EXAM PUNJAB SYLLABUS http://www.exampunjab.com/
Syllabus For PCS Preliminary Exam Main Exam Interview
Preliminary Exam PCS Preliminary Exam is the foremost exam of Punjab Civil Services Examination. It is divided into two parts i.e. ďƒ¨ General Studies and ďƒ¨ Civil Services Aptitude Test. Both exams are just qualifying exams. Student who cleared in these two exams will eligible to enter in the Main Exam.
Preliminary Exam Syllabus Paper – I (General Studies) 1. Everyday Science 2. Environmental Studies 3. Political theory & international order 4. Indian polity 5. History 6. Indian Economy 7. Geography 8. About Punjab
Preliminary Exam Syllabus Paper 窶的I (Civil Services Aptitude Test) 1) Punjabi and English language comprehension antonyms and synonyms, grammar and sentence formation. 2) Basic numerical skills; numbers, magnitudes, percentages, numerical relation appreciation. 3) Data analysis; Graphic presentations, charts, tables, spreadsheets. 4) Interpersonal skills including communication skills. 5) Logical reasoning, analytical and mental ability.
PCS MAINS Exam The PCS MAIN Examination intends to assess every candidate’s intellectual traits and their depth of understanding. The main examination includes: 7 Subjects in which 5 subjects are compulsory and other 2 subjects are optional To be chosen from given list.
MAIN Exam Syllabus Punjabi (Gurumukhi Script) Compulsory General Studies (History, Geography and Society) General Studies(Indian Constitution & Polity, Governance and International Relations)
5 Compulsory Subjects
English Compulsory Essay General Studies (Economy, Statistics and Security issues) General Studies Paper-IV (Science & Technology, Environment, Problem Solving and Decision Making)
2 Optional Subjects
Interview The viva voice test shall be conducted by an Interview Board comprising of the Chairman and Members of the Commission which may include an outside expert. More than one Interview Boards may be set up to interview the candidates. In the event of an Interview, board not being headed by the Chairman of the Commission, the senior most Member shall be the Chairman of the Board.
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