Cedarlea Farms 2025 Bull Sale

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Welcome to the Cedarlea Farms 2025 Bull Sale

We are very pleased to extend a warm and sincere invitation to join us March 19th for our annual bull sale! We certainly appreciate your attendance and interest in our sale.

It’s a great time to be a cow/calf producer with all time record highs for feeder and fat cattle. We’ve waited many years for this, and it definitely is our turn! The North American cowherd is at a 75 year low, cattle supplies are tight and are likely to stay that way for the next few years with limited herd expansion if any for the foreseeable future. Charolais bulls are once again in very strong demand as the Charcross calves are the preferred feeder calves topping the market across Canada.

What a tremendous set of bulls we have on offer this year! We’re very happy with the next step forward and this new generation of bulls. They represent the balanced approach we’ve taken to provide a combination of useful and beneficial traits: calving ability without sacrificing growth and performance has been our objective. Providing bulls that are physically sound and correct is a priority, management plays a significant role as well. Sensible feeding plus providing the “whole herd’ approach to health and nutrition is our philosophy. This approach allows us to develop bulls to meet the market demands of today and provide bulls that last for years.

At Cedarlea Farms, we use data and testing as tools to make better genetic decisions. Measuring accurate birth, weaning and yearling weights, gestation length, genomic testing, collecting ultrasound data all provide valuable information to make informed breeding decisions. This year, we were invited by Highway 21 to test a number of our bulls for feed efficiency, one of the most important traits that can add huge benefits to our industry.

We stand behind our bulls and will ensure they work for you. We strive to produce top quality bulls and provide top quality service for our customers. We openly thank our customers and friends for your continued support and look forward to working with you again this year.

A big shout out to our friend Rose Curry for clipping and preparing our bulls, job well done as always! Thank you very much to Dale Weinbender, Sliding Hills Media, for the excellent photos and videos, it's very much appreciated.

Please join us for lunch and refreshments prior to the sale and stay for some fine hospitality after! Feel free to stop by anytime for a coffee prior to the sale to have a look at the bulls or call anytime, we would love to talk about this year’s bull pen with you. We certainly appreciate your interest in our genetics and welcome your attendance on March 19th!

Garner, Lori, Kylie and Brian


WEDNESDAY • MARCH 19, 2025• 1:30 PM



Garner Deobald ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 306-677-7777

Brian Hawkins ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 306-650-7766

Helge By ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 306-536-4261

Candace By ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 306-536-3374

Danny Skeels, Auctioneer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 403-783-1217

Rod McLeod, Ringman ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 403-932-4622

Mark Stock, Ringman ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 403-357-8104


Will be done ahead of the sale. Scrotal measurements will be available sale day. Semen testing is important and we recommend testing bulls prior to breeding season. We will stand behind any “decision deferred” bulls and will ensure they have successfully passed the standard veterinarian bull semen evaluation before delivery.


Free under 300 kms. Beyond 300 kms will be at cost. Deduct $150 per bull if you take them home sale week.


Until May 1st, $5 per day after May 1st. Bulls staying at Cedarlea Farms must be insured. Insurance will be available sale day from Larry Toner, Stockmens Insurance. Call or text 306.834.7652.


We are offering a volume discount for 5 or more bulls. The discount is 5% for 5 bulls, 6% for 6 bulls and so on, up to 10% for 10 or more bulls.


We sure hope you can make it to our sale, but if it doesn’t work that way, give us a call and we will be sure to find a bull to fit your program.


Available for your purchases. A 4% surcharge will be applied.


We certainly hope you can join us sale day to see the bulls and enjoy some hospitality, but if that isn’t possible, you can call us, or one of the staff, to assist you with your purchases. The sale will also be broadcast live on dlms.ca. Please preregister for bidding prior to the sale. Contact Mark Shologan if you need assistance at 780-699-5082.


We invite you to the farm prior to the sale. Come for coffee and a visit, tour the bull pen and see the females. There’s lots of room and you can take all the time you like.


Available online at www.bylivestock.com and www.cedarleafarms.com


Super 8, Swift Current ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 306-778-6088 Holiday Inn Express & Suites, Swift Current ~~~~ 306-773-8288

Cedarlea Farms reserves the right to draw semen on any Charolais bull sold in the sale for in herd use at their expense and buyer’s convenience.




Directions to Cedarlea Farms:

• From the Junction of Highway #1 and #19, go South 24 km to Six Mile Road, go East on Six Mile Road for 9.5 km to Range Road 3070

• From Hodgeville, go 9 km North on Highway #19 to Six Mile Road, go East on Six Mile Road for 9.5 km to Range Road 3070

Box 294, Hodgeville, SK S0H 2B0

Garner & Lori Deobald 306-677-7777

Kylie Deobald & Brian Hawkins

Kylie 306-648-7365

Brian 306-650-7766

@Cedarlea Farms

Sale Manager

124 Shannon Road Regina, SK S4S 5B1 306-584-7937

Helge By 306-536-4261

Candace By 306-536-3374



By Livestock Welcomes You to Cedarlea Farms

The annual Cedarlea Farms bull sale will not disappoint anyone who makes the drive to Hodgeville. The quality is deep with a wide range of pedigrees and sire groups represented that will impress all. There are calving ease bulls that would work in the British breed heifer pens to power bulls that will produce the calves that will go in the top sort pens and top the feeder sales.

There are several bulls with the quality to go into any purebred herd across the world as genetics of theirs have done in the past. Garner, Lori, BJ and Kylie have done a great job building a cowherd that can survive and thrive in the short grass country and are ranchers, just like many of their customers. The sale is at the farm so you can see the quality of the herd and the dams of the bulls. Their female sale last fall was a testament to the quality and acceptance of their program by the seedstock industry. The Charolais herd was started over 50 years ago, by Lori’s parents and the tradition continues.

Ultrasound Carcass Measurements

Ultrasound data is a low cost and highly effective method to obtain information on carcass merit of breeding stock. Ultrasound on young seedstock is highly related to carcass characteristics of their progeny. Ultrasound enables producers to know carcass traits such as marbling, rib eye area and backfat thickness. Data is accepted for development of Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs). In herd ranking of animals can be a valuable tool in selecting future breeding stock and replacement heifers. Carcass traits measured by ultrasound are moderately to highly heritable, therefore, improvements in herd genetics can be made in a relatively short period of time. With quality management, an elite herd can be developed and marketed to other sectors of the industry for top dollar.

Ultrasound data is a valuable genetic tool and selecting for carcass traits is important for making improvements. As always, it’s to be used in concert with all other selection tools and visual appraisal.

Ribeye Area (REA) – an area measurement of the loin or ribeye muscle reported in square inches and is a highly heritable trait.

BACK FAT/RIB FAT – a measurement of fat cover in inches. It is the main trait that affects percent lean meat yield.

Intramuscular Fat (%IMF) Marbling – a measurement of the amount of fat within the muscle (marbling) which also is highly heritable.

LMY – Lean meat yield percentage is the proportion of meat recovered from a carcass - a key driver of profitability

There are many ½ and ¾ brothers with some great consistency for those who need multiple bulls and want to have that consistency in their calf crop. If you are looking for a homozygous polled bull, many of the bulls in the sale are DNA tested homozygous polled with Genomically Enhanced EPD for greater accuracy of their genetic potential. The Ultrasound data is also in the catalogue if you want to look under the hide as well. Phenotypically and genotypically this is a great set of bulls.

If we can be of any assistance before the sale or on sale day, please don’t hesitate to give us a call. We would be happy to help you find a bull that is right for your program.


Helge & Candace By 306.536.4261

Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs)

Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs) aren’t just for seedstock cattle producers. They comprise a useful tool that you should use every time you buy a bull for your commercial cow herd. EPDs allow for the comparison of animals within a breed for their genetic potential as parents for a given trait. EPDs have existed in the beef industry for decades and their use has produced intended genetic change in many traits. However, some producers are still reluctant to rely on EPDs when making selection decisions; presumably because of a general lack of understanding of how EPDs are derived and their interpretation.

EPDs are the expected differences in performance and carcass quality of an animal’s sons or daughters. Commercial cows do not have known EPDs, but that shouldn’t prevent producers from using EPDs effectively, after all sire selection affects half the genetics of your calves. Evaluating what your records tell you is needed to complement the maternal base.

Calving Ease Direct (CE) - is expressed as a difference in percentage of unassisted births in first calf heifers. A higher value indicates greater calving ease. It predicts the average difference in unassisted births with which a sire’s calves will be born when bred to first-calf heifers.

Birth Weight EPD (BW) - The expected difference in average birth weight (pounds) of progeny. Birth weight reflects prenatal growth.

Weaning Weight EPD (WW) - The expected difference in average weaning weight of calves. The evaluation reflects the genetic influence on pre-weaning growth rate.

Yearling Weight EPD (YW) - The expected difference in average yearling weight of progeny. The evaluation reflects genetic influence on both pre-weaning and post-weaning growth rate.

Maternal Milk EPD (M) - The genetic ability of a sire’s or dam’s daughters to express in pounds of weaning weight in her calves due to her maternal ability through mothering instinct and milk.

Maternal Calving Ease (MCE) - this predicts the ease with which a daughter of that sire will give birth. A larger number indicates easier calving (less assistance).

Total Maternal EPD (TM) - A value to predict the weaning weight performance of calves from an animal’s daughters due to genetics for growth and maternal ability. Total Maternal is calculated by adding ½ the WW EPD to the Maternal Milk EPD.

Terminal Sire Index (TSI) utilizes economic and management descriptions of the breeder’s operation, along with EPD on available Charolais bulls to assist in identifying the most profitable sires for your unique operation.

For 40 years, Cedarlea Farms has commited to breeding better cattle for their customers.

Boehringer Ingelheim is proud to continue our partnership with Canada’s original


Boehringer Ingelheim and Cedarlea Farms provide triple assured health protection with the Express Verified® PLUS Program.

Chad VanderMeer

(780) 399-4809

Kate Fullerton (403) 613-3037

Steve Cuddington (306) 537-0417

Each animal comes with three different levels of protection:

1. Express Verified® BVD Persistent Infection-free Guarantee* providing BVD PI free assurance that’s transferrable through the CCIA.

Curtis Delver (403) 382-1135

Devin Boitson (431) 294-9891

Murilo Carvalho (226) 820-6022

Mike Toner (613) 290-2057

2. A 6-month health warranty on your Cedarlea bull.* If your EXPRESS VERIFIED® PLUS Cedarlea bull gets sick with any of the 5 diseases (BVD I, BVD II, IBR, BRSV or PI3) covered in the EXPRESS® FP vaccine up to 6 months after the Cedarlea sale, Boehringer Ingelheim will cover the cost of diagnostic testing and treatment, up to a maximum of $3,500.

For information on Cedarlea bulls contact: Garner & Lori Deobald at 1.306.677.7777.

3. Finally, all Cedarlea’s sale bulls are vaccinated to protect their testicles from infection with BVD virus.**

EXPRESS® Yearling and EXPRESS® Feedlot are ineligible for the EXPRESS VERIFIED® Guarantee.


*See full term and conditions of guarantee.

Curtis Delver (403) 382-1135 Kate Fullerton (403) 613-3037

**Givens MD, et al. 2009. Safety and efficacy of vaccination of seronegative bulls with modified-live, cytopathic bovine viral diarrhea viruses. Theriogenology. 2009 Apr 1; 71(6):975-83.

EXPRESS® and EXPRESS VERIFIED® are registered trademarks of Boehringer Ingelheim

Vetmedica GmbH, used under license.

©2024 Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Canada Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Reference Sires

KAYR Fruition 26K

Homozygous Polled Superior calving ease sire that covers all the bases. Remarkable structural soundness, prototypical sire that will improve foot quality, add length and enhance hair coat. As an added bonus, he stamps his progeny with extra eye appeal! Fruition is in the top 3% for Calving Ease and top 20% for Weaning Weight, curve bending characteristics!

LAE Troubadour 231K

Homozygous Polled We selected Troubadour as one of our main sires to add growth/performance without giving up any of the important characteristics we’ve worked so hard to establish. Troubadour has exceeded our expectations, providing outstanding growth, superb disposition, excellent hair coat, all in an all-around solid package. Troubadour ranks in the top 1% for Weaning Weight and Yearling Weight.


Ruger 8J

Homozygous Polled Ruger, a long, smooth made, high-selling LT Ransom son coming from the Daines Cattle and O’Neill Livestock Bull Sale that’s been the talk of the town since the spring of 2022. We were attracted to this powerful individual because of his remarkable muscle shape, performance, and eye appeal. We expect that his sons will calve extremely well and produce calves that will get up and grow! Ranks in the top 10% for weaning weight and yearling weight.

CEDARLEA Howitzer 49H


Homozygous Polled Our 2021 high selling bull that was purchased by Wienk Charolais in South Dakota. Howitzer offers above average calving ability ranking in the top 25% for Calving Ease and Birth weight, plus is in the top 10% for Weaning Weight and Yearling Weight. Howitzer sons provide the unique combination of calving ability with much needed growth. Howitzer’s dam, 86C has been recognized by the CCA as a Gold Star Dam of Distinction because of her exceptional production.

CEDARLEA The Count 175F


Homozygous Polled We are very excited about “The Count” and what he has to offer! He could easily be the prototype for all Charolais bulls. Moderate framed, remarkable muscle pattern with extra depth and thickness. He has an excellent disposition and a pleaser to work with. On top of his outstanding phenotype, his sons will provide exceptional growth (weaning and yearling weight) and improve carcass merit for all of the important/relevant traits. One of the best bulls we’ve raised to date.



Homozygous Polled Fargo is a proven sire with exceptional smoothness, tremendous muscle shape and weaning weight in the top 3% and yearling growth in the top 1% of the breed. The Fargo sons are impressive: big solid foot, lots of natural muscle, big ribeye and that rugged hairy look. Proven time and again!


Homozygous Polled We purchased Kiefer from Turnbull Charolais in Alberta, we were drawn to him because of his impressive muscle expression, overall shape and soundness. His sons will produce calves with that attention getting thickness and extra pop that buyers are always looking for. Kiefer ranks in the top 20% for Birthweight and Weaning Weight. Kiefer ranks in the top 10% for Yearling Weight.


Kracker Jack 36K

Homozygous Polled We had the good fortune to run Kracker Jack for a short period of time thanks to Ashley and Trent Hatch at Pleasant Dawn. On offer are a couple of younger Kracker Jack bulls that are impressive to say the least! Don’t over-look these heavy muscled, thick and hairy made prospects. Kracker Jack has a balanced EPD profile with better than average Birthweight and Weaning Weight ranked in the top 15% and Yearling performance in the top 20%.


Homozygous Polled Strada is a sire group that has provided us with moderate birthweights with big time performance! Strada is in the top 10% of the breed for weaning weights and top 2% for yearling weight. Strada has excellent foot/leg structure, exceptional rib shape, volume in an attractive and balanced package. He has passed these desirable traits on to his sons.

Herd Health Program

Cedarlea Farms Advanced Herd Health Program focuses on disease prevention. Our cow herd participates with Boehringer Ingelheim Canada Health’s Express Verified Plus program and receives an annual pre-calving Express Fetal Protection vaccine (5 way viral) which provides the developing calf guaranteed protection against the Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD) virus. The bred females are also given an annual Scour Bos 9, clostridial and Haemophilus somnus vaccine at this time.

At 14 to 21 days of age calves are given Toltrazuril, Pyramid 5 + Presponse SQ and Fermicon 7/Somnugen. The calves are all boosted during the last 10 days of May prior to pasture turnout with Express FP 5/Somnugen, Presponse HM and Covexin Plus. The calves will also receive Longrange for long lasting parasite control. At weaning all calves are boosted again with Express FP 5/ Somnugen, Presponse HM and Covexin Plus. The sale bulls also carry the Boehringer Ingelheim health guarantee after they are vaccinated with Express FP 5 prior to our bull sale.

The entire Cedarlea herd (cows, bred heifers, open replacement heifers and bulls) is treated with Ivomec and Clean-Up II in late fall. The entire herd is on a chelated mineral and trace mineral program. Our calves are raised on milk and grass. They are not creep fed on pasture and are fed a responsible growing ration leading up to the sale to ensure soundness/longevity.

You can buy with confidence knowing we have done everything possible to prevent disease and ensure the health of the bulls.

Ultrasound Data:

Marbling 3.6

Backfat 6.19

Ribeye (in2) 14.16 Lean


Ultrasound Data:

Marbling 4.0

Backfat 4.33

DAM - LEO 187E

Ultrasound Data:

Marbling 4.5

Backfat 4.29

Ribeye (in2) 13.03

Ultrasound Data:

Marbling 3.7 Backfat 2.86

Ribeye (in2) 15.08 Lean Meat Yield 68.08

CEDARLEA Crusader 118M

Ultrasound Data:

Marbling 3.7

Backfat 5.27

Ribeye (in2) 13.98 Lean Meat Yield 64.72

Ultrasound Data: LT

Marbling 3.6

Backfat 3.81

Ribeye (in2)


A very special thank you to Zoe Maxwell who has been an incredible addition to our day to day operations here at Cedarlea Farms. She has put in long hard hours of work and has been an excellent hand around our livestock!

Ultrasound Data: Ultrasound Data:

- LEO 90B





Terms & Conditions

TERMS: The terms of the sale are cash or cheque payable immediately after the sale in Canadian funds. All settlements must be made with the sale clerks before cattle will be released. The right of property will not pass until final payment is made.

BIDDING: Each animal will sell to the highest bidder. Bidders unable to attend the sale may phone their bids and instructions to the sale manager, auctioneer or special representatives. Bids must be received in sufficient time prior to the sale.

DISPUTES: Bidding will be reopened between the parties involved. If no further bid is made, the buyer will be the person from whom the auctioneer accepted the last bid. The auctioneer’s decision is final.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Announcements made from the auction block will take precedence over printed matter in the catalogue. Buyers are cautioned to pay close attention to announcements.

PURCHASER’S RISK: Each animal becomes the risk of the purchaser as soon as sold. Animals will be cared for at the purchaser’s risk for a reasonable length of time. All animals left with the seller must be insured.

CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION: Each animal will carry papers issued by the Canadian Charolais Association. A certificate of registry duly transferred will be furnished to the buyer after payment has been made.

DELIVERY: Assistance will be given in making delivery after the sale. The purchaser agrees shipping arrangements will be at the convenience of the seller, but will be as soon as practical after the sale, at the buyer’s risk.

BREEDER GUARANTEE: Should any bull fourteen months of age or over, fail to prove a breeder after being used on cows known to be

breeders, the matter shall be reported in writing to the seller within six months following the date of purchase or six months after the bull has reached fourteen months of age. The seller has the right and privilege of six months to prove the bull a breeder. No guarantee is given that semen collected from the bull will freeze.

EXCEPTION GUARANTEE: In the case where the animal is subjected to any hormonal or surgical reproductive techniques after the sale, this guarantee shall be null and void. The seller is not responsible for damage caused by foreign bodies after the animal has been sold or for sickness not apparent at sale time. In no event shall the seller be responsible for more than the purchase price.

ACCIDENTS: Although every precaution will be taken to protect the safety and comfort of buyers, neither the sale manager, auctioneer, or sellers assume any responsibility and disclaim any liability, legal or otherwise, in the event of accident or loss of property.

SALE MANAGER: By Livestock is only acting as a medium between the buyer and seller and is not responsible for failure on the part of either party to live up to their obligations; or for the truth of any warrantees or representations, expressed or implied. By Livestock assumes no obligation to enforce or collect monies between parties. By Livestock assumes no responsibility for any credit extended by the seller to the buyer. Any legal action taken in exceptional cases must be between the buyer and the seller. The buyer must look to the seller for fulfilment of all guarantees and representations.

INSURANCE: Insurance will be available sale day.

PICTURES: By attending the sale you are granting permission for your picture to be used for promotional and advertising purposes relating to the sale.

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