultrasonic
Calibrating Sensors You will be using different types of sensors in this project. Here’s how to calibrate them. The value being “sensed” by the sensor will be reported back to the PCS Cortex Interface in the Sensor Output area at the bottom of the screen. If you are sending the value for the sensor plugged into, say, Port 0 on The Brain, the value being reported will show up in the small text area with a “0” above it. NOTE: Depending on the sensor you have chosen to test, values will appear in the Sensor Output Box and should range as such: IR SENSOR: You should see numbers between 0 and 1024 with 0 implying no IR light is being reflected back to the IR Sensor. Higher numbers imply more IR light is being reflected back to the sensor. Cover the sensor with your hand to make sure the reading is changing appropriately. LIGHT SENSOR: There are two connecting ports for the light/photo sensor. USE ONLY ONE AT A TIME. One port will read a high value when exposed to light. The other will read a low value when exposed to light. You will see numbers between 0 and 1024 with 0 implying no ambient light is being reflected to the Light Sensor.
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Add the Sensors! Build or modify RiQ so that it has two infrared sensors mounted to the bottom of the frame next to each wheel (under the bb30s that The Brain is connected to). The ultrasonic sensor should already be attached (the eyes), if not, connect the ultrasonic sensor so that it is facing forward. Plug IR and ultrasonic sensors into The Brain ports the left into port 0 and the right into port 1. See the image here or 66 for ideas on attaching the IR Sensors and page 60 for ultrasonic sensors. For this project, you’ll need to create a solid black line on the floor in some kind of a loop shape using the black electrical tape included think race track. The program that we have below makes RiQ drive straight when the floor under the sensors is white (or nearly white), and then turn if it switches to black, so the line of electrical tape should be between the two sensors. If your floor isn’t white enough, the values in the IF statement can be adjusted (i.e. change the 30 to maybe 100). You’d have to experiment with your specific floor, or have the students experiment.
Line Follower You will program RiQ to follow a line and go around the track two times. 1. Copy the code below and read through each procedure in sentence format.
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b. LEFT IR Procedure i. Use the IF command and attach a COMPARE command. ii. In the center of the COMPARE command, click on and change it to say less than < 1. Inside the COMPARE command, add the sensor and select the port that the left IR sensor is plugged into. Place the NUM command in the second box. By making that number 500, the program will activate when the sensor reads a value that is less than 500. The value is the amount of light being reflected back, a white surface will be a higher value. This is why it turns when it notices a value less than 500 (black). iii. Once the program is activated, it will turn slightly so that the black line is in the center of RiQ again. c. RIGHTIR Procedure i. This is very similar with a couple minor changes. Be sure to be precise when writing the program. d. ULTRA Procedure i. This procedure tells the ultrasonic sensor to react when something comes less than 30cm in front of it. The program tells RiQ to stop, wait, beep, then go again. RiQ will not actually go again unless that something that was in front of it is no longer there. ii. This procedure will pause your RiQ if it gets too close to another RiQ. e. For a visual representation of the values being read, pull the sensor displays onto the User Interface Canvas. The two on the left are for IR sensors, on the right is the ultrasonic sensor.
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Level 4: Expanding Programming Knowledge
a. Start by creating the procedures and calls. If you need a refresher on Procedures look back to page 64. Name each Procedure the sensor that it will be programming LEFT IR, RIGHT IR, ULTRA.
L evel
Level 4: Expanding Programming Knowledge
Project 2
Light Sensors “R obo R oach ” P rogram 1. Attach the Light Sensor to enable RiQ to detect brightness. BE SURE TO PLUG ONLY ONE CORD IN AT A TIME, otherwise, RiQ will fry! 2. Program RiQ to escape from the light, or try to find light, etc, using the program above. Get a flashlight in a dark room and don’t let him get near you. Flash him away! 3. This program is saying: IF the light sensor detects a value greater than 150, then motors AB will go OFF, motor A will go THISWAY and motor B will Go THATWAY, both will go ON FOR half a second (0.5). Then Motors AB will go ON again.
a. IF NOT (it is less than 150), then the motors AB will stay ON. 4. Send your program and test it out! Is RiQ scared of the light? The light sensor is an electronic component called photoresistor. Through experimentation, attempt to explain what the photoresistor output value (visible in the Cortex on the panel shown) means in terms of resistance. Your explanation does not need to be precise, so long as it accurately predicts how it will respond.
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Resistance is the restriction of flow. The best analogy is that of a water pipe. When the pipe is narrow, it has a greater resistance to flow. When it is very wide, lots of water can easily flow, therefore there is less resistance. Think about what is flowing, or moving, more or less freely in the case of your photoresistor. Some students might struggle with the vagueness of “through experimentation.” If so, try to coach them without giving explicit instructions. If they reach an impasse and their frustration builds toward problematic levels, suggest that they talk with other groups. This exercise is intended to foster independence in their problem solving. Participate in a brief class discussion about how the photoresistor works.
Reflect In the notes/reminders section of your journal, attempt to explain how a photoresistor works. This might require some research.
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Level 4: Expanding Programming Knowledge
You may offer some definition of resistance if you like, though it’s not essential for the learning objectives here, so it could be provided to those who are dissatisfied with a qualitative and rough explanation:
L evel
Level 4: Expanding Programming Knowledge
Challenge 1
Light and Seek Bot Create a program for RiQ that uses a light sensor to detect the amount of light in the room. When there is a specified amount of light, your program should use the IR sensor to navigate the line track. When the specified amount of light is not available, your bot should play a Beep.” * Hint: you will need to combine what you learned in Project 1 and 2 and calibrate your sensors.
Extension H uman R obotic P rogramming C onverting Converting analog to digital: 1. Each student will play the role within a combination (sensor computer robotic output device). Their eyes (or ears) are the sensor, their brain is the computer, and their arms are the robotic output. 2. Each computer (student brain) will be programmed to respond to a specific input (brightness, pitch, volume, color, etc.) with a binary mechanical output (arms raise). That is, each student will raise their arms whenever they sense a particular input. 3. Using the graduated input information, work as a team to create a “wave” like you might see at an athletic event by adjusting the input gradually. This one is very basic. Expect that they will not feel challenged. The purpose is simply to illustrate the connection between analog sensor information and binary computation. Produce a recognizable song by programming students to output a certain tone when “activated,” much like a bell choir. Students will play the role of binary computers in this project. *
*continued on next page
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H uman R obotic P rogramming C onverting ( cont ) For this challenge, we will be reversing the process. Each sensor computer robot (student) will be assigned a single output (a particular pitch and duration). While certain students might be apprehensive about essentially “singing,” it is worth doing this, and encouraging them to overcome their resistance, as it is both team building, and interesting for them to experience this. Look to page 27 for instructions on how to program a tune in cortex. 1. Select two students who will be the “computer control center,” which is analogous to the large program that activates the various subroutines. 2. Control center students should “program” the other students’ “subroutines” so that they each produce a particular pitch when their binary input is activated. For example, a tap on the shoulder could activate the moving of an arm from up to down position, or whatever the class decides. a. As a team, try to produce a particular tune.
Reflect Robots and computers “think” in terms of binary, meaning that they register readings in “on/off” or “yes/no”. The light sensors, on the other hand, can detect a spectrum of brightnesses, reading an analog range of values between “very dark” and “very bright”. In your questions/hypotheses journal section: 1. Propose an explanation for how a computer might turn an analog spectrum into binary information. 2. Try to come up with a way in which binary (yes/no) information might be converted to something approaching a spectrum. Hint: this requires multiple binary inputs. This reflection should be rephrased if they did the human programming activity in the following way: 1. Summarize how the human computer turned a spectrum (an analog signal) into binary information 2. Explain how the class created a near spectrum of outputs from purely binary inputs to create a song. What would be required to get a COMPLETE spectrum output from binary inputs?
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Level 4: Expanding Programming Knowledge
L evel
Level 4: Expanding Programming Knowledge
Challenge 2
Enchilada with Sauce Use sensors to help RiQ efficiently navigate the Enchilada With Sauce and then stop after crossing the finish line. In designing this Enchilada, incorporate some electrical tape (as a “boundary” for certain portions of the course), at least one wall (so the ultrasonic can respond to proximity and change directions), and a tunnel (or lamp) that changes the brightness, perhaps at the finish line. It’s ok if this advanced Enchilada is actually less complicated to navigate than the original. That illustrates the power of sensors for robotics and programming. As before, this challenge will likely take multiple sessions to complete, so be sure students can save their work and that you can recreate the course later. •
You may choose to incorporate sensors a lot or a little, depending on what your group decides would be best for the course that has been set up.
You may experiment all you want with your robot, but you only get one shot at the course, so do what it takes to build confidence in your plan and your code before running a trial.
This is a false instruction, meant to motivate careful planning. In reality, groups should try to debug their code and repeat the challenge if it doesn’t work the first time. •
Be sure to use the speed analysis skills you developed in Level 2 (circle drawing) to determine distances and turn operations.
Predict, as precisely as possible, the time it will take RiQ to complete the course.
Bear in mind that there are now multiple means of accomplishing the same task (programming for driving and for sensor responses).
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1. Describe the challenge and your team’s solution in the projects section of your journal. Be sure to explain your choices about which sensors to incorporate. Think about why you selected each sensor and which sensors you chose not to incorporate and why. 2. Present your modified bot and your program to the class. Compare your solution to the challenge with those of your classmates. 3. In the projects section of your journal, describe in detail a solution that is significantly different from your own. This can be done in various ways: 1. As one-group-at-a-time presentations 2. As a gallery/presentation hybrid where the whole class observes each bot successfully navigate the course one at a time and then gallery share the programs with one another The second option works nicely if structured as a collaboration where students cheer one another on, rather than as a competition. In the spirit of the FIRST robotics competition, you may choose to give sportsmanship awards if you’re concerned about overly competitive dynamics in the class.
Extension Sensors are being used increasingly in our society. Try to imagine an everyday experience that is improved (made more convenient, efficient, or fun) through the application of sensors. Pay attention as you go through your daily routine. See how many sensors you can identify at work.
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Level 4: Expanding Programming Knowledge
L evel
Level 4: Expanding Programming Knowledge
Personal Project
Challenge / Counter-Challenge Come up with an interesting task for RiQ that incorporates much or all of the skills you have just developed. Once you have developed the task/objective, exchange it with that of another team. Each team’s goal is to accomplish both their own task and that of their partner team. If you get stuck, you are encouraged to ask your partner team for help/suggestions. You are successful if: • The challenge your team designed is neither easy nor impossible for your partner team • It correctly applies most or all of the coding knowledge you have been exposed to so far • Both teams have accomplished both challenges
Reflect Make a record of your project in the project section of your journal. This includes: 1. Goals a. What were you trying to accomplish? 2. Procedure a. How did you go about trying to achieve your goals? 3. Conclusions a. What went well? b. What useful techniques, skills, and ideas did you discover? i. Focus on things that you might use in the future for other problems/challenges. 4. Evidence/Reasoning a. Why do you think that these techniques, skills, and ideas are useful? What did you do or observe that shows they might be important?
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1. Look through our journal. Identify one conept about which your ideas changed significantly during the time you have been using the journal. Describe the experiences that influenced the changes in your understanding. 2. Work in teams of 3-4. Create an explanation for how either the accelerometer or the joystick code works. As you develop your ideas, experiment with the Cortex to see if you can provide yourself with evidence to support your explanations.
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Level 4: Expanding Programming Knowledge
Analog — Signals or information represented by a continuously variable physical quantity such as spatial position or voltage. Light Sensor — Also called photosensors or photoresistors. A mechanical or electronic device that detects light. Infrared Sensor (IR) — A thermographic camera or infrared camera is a device that forms an image using infrared radiation, similar to a common camera that forms an image using visible light.
Level 4: Expanding Programming Knowledge
L evel
Concepts & Key Terms
Ultrasonic Sensor — This sensor bounces sound off of surfaces to detect the distance to those objects, much like a bat or dolphin does using sonar. Conduction — The process by which heat or electricity is directly transmitted through a substance when there is a difference of temperature or of electrical potential between adjoining regions, without movement of the material. Resistance — The degree to which a substance or device opposes the passage of an electric current, causing energy dissipation. In Ohm’s law, resistance (measured in ohms) is equal to the voltage divided by the current through a portion of a circuit. Resistor — A device with a specific resistance to the passage of an electric current. Photoconductivity — Increased electrical conductivity caused by the presence of light. Photoresistor — A resistor whose resistance decreases with increasing incident light intensity. It exhibits photoconductivity. Ambient light — The soft indirect light that fills the volume of a room with illumination. Compare — Used to compare two values. Can be used to check if two values are equal, greater than, less than, etc. Sensor Bar — Represents the value of a selected sensor for command(s). U Sensor Bar — Represents the value of the ultrasonic sensor on the selected port.
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A ppendices Standards Alignment Common Core Bibliography About PCS Edventures
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A ppendix A
S tandards A lignment The following standards are addressed, to varying degrees, by at least one activity in the sequence. In some cases, specific standards are repeatedly, and in various contexts, present in the majority of the four-level sequence. In particular, the curriculum stresses engineering design and technical thinking.
N ext G eneration S cience MS-ETS1 (A, B,
C) E ngineering D esign
1. Define the criteria and constraints of a design problem with sufficient precision to ensure a successful solution, taking into account relevant scientific principles and potential impacts on people and the natural environment that may limit possible solutions. 2. Evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem. 3. Analyze data from tests to determine similarities and differences among several design solutions to identify the best characteristics of each that can be combined into a new solution to better meet the criteria for success.
I nternational S ociety C reativity
T echnology
E ducation
I nnovation
Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. 4. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes 5. Create original works as a means of personal or group expression
C ritical T hinking , P roblem S olving ,
D ecision M aking
Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. A. Identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation B. Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project C. Collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions D. Use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions
C ommunication
C ollaboration W ith
D igital P ortfolio
Students can use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. A. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media B. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats C. Develop cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other cultures D. Contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems
R esearch
I nformation F luency
Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. A. Plan strategies to guide inquiry B. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media C. Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks D. Process data and report results Š2015 PCS Edventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this material is restricted to PCS Licensees.
A ppendix B
C ommon C ore G rades 6-8 L anguage A rts ELA-LITERACY.WHST.6-8.1.B
Support claim(s) with logical reasoning and relevant, accurate data and evidence that demonstrate an understanding of the topic or text, using credible sources.
ELA-LITERACY.WHST.6-8.1.E Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the argument presented.
ELA-LITERACY.WHST.6-8.2.D Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic.
Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the information or explanation presented.
Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical task
Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and present the relationships between information and ideas clearly and efficiently.
Write routinely over extended time frames (time for reflection and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.
G rade 6 M ath MATH.CONTENT.6.SP.A.2
Understand that a set of data collected to answer a statistical question has a distribution which can be described by its center, spread, and overall shape.
Recognize that a measure of center for a numerical data set summarizes all of its values with a single number, while a measure of variation describes how its values vary with a single number.
Evaluate expressions at specific values of their variables. Include expressions that arise from formulas used in real-world problems. Perform arithmetic operations, including those involving whole-number exponents, in the conventional order when there are no parentheses to specify a particular order (Order of Operations).
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G rade 7 M ath MATH.CONTENT.7.G.A.2 Draw (freehand, with ruler and protractor, and with technology) geometric shapes with given conditions.
MATH.CONTENT.7.G.B.4 Know the formulas for the area and circumference of a circle and use them to solve problems.
Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, volume and surface area of two- and three-dimensional objects composed of triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, cubes, and right prisms.
G rade 8 M ath MATH.CONTENT.8.G.A.4
Understand that a two-dimensional figure is similar to another if the second can be obtained from the first by a sequence of rotations, reflections, translations, and dilations; given two similar two-dimensional figures, describe a sequence that exhibits the similarity between them.
Construct and interpret scatter plots for bivariate measurement data to investigate patterns of association between two quantities. Describe patterns such as clustering, outliers, positive or negative association, linear association, and nonlinear association.
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A ppendix C B ibliography
Responsive Teaching and Learning Maskiewicz, A., & Winters, V. (2012). "Understanding the Co-Construction of Inquiry Practices: A Case Study of a Responsive Teaching Environment." Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 49(4), 429-464. Sikorski, T., & Hammer, D. (2010). "A Critique of how Three Learning Progressions Conceptualize Sophistication and Progress. Learning in the Disciplines: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2010) - Volume 1, Full Papers. International Society of the Learning Sciences: Chicago IL. Formative Assessment Methodology Coffey, J., Hammer, D., Levin, D. M., Grant, T. (2011) "The Missing Disciplinary Substance of Formative Assessment." Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 1109-1136. Vokos, Stamatis, et. al. “Using Facet Clusters to Map Learner Modes of Reasoning.” Seattle Pacific University. 2006. Diagnosing and Responding to Misconceptions Eleanor Close, et. al. “Exploring Relationships: Teacher Characteristics and Student Learning in Physical Science.” Seattle Pacific University. December 2006. Goldberg, et. al. “The CPU (constructing Physics Understanding) Project.” San Diego State University. 2011 Computer Science Motivations Hartford, Tim. "The Benefits of Trial and Error." Online video clip. TEDGlobal 2011. July 2011. http://www.ted. com/talks/tim_harford Lockard, C. Brett and Wolf, Michael. “Occupational employment projections to 2020.” Bureau of Labor Statistics. 2010. Rowling, JK. "The Benefits of Failure." Online video clip. Harvard Commencement Ceremony. Filmed June 5, 2008, TED January 2010. http://www.ted.com/talks/jk_rowling_the_fringe_benefits_of_failure Simms, David. "The Power of Positive Failure." Harvard Business Review. web. July 26, 2010 Sobel, Anne.(2014) "How Failure in the Classroom Is More Instructive Than Success." The Chronicle of Higher Education. December 8, 2014 Sullo, David. (2009) "The Motivated Student." Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. May 2009. Either equal or greater content acquisition in PBL when compared to traditional instruction Belland, B. R., Glazewski, K. D., & Richardson, J. C. (2008). "A Scaffolding Framework to Support the Construction of Evidence-Based Arguments Among Middle School Students." Educational Technology Research and Development, 56, 401-422. Ceren, Tekkaya, Ömer Geban, and Semra Sungar. "Improving Achievement through Problem-based Learning." Journal of Biological Education 40.4. web. http://www.newtechnetwork.org/sites/default/files/ dr/scienceachievementturkey.pdf Dods, R.F. (1997). "An Action Research Study of the Effectiveness of Problem-Based Learning in Promoting the Acquisition and Retention of Knowledge." Journal for the Education of the Gifted. 20(4), 423-437. Gallagher, S. A., & Stepien, W. J. (1996). "Content Acquisition in Problem-Based Learning: Depth Versus Breadth in American Studies." Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 19(3), 257-275. Gallagher, S., Stepien, W., & Rosenthal, H. (1992). "The Effects of Problem-Based Learning on Problem Solving." Gifted Child Quarterly, 36(4), 195 – 200. Hmelo-Sliver, Cindy. "Problem-Based Learning: What and How Do Students Learn?"Educational Psychology Review 16.3. web. http://kanagawa.lti.cs.cmu.edu/olcts09/sites/default/files/Hmelo-Silver_2004.pdf Stein, Bob. "Computers and Writing Conference Presentation." Purdue University. Union Club Hotel, West Lafayette, IN. 23 May 2003. Keynote Address.
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Appendices VanTassel-Baska, Joyce. (1998) "Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment for the Gifted: A Problem-Based Learning Scenario." Gifted Child Today. January 2013 vol. 36 no. 1 71-75 Van Tassel-Baska, J., Bracken B.A., Stamabaugh, T., & Feng, A. (2007). "Findings from Project Clarion." Presentation to the United States Department of Education Expert Panel, Storrs, CT. Van Tassel-Baska, Joyce. "What Works in Curriculum for the Gifted." Asia Pacific Conference on the Gifted. July 18, 2008. Keynote Address. Verhoeven, B. H., et al. (1998). "An Analysis of Progress Test Results of PBL and Non-PBL Students." Medical Teacher, 20(4), 310â&#x20AC;&#x201C;316. More PBL Support Blumenfeld, Phyllis C., et al. "Motivating Project-Based Learning: Sustaining the Doing, Supporting the Learning." Educational Psychologist. Volume 26, Issue 3-4, 1991 pages 369-398. Application to Medical Training Vernon, D T, Blake, R L. "Does Problem-Based Learning Work? A Meta-Analysis of Evaluative Research." Academic Medicine, July 1993 Direct vs. Student-centered instruction Kuhn, Deanna. (2007) "Is Direct Instruction an Answer to the Right Question?" Educational Psychologist Volume 42, Issue 2, 2007 Pink, Daniel. Drive, the Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. New York: Penguin Group, 2009. Print. United States. National Research Council. Inquiry and the National Science Education Standards: A Guide for Teaching and Learning. Washington: GPO, 2000. Print. Hidden Messages from Feedback Abbott, S. (Ed.). (2014) "Hidden Curriculum." The glossary of education reform. web. http://edglossary.org/ hidden-curriculum Kay Sambell & Liz McDowell. (2006) "The Construction of the Hidden Curriculum: Messages and Meanings in the Assessment of Student Learning." Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. 2006.
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PCS Edventures for the Home! EdventuresLab is an ultra-cool, high-tech learning lab program located in Boise, Idaho and Eagle, Idaho where students study engineering, robotics, video production, computer programming and other exciting areas. The RiQ robot used in the Discover Robotics Kit was born in the Lab surrounded by over a hundred wildly inventive students ranging from 6 to 60 years old. The Discover Robotics curriculum was then inspired by the rock and roll robot, RiQ. Learn more about PCS Edventures products and services at our website. If you're interested in seeing an EdventuresLab in your community, contact us! We'd love to hear from you. Learn More www.edventureslab.com
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