Charolais Banner • December 2019
December 2019 VOL. 53, NO. 5 124 Shannon Road Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 5B1 Ph. (306) 584-7937 • Fax (306) 546-3942 Home Page: email: ISSN 0824-1767
Helge By, Manager/Publisher
CCA New Members....................................................................8 Profile – Hicks Charolais ..........................................................14 Obituary – Leonard Nykoliation ............................................17 Uppin’ the Ante ......................................................................26 Obituary – Eric Trepanier ........................................................28 Autumn Prestige......................................................................29 M&L Female Sale ....................................................................30 Canadian National Sale ..........................................................59 Maple Leaf Dispersal Sale ......................................................60 Sharing Our Genetics ..............................................................61 Expo Boeuf ..............................................................................62 Atlantic Elite ............................................................................63 Ag Ex Charolais Show ............................................................64 National Show ........................................................................65 Farmfair....................................................................................68 Canadian Western Agribition Show ......................................70 Canadian Western Agribition Sale ........................................73 Additional Agribition Highlights............................................74
Candace By, Managing Editor Cell 306-536-3374 @ByCandace Susan Penner, Production/Design Dalyse Robertson, Web Design Box 2458, Neepawa, MB R0J 1H0 Ph/Fax (204) 476-8856 Sarah Wright, Admin Cell (306) 831-6332 FIELDMEN: Helge By Office Fax (306) 546-3942 Res (306) 584-7937 • Cell (306) 536-4261 @CharolaisBanner Jon Wright Cell (306) 807-8424 Robbie Chomik Cell (780) 336-6424
Departments From the Field............................................................................6 Dans nos champs ......................................................................8 Keeping Track ..........................................................................10 Herd Health ............................................................................24 Charolais Life ..........................................................................25 Canadian Beef Breeds Council Report ..................................28 Canadian Charolais Youth Association ..................................30 Magazine Rates and Deadlines ..............................................82 Calendar of Events ..................................................................83 Index of Advertisers ................................................................86
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All Rates Are Listed In Canadian Funds Canada (Canadian prices include 5% GST) 1 yr. - $52.50 3 yrs. - $136.50 USA 1 yr. - $80, 1st class (2 week delivery) - $140 3 yrs. - $215, 1st class (2 week deliver) - $395 Overseas 1 yr. - $85, 1st class (2 week delivery)- $150 3 yrs. - $225, 1st class (2 week delivery)- $420
Animals in the photographs in the Banner have not been altered by computer enhancement or mechanical methods according to the knowledge of the publisher.
On the cover… Cows grazing at Palmer Charolais
The material produced in this publication is done so with the highest integrity, however, we assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. We are responsible for only the value of the advertisement. Charolais Banner (ISSN 0824-1767) is published 5 times per year (February, May, Aug, Oct and December) by Charolais Banner Inc., Regina, SK. Postage paid at Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Printed by: Western Litho Printers Ltd. Publication No. 40047726 Registration No. 9810
Photo: Helge By Design: Susan Penner
Return undeliverable addresses (covers only) to: Charolais Banner 124 Shannon Road Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 5B1 Canada
Charolais Banner • December 2019
Charolais Banner • December 2019
From the Field Helge By
The early Charolais sales have been very strong from coast to coast and the enthusiasm from many of the new breeders is infectious within the industry. The Ontario Charolais Association did a great job organizing and hosting a very successful show and sale with participation from across the country. The Edmonton show was again a great event with solid entries in the Players Club and Pair of Heifers Jackpots. The entries for Agribition are up and should be a great show and sale again as always. When you read this, the fall sales will be all but wrapped up and I hope that your participation in them will be rewarding for your program for years to come. Many have already started working on their bull sales with planning for their catalogues and advertising. There is more to a successful bull sale than breeding and feeding and the truly great ones are worked on yearround. Having worked with 100s of breeders over the years, it is interesting that some of the breeders are working on their next sale the day
after the sale. They are making notes and contacting buyers that were and were not successful bidders. They are analyzing what they need to do next year to make the sale more successful and what worked well this year. On the other hand, there are breeders who don’t start planning until the push is on to get the bulls registered and information sent in for the catalogue. They then start asking about changes, while sometimes not remembering what actually took place at the last sale. Making notes throughout the year will always help make your next event better. We were asked why some breeders always get the best spots for their advertisements in the magazines. The reason is many breeders are contract advertisers and get the same spot, as they commit to it from year to year. If you would like a specific spot in the Banner or Connection, give us a call and we can discuss this with you. The 2020 Canadian Charolais Association Annual General Meeting is being hosted by Manitoba next June and it will be a 60th Anniversary celebration. If you were at the 50th celebration in Moose Jaw in 2010, you will remember how much fun it was
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and how great it was to see so many past breeders come to help with the celebration. If you know of any retired breeders in your area that would enjoy attending, be sure to encourage them to come. I know the Manitoba breeders will put on a first-class event. Bull sale season is just around the corner and we are already working on our picturing and videoing schedules for the many ads and catalogues being produced for the upcoming year. I hope your bull pen is looking good and you will feed and promote them to their fullest potential. We are poised for a great bull selling spring, but you still need to work on staying in touch with past customers and getting the best pictures for the promotion of them to maximize your returns. If you have any questions, or if Jon Wright, Robbie Chomik, or I can be of any assistance, please don’t hesitate to drop us a line. Wishing each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous Charolais New Year! Until next time, Helge
Charolais Banner • December 2019
Dans nos champs Helge By
Les ventes Charolais hâtives de l’automne sont en forme et apportent avec elles un climat enthousiaste provenant des nouveaux éleveurs de côte en côte. Notre association Ontarienne Charolais a organisé un superbe jugement et une vente rempli de succès avec des participants provenant de tous les coins du pays. Le jugement qui a eu lieu à Edmonton fut un autre événement marqueur avec des inscriptions hors pairs dans la classe de Player’s Club ainsi que pour les duos femelles Jackpot. Les inscriptions de l’Agribition sont complètes, on s’attend à un jugement et une vente de qualité comme il y a toujours eu lieu. Lorsque vous lirez ces quelques lignes, les ventes d’automne seront complétés et j’espère que votre participation saura continuer l’engouement pour la race et portera fruit pour les générations à venir. Plusieurs d’entre vous ont débuté leur planification pour une vente de taureaux du printemps, soit en préparation d’un catalogue ou du côté marketing. Une vente réussite n’est pas lié seulement à la reproduction et l’engraissement. Ceux qui réussissent planifient à l’année longue. J’ai remarqué, au fils des ans et après
avoir fait équipe avec des centaines de clients, que ceux qui réussissent planifie leur prochaine vente le lendemain de leur vente. Ils prennent des notes, ils rentrent en contact avec ceux qui ont misés sur un taureau mais qui sont repartis avec une remorque vide. Ils analysent ce qui manquaient pour améliorer leur prochaine vente en gardant ce qui fonctionnait. De l’autre côté, nous avons les autres éleveurs qui attendent à la dernière minute pour enregistrer leurs taureaux et envoyer les informations nécessaires pour compléter le catalogue de vente. Ceux-ci decident au dernier moment d'apporter des changements au catalogue tout en se rappelant des détails de la vente précédente. Prendre des notes au long de l’année est essentiel. On se fait demander comment certains producteurs ont les meilleurs pages dans les magazines. Il faut réaliser que certains d’entre eux ont signés un contract de marketing et veulent avoir ces pages clés. Ils font preuve de leur dévouement et engagement pour le succès de leur entreprise. Si vous désirez avoir un endroit spécifique dans le Banner ou le Charolais Connection, veuillez m’en informer et nous pourrons en discuter. Le congrès annuel de l’association Charolais Canadienne aura lieu au
Manitoba en juin 2020 prochain. Nous célébrerons notre 60ème anniversaire. Pour ceux qui étaient présent à la célébration du cinquantième à Moose Jaw en 2010, il est difficile d’oublier le plaisir partagés en compagnie des éleveurs retraités qui ont aidé à faire de cette célébration un succès. Si vous connaissez des éleveurs à la retraite, je vous encourage à les inviter à venir faire un tour. Je suis certain que les éleveurs du Manitoba sauront vous impressionner. La saison de vente de taureaux sera à nos portes sous peu. Nous travaillons présentement sur les horaires de montages vidéos et sessions de photographie pour le nouvel an. J’espère que votre enclos à taureaux est prometteur et qu’ils sont bien nourris afin de promettre leur plein potentiel. Le succès des ventes de taureaux du printemps dépend de l’effort qui est mis au court de l’année en gardant le contact avec des clients potentiels et en ayant des photos de qualité pour rentabiliser votre vente. Pour toutes questions, veuillez contacter Jon Wright, Robbie Chomik ou moi-même, pour une assistance quelconque, n’hésitez pas à nous rejoindre. Je prend cette occasion pour vous souhaitez un très Joyeux noël et une Bonne Année Charolaise rempli de prospérité.
Welcome New Members/ Bienvenue aux nouveau membres Danny Hulton Wolfe Island, ON
Alexander Luba Rossburn, MB
Graham Maines Roslin, ON
Jessie Audet & Emmanuel Moreau St-Agapit, QC
Clover Spur Charolais Caledon, ON
Little Valley Ranch Hylo, AB
W2 Farms Lanigan, SK
Darren McCord Kanata, ON
Nier Charolais Crossfield, AB
Charolais Banner • December 2019
Charolais Banner • December 2019
Charolais Banner • December 2019
Charolais Banner • December 2019
Charolais Banner • December 2019
Charolais Banner • December 2019
Bryan Hicks was raised on a beef farm outside Shelburne, Ontario. His dad worked off the farm, but they had 450 acres and participated in the 4-H program, which was only steers at the time, not heifers, and field crops. His father was a big supporter of the program. “In 1965, Chester Patton showed up at the Shelburne Fall Fair with two green, rank, white Charolais. They were about two feet taller than everything else and half as wide. I was standing there at about four feet tall with a Shorthorn steer that went up to my belt buckle and I think it was close to two years old. I thought there was no future in what I was holding and there has got to be a future in those Charolais. I owned my first cattle at fifteen.” “I went to school for a day and a half most weeks in grade 13, otherwise I just got bored to death. They used to let me know when the exams were so I could be there to write them. I wrote provincial math tests and placed in the top five in the province, because of this I had a scholarship to go to the University of
Waterloo. I applied to go to university in 1970. I couldn’t decide whether I wanted to pursue the math opportunity or stay in Agriculture, which I loved. They had taken us to Waterloo and showed us their first computer. It couldn’t do any more than a smart phone now, but it was the size of the room. I had no money, so I had to decide between taking the bursary to
My purchases had to be polled because I knew we wouldn’t be dehorning cattle forever. d get my education or doing what I wanted. I didn’t make up my mind until the 30th of September and apparently the cut off to show up was earlier than that. Instead of university that year, I had a couple of part time jobs working construction and I worked at a factory in Toronto for about eight weeks and knew I didn’t
want to do that.” “I went to the University of Guelph to become a veterinarian in the fall of 1971. To sustain what I was doing I managed an Angus farm and lived in an apartment above the car garage. I bought and sold cows on contract for research use, at the university. They wanted them to be at a certain stage of pregnancy where they knew they would have no immunity, as they were developing the vaccines for BVD and IBR. They would take the cows to the university, inject them and they would abort the calves. They studied the lesions to identify which virus they were working with. I would buy them back again and get them back in shape.” “I graduated from Guelph and still owned some of my own cows. I went to work in Drayton in 1977. In 1978 I started to practice on my own. In 1979, I started to do work for Charlie Watson and in 1984 I bought my first Charolais after dispersing my commercial cows. At the time, I had a farm outside of Arthur. I think I have made more money buying and selling continued on page 16
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farms than I have farming them. I got into the business with a cheque. My purchases had to be polled because I knew we wouldn’t be dehorning cattle forever. Polled genetics, at the time, were poor as far as muscling and meat were concerned. I went to the Lake Erie Breeders production sale and bought some polled cattle. I also bought some polled cattle from Charlie Watson, Donmore Farms, Donnywier Farm and various other breeders in Ontario.” “Hicks Yaziman 29Y was the first homozygous polled bull that I raised. The only way I could prove he was homozygous polled was by leasing him to a Holstein guy to breed his 25 heifers. He had 25 polled Charcross calves which proved he was homozygous polled.” Before the DNA test was developed, it was standard practise to classify a bull homozygous if he was bred to 13 horned females and not one calf exhibited horns. Hicks Charolais exhibited at the Toronto Royal Winter Fair in 1987 and has participated every year since. “It has been a long time since the first night in town was hard on us, but back then, so were the second, third and fourth nights,” he laughs. Their first appearance at Canadian Western Agribition was in 1989 or 90 and they have only missed once since then. He has participated in the Agribition RBC Beef Supreme Challenge five times. Bryan has driven the trip seven times. They showed at the World Congress in Edmonton in 2006. “The World Congresses in Canada in the past actually hurt our export market. In 1986, the cattle were very extreme and
in 2006, the cattle were the opposite. Neither of those types were of interest to the broader world market and it told the world we had nothing to offer. It has taken time and effort to slowly change that perception and it is important to participate in Charolais International events to keep Canada in the discussion.” “At a fair where I was judging, I asked the showmen to stand in the front of their animals and told them to look at their briskets, which were
Hicks Charolais exhibited at the Toronto Royal Winter Fair in 1987 and has participated every year since. huge. I told them, that is all fat. If you have fat there, you have fat everywhere. If you have fat there you aren’t in the beef business, you are in the fat business. Where do you want to be?” Today Hicks Charolais has 80 cows, but they have been as high as 110 cows. They currently have a homozygous polled herd and haven’t had a calf born with a scur in the last four years. Bryan’s plan for his herd has always been muscle. “I differ considerably from what is in the industry. In Ontario, steers don’t go to market until they are 1600 or 1700 pounds. You can’t do that with a frame five cow and a frame six bull unless they are almost three years old. Out west they beat you up if you don’t have a thick haircoat, down here
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it just makes the tag stick to them and they get docked. Down here, we don’t want hair. If they need the hair to stay warm, they will grow it. We need bigger framed animals and we need muscle. I am always looking for homozygous cattle with a lot of muscle. You need to take a cup of water when you look at bulls. If you can pour it in the middle of its back and no water runs off, it has enough muscle. I take disposition as number one criteria, number two is performance and three is feet and legs. I refuse to trim feet; I cull anything that requires it. I breed animals for length. One of the best things the CCA did was put on Breeder’s Schools with Harlan Ritchie, Gary Minish and Roger Hunsley because they knew more about beef than anyone. They taught us how to evaluate muscle mass in a cattle beast by the forearm because there is no fat there. We learned so much from them.” “A guy phoned me and said he found me a homozygous polled bull. I asked him if he had a dip in his back and he said no, so I knew the bull wouldn’t work for me. If that muscle comes around and hooks properly on the back, it will form a bit of a hollow. If it doesn’t have it, the muscle comes out of there flat instead of bulging. If I am looking for an animal at a show, I like to get up early and go to the wash rack. I want to see it with its hair flat.” “One of the worst things to happen to the beef business was the discontinuation of paying money to continued on page 18 Hicks Zealander 44Z
Leonard Nykoliation 1939-2019
Leonard Nykoliation passed away peacefully in his home on October 15th just 11 days short of his 80th birthday. Left to mourn is his wife of 58 years, Marilyn, and his sons, Greg (Jody), Mike (Kylee) and Gord (Lisa). Six grandchildren, five great-grandchildren, many siblings, nieces and nephews. Growing up in the Lenore district he attended school at Ravine. Working on the farm with his dad and later for farmers in the area was his passion. In 1961, he married Marilyn Gee and working in Virden, they purchased their first house in town.
The love of farming was finally realized in the fall of 1965 with the purchase of their first farm north of Virden. With the ½ section they ran milk cows, pigs and grain farmed. In 1974, they lost their barn in a devastating fire forcing them to relocate to allow for shelter for the livestock. In the fall of ’74, they moved to their family farm where they increased the number of livestock. This in turn would change to raising purebred Charolais with the purchase of their first in the fall of 1978. They ran under the name Beaver Creek Charolais. They belonged to many producer groups such as Westman Charolais Charolais Banner • December 2019
breeders, CNR Bull sale (Chapman, Nykoliation & Reese), Char-Sational group and participated at Douglas Bull Test Station. Many summers were spent showing cattle across the prairie provinces. In 1989, Beaver Creek Charolais had their first female sale which ran for many years. In 2000, Beaver Creek was instrumental in starting the Cattleman’s Classic Bull Sale. Len and Marilyn decided to sell the cattle in the fall of 2011 with the equipment and land selling in 2014. In 2016 they retired to Virden, taking the cat with them – a piece of the farm life Leonard loved so much. 17
the steer shows. When that happened, all the steer jocks moved to the breed shows. We didn’t have overly fat heifers before then. Fat is flat, muscle is round. It is that simple. Flat has more eye appeal, round has more red meat.” Hicks has sold semen and embryos to 13 countries. The homozygous polled factor has helped, but it wouldn’t have been in demand without muscle. “I vaccinate my cows with killed vaccine and with modified live vaccine. I used killed vaccine because it protects the best. I use modified live for cattle I intend to sell because that is what most people use. If they take a female home that has been vaccinated with killed vaccine and booster her with modified live, she will abort. It is the IBR vaccine that is the biggest risk. There really is no BVD here to worry about.” “I don’t vaccinate my bull calves until I decide if they are going to the cull pen or the bull pen. If they are going to be culled, they get vaccinated and castrated. If they are going to the bull pen, they get a straight BVD vaccine.” Bryan sells his bulls mostly to repeat buyers. He hasn’t advertised locally for quite a few years. He could have sold five more bulls the last couple of years. He guarantees everything that goes out. “Once every three years, I replace a bull for various reasons.” If he increased his herd to 200 cows, he realizes he would probably have to start advertising. “I was president of the Ontario association in 1992 and 1993. In the mid 90s, Harry Airey and Dale Kelly approached me about being on the CCA Breed Improvement Committee. I chaired the committee for a while and was the president of the Canadian Charolais Association president from 2004 to 2007.” “The worst thing we ever did was get rid of the C-C program. It verified the data to be accurate and it kept everybody honest. A bull on C-C had data that could not be argued or manipulated. If you were also using the bull, your numbers had to be in line with the verified data. It could be just as effective today. It worked because we were testing bulls in the same environment, so the data was relevant. It cost money, but it was well worth it. It should be possible to do this today for far less money because we could use tracability.” “The person I admire most in the breed is Garner Deobald. He gave 18 months of his life to keeping the association functional after we were backed into a corner by a push to adopt the ABRI model. We were set-up so we had to be in a Breed Alliance, or coalition. Garner drove, called and managed for that time period to see us through it, as we had no general manager. There is nobody I know that has a greater continued on page 20
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conviction or did more than he did in that 18 months. The Association would look entirely different if Garner had not made the effort.” Three of Bryan’s children, Ryan, Shannon and Sean, all participated in CCYA and 4-H. Aaron and Cailen only participated in 4-H. Now Bryan has four grandchildren in 4-H and two of them qualified for the Royal Beef Heifer Show. Ryan has three children: Hudson, Ethan and Addison. Shannon has four children: Sam, Liam, Olivia and Briar. Sean has a daughter, Quincy. “I believed then and still believe now, that Charolais is the number one contributor to the beef industry for
Hicks has sold semen and embryos to 13 countries. The homozygous polled factor has helped, but it wouldn’t have been in demand without muscle. efficiency, growth and performance. Polled was a necessity just as muscling is. It doesn’t matter if they are polled or horned, if they don’t have muscle, you are going to go broke raising Holstein like calves, unless the market gets strong or you are buying the calves cheap. Right now, there are so many Holsteins in the province of Ontario and because of sexed semen, half of them are going to be bred beef and the other half will be bred to top end dairy bulls. I encourage all the managers of herds I work with to determine the top half of their cow herd, so they can breed the top half to dairy bulls and the bottom half to beef bulls. They can only get $100 for a calf. It costs me $900 to keep a cow annually, so they are buying a calf for $800 cheaper than I can drop one on the ground. They don’t have to have the same feed efficiency or carcass quality as everyone else. The beef industry is going to have a challenge in the next little while from the dairy industry. They are breeding the dairy cows to Belgian Blue, Angus, Speckle Park and Limousin simply because they are trying to add enough muscle to the dairy animal to make the cross work.” In Bryan’s vet practise, he looks after 45 dairy herds. He has worked with them so long; they are virtually self-sufficient. He could probably start an internet practise as he gets a lot of texts and pictures throughout the day and can respond without visits. “I do work for some purebred beef operators, a half a dozen of them are local and the rest are at a distance. I will get a call or two each week from purebred breeders and I give them the advice they require and tell them to go to their local vet to pick up what they require. They always ask it they can buy it from me, and I refuse. I tell them to buy their product from the person they are going to call in the middle of the night. I could certainly sell it to them, but I won’t. I will give them the advice, I will go and preg check their cows, I will help them set up a Johnes program or a Leukosis program, I will do the testing and give advice. I won’t travel distances when there are calving problems, I am just too far, so they need to buy their product from their local veterinarian. He needs the money 20
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Bryan showing in Agribition Supreme 2013
to keep the lights on and pay the receptionist. I won’t travel farther than thirty kilometres for emergencies. If I can’t get there in twenty minutes, I am not doing emergency work, I am doing consulting work.” “The dairy herd health visits are on varying programs. Some are on once a month visits, twice a month visits, every other month visits, or as needed. The as needed may not see me for a few months, then I might see them a couple of times in two weeks. It just depends on what they
have happening.” “I have an ultrasound machine I haven’t turned on in four years. I can palpate cows for pregnancy at 28 days. Cows that are pregnant at 28 days will be pregnant at 40 days. Our industry will evolve to finding cows that are open, deciding why they are open and determining what it will take to get them pregnant. Some have bought their own ultrasound for eight to ten thousand dollars and can tell if their cows are in calf. What they can’t do is determine what is wrong with the open cows and they are the ones
Hicks Cryptonyte 24C
that are costing them money. 90% of our fertility issues are nutrition. Many beef producers wonder why their first cycle of A.I. or natural breeding doesn’t stick. It has nothing to do with the A.I. or with the bull. It is because they breed them and take them out to a lush pasture, with lush grass which is mainly soluble protein. Once you get your soluble protein too high, the urea levels rise in the blood and leach all the progesterone out of the cow’s system, and she will abort. Therefore, it says right on a urea bag, do not feed to pregnant animals. Progesterone is
Bryan, his son Ryan and grandchildren showing at The Royal
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necessary to maintain a pregnancy. By the middle of June, the grass starts to toughen up and the soluble protein level drops. The progesterone in the cows rise and the females can maintain a pregnancy. Energy levels affect cows at three levels. The first priority for the cow is maintenance, the second is production and
synchronized breeding program that requires up to six injections before the first breeding. I do not recommend these programs but prefer natural heats. I had a dairy client whose children went to work in another province in a dairy. The owners asked them what kind of program they were on in his home herd. He told them
breed. I selected the horses purchased across Canada and the United States.” Most recently she worked for ten years as a Personal Support Worker. She was led to this as her mother’s health failed and she required more care. Two years ago, the physicality of the work started to stress her body to a point where retirement was
I believed then and still believe now, that Charolais is the number one contributor to the beef industry for efficiency, growth and performance. d whatever is left goes to reproduction.” “The problem is 90% of the open cows are nutrition problems and 10% are genetics. The challenge is to determine which ones are which. For a long time, predominantly in the dairy industry, genetics got way ahead of nutrition. Now nutrition has caught back up with genetics. In dairy herds, every load of milk they ship is tested for butter fat, milk protein, other solids, somatic cell count and MUN, which measures urea levels. We monitor those numbers; we know what they need to be for the cow to breed and we can adjust the ration accordingly. I print their production sheets before I even go to check the cows. This is done on a herd basis. The guys that are using robots, get individual data on cows. They can really sort through their cows to know which ones are producing at superior levels. The key is data collection and information. Without it, you cannot make good business decisions.” “A lot of dairies are on a
they were on the See program. The owner had never heard of this. The young person explained, ‘it is simple, when I see them in heat, I breed them. If I don’t see them in heat, they see the vet.’ After being there six weeks, their vet came out complaining that they weren’t buying product and he wondered what was going on. Their conception rate had actually gone up and their product bill was drastically reduced.” In March, Bryan and Sandy were married. Sandy has taught riding lessons since she was sixteen. She has been training horses and putting on horse camps for kids all her life. She ran her own boarding/training facility in the days when times were more lucrative, and she had no trouble maintaining a decent living. She trained and showed horses as a fulltime job until she was about 30. “I ran a very exclusive stable with Gypsy Vanner horses for a very high-profile operation. I trained and showed the horses extensively to promote the
Bryan and Sandy Hicks
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necessary. The shiftwork also played a major role in the decision. Through her many years of travel through her corporate jobs, the goal was always to come back to her farming roots. “I didn’t want to dress up anymore, my long-term goal was to live in jeans.” Now she travels with Bryan on the show road and works with him in the vet practice. She does calls with him when he needs her, but her main duty is to run the office. They breed and raise quarter horses. They have a nice horse trailer with living accommodations and enjoy traveling to camp and ride whenever possible. Because of the way Bryan’s vet practise is set up, he doesn’t see a need to retire. “I will always have the cows. Several times I have got down to 25 cows, but it never lasted long. I want to bring most of my grandchildren up with livestock as I don’t feel there is any other way to keep them in touch with the real world, and it is pretty tough to talk to a tomato.”
Charolais Banner • December 2019
Some Current Thoughts on Changes to Newborn Calf Procedures Roy Lewis DVM
Procedures to newborn calves have undergone several changes over the last few years. There are more changes coming I am sure in the not too distant future. These will all help the survivability of the calf. Preventing or significantly reducing neonatal diseases not only decreases mortality but the overall production in the herd improves. This article may give you further ideas on what your calves need or don’t need on entry into the world. They are easy to handle at this young an age and because of their size dosage is very much reduced when it comes to things like antibiotics or painkillers. When pairing up or moving the newborn and its mother this is commonly a great opportunity to get management procedures done. For most operations that involves calves newborn to three days of age. From times past the RFID tag and a dangle tag are given. Some reference can be given to the cow’s number on the calf’s tag to facilitate pairing up. Others tag the calf with the same number as the cow and give them their unique number when they enter the herd. With balanced nutrition programs Vitamin AD & Se Vit E are seldom given as injectables to calves anymore. Most nutritionists would agree which may save you a couple procedures. Although depending on the year feed quality and with drought conditions in some parts of the country that could change regionally. The retained placenta incidence is often a good telltale sign of nutrition status. If regular born single calves you are still having retained placentas get the nutrition checked. The more needles we give the more pain we also create and getting intramuscular shots into the thin muscle bellies of the calf does create trauma. Some selenium products are indicated subcutaneous however. 24
Intranasal vaccines have more taken the place of parenteral vaccines in very young calves. They are easy to give the calves painless and promote local protection in the airways against respiratory pathogens. Especially if you get cases of pneumonia in your new calves in the first few months vaccines at a very young age may eliminate some of these cases. There is “Once PMH IN” for the main bacterial cause of pneumonia and “Inforce” for the main viral causes of pneumonia. There are still a few straight IBR PI3 vaccines that are intranasal as well. Talk to your veterinarian if you have respiratory issues and want to ramp up your vaccination program. Fewer sick calves and less antibiotics used could be the end result. We all know a sick calf earlier in life is much lighter at weaning time. Polled bulls have all but eliminated the use of paste at birth to dehorn but if done that can be a real stress on the young calves. Although necessary one must always be cognizant with all these procedures we do recognize how stressed it may make the calf. Some producers have even gone to NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal AntiInflammatory Drugs) when the amount of painful procedures such as paste dehorning, castration to commercial calves and even the ear tagging creates more pain than they feel is acceptable. Pain products are available for injection, given orally or the newest a pour on formulation so lots of choice out there. Tagging in most peoples herds involves the two tags with the CCIA allowing age verification. Tag retention of the CCIA tags has gotten better. There is no better time than in the first couple days of life to tag the calves. There are good breakaway taggers now available so ears are not ripped when tagging. Place the tag between the ridges in the middle of the ear. Charolais Banner • December 2019
Some people still use navel preparations but the vast majority do not handle the navels. Practicing good hygiene in the calving area with good colostrum consumption goes a long ways to preventing navel infections. The exception is backwards calves or caesarian calves where the navels are broken off short. They may need treatment such as flushing and some antibiotics. A few producers that cycle calves through a warm barn are more prone to navel infections. Producers then use metaphylactic antibiotics at birth. In the problem herds this can cut down the infection rate. These antibiotics are all now prescription so will need to be purchased from your veterinarian after Dec 2018. That will be a good time to discuss whether you need antibiotics, or can hygiene be improved in the calving area. Calves may have been prescribed an oral treatment for coccidiosis or cryptosporidiosis. Again if your veterinarian recommends it and there has been a need it may be worthwhile. With young calves being subjected to many different procedures including ringing castration it pays to have a kit to organize everything to take with you. I have seen some that hang on the fence others that are tool kits. All keep you organized and procedures are not missed. Get into a routine. Remember to only rehydrate the amount of vaccine you will administer in the next hour. Have a close look at other things the calf may need attending to from contracted tendons to small hernias to frozen ears to navel issues. A little intervention early may avert a major problem down the road. Some of these recommendations involve prescription products so you must have a VCPR (veterinary client patient relationship) and he/she can help fine-tune your newborn protocol. This is something that should be reviewed yearly as things change. continued on page 26
Charolais Life This column will be dedicated to keeping Charolais members in touch with the people of the business. It will contain births, weddings, convocations and momentous anniversaries and events of note, but not high school graduations. If you have news and/or photos you’d like to submit, please email for print in upcoming issues.
it’s A Boy! Tucker Ryan Dorran was born on Aug. 23, in Calgary, Alberta. He is the son of Ryan and Cassie Dorran, owners of Dorran Marketing Inc., of Didsbury, Alberta. Big brother Dalton is taking his new role very serious, and is already teaching little brother about all things hockey and cows. Tucker weighed 7 lbs. and 7 oz. 50th Anniversary
Charolais home, at Oak Lake, Manitoba. They were surrounded by family and close friends. It’s A Boy! Kristine and Brandon Sparrow, of Saskatoon, welcomed their son, Stadler Dwaine Sparrow, on September 16, weighing 7 lb 8 oz. Grandparents are Morley and Patti Sparrow, of Vanscoy. Brandon is a CCYA Alumni and past Youth Co-ordinator. 50th Anniversary
celebrated 50 years of marriage in July. It was a beautiful day of celebrations at their farm with family and friends. It’s A Girl! On October 18, Southview Farms welcomed their newest farm hand. At 11:25 p.m., Clark Elizabeth Marie was born weighing exactly 6 pounds. Proud parents Keith and Kristen Ann, and sister Brooklyn Ormiston live at Courtice, Ontario. It’s A Boy!
Tully and Arlene Hatch celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary, on June 14, at their Pleasant Dawn
Congratulations to John and Rosemarie Perrot, Perrot Charolais, of Naicam, Saskatchewan, who
Charolais Banner • December 2019
Josh and Anne Marie Taylor, along with their two little girls, Sophie and Cassidy, welcomed Bennett Thomas Taylor on Friday, August 2; weighing 8 lb., 13 oz. and measuring 20.5 inches. Taylor Farms is located at Dunsford, Ontario.
Uppin’ the Ante Sale
A good, active bidding crowd came to select from the quality offering put forth by the 10 consignors in this annual sale. Some new buyers and some many time repeat customers bought. Cattle sold to five provinces with seven head going west. High Selling Bred Heifers Lot 13, MEDONTE EVETTA 14F (Polled, 24 Milk EPD), sired by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET, out of an SVY Blitz 125Y daughter, bred to D R Revelation 467. Sold for $11,250 to Robert Arsenault, Nine Mile Creek, PE. Consigned by Medonte Charolais, Hillsdale. Lot 20, CORNERVIEW WILLOS 13F (Polled/s, 58 WW EPD, 109 YW EPD),
sired by Gerrard New York 41A, out of a Sparrows Barlow 254Z daughter, bred to Cornerview Evinrude 1E. Sold for $10,000 to Lone Spruce Charolais, Walkerton. Lot 15, WSS FAIRYTAIL 822F (Polled, 78 YW EPD), sired by Steppler Attain 160A, out of an LAE X- Treme Blue 12X daughter, bred to MVY Xplorer 21X. Sold for $7,500 to Whiskey Hollow Cattle Co., Norwood. Consigned by DudgeonSnobelen Land & Cattle, Ripley. High Selling Heifer Calves Lot 34, EMB OBSESSION 68G (Polled), sired by Cedardale Zeal 125Z, out of a JIL Thunder Roll 69Z daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Steppler Farms, Miami, MB. Consigned by EMB Charolais, Oro-Medonte. Lot 33, ECHO SPRINGS EMPRESS 27G (Full French), sired by Hamm Mogo U23, out of a Jezabel daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Mike Deweerd, Alma. Consigned by Echo Spring Charolais, Oro-Medonte. Lot 36, WSS GLITTER 907G (Polled, -.4 BW EPD), sired by MVY Xplorer
Gord & Shauneen Tomlinson bought the third high selling bred heifer
Mary & Charles Bray bought the second high selling bred heifer
Mike, Ryan & Evan Deweerd selected the second high selling heifer calf
Joyce & Joe Holmes took a few to Manitoulin Island
Upping the Ante 13th Annual Sale October 18, 2019 • Hanover, ON 1 Bred Cow 21 Bred Heifers 14 Heifer Calves 36 Lots
GrossAverage $4,600 $4,600 114,050 5,431 63,650 4,546 $182,300
Auctioneer: Carl Wright Blockman: Chester Tupling
21X, out of a Steppler Attain 160A daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Rollin’ Acres Charolais, Shelburne. Consigned by Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle.
Andre Steppler purchased two including the high selling heifer calf
Chester Tupling consigned, blocked and bought a couple
HERD HEALTH, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 24 Above all else try to observe a calf sucking to make sure adequate colostrum is consumed. If in any doubt or with twins or calves born
weak or to poor uddered cows give a good quality colostrum replacer like headstart so you can rest easy the calf has maximum colostral protection.
Follow us on Twitter! @CharolaisBanner 26
Charolais Banner • December 2019
Lots to consider but let’s everyone have a great 2020 calving season and get the newborns off to a good start.
Charolais Banner • December 2019
Canadian Beef Breeds Council Report Michael Latimer, CBBC Executive Director
Congratulation to the exhibitors on a successful show season again this year. There were a lot of positive comments from our international visitors about the quality of cattle across all breeds. It is a testament to the hard work and dedication of cattle breeders who persevered through a difficult year of unpredictable Canadian weather. Even as data and information increasingly drives our cattle selection, the importance of exhibiting your cattle will remain an important part of our industry for the foreseeable future. Livestock exhibitions are still where the business of the industry gets done. People want to see the cattle and they want to be able to interact with other cattlemen in person and there is no better place to do that then at a cattle show. It also helps bridge the urban and rural divide as tens of thousands of students and spectators visit agricultural fairs to experience where their food comes from. This will become increasingly important over the next few years as we face changing consumer preferences where they are
not as connected to agriculture as the generation before them. At Agribition, CBBC was invited to join an industry roundtable discussion with Canadian Minister of Agriculture Agri-Food, Marie-Claude Bibeau, as the representative organization for the Canadian purebred beef cattle and genetics sector. Prior to the meeting, the Minister had the opportunity to walk the barns and meet with cattle producers from across Canada and see first-hand the quality of our beef genetics. The Minister seemed very impressed by both the people and the cattle which made for a productive and engaging discussion. Key topics were on ensuring that the AgriMarketing program is fully funded so we can continue to promote Canadian genetics internationally and host international guests in Canada. We also want to ensure that reopening markets such as China for genetics is a top priority for the government. It was also described to the Minister that we have the most efficient and productive beef herd anywhere in the world, yet we know that we can do even better. We can accomplish it with support from government and
collaboration across the industry. The new Canada’s National Beef Strategy 2020-2024 was released in October. This is a collaborative effort from the national and provincial beef cattle organizations including the Canadian Beef Breeds Council. This strategy impacts producers and is the guiding document for the industry for the next five years. Of particular interest to seedstock producers are the sections on genetic improvement and on market access. The Canadian Beef Innovation Network is a collaborative effort driven by the breed associations, the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association and CBBC and is a key component of the National Beef Strategy. The goal is to redefine how genetic improvement is utilized and conducted across the production chain from seedstock producers and commercial cow/calf through to the packing sector and consumers. It is an ambitious initiative but necessary to ensure our cattle utilize new technology to meet expectations for the consumer of the future not the consumer of the past. More information is available at
Eric Trepanier 1974 –2019
Eric Trepanier, Fern Charolais, Fassett, Quebec, died Tuesday, November 5th in a farm accident after falling off a grain bin at the age of 45. He was the spouse of Patricia Dubé and the son of the late Fernand Brunet and Georgette Trépanier. A great visionary and good steward, Éric was at the helm of the municipality of Fassett as mayor since 28
November 5, 2017. A critical and committed man, he liked to get involved and take a stand on various subjects. He was happy to contribute to the well-being of his citizens and the advancement of his municipality. He had a great sense of collective fairness and no tolerance for mediocrity. From the beginning, agriculture and purebred cattle were his passions. He was considered by his peers as an encyclopedia of bovine genetics of the Charolais breed. He was a director of Charolais Banner • December 2019
the Quebec Charolais Association and a director of the Canadian Charolais Association. It is with courage and determination that he took over the family farm for more than 10 years. He was not afraid to make decisions and to complete several files at once. Definitely, he left his mark and will be missed by all. The funeral was held at the SainteAngelique church in Papineauville on Saturday, November 23rd.
Autumn Prestige Sale Autumn Prestige Sale October 19, 2019 • Campbellford, ON
3 Cow/Calf Pairs 26 Bred Heifers 12 Heifer Calves 41 Lots
GrossAverage $26,200 $8,733 80,750 3,106 30,200 2,517 $137,150
Auctioneer: Brad DeNure Sale Manager: By Livestock A good local crowd of repeat buyers filled Hoards Station for this annual sale. 11 consignors put forth a solid offering again this year with cattle selling to five provinces and nine head going west. The local shortage of feed did play a factor, as did some uncertainty in the commercial cow market. Some good buys were made throughout. High Selling Cow/Calf Pairs Lot 35, BLACKBERN ELSA 18E (3rd Gen. Polled, -.6 BW EPD, 96 YW EPD, 24 Milk EPD, 1,750 lb), sired by Rosso Double Down 8Z, out of a Winn Mans Lanza 610A daughter, bred to Turnbull’s Equipped 216E. Sold for $7,000 to Borderland Cattle Co., Rockglen, SK. Consigned by Blackbern Farms, Foresters Falls. Lot 35A, BLACKBERN GABRRIELLE 1G (3rd Gen. Polled, -.4 BW EPD, 24 Milk EPD, 975 lb), sired by WR Travel Agent A602. Sold for $6,000 to Borderland Cattle Co. Lot 22, KIRLENE DOCKS DEB 60C (Homo Polled, -.2 BW EPD, 36 Milk EPD, 1,775 lb), sired by Kirlene Dockage 58X, out of an M6 Grid Maker 104 PET daughter, bred to LAE Avalanche 327A. Sold for $4,000 to Francrest Farms, Wingham.
Consigned by Kirlene Cattle Co., Brighton. Lot 22A, KIRLENE DEB 60G (Double Polled, 102 YW EPD, 29 Milk EPD, 880 lb), sired by LAE Avalanche 327A. Sold for $3,000 to McCracken Farming Inc, Roseneath. High Selling Bred Heifers Lot 1, BPL FANTASTIC 5F (3rd Gen. Polled, 53 WW EPD, 104 YW EPD, 1,580 lb), sired by Land O’ Lakes Havana 3U, out of an LT Rio Blanco 1234 P daughter, bred to WC Uncharted 7328. Sold for $6,000 to Cockburn Farms, Iroquois Falls. Consigned by Potter Charolais, Earlton. Lot 26, KIRLENE SWEET XP 14F (3rd Gen. Polled, -2.6 BW EPD, 23 Milk EPD, 1,260 lb), sired by MVY Xplorer 21X, out of a JWX Waters Edge 3A daughter, bred to WCR Commissioner 593 P. Sold for $5,000 to Spuceview Charolais, Andrew, AB. Consigned by Kirlene Cattle Co. Lot 38, PHL STARSTRUCK ET 2F (3rd Gen. Polled, -2.2 BW EPD, 23 Milk EPD, 1,615 lb), sired by PZC Bottoms Up 5011 ET, out of Medonte Starstruck 17Y, bred to Sparrows Fargo 8117. Sold for $4,500 to DanG Charolais, Colborne. Consigned by Partridge Hollow Charolais, Consecon. High Selling Heifer Calf Lot 39, PHL STARSTRUCK ET 14G (3rd Gen. Polled, -1.6 BW EPD, 22 Milk EPD, 885 lb), sired by PZC Bottoms Up 5011 ET, out of Medonte Starstruck 17Y. Sold for $3,800 to Terry Creek Charolais, Baltimore. Consigned by Partridge Hollow Charolais.
Charolais Banner • December 2019
Greg McCracken was again a volume buyer taking eight head
Lorne Lakusta selected the second high selling bred heifer
Glenn & Wendy Ching bought the high selling cow/calf pair
Dave, Sonya & Freddie Cockburn purchased the high selling bred heifer
Derek & Tami Dekeyser were good supporters taking a high selling bred heifer
M&L Female Sale M&L Cattle Company Female Sale October 20, 2019 Indian River, ON 1 Cow/calf Pair 3 Bred Cows 8 Bred Heifers 12 Lots
Gross Average $3,000 $3,000 12,050 4,017 27,250 3,406 $42,300
Auctioneer: Brad DeNure Roger Maloney and Helen Lynett put on a very informative Beef day once again and included a small sale at the end of it this year. Speakers included a demonstration on Ultrasound (using fat steers), discussions
Jasper Munro of Ag Sights gives an ultrasound demonstration on a fat steer
on nutrition and genetics. The sale included Full French bred females and a couple commercial cows. The day was beautiful and the lunch and hospitality were very good as always. High Selling Bred Cows Lot 12, PCFL FLORALIE 55A (Full French), sired by PCFL Calais 145X, out of a PTITPrince, bred to SCF Fernando 435F. Sold for $5,300 to Wilkie Charolais, Big Valley, AB. Lot 8, PCFL FLORENCE 76A (Full French), sired by PCFL Calais 145X, out of a PCFL Omega 33J daughter,
Roger Maloney explains his program to one of the three stations
bred to CWW Double Take 291D. Sold for $3,800 to One Acre Charolais, Coboconk. High Selling Bred Heifers Lot 3, M&L MS PERFORMER 680F (Full French), sired by M&L Performer 92C, out of an M&L X-Caliber 87X daughter, bred to M&L Castor 102D. Sold for $4,200 to Wilkie Charolais. Lot 6, M&L MS TREZEGOAL 76E (Full French), sired by M&L Trezegoal 268C, out of a PCFL Calais 145X daughter, bred to M&L Castor 102D. Sold for $3,800 One Acre Charolais.
Casey Wilkie purchased the two high sellers
Bill Francis purchased both the second high sellers
Semen Auction a Success Bradley Fergus, Director
This year’s Annual Semen Auction was held in conjunction with the Charolais National Show and Sale at the Toronto Royal. It was a very successful sale, and the youth programs have benefitted greatly from the generous support from a number of breeders in the industry. The National Board would like to extend a CCYA NATIONAL BOARD President: Keegan Blehm Vice-President: Reegan McLeod Treasurer: Tyson Black Secretary: Haley Rosso
huge thank you to Rollin’ Acres Charolais, Dudgeon-Snobelen Land and Cattle, Medonte Charolais, Saunders Charolais, High Bluff Stock Farms, Pleasant Dawn Charolais, Alberta Charolais Association, Fergus Family Charolais, Kay-R Charolais, Ancar Livestock, Blackburn Charolais, Kelly Langstaff, and Dave Cockburn. The proceeds from this great fundraiser will go to support our
Annual Leadership Scholarship, which senior members can apply for each year, at the conference. We appreciate the support of our youth programs and for the up and coming Charolais breeders in our industry. We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Best of luck with all of the fall sales and the start of calving season in the New Year.
Director: Evan Jamieson Director: Megan Perih Director: Calina Evans Director: Bradley Fergus
Vice-President: Logan Jamieson Treasurer: Robyn Young Secretary: Evan Jamieson CCYA Provincial Advisors SK: Jill Debenham ON: Karen Black MB: Jeff & Jackie Cavers AB: Kasey Phillips |
2020 CCYA Conference & Show Executive President: Reegan McLeod
Youth Coordinator: Shae-Lynn Evans
Charolais Banner • December 2019
W 4 11 18 25
T 5 12 19 26
F 6 13 20 27
S 7 14 21 28
Oct. 20
1 Oct. 14
Nov. 8
Nov. 1
Oct. 25
Oct. 18
Year Letter for 2020: H
Nov. 9
Nov. 2
Oct. 26
Oct. 19
Nov. 10
Nov. 3
Oct. 27
Nov. 11
Nov. 4
Oct. 28
Moose Creek Red Angus & Charolais Two-Year Old Bull Sale, Kisbey
Oct. 21
Nov. 12
Nov. 5
Oct. 29
Oct. 22
Oct. 15
About Your 2020 Calendar
T 3 10 17 24 31
CCA & CCYA Memberships Due Whole Herd Enrollment forms due for spring & fall calvers New Year’s Day
M 2 9 16 23 30
The 2020 Charolais Calendar was produced as a joint effort between the Canadian Charolais Youth Association and the Charolais Banner. It features 286 day gestation period dates in each day box (upper right corner), and the different coloured “weeks” coincide with the 21-day heat cycling period.
S 1 8 15 22 29
Nov. 13
Nov. 6
Oct. 30
Oct. 23
Oct. 16
3 10 17 24
2 9 16 23
5 12 19 26
6 13 20 27
7 14 21 28
January 17 ............Last Quarter January 24 ............New Moon
January 2 ..............1st Quarter January 10 ............Full Moon
Nov. 7
Oct. 31
Oct. 24
Moon Phases
S 1 8 15 22 29
Oct. 17
4 11 18 25
6 13 20 27
5 12 19 26
W 1 8 15 22 29
T 2 9 16 23 30
7 14 21 28
Dec. 6
Nov. 29
Nov. 22
Groundhog Day
Nov. 15
F 3 10 17 24 31
S 4 11 18 25
Pro-Char Charolais Bull Sale, Glenevis
February 9 ............Full Moon February 15 ..........Last Quarter February 23 ..........New Moon
February 1 ............1st Quarter
Moon Phases
Nov. 30
Nov. 23
Nov. 16
Dec. 7
BOB Charolais Bull Sale, Stettler
Family Day (AB, BC, NB, ON, SK); Louis Riel Day (MB); NS Heritage Day (NS); Islander Day (PEI) Tip the Scale Angus & Charolais Bull Sale, Donalda
Dec. 1
Nov. 24
Nov. 17
Dec. 8
Rawes Ranches Performance Tested Charolais Bull Sale, Strome
Dec. 9
Beck Farms & McCoy Cattle Co. Bull Sale, Milestone Saddleridge Charolais with Kaiser Cattle Co. Bull Sale, Brooks
Dec. 2
Nov. 25
Nov. 18
McLeod Livestock & Kay-R Land & Livestock Bull Sale, Olds
Nov. 26
Nov. 19
Dec. 3
Dec. 10
Prairie Cove Charolais Bull and Female Sale, Bowden
Wilkie Charolais Bull Sale, Stettler
Dec. 4
Valentine’s Day
Nov. 27
Nov. 20
Dec. 11
Maple Leaf Charolais & Guest Bull Sale, Ponoka HEJ Charolais Bull Sale, Innisfail
Stephen Charolais and Guests Bull Sale, Whitewood
S 1 8 15 22 29
T 3 10 17 24 31
W 4 11 18 25
T 5 12 19 26
MARCH 2020 F 6 13 20 27
Dec. 5
P & H Ranching Co. Ltd. Bull Sale, Innisfail
Nov. 28
Nov. 21
Dec. 12
Myhre Land & Cattle Co./Bar J Charolais Bull Sale, Ste. Rose du Lac SanDan Charolais/Springside Farms Bull Sale, Erskine
S 7 14 21 28
Nov. 14
M 2 9 16 23 30
6 13 20 27
Dec. 13
7 14 21 28
Dec. 20
S 1 8 15 22 29
Jan. 10
Jan. 3
Best of the Breeds Bull Sale, Yorkton
Dec. 27
Steppler Farms Bull Sale, Miami
Daylight Savings Time Begins
5 12 19 26
4 11 18 25
Legacy Farming Bull Sale, Botha
3 10 17 24
2 9 16 23
Dec. 21
Dec. 14
Jan. 4
Grassroots Bull Sale, Veteran
Jan. 11
Tri-N Charolais Farms Bull Sale, Lenore Neilson Cattle Co. Bull Sale, Willowbrook
16 Dec. 28
Palmer Charolais Bull Sale, Bladworth
Dec. 22
Built Right Bull Sale, Provost
Dec. 15
Jan. 5
St. Patrick’s Day
Prairie Distinction Charolais Bull Sale, Neepawa
Jan. 12
Diamond W Charolais Bull Sale, Minitonas Poplar Bluff Stock Farm & Twin Anchor Charolais Bull Sale, Veteran
17 Dec. 29
Harvie Ranching Bull Sale, Olds
HTA Charolais & Guest Bull Sale, Rivers
Jan. 6
Dec. 30
Dec. 23
Dec. 16
Dec. 24
Buffalo Lake Charolais Bull Sale, Stettler
Dec. 17
Dec. 31
Jan. 7
Elder Charolais Bull Sale, Coronach
Lazy S Cattle Co. Limousin & Charolais Bull Sale, Beaverlodge, AB Creek’s Edge Land & Cattle Co. Bull Sale, Yellow Creek Footprint Farms Bull Sale, Esther
McKeary Charolais Sale, Brooks
MARCH 2020 Dec. 18
Dec. 25
Jan. 1
Jan. 8
McTavish Farms & Guest Bull Sale, Moosomin Thistle Ridge Ranch Bull Sale, Taber
Reese Cattle Co. Bull Sale, Innisfail High Bluff Stock Farm Charolais & Simmental Bull Sale, Inglis, MB
Northern Classic Bull Sale, Grand Prairie CK Sparrow Farms Bull Sale, Vanscoy
Select Charolais Bull Sale, Innisfail
6 13 20 27
5 12 19 26
T 2 9 16 23 30
F 3 10 17 24
S 4 11 18 25
Dec. 19
7 14 21 28
W 1 8 15 22 29
APRIL 2020 T
Dec. 26
Northern Impact VII, Clyde
Pleasant Dawn Charolais Bull Sale, Virden
Jan. 2
Jan. 9 K-Cow Ranch Bull Sale, Elk Point
Candiac Choice Bull Sale, Candiac
March 24 ..............New Moon
March 2 ................1st Quarter March 9 ................Full Moon March 16 ..............Last Quarter
Moon Phases
Borderland Cattle Co Bull Sale, Rockglen Impact Bull & Female Sale, Saskatoon Coyote Flats Charolais Bull Sale, Coaldale Cornerview Charolais Bull Sale, Cobden High Point Charolais Bull Sale, Stayner Chomiak Charolais Bull & Female Sale, Viking
Select Genetics Bull Sale, Herbert
Horseshoe E Charolais Bull Sale, Kenaston Blackbern, WhiteWater & Kirlene Charolais Bull Sale, Cobden
Wrangler Made Bull Sale, Westlock, AB High Country Bull Sale, Pincher Creek
W 4 11 18 25
T 5 12 19 26
T 3 10 17 24 31
MARCH 2020
Moon Phases
M 2 9 16 23 30
F 6 13 20 27
Feb. 7
Jan. 31
Jan. 24
Jan. 17
April 7 ..................Full Moon April 14 ................Last Quarter April 22 ................New Moon
April 1 & 30 ..........1st Quarter
S 1 8 15 22 29
S 7 14 21 28
Feb. 8
Feb. 1
Jan. 25
Wilgenbusch North of the 49th Bull Sale, Halbrite
Jan. 18
Feb. 9
Feb. 2
Wood River Top Cut Charolais Bull Sale, Mankota
Jan. 26
Cedarlea Farms at “Git ‘R Done” Bull Sale, Hodgeville Gilliland Bros. Charolais Bull Sale, Alameda White Lake Bull Sale, Lethbridge
7 Jan. 19
Feb. 10
Feb 3
Jan. 27
Jan. 20
Whitecap/Rosso Bull Sale, Moose Jaw
Feb. 11
Feb. 4
Jan. 28
Sliding Hills Charolais Bull Sale, Canora Daines Cattle Co. Bull Sale, Innisfail
Jan. 21
C2 Charolais Bull Sale, Killarney Hunter Charolais Bull Sale, Roblin
APRIL 2020
Jan. 22
Jan. 15
Feb. 5
Jan. 29
Good Friday
7 14 21 28
F 1 8 15 22 29
Vermilion Charolais Group Bull Sale, Vermilion
Jan. 16
S 2 9 16 23 30
Jan. 30
Feb. 6
Brimner Cattle Co. at Cornerstone Bull Sale, Whitewood Cedardale Charolais Bull & Select Female Sale, Nestleton
Jan. 23
Alameda Bull Sale, Alameda
6 13 20 27
5 12 19 26
3 4 10 11 17 18 24 /31 25
MAY 2020 T
6 13 20 27
5 12 19 26
T 2 9 16 23 30
7 14 21 28
W 1 8 15 22 29
APRIL 2020
F 3 10 17 24
S 4 11 18 25
March 7/14
Feb. 28
Mother’s Day
Feb. 21
Feb. 14
May 14..................Last Quarter May 22..................New Moon May 29..................1st Quarter
May 7....................Full Moon
Moon Phases
March 8
Victoria Day
March 1
Feb. 22
Feb. 15
March 9
March 2
Feb. 23
Feb. 16
March 10
March 3
Feb. 24
Feb. 17
March 11
March 4
Feb. 25
Feb. 18
MAY 2020
March 12
March 5
Feb. 26
Feb. 19
Feb. 12
7 14 21 28
W 3 10 17 24
T 4 11 18 25
JUNE 2020 T 2 9 16 23 30
F 5 12 19 26
S 6 13 20 27
March 13
March 6
Feb. 27
Feb. 20
Feb. 13
M 1 8 15 22 29
Bull Sale – April 2nd, 2020
6 13 20 27
7 14 21 28
F 1 8 15 22 29
April 11
Father’s Day
April 4
March 28
March 21
5 12 19 26
3 4 10 11 17 18 24 31 / 25
MAY 2020
S 2 9 16 23 30
April 12
April 5
March 29
March 22
March 15
April 13
April 6
March 30
March 23
March 16
April 7
March 31
March 24
March 17
April 8
April 1
March 25
March 18
JUNE 2020
April 9
April 2
March 26
March 19
6 13 20 27
5 12 19 26
7 14 21 28
W 1 8 15 22 29
T 2 9 16 23 30
JULY 2020 T
F 3 10 17 24 31
June 5 ..................Full Moon June 13 ................Last Quarter June 21 ................New Moon June 28 ................1st Quarter
April 10
April 3
March 27
Moon Phases
S 4 11 18 25
March 20
T 4 11 18 25
W 3 10 17 24
JUNE 2020
T 2 9 16 23 30
Moon Phases
M 1 8 15 22 29
F 5 12 19 26
S 6 13 20 27
May 9
May 2
April 25
April 18
July 27 ..................1st Quarter
July 5 ....................Full Moon July 12 ..................Last Quarter July 20 ..................New Moon
7 14 21 28
April 19
May 10
May 3
April 26
Canadian Charolais Youth Association Conference and Show, Olds
April 20
May 11
May 4
April 27
Canadian Charolais Youth Association Conference and Show, Olds
April 21
Canada Day
April 14
May 12
May 5
April 28
Canadian Charolais Youth Association Conference and Show, Olds
April 22
April 15
May 13
May 6
April 29
Canadian Charolais Youth Association Conference and Show, Olds
JULY 2020 April 23
April 16
May 14
May 7
April 30
Canadian Charolais Youth Association Conference and Show, Olds
4 11 18 25
2 3 9 10 16 17 23 30 24 31 / /
5 12 19 26
6 13 20 27
7 14 21 28
S 1 8 15 22 29
May 8
May 1
April 24
April 17
6 13 20 27
5 12 19 26
T 2 9 16 23 30
7 14 21 28
W 1 8 15 22 29
JULY 2020
F 3 10 17 24 31
June 6/13
May 30
May 23
May 16
August 25..............1st Quarter
August 3................Full Moon August 11..............Last Quarter August 18..............New Moon
Moon Phases
S 4 11 18 25
June 7/14
May 31
May 24
Civic Holiday
May 17
June 8
June 1
May 25
May 18
June 9
June 2
May 26
May 19
June 10
June 3
May 27
May 20
June 11
June 4
May 28
May 21
7 14 21 28
6 13 20 27
W 2 9 16 23 30
T 3 10 17 24
F 4 11 18 25
S 5 12 19 26
June 12
june 5
May 29
May 22
May 15
T 1 8 15 22 29
4 11 18 25
2 3 9 10 16 17 23 30 24 31 / /
5 12 19 26
6 13 20 27
7 14 21 28
S 1 8 15 22 29
July 11
July 4
June 27
June 20
September 23 ..........1st Quarter
September 2 ............Full Moon September 10 ..........Last Quarter September 17 ..........New Moon
Moon Phases
July 12
July 5
June 28
Labour Day
June 21
July 13
July 6
June 29
June 22
June 15
July 14
July 7
June 30
June 23
July 8
July 1
June 24
June 17
July 9
July 2
June 25
June 18
5 12 19 26
4 11 18 25
6 13 20 27
7 14 21 28
T 1 8 15 22 29
OCTOBER 2020 F 2 9 16 23 30
S 3 10 17 24 31
July 10
July 3
June 26
June 19
7 14 21 28
6 13 20 27
W 2 9 16 23 30
T 3 10 17 24
T 1 8 15 22 29
F 4 11 18 25
S 5 12 19 26
Aug. 8
Aug. 1
July 25
July 18
October 23 ............1st Quarter October 1/31 ........Full Moon October 9 ..............Last Quarter October 16 ............New Moon
Moon Phases
Aug. 9
Aug. 2
Thanksgiving Day
July 26
July 19
Aug. 10
Aug. 3
July 27
July 20
Aug. 11
Aug. 4
July 28
July 21
Aug. 12
Aug. 5
July 29
July 22
July 15
July 30
July 23
July 16
Aug. 13
Aug. 6
Uppin’ the Ante Sale, Hanover
S 1 8 15 22 29
W 4 11 18 25
T 5 12 19 26
F 6 13 20 27
S 7 14 21 28
Aug. 14
Aug. 7
July 31
July 24
July 17
T 3 10 17 24
M 2 9 16 23 30
5 12 19 26
4 11 18 25
7 14 21 28
T 1 8 15 22 29
F 2 9 16 23 30
Aug. 15
6 13 20 27
S 3 10 17 24 31
Sept. 12
Sept. 5
Aug. 29
Aug. 22
Daylight Savings Time Ends
Sept. 13
Sept. 6
Aug. 30
Aug. 23
Aug. 16
Sept. 7
Aug. 31
Aug. 24
Aug. 17
Sept. 8
Sept. 1
Remembrance Day
Aug. 25
Aug. 18
Sept. 9
Sept. 2
Aug. 26
Aug. 19
Sept. 10
Aug. 27
Aug. 20
7 14 21 28
6 13 20 27
W 2 9 16 23 30
T 3 10 17 24 31
F 4 11 18 25
November 15 ........New Moon November 21 ........1st Quarter November 30 ........Full Moon
November 8 ..........Last Quarter
Sept. 11
Sept. 4
Aug. 28
Moon Phases
S 5 12 19 26
Aug. 21
T 1 8 15 22 29
W 4 11 18 25
T 5 12 19 26
T 3 10 17 24
Moon Phases
M 2 9 16 23 30
F 6 13 20 27
S 7 14 21 28
Oct. 10
Oct. 3
Sept. 26
Sept. 19
December 14 ........New Moon December 21 ........1st Quarter December 29 ........Full Moon
December 7 ..........Last Quarter
S 1 8 15 22 29
Oct. 11
Oct. 4
Sept. 27
Sept. 20
Oct. 12
Oct. 5
Sept. 28
No Borders Select Sale, Virden
Sept. 21
Sept. 14
Sept. 29
Sept. 22
Sept. 15
Oct. 13
Oct. 6
Steppler Farms A Piece of the Program Female Sale, Miami
New Year’s Eve
Oct. 14
Christmas Eve
Oct. 7
Sept. 30
Sept. 23
Canadian Western Agribition National Sale, Regina
Sept. 16
Oct. 1
Sept. 24
Canadian Western Agribition National Show, Regina
Sept. 17
Christmas Day
Oct. 8
Char-Maine Ranching Bull Sale, Fort MacLeod
5 12 19 26
3 4 10 11 17 18 24 31 / 25
6 13 20 27
7 14 21 28
F 1 8 15 22 29
S 2 9 16 23 30
Boxing Day
Oct. 9
Oct. 2
Sept. 25
Sept. 18
ALBERTA CHAROLAIS ASSOCIATION RR #1, DONALDA, AB T0B 1H0 (780) 485-7865 (MAY) AMABEC CHAROLAIS RR1, WARKWORTH, ON K0K 3K0 (705) 924-2936 (OCTOBER) ANNUROC CHAROLAIS 1621 ROKEBY LINE, RR 1, MOORETOWN, ON N0N 1M0 (519) 864-5876 • (519) 312-1818 (JULY) BAKER FARMS 305 HUNT CLUB ROAD, MADOC, ON K0K 2K0 (613) 847-7784 (NOVEMBER) B BAR D CHAROLAIS RR 2, MOUNT FOREST, ON N0G 2L0 (519) 323-1270 (NOVEMBER) BAR H CHAROLAIS BOX 459, GRENFELL, SK S0G 2B0 (306) 697-2901 (JULY) BAR J POLLED CHAROLAIS BOX 110, AMARANTH, MB R0H 0B0 • 204-791-0091 JUSTIN (204) 871-3086 • JACK (204) 843-2246 (JUNE) BECK FARMS BOX 5, LANG, SK S0G 2W0 (306) 436-4600 • (306) 436-4564 (306) 436-4503 • (306) 538-2051 (FEBRUARY) BE-RICH FARMS RR#2, KITSCOTY, AB T0B 2P0 (780) 846-2643 (MARCH) BIG JOHNSON CHAROLAIS BOX 132, AMISK, AB T0B 0B0 (780) 856-2175 C (780) 806-3560 (JANUARY) BLACKBERN CHAROLAIS FARM 2056 KERR LINE, RR 1, FORESTER’S FALLS, ON K0J 1V0 (613) 646-2673 (OCTOBER) BOB CHAROLAIS STETTLER, ALBERTA (250) 517-8521 (APRIL) BO-JAN ENTERPRISES BOX 9, SYLVANIA, SK S0E 1S0 (306) 873-5220 (MAY) BORDERLAND CATTLE COMPANY BOX 418, ROCKGLEN, SK S0H 3R0 (306) 476-2439 (MAY) BRICNEY STOCK FARM BOX 206, MAIDSTONE, SK S0M 1M0 (306) 893-4510 • C (306) 893-7801 (SEPTEMBER) BRIDOR CHAROLAIS 103310 SOUTHGATE RD. 10 MOUNT FOREST, ON N0G 2L0 (519) 321-9163 (OCTOBER) BRIMNER CATTLE COMPANY BOX 93, MANOR, SK S0C 1R0 (306) 448-2028 • (306) 577-7698 (SEPTEMBER) BUFFALO LAKE SHORTHORNS & CHAROLAIS BOX 1055, STETTLER, AB T0C 2L0 (403) 742-6792 • (403) 742-4709 (SEPTEMBER) C M CATTLE CO. 706098 COUNTY RD. 21, MULMUR, ON L9V 0W3 (519) 939-0561 (OCTOBER) CAMPBELLS CHAROLAIS BOX 93, GRIFFIN, SK S0C 1G0 306-842-6231 (APRIL) CANADIAN CHAROLAIS ASSOCIATION 2320 - 41 AVENUE N.E., CALGARY, AB T2E 6W8 (403) 250-9242 (DECEMBER)
DOUBLE P STOCK FARMS BOX 790, STE. ROSE, MB R0L 1S0 (204) 732-2054 • (204) 647-5416 (JULY) DRD CHAROLAIS BOX 91, SINTALUTA, SK S0G 4N0 (306) 727-4927 (DECEMBER) DUBUC CHAROLAIS 184, DES CEDRES, STE-EULALIE, PQ G0Z 1E0 (819) 225-4298 • 225-4452 (AUGUST) EDGE, DEAN BOX 1526, RIMBEY, AB T0C 2J0 (403) 704-0280 (APRIL) ELDER CHAROLAIS BOX 81, CORONACH, SK S0H 0Z0 (306) 267-4986 • 267-5709 • 267-5655 (JUNE) EMB CHAROLAIS 1064 LINE 10N, ORO-MEDONTE, ON L0L 1T0 (705) 487-5840 (APRIL) FERGUS FAMILY FARM 393595 COUNTY RD 12, LAUREL, ON L9N 5N1 (519) 939-1307 • (519) 938-7103 (APRIL) FERME COUJO CHAROLAIS 3680 RG 10 WINDOVER, NOTRE-DAME-DU-BON-CONSEIL , PQ J0C 1A0 (819) 336-2511 (AUGUST) FERME CARDIN CHAROLAIS INC. 315 RANG 4, ST. BONAVENTURE, QC J0C 1C0 (819) 396-1968 • (819) 471-2312 (AUGUST) FERME LOUBER ENR. 1630, RANG ST-MARTIN, SAINTE-MARIE, QC G6E EA8 (418) 387-7514 (AUGUST) FISCHER CHAROLAIS BOX 362, IRMA, AB T0B 2H0 (780) 209-7961 • (780) 806-3635 (APRIL) FONDOAK FARM RR 2, RENFREW, ON K7V 3Z5 (613) 432-4655 (NOVEMBER) FOOTPRINT FARMS BOX 414, ESTHER, AB T0J 1H0 (403) 664-3167 (MARCH) FUTURE FARMS 35266 RG RD 33, RED DEER COUNTY, AB T4G 0N3 (403) 227-2594 • (403) 877-7017 (FEBRUARY) GILLILAND BROS. CHAROLAIS BOX 254 CARIEVALE, SK S0C 0P0 (306) 928-4841 • (306) 928-2118 (JUNE) GOLDEN THREAD LIVESTOCK IMAGES WWW.GOLDENTHREAD.CA • (306) 681-5340 (JULY) GOOD ANCHOR CHAROLAIS BOX 3261, VERMILION, AB T9X 2B2 (780) 853-2220 (JUNE) GRANT ROLSTON PHOTOGRAPHY LTD. BOX 1562, VULCAN, AB T0L 2B0 (403) 593-2217 • (403) 651-9441 (SEPTEMBER) HAPPY HAVEN CHAROLAIS BOX 266, OAKBURN, MB R0J 1L0 (204) 234-5425 • (204) 365-6010 (MAY) HARCOURT CHAROLAIS BOX 637, QUILL LAKE, SK S0A 3E0 (306) 383-2346 • C (306) 383-7068 (SEPTEMBER) HARVIE RANCHING RR# 2, OLDS, AB T4H 1P3 • (403) 335-4180 (403) 994-1314 • (403) 507-3886 (NOVEMBER) HEJ CHAROLAIS 35137 RG RD 283, RED DEER COUNTY, AB T4G 0M6 (403) 227-2824 • (403) 358-2866 (FEBRUARY)
LEMAY, CLAUDE 551 CHEMIN DES ÉRABLES, SAINTE GÉRARD DES LAURENTIDES, PQ G9R 1H1 (819) 697-7868 • (819) 539-7616 (AUGUST) M & L CATTLE CO. 2420 JERMYN LINE, INDIAN RIVER, ON K0L 2B0 (705) 295-6439 C (705) 761-7316 (JANUARY) MACK’S CHAROLAIS 1690 11TH LINE W, RR4, CAMPBELLFORD, ON K0L 1L0 (705) 653-3221 (APRIL) MANNINGHAM, ERIC 705 RANG 7 OUEST, LAURIERVILLE, QC G0S 1P0 (819) 365-4895 • C (819) 352-3018 (AUGUST) MAPLE LEAF CHAROLAIS RR1 SITE 6 BOX 8, MILLET, AB T0C 1Z0 (780) 312-4245 (FEBRUARY) MARTENS CATTLE CO. B0X 85, GLENBUSH, SK S0M 0Z0 (306) 342-2099 (FEBRUARY) McAVOY CHAROLAIS BOX 93, ARELEE, SK S0K 0H0 (306) 241-1975 • (306) 621-3326 (MARCH) McCAW LIVESTOCK BOX 730, WHITEWOOD, SK S0G 5C0 WACEY (306) 471-0093 (DECEMBER) McKEARY CHAROLAIS BOX 10, COMPEER, AB T0C 1A0 (403) 501-9760 (MARCH) McLEOD LIVESTOCK 293113 TWNSHP RD 263, ROCKY VIEW COUNTY, AB T4A 0N5 (403) 540-7986 (JANUARY) McTAVISH FARMS BOX 1047, MOOSOMIN, SK. S0G 3N0 (306) 435-4925 (JANUARY) MEDONTE CHAROLAIS 4967 LINE 5, N, RR 1, HILLSDALE, ON L0L 1V0 (705) 835-3310 • (705) 627-2348 • (705) 835-7665 (APRIL) MILLER LAND & LIVESTOCK RR 1, JARVIS, ON N0A 1J0 (519) 587-2755 (JULY) MISTY HILLS CHAROLAIS BOX 5490, VERMILLION, AB T9X 2B5 (780) 853-2648 (JANUARY) MOOSE CREEK CATTLE BOX 190 KISBEY SK S0C 1L0 (306) 462-4836 • (306) 577-8970 (APRIL) MRF CHAROLAIS 342 RTE 255, KINGSEY FALLS, QUEBEC (819) 839-1433 (AUGUST) MUTRIE FARMS BOX 57, GLENAVON, SK S0G 1Y0 (306) 429-2711 • (306) 529-6268 (JUNE) MYHRE LAND & CATTLE RR 4, C. 9A, DAUPHIN, MB R7N 2T7 (204) 648-6416 (SEPTEMBER) NAHACHEWSKY CHAROLAIS RR 1, NORQUAY, SK S0A 2V0 (306) 594-2627 (SEPTEMBER) NEILSON CATTLE COMPANY BOX 29, WILLOWBROOK, SK S0A 4P0 (306) 783-0331 (JULY) NORHEIM RANCHING 227 FAWCETT CRES., SASKATOON, SK S7T 0E9 (306) 227-4503 (APRIL) ONTARIO CHAROLAIS ASSOCIATION 103310 SOUTHGATE RD. 10, MOUNT FOREST, ON N0G 2L0 (519) 321-9163 (OCTOBER)
ADVERTISERS’ INDEX ROLLIN’ ACRES CHAROLAIS 598516 2ND LINE, MULMUR, ON L9V 0B6 (519) 925-2938 • C (705) 627-0672 (OCTOBER) ROSS LAKE CHAROLAIS STETTLER, AB • (403) 740-5247 (JANUARY) ROSSO CHAROLAIS #78, 325 - 4TH AVE. SW, MOOSE JAW, SK S6H 5V2 (306) 693-2384 (DECEMBER) ROYALE CHAROLAIS 98 RANG ST-ANDRÉ, ST-BERNARD-DE-LACOLLE QUEBEC J0J 1V0 (450) 493-9799 • (514) 895-0829 (AUGUST) SADDLERIDGE CHAROLAIS BOX 105, ROSEMARY, AB T0J 2W0 (403) 793-0794 • (403) 501-9333 (MAY) SANDAN CHAROLAIS BOX 397, ERSKINE, AB T0C 1G0 (403) 742-3337 (NOVEMBER) SASKATCHEWAN CHAROLAIS ASSOCIATION BOX 6, ROSETOWN, SK S0L 2V0 (306) 882-4081 (JULY) SAUNDERS CHAROLAIS RR#3, MARKDALE, ON N0C 1H0 (519) 372-6196 (FEBRUARY) SEMEX BEEF WWW.SEMEX.COM (JULY) SERHIENKO/VOEGELI CATTLE CO. BOX 42, MAYMONT, SK S0M 1T0 (306) 389-2136 • (306) 389-7770 (DECEMBER) SHARODON FARMS 4925 HWY 7, OMEMEE, ON K0L 2W0 (705) 742-4062 • (705) 875-7824 (OCTOBER) SLIDING HILLS CHAROLAIS BOX 1809, CANORA, SK S0A 0L0 (306) 563-6678 (DECEMBER) SOUTHVIEW FARMS LAND & CATTLE CO. 1594 COURTICE RD S, COURTICE, ON L1E 2N1 TERRY (905) 439-4235 • KEITH (905) 244-0049 (OCTOBER) CK SPARROW FARMS BOX 504, VANSCOY, SK S0L 3J0 (306) 668-4218 (MARCH) SPRINGSIDE FARMS 608 - 800 YANKEE VALLEY BLVD SE, AIRDRIE, AB T4A 2L1 (250) 832-8209 (DECEMBER) SPRUCE VIEW CHAROLAIS BOX 37, ANDREW, AB T0B 0C0 (780) 365-2079 • (780) 365-2075 (JANUARY) STEPHEN CHAROLAIS FARM BOX 26, MOOSOMIN, SK S0G 3N0 C (306) 435-7383 (NOVEMBER) STEPPLER FARMS LTD. BOX 7, MIAMI, MB R0G 1H0 (204) 435-2463 • C (204) 750-1951 (JANUARY) SUGARLOAF CHAROLAIS BOX 38, MINBURN, AB T0B 3B0 (780) 593-2153 • C (780) 787-0358 (NOVEMBER) SUNBLADE CHAROLAIS BOX 26, FOXWARREN, MB R0J 0R0 (204) 847-2213 (MAY) SUNSHINE OAK CHAROLAIS BOX 314, HOLLAND MB R0G 0X0 ROB (204) 526-5087 • CAROLYN (204) 526-7369 (FEBRUARY) T BAR C CATTLE CO. #9, 3342 MILLAR AVE. SASKATOON, SK S7K 7G9 (306) 933-4200 • (306) 934-0744 (SEPTEMBER) TEMPLE FARMS BOX 171, CARROT RIVER, SK S0E 0L0 (306) 768-3218 • (306) 768-8000 (JULY)
CAREY AUCTION SERVICES BOX 27, STAVELY, AB T0L 1Z0 (403) 549-2478 • (403) 650-9028 (JULY) CAY’S CATTLE BOX 155, KINISTINO, SK S0J 1H0 JUSTIN (306) 864-7893 • LAYNE (306) 864-7307 (SEPT) CEDARDALE CHAROLAIS 17100 CEDARDALE ROAD, NESTLETON, ON L0B 1L0 (905) 986-4608 (MARCH) CEDARLEA FARMS BOX 294, HODGEVILLE, SK S0H 2B0 (306) 677-2589 • (306) 677-7777 (DECEMBER) CHAR LEW RANCH BOX 2018, PINCHER CREEK, AB T0K 1W0 (403) 627-9412 (JUNE) CHAR-MAINE RANCHING BOX 1178, CARDSTON, AB T0K 0K0 (403) 653-3914 • (403) 653-7228 (DECEMBER) CHARLA MOORE FARMS BOX 335 REDVERS, SK S0C 2H0 (306) 452-8454 (SEPT) CHAR-TOP CHAROLAIS BOX 569, GULL LAKE, SK S0N 1A0 (306) 672-3979 (SEPT) CHARWORTH CHAROLAIS FARMS BOX 10358, STN MAIN, AIRDRIE, AB T4A 0H6 (403) 226-0813 • 226-0541 • 226-0056 (SEPT) CHOMIAK CHAROLAIS 163016 TWP RD. 520 R.R. 1, MUNDARE, AB T0B 3H0 (780) 632-7108 • C (780) 945-1504 (AUGUST) CIRCLE CEE CHAROLAIS BOX 86, LAMONT, AB T0B 2R0 (780) 796-2108 • (780) 485-7865 (FEBRUARY) CLINE CATTLE BOX 268, BELMONT, MB R0K 0C0 (204) 537-2367 (JANUARY) COCKBURN FARMS 1122 HOPKINS RD., IROQUOIS FALLS, ON P0K 1E0 (705) 288-8013 (APRIL) CORNERVIEW CHAROLAIS RR 3, 1012 SNAKE RIVER LINE, COBDEN, ON K0J 1K0 (613) 646-9741 • (613) 312-1378 (MARCH) COUGAR HILL RANCH BOX 10, TOUTES AIDES, MB R0L 2A0 (204) 732-2663 (JULY) COYOTE FLATS CHAROLAIS BOX 1094, COALDALE, AB T1M 1M9 (403) 345-2988 • (403) 634-2989 (FEBRUARY) CREEK’S EDGE LAND & CATTLE BOX 71, YELLOW CREEK, SK S0K 4X0 (306) 279-2033 (MAY) C2 CHAROLAIS BOX 237, LA RIVIERE, MB R0G 1A0 (204) 242-3467 • (204) 242-4448 (JUNE) DAINES O’NEILL LIVESTOCK RED DEER COUNTY, AB (403) 877-2615 • (403) 348-9753 (JANUARY) DEMARAH FARMS BOX 266, GRAYSON, SK S0A 1E0 (306) 794-9090 • C (306) 621-0089 (DECEMBER) DESERTLAND CATTLE CO. LTD BOX 1, SEDALIA, AB T0J 3C0 (403) 326-3333 • (403) 664-9447 (JANUARY) DIAMOND W CHAROLAIS BOX 235, HUDSON BAY, SK S0E 0Y0 (306) 865-6539 (JANUARY) DOGPATCH ACRES BOX 44, LEROY, SK S0K 2P0 • (306) 287-4008 (JUNE) DORRAN MARKETING INC. 24 PARK LANE, OLDS, AB T4H 1W3 RYAN (403) 507-6483 (APRIL) HICKS CHAROLAIS BOX 130, ARTHUR, ON N0G 1A0 BRYAN (519) 766-2816 (OCTOBER) HIDDEN LAKE STOCK FARM BOX 1335, CARBERRY, MB R0K 0H0 SCOTT (204) 573-7882 • MEGAN (204) 245-1119 (JULY) HIGH BLUFF STOCK FARM BOX 75, INGLIS, MB R0J 0X0 (204) 564-2547 (MARCH) HOPEWELL CHAROLAIS BOX 486, KERROBERT, SK S0L 1R0 (306) 834-2440 • C (306) 834-7557 (JUNE) HORSESHOE E CHAROLAIS BOX 390, KENASTON, SK S0G 2N0 (306) 252-2852 • 252-2246 (MARCH) HOWE FAMILY FARM #183, 325 - 4TH AVE. S.W., MOOSE JAW, SK S6H 5V2 (306) 691-5011 • (306) 693-2163 • (306) 693-2127 (MARCH) HTA CHAROLAIS BOX 639, RIVERS, MB ROK 1XO (204) 328-7704 • (204) 724-8823 (JANUARY) HUNTER CHAROLAIS BOX 569, ROBLIN, MB R0L 1P0 (204) 937-2531 (JULY) JAYDAWN FARMS BOX 7 RR 2, SEXSMITH, AB T0H 3C0 (780) 933-5530 (APRIL) JMB CHAROLAIS BOX 66, BROOKDALE, MB R0K 0G0 (204) 354-2267 • (204) 354-2118 (APRIL) JONES CHAROLAIS BOX 809, GULL LAKE, SK S0N 1A0 (306) 671-7820 (DECEMBER) KAISER CATTLE CO BOX 209, HUSSAR, AB T0J 1S0 • (403) 787-2489 (JULY) KAY-R LAND & CATTLE BOX 420, WASKATENAU, AB T0A 3P0 (780) 358-2360 • C (780) 656-6400 (JUNE) K-COW RANCH BOX 1450, ELK POINT, AB T0A 1A0 (780) 724-2789 • (780) 614-5959 (MAY) KIRLENE CATTLE 13 LAWSON SETTLEMENT RD #3, BRIGHTON, ON K0K 1H0 (613) 475-3532 • C (613) 848-6917 (NOVEMBER) LA FERME PATRY DE WEEDON 1981, RANG 2 NORD, WEEDON, QC J0B 3J0 (819) 877-2450 (AUGUST) LAKEVIEW CHAROLAIS BOX 511, MARWAYNE, AB T0B 2X0 (780) 875-0218 (APRIL) LAND O’ LAKES CHAROLAIS 166 PIGDEN ROAD, RR 2, MADOC, ON K0K 2K0 (613) 242-8689 (OCTOBER) LANGSTAFF CHAROLAIS RR 5, WALLACEBURG, ON N8A 4L2 (519) 627-3464 (OCTOBER) LAZY S CATTLE CO. BOX 1116, RIMBEY, AB T0C 2J0 (403) 843-6801 C (403) 704-0288 (MAY) LEEMAR CHAROLAIS RR1, SITE 8, BOX 14, THORSBY, AB T0C 2P0 (780) 389-3314 (NOVEMBER) LEGACY CHAROLAIS BOX 59, BOTHA, AB T0C 0N0 (403) 742-4265 • (403) 742-2108 (NOVEMBER) LEJ CHAROLAIS BOX 882, PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE, MB R1N 3C3 (204) 252-3115 • (204) 856-6357 (MAY) OPEN GATE FARM 11224 FAIRFAX RD, STANSTEAD-EST, QC J0B 3E0 (819) 838-1398 (AUGUST) P & H RANCHING CO LTD. RR 3 SITE 18 BOX 17 • INNISFAIL, AB T4G 1T8 (403) 227-2348 (FEBRUARY) PALMER CHAROLAIS BOX 17, BLADWORTH, SK S0G 0J0 (306) 567-5545 (FEBRUARY) PEEVEE CHAROLAIS FARM 80 BAKER TALC RD, MANSONVILLE, QC J0E 1X0 (450) 243-0249 (AUGUST) PHILLIPS CHAROLAIS BOX 357, ESTEVAN, SK S4A 2A4 (306) 636-2213 • (306) 421-6416 (NOVEMBER) PINE BLUFF CHAROLAIS BOX 34, LOVE, SK S0J 1P0 (306) 276-5976 (MAY) PLEASANT DAWN CHAROLAIS BOX 132, OAK LAKE, MB R0M 1P0 (204) 855-3078 • (204) 721-3078 (MARCH) POPLAR BLUFF STOCK FARM BOX 55, CHAUVIN, AB T0B 0V0 (780) 858-2435 • (780) 806-3395 (APRIL) POTTER CHAROLAIS BOX 554, EARLTON, ON P0J 1E0 (705) 563-2752 • (705) 650-2820 (APRIL) PRAIRIE COVE CHAROLAIS BOX 297, BOWDEN, AB T0M 0K0 TIM (204) 350-9858 • TYLER (403) 501-0660 (JANUARY) PRAIRIE GOLD CHAROLAIS BOX 6, ROSETOWN, SK S0L 2V0 (306) 882-4081 (MAY) PRAIRIE VIEW CHAROLAIS RR 1, SHORTDALE, MB R0L 1W0 (204) 546-2995 • (204) 937-7680 (SEPTEMBER) PRO-CHAR CHAROLAIS BOX 275, GLENEVIS, AB T0E 0X0 (780) 932-1654 (DECEMBER) PROULX CHAROLAIS 197 BOULV. FORTIER, ST-ISIDORE DE CLIFTON, QC J0B 2X0 (819) 434-1094 (AUGUST) QUALMAN CHAROLAIS RANCH BOX 25, DUNDURN, SK S0K 1K0 (306) 492-4634 (APRIL) R & G MCDONALD LIVESTOCK BOX 85, SIDNEY, MB R0H 1L0 (204) 466-2883 (JANUARY) RAMMER CHAROLAIS BOX 214, STRATHCLAIR, MB R0J 2C0 (204) 365-2789 • (204) 365-0976 (JUNE) RANCH OSTIGUY 144, GRANDE BARBUE, ST-CESAIRE, QC J0L 1T0 (450) 830-9278 (AUGUST) RAWES RANCHES BOX 208, STROME, AB T0B 4H0 (780) 376-2241 (FEBRUARY) REESE CATTLE CO. BOX 661, DIDSBURY, AB T0M 0W0 (403) 870-3960 (DECEMBER)
THISTLE RIDGE RANCH BOX 4205, TABER, AB T1G 2C7 (403) 223-4118 • CELL (403) 317-0689 (JULY) TRANSCON LIVESTOCK CORP. BOX 300, SUNDRE, AB T0M 1X0 (403) 638-9377 (AUGUST) TRI-N CHAROLAIS BOX 899, LENORE, MB R0M 1E0 MERV (204) 838-2107 • JESSE (204) 851-3391 (APRIL) TURNBULL CHAROLAIS BOX 208, PINCHER CREEK, AB T0K 1W0 (403) 627-4535 • (403) 627-6951 (JANUARY) TWIN ANCHOR CHAROLAIS CASTOR, AB BRIAN (403) 741-2287 • CLIFF (403) 741-2626 (JULY) VALANJOU CHAROLAIS RANCH BOX 148, CLYDE, AB T0G 0P0 (780) 348-5683 (AUGUST) VALLEY’S END RANCH BOX 386, CENTRAL BUTTE, SK S0H 0T0 (306) 796-4651 • (306) 796-4460 (APRIL) VIKSE FAMILY FARM RR#1, DONALDA, AB T0B 1H0 (403) 883-2461 • C (780) 608-4460 (FEBRUARY) VOEGELI BROS. CHAROLAIS BOX 130, MAYMONT, SK S0M 1T0 (306) 389-4605 (APRIL) WALKING PLOW CHAROLAIS BOX 55, WOODMORE, MB R0A 2M0 (204) 427-2589 (NOVEMBER) WESTERN LITHO PRINTERS 300 DEWDNEY AVENUE, REGINA, SK S4N 0E8 (306) 525-8796 (AUGUST) WHISKEY HOLLOW CATTLE COMPANY RR#4, NORWOOD, ON K0L 2V0 (705) 931-5436 • (705) 430-3320 (OCTOBER) WHITE LAKE COLONY/KRW CHAROLAIS BOX 150, NOBLEFORD, AB T0L 1S0 (403) 332-2261 (MAY) WHITE MEADOW CHAROLAIS RR 1, PIPESTONE, MB R0M 1T0 (204) 854-2952 (MARCH) WHITEWATER LIVESTOCK 1839 GARDEN OF EDEN ROAD, HALEY STATION, ON K0J 1Y0 (613) 585-3873 (OCTOBER) WILGENBUSCH CHAROLAIS BOX 4, HALBRITE, SK S0C 1H0 (306) 458-2688 • (306) 458-7482 (MARCH) WILKIE RANCH BOX 118, BIG VALLEY, AB T0J 0G0 CASEY (403) 741-5799 • DON (403) 876-2596 CLINT (403) 876-2548 (APRIL) WOOD RIVER CHAROLAIS BOX 86, MCCORD, SK S0H 2T0 (306) 478-2520 (JUNE) WRANGLER CHAROLAIS BOX 5554, WESTLOCK, AB T7P 2P5 (780) 349-2982 (JULY)
Canadian National Sale Canadian National Sale Canadian National Charolais Sale Royal Agricultural Winter Fair November 1, 2019 • Toronto, ON 6 Bred Heifers 23 Heifer Calves 1 Two-Year Old Bull 29 2/3 Lots
Gross $40,000 191,150 13,500
Average $6,667 8,310 13,500
Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co. The Ontario Charolais Association, led by President Josh Taylor, put on a first-class event. The large crowd that packed Salon #103 led to an electric atmosphere and a hot sale. Cattle were sold into six provinces and the USA, making it a truly National Event. Once again, the CCYA Semen Donation Auction was well supported gathering up $3,675 to put towards future national board projects. High Selling Bred Heifer Lot 22C, CEDARLEA MISS 84F (4th Gen. Polled, -1.7 BW EPD, 1,680 lb), sired by Cedardale Zeal 125Z, out of a WDZ Firemaker 6062 P ET daughter, bred to Circle Cee Legend 307A. Sold for $15,000 to Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite, SK. Consigned by Cedardale Charolais, Nestleton. High Selling Heifer Calves Lot 5, MISS PRAIRIE COVE 904G (4th Gen. Polled, -0.9 BW EPD, 84 YW EPD, 25 Milk EPD, 812 lb), sired by LT Landmark 5052 PLD, out of an HTA Vegas 134Y daughter. Sold for $32,000 to DanG Charolais, Colborne. Consigned by Prairie Cove Charolais. Alex, AB. Lot 1, ROLLIN ACRES STELLA 24G (3rd Gen. Polled, 21 Milk EPD), sired by MVY Caous 64D, out of an MCF
Bohannon 305A daughter. Sold for $20,00 to George and Cheryl McCall, Annan. Consigned by Rollin’ Acres Charolais, Shelburne. Lot 2, CRG MISS MONTIE 903G (2nd Gen. Polled, 0.4 BW EPD, 24 Milk EPD, 956 lb), sired by M&M Outsider 4003 PLD, out of a Gerrard Montezuma 6T daughter. Sold for $17,500 to Stanhow Charolais, Shawville, QC. Consigned by Oattes Charolais, Cobden.
Blake Alton purchased a new herd bul
Lee Stanhow purchased a high selling heifer calf from Oattes Charolais
Lot 4, MISS PRAIRIE COVE 965G (4th Gen. Polled, 0.2 BW EPD, 26 Milk EPD, 762 lb), sired by TR PZC MR Turton 0794 ET, out of an HTA Vegas 134Y daughter. Sold for $14,500 to Cap Rock Cattle Co., Dimmitt, Texas, USA. Consigned by Prairie Cove Charolais. High Selling Bull Lot X, WSS END ZONE 717E (4th Gen. Polled, 1.1 BW EPD, 89 YW EPD, 2,530 lb), sired by KAYR Upswing 507Y, out of a CAD Ladies Man 12P daughter. Sold 2/3 interest for $13,500 to Alton Century Farms, Kincardine. Consigned by Dudgeon-Snobelen Land and Livestock, Ripley. High Selling Semen Lot 29A, 30 Straws of ELDER’S BLACKJACK 788B. Sold for $5,250 to Adrian Franken, Wingham. Consigned by Elder Charolais, Coronach, SK and Wilgenbusch Charolais. High Selling Embryos Lot 20B, 5 embryos by WC MILESTONE 5223P, out of PLEASANT DAWN MAGGIE 316X. Sold for $3,500 to McTavish Charolais, Moosomin, SK. Consigned by Potter Charolais, Earlton.
George and Cheryl McCall selected a high selling heifer calf from Rollin’ Acres
Derek Dekeyser and Tami Matthews purchased the high selling heifer calf for their DanG Charolais herd
Craig and Tricia Wilgenbusch purchased the high selling bred heifer
Suivez, moi sur Twitter! @CharolaisBanner Charolais Banner • December 2019
Maple Leaf Dispersal Sale Maple Leaf Charolais Complete Female Dispersal Sale November 15, 2019 Stettler, AB 15 Cow/Calf Pairs 56 Bred Cows 26 Bred Heifers 5 Heifer Calves 102 Lots
Gross $73,400 179,000 77,450 8,900
Average $4,893 3,196 2,979 1,780
Auctioneer: Danny Skeels Sales Manager: By Livestock Many volume buyers helped make the sale very steady. This was the largest offering of Full French and French influence females to sell this fall. A herd built over many decades, there were some large cow families. The females sold into five provinces and two states. High Selling Cow/calf Pairs Lot 46, MAPLE LEAF MS CHAR 4141B (Full French), sired by Charlemangne, out of a Bijou daughter, bred to M&L White Walker 268D. Sold for $4,000 to M&L Cattle Co. Indian River, ON. Lot 46A, MAPLE LEAF MS WALKER 18G (Full French, 47 TM EPD), sired by M&L White Walker 268D. Sold for $4,800 to Ryan & Cory Briggs, Oro-Medonte, ON. Lot 32, BAR PUNCH MS VIRGIL 2125Z (3rd Gen. Polled, Full French), sired by Maple Leaf Bar Punch 901W, out of a Maple Leaf Ufano 780T daughter, bred to Maple Leaf Martel Jr 620D. Sold for $3,000 to Peter Dolen, Spirit River. Lot 32A, MAPLE LEAF MS MARTEL 49G (3rd Gen. Polled, Full French), sired by Maple Leaf Martel Jr 620D. Sold for $2,300 to Peter Dolen, Spirit River.
Dale and Dee Green were volume buyers taking home 24 lots
High Selling Bred Cows Lot 88, PCFL GINNIFER 4B (Full French), sired by SCF You Betcha 94Y, out of a PCFL TRIDENT 9P daughter, bred to Mulkay’s RHM 50B. Sold for $10,000 to Wilkie Charolais, Big Valley. Lot 64, BAR PUNCH MS MARTEL 428B (Polled, -.1 BW EPD), sired by Maple Leaf Pol Martel 201Z, out of a Maple Leaf Reward 11X daughter, bred to Ross Lake Ferdinand 29F. Sold for $8,000 to M&L Cattle Co. Lot 82, MAPLE LEAF MS REWARD 4172B (Full French), sired by Maple Leaf Reward 11X, out of a Maple Leaf Major Jag 620S daughter, bred to Sisteron. Sold for $6,000 to Ross Lake Charolais, Stettler. Lot 5, MAPLE LEAF MS VOIMO 3C (Full French), sired by Voimo, out of a Maple Leaf Laurel 317N daughter, bred Maple Leaf High Star 720E. Sold for $5,000 to Ryan & Cory Briggs. Lot 39, MAPLE LEAF MS PINAY 344A (Full French), sired by Maple Leaf Pinay 8136U, out of a PCS Timber Jack 14T daughter, bred to JHCF Kurt 6D. Sold for $5,000 to Ross Lake Charolais, Stettler. Lot 107, PCFL GEMMABELLE 44B (Full French), sired by M&L 28Y, out of a PCFL Vegas 85S daughter, bred to Maple Leaf Sisteron 582C, sold for $5,000 to Wilke Charolais, Big Valley. High Selling Bred Heifers Lot 61, MAPLE LEAF UNTEL 774E (Polled, Full French), sired by M&L Roger 49A, out of a Maple Leaf Bar Punch 901W daughter, bred to Maple Leaf High Star 720E. Sold for $5,100 to Ryan & Cory Briggs. Lot 36, MAPLE LEAF MS FIRST 844F (Full French), sired by Maple Leaf 32D, out of an MLC Dragon Jr
Tate and Devin Attfield purchased 5 lots
Charolais Banner • December 2019
122K daughter, bred to Maple Leaf High Star 720E. Sold for $3,900 to Devin & Virgina Attfield, Smith. Lot 83, MAPLE LEAF MS SISTERON 3F (Full French), sired by Maple Leaf Sisteron 3190A, out of a Maple Leaf Major Jag 620S daughter, bred to Maple Leaf High Star 720E. Sold for $3,800 to Devin & Virgina Attfield. Lot 59, MAPLE LEAF MS SISTERON 875F (Full French), sired by Maple Leaf Sisteron 582C, out of a Stutheit Unstoppable daughter, bred to Maple Leaf High Star 720E. Sold for $3,500 to Howe Family Farm, Moose Jaw, SK. High Selling Heifer Calf Lot 53, MAPLE LEAF MS MARTEL 46G (Full French, Polled), sired by Maple Leaf Martel Jr 620D, out of a Maple Leaf Reward 11X daughter. Sold for $2,400 to South Side Charolais, Burns Lake, BC.
Casey Wilkie purchased 2 lots including the high selling bred cow
Roger Maloney purchased 8 lots including a couple of the top females
George Stewart purchased 10 lots
Byron Wilkie took 5 females for his herd
Byron and Wyatt Clarke purchased 7 lots to take home to Saskatchewan
Turnbull/Wrangler Sale Turnbull Charolais & Wrangler Charolais Sharing Our Genetics Sale November 18, 2019 • Olds, AB Gross 10 Cow/Calf Pairs $109,600 1 Bred Cow 8,000 8 Bred Heifers 250,050 4 Heifer Calves 26,200 53 Lots
Average $10,960 8,000 6,580 6,550 $7,431
Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Manager: By Livestock The first “Sharing Our Genetics Sale” had a great offering of females. A good crowd of breeders took home quality cattle selling into four provinces. High Selling Cow/Calf Pairs Lot 1, WRANGLER MS ELLY 14E (4th Gen Pld, 6.9 CE EPD),sired by Cedarlea Ty Cobb 78C, out of a Top Grants Powerplay 201Z daughter, bred to Wrangler Durango 108C. Sold for $8,500 to Kim Turnbull, Pincher Creek. Lot 1A, WRANGLER MS OUTSIDER 83G (3rd Gen Pld, -.3 BW EPD, 43 TM EPD), sired by M&M Outsider 4003 PLD. Sold for $8,500 to Cornerview Charolais, Cobden, ON. Lot 6, CTP MISS PLATINUM 522B (4th Gen Polled, Red Factor, 51 WW EPD, 97 YW EPD), sired by GLM Red Titan 27X, out of a BDSC Redemption 9S daughter, bred to HVA Fortune 5F. Sold for $10,500 to Springside Farms, Airdire. Lot 6A, TURNBULL’S MISS HEIDI 17G, (3rd Gen Polled, Red Factor, -1 BW EPD, 23 Milk EPD), sired by JWX Daytime 1047D. Sold for $5,000 to Wrangler Charolais, Westlock. Lot 5, WRANGLER PRETTY LADY 98C (Double Polled, -.2 BW EPD, 25 Milk EPD), sired by Steppler Prince George 43A, out of a TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET daughter, bred to
SKW Expedition 89C. Sold for $8,500 to Elder Charolais Farm, Coronach, SK. Lot 5A, WRANGLER PRETTY LADY 4G (3rd Gen Polled, 59 WW EPD, 106 YW EPD), sired by SKW Expedition 89C. Sold for $5,100 to Fleming Livestock Corp, Winfield. High Selling Bred Cow Lot 3, TURNBULL’S MISS HANNAH 827E (4th Gen Polled, 12.1 CE EPD, 48 WW EPD, 92 YW EPD), sired by Cedarlea Shoeless Joe 83C, out of a Pleasant Dawn Tracker 15A daughter, bred to Pleasant Dawn Main 122F. Sold for $8,000 to Donnie Swistun, North Battleford, SK. High Selling Bred Heifers Lot 21, TURNBULL’S MISS DEANIE 953F (4th Gen Polled, 61 WW EPD, 105 YW EPD), sired by Steppler Blue Print 64C, out of a Pleasant Dawn Maximum 138X daughter, bred to Cedarlea Lincoln 28D. Sold for $16,000 to Steppler Charolais, Miami, MB. Lot 18, TURNBULL’S MISS LADY 905F (58 WW EPD, 104 YW EPD), sired by Steppler Blue Print 64C, out of an Elders Special Edition 835U daughter, bred to Cedarlea Lincoln 28D. Sold for $15,000 to Palmer Charolais Land and Cattle Co Ltd., Bladworth, SK. Lot 22, TURNBULL’S MISS HEIDI 961F (4th Gen Polled, 8.5 CE EPD, .2 BW EPD), sired by Steppler Blue Print 64C, out of a Pleasant Dawn Maximum 138X daughter, bred to Cedarlea Lincoln 28D. Sold for $12,000 to Palmer Charolais Land and Cattle Co Ltd. High Selling Heifer Calves Lot 14, TURNBULL’S MISS KELSEY 77G (Double Polled, 7.5 CE EPD, 54 WW EPD, 102 YW EPD), sired
Charolais Banner • December 2019
Velon Herback purchased 2 of the top selling bred heifers
Trent Hatch purchased 4 lots to take back to Manitoba
Mike Elder bought 2 lots including the high selling heifer
Andre Steppler purchased the high selling female
Heins family was a volume buyer taking 10 lots home
by Elders Hernandez 17E, out of a Pleasant Dawn Tracker 15A daughter. Sold for $10,750 to Elder Charolais Farm. Lot 16, WRANGLER MS SUN LADY 7G (Double Polled, 60 WW EPD, 106 YW EPD), sired by SKW Expedition 89C, out of a Gerrard Montezuma 6T daughter. Sold for $8,250 to Rosedale Farms, Sturgeon County.
Expo-Boeuf Charolais Show Expo-Boeuf Congres du Boeuf October 12, 2019 • Victoriaville, QC Judge: Jean-Pierre Patry, Weedon, QC 27 Entries (A BOSS Show) Bulls born in 2019 1. BLACKBERN GAVIN 22G (Rosso Double Down 8Z), Blackbern Farm, Foresters Falls, ON; 2. OUTBACK GANDOLF 3G (TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET), Outback Ranch Land & Cattle, Simonds, NB. Bull Calf Champion BLACKBERN GAVIN 22G, Blackbern Farms
Reserve Champion Bull BLACKBERN GAVIN 22G, Blackbern Farms Females born in 2019 1. POST GRACE 819G (Pleasant Dawn Chisum 819G), MRF Charolais; 2. MISS SOUTHVIEW SUGAR 15G (HBC Venture 423B), Southview Farm Ltd; 3. MISS SOUTHVIEW FIREFLY 13G (TR Mr Firewater 5792RET), Southview Farm Ltd; 4. DUBUC GOLOISE 907G (WR Wrangler W601), Dubuc Charolais Senc, Ste. Eulalie; 5. FONDOAK GABBY 10G (Cedardale Durham 14D), Fondoak Farm, Renfrew, ON.
Reserve Bull Calf Champion OUTBACK GANDOLF 3G, Outback Ranch Land & Cattle
Heifer Calf Champion POST GRACE 819G, MRF Charolais
Bull born in 2018 – Split 1 1. MRF POWER STROKE 81F (Pale Concetto 25C), MRF Charolais, Kingsey Falls; 2. MRF PURE POWER 87F (Pale Concetto 25C), MRF Charolais. Bull born in 2018 – Split 2 1. MR SOUTHVIEW XPLORER 50F (Mvy Xplorer 21X), Southview Farm Ltd, Courtice, ON.
Female born in 2018 – Split 1 1. BLACKBERN FAITH 51F (Circle Cee Legend 307A), Blackbern Farm.
Reserve Heifer Calf Champion MISS SOUTHVIEW SUGAR 15G, Southview Farm Ltd
Female born in 2018 – Split 2 1. CEDARDALE MISS 138F (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Stonewood
Grange, Lakefield, ON. Females born in 2018 – Split 3 1. FONDOAK FOXY 2F (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Fondoak Farm; 2. DRD MISS SMOKING GOOD 35F (LAE Avalanche 327A), Blackbern Farm; 3. OBR OUTBACK STAR 1F (TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET), Outback Ranch Land & Cattle; 4. DUBUC FLOWER 807F (Shelco Made Easy 512R), Dubuc Charolais Senc. Junior Champion Female FONDOAK FOXY 2F, Fondoak Farm Reserve Junior Champion Female DRD MISS SMOKING GOOD 35F, Blackbern Farm Female born in 2017 with calf 1. MCTAVISH PURE CREAM 24E (SVY Monument PLD 159Y, calf – SOS Hooey PLD 127D), Blackbern Farm. Females born prior to 2017 with calf 1. OBR OUTBACK PRINCESS 4B (WR Wrangler W601, twin calves – OBR Outback Dakota 2D), Outback Ranch Land & Cattle; 2. OBR OUTBACK DALLAS 3D (WR Wrangler W601, calf continued on page 63
Junior Champion Bull MR SOUTHVIEW XPLORER 50F, Southview Farm Ltd Reserve Junior Champion Bull MRF POWER STROKE 81F, MRF Charolais Bull born in 2017 1. MR SOUTHVIEW ZEAL 60E (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Southview Farm Ltd. Bull born prior to 2017 1. OUTBACK DAKOTA 2D (TR PZC Mr Turton 0749 ET), Outback Ranch Land & Cattle.
Grand Champion Female & Junior Champion Female – FONDOAK FOXY 2F, Fondoak Farm
Grand Champion Bull & Senior Bull Champion – MR SOUTHVIEW ZEAL 60E, Southview Farm Ltd
Reserve Champion Female & Heifer Calf Champion – POST GRACE 819G, MRF Charolais
Reserve Champion Bull & Bull Calf Champion – BLACKBERN GAVIN 22G, Blackbern Farms
Senior Bull Champion MR SOUTHVIEW ZEAL 60E, Southview Farm Ltd. Reserve Senior Bull Champion OUTBACK DAKOTA 2D, Outback Ranch Land & Cattle Grand Champion Bull MR SOUTHVIEW ZEAL 60E, Southview Farm Ltd. 62
Charolais Banner • December 2019
Atlantic Elite Charolais Sale November 9, 2019 • Truro, NS 4 Bred Cows 11 Bred Heifers 8 Heifer Calves 23 Lots
Gross Average $9,300 $2,325 27,700 2,518 25,952 3,244 $62,952
Auctioneer: Andy Carter This was the third annual sale ramrodded by Jason Ringuette and backed by the Maritime Charolais Association. Cattle were purchased across Eastern Canada and consigned from across the Maritime provinces. High Selling Bred Heifers Lot 19, DOWNEAST ELEANOR 7E (4th Gen. Polled, -.1 BW EPD), sired by McTavish Granite 104A, out of an HTA Schenn 43X daughter, bred to WR Wrangler W601. Sold for $7,250 to, Robert Arsenault, Nine Mile Creek, PE. Consigned by LXL Charolais Farms, Haute Aboujagame, NB. Lot 11, HUNTER AGRES FRANCES 1F (4th Gen. Polled, -1.8 BW EPD, 48 WW EPD, 93 YW EPD), sired by Merit Roundup 9508W, out of a Belmont’s Red Mist 27R daughter, bred to Cederdale Zeal 125Z. Sold for $3,300
Erin & Chris Sears were volume buyers selecting three head
to, Chris Sears, East Stewiacke. Consigned by Hunter Acres, Hunter River, PE. High Selling Heifer Calves Lot 5, CNB GEORGETT 23G Robert Arsenault (Polled, 24 Milk selected the high EPD), sired by Mr. selling bred heifer Louber Prefix 638A, out of an JSR Seminol 27S daughter. Sold for $4,200 to Valley Charolais, Shawville, QC. Consigned by J&J McAffee Charolais, Knoxford, NB. Lot 3, CNB GAIL 3G (3rd Gen. Polled, -.8 BW EPD, 43 WW EPD),
Andrew Sims & Donna Courchesne purchased the high selling heifer calf
Kaven Begin & Caroline Fortin purchased the second high selling heifer calf
sired by Cedardale Zeal 125Z, out of a CNB Revolver 56A daughter. Sold for $ 3,800 to Ferme Louber, Ste-Marie, QC. Consigned by J&J McAfffee Charolais.
EXPO BOUEF, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 62 – TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET), Outback Ranch Land & Cattle.
Grand Champion Female FONDOAK FOXY 2F, Fondoak Farm
Premier Breeder Outback Ranch Land & Cattle
Senior Champion Female MCTAVISH PURE CREAM 24E, Blackbern Farm
Reserve Grand Champion Female POST GRACE 819G, MRF Charolais
Premier Exhibitor Outback Ranch Land & Cattle
Reserve Senior Champion Female OBR OUTBACK PRINCESS 4B, Outback Ranch Land & Cattle
Breeder’s Herd 1. Outback Ranch Land & Cattle; 2. Southview Farm Ltd; 3. MRF Charolais.
Charolais Banner • December 2019
Manitoba Ag Ex Charolais Show Thursday October 25, 2019 Brandon, MB Judge: Murray Andrews, Moose Jaw, SK 24 Entries (A BOSS Show) Females Born in 2019 Split 1 1. HIGH BLUFF GABBANA 61G (High Bluff Casanova 13C), High Bluff Stock Farm, Inglis; 2. JMB GRACIE 911G (KRF What-A-Boy 104Y), JMB Charolais, Brookdale and Fun Bus Syndicate; 3. HIGH BLUFF BUSTER 35G (HBSF Zorro 1Z), High Bluff Stock Farm; 4. HTA GLITTER 960G (HVA Braveheart 482E), HTA Charolais, Rivers. Females Born in 2019 Split 2 1. HC LADY RAIN 904G (JWX Downtown 7C), Hunter Charolais, Roblin; 2. HC LADY 924W (CML Copyright 714E ET), Hunter Charolais; 3. GBROS GEORGIA RGCG 18G (SVY Fortress 703E), Gilliland Bros Charolais, Carievale, SK; 4. HIDDEN LAKE MY MOO 1G (Pro-Char Winchester 6D), Hidden Lake Stock Farms, Carberry; 5. HTA DELIGHT 910G (HTA Astroid 603D), HTA Charolais. Female Calf Champion HIGH BLUFF GABBANA 61G, High Bluff Stock Farm Reserve Female Calf Champion HC LADY RAIN 904G, Hunter Charolais Females Born in 2018 1. STEPPLER MISS 98F (HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C), Steppler Farms Ltd, Miami; 2. G.BROS ALEXIS 620F (PCC Rome 437B), Gilliland Bros Charolais; 3. WHITE ROSE SWEETHEART 803F (TR DSUL 100 Proof B24 ET), DRD Charolais, Sintaluta, SK.
Reserve Grand Champion Female STEPPLER MISS 98F, Steppler Farms Ltd. Bulls Born in 2019 Split 1 1. STEPPLER AXEL 320G (CAYS Full House 22E), Steppler Farms Ltd; 2. HIGHBLUFF THE GREAT GATSBY 24G (High Bluff Casanova 13C), High Bluff Stock Farm; 3. HIGH BLUFF GENTLEMEN 113G (High Bluff El Paso 15E), High Bluff Stock Farm; 4. HIGH BLUFF G-STAR 150G (High Bluff Casanova 13C), High Bluff Stock Farm; 5. JMB ZACH 908G (JMB Boys Bull 736E), JMB Charolais. Bulls Born in 2019 Split 2 1. HIGH BLUFF GIBSON 4G (High Bluff Casanova 13C), High Bluff Stock Farm; 2. HTA DIMENSION 921G (LT Ledger 0332P), HTA Charolais; 3. HC GILLETTE 915G (WCR Commissioner 593 P), Hunter Charolais; 4. HTA DOUBLE BARREL 943G (SHSH High Class 43D), HTA Charolais; 5. HC GEARWORK 946G (JWX Downtown 7C), Hunter Charolais.
Reserve Grand Champion Female – STEPPLER MISS 98F, Steppler Farms Ltd
Bull Calf Champion HIGH BLUFF GIBSON 4G, High Bluff Stock Farm Reserve Bull Calf Champion STEPPLER AXEL 320G, Steppler Farms Ltd. Bull Born in 2018 1. RPJ DIESEL 802F (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), JMB Charolais, Hidden Lake Stock Farms & Perrot-Martin Charolais, Naicam, SK. Junior Bull Champion RPJ DIESEL 802F, JMB Charolais, Hidden Lake Stock Farms & PerrotMartin Charolais
Champion Junior Female STEPPLER MISS 98F, Steppler Farms Ltd.
Bull Born in 2017 1. HIGH BLUFF ELDRADO 74E (SCX Triumph 50B), High Bluff Stock Farm & Mutrie Farms, Glenavon, SK.
Reserve Junior Champion Female G.BROS ALEXIS 620F, Gilliland Bros. Charolais
Senior Bull Champion HIGH BLUFF ELDRADO 74E, High Bluff Stock Farm & Mutrie Farms
Grand Champion Female HIGH BLUFF GABBANA 61G, High Bluff Stock Farm
Grand Champion Bull HIGH BLUFF GIBSON 4G, High Bluff Stock Farm
Grand Champion Female – HIGH BLUFF GABBANA 61G, High Bluff Stock Farm
Charolais Banner • December 2019
Grand Champion Bull – HIGH BLUFF GIBSON 4G, High Bluff Stock Farm
Reserve Grand Champion Bull – RPJ DIESEL 802F, JMB Charolais, Hidden Lake Stock Farms & Perrot-Martin Charolais
Reserve Grand Champion Bull RPJ DIESEL 802F, JMB Charolais, Hidden Lake Stock Farms & PerrotMartin Charolais continued on page 75
National Show Royal Agricultural Winter Fair November 1, 2019 • Toronto, ON Judge: Garth Rancier, Killam, AB 134 Entries (A BOSS Show) Females Born in 2019 Split 1 1. CRG MISS MONTIE 959G (M&M Outsider 4003 Pld), Oattes Charolais, Cobden; 2. MISS PRAIRIE COVE 965G (TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET), Prairie Cove Charolais, Bashaw, AB; 3. HICKS GINGY 916G (HRJ Maverick 556C), Hicks Charolais, Arthur; 4. CRG MISS MONTIE 960G (M&M Outsider 4003 Pld), Oattes Charolais; 5. ALTON NICOLE 2057G (HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C), Alton Century Farms Ltd., Kincardine.
3. CRG MISS CANADA 937G (TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET), Oattes Charolais; 4. LAE GOLDEN ROSE 992G (Palgrove Justice J603E), Horseshoe E Charolais, Kenaston, SK; 5. ALTON C.F. ROXANNE 2046G (KASS/CJB Famous 6038 ET), Alton Century Farms Ltd. Intermediate Heifer Calf Champion SOS LIP GLOSS 86G, Springside Farms Reserve Intermediate Heifer Calf Champion M&L MS ÉCLAIR 268G, M & L Cattle Co.
Famous 6038 ET), Alton Century Farms Ltd. Females Born in 2019 Split 4 1. CORNERVIEW GRACE 21G (SVY Monument PLD 159Y), Cornerview Charolais, Cobden; 2. EMB OBSESSION 68G (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), EMB Charolais, Oro-Medonte; 3. EMB MADDIE 30G (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), EMB Charolais; 4. BRIDOR GRACEFUL 12G (Elder’s Blackjack 788B), Bridor Charolais, Mount Forest; 5. JSR JASMINE 51G (SVY Wizard 707E), Saunders Charolais. Females Born in 2019 Split 5 1. CRG MISS MONTIE 903G (M&M Outsider 4003 PLD), Oattes Charolais; 2. FOURTHLANE GLAMOUR 11G (WC Milestone 5223 P), Fourthlane Farms, Consecon; 3. EMB SERENDIPITY 22G (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), EMB Charolais; 4. JSR JASMINE 33G (SVY Wizard 707E), Saunders Charolais; 5. WSS GALA 918G (SVY Wizard 707E), DudgeonSnobelen Land & Cattle, Ripley.
Females Born in 2019 Split 2 1. SOS LIP GLOSS 86G (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Springside Farms, Airdrie, AB; 2. M&L MS ÉCLAIR 268G (Éclair), M&L Cattle Co., Indian River;
Females Born in 2019 Split 3 1. BZBT JAZZ 33G (PCFL Hernando 115C), BZBT Cattle Co., Melancthon, Rollin’ Acres Charolais, Mulmur & Bobtail Cattle Co.; 2. LBL GRACE 65G (HAMM Mogo U23), Little Bitty Livestock, Woodville; 3. JSR SAPPHIRE 65G (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Saunders Charolais, Markdale; 4. ALTON AMERICAN PEACH SOS 2004G (KASS/CJB Famous 6038 ET), Alton Century Farms Ltd.; 5. ALTON NEXT TOP GUN MODEL 2041G (KASS/CJB
Junior Heifer Calf Champion – CRG MISS MONTIE 959G, Oattes Charolais
Intermediate Heifer Calf Champion – SOS LIP GLOSS 86G, Springside Farms
Reserve Senior Heifer Calf Champion – FOURTHLANE GLAMOUR 11G, Fourthlane Farms
Reserve Junior Heifer Calf Champion – MISS PRAIRIE COVE 965G, Prairie Cove Charolais
Reserve Intermediate Heifer Calf Champion – M&L MS ÉCLAIRE 268G, M&L Cattle Co.
Junior Champion Female & Grand Champion Female – CRG PRINCESS 42F, Prairie Cove Charolais & Team Nostadt
Junior Heifer Calf Champion CRG MISS MONTIE 959G, Oattes Charolais Reserve Junior Heifer Calf Champion MISS PRAIRIE COVE 965G, Prairie Cove Charolais
Charolais Banner • December 2019
Females Born in 2019 Split 6 1. S.S.S GISELLE 1G (KASS/CJB
Famous 6038 ET), Stevenson Show Stock, Acton; 2. MISS PRAIRIE COVE 904G (LT Landmark 5052 PLD), Prairie Cove Charolais; 3. MOYER’S GLAMOROUS 2G (MCF Bohannon 305A), Moyer Cattle Co., Arthur; 4. ALTON SWEET EMOTIONS 2038G (SVY Fortress 703E), Alton Century Farms Ltd.; 5. JSR GEM 18G (SVY Wizard 707E), Saunders Charolais. Senior Heifer Calf Champion CRG MISS MONTIE 903G, Oattes Charolais Reserve Senior Heifer Calf Champion FOURTHLANE GLAMOUR 11G, Fourthlane Farms Females Born in 2018 Split 1 1. CEDARDALE MISS 136F (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Rollin’ Acres Charolais & BZBT Cattle Co.; 2. CRG FREAKIN’ AWESOME 57F (CRG Fresh Prince 42B), Oattes Charolais & Stanhow Farms, Bristol, QC; 3. CIRCLE K OLYMPIA (M&M Outsider 4003 PLD), Circle K Cattle Co., Canandaigua, NY, USA; 4. WSS FRENCH KISS 8108F (WSS Dynamite 610D), Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle; 5. ALTON C.F. ROXANNE 2034F (KCM Prowler 2X), Alton Century Farms Ltd.
Females Born in 2018 Split 2 1. CRG PRINCESS 42F (TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET), Prairie Cove Charolais & Team Nostadt, Maidstone; 2. DF MS EXOTIC EMPRESS 7968F (M&M Outsider 4003 PLD), Premier Livestock, Milverton, Serhienko Cattle Co., Maymont, SK, Six Mile Ranch, Fir Mountain, SK & Windulan, Monkton; 3. CEDARDALE MISS 84F (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Cedardale Charolais, Nestleton; 4. LAE FRENCH VANILLA 893F (Palgrove Justice J603E), Annuroc Charolais, Mooretown; 5. HOPEWELL OCTAVIA 27F (SOS Gaucho 139D), Rollin’ Acres Charolais & DudgeonSnobelen Land & Cattle. Females Born in 2018 Split 3 1. WSS FERRIS WHEEL 855F (SOS Hooey PLD 127D), Rollin’ Acres Charolais, BZBT Cattle Co. & Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle; 2. CEDARDALE MISS 30F (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Cedardale Charolais; 3. CEDARDALE MISS 29F (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Cedardale Charolais; 4. BOGART FOXY MOMMA 7F (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Bogart Cattle Co., Tweed; 5. JSR VICTORIA 90F (JWX Downtown 7C), Saunders Charolais. Females Born in 2018 Split 4 1. CRG MISS MONTIE 8F (M&M Outsider 4003 PLD), Oattes Charolais;
2. CORNERVIEW WILLOW 13F (Gerrard New York 41A), Cornerview Charolais; 3. BAKER FARMS FETISH 11F (SOS Chuck Wagon 54C), Baker Farms, Madoc; 4. ANNUROC ANGELA 9F (SVY Grizzly PLD 521C), Stevenson Show Stock, Acton; 5. JHR ETHEL 65F (JWX Downtown 7C), Blue Mountains Charolais, Clarksburg. Females Born in 2018 Split 5 1. HHC FAITH 1F (TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET), Hulak & Hamilton, Acton; 2. BAKER FARMS FENDI 4F (SOS Chuck Wagon 54C), Baker Farms; 3. FONDOAK FOXY 2F (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Fondoak Farm, Renfrew; 4. WSS FIREFLY 801F (MVY Xplorer 21X), Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle; 5. FERGUS FOXY LADY 2F (WC Milestone 5223 P), Fergus Family Farm, Amaranth. Junior Champion Female CRG PRINCESS 42F, Prairie Cove Charolais & Team Nostadt Reserve Junior Champion Female CRG MISS MONTIE 8F, Oattes Charolais Females Born in 2017 with 2019 Calf 1. MISS PRAIRIE COVE 748E (ZKCC Game On 266Z, calf - Winn Mans Chavez 826Y), Springside Farms & Pete Peters, Souris, PEI; 2. CRG MISS CONTROL 30E (MCF Bohannon
Reserve Junior Champion Female & Reserve Grand Champion Female – CRG MISS MONTIE 8F, Oattes Charolais
Intermediate Bull Calf Champion & Reserve Grand Champion Bull – CEDARDALE GUNNER 99G, Cedardale Charolais
Senior Bull Calf Champion – EMB GUINESS 69G, EMB Charolais
Senior Champion Female – MISS PRAIRIE COVE 748E, Springside Farms & Pete Peters
Reserve Intermediate Bull Calf Champion – ALTON WITE HOUSE 2052G, Alton Century Farms Ltd.
Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion – EMB RIGGINS 85G, EMB Charolais
Charolais Banner • December 2019
305A, calf – TR PZC Mr Assertion 924 ET), Oattes Charolais & Team Nostadt; 3. MVY STELLA 20E (MCF Bohannon 305A, calf – MVY Caous 64D), Rollin’ Acres Charolais & BZBT Cattle Co.; 4. WSS ELSIE 745E (Steppler Attain 106A, calf – MVY Xplorer 21X), Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle; 5. HICKS EVETTE 35E (Hicks Indiana Jones 7Y, calf – HRJ Maverick 556C), Hicks Charolais. Females Born Prior to 2017 with Calf 1. CORNERVIEW DREAM DATE 13D (TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET, calf – Cornerview Express 2E), Cornerview Charolais, Haley Station; 2. SHARODON ALWAYS EASY 16A (Shelco Made Easy 512R, calf – XAL Fire It Up 5A), Sharodon Farms, Omemee. Senior Champion Female MISS PRAIRIE COVE 748E, Springside Farms & Pete Peters Reserve Senior Champion Female CRG MISS CONTROL 30E, Oattes Charolais & Team Nostadt Grand Champion Female CRG PRINCESS 42F, Prairie Cove Charolais & Team Nostadt Reserve Champion Female CRG MISS MONTIE 8F, Oattes Charolais Bulls Born in 2019 Split 1 1. CRG OUTTA HERE 954G (M&M Outsider 4003 PLD), Oattes Charolais; 2. CEDARDALE GUSTO 122G (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Cedardale Charolais; 3. CORNERVIEW CHICO 62G (Sparrows Chicago 724E), Cornerview Charolais; 4. WILB SPONGEBOB 2G (CRG Mr Awesome 38C), Wil-B Cattle Co., Renfrew. Junior Bull Calf Champion CRG OUTTA HERE 954G, Oattes Charolais Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion CEDARDALE GUSTO 122G, Cedardale Charolais Bulls Born in 2019 Split 2 1. CEDARDALE GUNNER 99G (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Cedardale Charolais; 2. ALTON WHITE HOUSE 2052G (KASS/CJB Famous 6038 ET), Alton Century Farms Ltd.; 3. WILB AWESOME 1G (CRG Mr Awesome 38G), Wil-B Cattle Co.
Intermediate Bull Calf Champion CEDARDALE GUNNER 99G, Cedardale Charolais Reserve Intermediate Bull Calf Champion ALTON WHITE HOUSE 2052G, Alton Century Farms Ltd Bulls Born in 2019 Split 3 1. EMB GUINESS 69G (PCFL General Lee 15B), EMB Charolais; 2. EMB RIGGINS 85G (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), EMB Charolais; 3. CORNERVIEW GUINNESS 33G (Cornerview Evinrude 1E), Cornerview Charolais; 4. CRG REAL MCCOY 914G (TR Mr Diablo 2742Z ET), Oattes Charolais; 5. CEDARDALE GRETZKY 69G (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Cedardale Charolais. Bulls Born in 2019 Split 4 1. BAKER FARMS GOD’S PLAN 3G (Baker Farms Edgar 9E), Baker Farms; 2. JSR GRONK 10G (SVY Wizard 707E), Saunders Charolais; 3. BAKER FARMS GRETZKY 15G (Baker Farms Charming 6E), Baker Farms; 4. FJD GAETANO 4G (LT Ledger 0332 P), Degurse Farms, Komoka; 5. ANNUROC GINGER MAN 4G (WC Milestone 5223 P), Annuroc Charolais.
Junior Bull Champion & Grand Champion Bull – BRIDOR FORTUNE MAKER 6F, Springside Farms, Bridor Charolais & McKeary Charolais
Senior Bull Champion – MR. SOUTHVIEW ZEAL 60E, Southview Farms Ltd.
Senior Bull Calf Champion EMB GUINESS 69G, EMB Charolais Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion EMB RIGGINS 85G, EMB Charolais Bulls Born in 2018 Split 1 1. HICKS FRONT N CENTRE 44F (WSS Budweiser 480B), Hicks Charolais; 2. MR SOUTHVIEW XPLORER 50F (MVY Xplorer 21X), Southview Farm Ltd., Courtice. Bulls Born in 2018 Split 2 1. BRIDOR FORTUNE MAKER 6F (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Springside Farms, Bridor Charolais & McKeary Charolais, Compeer, AB; 2. ROLLIN ACRES FRONT RUNNER 38F (SCF Gunner 317D), Rollin’ Acres Charolais & George McCall; 3. MOYER’S FERDINAND 2F (MCF Bohannon 305A), Moyer Cattle Co. & Fergus Family Charolais. Junior Bull Champion BRIDOR FORTUNE MAKER 6F, Springside Farms, Bridor Charolais & McKeary Charolais
Reserve Senior Bull Champion – WSS END ZONE 717E, Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle
Reserve Junior Bull Champion ROLLIN ACRES FRONT RUNNER 38F, Rollin’ Acres Charolais & George McCall Bulls Born in 2017 1. MR. SOUTHVIEW ZEAL 60E (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Southview Farm Ltd.; 2. WSS END ZONE 717E (KAYR Upswing 507Y), DudgeonSnobelen Land & Cattle; 3. ROLLIN ACRES EMMETT 37E (SCF You Betcha 94Y), Rollin’ Acres Charolais, Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle & George McCall, Annan; 4. CORNERVIEW EXPRESS 2E (SVY Monument PLD 159Y), Cornerview Charolais; 5. CIRCLE K TITAN (TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET), Circle K Cattle Co. continued on page 75
Charolais Banner • December 2019
Farmfair International Show Farmfair International Charolais Show November 8, 2019 • Edmonton, AB Judge: Tyson Hertz, Fir Mountain, SK 73 Entries •A BOSS Show Females Born in 2019 Split 1 1. MISS PRAIRIE COVE 945G (M&M Outsider 4003 PLD), Prairie Cove Charolais, Bashaw; 2. CML DESIRAE 990G (RBM Fargo Y111), McLeod Livestock, Cochrane; 3. RBM RJ MONTELLA G88 (M&M Outsider 4003 PLD), Rosedale Farms, Sturgeon County; 4. JWX ABBY 100G (JWX Diplomat 254D) Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite, SK; 5. MISS PRAIRIE COVE MRS CLAUS 939G (LT Landmark 5052) Kemp Farms Ltd., Red Deer County. Females Born in 2019 Split 2 1. CML DESIRAE 971G (RBM Fargo Y111) McLeod Livestock; 2. JWX GARNISH 5005G (JWX Downhome 6D) Wilgenbusch Charolais; 3. HRJ MISS PARIS 990G (TR PZC Mr Turton 0794ET) Johnson Charolais, Barrhead; 4. CIRCLE CEE SEDUCTION 903G (LAE Easton 702E) Circle Cee Charolais, Lamont; 5. HRJ CANDY APPLE 994G (HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C) Johnson Charolais.
Livestock; 3. SLC EMPRESS 920G (Sparrows Aquarius 493B), Sugarloaf Charolais, Minburn; 4. SLC GO GO GIRL 922G (Sparrows Aquarius 493B), Sugarloaf Charolais; 5. ELDER’S TWILIGHTER 916G (Sharodon Double Vision 1D), Elder Charolais; 6. RUSS MISS GOODY TWO-SHOES 28G (JSR Trophy 88T), Gallelli Charolais. Females Born in 2019 Split 5 1. KAYR GLORIA 906G (WCR Commissioner 593), Kay-R Land & Cattle Ltd., Waskatenau; 2. MVY PRECIOUS 36G (SVY Fortress 703E), McAvoy Charolais, Arelee,SK; 3. CEE RETZ UNDENIABLE 16G (LT Landmark 5052 PLD), Circle Cee Charolais; 4. SOS IVANKA 24G (SOS Homegrown 15C), Springside Farms, Airdrie; 5. RUSS MISS GOOD AS GOLD 280G (JSR Trophy 88T), Gallelli Charolais; 6. BOB’S GAGA 57G (SOS Homegrown 15C), Bob Charolais, Stettler. Intermediate Heifer Calf Champion ELDERS DESIGN 928G, Elder Charolais
Intermediate Reserve Heifer Calf Champion MISS PRAIRIE COVE 930G, Prairie Cove Charolais Females Born in 2019 Split 6 1. MVY PRECIOUS 14G (SVY Fortress 703E), McAvoy Charolais; 2. MISS PRAIRIE COVE 916G (KASS/CJB Famous 6038 ET), Prairie Cove Charolais; 3. JIL MISS CUFF 66G (Baker Farms Con Artist 3C), Future Farms, Red Deer County; 4. JIL BALLROOM BABE 49G (Dubuc Zenith 202Z), Future Farms. Females Born in 2019 Split 7 1. CML EVETTA 903G (LT Patriot 4004), McLeod Livestock; 2. MMM WILMA 93G (RBM Fargo Y111), Triple M Farms, Claresholm; 3. MMM LADY DI 90G (CML Copyright 714E ET), Triple M Farms; 4. BOB’S MADAME X 7G (SOS Homegrown 15C), Bob Charolais. Senior Heifer Calf Champion MVY PRECIOUS 14G, McAvoy Charolais Reserve Senior Heifer Calf Champion CML EVETTA 903G, McLeod Livestock
Junior Heifer Calf Champion MISS PRAIRIE COVE 945G, Prairie Cove Charolais Reserve Junior Heifer Calf Champion CML DESIRAE 971G, McLeod Livestock Females Born in 2019 Split 3 1. ELDER’S DESIGN 928G (WCR Commissioner 593P) Elder Charolais, Coronach, SK; 2. JWX GLAM 1102G (KAYR Velocity 812Z), Wilgenbusch Charolais; 3. CIRCLE CEE DEFIANT 901G ( LAE Easton 702E), Kemp Farms Ltd.; 4.RUSS MISS GET UP 272G (Sparrows Lyndhurst 546C), Gallelli Charolais, Crossfield; 5. RUSS MISS GET OVER IT 172G (Sparrows Lyndhurst 546C), Gallelli Charolais. Females Born in 2019 Split 4 1. MISS PRAIRIE COVE 930G (WC CCC Resource 417P), Prairie Cove Charolais; 2. CML EVETTA 943G (CML Copywright 714E), McLeod 68
Grand Champion Female – BRCHE BERKLY ANN 8507 PLD ET, Prairie Cove Charolais
Reserve Grand Champion Female – ELDER’S DESIGN 928E, Elder Charolais
Grand Champion Bull – CML COPYRIGHT 714E, McLeod Livestock and Nelson Hirsche Purebreds
Reserve Grand Champion Bull – SVY BOJANGLES 829F, Serhienko Cattle Co.
Charolais Banner • December 2019
Females Born in 2018 Split 1 1. KAYR FARYN 814F (DSB Double Vision 1D), Kay-R Land & Cattle Ltd.; 2. ELDER’S NATALEEN 8092F (Elder’s Blackjack 788B), Elder Charolais; 3. SOS KHALASAR PLD 87F (SOS Hooey PLD 127D), Springside Farms; 4. RUSS MISS FRANKIE 28F (Sparrows Lyndhurst 546C), Gallelli Charolais; 5. JWX CORINNE 133F (Gerrard Pastor 35Z), Wilgenbusch Charolais. Females Born in 2018 Split 2 1. BRCHE BERKLY ANN 8507 PLD ET (M&M Outsider 4003 PLD), Prairie Cove Charolais; 2. JIL STAR STRUCK 13F (Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A), Future Farms; 3. JIL MARVEL AT ME 53F (TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET), KCow Ranch, Elk Point; 4. CEE SOS BLISS 29F (CML Gusto 662D), K-Cow Ranch; 5. BOB’S I’M A LOOKER 14F (Winn Mans Chavez), Bob Charolais. Junior Champion Female BRCHE BERKLY ANN 8507 PLD ET, Prairie Cove Charolais Junior Reserve Champion Female KAYR FARYN 814F, Kay-R Land & Cattle Ltd. Females Born in 2017 With Calf 1. CEDARLEA WREN 13E (Circle Cee Legend 307A, calf-LT Affinity 6221 PLD), McLeod Livestock and Cedarlea Farms, Hodgeville, SK; 2. SHSH SHANIA 9E (HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C, calf- Sparrows Aquarius 493B), Springside Farms and Sliding Hills Charolais, Canora, SK. Senior Champion Female CEDARLEA WREN 13E, McLeod Livestock and Cedarlea Farms Reserve Senior Champion Female SHSH SHANIA 9E, Springside Farms and Sliding Hills Charolais Grand Champion Female BRCHE BERKLY ANN 8507 PLD ET, Prairie Cove Charolais Reserve Grand Champion Female ELDER’S DESIGN 928G, Elder Charolais Bulls Born in 2019 Split 1 1. JWX GRAND CENTRAL 421G (JWX Downhome 6D, Wilgenbusch Charolais; 2. CAYS ROYAL FLUSH 18G (Cays Full House 22E), Cay’s Cattle, Kinistino; 3. K-COW
UPGRADE 3G (Diamond W Arrow 81D), K-Cow Ranch; 4. HRJ GARTH 991G (TR PZC Mr Turton 0794ET), Johnson Charolais; 5. SLC GUS 977G (Sparrows Aquarius 493B), Sugarloaf Charolais. Junior Bull Calf Champion JWX GRAND CENTRAL 421G, Wilgenbusch Charolais Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion CAYS ROYAL FLUSH 18G, Cay’s Cattle Bulls Born in 2019 Split 2 1. KAYR GUARANTEED 225G (DSB Double Vision 1D), KAYR Land & Cattle Ltd.; 2. HRJ GARY 979G (TR PZC Mr Turton 0794ET), Johnson Charolais; 3. WINSNES PENDLETON 908G (Winnman Chavez 826Y), Winsnes Farms Inc. Bulls Born in 2019 Split 3 1. CML SANCTION 938G (CML Copywright 714E), McLeod Livestock; 2. MVY GAMBLER 46G (SVY Fortress 703E), McAvoy Charolais; 3. BOB’S LOCK’N LOAD 41G (WC Milestone 5223P), Bob Charolais; 4. BOB’S CRUSHING IT 43G (Bob’s Integrity 126E), Bob Charolais. Intermediate Bull Calf Champion CML SANCTION 938G, McLeod Livestock Reserve Intermediate Bull Calf Champion KAYR GUARANTEED 225G, Kay-R Land & Cattle Ltd. Bulls Born in 2019 Split 5 1. ELDER’S PLATINUM 906G (WCR Commissioner 593P), Elder Charolais; 2. HRJ GEORGE 925G (HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C), Johnson Charolais; 3. BOB’S CHASE THE ACE 61G (C Milestone 5223P), Bob Charolais; 4. JIL RAZZLE DAZZLE 51G (Circle Cee Legend 307A), Future Farms. Bulls Born in 2019 Split 6 1. MVY GOVERNOR 5G (SVY Fortress 703E), McAvoy Charolais; 2. MMM BISMARK 950G (RBM Fargo Y111), Triple M Farms; 3. CAYS OUTLAW 2G (M&M Outsider 4003 PLD), Cay’s Cattle; 4. MMM LINCOLN 953G (RBM Fargo Y111), Triple M Farms. Senior Bull Calf Champion ELDER’S PLATINUM 906G, Elder Charolais Charolais Banner • December 2019
Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion MVY GOVERNOR 5G, McAvoy Charolais Bulls Born in 2018 1. SVY BOJANGLES 829F (MCF Bohannon), Serhienko Cattle Co, Maymont, SK; 2. HRJ FAN FAVOURITE 804F (Sparrows Estevez 471B), Johnson Charolais and Wrangler Charolais, Westlock; 3. KCOW CHILL 5069F (Diamond W Arrow 81D), K-Cow Ranch and Sherwood Farms, Vermillion. Junior Champion Bull SVY BOJANGLES, Serhienko Cattle Co. Reserve Junior Champion Bull HRJ FAN FAVOURITE 804F, Johnson Charolais and Wrangler Charolais Bulls Born in 2017 1. CML COPYWRIGHT 714E (CJC Trademark H45), McLeod Livestock and Nelson Hirsche Purebreds, Del Bonita; 2. K-COW HARLEM 3E (MVY Xplorer 21X), K-Cow Ranch and Diamond W Charolais, Hudson Bay, SK; 3. DCR MR SILVER GUN E516 (WCF Mr Silver Gun 467), Wrangler Charolais and Doll Charolais, New Salem, ND. Junior Champion Bull CML COPYWRIGHT 714E, McLeod Livestock and Nelson Hirsche Purebreds Reserve Junior Champion Bull K-COW HARLEM 3E, K-Cow Ranch and Diamond W Charolais Grand Champion Bull CML COPYWRIGHT 714E, McLeod Livestock and Nelson Hirsche Purebreds Reserve Champion Bull SVY BOJANGLES 829F, Serhienko Cattle Co. Get of Sire McAvoy Charolais (SVY Fortress 703E) Progeny of Dam 1. K-Cow Ranch (JIL French Kiss 3B); 2. Gallelli Charolais (RUSS 28Z). Breeders Herd McAvoy Charolais Premier Breeder McLeod Livestock Premier Exhibiter McLeod Livestock continued on page 75
Agribition Show Canadian Western Agribition Charolais Show November 29, 2019 • Regina, SK Judge: Justin Morrison, Radville, SK 122 Entries (A BOSS Show) Females Born in 2019 Split 1 1. SVY STARSTRUCK 939G (M&M Outsider 4003 PLD), Serhienko Cattle Co., Maymont; 2. ONL MISS EVETTA 20G (JIL Thunder Roll 69Z), Daines Cattle & O’Neill Livestock, Red Deer County, AB; 3. CML DESIRAE 990G (RBM Fargo Y111), McLeod Livestock, Cochrane, AB; 4. GH COPYRIGHT LADY KEYA 835G (CML Copyright 714E ET), Nelson-Hirsche Purebreds, Del Bonita, AB; 5. JWX ABBY 100G (JWX Diplomat 254D), Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite.
Charolais; 5. JWX GARNISH 5005G (JWX Downhome 6D), Wilgenbusch Charolais. Females Born in 2019 Split 3 1. KAYR MISS EXCEL 928G (WCR Commissioner 593 P), KAY-R Land & Cattle Ltd, Waskatenau, AB; 2. SOS CHRISTINA 67G (SOS Hooey PLD 127D), Springside Farms; 3. HRJ MISS PARIS 990G (TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET), Johnson Charolais, Barrhead, AB; 4. MCCAW CANDY 983G (WCR Commissioner 593 P), McCaw Livestock, Whitewood; 5. HRJ CANDY APPLE 994J (HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C), Johnson Charolais. Junior Heifer Calf Champion SVY STARSTRUCK 939G, Serhienko Cattle Co
DESIGN 928G (WCR Commissioner 593 P), Elder Charolais Farm, Coronach; 4. PFC GLORIOUS 913G (Elder’s Candid 75C), Phillips Farms Charolais, Estevan; 5. LAE CHEERLEADER 985G (Palgrove Justice J603E), Horseshoe E Charolais, Kenaston & Caul Charolais, Devlin, ON. Females Born in 2019 Split 5 1. SVY STARSTRUCK 916G (M&M Outsider 4003 PLD), Serhienko Cattle Co; 2. CKE CLARE 10G (Elder’s Laredo 31E), CK Stock Farms, Candiac; 3. HIGH BLUFF GUCCI 16G (WCR Commissioner 593 P), High Bluff Stock Farm & Harvie Ranching, Olds, AB; 4. ELDER’S TWILIGHTER 916G (Sharodon Double Vision 1D), Elder Charolais Farm; 5. CML EVETTA 943G (CML Copyright 714E ET), McLeod Livestock.
Females Born in 2019 Split 2 1. MISS PRAIRIE COVE 945G (M&M Outsider 4003 PLD), Prairie Cove Charolais, Bashaw, AB; 2. SOS LIP GLOSS 86G (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Springside Farms, Airdrie, AB; 3. CML DESIRAE 971G (RBM Fargo Y111), McLeod Livestock; 4. JWX ABBY 59G (JWX Diplomat 254D), Wilgenbusch
Reserve Junior Heifer Calf Champion KAYR MISS EXCEL 928G, KAY-R Land & Cattle Ltd Females Born in 2019 Split 4 1. HIGH BLUFF GABBANA 61G (High Bluff Casanova 13C), High Bluff Stock Farm, Inglis, MB; 2. JWX GLAM 1102G (KAYR Velocity 812Z), Wilgenbusch Charolais; 3. ELDER’S
Females Born in 2019 Split 6 1. MVY PRECIOUS 36G (SVY Fortress 703E), McAvoy Charolais, Arelee & Rollin’ Acres Charolais, Mulmur, ON & BZBT Cattle Co., Melancthon, ON; 2. SOS IVANKA 24G (SOS Home Grown 15C), Springside Farms; 3. KAYR GLORIA 906G (WCR
Junior Heifer Calf Champion – SVY STARSTRUCK 939G, Serhienko Cattle Co.
Reserve Junior Heifer Calf Champion – KAY-R MISS EXCEL 928G
Senior Heifer Calf Champion – SVY STARSTRUCK 916G, Serhienko Cattle Co.
Reserve Senior Heifer Calf Champion – MVY PRECIOUS 36G, McAvoy Charolais, Rollin’ Acres Charolais & BZBT Cattle Co.
Junior Champion & Reserve Grand Champion Female – BRCHE BERKLY ANN 8507 PLD ET, Prairie Cove Charolais & Cay’s Cattle
Reserve Junior Champion Female – DF MS EXOTIC EMPRESS 7968F, Premier Livestock, Serhienko Cattle Co., Windulan Cattle & Six Mile Ranch
Charolais Banner • December 2019
Commissioner 593 P), KAY-R Land & Cattle Ltd; 4. MCTAVISH CASSIDY 116G (Elder’s Cracker Jack 13D), McTavish Charolais, Moosomin & Wrangler Charolais, Westlock AB; 5. ROLLIN’ ACRES STELLA 24G (MVY Caous 64D), Rollin’ Acres Charolais, & BZBT Cattle Co. Females Born in 2019 Split 7 1. SVY STARSTRUCK 901G (M&M Outsider 4003 PLD), Serhienko Cattle Co; 2. MISS PRAIRIE COVE 907G (M&M Outsider 4003 PLD), Prairie Cove Charolais & Blind Creek Holdings Ltd, Saskatoon; 3. MVY PRECIOUS 14G (SVY Fortress 703E), McAvoy Charolais; 4. CML EVETTA 903G (LT Patriot 4004 PLD), McLeod Livestock; 5. HC LADY RAIN 904G (JWX Downtown 7C), Hunter Charolais, Roblin, MB. Senior Heifer Calf Champion SVY STARSTRUCK 916G, Serhienko Cattle Co Reserve Senior Heifer Calf Champion MVY PRECIOUS 36G, McAvoy Charolais Females Born in 2018 Split 1 1. ONL SMOOCH 3F (PH General Lee 5C), Daines Cattle & O’Neill Livestock; 2. CEDARDALE MISS 136F (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Rollin’ Acres Charolais & BZBT Cattle Co; 3. MCCAW CORRENE 839F (MCL
Sparrow Moty 411C), McCaw Livestock; 4. MCCAW GRETCHEN 70F (MCL Sparrow Moty 411C), McCaw Livestock; 5. MCTAVISH BARBIE 134F (SOS Hooey PLD 127D), McTavish Charolais. Females Born in 2018 Split 2 1. DF MS EXOTIC EMPRESS 7968F (M&M Outsider 4003 PLD), Premier Livestock, Milverton, ON, Serhienko Cattle Co, Windulan Cattle, Monkton, ON, & Six Mile Ranch, Fir Mountain; 2. CRG PRINCESS 42F (TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET), Prairie Cove Charolais, Team Nostadt, Maidstone, ON & Autumn Deitrich; 3. ELDER’S NATALEEN 8092F (Elder’s Blackjack 788B), Elder Charolais Farm; 4. LAE SUMMER SOLSTICE 891F (Palgrove Justice J603E), Horseshoe E Charolais & Swehienko Cattle Co.; 5. ROSSO MS ROXY 11F (Rosso Double Down 8Z), Rosso Charolais, Moose Jaw. Females Born in 2018 Split 3 1. SOS GYPSY 62F (CJC Symbol B1067P), Springside Farms; 2. KAYR FARYN 814F (Sharodon Double Vision 1D), KAY-R Land & Cattle Ltd; 3. WSS FERRIS WHEEL 855F (SOS Hooey PLD 127D), Rollin’ Acres Charolais, BZBT Cattle Co, & Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle, Ripley, ON; 4. SOS KHALASAR PLD 87F (SOS Hooey PLD 127D), Merit Cattle Co, Radville,
SK; 5. HIGH BLUFF FENDI 1F (Sparrows Escobar 429B), CK Stock Farms. Females Born in 2018 Split 4 1. BRCHE BERKLY ANN 8507 PLD ET (M&M Outsider 4003 PLD), Prairie Cove Charolais & Cay’s Cattle, Kinistino; 2. SOS DESIRAE PLD 7F (Winn Mans Chavez 826Y), Springside Farms; 3. SOS DESIRAE PLD 1F (Winn Mans Chavez 826Y), Springside Farms; 4. HBC TEMPTATION 802F (WC Milestone 5223 P), Harcourt Charolais, Quill Lake; 5. WHITE ROSE SWEETHEART 803F (TR DSUL 100 Proof B24 ET), DRD Charolais, Sintaluta. Junior Champion Female BRCHE BERKLY ANN 8507 PLD ET, Prairie Cove Charolais & Cay’s Cattle Reserve Junior Champion Female DF MS EXOTIC EMPRESS 7968F, Premier Livestock, Serhienko Cattle Co, Windulan Cattle & Six Mile Ranch Females Born in 2017 with 2019 Calf 1. SVY STARSTRUCK 712E (HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C, calf – D R Revelation 467), Serhienko Cattle Co & Brandon Hertz, Saskatoon; 2. SHSH SHANIA 9E (HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C, calf – Sparrows Aquarius 493B), Springside Farms & Sliding Hills Charolais, Canora; 3. RRMM MS MILES BABY 18E (PCC Balistik 441P,
Senior Champion Female & Grand Champion Female – SVY STARSTRUCK 712E, Serhienko Cattle Co. & Brandon Hertz
Reserve Senior Champion Female – SHSH SHANIA 9E, Springside Farms & Sliding Hills Charolais
Junior Champion Bull – HRJ GARY 979G, Johnson Charolais
Reserve Junior Champion Bull – CKE MILES 11G, CK Stock Farms
Senior Bull Calf Champion – CAYS OUTLAW 2G, Cay’s Cattle
Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion – MVY GOVERNOR 5G, McAvoy Charolais
Charolais Banner • December 2019
calf – CML Copyright 714E ET), Nelson-Hirsche Purebreds; 4. LAE EBONY 797E (Circle Cee Legend 307A, calf – HRJ Maverick 556C), Horseshoe E Charolais; 5. HICKS EVETTE 35E (Hicks Indiana Jones 7Y, calf – HRJ Maverick 556C), Hicks Charolais, Arthur, ON. Senior Champion Female SVY STARSTRUCK 712E, Serhienko Cattle Co & Brandon Hertz Reserve Senior Champion Female SHSH SHANIA 9E, Springside Farms & Sliding Hills Charolais Grand Champion Female SVY STARSTRUCK 712E, Serhienko Cattle Co & Brandon Hertz Reserve Grand Champion Female BRCHE BERKLY ANN 8507 PLD ET, Prairie Cove Charolais & Cay’s Cattle Bulls Born in 2019 Split 1 1. GH 714E GAME PLAN ET 679G (CML Copyright 714E ET), NelsonHirsche Purebreds; 2. JWX GUINNESS 787G (Cedarlea Epic 14E), Wilgenbusch Charolais; 3. HIGH BLUFF GENTLEMEN 113G (High Bluff El Paso 15E), High Bluff Stock Farm; 4. HIGH BLUFF G-STAR 150G (High Bluff Casanova 13C), High Bluff Stock Farm; 5. MCTAVISH MOGUL 27G (SOS Hooey PLD 127D), McTavish Charolais. Bulls Born in 2019 Split 2 1. HRJ GARY 979G (TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET), Johnson Charolais; 2. CKE MILES 11G (WC Milestone 5223 P), CK Stock Farms; 3. JWX GRAND CENTRAL 421G (JWX Downhome 6D), Wilgenbusch Charolais; 4. CAYS ROYAL FLUSH 18G (Cays Full House 22E), Cays Cattle; 5. ELDER’S GEMINI 940G (WCR Commissioner 593 P), Elder Charolais Farm. Junior Bull Calf Champion HRJ GARY 979G, Johnson Charolais Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion CKE MILES 11G, CK Stock Farms Bulls Born in 2019 Split 3 1. GH COPYRIGHT GATSBY ET 107G (CML Copyright 714E ET), NelsonHirsche Purebreds; 2. KAYR GOOD TO GO 528G (Sharodon Double Vision 1D), KAY-R Land & Cattle Ltd; 3. CML SANCTION 938G (CML Copyright 714E ET), McLeod 72
Livestock; 4. HIGHBLUFF THE GREAT GATSBY 24G (High Bluff Casanova 13C), High Bluff Stock Farm; 5. HRJ GOLDEN 968G (TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET), Johnson Charolais. Bulls Born in 2019 Split 4 1. CAYS OUTLAW 2G (M&M Outsider 4003 PLD), Cay’s Cattle; 2. MVY GOVERNOR 5G (SVY Fortress 703E), McAvoy Charolais; 3. SOS POUNDMAKER PLD 16G (SOS Home Grown 15C), Springside Farms & Peter Peters, Souris, PEI; 4. WGD FORTY CREEK 5G (ONL Daddy Cool 4C), Daines Cattle & O’Neill Livestock; 5. ELDER’S PLATINUM 906G (WCR Commissioner 593 P), Elder Charolais Farm.
Junior Champion Bull – SVY BOJANGLES 829F, Serhienko Cattle Co. & McAvoy Charolais
Senior Bull Calf Champion CAYS OUTLAW 2G, Cay’s Cattle Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion MVY GOVERNOR 5G, McAvoy Charolais Bulls Born in 2018 1. SVY BOJANGLES 829F (MCF Bohannon 305A), Serhienko Cattle Co & McAvoy Charolais; 2. RPJ DIESEL 802F (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), JMB Charolais, Brookdale, MB, Hidden Lake Stock Farm, Carberry, MB & Perrot-Martin Charolais, Naicam; 3. HRJ FAN FAVOURITE 804F (Sparrows Estevez 471B), Johnson Charolais & Wrangler Charolais; 4. ROSSO TOP SHELF 236F (Merit Roundup 9508W), Rosso Charolais; 5. ROSSO DECISION 5F (Rosso Double Down 8Z), Rosso Charolais.
Reserve Junior Champion Bull – RPJ DIESEL 802F, JMB Charolais, Hidden Lake Stock Farm & Perrot-Martin Charolais
Reserve Senior Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Bull – HIGH BLUFF ELDRADO 74E, High Bluff Stock Farm & Mutrie Farms
Junior Champion Bull SVY BOJANGLES 829F, Serhienko Cattle Co & McAvoy Charolais Reserve Junior Champion Bull RPJ DIESEL 802F, JMB Charolais, Hidden Lake Stock Farm & PerrotMartin Charolais Bulls Born in 2017 1. CML COPYRIGHT 714E ET (CJC Trademark H45), McLeod Livestock & Nelson-Hirsche Purebreds; 2. HIGH BLUFF ELDRADO 74E (SCX Triumph 50B), High Bluff Stock Farm & Mutrie Farms Glenavon; 3. MR. SOUTHVIEW ZEAL 60E (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Southview Farm Ltd, Courtice, ON; 4. K-COW HARLEM 3E (MVY Xplorer 21X), K-Cow Ranch, Elk Point, AB & Diamond W Charolais, Hudson Bay;
Senior Champion and Grand Champion Bull – CML COPYRIGHT 714E ET, McLeod Livestock & Nelson-Hirsche Purebreds
5. C2 EMPIRE 46E (Elder’s Blackjack 788B), Rosso Charolais. Senior Bull Champion CML COPYRIGHT 714E ET, McLeod Livestock & Nelson-Hirsche Purebreds Reserve Senior Bull Champion HIGH BLUFF ELDRADO 74E, High Bluff Stock Farm continued on page 73
Charolais Banner • December 2019
Agribition Sale Canadian Western Agribition Sale November 28, 2019 • Regina, SK Gross Average 2 Bred Heifers $17,000 $8,500 12 Heifer Calves 111,350 9,280 2 Flushes 14,500 7,250 1 Embryo Lot (3 eggs) 5,400 5,400 1 Semen Lot (110 doses) 24,600 24,600 18 Lots
Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co. Once again, there was exceptionally nice weather for Agribition week. A large enthusiastic crowd filled the sale arena giving the consigners to this prestigious sale a great one. High Selling Bred Heifers Lot 202, Pick of Beck Farms Bred Heifers. Sold for $10,000 to Steppler Farms, Miami, MB. Consigned by Beck Farms, Milestone. Lot 201, LAE SUMMER SOLSTICE 891F (Double Polled, 55 WW EPD, 108 YW EPD, 1620 lb), sired by Palgrove Justice J603E, out of a Sparrows Landmark 963W daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Serhienko Cattle Co., Maymont. Consigned by Horseshoe E Charolais, Kenaston. High Selling Heifer Calves Lot 204, SVY STARSTRUCK 938G (Double Polled, -0.3 BW EPD, 30
Amanda and Greg Pugh purchased their first Charolais Female
AB. Consigned by Polzin Cattle, Darwin, MN. High Selling Semen Lot Lot 218, TR CAG CARBON COPY 7630E ET (Polled, 51st US National Champion Bull), sired by RBM TR Rhinestone Z38, out of an M&M Raptor 8122 PLD daughter. 110 doses sold for $24,600 to average $224/dose to ten breeders. Consigned by Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite.
MILK EPD, 50 TM EPD 923 lb), sired by D R Revelation 467, out of an HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C daughter. Sold for $34,500 to Full Throttle Cattle Co., Loma, CO, USA. Lot 206, MVY PRECIOUS 36G (3rd Gen. Polled, 49 WW EPD, 93 YW EPD, 27 MILK EPD, 1068 lb), sired by SVY Fortress 703E, out of an SVY Epic Pld 127Y daughter. Sold for $19,000 to Rollin’ Acres Charolais, Mulmur, ON and BZBT Cattle Co., Melancthon, ON. Consigned by McAvoy Charolais, Arlee. Lot 219, SHSH SHANIA 34G (4th Gen. Polled, -0.7 BW EPD, 88 YW EPD, 25 MILK, 878 lb), sired by Sparrows Aquarius 493B, out of an HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C daughter. Sold for $12,000 to Greg Pugh, Edgerton, AB. Consigned by Springside Farms, Airdrie, AB and Sliding Hills Charolais, Canora. Lot 211, HC LACY 924G (Double Polled, 50 WW EPD, 96 YW EPD, 956 lb), sired by CML Copyright 714E ET, out of an Elder’s Zeus 22Z daughter. Sold for $7,000 to McLeod Livestock, Cochrane, AB. Consigned by Hunter Charolais, Roblin, MB. High Selling Flush Lot 216, Right to Flush any of the Polzin Cattle Donors. Sold for $8,000 to Prairie Cove Charolais, Bashaw,
Zach Hammel, Aaron, Brett and Chester Tupling teamed up to purchase the second high selling heifer calf
Lisa and Dennis Serhienko bought a high selling bred heifer
Tim, Justine & Tyler Bullick purchased the flush from Polzin Cattle
Rod McLeod purchased a high selling heifer calf
Andre Steppler bought the high selling bred heifer
CWA SHOW, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 72 Grand Champion Bull CML COPYRIGHT 714E ET, McLeod Livestock & Nelson-Hirsche Purebreds Reserve Champion Bull HIGH BLUFF ELDRADO 74E, High
Bluff Stock Farm & Mutrie Farms Breeder’s Herd High Bluff Stock Farm Get-of-Sire High Bluff Stock Farm (High Bluff Casanova 13C) Charolais Banner • December 2019
Premier Breeder Serhienko Cattle Co Premier Exhibitor Springside Farms
Additional Agribition Highlights Canadian National 4-H & Youth Judging Competition
President’s Classic Charolais Champion
Hayla, Hunter, Velon, Hinton and Leah Herback, from Bladworth. Saskatchewan Charolais Association Honour Scroll
Justin Harcourt, Quill Lake, had top points in three categories: Charolais bull calf, Speckle Park heifer calf and Alpaca. He placed Second in the Grand Aggregate and was awarded a $1250 scholarship and an Agribition belt buckle. Justin was part of the 4-H Saskatchewan team, which was the Highest Overall Team.
MVY GOVERNOR 5G (SVY Fortress 703E), McAvoy Charolais, Arelee Champion Pen of Interbreed Bulls
Saskatchewan Charolais Association Commercial Breeder of the Year
First Lady Classic Charolais Champion
BRCHE BERKLY ANN 8507 PLD ET (M&M Outsider 4003PLD), Prairie Cove Charolais, Bashaw, AB and Cay’s Cattle, Kinnistino. First Lady Classic Futurity Reserve Grand Champion
Tyler Smyth, SCA Director, presented the Saskatchewan Charolais Honour Scroll to Cassidy, Katie, Lissa and Dennis Serhienko, Serhienko Cattle Co., Maymont.
Cedarlea Farms, Hodgeville, exhibited two bulls sired by Turnbull’s Elite 332E and one by Cedarlea Epic 14E. They had an average weight of 1153 lb, with an average age of 307 days and a WPDA of 3.75. Herdsman Award Wacey McCaw, McCaw Livestock, Whitewood, was awarded the Charolais Herdsman Award. Saskatchewan Charolais Association Breeder of the Year
Raymond Pasche, SCA Director and daughter Tammy Williams presented the SCA Commercial Producer of the Year to Cody, Dane, Tracey & Richard Neilsen, Nielsen Acres Ltd., Melfort. Swedish Delegation
SVY STARSTRUCK 712E (HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C, calf - D R Revelation 467), Serhienko Cattle Co., Maymont and Brandon Hertz, Duchess, AB.
Stephen Wielgosz presented the Saskatchewan Charolais Association Breeder of the Year to Palmer Charolais Land & Cattle Co., Halle, Charolais Banner • December 2019
Lars Björnberg, Fredrik Persson, continued on page 75
CWA HIGHLIGHTS, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 74 Lars-Johan Joelsson, Rolf Svensson, Sofia Persson and Stefan Johansson visited Canadian Western Agribition as guests of By Livestock. They enjoyed all the event had to offer, as well as visiting with breeders. Canadian Junior Beef Extreme Show Charolais Grand Champion Female ELDER’S DESIGN 928G (WCR
Commissioner 593C), Cassidi Elder, Coronach Charolais Reserve Grand Champion Female HC EMERALD 808F (Palgrove Justice J603E), Hallee Vermeulen, Ceylon Team Grooming Kaycee and Saige Buchanan,
Caronport and Cody Cockburn represented the Old Wives 4-H Club to earn 2nd Place in the Junior division. Youth Showmanship Kaycee Buchanan and Saige Buchanan both made it out of their splits to the Junior final in this stiff competition.
AG-EX, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 64 Breeder’s Herd 1. High Bluff Stock Farm Get of Sire 1. High Bluff Stock Farm (High Bluff
Casanova 13C) Premier Breeder High Bluff Stock Farm
Premier Exhibitor High Bluff Stock Farm
ROYAL NATIONAL, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 67 Senior Bull Champion MR. SOUTHVIEW ZEAL 60E, Southview Farm Ltd Reserve Senior Bull Champion WSS END ZONE 717E, DudgeonSnobelen Land & Cattle Grand Champion Bull BRIDOR FORTUNE MAKER 6F, Springside Farms, Bridor Charolais & McKeary Charolais Reserve Grand Champion Bull CEDARDALE GUNNER 99G,
Cedardale Charolais Two Bulls, Bred & Owned 1. Rollin’ Acres Charolais; 2. Cedardale Charolais; 3. Baker Farms. Breeder’s Herd 1. Cedardale Farms; 2. Oattes Charolais; 3. EMB Charolais. Get of Sire 1. Cedardale Farms (Cedardale Zeal 125Z); 2. Oattes Charolais (M&M Outsider 4003 PLD); 3. EMB Charolais (Cedardale Zeal 125Z).
Progeny of Dam 1. Oattes Charolais (TR Ms Montie 2716 ET); 2. Baker Farms (WLK Brittany 108B); 3. Cedardale Charolais (Cedardale Miss 35A). Premier Exhibitor Award Oattes Charolais Premier Breeder Award Oattes Charolais
CHAROLAIS EXTRAS Pen of 3 Bulls Judges: Garner & Kylee Deobald, Hodgeville, SK
1. PCC 903G, PCC 906G, PCC 912G (M&M Outsider 4003 Pld), Prairie Cove Charolais; 2. BOB 31G, BOB 41G
(WC Milestone 5223 P), BOB 43G (Bob's Integrity 126E), Bob Charolais.
Pair of Heifer Calves Born in 2019 – MISS PRAIRIE COVE 945G/ MISS PRAIRIE COVE 930G (M&M Outsider 4003 PLD), Prairie Cove Charolais
Reserve Grand Champion Pen of 3 Bulls Overall Breeds – Prairie Cove Charolais
Players Club Charolais Bull Calf Futurity – PCC BREWITT 929G (WC CCC Resource 417P), Prairie Cove Charolais
Charolais Banner • December 2019
Advertise Your Services Here! Call today and get your name out there! 306.584.7937
Charolais Banner • December 2019
Alberta Breeders
Barry & Lee-Ann Kaiser & family 403.787.2489 Box 209, Hussar, AB T0J 1S0 Barry 403.334.2489 Lee-Ann 403.334.2155
Kasey, Arlana, Kord & Peri Phillips Box 420, Waskatenau, AB T0A 3P0
T 780.358.2360 • C 780.656.6400 • KREATING KONFIDENCE
Be Wise — Advertise. Your ad should be here. 306.584.7937
Charolais Banner • December 2019
caught you looking! Your ad should be here. 306.584.7937
British Columbia Breeders
Ralph Retzlaff 403.793.0794 Leonard Retzlaff 403.501.9333 Rosemary, AB •
Charolais Banner • December 2019
Ontario Breeders
Kevin, Crystal, Kory & Shaylin Stebeleski P/F 204.234.5425 Cell 204.365.6010 Box 266, Oakburn, MB R0J 1L0 |
Charolais Banner • December 2019
Quebec Breeders
Rollin’ Acres Charolais Full French Charolais 598516 2nd Line, Mulmur, ON L9V 0B6 Chester Tupling 519.925.2938 C 705.627.0672
“Breeding the Cattle that Work in Both Rings.”
Charolais Banner • December 2019
Saskatchewan Breeders
Wendall & Leanne Weston Box 206, Maidstone, SK S0M 1M0 •
Tel 306.893.4510 • Cell 306.893.7801
Charolais Banner • December 2019
AD RATES Charolais Banner Ads Black & White Full Colour Full Page $725 $1050 2/3 Page 610 840 1/2 Page 490 685 1/3 Page 345 505 1/4 Page 285 410 1/6 Page 190 n/a 1/8 Page 145 n/a 1” Business Card 350/Year n/a Classified 1”x1 column 45 n/a Classified 2”x1 column 80 n/a (add $10.00 to put on web for 1 month) • Pictures – $10 • Photos taken by fieldmen – $25 • Overruns are $1 each • Catalogue prices available on request • 4 ad contracts offer a 15% discount (card ad exempt) • Position pages will be given to yearly contracts • Sale Budget includes Banner fieldman to attend the sale, take pictures, work the ring and report the sale. Female sale budget is $400 sale attendance fee plus 2 colour pages in Charolais Banner or equivalent in Charolais Connection. Bull sale budget is $400 sale attendance fee plus 1 colour page in Charolais Connection.
Charolais Connection Ads Black & White Full Colour Full Page $1100 $1450 2/3 Page 825 1125 1/2 Page 690 945 1/3 Page 525 725 1/4 Page 440 615 1/6 Page 330 n/a 1/8 Page 220 n/a 1” Business Card 350/Year n/a Classified 1”x1 column 80 n/a Classified 2”x1 column140 n/a (add $10.00 to put classified ads on web for 1 month)
USA Breeders
• Pictures – $10 • Photos taken by fieldmen – $25 • Yearly contract – buy 2 ads and get the third at half price (card ad exempt) • Position pages will be given to yearly contracts • Catalogue prices available on request
FEB Connection
Jan 13
Jan 6
Jan 27
FEB Banner
Jan 22
Jan 15
Feb 5
MARCH Connection
Feb 18
Feb 11
Mar 4
The Banner cannot be responsible for errors in advertisements received after the ad deadline. The Charolais Banner reserves the right to refuse any advertisement. On any advertisement, the Charolais Banner is not liable for any charges over and above the cost of that advertisement. No agency commission allowed on livestock advertising rates. The Charolais Banner assumes no responsibility for distribution.
Charolais Banner • December 2019
Calendar of Events December 12 Alberta Charolais Association Annual Meeting, 4:00 p.m., Red Deer (AB) Westerner Grounds December 12 ACA Individual Bull Show, 7:00 p.m., Red Deer (AB) Westerner Grounds December 13 ACA Pen of 3 Bull Show 11:00 a.m., Red Deer (AB) Westerner Grounds December 13 Alberta Select Sale 1:30 p.m., Red Deer (AB) Westerner Grounds December 14 Transcon’s ”Working Girls” Charolais Female Sale, 1:00 p.m., Innisfail (AB) Auction Market December 16 Wilgenbusch Charolais “Volume III” Female Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the ranch, Halbrite, SK December 18 Steppler Farms “A Piece of the Program” Female Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the Steppler Sale Barn, Miami, MB December 20 Char-Maine Ranching “Heart of the White Herd” Female Sale and 15th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Southern Alberta Livestock Exchange, Fort McLeod, AB December 28 Premier Livestock & Guests Falls View Production Sale, Niagara Falls, ON
2020 January 25 M.C. Quantock “Canada’s Bulls” Bull Sale, 12 noon, Lloydminster (SK) Exhibition January 29 Moose Creek Red Angus & Charolais Two-Year Old Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Kisbey, SK February 1 Hill 70 Quantock “Barn Burnin” Bull Sale, 12:00 noon, at the ranch, Lloydminster, AB February 13 Wilkie Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Stettler (AB) Auction Mart February 15 P & H Ranching 10th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Innisfail (AB) Auction Mart
February 15 Saint Martin Test Station Sale, Saint Martin, QC February 17 Tip the Scale Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the Vikse Family Farm, Donalda, AB February 18 Rawes Ranches 37th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the ranch, Strome, AB February 19 McLeod Livestock & Kay-R Land & Livestock Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Olds (AB) Cow Palace February 20 Prairie Cove Charolais Bull and Female Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the ranch, Bashaw, AB February 21 “Muscle Up” at Stephen Charolais and Guests Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Whitewood (SK) Auction Mart February 22 SanDan Charolais/Springside Farms 23rd Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Erskine, AB February 22 Myhre Land & Cattle Co./Bar J Charolais Bull Sale (Denbie Ranch & Guests) Ste. Rose du Lac, MB February 22 Quebec Select Bull Sale, Danville, QC February 23 Pro-Char Charolais 9th Annual Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., at the farm, Glenevis, AB February 24 “Bring on the Bulls” BOB Charolais Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m, Stettler (AB) Agriculture Society February 26 Beck Farms & McCoy Cattle Co. Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., at the farm, Milestone, SK February 26 Saddleridge Charolais with Kaiser Cattle Co. Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Bow Slope Shipping, Brooks, AB February 28 Maple Leaf Charolais & Guests 16th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Calnash Ag Events Centre, Ponoka, AB
Charolais Banner • December 2019
February 28 HEJ Charolais 15th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Innisfail (AB) Auction Mart February 29 Winsnes Farms Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Viking (AB) Auction Mart March 1 Legacy Charolais 3rd Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Botha, AB March 1-2 100th Pride of the Prairies Bull Show & Sale, Lloydminster (SK) Exhibition Grounds March 2 Acadia Colony Charolais & Angus Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Dryland Trading Corp., Veteran, AB March 3 Built Right 7th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Provost (AB) Livestock Exchange March 3 RRTS Charolais Bull Sale, 12:30 p.m., BC Livestock Co-op, Kamloops, BC March 5 Buffalo Lake Charolais 14th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Stettler (AB) Auction Mart March 6 M & L Cattle Company Bull & Female Sale, 6:30 p.m., at the farm, Indian River, ON March 6 39th Annual Select Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Innisfail (AB) Auction Mart March 7 High Country 46th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Pincher Creek, AB Ag Grounds March 7 Wrangler Made 8th Annual Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., at the farm, Westlock, AB March 7 Ferme Louber Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Ste-Marie de Beauce, QC March 8 Steppler Farms 9th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m. DST, Steppler Sale Barn, Miami, MB March 9 Palmer Charolais 9th Annual Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., at the farm, Bladworth, SK 83
March 10 Harvie Ranching Bull Sale, at the ranch, Olds, AB March 12 McKeary Charolais Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Bow Slope Shipping, Brooks, AB March 13 CK Sparrow Farms Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., at the farm, Vanscoy, SK March 13 16th Annual Northern Classic Bull Sale, Grand Prairie, AB March 13 Meridian Agriculture Co. Charolais & Angus Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Acadia Valley, AB March 14 Horseshoe E Charolais Annual Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., at the farm, Kenaston, SK March 14 Blackbern, Whitewater & Kirlene Charolais Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., Renfrew Pontiac Livestock Facility, Cobden, ON March 16 Flat Valley Cattle Co. & K Lazy T Angus Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Medicine Hat (AB) Feeding Company March 16 Grassroots Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Dryland Trading Corp, Veteran, AB March 16 North West Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Kramer’s Big Bid Barn, North Battleford, SK March 19 Creek’s Edge Land & Cattle Co. 2nd Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Yellow Creek, SK March 19 Footprint Farms Bull Sale, 3:30 p.m., at the ranch, Esther, AB March 19 Lazy S Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., VJV Auction Mart, Beaverlodge, AB March 20 High Bluff Stock Farm Charolais & Simmental Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., at the farm, Inglis, MB March 20 Reese Cattle Co. 11th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Innisfail (AB) Auction Mart March 21 Pleasant Dawn Charolais 17th Annual Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., at the farm, Oak Lake, MB
March 21 Rollin’ Acres/Whiskey Hollow & Guests 9th Annual Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Maple Hill Auctions, Hanover, ON March 21 Northern Impact VII Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., North Central Livestock, Clyde, AB March 21 Select Genetics Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at Forsyth Angus, Herbert, SK March 21 Canada’s Red, White & Black Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK March 23 TRI-N Charolais Farms & Guests Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., at the farm, Lenore, MB March 23 Neilson Cattle Co. 30th Annual Bull Sale, at the farm, Willowbrook, SK March 24 Diamond W Charolais, Red & Black Angus 17th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Minitonas, MB March 24 Poplar Bluff Stock Farm & Twin Anchor Charolais 4th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Dryland Trading Corp., Veteran, AB March 25 HTA Charolais & Guest Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., at the farm, Rivers, MB March 26 Elder Charolais 10th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Coronach, SK March 26 RanAMan Ranch 5th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Olds (AB) Auction Mart March 27 McTavish Farms & Guest 9th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Moosomin, SK March 27 Thistle Ridge Ranch Bull Sale, Taber (AB) Agriplex March 28 K-Cow Ranch Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., at the ranch, Elk Point, AB March 28 Coyote Flats Charolais 5th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Coaldale, AB March 28 Impact Angus & Charolais Bull & Female Sale, 1:00 p.m., Saskatoon (SK) Livestock Sales Charolais Banner • December 2019
March 28 Lazy S Cattle Co. Limousin & Charolais Bull Sale, 6:00 p.m., VJV Auction Mart, Rimbey, AB March 28 Borderland Cattle Company Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., at the ranch, Rockglen, SK March 28 Cornerview Charolais Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., at the farm, Cobden, ON March 28 Alameda Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Alameda (SK) Auction Mart March 28 8th Annual “Thickness Sells” Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Atlantic Stockyards, Truro, NS March 28 High Point Charolais Bull Sale, 6:00 p.m., at Sunrise Charolais, Stayner, ON March 28 Chomiak Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Viking (AB) Auction Market March 28 Candiac Choice Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Candiac (SK) Auction Mart March 29 Best of the Breeds Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Heartland Livestock, Yorkton, SK March 31 Prairie Distinction Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Beautiful Plains Ag Complex, Neepawa, MB April 1 White Cap/Rosso Charolais & Howe Red Angus Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the Howe Family Farm, Moose Jaw, SK April 2 Hunter Charolais 8th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Roblin, MB April 2 C2 Charolais Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Killarney (MB) Auction Market April 4 Vermilion Charolais Group 34th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., North Central Livestock, Vermilion, AB April 4 Maritime Bull Test Station Sale, at the test station, Nappan, NS April 4 Saunders Charolais 15th Annual Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Keady (ON) Livestock Market
April 4 Transcon’s 24th Annual Advantage Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Saskatoon (SK) Livestock Sales April 6 North of the 49 th 17th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite, SK April 7 Cedarlea Farms “Git ‘R Done” Bull Sale, at Windy Willows Angus, Hodgeville, SK April 7 White Lake Colony Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Balog Auction, Lethbridge, AB April 7 Gilliland Bros. Charolais 8th Annual Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., at Chopper K Auction Mart, Alameda, SK April 9 Sliding Hills Charolais Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., at the farm, Canora, SK April 9 Daines Cattle Co. Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Innisfail (AB) Auction Mart April 10 Spirit of the North Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Spiritwood (SK) Auction Mart
April 11 Eastern Select Bull & Female Sale, 1:00 p.m., Hoards Station Sale Barn, Campbellford, ON April 11 Acadia Ranching Charolais & Angus Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Bow Slope Shipping, Brooks, AB April 13 Cattle Capital Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Ste. Rose (MB) Auction Mart April 14 Top Cut Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Stockman’s Weigh Co., Mankota, SK April 18 Brimner Cattle Co., Cornerstone Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., Whitewood (SK) Auction Mart April 18 Cedardale Charolais 17th Annual Bull & Select Female Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Nestleton, ON April 18 Lindskov-Thiel Bull Sale, at the ranch, Isabel, SD
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Charolais Banner • December 2019
Advertisers Index Alta Genetics Inc. .............................................76 Alton Century Farms Ltd...................................17 Amabec Charolais ............................................79 Annuroc Charolais............................................79 Australian Charolais Cattle Society ...................15 B Bar D Charolais .............................................79 Baker Farms .....................................................79 Bar H Charolais ................................................80 Beck Farms.......................................................80 Be Rich Farms...................................................77 Blackbern Charolais..........................................79 Bob Charolais...................................................77 Bo Jan Enterprises ............................................80 Borderland Cattle Co........................................81 Bow Valley Genetics Ltd. ..................................76 Bricney Stock Farms..........................................81 Bridor Charolais...........................................27,79 Brimner Cattle Company ..................................81 Buffalo Lake Charolais .....................................77 Campbells Charolais.........................................81 Carey, Brent .....................................................76 Cedardale Charolais ....................................19,79 Cedarlea Farms ................................................81 Charla Moore Farms.........................................81 Char Lew Ranch...............................................77 Char Maine Ranching.......................................77 Charolais Journal..............................................76 Chartop Charolais ............................................81 Charworth Charolais Farms ..............................77 Chomiak Charolais ..........................................77 Circle Cee Charolais Farms ...............................77 Cline Cattle Co.................................................78 Cockburn Farms ...............................................80 Cornerview Charolais .......................................27 Cougar Hill Ranch ............................................79 Coyote Flats Charolais ......................................77 Creek's Edge Land & Cattle Co.........................81 C2 Charolais ....................................................79 Davis Rairdan ...................................................76 Demarah Farms ................................................81 Diamond W Charolais ......................................81 Dorran, Ryan ....................................................76 Double P Stock Farms.......................................79 Dowell Charolais ..............................................77 Dubuc Charolais...............................................80 Dudgeon Snobelen Land & Cattle ...............27,80 Eaton Charolais ................................................82 Echo Spring Charolais..................................27,80 Edge, Dean ......................................................76 Elder Charolais Farms .......................................81 EMB Charolais..................................................19 Fergus Family Charolais ....................................80 Fischer Charolais ..............................................77 Flat Valley Cattle Co. ........................................77 Fleury, Michael .................................................76 Flewelling, Craig...............................................76
Footprint Farms ...............................................77 Future Farms ....................................................77 Gilliland Bros. Charolais....................................81 Good Anchor Charolais ....................................77 H.S. Knill Company Ltd.....................................76 Happy Haven Charolais ....................................79 Harcourt Charolais ...........................................81 Hard Rock Land & Cattle Co.............................79 Harvie Ranching ..............................................77 HEJ Charolais ..................................................77 Hicks Charolais.................................................80 High Bluff Stock Farm.......................................79 Holk Charolais..................................................77 Hopewell Charolais ..........................................81 Horseshoe E Charolais ......................................81 Howe Family Farm............................................81 HTA Charolais Farm .........................................79 Hunter Charolais .......................................79,IBC JMB Charolais .................................................79 Johnson Charolais ............................................77 Johnstone Auction ...........................................76 June Rose Charolais..........................................81 Kaiser Cattle Co. ..............................................77 Kay R Land & Cattle Ltd. ..................................77 KCH Charolais..................................................78 Kirlene Cattle ...................................................80 La Ferme Patry de Weedon...............................80 Lakeview Charolais...........................................77 Land O' Lakes Charolais ...................................80 Langstaff Charolais...........................................80 Leemar Charolais..............................................77 Legacy Charolais ..............................................77 LEJ Charolais ....................................................79 Lindskov Thiel Charolais Ranch.........................82 M&L Cattle Co. ................................................80 Mack's Charolais ..............................................80 Maple Leaf Charolais........................................77 Martens Cattle Co............................................81 Martens Charolais ............................................79 McAvoy Charolais Farm....................................81 McKay Charolais ..............................................79 McKeary Charolais ...........................................78 McLeod Livestock .............................................76 McTavish Farms................................................81 Medonte Charolais......................................27,80 Miller Land & Livestock.....................................80 Moyer Cattle Co...............................................27 Mutrie Farms....................................................81 Myhre Land and Cattle.....................................79 Nahachewsky Charolais....................................81 Norheim Ranching............................................76 P & H Ranching Co...........................................78 Packer Charolais...............................................80 Palmer Charolais ..............................................81 Parklane Charolais............................................78 Phillips Farms....................................................81
Charolais Banner • December 2019
Pleasant Dawn Charolais ..................................79 Polzin Cattle.......................................................9 Potter Charolais................................................80 Prairie Cove Charolais.......................................78 Prairie Gold Charolais .......................................81 Pro Char Charolais ...........................................78 Qualman Charolais ..........................................81 R & G McDonald Livestock ...............................79 Raffan, Don......................................................76 Rawes Ranches.................................................78 Reeleder, Andrew.............................................76 Rollin' Acres Charolais .................................27,80 Ross Lake Charolais ..........................................78 Rosso Charolais ................................................81 Royale Charolais...............................................80 RRTS Charolais .................................................78 Saddleridge Farming Co. ..................................78 SanDan Charolais Farms ...................................78 Saunders Charolais......................................27,80 Serhienko/Voegeli Cattle Co.............................82 Sharodon Farms ...............................................80 Skeels, Danny...................................................76 Sliding Hills Charolais .......................................82 Southside Charolais..........................................78 Southview Farms ..............................................80 CK Sparrow Farms...........................................IFC Springside Farms ..............................................78 Spruce View Charolais......................................78 Stach Farms Charolais ......................................78 Stephen Charolais Farm....................................82 Steppler Farms Ltd. .......................................3,79 Stock, Mark......................................................76 Sugarloaf Charolais ..........................................78 Sunrise II Charolais ...........................................27 Sunshine Oak Charolais....................................79 T Bar C Cattle Co. .......................................76,85 Temple Farms...................................................82 Thistle Ridge Ranch ..........................................78 Transcon Livestock Corp...................................76 TRI N Charolais.................................................79 Turnbull Charolais .........................................5,78 Twin Anchor Charolais .....................................78 Wendt & Murray Farms Ltd. .............................78 Western Litho Printers ......................................76 Whiskey Hollow Cattle Co................................27 White Lake Colony ...........................................78 White Meadow Charolais Ltd. ..........................79 WhiteWater Livestock.......................................80 Wilgenbusch Charolais .............................82,OBC Wilkie Ranch ....................................................78 Wood River Charolais ......................................82 Wrangler Charolais........................................5,78