5th Annual Bull & heifer Sale Saturday, March 28, 2020 1:30 p.m., at the farm, 1012 Snake River Line, Cobden, ON
Cornerview Charolais 5th Annual Bull & Heifer Sale Saturday, March 28, 2020 1:30 p.m., at the farm, 1012 Snake River Line, Cobden, ON Please come early to view the bulls and join us for complimentary lunch before the sale.
Welcome to our 5th annual sale
Welcome to the 2020 edition of the Cornerview Bull Sale. While we have a little smaller offering this year, the quality runs deep. We have two main groups of bulls – the Express (Eddie)/Monument sons and the Chicago sons. We like them both for the traits they bring to the table. The females they’re out of have to meet certain criteria as well. We’re all busy working off the farm, so calves need to be born easily and get up and suck unassisted. Cows have to have excellent udders and good teat size. They are managed like a commercial herd, with only windbreaks and a straw pack. They must be easy fleshing and rugged enough to maintain themselves under those conditions and breed back in a timely manner on a forage-only diet. Our bulls bring those same attributes as their dams—easy fleshing, big ribbed to utilize forage to maintain condition, and early maturing. We show at local fairs and further abroad as a family and social activity, but we don’t breed show cattle. While we like to bring home red ribbons, we don’t chase after them—our focus remains the same. We show working breeding cattle that we’re confident will work for you too. You are invited to come tour our cow herd and bull yard anytime. Once again LiveAuctions is broadcasting the sale online for anyone who is unable to attend in person, with the added feature of proxy bidding this year—if you can’t view the sale in real time, you can place a proxy bid online ahead of time. Please contact us with questions, and join us early on sale day for viewing and lunch. The Coughlins
Reference Sires
Our two current walking herd sires, Cornerview Express 2E (Eddie) and Sparrows Chicago 724E both have sought-after traits that they’ve passed on to their offspring. They’ve both got a good set of EPDs, low birth weight, above average weaning, yearling and milk.
Cornerview Express 2E
We like Eddie for his length and frame and added performance. You certainly won’t find a bull with a better temperament. He’s out of a Vegas daughter we purchased from Saunders Charolais, who are well-known in the breed for the quality cattle they produce; JSR Jasmine is a powerful cow with depth and width and lots of milk. So whether you’re looking to send more pounds to market or produce some replacement females, a son of Eddie should fit the bill. We saw a number of qualities in Chicago that made him the right bull for us. He’s moderate framed, thick muscled and easy fleshing. He has a big, sound foot, a good disposition and he’s homozygous polled, which he has passed on to all his sons. His calves have had consistent birth weights with nice small heads and great calving ease.
Sale Contacts
John Mielhausen, Ontario Charolais Fieldman: 519-378-5076 Auctioneer: Stewart James: 613-445-3269 Stewart James Jr.: 613-222-2815 (bilingual)
Sparrows Chicago 724E
Brian cell: 613-312-0270 Brett cell: 613-312-1378 Jessy Milne-Smith, LiveAuctions: 613-229-1073 www.cornerviewcharolais.com Follow us on Facebook
Watch the sale live at liveauctions.tv
Show pic from RAWF
3 Cornerview Gunner 3G This Express son comes to you with tremendous length of spine, good disposition, hair and out of a front pasture cow with a show career.
BRT 3G January 1, 2019 PMC767517 Polled BW: 86 ADJ 365-day W: 1,398 SVY Monument PLD 159Y TR MR Fire Water 5792RET Sire: Cornerview Express 2E Dam: Cornerview Dream Date 13D JSR Jasmine 5B (HTA Vegas) Cornerview Exquisite 24X EPDs:
BW 0.2
WW 44
YW 76
Milk 22
MTL 44
5 BRT 5G January 1, 2019 PMC778399 Homo Polled BW: 78 ADJ 365-day WW: 1,352 Circle Cee Legend 307A Mr. Louber Tracker 615A Sire: Cornerview Evinrude 1E Dam: Cornerview Echo 35E Cornerview Charm 49C Hidden Trail Utmost 22U EPDs:
BW 1.9
WW 50
YW 98
Milk 20
MTL 44
Cornerview Gladstone 5G Gladstone 5G is a growthy, correct made Evinrude son with calving ease built into his genetics.
14 Cornerview Geronimo 14G Geronimo is one of three Evinrude sons in the pen. Evinrude is a home-grown Legend son out of the infamous ‘Juice’ cow family. We kept him for the heifer pen and wow, he has really impressed with the performance and muscle he passed on.
BCN 14G January 4, 2019 PMC773739 Homo Polled BW: 82 ADJ 365-day WW: 1,477 Circle Cee Legend 307A SVY Monument PLD 159Y Sire: Cornerview Evinrude 1E Dam: Cornerview Eve 6E Cornerview Charm 49C Cornerview Yancy 8Y EPDs:
BW -0.2
WW 51
YW 94
Milk 22
MTL 47
17 BCN 17G January 8, 2019 PMC773738 Polled BW: 93 ADJ 365-day WW: 1,431 Sparrows Landmark 963W Gerrard Pastor 35Z Sire: SVY Monument PLD 159Y Dam: Gerrard Pearl 21C SVY Star Struck 825U Wood River Pearl 69Y EPDs:
BW 2.4
WW 46
YW 86
Milk 26
MTL 49
Cornerview Gerrard 17G A herd sire in the making, this guy walks right down the middle of the road, balanced on the line between performance and style. He’s smooth, he’s deep, he’s got hair, he’s clean fronted and straight topped. We really can’t pick a hole in him.
20 Cornerview Goliath 20G The one and only Crowd Favourite son in the pen, Goliath is out of a 12-year-old cow, so that says a lot right there. He’s got some performance and is soundly made.
BCN 20G January 10, 2019 PMC773716 Polled BW: 99 ADJ 365-day WW: 1,433 Sparrows Kingston 139Y BRT Brett 5R Sire: HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C Dam: Hidden Trial Treasure 6T HRJ Miss Paris 7S Bar EW Vickie 14R EPDs:
BW 0.5
WW 44
YW 82
Milk 23
MTL 45
29 BRT 29G January 14, 2019 PMC778396 Homo Polled BW: 105 ADJ 365-day WW: 1,404 SVY Monument PLD 159Y Mr Louber Tracker 615A Sire: Cornerview Express 2E Dam: Cornerview Drama Queen 18D JSR Jasmine 5B (HTA Vegas) Hidden Trail Undeniable 39U EPDs:
BW 1.5
WW 42
YW 78
Milk 22
MTL 43
Cornerview Gold Rush 29G Herdsire alert! Here is a bull that checks all the boxes. He’s structurally correct, deep bodied, has good testicles, lots of hair and loads of potential. As an added bonus, he’s homo polled so there’s one job you won’t have to do with his offspring.
31 Cornerview Granite 31G Granite’s dam has knocked it out of the park again. She had one of the top bulls in last year’s pen out of Ledger so we bred her back the same way and here’s another opportunity to get a bull that’s got all the dimensions covered—deep, thick and wide—with some really nice numbers to boot.
BCN 31G January 14, 2019 PMC773729 Polled BW: 94 ADJ 365-day WW: 1,555 LT Bluegrass 4017 P VFF Time Out 172Y Sire: LT Ledger 0332 P Dam: Cornerview Bombshell 3B LT Brenda 6120 PLD Cornerview Sophie 7S EPDs:
BW -1.3
WW 46
YW 94
Milk 20
MTL 43
Dam of 32G
32 BCN 32G January 17, 2019 PMC773731 Polled BW: 103 ADJ 365-day WW: 1,385 Sparrows Landmark 963W Sparrows Barlow 254Z Sire: SVY Monument PLD 159Y Dam: Cornerview Bouquet 34B SVY Star Struck 825U JWX Tasmin 522T EPDs:
BW 2.7
WW 48
YW 92
Milk 22
MTL 47
Cornerview GI Jo 32G This bull has been a standout right from day one, both for his solid make-up and his docile temperament. He’s out of a picture-perfect dam with heaps of maternal power.
Supreme Champion Carp Fair
33 Cornerview Guinness 33G Part of our show string last fall, Guinness is an outstanding herd sire prospect. Check out his weaning and yearling numbers as you inspect this guy. They don’t come any thicker.
BCN 33G January 17, 2019 PMC767527 Homo Polled BW: 99 ADJ 365-day WW: 1,516 Circle Cee Legend 307A McTavish Hallelujah 79B Sire: Cornerview Evinrude 1E Dam: Cornerview Juice 63E Cornerview Charm 49C Cornerview Juice Bar 2B EPDs:
BW 3.5
WW 58
YW 111
Milk 22
MTL 51
38 BCN 38G January 26, 2019 PMC 773737 Homo Polled BW: 74 ADJ 365-day WW: 1,273 Winn Mans Skaggs 663X Cornerview Gibbs 25Z Sire: Sparrows Chicago 724E Dam: Cornerview Dana 31D Sparrows Bambi 7B Cornerview Brooke 45B EPDs:
BW -1.4
WW 41
YW 80
Milk 22
MTL 43
Cornerview Gideon 38G Gideon 38G was the first Chicago calf to land on the ground here last winter, and check out his birth weight. He is stamped with Chicago’s trademark thickness and natural fleshing ease, moderate frame, and sound foot. And if that’s not enough – he is homozygous polled!!
39 Cornerview Gringo 39G The phrase “long as a freight train” comes to mind with this guy. The added length means added pounds and added dollars. Another bonus—he’s halter broke since he showed at the side of his two-year-old dam.
BCN 39G January 27, 2019 SMC767523 Scurred BW: 90 ADJ 365-day WW: 1,478 Eatons Big Bud 10402 P Cedardale Zeal 125Z Sire: Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A Dam: Golden Meadow Ella 20E Pleasant Dawn Maggie 316X BPL Potters Cinderella 13C EPDs:
BW 0.4
WW 54
YW 101
Milk 19
MTL 46
40 BRT 40G January 27, 2019 PMC778397 Polled BW: 99 ADJ 365-day WW: 1,338 SVY Monument PLD 159Y Circle Cee Legend 307A Sire: Cornerview Express 2E Dam: Cornerview Camilla 9C JSR Jasmine 5B (HTA Vegas) Cornerview Amelia 7A EPDs:
BW -2.0
WW 46
YW 81
Milk 23
MTL 46
Cornerview Gladiator 40G The 40G bull has performance written all over him—he’s had that stout, rugged look since day one and was a stand out in the pasture all summer. He’s sure to catch your eye in the bull yard too!
44 Cornerview Goodyear 44G 44G comes from a great momma cow. He is structurally correct with great feet and legs, good testicles and muscle shape.
BRT 44G January 31, 2019 PMC778398 Polled BW: 90 ADJ 365-day WW: 1,333 SVY Monument PLD 159Y Mr Louber Tracker 615A Sire: Cornerview Express 2E Dam: Cornerview Dazzle 36D JSR Jasmine 5B (HTA Vegas) Cornerview Xtra Sweet 46X EPDs:
BW 1.2
WW 44
YW 85
Milk 20
MTL 42
48 BCN 48G February 2, 2019 QPMC773722 Homo Polled BW: 92 ADJ 365-day WW: 1,257 Winn Mans Skaggs 663X Harvie Crystal D Trigger 35T Sire: Sparrows Chicago 724E Dam: Cornerview Yakira 35Y Sparrows Bambi 7B Pro-Char Tari 20S EPDs:
BW 2.4
WW 45
YW 86
Milk 24
MTL 47
Cornerview Gibbs 48G If your herd is white and needs a bit of colour but you want to cash in on Charolais performance, here’s the guy for you. He’s homozygous polled too and has great maternal power behind him.
49 Cornerview Greenlee 49G A great herd bull prospect with tremendous length of spine and that soggy, fleshy look.
BRT 49G February 2, 2019 PMC778402 Polled BW: 102 ADJ 365-day WW: 1,304 SVY Monument PLD 159Y TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET Sire: Cornerview Express 2E Dam: Cornerview Diamond 21D JSR Jasmine 5B (HTA Vegas) Cornerview Xquisite 24X EPDs:
BW 2.0
WW 47
YW 82
Milk 22
MTL 45
54 BCN 54G February 11, 2019 PMC773723 Homo Polled BW: 98 ADJ 365-day WW: 1,303 Winn Mans Skaggs 663X Sparrows Coach 467S Sire: Sparrows Chicago 724E Dam: Cornerview Yavana 40Y Sparrows Bambi 7B Cornerview Savana 4S EPDs:
BW 1.8
WW 53
YW 99
Milk 19
MTL 45
Cornerview Gilmore 54G Correct made, smooth, easy fleshing, homozygous polled, 54G is a carbon copy of his sire.
56 Cornerview Gillette 56G Gillette comes in a nice package all tied up with a nice set of EPDs.
BCN 56G February 17, 2019 PMC773736 Homo Polled BW: 94 ADJ 365-day WW: 1,276 Winn Mans Skaggs 663X Sparrows Barlow 254Z Sire: Sparrows Chicago 724E Dam: Cornerview Chantilly 46C Sparrows Bambi 7B Cornerview Tanzy 28Z EPDs:
BW 1.3
WW 49
YW 98
Milk 20
MTL 45
57 Cornerview Governor 57G BCN 57G Feburary 17, 2019 PMC773908 Homo Polled/Twin BW: 94 ADJ 365-day WW: 1,346 Winn Mans Skaggs 663X Sparrows Barlow 254Z Sire: Sparrows Chicago 724E Dam: Cornerview Barmaid 36B Sparrows Bambi 7B JSR Juice 41T EPDs:
BW 0.6
WW 50
YW 98
Milk 23
MTL 48
The footnotes are cut and paste for twins 57G and 58G. They match in with the other Chicago sons—meaty, correct, good hair, good feet, and homozygous polled. Their EPDs are right where you want them to be – low for birthweight and well above breed average for weaning and yearling weights.
58 Cornerview General 58G There’s plenty of maternal power behind these bulls – their dam is part of our Juice cow family. She produced the top selling bull in last year’s sale, purchased by Jim Zadow.
BCN 58G HomoPolled/Twin
February 17, 2019 BW: 84
PMC77332 ADJ 365-day WW: 1,340
Winn Mans Skaggs 663X Sparrows Barlow 254Z Sire: Sparrows Chicago 724E Dam: Cornerview Barmaid 36B Sparrows Bambi 7B JSR Juice 41T EPDs:
BW 0.6
WW 50
YW 98
Milk 23
MTL 48
Show pic from RAWF
62 Cornerview Chico 62G BCN 62G March 2, 2019 PMC767529 Homo Polled BW: 92 ADJ 365-day WW: 1,197 Winn Mans Skaggs 663X Sunrise Sunburst 21Y Sire: Sparrows Chicago 724E Dam: Sunrise Daisy JBF 30B Sparrows Bambi 7B Sunrise Miss Rebel 38Y EPDs:
BW -1.3
WW 44
YW 87
Milk 23
MTL 45
Chico was on the show circuit last fall. As you’ll note, he’s a little younger than the others, but oh so smooth and correctly made.
Dam of 64G
64 Cornerview Galveston 64G Galveston is a younger model, but look at the stoutness of this guy and look at his weaning and yearling numbers, and homo polled. An impressive, very complete package.
BCN 64G Homo Polled
March 9, 2019 BW: 92
PMC773733 ADJ 365-day WW: 1,450
Winn Mans Skaggs 663X Sparrows Barlow 254Z Sire: Sparrows Chicago 724E Dam: Cornerview Caught Ya Lookin 58C Sparrows Bambi 7B Cornerview Savana 4S EPDs:
BW 0.8
WW 52
YW 104
Milk 23
MTL 49
Heifer pen open house
Check out the pen of heifers we’re offering for sale in the main barn. Prices will be listed and heifers will be sold on a first come, first served basis. Pen will include daughters of SVY Monument PLD 159Y, LAE Juice Box 190Y, and Cornerview Express 2E out of home-bred Cornerview cows that have been proven over time. They are sold open, but arrangements can be made to leave them until May 1 and they will be exposed to our heifer bull (HRJ Maverick son).
Thank you to our 2019 bull & female buyers Jim & Erik Wren, Cobden (x2) Jim Zadow, Pembroke Bill Thompson, Lions Head Jamie Campbell, Renfrew Brian Urbshott, Ilderton Barry Stitt, Fort Coulonge, QC Kenneth Francoeur, Mansfield, QC Jack R. Smith, Tamworth Robert Orr, Bristol, QC
John Grainger, Pakenham Leonard Merkley, Westport David Smith, Campbell’s Bay, QC Rayburn Evans, Pakenham (x2) Jean Mercier, L’Ange-Gardien, QC Gerald Walsh, Osceola Jeremy Steacy, Lansdowne (x3) Pat O’Connell, Carp Phillip Elliott, Shawville, QC
Dalton Enright, Douglas Jean Lauzon, Val-Des-Bois, QC Dave & Sonya Cockburn, Iroquois Falls Darren McCord, Ottawa Wrangler Charolais, AB Charlie & Mary Lynn Bray, Walkerton Tim MacDonald Moyer Cattle Co.
Sale terms
• Bulls sell under the standard terms and conditions set out by the Canadian Charolais Association. • Please make all settlements immediately after the sale.
Bull health
• All bulls will sell with a vet examination and semen test to ensure that you are purchasing a quality herd bull. • Additional performance data will be available on sale day. • The Cornerview vaccination program is Pyramid 5 plus Presponse live vaccine and bulls will receive Blackleg + HS booster at sale time.
Breed average EPDs, Spring 2020 BW WW YW M MTL 0.9 44.1 84.8 21.5 43.5
• Announcements made from the auction block will take precedence over printed matter in the catalogue.
• Please talk to us if you require delivery after the sale. Shipping arrangements will be at the convenience of the seller, but will be as soon as practical after the sale, at the buyer’s risk. • We will keep bulls until April 30 free of charge. As of May 1, a boarding fee of $3.00 per day applies. We are not liable for the bulls after the sale and ask that you insure any bull remaining at the farm.
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