Digital Dialogue, June-July 2019

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June-July 2019

數位對話:增進美台經濟與商業關係 Promoting U.S.-Taiwan Economic & Commercial Ties

美國和台灣如何 深化彼此的經濟 與商業關係?

36 ideas shared 171 people voted 582 votes cast

Given U.S. trade tensions with China, the United States and Taiwan should work together to facilitate the rapid relocation of industry out of China and into Taiwan and the United States.

Today’s Agenda: Top 10 “Group-Informed Consensus”

1. “The U.S. and Taiwan should develop state/local-level reciprocal plans to promote the development of partnerships between the two countries’ high-tech companies in their respective “Silicon Valleys”. This type of business partnership will help strengthen relationships and reduce reliance on business relationships with China.”

美台應該發展州∕地⽅層級互惠計畫,推動 兩國位於各⾃「矽⾕」的⾼科技公司發展夥 伴關係。類此商業夥伴關係將有助強化彼此 關係,並降低對中國商業關係之依賴。

2. “One of Taiwan's greatest strengths is its ability to innovate, not only hardware, but also software and data application. Therefore, Taiwan and the U.S. should work together on the norms and standards for global data localization, attracting VC funds to Taiwan to invest in its entrepreneurial ecosystem.”

台灣最⼤的優勢之⼀就是創新能⼒,不僅 體現在硬體,軟體及資料使⽤⽅⾯亦然。 故台美應在全球資料在地化的規範及標準 制定⽅⾯攜⼿合作,吸引創投基⾦,來台 投資其創業⽣態系。

3. “Compared with Beijing, data protection and privacy in various fields is valued by both Taiwan and the U.S. As information manipulation and privacy violation continue to pose challenges to the global economy, it is necessary for Taiwan and the U.S. to continue to strengthen cooperation.”

相較於北京,強化保護各領域的資料 及隱私為台美雙⽅所重視。在操縱資 料及破壞隱私持續對全球經濟帶來挑 戰之際,台美有必要持續加強合作。

4. “I am grateful to the U.S. for its strong support for Taiwan in the past 40 years, especially the surrounding security protection, so that Taiwan's import and export trade can grow steadily! The recent China-US trade war, I hope not to affect Taiwan. As Taiwan is an island country, import and export trade is very important! I hope that the U.S. will expand economic cooperation with Taiwan and allow the two countries to cooperate on a win-win basis.”

感謝美國對台灣40年來的強⼒⽀持,特別是周邊安 全防護,讓台灣的進出口貿易能夠穩定成⻑!近來 的中美貿易戰,希望不要影響到台灣,尤其台灣是 ⼀個島國,進出口貿易⾮常重要!希望美國擴⼤對 台經濟合作,讓兩國在雙贏的基礎上合作。

5. “Taiwan and the U.S. can jointly crack down on fraud cases and Internet hacking attacks through artificial intelligence. The two countries can also promote shared democratic values by assisting common allies.”

台、美可透過⼈⼯智慧共同打擊 詐騙案件及網路駭客攻擊。
 兩國也可藉由協助共同的盟友推 動共享的⺠主價值。

6. “The United States’ Indo-Pacific Strategy and Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy share the same goals. We should actively explore ways we can go south together.”

美國的「印太策略」與台灣的 「新南向政策」共享相同⽬標。 我們應積極探討「共同南向」的 可能性。

7. “The United States should insist that China play by international economic rules and stop subsidizing its industry and stealing intellectual property. If they refuse to do so, then the United States should form an economic alliance with those countries who are willing to play by the rules, like Taiwan.”

美國應該堅持中國遵守國際的經貿遊 戲規則並⽴刻停⽌補貼其產業、竊取 他⼈智慧財產。如果中國拒絕,那麼 美國應與願意遵守規則的國家,聯⼿ 建⽴⼀個經濟聯盟,譬如台灣。

8. “Looking into the future, Taiwan and the U.S.

should continue to look for innovative ways to strengthen bilateral economic and trade relations, such as innovative collaborations in the fields of AI and automation.”

展望未來,台美應繼續尋找創新⽅式 以強化雙邊經貿關係,如⼈⼯智能及 ⾃動化等領域的創新合作。

9. “The United States and Taiwan should establish a bilateral free trade agreement. Doing so would firmly anchor Taiwan in the free and open Indo-Pacific.”

美國與台灣須建⽴⼀個雙邊⾃由 貿易協定。如此作法可確定台灣 在⾃由與開放印太架構的地位。

10. “The trade war reminds everyone that the U.S. has long relied on the global trading system to build itself into a center of innovation. Another century of American innovation relies on a renewed global economy and strengthens relations with countries like Taiwan — celebrating democracy, technology and freedom.”

貿易戰提醒了⼤家:美國⻑期仰賴全球貿易 體系建造⾃⼰成為創新中⼼,另⼀個世紀的 美國創新,需倚靠重新活絡的全球經濟,以 及加強與如同台灣頌讚⺠主、科技與⾃由的 國家之關係。

August-September 2019


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