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Canadian Charolais Youth Association News
from May 2013
It is less than 3 months to go until the Charolais Youth are Making Tracks in Shelburne, Ontairo! This summer the CCYA National Conference and Show is going to be held in Shelburne from July 17th– 20th. Shelburne is a pleasant little town about an hour north of Toronto.
Our goal is to have youth from right across the country join in on the fun! The Ontario Juniors are very excited about the upcoming show and the opportunity it presents to the youth.
This year’s conference organizing committee is made up of Holly Smith and Randi Aldcorn as Co‐chairs, Courtney Black is the Secretary, Emily Bromley is the Treasurer and Billie‐Jo Saunders as Adult Advisor.
The schedule for this year is similar to other CCYA Conferences and includes a farm tour to a local Charolais breeder as well as other fun things for the kids to do! The committee is entertaining the idea of attending a Blue Jays game on Sunday, July 21st. Please let us know if this interests you and we will get a block of tickets purchased.
The main hotel will be the Red Pine Inn located in Alliston, Ontario. A block of rooms has been set aside until June 15, 2013. Please call 705‐435‐4381 and ask about the Canadian Charolais Youth block of rooms.
A small change has been made by the National Board in the way that Judging Reasons are given. Members will compete individually and will judge classes of steers, females and bull calves. Junior participants will be expected to complete written reasons on three classes and oral reasons on one class, as determined by the organizing committee. The time limit for each class will be 20 minutes. The Intermediate and Senior participants will complete the same classes and be required to submit placing cards as well as complete oral reasons on all three classes.
We are very excited to reunite with everyone and meet new faces that will become lasting friends!
We hope that you will Make Tracks to Shelburne…
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact anyone on the organizing committee.
Conference and Show News
Holly Smith, CCYA Conference & Show Co-Chair
CCYA NATIONAL BOARD charolaisyouth@gmail.com
President: Kirstin Sparrow kp.sparrow@hotmail.com Vice-President: Luke Marshall futureal@telusplanet.net Treasurer: Sarah Weinbender sarahbarah_8@hotmail.com Secretary: Tomina Jackson tomi_j_@hotmail.com Director: Michael Hunter mike_hunter40@hotmail.com Director: Travis Jozwiak jozwiak@telus.net Director: Holly Smith holly27smith@gmail.com Director: Courtney Black blackbern@hotmail.com
CCYA 2013 Conference Executive
Co-ordinator: Billie Jo Saunders dbjsaunders@gmail.com Co-Chair: Holly Smith holly27smith@gmail.com Co-Chair: Randi Aldcorn randi.aldcorn@yahoo.ca Secretary: Courtney Black petunia-101@hotamil.com Treasurer: Emily Bromley ebromley@uoguelph.ca
CCYA Provincial Advisors
SK: Darwin Rosso 306-693-2384 ON: Brad Buchanan 705-534-0137 MB: Donna Jackson 204-564-2547 AB: Kasey & Arlana Phillips 780-358-2359
Youth Coordinator:
Brandon Sparrow b.sparrow265@gmail.com
See Registration Information on pages 52-54
qui lui aime et lui soutien. Moi je suis chanceux d’avoir une partenaire qui est mon égal. Elle est toujours tenu exact par mon côté.
Jʹattends avec intérêt de travailler avec le conseil, les dirigeants et le personnel de lʹassociation canadienne du charolais. Nous tous travaillons pour lʹadhésion et dans les meilleurs intérêts de lʹadhésion. Jʹai un dicton que jʹemploi de temps à autre. Quelquʹun peut vous dire "jʹai fait quelque chose." Mais vous ne pouvez pas voir le résultat final. Ce qui peut vous amener à questionner si le travail a été fait. La façon dont je vois les choses c ʹest comme ceci: Si je dis, ‘je mʹen vais poser des poteaux de clôture,’ à la fin de la journée, les gens peuvent les compter...alors maintenant, je mʹen vais poser des poteaux.
Kelly Carson