Know about PCS Exam with Exam Punjab The term PCS stands for Public Civil Services. It is the entrance exam held to recruit the candidates of a particular province for the civil service posts. These posts are governed by the state government and it is out of question to transfer the candidate in another state, once enlisted in PCS. This competitive exam is held every year by PPSC (Punjab Public Service Commission) which is a government organization in charge of employing and managing the civil services. This exam is a gateway to get employment in the government sector.
Eligibility criteria to appear in PCS exam: Age: The minimum age required to appear in PCS exam is 21 and the maximum age limit is 38 years. Candidates from scheduled castes enjoy relaxation in age up to 5 years. The upper age limit for government employee of Punjab is 45 years, but it is mandatory for him to have at least 4 years of experience in the government services. The upper age limit for the Applicants of scheduled castes of all states or backward classes of Punjab enjoy relaxation up to five years of the above mentioned age. The divorcees, widows and other assured categories of Punjab are relaxed up to 40 years. The disabled get the age relaxation in upper age limit up to 10 years.
Qualification: Candidate should hold a bachelors degree in any field from some prominent organization or university. The candidate must have scored, passing marks in Punjabi in metric.
Nationality: 1. The applicant must be the citizen of India, Nepal or Bhutan. 2. Tibetan refugees who migrated to India before January 1, 1962 with the target to permanently settle down in India 3. An Indian who has moved from Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Burma or East African countries like Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Zambia, Malawi, Vietnam, Ethiopia, Zaire and Ethiopia, willing to permanently reside in India.
NOTE: Candidates belonging to the provided category (2) and (3) shall be issued the eligibility certificate by the government of Punjab in the department of home affairs and justice.
Selection procedure: The P.C.S examination includes three stages in a row 1. Preliminary examination 2. Main examination 3. Interview/ personality test Preliminary examination consists of the two objective type multiple choice question papers carrying 200 marks each. Preliminary examination (objective types)
General studies (100*2= 200)
Civil services aptitude test (80*2.5= 200)
Main examination is a subjective type paper carrying 1500 marks in total. It takes in account different subjects to check the intelligence level of the candidate. After the completion of two stages, comes the final stage where the candidate appears for the interview or the personality test.
Easy to apply: So, seeking candidates can apply for PCS online on the official website of PPSC only and there is no need for the candidates to send the hard copies of the online application form to the Punjab Public Services commission office. Exam Punjab stretches its hands to help the citizens of Punjab get the desired information about the civil services.