ISSUE #11: THE DANGEROUS TRUTH Do you want to know the reason why you're having problems with reaching the life of your dreams and never feel truly satisfied? Do you want to know what controls human beings and controls YOU? Do you want to know the secrets that have been denied to you by others to ... "protect you from yourself and keep you busy"? The knowledge of this weeks show can alter the way you look at life significantly and can seriously hurt your feelings. WARNING! ONLY EXPOSE YOURSELF TO THIS WEEKS SHOW IF YOU ARE CONFIDENT THAT YOU ARE TOUGHER AND SMARTER THEN A LION AND WANT TO SUCCEED AT ALL COSTS.
Choose Your Country:
Take a real honest look at your life and analyze what you do with your time and ask yourself the question; on what do I spend my time the most? Trying to feel good and get approval from my peers or doing the things that get you closer to your dreams. If you spend more time on feeling good and getting approval; realize what force you need to overcome to master yourself.
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