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3 conferences 1300+ audience 5 side meetings 50+ connections 3 projects in collaboration

ONE TEAM GOV International community of policymakers, service designers, digital people & others working to reform government and make public services better #OneTeamGov

#OneTeamGov is a movement about joining skillsets up across government and breaking down silos. It’s a safe space to start a conversation about how we can work better together in the civil service. It’s not a new concept, but it’s a new way of trying to solve this challenge.

Cabinet Office, Whitehall, London

Policy Lab Policy Lab brings new policy techniques to the departments across the civil service, helping design services around people’s experience, using data analytics and new digital tools.

Policy Lab workshop – How can we use design to tackle complex government policy problems?

Policy Lab workshop – How can we use design to tackle complex government policy problems?

Policy Lab workshop – How can we use design to tackle complex government policy problems?


Policy Lab

Method bank and toolkit for design in government

Human centered policy making

5 principles of digital capability

Ministry of Justice [The Civil Service] needs to become Digital by Default, in its skills, its style, how it communicates and how it enables service users to interact with it‌ a mindset that revolves around the user, not the producer. Civil Service Reform Plan


Put user needs ahead of process


Start small, and improve from there


Make the most of digital tools


Manage risk, don’t be blocked by it


Feel empowered to innovate

Ministry of Justice 5 principles of digital capability 1.

Put user needs ahead of process


Start small, and improve from there


Make the most of digital tools


Manage risk, don’t be blocked by it


Feel empowered to innovate

Workshop: Policy Design on the Inside

Over the last 2 years we’ve been working together to understand how digital, user centred design and digital skills can work together to achieve policy objectives. Specifically, we’ve been collaborating in a policy area which is about reducing parental conflict after separation - a challenge which doesn’t neatly fall into one department’s or profession’s remit. Holly (MOJ Policy) and Jack (MOJ Digital)

How to frame ‘Challenge Statement’ What’s the challenge? Framing the design challenge as a simple question, which takes into account constraints and context, provides a useful reference to guide our design research. Steps 1. Write the following questions out first: “Who are we helping?” “What kinds of solutions might we consider?” “What is the key context to keep in mind (especially any constraints we face)?” “What is the ultimate impact we’re trying to achieve?”. 2. Invite everyone to spend a few minutes individually jotting potential answers on post-its. Stick them beneath each question post-its. 3. Explain you’d like to create a single sentence, in the form of a question, that summarises the design challenge. It will need to reference the ‘users’, the ‘verb’ (what’s improving?), the ‘context’ and the ‘objective’. It should provide direction without being unnecessarily constraining. 4. Write “How might we...” and as a team, seek to complete the sentence. For example, “How might people living with heart disease in low income communities be enabled to share valuable insights with researchers?”

Challenge statement template

How might we …. [change what] for who… [who is the primary participant] so that…[what’s the outcome] What’s the key metric you’re trying to influence?

Department for Work & Pensions The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is responsible for welfare, pensions and child maintenance policy. As the UK’s biggest public service department it administers the State Pension and a range of working age, disability and ill health benefits to around 20 million claimants and customers.

Workshop: A policy design challenge : How might we reduce loneliness in society

“There is a risk that we implement policies without understanding the lives, motivations and cultures of the people they affect.” “There is also a risk that we design policies without understanding the real world implications of actually implementing them.” James Johnson (DWP)


New Citizenship Project The New Citizenship Project is a social innovation lab, established in 2014 to help catalyse the shift to a more participatory society. Founded by brand purpose experts Jon Alexander and Irenie Ekkeshis, we use creative strategy to promote the role of the citizen and encourage better participation in society.


Enspiral/Loomio Enspiral is a network of groups and people, a DIY collective of social enterprises, ventures, and individuals working collaboratively across the world while fulfilling their purpose.

Decision making protocols: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore

Mandate Advise Consent Consensus

Nesta Nesta is a global innovation foundation that backs new ideas to tackle the big challenges of our time, from the pressures of an ageing population to stretched public services and a fast changing jobs market.

Building innovation capacity in the public sector: How Chile is raising the bar with Experimenta

Theo Bass Researcher in the Policy and Research team Advocator of

Carl Miller Founder of Demos, a think tank based in the United Kingdom with a cross-party political viewpoint.

Digital Democracy | Carl Miller | TEDxAthens

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