3 minute read
BASE Program
Open to students in School District 102 and St. Frances Xavier
As much as we all wish it were different, the workday lasts longer than the school day. Where can your kids go to have fun while you begin or end your workday? BASE! One of the major goals of The Before and After School Program is to create a safe, secure and comforting environment and recreational experience for each child. The program overlaps with both home and school but has a separate identity. Since the BASE Program uses a block of time in which the child would ordinarily be at home, the program strives for more characteristics of home than school. For example, when kids get home, they typically want a snack before dinner or parents want their kids to start working on their homework. BASE provides all participants with a delicious snack as well as time to work on homework. But don’t worry, there’s also plenty of time for socialization and activities.
The key to our program is safe, flexible, and enriched recreational curriculum with age-appropriate activities to meet the developmental needs of the children. The BASE program knows kids need to learn to be responsible, independent, and a contributor to the group. The program is designed to emphasize and promote a positive self-concept as well as a sense of responsibility in each child. The program follows School District 102 and the St. Francis Xavier school year calendars. When there are dates on the school calendar with no school, we offer specialty camps at the Park District. The camps are for families registered in BASE and attending consistently every day, throughout the school year. Registration for school year camps is taken separately from weekly BASE schedules. Parents will receive the specialty camp dates, times and fees when the school year begins in August.
Registration Information:
A non-refundable $35.00 registration fee is charged per child each school year. Before and After School registration is held at the Park District in the spring. A completed registration form and payment is due upon registering your child. When registering for the upcoming school year, we offer registration first to those families who will use the program full-time (AM & PM care). Two weeks later, open registration begins for those who will use the program on a part-time basis.
Weekly Schedule and Attendance:
Schedules are due in advance by Thursday for the following week. Schedule forms may be obtained at the school’s BASE program and submitted with payment via check, submitted and paid via the online system, or submitted and paid at the Park District. Multiple weeks may also be submitted/paid in advance. Please note that late fees apply to schedules not submitted on time. It is important that schedules are submitted on time so we can notify the classroom teachers on Monday morning which students are attending BASE that week. BASE meets at District 102 schools and St. Frances Xavier, not at the Park District. Please note that the weekly fee applies regardless of the number of days your child will attend BASE each week.
Barnsdale Road School Cossitt School Congress Park School Forest Road School Ogden Avenue School
Hours of Operation
Morning - 7am-8:30am Monday-Friday Afternoon - 3:15pm-6:00pm Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri Afternoon - 2:30pm-6:00pm Wednesday
Weekly Fees
Mornings - $20.00, Afternoons - $45.00 Mornings & Afternoons - $65.00
Hours of Operation
Morning - 6:45am-8:15am Monday-Friday Afternoon - 3:15pm-6:00pm Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri Afternoon - 2:00pm-6:00pm Wednesday
Weekly Fees
Mornings - $20.00, Afternoons - $45.00 Mornings & Afternoons - $65.00
The Park District works closely with our partner, SEASPAR, South East Association for Special Parks and Recreation, to provide recreation programs for children with an IEP, 540 plan, physical impairments, mental disabilities, or any other type of disability. Through this partnership, students can participate in the Before and After School Program specifically designed to meet their individual needs with inclusion support.
If your child has a paraprofessional in the classroom, we require one in the Before and After School program at no extra cost to you. When you are completing the Before and After School registration form, please make sure you are answering “yes” if your child requires accommodations. If the information is not provided, it may delay the student attending the program in a timely manner. If you have any questions regarding assistance, please contact the program Superintendent. Questions on the BASE program? Supt. of BASE Leanna Hartung – leannahartung@pdlg.org