4 minute read

Herd Health

Over the last several decades in veterinary medicine, fertility, and hence functionality, of the breeding bull has been attended to more and more. At the start of my career in the early 80s, breeding soundness exams (BSE) were increasing in frequency.

Now, we are to the point where most large producers are having breeding soundness exams done yearly. Virtually every purebred bull calf sold over 12-15 months will have one performed by the purebred breeder’s veterinarian. I believe the consistency of this exam is very good within the profession. The “reliabull” tape has made, in my opinion, scrotal circumference measurements about as accurate and repeatable among veterinarians as we can hope for. With this checking of bulls, we find penile issues, most of which can be corrected. Breeding bulls can develop penile problems within their lifetime. It behooves veterinarians to attempt medical or surgical treatment because of the value of the bulls and prognosis is often reasonable. Insurance companies want due diligence done and treatments attempted depending on the overall prognosis. Large animal veterinarians need to have some idea as to prognosis, cost, outcome and either perform the task themselves, or refer the procedure to another veterinarian that will.


Sometimes our goal is simply to collect semen for freezing and that as well can have a very desirable outcome.

The penile problems we are all most familiar with when semen testing young breeding bulls are frenulums, hair rings and penile warts. I have done other articles on them in the past. This is why I think it is ideal to ensure you get protrusion to observe the penis has no abnormalities. Some veterinarians sedate to insure protrusion happens. I encourage veterinarians to tackle most warts and see what the outcome will be.

Most wart removals come along quite well and I am pleasantly surprised by the outcome. If warts are wrapped around near the tip of the penis, it is a much more guarded prognosis. Depending on the potential value of the bull, more than one attempt can be made. Sedate, freeze locally in most cases and be ready to ligate large bleeders, or oversew the cut. On the deep ones, be ever cognizant of the urethra. Most veterinarians that have purebred cattle breeders as clients will run into warts. They need to be indicated on the BSE form for full transparency and rechecked to ensure there has not been regrowth.

Older breeding bulls’ penile problems stem from cuts, prolapses of the sheath, as well as the extremely rare corkscrew and rainbow deviations. Cuts require visualization to determine severity using hydrotherapy if prolapsed, NSAIDs if found acutely and perhaps flushing of the area, plus the tincture of time. Rest from breeding will often yield an 80% prognosis on return to function. This is usually excellent news considering the value of most of our breeding bulls. We often see the unfound cuts that have healed with bulls from the year before, so they do have a great ability to heal. With paraphimosis (a prolapsed sheath), hydrotherapy should be frequent and once the penis can be retracted inside the sheath, go back to the tincture of time.

Severe non resolving prolapse of the sheath may result in the need for a circumcision. Although these are done infrequently, they can be curative and there are recognized techniques out there. Removal of the extraneous sheath and attaching the ends together is really the technique in a nutshell. You must remember, we are taking an unusable bull and potentially giving him the ability to breed again, so if he is returned to function, it is a very good win. If it doesn’t work, slaughter for salvage is still in the cards. Attempt these and give lots of time for rest. I find a tilt table with good access to the underbelly is best and standard aftercare may be successful. Again in real valuable bulls, we are sometimes correcting the condition where good quality clean semen can be collected and frozen.

As a summary, issues involving the bovine penis outcomes are often very favorable, and your veterinarian can give you a prognosis of returning to functionality and the time period necessary. Since the vast majority of these cuts, with or without prolapse, occur during the breeding season, we are often thinking next year’s breeding season. Often purebred breeders hear about these issues on their sold bulls and can help to advise the producer what to do, while they come up with a replacement bull to tide the producer over. As a veterinarian, we can provide a very valuable service to your expensive herd sires. This is never truer than today, as breeding bulls become higher in value and may at times be hard to replace genetically. You must also think if you correct the condition, there may be several years breeding to be captured by that bull in the future.

Here’s to an uneventful, productive and fertile breeding season everyone.

Correctable Bull Penile Issues

Roy Lewis DVM

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