Digital Dialogue, April-May 2019

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April-May 2019

數位對話:增進台灣在全球社會的⾓⾊ Promoting Taiwan’s Role in the Global Community

美國和台灣應該如 何共同合作,拓展 台灣在全球社會的 積極⾓⾊及參與?

78 ideas shared 408 people voted 5,335 votes cast

“Every time China closes an international door for Taiwan, the U.S. should try open one for Taiwan someplace else.�

Today’s Agenda: Top 10 “Group-Informed Consensus”

1. “The U.S. should strengthen Taiwan's collaboration with Japan, South Korea, India, the Philippines, New Zealand, Australia and other countries in the India-Pacific region, as to integrate Taiwan into regional organizations and economic and trade networks, so that Taiwan can diversify its independent self-defense capabilities, without having to rely on the United States for everything.”

美國可先為台灣牽線加強與⽇本、韓國、印 度、菲律賓、紐、澳等印太區域各國的合 作,讓台灣更融⼊所屬區域組織和經貿網 絡。如此台灣⾃我防衛能⼒可朝向更多元、 更獨⽴的⽅向發展,不必事事仰賴美國。

2. “Taiwan can share its experience and expertise with the world in areas as diverse as education, good governance, & public health; science, technology, engineering, & math; manufacturing; Chinese language training; women’s rights, environmental sustainability, & so much more.”

臺灣可以在多元領域與全球分享其經驗及 專業,包括教育;良善治理;公共衛⽣; ⾃然、科技、⼯程及數學;製造業;華語 訓練;⼥權;環境永續及其他更多領域。

3. “Taiwan can become the central point of the United States’ Indo-Pacific strategy, in order to seek trade and military cooperation with neighboring countries with this geographical position and affirm Taiwan’s importance to regional stability.”

台灣可以成為美國擴散印太策略的 中⼼點,以此地緣位置發展向週邊 國家尋求更多貿易和軍事的合作, 並肯定台灣對區域穩定的重要性。

4. “Taiwan is on the front lines of the global confrontation with authoritarianism. Taiwan can work with the US to promote our shared values: a protection to the rule of law, freedoms of speech and assembly, religious tolerance and pluralism, and a voice for ordinary citizens in the government.”

台灣處於全球對抗專制的前線,可與 美國合作宣揚台美共享之價值:捍衛 法治⼂⾔論與集會⾃由⼂宗教寛容及 多元化,並堅持重視⺠意的執政。

5. “Due to its unique situation, Taiwan faces significant constraints on its engagement with the rest of the world. The United States believes that Taiwan has an important role to play in global problem solving. As a vibrant market democracy, Taiwan is a success story that should be showcased and we look forward to seeing Taiwan reach its full potential as it continues to participate in the global community.”

由於其獨特的情況,台灣與世界各國交往受到嚴重 的限制。美國相信台灣可在處理全球議題上,扮演 重要⾓⾊。此外,作為⼀個充滿活⼒的市場⺠主, 台灣成功的故事應該要與世界分享。我們期待台灣 持續參與全球社會,並充分發揮其潛⼒。

6. “Americans who care about freedom of speech, human rights and income inequality should stand in solidarity with Taiwanese and learn more about the recent history of Taiwan’s democracy & civil rights movement.”

關⼼⼈權、⾔論⾃由跟收⼊不均 等的美國⼈應該跟台灣⼈站在⼀ 起,並且多瞭解台灣這三⼗年的 ⺠主治理跟⺠權運動。

7. “Legally, UN specialized agencies are independent of the UN. US and its democratic allies could take the lead to amend the membership requirement of those agencies so that Taiwan could more effectively and meaningfully contribute to the global community.”

就法律層⾯而⾔,聯合國專⾨機構係 獨⽴於聯合國之外,因此美國及其邦 交國應領銜修改聯合國專⾨機構之⼊ 會資格,以使臺灣能更有意義的參與 並對國際社會有所貢獻。

8. “The US should regularly participate in

Taiwan’s "Presidential Hackathon" and share data in order to co-create solutions for the social-environmental challenges we both are facing in Taiwan and the US.”

歡迎美國參加台灣的總統盃⿊客松, 雙⽅可藉此共享資料,為台美及全球 均⾯對的社會及環境問題共創解法。

9. “I ask the United States to assist in translating documents, exchange information about global information warfare with Taiwan, and together resist the info/hybrid wars of the totalitarian state against democratic countries.”

請美國協助翻譯⽂件,和台灣⼀ 起交流全球資訊戰的相關資訊, 並⼀起抵禦極權國家對⺠主國家 的資訊/混合戰。

10. “The United States and Taiwan should continue to emphasize Taiwan’s global role in health care and disaster relief, while acknowledging that Taiwan’s participation in global organizations would add expertise and forward-looking solutions to environmental, social, and security concerns worldwide.”

台、美應持續強調台灣在醫療保健及救災⽅ ⾯在全球所扮演的⾓⾊,同時認知台灣參與 全球性組織將有助於為全球環境、社會及安 全提供專業知識及前瞻性的解決⽅案。

June-July 2019


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