ISSUE #13: YOUR SIXTH SENSE The only real valuable thing is the intuition. The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a
society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. Every word written until now is said by
As Albert Einstein said; only relying
Albert Einstein; a man who's world-famous for his
on your logical brain isn't going to
extreme intelligence. The intuition is your sixth sen-
cut it and who are we to doubt Al-
se, everybody has access to it; also you and every-
bert Einstein? Let's give Albert Einstein the benefit
body you know no matter what IQ, race, social
of the doubt and turn off the logical thinking for
class or age. In this week's show we'll talk about
3 months and see what happens when you only
how you can get access to your 6th sense and
rely on your sixth sense; whatever happens in the
how you can use it to get your dreams realized.
3 months; no judging, just do it and try it out!
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