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About This Manual


About This Manual This manual is intended to be a supplement to the User Guide which provides in depth discussions and examples for EViews and its operation. This manual provides a quick resource to guide in choosing parameters of which options to use.


Navigation Menu The Navigation Menu lets you access most of the pages used to control EViews. NAME


Action Button

A command button that performs a specific, pre-programmed task.

Command button

A screen button usually associated with changes in the operating parameters. Using the mouse, point to the button, and click the left mouse button.

Command Window Dialog box

A small window that appears with information or command choices.

Drop-Down menu

A menu with a list of commands or options. To display a dropdown menu, select the downward-pointing arrow that accompanies some text fields, and click on the left mouse button.

Edit field

A screen box that allows you to alter the data in the box. Examples: • Text field • Selection field (with a down arrow to reveal a drop-down menu)

Function group

A group of command buttons or icons with related actions. The group is usually surrounded by a box.


A graphic button that accesses a specific function to change a program. Using the mouse, point to the icon, and click the left button.


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