T h r i v i n g T o d ay, P r e pa r e d f o r T o m o r r o w
A n n u a l
G i v i n g
R e p o r t
2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8
2 1 s t c e n t u r y s k i l l s , PDS b o y s c o n s i s t e n t l y a n d Headmaster Lee Burns
Assistant Headmaster for Teaching and Learning Susan Droke
Elementary Principal Mark Fruitt
s i g n i f i c a n t ly
c o u n t r y ’ s l e a d i n g i n d e p e n d e n t s c h o o l s . PDS b o y s a r e p r e pa r e d a n d p o i s e d — f o r s c h o o l a n d l i f e .
Head of Early Childhood Debbie Isom
Director of Athletics and Operations Dennis Smith
H a r va r d
Chief Financial Officer
e v e ry c l a s s ro o m . M a n da r i n . C r i t i c a l a n d c r e ati v e
Chief Advancement Officer
t h i n k i n g . PDS i s a s c h o o l o f t o m o r r o w p r e p a r i n g
Jill Kauffman Steve Hearn
Director of Technology Cathy Kyle
Director of Annual Giving and Public Relations Lee Rantzow
Director of Communications Winston Baccus
boys to thrive and lead in the dynamic world our gr aduates will enter.
a n n u a l REp o r t 2007-2008
P r e s by t e r i a n Day s c h o o l
As you read this report, it will become obvious to you that PDS is thriving. Our boys are achieving and performing at levels that place them among the very best students in the country. Our outstanding teachers are using their skills that have been sharpened and enhanced by professional development opportunities to challenge and inspire their students. Our graduates
2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8 B oa r d o f T r u s t e e s
Mr. John J. Colcolough III Chair Mr. Wyatt Aiken Mr. Rodney D. Baber, Jr. ’61 Mr. Donald D. Batchelor ’66 Mrs. Kim Blankenship Mr. Nicholas E. Bragorgos Mr. Clarence C. “Bo” Braswell Mr. John B. Buford Mr. Bruce E. Campbell, Jr. Mrs. Douglas Dunavant Mr. R. Molitor Ford, Jr. ’77 Mr. Russell E. Linkous III Mr. Richard C. Moore, Jr. ’57 Mr. Joseph M. Morrison ’72 Mrs. Chris Sanders Mr. John A. Stemmler Mr. John W. Stokes III ’73 Mr. S. Alexander Thompson III
leave PDS and successfully tackle the rigors of the most competitive middle schools, high schools, colleges and graduate schools. PDS is indeed preparing boys for tomorrow. PDS boys are the future leaders of this city, state and country. PDS boys are the future ministers, teachers, engineers, physicians, accountants, counselors, scout leaders, fathers and husbands who will provide hope, wisdom and direction to others. PDS boys learn what it means to be godly men and go from PDS with a clear vision of the path they should seek to fulfill godly lives. Almost sixty years ago, PDS opened its doors on Goodlett and Poplar to fulfill its mission which is to glorify God by developing boys in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man. The school remains true to its original mission, and we proudly acknowledge that this will be our goal for today, tomorrow and forever. We are grateful to so many who are recognized in this report for their hard work and contributions. Their investments help sustain the school’s mission and provide the support needed to make PDS such a wonderful place for a boy to learn and grow.
Dr. Susan Warner Mr. B. Wade West Mr. C. Kemmons Wilson, Jr. Mr. A. Lee Burns III, ex-officio Rev. Darrin S. “Rocky” Anthony, ex-officio
John J. Colcolough III Chairman, PDS Board of Trustees
Thriving Today, Prepared for Tomorrow W hen we invest in something—whether in a school, a
As we as a school attempt to quantify the value added
company or a person’s life—it is normal and prudent to
of a PDS education, we have broken it down into three
ask the question: what is my return on my investment?
broad categories: preparation for school, preparation for the
Did it add value? Did it make a difference? What did I,
21st century, and preparation for life.
the investor, gain? To answer those questions, of course, you need thoughtful metrics and good data.
ERB Scores: Our 6th Grade vs U.S. Private Schools
Gratefully, we have many investors within the PDS
community, and this annual report is our attempt to share with you how your “PDS portfolio” performed last year.
by Lee Burns, PDS Headmaster
Ind. Schools Overall
Ind. Schools Language Arts
Thriving Today, Prepared for Tomorrow
ERB Scores: PDS 2nd Grade - 6th Grade vs U.S. Private Schools
Ind. Schools Overall
Prepared for School
Ind. Schools
Language Arts
As our teachers design their curriculum, they use a process called backward design: they first create the learning outcomes and assessments, and then they actually plan the instruction and activities. Applying this model, we can start by measuring our end products: our 6th grade graduates. When we measure our boys academically, we are interested in using the toughest comparison group in the country. We want to see how our boys stack up against private (independent) school students at the leading private schools in New York, Boston, Chicago, and so forth. The Educational Records Bureau (ERB) is the most 6
Ind. Schools Math
common and comprehensive standardized test used by private schools around the country. Last year’s 6th graders recorded the following results in the private school group: • Aggregated in all categories, PDS boys outperformed their peers by an average of 32%. • In every category, they outperformed their peers. • Among the language arts categories (verbal reasoning, reading comprehension, vocabulary, writing mechanics, writing concepts and skills, and writing assessment), they outperformed their peers by an average of 41%.
We are interested also in how the younger students are performing relative to their peers. Once again using this same private school benchmarking group from ERB testing, our overall results for 2nd – 6th grade were as follows: • Aggregated in all categories, PDS boys outperformed their private school peers by an average of 23%. • In the language arts categories, they scored 26% above average. • In the math categories, they scored 12% above average.
Few schools in the country would have a portfolio of outstanding scores like these. This consistent record of high achievement throughout the school demonstrates excellent teaching and preparation.
Our 6th graders had an average reading level well exceeding that of a 9th grader.
Average 6th grader
PDS 6th grader
Thriving Today, Prepared for Tomorrow
The data also shows strong preparation: • Last year’s 6th graders had an average reading level well exceeding that of a 9th grader. • 60% of last year’s 5th graders were recognized by the Duke University Talent Identification Program for their high standardized test scores. • 92% of our 1st graders were reading above grade level. • PDS placed 8th in the United States in World Math Day, competing against over one million students from more than 20,000 schools in 150 countries.
Few schools in the country have the portfolio of outstanding ERB scores that PDS has. Once again, that points to excellent teaching, learning and preparation. Our teachers are bringing out the best in all their boys. Despite the attention given to this data here, we don’t give too much emphasis to
standardized tests. They don’t drive our curriculum, and, in fact, they only measure a portion of it anyway. We also analyze how our boys perform academically after they graduate from PDS. We hope that each family selects the school
But our academic metrics aren’t just the aggregated numbers. More important, really, is how each individual boy is doing. We happily and intentionally serve a range of boys with differing talents, abilities and learning styles, and we want to assure that each boy is achieving his best. Some parts of standardized tests are, generally speaking, more of a measure of relatively innate ability, while others measure knowledge and skills learned in school. It is important to examine the relationship between the two. Last year, at all grade levels at which the ERB was given, the achievement score averages were 17% higher than the ability ones. In other words, PDS boys are consistently living up to and even exceeding what would be expected of them. 7
Thriving Today, Prepared for Tomorrow
that will be the best fit for the boy, and we want each boy to be prepared to thrive at any type of school, whether it is one that is traditional or more progressive in its approaches. Most of our graduates enroll at Memphis University School, so we are particularly interested to monitor how our boys perform there. Last year, there were 293 PDS graduates attending MUS, and they earned the following results: • 164 of them (56%) earned a spot on the academic honor roll. • In the 8th grade, 70% of the Springfield Scholars (highest academic distinction) were PDS alumni. • In the Lower School, over 50% of the members of the Order of the Owl (for weighted average 93 and above for 7th graders and 90 and above for 8th graders) were PDS alumni. • 67% of the MUS summa cum laude graduates last year were PDS alumni. • 17 PDS alumni seniors last year were recognized as either National Merit Finalists, Semi-Finalists or Commended Scholars.
From the Lower School to the Senior Class, the data shows that PDS graduates are excelling at MUS. We are proud of how our graduates are performing at other schools as well. We will continue to monitor 8
PDS Grads: On MUS Honor Roll
Out of 293 PDS graduates 56% at MUS last year, 164 earned a spot on the academic honor roll their performance and familiarize ourselves with the curriculum and educational philosophies of other schools, but, of course, we will continue to let our educational principles guide curriculum and instruction at PDS. And we base our educational principles and curriculum on what we believe are the most important skills and knowledge to possess in the dynamic 21st century.
Prepared for the 21st Century
We live in an era of rapid and unprecedented growth and change. The world is increasingly connected, interdependent and diverse. We are in the midst of an explosion of knowledge, technology and world population. The re-emergence of China and India will likely
have a profound impact on the global community in the decades to come. A question with which we wrestle frequently and deeply at PDS is this: what does it mean to be well-educated in the 21st century? The answer is different than what it means to be well-educated last century… or even last decade. Among the surveys done on what are the most important 21st century skills, answers have tended to fall recently into five broad categories: • Critical thinking and lifelong learning • Collaboration/Teaming • Imagination and creativity • Character and integrity • Emotional intelligence/empathy/social judgment
Traditionally, schools don’t focus on these sorts of skills. Most schools, including those with good reputations and track records, still teach essentially the same things in the same ways that they did a generation or more ago. It’s been said that it’s easier to change the course of history than a history course. At PDS, we believe our boys deserve better than that. They need more than that. We must be a school of tomorrow rather than a school of yesterday.
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Thriving Today, Prepared for Tomorrow
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It takes a lot of ambition, training and hard work to do those sorts of things…things that don’t happen by accident or default or without resources. It’s why we sent 28 people to Harvard this summer for intense training from some of the world’s leading thinkers and voices on education. It’s why we visit and network with many of the country’s most outstanding schools. It’s why we bring educational consultants to PDS and read about educational research and best practices; it’s why we require teachers to set professional development goals, why we have teacher task forces and committees, and why we have a Teaching and Learning Committee charged with raising and answering difficult questions about the world and our curriculum.
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• Memorize a lot less and apply ideas a lot more. • Actively engage boys in the learning process rather than expecting them to passively hear, record and recall information. • Expect them to be creative and generate their own ideas. • Focus on essential understandings rather than covering a lot of facts. • Ask boys more often to demonstrate their understandings through projects, presentations and performance tasks rather than worksheets and traditional assessments. • Push them to analyze, synthesize and connect ideas. • Focus on real writing rather than simply diagramming sentences and memorizing grammar rules. • Pose stimulating questions to them without simple answers. • Give them tasks and projects in which they must collaborate with classmates. • Connect the curriculum. • Actively use thinking routines and discuss their thinking with them. • Video-conference with students around the world. • Give our social studies curriculum a global focus. • Embrace diversity. • Continue to strengthen our Building Boys, Making Men curriculum that gives our boys a definition and vision of manhood and that helps to develop faith and character.
Best, & ls
What does that mean for us at PDS? It means we:
Thriving Today, Prepared for Tomorrow
Last year, at all grade levels at which the ERB was given, the achievement score averages were 17% higher than the ability ones.
They will be, one day, who they are becoming right now, and we have the 17% to give them a vision great opportunity higher of who God designed them to be. Achievement Scores
It would be easy to sit back, be complacent and rest on our reputation and laurels. But that’s not who we are. We are life-long learners, and we are preparing our boys to thrive and lead in a world that will expect and require a different skill set—and thus different types of schools, It’s harder to measure these 21st century skills than it is to see how they are performing on standardized tests or at their next schools. But we can measure the inputs and processes, and we can see each day incredible instruction that will help train the mind for a lifetime of critical and creative thinking and collaborative learning.
Prepared for Life
Predicted Ability
I am grateful that our mission is about so much more than preparing boys to earn spots on honor rolls or even to be good thinkers with a thirst to continue learning. Our mission is a holistic one that seeks to nurture the heart, soul, mind and body of each boy. I am grateful that we teach and mentor boys during the most formative years of their lives. Their faith, character, values, world-view, intellectual curiosity, and love of learning are largely set during their elementary years.
Thriving Today, Prepared for Tomorrow
The Building Boys, Making Men program we designed a few years ago gives our boys a definition and vision of what it means to be a godly boy and, one day, a godly man. We are as intentional about teaching good character, values and morals based on our Christian principles as we are teaching them about inference or mathematical reasoning. Through chapels, class meetings, seminars and retreats, we teach them about our seven virtues of manhood: The True Friend, The Humble Hero, The Servant Leader, The Heart Patient, The Moral Motivator, The Bold Adventurer, and The Noble Knight In addition to the Building Boys, Making Men curriculum, they will have seen, up-close, Christian community and worship. They will have experienced godly men and women praying for them, loving them, and mentoring them. They will have attended 560 chapels and 405 Bible classes. They will leave PDS with an expanded vision for their lives, with a sense of God’s incredible love for them, and with an opportunity to respond to what Christ did for each of them. They will be, we hope and think, different and better leaders, men, husbands and fathers due to their years at PDS.
That all seems a long way away from Pre-Kindergarten boys who today are learning letters and patterns and Mandarin, but the connection between what they are learning today and who they will be as scholars, leaders and men is a direct and powerful one. We owe each boy our best efforts, our best resources, and our best investments. And there is no greater investment that
a person can make than in the life of another person…especially during the most strategic time for making that investment. To the many of you who invested in these PDS boys last year, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your investments are paying great dividends, and the dividends will only increase in the years to come.
Harvard Educated. In the summer of 2008, 28 PDS faculty members were trained by some of the world’s leading education experts at Harvard’s Project Zero.
Guiding Educational Principles for the st 21 Century Preparing PDS Boys for the World of Tomorrow
Guiding Educational Principals for the 21st Century
Principle 1 – We will take a holistic approach to education, meaning that we care about and intentionally educate and nurture the heart, soul, mind and body of each boy. As part of this holistic approach, we will teach and promote the development of strong morals and character and offer boys a vision of Godly manhood. Principle 2 – We will know, nurture and love every boy at PDS as a unique child of a loving God, and we will keep at the front of our minds that we are teachers primarily of boys and secondarily of subjects and skills. Principle 3 – We will, in an ageappropriate, gracious and faithful manner, teach the Bible and present and model the tenets of the Christian faith such that each boy, regardless of his background and beliefs, leaves PDS as a good student of the Bible and of the Christian faith, including knowing what the Christian believes is necessary for salvation. By how we intentionally relate our subjects and various ideas to a Christian worldview, we will also give each boy the opportunity to develop a Christian worldview that can serve as a lens or framework for how he may understand the world.
Principle 4 – We will, as a learning organization in the 21st century, be careful and deliberate students of our world, engaging in serious professional development, research, and curricular design. In a dynamic world, we shall consider divergent thinking, embrace change, innovate, and risk sometimes failing as we seek to design an ever-better curriculum and learning experiences. Principle 5 – We will orient our curriculum and teaching to align with the skills, knowledge and perspectives required in the dynamic and diverse global community of the 21st century. Such skills include the ability to think critically, creatively and connectedly; see patterns in seeming chaos; make creative connections; apply knowledge to novel situations; design, create and tell stories; collaborate and communicate clearly; utilize technology facilely; wrestle with questions without simple solutions; manage ambiguity; adapt to change; and have the inclination and ability to embrace life-long learning.
and students in assessing how we are performing. Additionally, we will develop partnerships with outstanding schools in other parts of our country and the world. Principle 7 – We will teach in a way that seeks to maximize learning for every boy. We believe that all boys can learn and have differing intelligences and learning styles, such that our teaching should intentionally incorporate this diversity and thus be flexible and versatile.
Principle 6 – We will orient our curriculum such that it has a global perspective, and we will consider standards and comparisons to foreign schools 13
Guiding Educational Principals for the 21st Century
Principle 8 – We will view assessment as a way not simply to measure learning, but as a way to promote it. Our assessments will be increasingly varied and have a heavy mix of performance and other tasks, including many real world tasks, that not only demonstrate understanding, but that allow diverse learners flexible opportunities for demonstrating their learning. As necessary, we will create our own assessments that measure learning and progress, especially
those that include skills not readily measured by standardized tests and that can help us chart the progress of boys over the course of a school year. Principle 9 – We will seek to enroll boys from more diverse backgrounds. Recognizing that boys learn from one another and need the skill to develop relationships with people from various backgrounds, our greater diversity will be an asset to all boys and more consistent with the Biblical mandate to see past the superficial differences that easily divide us. Principle 10 – We will, as a school, have balance among our overall programs, and excellence in each area. Principle 11 – We will be boy-specific, boy-themed and boy-friendly in all aspects of PDS. As such, we will extensively study how boys best learn and develop, and we will apply such findings throughout all parts of the school.
Principle 12 – We will, by executing well the principles in this document, prepare our boys for scholastic success at any schools at which they would matriculate, and, though we will study the curriculum of the schools where our graduates matriculate, it is these PDS principles that will guide us as an institution. Principle 13 – We will attend carefully and intentionally to our own health, wellbeing and growth, especially our spiritual growth, so that we will be at our best as we teach, model and mentor our boys. Principle 14 – We will treat our teachers as professionals, holding very high standards for them and evaluating their performance against school goals; pushing them to grow continually; providing significant opportunities for professional growth, reflection and renewal; and rewarding excellence in tangible ways.
B u il d in g Boy s, Mak in g M e n The
C a m pa i g n
D riven by our mission, strategic Plan (adopted in 2002), and the markings and measurements of a world-class school, and building on the academic growth and reengineering of the last several years, in 2008, the Board of Trustees announced an ambitious capital campaign that will significantly enhance the curriculum and programs for the PDS boys and will strengthen PDS for decades to come. The campaign will transform the campus and expand the endowment.
B u il di ng Boys, Maki ng M en The
Ca mpaign
I am honored to serve as the chairman of The Building Boys, Making Men Campaign for PDS and pleased to share with you the early results of this very important fundraising effort. In record time, the school has received 102 campaign commitments totaling $13.1 million from PDS alumni, current parents, past parents, grandparents, past trustees, friends and foundations.
Campaign Leadership Mr. C. Kemmons Wilson, Jr. Campaign Chairman
Of this total, the PDS Board of Trustees has boldly committed $8 million, which is a remarkable
Mr. Bruce E. Campbell, Jr.
display of confidence in the school, administration, faculty and curriculum.
Honorary Chairman
Gifts from this campaign will provide funding to support PDS boys during their elementary school years, which are the most formative of their entire life. I cannot imagine an elementary
Mr. John J. Colcolough III Chairman of the Board
school in the country that is doing a better job of preparing boys to become leaders, scholars, and men of faith and character who have and will continue to shape and lead Memphis. I cannot imagine a better investment one can make than in the boys of PDS. The Campaign Cabinet, Board of Trustees and I would like to thank those of you who
Campaign Cabinet
have already made gifts and pledges to support this transformational plan for PDS. And, looking
Mr. Rodney D. Baber, Jr. ’61
forward to 2009, I want to thank in advance those of you who will choose to join others by
Mrs. Kim Blankenship
investing in the boys of PDS and supporting this campaign.
Mr. Clarence C. “Bo” Braswell Mr. Bryan E. Nearn, Jr. ’55 Mrs. Chris Sanders Mr. Frederick C. Schaeffer, Jr. ’82
C. Kemmons Wilson, Jr. Campaign Chairman
At a gl ance: Facilities
At a gl ance: Endowment
• Build New Early Childhood Center
• Pay teachers a competitive salary
• Relocate Media Center
• Fund professional development opportunities:
• Add New Science Lab • Add New Creative Art Center
Send 25 teachers to Harvard Graduate School per summer, 15 to national conferences each year, 10 to leading schools
• Renovate and Expand Music Facilities
to observe each year, 5 to workshops; bring
• Build Lifetime Fitness Center
3 curriculum experts per year to PDS
• Build Additional Gymnasium
• Incentive stipends for 5 exemplary teachers
• Relocate and Expand Cafeteria
• Increase tuition assistance
• Create Dedicated After-Care Spaces
• “Entrepreneurial capital” for future initiatives
Bruce Campbell, Honorary Chairman PDS has provided a superior education and moral and spiritual training for young boys for over 50 years. It is well-recognized regionally and nationally as a truly outstanding institution. This campaign will assure the continued excellence of PDS for upcoming generations of boys as it has for the previous ones.
New Media Center in the Heart of School
Additional Capacity for Art Classes
Instrumental Music Classroom
Additional Capacity for Science Classes
Contributions, pledges and estate gifts in support of capital, endowment, scholarships and special programs as of October 20, 2008: Anonymous (3) Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar Abston, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Aiken Rev. and Mrs. Darrin S. “Rocky” Anthony Mr. and Mrs. Rodney D. Baber, Jr. ’ 61 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bartz Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Batchelor ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Neil Beals Dr. and Mrs. Neal Beckford Mr. and Mrs. Earl Blankenship Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas E. Bragorgos Mr. and Mrs. Clarence C. “Bo” Braswell Mr. and Mrs. A. Lee Burns III Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Campbell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Rick Clifford Mr. and Mrs. John J. Colcolough III
Grinder, Taber & Grinder, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Harris ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hearn Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hergenrader Carol B. Hinchin Fund Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hussey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Hyde III ’55 J. R. Hyde Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Jarratt ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Z. Jemison, Jr. ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Epps Jones Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Mason Kauffman Mr. and Mrs. Joel Kaye Mr. and Mrs. Robert King Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kirkscey Dr. and Mrs. Dean A. Klug Mr. and Mrs. Milton L. Knowlton Mr. and Mrs. Russell L. Linkous III
Mr. and Mrs. Keith S. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Cowan Mr. and Mrs. J. Lester Crain Mr. Met Crump ’55 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Dicken, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Dickinson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Dobbs, Jr. ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Stan Droke Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan D. Dunavant ’84 Mr. and Mrs. G. Douglas Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Michael Folk Mrs. Mary Ann Ford Mr. Molitor Ford Mr. and Mrs. R. Molitor Ford, Jr. ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Garrott Drs. Lynn and Jack Gayden Dr. and Mrs. Duane Giannangelo Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gooch Mr. and Mrs. John A. Good Mr. and Mrs. Troy Graham
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Stemmler Mr. and Mrs. James R. Stewart, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Owen B. Tabor, Jr. ’79 Ms. Elizabeth Taliaferro Mr. and Mrs. S. Alexander Thompson III Drs. Susan and Bill Warner Mr. and Mrs. Jay Webb William E. Weiss Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Weller Mr. and Mrs. B. Wade West Mr. and Mrs. Willis H. Willey ’55 Mr. and Mrs. C. Kemmons Wilson, Jr. Kemmons Wilson Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James D. Witherington, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wunderlich, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wylie Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Yarwood Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Zanone, Jr. ’80
Promenade on Southwest corner of campus Mr. and Mrs. Todd Love Mr. and Mrs. John Lynn Mr. and Mrs. Lon M. Magness ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Neely Mallory, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mann II Mr. and Mrs. Stillman McFadden ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Moore, Jr. ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Morrison ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Jay Naifeh Mr. and Mrs. Bryan E. Nearn, Jr. ’55 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Norfleet ’72
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Nunn Mr. and Mrs. William L. Quinlen III ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Win Rawson Mr. and Mrs. Richard Roberts Dr. and Mrs. Wiley T. Robinson ’69 Dr. and Mrs. Jeff Roux Mr. and Mrs. Reid Sanders ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Schaeffer, Jr. ’82 Mr. Jimmy Sexton Mr. and Mrs. David L. Shores Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Smith, Jr. ’60
Matching Gifts Mass Mutual Financial Group Milton Knowlton Medtronic Foundation Neil Beals Regions Financial Corporation Jay Webb Sabre Holdings Cathy Harris At the conclusion of the campaign gifts in honor of and in memory of individuals will be presented in the final report.
gs uildin B g n i Exist ion struct n o C New
gs uildin B g n i Exist ion struct n o C New
2007-2008 PDS Annual Fund Gifts received August 1, 2007 through July 31, 2008
Annual Fund Team Annual Fund Chairs Julie and Rob Hussey ’75 Stephanie and Rusty Linkous
Lead Gift Team Elizabeth and Bo Allen ’80 Emily and Nick Bragorgos Allison and Bo Braswell Anne and David Jones Liz and Dan McEwan ’82 Beth and Gavin Murrey ’80 Corinne and Mat Parker Stephanie and Sellers Shy ’84
Phone-a-Thon Callers Wyatt Aiken Margaret Apple Coors Arthur ’84 Kim Blankenship Andrea Bragg Allison Braswell Bo Braswell Jim Canale ’78 Mary Coffman John Colcolough Liz Crosby Molly Gooch Megan Grinder Jason Hurdle Jeannie Jones Glennie Klug
Kristin Croone Chris Kuhlo Sam Nickey ’83 Jenna O’Keeffe John T. Pitts ’80 Thomas Quinlen ’87 Chris Sanders Elizabeth Smith Joyce Stephens Wade West Drew Wilson
Young Alum Phone-a-Thon Callers Adam Bomar ’01 Reid Higginbotham ’01 Chase Moore ’01 Lee Moore ’01
Giving Clubs The Headmaster’s Society The Headmaster’s Society recognizes individuals who make annual financial commitments in excess of $20,000. This society is in recognition of and thanks to the eleven Headmasters in the 59 year history of PDS. Miss Maribelle Wheeler 1949-1951 (Director of the first kindergarten) Col. Ross McCain Lynn 1951-1955 Mr. Henry B. Roney, Jr. 1955-1960 Mr. James Day Lynch
1960-1963 Mr. Robert Carey Goodman 1963-1965 Mr. Marquis Lorenzo Pinkston 1965-1967 Mrs. Martha Hopper 1967-1968 Col. Earl H. Devanny, Jr. 1968-1972 Mr. Jack B. Stanford 1972-1979 Dr. Len Sumner 1979-2000 Mr. A. Lee Burns 2000Mr. and Mrs. John Lynn
The Robert J. Hussey Society The Robert J. Hussey Society recognizes individuals who make annual financial commitments between $10,000 and $19,999. This society is in memory of Mr. Robert J. Hussey, one of the founders of PDS, for his tireless dedication and leadership in the formation of PDS. Mr. Hussey was one of the members of the original Board of Directors and chairman of the board when the school opened in 1949. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Buford Mr. and Mrs. J. Lester Crain Crawford Howard Private Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Ferrari Mr. and Mrs. Mark Herrington Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hussey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hussey III ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Moore, Jr. ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Norfleet Regions Financial Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rice Second Presbyterian Church Foundation Mr. Jimmy Sexton Mr. and Mrs. John W. Stokes III ’73 Kemmons Wilson Family Foundation
The Anthony W. Dick Society The Anthony W. Dick Society recognizes individuals who make annual financial commitments between $5,000 and $9,999. Dr. Dick became the pastor of Second Presbyterian Church in the summer of 1947, expressing the desire that the church provide Christian elementary education with a day school. The giving society in his name is in memory of his commitment through his storied tenure to the boys of PDS. Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Aiken Mr. and Mrs. Rodney D. Baber, Jr. ’61 Mr. and Mrs. John D. Barksdale ’89 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Colcolough III Mr. and Mrs. John H. Dicken, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan D. Dunavant ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Hyde III ’55 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Norfleet ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Reid Sanders ’61 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Webb Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Weller
The Len Sumner Society The Len Sumner Society recognizes individuals who make annual financial commitments between $2,500 and $4,999. Dr. Sumner was the Headmaster of the school from 1979-2000. During his tenure, the facilities we use today were constructed, computers were introduced into the classroom and programs such as enrichment, aftercare, and after-school tutoring were established. Dr. Sumner also served as president of the Memphis Association of Independent Schools and the Tennessee Association of Independent Schools. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Boyd III Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas E. Bragorgos Mr. and Mrs. Clarence C. “Bo” Braswell Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Connell Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cook Dr. and Mrs. George A. Coors Mr. and Mrs. Brian Eason ’84 Mrs. Pat Eason
Mr. and Mrs. R. Molitor Ford, Jr. ’77 Mr. and Mrs. James S. Gilliland Mr. and Mrs. Mike Harris Drs. Leigh and Hunter Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Horn Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Jay Keegan ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Linkous III Mr. and Mrs. Stillman McFadden ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Morrison ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Murrey ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Mat Parker Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Reeves James D. and Martha R. Robinson Fund Mr. and Mrs. Steve Rudesill Mr. and Mrs. John Sampietro Dr. and Mrs. Kuhen Smith ’69 Dr. and Mrs. Greg Staffel Mr. and Mrs. Scott Thomas Mr. and Mrs. S. Alexander Thompson III Mrs. Dan B. Turley, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Webb Mr. and Mrs. John Wilfong Dr. and Mrs. Greg Wilkinson Mr. and Mrs. Spence Wilson
The Frank Norfleet Society The Frank Norfleet Society recognizes individuals who make annual financial commitments between $1,000 and $2,499. Mr. Norfleet is responsible for creating the PDS Annual Fund as it was his idea to have an annual fund drive supplemental to the budget. Mr. Norfleet has been a major contributor to the fund for many years. Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. John Aaron Mr. Robert I. Abbay III Dr. and Mrs. John Albritton Mr. and Mrs. Ed Apple Dr. and Mrs. Neal Beckford Mr. and Mrs. Earl Blankenship Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bowlin Dr. and Mrs. Allen S. Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Boyd, Jr. Dr. Hal Brunt and Mrs. Buzzy Hussey Mr. and Mrs. Lee Burns Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Campbell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cook ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Berry Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Dan Copp Mr. and Mrs. James W. Corbitt Dr. and Mrs. James H. Daughdrill, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Denton Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Dickinson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Droke Mr. and Mrs. G. Douglas Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Farnsworth, Jr. ’53
Annual Fund 2007-2008 Giving Clubs Senator and Mrs. Merle Flowers Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Galvin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Garrott Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gassaway, Jr. Drs. Lynn and Jack Gayden Mr. and Mrs. P. Trowbridge Gillespie, Jr. ’59 Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Gooch Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gooch Mr. and Mrs. John H. Grayson, Jr. ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Brett Grinder Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grinder Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Grissinger Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Harris ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Harrison Mr. and Mrs. James E. Harwood, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hearn Mr. and Mrs. Larry Heathcott Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hergenrader Mr. and Mrs. Gale Isom Mr. and Mrs. David Baxter Jones Mr. and Mrs. Mason Kauffman Mr. and Mrs. Joel Kaye Mrs. George M. Klepper, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Dean A. Klug Mr. and Mrs. Milton L. Knowlton Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kyle Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Loeb, Sr. ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Todd Love Mr. and Mrs. Collie Lowrance Drs. Jackie and Fidel Makapugay Mr. and Mrs. Neely Mallory, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Kit S. Mays Mr. and Mrs. William N. McAtee, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ken McCown ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Michael McDonnell Dr. and Mrs. Chris McEwan Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. McEwan III ’78 Drs. Victoria Kandalaft and Les McGowan Mr. and Mrs. Greerson McMullen Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Meeks Dr. and Mrs. James R. Mitchum Mr. and Mrs. David Moody Mr. and Mrs. Bryan E. Nearn, Jr. ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Rush O’Keefe Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Orr
Mrs. Lucile Owen Mr. Brad H. Pate Mr. and Mrs. Clif Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Lee Powell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Preston Mr. and Mrs. William L. Quinlen III ’58 Mr. and Mrs. James T. Rantzow, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rantzow Mr. M. Kyle Rice Mr. and Mrs. Alvan E. Richey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ace Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert A. Robinson III ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rushing Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Schaeffer, Jr. ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Scharff ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Ron Schneiter Mr. and Mrs. William T. Scull, Sr. ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shufflebarger Mr. and Mrs. Sellers Shy ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Smith Mr. and Mrs. Vince Smith Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Smythe III Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Solberg Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stallings Mr. and Mrs. Edward Steepleton Mr. and Mrs. John A. Stemmler Mr. and Mrs. Brit Stephens Mr. Zack Street, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Owen B. Tabor, Jr. ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Turley Mrs. Megan Dunbar Turner Drs. Susan and Bill Warner Mr. Robert Weaver ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wells Mr. and Mrs. B. Wade West Mr. and Mrs. Harris White Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Drew Wilson Mr. and Mrs. C. Kemmons Wilson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Spence Wilson, Sr.
The Ross Lynn Society The Ross Lynn Society recognizes individuals who make annual financial commitments between $500 and $999. Colonel Ross Lynn was the first Headmaster of PDS and is credited with establishing the high academic and moral standards of PDS. Colonel Lynn was also responsible for commissioning the design of the PDS crest and establishing the motto. Anonymous (3) Mr. and Mrs. Bo Allen ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Trent Allen Mr. and Mrs. Ron Ayotte Mr. and Mrs. Brown Baine Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Batchelor ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Neil Beals Mr. and Mrs. Ben Beard Dr. and Mrs. Blake Billups Mr. and Mrs. Stevan L. Black Mr. and Mrs. John Bragg Mr. and Mrs. Wes Butler Mr. and Mrs. Michael Carrier Mr. and Mrs. Arturo Carrillo Mr. and Mrs. Keith S. Collins Mrs. Jan Conder Mrs. Margaret Askew Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Billy Courtney Mr. and Mrs. Chip Crain ’74 Mr. and Mrs. James B. Crenshaw, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Glenn Crosby ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Ben Daniel ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Lundy W. Daniel Mr. and Mrs. John H. Dicken, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Eddins Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Eddins Mr. and Mrs. James T. Edwards First Tennessee Bank Mr. Molitor Ford Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fruitt Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Fulmer III ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fulmer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel N. Graham II Mr. and Mrs. Hank Hill Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hill
Annual Fund 2007-2008 Giving Clubs Mr. and Mrs. David Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. Dave Howe Mrs. Ann Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Jason Hurdle Dr. and Mrs. Chuck Ingram Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jarratt Mr. Austin Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kaye Mr. and Mrs. James F. Keegan Ms. Nancy Kenley Mr. and Mrs. Kent Kerkhof Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kirkscey Mr. and Mrs. Scott P. Ledbetter, Sr. ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Lon M. Magness ’79 Mass Mutual Matching Gift Center Mr. and Mrs. Dan McEwan ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Spencer McLean Mr. and Mrs. Bill McMath Mr. and Mrs. John Murrah Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murray Mr. and Mrs. Seldon Murray Mr. and Mrs. Jay Naifeh Drs. Sara and A. P. Naren Mr. and Mrs. Khursheed Omer Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Peters ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pfeifer Mr. and Mrs. John T. Pitts, Jr. ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Johnny R. Pitts Mr. and Mrs. James M. Power Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Preston ’72 Dr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Ramey Mr. and Mrs. Michael Reddoch Dr. and Mrs. Rick Reinhard Mr. and Mrs. Richard Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert A. Robinson IV ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Rose Mrs. Frederick C. Schaeffer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Scott, Jr. ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Shackelford Mr. and Mrs. Denny Sims Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Smith Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Swords Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tanner Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Temple Dr. and Mrs. Steven C. Threlkeld ’76
Drs. Bobbi and David Tichansky Mr. and Mrs. William G. Underwood Mr. and Mrs. Michael Varner Mr. Boyd Wade Dr. and Mrs. James Wang Mr. and Mrs. Russell Williamson Rev. and Mrs. Sanders L. Willson Mr. and Mrs. Philip Wunderlich ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Zanone
Crusader Club Gifts of $250 to $499 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Allen Mr. and Mrs. Ben Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Whitten R. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bernard Dr. and Mrs. Greg Boucek Mr. Ron Boucek Mr. and Mrs. David Brandon Mr. and Mrs. James A. Breazeale Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. William Carrier Mr. and Mrs. Albo Carruthers Mrs. Ginger Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Mims Clayton Mr. and Mrs. Robin Coffman Mr. and Mrs. Don Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Paul Craft Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Creasman Mr. and Mrs. Larry B. Creson III ’77 Mr. and Mrs. John T. Crews, Jr. ’78 Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Davidoff Mr. and Mrs. Pat DiMento Mr. and Mrs. Max Dula Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Faber Mr. and Mrs. John Farris Mr. and Mrs. James Faust Mr. and Mrs. Andy Feinstone Mr. and Mrs. Ed Flemmons Mr. and Mrs. David Fontenot Mrs. Mary Ann Ford Mrs. Carolyn S. Forsythe
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Freeburg Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Gentry, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jason M. Gowen ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Griffin Dr. and Mrs. Charles Harbison Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Haygood Dr. and Mrs. Allen Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Dade Hunt ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Jay Jacks Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Jabbour Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Johnston Drs. Beth and John Kakales Mr. and Mrs. Ben Keras ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Don Kilgore Mr. and Mrs. Russell S. Klinke ’73
Annual Fund 2007-2008 Giving Clubs Mr. and Mrs. Gary Koester Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Lusk, Jr. ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mann II Mr. and Mrs. Andy McArtor Mrs. Katherine G. McClintock Medtronic Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard Middlecoff Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Miller III Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Moody Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mink Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Nelson Dr. and Mrs. Suhail Obaji Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Orr, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Pate Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Patteson Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Peters Mr. and Mrs. Neil Powell Mr. and Mrs. Robert Proctor Mr. Harris P. Quinn ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Mike Robbins Mr. and Mrs. Tom D. Robinson Mr. David Rose Dr. and Mrs. Jeff Roux Mr. and Mrs. John Russell Mr. and Mrs. Robert Russum Sabre Holdings United Way Campaign Mrs. Ava Schneiter Dr. and Mrs. James E. Sexton Mr. Stephan C. Sharp ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Casey Smith Mr. and Mrs. Kyle S. Smith ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Solberg Dr. and Mrs. James G. Sousoulas Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stoknicki Mr. and Mrs. Zack Street II Dr. and Mrs. Owen B. Tabor Mr. and Mrs. John M. Temple Mr. and Mrs. Snowden Todd Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. Valerius Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Wade ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Roy F. Walters ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Webb Mr. and Mrs. Art Weeden Mr. Buck Wellford Mr. and Mrs. Cody White
Dr. and Mrs. Bill Widdop Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Wiener ’54 Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Wilder Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Williams Mr. and Mrs. Tony Williams Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Wittenberg Mr. and Mrs. William Woodmansee Mr. David S. Work ’67 Mr. and Mrs. G. Kent Wunderlich ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wylie
Cornerstone Club Gifts of $100 to $249 Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Gary Albertine, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Anderson ’86 Rev. and Mrs. Darrin S. “Rocky” Anthony Mr. and Mrs. William T. Arthur, Jr. ’56 Mr. and Mrs. Mike Atkeison Mr. and Mrs. Buster Barron Mr. and Mrs. Warren Barry, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Barry, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bartz Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Beard ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Griffin Beard Mrs. Leon W. Bell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Billett Dr. and Mrs. Tom Billups Mr. and Mrs. David A. Birdsong Mr. and Mrs. Norman Blake III Mrs. Norman Blake, Jr. Mrs. Carolyn Bolinsky Mr. and Mrs. David Bourland Mr. and Mrs. Otis Braxton Mr. and Mrs. David Bridgforth Mr. and Mrs. Chris Brown Dr. and Mrs. Jackie Brown Mrs. Dorothy D. Bryce Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Buford Mr. and Mrs. Berkeley Burbank
Mr. Oliver Burch Mr. and Mrs. Ed Burkart Mr. and Mrs. David Burks Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burleigh Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Burns, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Buser Mr. and Mrs. John W. Butler, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. G. Rice Byars, Jr. Judge and Mrs. Edgar P. Calhoun Mr. and Mrs. Hunt Campbell Dr. and Mrs. Charles Cape Mrs. Margaret Carter Mr. and Mrs. Hunt Chandler Mr. and Mrs. Tom Christenbury Mr. and Mrs. Robin Coffman, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Colditz Mrs. Mary E. Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Rick Collins Mrs. Voline Conlee Mr. and Mrs. Giles Coors III Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Crawley Mr. Larry Creson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Croone Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Cross Mr. and Mrs. Rob M. Crump III ’79 Mr. and Mrs. David Dabov Dr. and Mrs. Paul Dang Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Daniel ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Danny Danner Dr. and Mrs. David Dantzker Mrs. Elouise Deaton Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Douglas ’78 Mrs. Cindy Dugan Mr. and Mrs. David Dunavant Mrs. Lillian Dunavant Mrs. Joi Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Eissler Mr. and Mrs. Mason Ezzell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jason J. Fair ’83 Mrs. Margie Farese Dr. and Mrs. Kent Farris Mr. John T. Fisher III ’76 Ms. Stefanie Fisher
Annual Fund 2007-2008 Giving Clubs Mr. and Mrs. Tyrone Fitzgerald Dr. and Mrs. Martin D. Fleming ’73 Dr. P. T. Florendo Dr. and Mrs. Charles S. Foster Mr. and Mrs. Scott Fountain Mr. and Mrs. Myles Frank Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Freeburg ’75 Mrs. Judy Fussell Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gentry Dr. and Mrs. Duane Giannangelo Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Gibson Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Glancey Miss Laura Glenn Dr. and Mrs. Ken Grinspun Dr. Ingrid Grupp Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Haguewood Dr. and Mrs. Greg Hanissian Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hargrove Mr. and Mrs. Walker Hays ’78 Dr. and Mrs. Larry J. Hebert Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hecht Mr. and Mrs. Al Henderson Mrs. Letitia Hickox Miss Claire Hicks Mr. Albert D. Hollingsworth, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Odell Horton Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Huffman Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hughes ’75 Mr. and Mrs. R. Hunter Humphreys Mrs. Barbara Huntzicker The Hutchison School Mrs. Helen Ingram Ms. Heather Isbell Mrs. Jean Isbell Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Jarratt ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jarratt Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Jenks Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence K. Jensen Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Johns Mrs. Jean L. Johnson Mr. Leroy Johnson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Tim Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Tom Johnson Mrs. Louise Jones Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Denny Koehn Mr. and Mrs. Lee C. Kuhlo Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lacy Mr. and Mrs. Don Lamb Mr. and Mrs. Scott P. Ledbetter, Jr. ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Pei-Kee Lin Mr. Ray Lucas Mr. and Mrs. Bill Luckett Mrs. Geri MacQueen Mr. and Mrs. Jay Madden III Mr. and Mrs. John W. Maiden Mr. and Mrs. Wiley H. Maiden Mr. and Mrs. Kirby May Mrs. Maryhardy McElwain Mr. and Mrs. Harold McGreger Mr. and Mrs. William N. McIntyre Dr. Charles McNutt Mr. Lattie Michael
Mr. Mark Miesse Mr. Charles R. Miller Mr. Bob Mims Dr. and Mrs. Tom Monaghan Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Morgan Mr. and Mrs. E. Kelton Morris Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Neal Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Nearn ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nelson Mr. and Mrs. James Newman Mr. and Mrs. Lytle Nichol Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Nichol, Jr. ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Sam M. Nickey ’83 Northwestern Mutual Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Maurice O’Keefe Dr. and Mrs. Frank Osborn Mr. and Mrs. Cavett Ostner ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Max B. Ostner, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Pacheco
Annual Fund 2007-2008 Giving Clubs Mr. and Mrs. Tony Parker, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Mel Payne Mr. Holmes S. Pettey ’63 Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Dr. Sean Pflaumer and Dr. Christina Shimek Mrs. Harry J. Phillips, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Proctor Mr. and Mrs. Win Rawson Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Redmont Mr. and Mrs. Phil Reese Mr. and Mrs. James R. Richardson Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Richardson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Richardson Drs. Sylvia and Steve Richey Ms. Peggy A. Riggins Dr. and Mrs. Webster Riggs Mrs. Ganelle Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Ken Roberts Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Steven Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Lee Rudd Mrs. Sue Rudd Mr. Patrick Sanders, Jr. ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Butch Scott Mr. and Mrs. Phil Seaton Miss Lauren Sheehan Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Shelton Mrs. Elizabeth S. Sheppard Mr. and Mrs. Matt Sligh Mr. and Mrs. Foster Smith ’92 Dr. and Mrs. Vincent Smith Mr. and Mrs. Witt Smith Mr. and Mrs. George Sneed Mr. and Mrs. Trey Sowell Mr. and Mrs. Will Stafford Mrs. Anne Stephens Mr. and Mrs. James R. Stewart, Jr. Mrs. J. Russell Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Mark Strickland Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Stroud Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Sulcer Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. Sullivan ’77 Dr. and Mrs. Len Sumner
Ms. Elizabeth Taliaferro Dr. and Mrs. Tapan Thakur Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Rick Thornton Mr. and Mrs. Houston Thrasher Mr. and Mrs. G. Carroll Todd, Jr. Mrs. John Tully Mr. and Mrs. Gil Uhlhorn Mr. Gil Uhlhorn, Sr. Mrs. Grace Upshaw Mr. and Mrs. Jon Van Hoozer ’82 Mrs. Barbara Varner Mr. and Mrs. Nick C. Vergos Mrs. Lilburne M. Volmer Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Vunk Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wakefield Mr. and Mrs. David Wallace, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Trey Watkins Mr. Frank Watson Mr. and Mrs. Van Weinberg Mr. and Mrs. William Weiss Judge and Mrs. Harry Wellford Mr. and Mrs. William T. West, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Westbrook Mr. and Mrs. James H. Wetter, Jr. ’64 Dr. and Mrs. Charlie White Mrs. Deanna Wilbourn Mr. and Mrs. Jim D. Wilder ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Williamson Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Willingham ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Shields Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Hunter W. Witherington ’92 Dr. and Mrs. Dana Wright Mr. and Mrs. David G. Zanca
Friends of PDS Gifts up to $99 Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Akins Miss Riann Aldrich Mrs. Gail Ayotte Mr. and Mrs. Winston Baccus
Dr. and Mrs. Rodney Baine Mrs. Elizabeth Barker Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Battaile Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bell Mrs. Carol Bennett Mrs. Nancy Bethell Mr. and Mrs. Russ Billings ’74 Dr. and Mrs. Dan Boeh Mr. and Mrs. Braxton Brady Mr. and Mrs. Chris Brock Mrs. Nell Brown Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bullard Mr. and Mrs. William Burns Mr. and Mrs. John Butora Rev. and Mrs. Doug Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Caruthers Miss Shelley Clifford Mrs. Erika Cobb Mrs. Paula Cole Dr. Charleen Creson Mr. and Mrs. Mike Dalton Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Daughty Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Dearman Mrs. Marcia Derby Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Diaz Mrs. Elizabeth Dickinson Dr. and Mrs. Jerald Duncan Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. East Mr. and Mrs. Jim Echols Mr. and Mrs. James E. Eikner, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Fargason Erb, Jr. ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Estes Mrs. Sara Foster Mr. and Mrs. Rankin Fowlkes Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Gabrielleschi Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Galen Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Gassaway ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Gibby Gibson Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Goetz Mrs. Betsy Graham Miss Brooke Haley Mrs. Nina Haley Miss Mary Wilkes Harris Mr. and Mrs. David E. Harrison Mr. and Mrs. James Hawkins
Annual Fund 2007-2008 Giving Clubs Mr. and Mrs. Walker Hays III Dr. and Mrs. D. F. Hodurski Dr. and Mrs. Robert Hollabaugh Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Hopper Mrs. Jean House Mr. and Mrs. McKee Humphreys ’95 Mrs. Carol C. Hunt Dr. and Mrs. Pankaj Jain Mr. and Mrs. Epps Jones Ms. Sandy Jones Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Kamm Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kay ’69 Mrs. Lyndsey Kelley Ms. Elizabeth Laios Mr. and Mrs. John Leslie Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis Mr. and Mrs. John Limbaugh Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lindsey Mrs. Darla Linerode-Henson Mr. and Mrs. David M. Mann Mr. and Mrs. Jerry B. Martin, Sr. Rev. and Mrs. Ted Mattis Dr. and Mrs. John McCall Ms. Dabney Millar Mr. and Mrs. Lester D. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Walker E. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Mike Nabers Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nagle Mr. and Mrs. Phil Northen Ms. Alice Parker Mr. and Mrs. Nick Pearson Mr. and Mrs. William Perry Mr. and Mrs. Dean Pflaumer Mr. and Mrs. James C. Rainer III Mr. and Mrs. James C. Rainer IV ’71 Mr. and Mrs. John Rauscher Mr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Reese Mrs. Nannie Rice Mrs. Virginia Roberts Mrs. Eve Robinson Mrs. Linda Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Joel H. Scott ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott Scripps Howard Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jackie Shaw
Ms. Mary Shaw Mrs. Jenny M. Sherman Mr. and Mrs. Randy Shirley Miss Grace Simmons Dr. Richard Smith Mr. and Mrs. Paul Southerland Mr. and Mrs. Bret Spiegelman Mrs. Kathryn Swords Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thomas Dr. and Mrs. Corey Tinker Mr. and Mrs. Julio Trefz Mr. and Mrs. David Van Hoozer Mr. and Mrs. Eric Vinson Mrs. Michael Walshe Ms. Suzanne Warren Mr. and Mrs. Alexander W. Wellford, Jr. ’55 Mrs. Sara Wellford Ms. Betty West Mr. Paul White Mr. and Mrs. Howard Whitsitt Ms. Sandra Wiggins Mrs. Natalie Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Yarwood Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yelverton
Faculty and Staff Anonymous Riann Aldrich Kelli Anderson Meredith Arnold Winston Baccus Molly Beard Elizabeth Bell Ken Billett Braxton Brady Cindy Brock Nell Brown Kim Bullard Cheryl Burkart Lee Burns Kim Burns Holly Butora Beth Campbell
Shari Caruthers Jessica Chandler Darilyn Christenbury Shelley Clifford Jan Conder Pat Corbitt Dwight Creasman Sherry Creasman Mary Ellen Danner Kim Daughty Beth Diaz Linda Douglas Susan Droke Candace Echols Jennifer Edwards Netra Fitzgerald
Christi Fleming Mark Fruitt Amy Fruitt Nancy Gentry Dee Gibson Laura Glenn Brooke Haley Nina Haley Mary Wilkes Harris Sara Haygood Steve Hearn Lynell Hecht Claire Hicks Dale Hill Courtney Humphreys Debbie Isom
Annual Fund 2007-2008 Giving Clubs
Gifts in Kind LSI, Mason Ezzell. President Bita and Jim Webb
Foundations Community Foundation of Greater Memphis Crawford Howard Private Foundation Daelansa Foundation Karen and Everett Cook Foundation Fidelity Charitable Gift Foundation Greater Houston Community Foundation Hope Christian Community Foundation J. R. Hyde Family Foundation Medtronic Foundation Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation Pfizer Foundation Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving Scripps Howard Foundation Second Presbyterian Church Foundation Kemmons Wilson Family Foundation
Matching Gifts Faculty and Staff Terri Jarratt Leroy Johnson Tim Johnson Austin Jordan Emily Kamm Jill Kauffman Lyndsey Kelley Lauren Keras Sandy Kilgore Beverly Kirkscey Cathy Kyle Darla Linerode-Henson Susan Love Lou Martin Sally Mattis
Windy May Sharon McCall Betty McGreger Spencer McLean Bill McMath Dabney Millar Carolyn Murray Jean Nabers Mark Nagle Alice Parker Anna Pearson Carolyn Perry Lee Rantzow Natalie Rauscher Jamie Redmont Kiki Richardson Peggy Riggins
David Rose Teresa Scott Marilyn Seaton Charlotte Shaw Mary Shaw Lauren Sheehan Randy Shirley Grace Simmons Mary Sims Deborah Smith Dennis Smith Melissa Smith Palmer Smith Dawn Southerland Traci Stewart Claire Sullivan Elizabeth Taliaferro
Tosha Thomas Kim Trefz Monica Vunk Suzanne Warren Cullen Weeden Betty West Paul White Sandra Wiggins Molly Witherington Cyndy Wright Teresa Yarwood Lauren Yelverton
First Horizon National Corporation Mims Clayton Paul Craft Shellie Creson Mass Mutual Financial Group Milton Knowlton Medtronic Foundation Neil Beals Clay Bethell Merrill Lynch Matching Gifts Program Seldon Murray Northwestern Mutual Foundation Michael Mink Pfizer Foundation Layton Sanders Regions Financial Corporation Ed Apple
Annual Fund 2007-2008 Giving Clubs Rodney Baber Doug Edwards Jimmy Edwards Robert Gooch Jay Jacks John Maiden Wiley Maiden Joe Morrison Gavin Murrey Lee Powell Brit Stephens Jay Webb Harris White James Wittenberg Sabre Holdings Cathy Harris Scripps Howard Foundation Harold McGreger
Gifts to the Library Memphis University School Dr. and Mrs. Len Sumner
Scholarship Funds Anonymous Crawford Howard Private Foundation Dina and Brad Martin Second Presbyterian Church Foundation
PDS Parents’ Association Mr. and Mrs. James E. Webb
Grandparents’ Club Anonymous Bo Abbay Mr. Robert I. Abbay III Mr. and Mrs. Van Weinberg Mr. and Mrs. James L. Westbrook James and Louis Allen Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Richard Middlecoff Charlie Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pfeifer Will Anderson Mr. and Mrs. David E. Harrison Edward Apple Mrs. Elizabeth S. Sheppard Will Arthur Mr. and Mrs. William T. Arthur, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. George A. Coors Robert Ayotte Mrs. Gail Ayotte Mr. and Mrs. Michael McDonnell Patrick Baber Dr. and Mrs. John Albritton Brown Baine Dr. and Mrs. Rodney Baine John Barron Mr. and Mrs. Buster Barron Hall and Warren Barry Mr. and Mrs. Warren Barry Butler Bernard Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bernard Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Wiener Mack Bethell Mrs. Nancy Bethell Dr. Jean Johnson Buck Billings Mrs. Paula Cole Jack Billups Dr. and Mrs. Tom Billups Beck Blake Mrs. Norman Blake Carson Boucek Mr. Ron Boucek
Peyton Boucek Mr. and Mrs. Gary Albertine Mr. Ron Boucek Hugh Bourland Dr. and Mrs. D. Randolph Ramey Hal and Battle Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Hal Boyd Dr. and Mrs. James H. Daughdrill, Jr. Andrew, Richard and Nick Bragorgos Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Moore Garrott and Carter Braswell Mr. and Mrs. Tom Garrott Durham Bryce Mrs. Dorothy Bryce Bailey Buford Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Buford Mr. and Mrs. Michael Crawley Wesley Butler Mr. and Mrs. John W. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lewis Jay Canale Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Robinson Joseph Carpenter Dr. and Mrs. Allen Street Boyd Michael Carrier Mr. and Mrs. William P. Carrier Alex Carruthers Mr. and Mrs. James E. Harwood Gus and Joe Carter Mrs. Margaret H. Carter Jimbo Cayce Mrs. GaNelle Roberts Von Churchwell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott Chandler and Cam Clayton Mr. Oliver M. Burch Mr. and Mrs. Robert Russum Will Cooper Dr. Charles H. McNutt Alex and Robin Coffman Mr. and Mrs. Robin T. Coffman, Sr. Drew Crain Mr. and Mrs. J. Lester Crain Mr. and Mrs. Edward Steepleton
Annual Fund 2007-2008 Giving Clubs
Lucas Crenshaw Mr. Raymond Lucas Alex Creson Dr. and Mrs. Dan Boeh Dr. Char Creson Mr. Larry Creson Andrew Counce Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rose Robert Crump Mr. and Mrs. Lester Mitchell William Cummings Dr. and Mrs. Charles Cape David and Jack Dabov Mr. and Mrs. David Dabov Ben and Webb Daniel Mr. and Mrs. Lundy Daniel Baty Daniel Mrs. Elizabeth Barker Garrison Deaton Mrs. Elouise Deaton Tully Dicken Mr. and Mrs. John H. Dicken Mrs. John Tully Jackson Dickinson Mrs. J. M. Dickinson Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hopper Buchanan Dunavant Mrs. Lillian Dunavant Mr. and Mrs. Bill Luckett
Nicholas Dunn Mrs. Joi Dunn Jack and Charlie Eason Mrs. Patti Winemiller Eason Reeves and Thomas Eddins Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Eddins Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reeves Brooks Eikner Mr. and Mrs. Jim Eikner Beau Elkington Judge and Mrs. Edgar P. Calhoun Spence and Lance Escue Mr. and Mrs. James F. Faust, Jr. Mason Ezzell Mr. and Mrs. Mason Ezzell Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Stroud Judson Fair Mr. and Mrs. Denny Koehn Will Farnsworth Mrs. Myriam Robinson Bowen Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Farnsworth, Jr. Philip Fentress Mrs. Carol H. Bennett Benton Ferebee Mr. and Mrs. Tom Johnson Reed and Wesley Fontenot Mr. and Mrs. Steven Rogers Molitor, Proctor and Call Ford Mrs. Mary Ann Ford Mr. R. Molitor Ford, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Proctor Connor Forsythe Mrs. Carolyn S. Forsythe Holden Foster Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Foster Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lindsey Philip Freeburg Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Freeburg Hill Fulmer Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fulmer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Vick Trey and Owen Fussell Mrs. Marcia Derby Mrs. Judy Fussell Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Jones
Sam Gassaway Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Gassaway Robert and William Gooch Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Gooch Mr. and Mrs. Walker Morris Hart Gowen Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Hawkins Eli Graham Mrs. Betsy Graham Edward Grinder Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grinder Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wellford Cooper Grinspun Mr. and Mrs. Donald Coleman Patrick Grissinger Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Colditz Clay, Cole and Reed Harrison Mr. and Mrs. John Leslie Jordan Hays Mr. and Mrs. Walker Hays Lewis Hergenrader Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hergenrader Sterling Hollabaugh Dr. and Mrs. Robert Hollabaugh David Horn Mr. and Mrs. Myles Frank Jim House Mrs. Jean House Will Huffman Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Huffman Dr. and Mrs. Allen Hughes Allen Hughes Dr. and Mrs. Allen Hughes Gil and Alex Humphreys Mr. and Mrs. James S. Gilliland Hayden Hunt Mrs. Herbert H. Hunt Jones and Edwin Hussey Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hussey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tanner Isaiah Ingram Mrs. Helen Ingram Parker Irish Mrs. Carolyn Bolinsky
Annual Fund 2007-2008 Giving Clubs Watson Isbell Mrs. Jean Isbell Bradley Jarratt Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jarratt Jack Jobe Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cape Will Johnson Mrs. Ginger Chapman Luke, Ross, and Ethan Johnston Dr. Ingrid Grupp Charlie Jones Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johns Mrs. Louise Jones John John Kakales Dr. and Mrs. Charles Harbison Parker Kaye Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kaye Jim and John Keegan Mr. and Mrs. James F. Keegan Ellis Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Will Stafford Robert King Mr. and Mrs. Willis Willey Jake Klepper Mrs. Gladys Klepper Geoffrey, McCall and Dudley Knowlton Mr. and Mrs. Milton Knowlton Mrs. Aline Walshe Christopher and Owen Kuhlo Mr. and Mrs. Lee C. Kuhlo Mrs. Lucille Owen Benjamin Labry Dr. and Mrs. D. F. Hodurski Drew, Jake and Nick Lacy Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lacy Mr. and Mrs. Phil Northen Scott Ledbetter Mr. and Mrs. Scott P. Ledbetter, Sr. Walker Lee Mr. and Mrs. Jim Eikner Michael and John Lewandowski Mr. and Mrs. Whitten Bell Lee Linkous Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Linkous Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rushing
Evans Looney Mrs. Cindy Dugan Collie Lowrance Mr. and Mrs. J. Lester Crain Grayson Lynn Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bowlin Will Maiden Mr. and Mrs. Wiley H. Maiden Mr. and Mrs. Bill McIntyre Britt and Cole Mallery Mrs. Voline Conlee Lamar and Bob E. Mallory Mr. and Mrs. Neely Mallory Ryan and Robert Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shufflebarger Bo McEwan Dr. and Mrs. Chris McEwan Will and Hastings McEwan Dr. and Mrs. Chris McEwan Mr. and Mrs. Howard Whitsitt Stilllman McFadden Mr. and Mrs. Dan Copp Mac McHugh Mr. and Mrs. Al Henderson Matt Michael Dr. and Mrs. R. Kent Farris Mr. Lattie Michael Witt Miesse Mr. Albert D. Hollingsworth, Jr. Walter Mink Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mink, Sr. Tom and John Monaghan Dr. and Mrs. Tom Monaghan Jackson Moody Mr. and Mrs. Jerry E. Moody Dr. and Mrs. Frank Osborn Murray Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Tom Garrott Will Murrah Mr. and Mrs. Robert Williams Clayton Nearn Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Nearn Mrs. Linda Ryan Peter and Will Nearn Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Nearn
David Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nelson Sam and Will Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. William Underwood Ev Nichol Dr. and Mrs. David Dantzker Reece O’Keefe Mr. and Mrs. Maurice O’Keefe Mr. and Mrs. Tom D. Robinson Fulton and Cole O’Keeffe Mr. and Mrs. George Sneed Fawwaz Omer Mr. and Mrs. Khursheed Omer Benjamin Ormseth Mr. and Mrs. Albert Galen Patton and Macon Orr Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Orr Gryffin Ostner Mr. and Mrs. Max Ostner Mathon Parker Mr. and Mrs. Tony M. Parker Houston and Holden Pate Mrs. Barbara Huntzicker Kristian Perkins Mr. and Mrs. Otis Braxton
Annual Fund 2007-2008 Giving Clubs Jerry and Jonathan Peters Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Peters Jonas Pflaumer Dr. Purificacion T. Florendo Mr. and Mrs. Dean Pflaumer Peter Phillips Mrs. Harry J. Phillips, Sr. Thomas Pitts Mr. and Mrs. Bob Proctor Kevin Powell Mr. and Mrs. Neil Powell Joseph Preston Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Preston William Quinlen Mr. and Mrs. Bill Quinlen William Rantzow Mr. and Mrs. Jerry B. Martin, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Power Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rantzow Michael Reddoch Mr. and Mrs. Max Dula Ross Redmont Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hebert Sam Reese Mr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Reese Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wakefield Richard Reinhard Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Glancey Jack Rice Mr. M. Kyle Rice Mrs. Nannie Rice John Richardson Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Richardson Seth and Spencer Richey Mr. and Mrs. Alvan Richey Preston Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Ace Roberts Wade and Bradford Roberts Mrs. Sara Foster Mrs. Virginia Roberts Jackson Roberts Mr. and Mrs. James Breazeale Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roberts Luke Robbins Mrs. Megan Dunbar Turner
Collins and Mac Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Rick Collins Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert A. Robinson III Trammel Robinson Mrs. James A. Robinson Matthew and Jack Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Brian Campbell Pierce Rose Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rose Andrew Roux Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Williams Forest Rudd Mrs. Mary Sue Rudd Fred Schaeffer Mrs. Josephine Schaeffer Sloan and Christian Schneiter Mrs. Ava Schneiter Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Weller Hewes and Trent Scull Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Morgan James, Parker and Blake Sexton Mr. and Mrs. Billy Courtney Dr. and Mrs. James E. Sexton William Shepherd Dr. and Mrs. Jerald Duncan Walker Sims Mr. and Mrs. G. Carroll Todd, Sr. Bridger and Val Smith Dr. and Mrs. Vincent Smith Mr. and Mrs. Alan Valerius Witt Smith Mr. and Mr. Witt Smith James and Stan Smythe Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Smythe, III Tate and Jack Solberg Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Solberg Michael, Evan and John Sousoulas Dr. and Mrs. James G. Sousoulas Speir Sowell Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Lamb Ben Spiegelman Mrs. Jan Conder Harrison Stewart Mrs. J. Russell Stewart
Charlie and Zachary Street Mr. Zachary H. Street Rob Stukenborg Mrs. Anne Stephens Carrigan Sulcer Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Colditz Mr. and Mrs. Bill Woodmansee John Swords Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burleigh Rev. and Mrs. Doug Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Swords Harrison and Sherman Tabor Mrs. Jenny Sherman Dr. and Mrs. Owen Tabor Matthew Temple Mr. and Mrs. John Temple Jim Thomas Mrs. Margie Farese Joshua Thornton Mr. and Mrs. Forrest L. Morgan Sam Tichansky Mr. and Mrs. James R. Newman Ben and Eli Thrasher Mr. and Mrs. Houston Thrasher Dr. and Mrs. Charlie White McLean Todd Mrs. Irma D. Bell Louis and George Carroll Todd Mr. and Mrs. G. Carroll Todd, Jr. Henry Trammell Mrs. Katherine S. McClintock Mac Treadwell Mrs. Geri MacQueen James, Michael, and Liam Turley Mrs. Myriam Robinson Bowen Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Farnsworth, Jr. Mrs. Dan B. Turley, Jr. Garner Uhlhorn Mr. Gaillard Uhlhorn IV Hall Upshaw Mrs. Grace Upshaw Jonathan Van Hoozer Mr. and Mrs. David Van Hoozer Hunter and Maxwell Varner Mrs. Barbara Varner
Annual Fund 2007-2008 Giving Clubs Robert Wade Mr. Boyd Wade, Jr. Will Watson Mr. Frank Watson Bays Webb Mrs. Maryhardy McElwain William Weiss Mrs. Letitia Hickox Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Weiss John Wellford Judge and Mrs. Harry Wellford Will and Graham West Mrs. Betsy Graham Mr. and Mrs. William T. West, Jr. Harry White Mr. and Mrs. C. Cody White, Jr. Cole Wilder Dr. and Mrs. W. Wiggins Wilder Luke and Bennett Wilfong Mr. and Mrs. Gus Denton Russell Williamson Mrs. Deanna A. Wilbourn Griffin and Edward Wilson Mrs. Natalie Wilson Hunter Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Shields Wilson Spence Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Ben Beard Mr. and Mrs. Spence Wilson Louis Wittenberg Mr. and Mrs. James Wittenberg Philip Wunderlich Mr. and Mrs. John Aaron Mr. and Mrs. G. Kent Wunderlich Philip Zanone Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Zanone, Sr.
In Honor of Austin Louis Beckford ’02 Joey and Neal Beckford In Honor of Dean Alexander Beckford ’08 Joey and Neal Beckford In Honor of Buck Billings Anne and Russ Billings In Honor of Jack Billups Caroline and Blake Billups In Honor of Braxton Brady Joey and Neal Beckford Molly and Robert Gooch Robert, William, and Owen Stewart Love In Honor of Kim Bullard Joey and Neal Beckford Stewart Love
In Honor of Kim Burns Courtney Humphreys Lindsey Kelley In Honor of Lee Burns Molly and Robert Gooch Robert, William, and Owen In Honor of Sarah and Lee Burns Cathy and Michael Kyle In Honor of Holly Butora Molly and Robert Gooch Robert, William, and Owen Stewart Love In Honor of Valeree Casamer Courtney Humphreys Lyndsey Kelley
Honorariums In Honor of Will Anderson Mr. and Mrs. David E. Harrison In Honor of Merideth Arnold Molly and Robert Gooch Robert, William, and Owen
Annual Fund 2007-2008 Giving Clubs
In Honor of Richard Thomas Carleton Beth and Bruce Moore In Honor of Jessica Chandler Molly and Robert Gooch Robert, William, and Owen Mason Love In Honor of Darilyn Christenbury Molly and Robert Gooch Robert, William, and Owen Mason Love In Honor of Shelley Clifford Molly and Robert Gooch Robert, William, and Owen Stewart Love In Honor of Coach Dwight Creasman Joey and Neal Beckford Molly and Robert Gooch Robert, William, and Owen In Honor of Robert Crump Paige and Rob Crump In Honor of Mary Ellen Danner Quinn and Tommy Scott In Honor of Kim Daughty Steve Hearn In Honor of Beth Diaz Courtney Humphreys Lyndsey Kelley Dr. and Mrs. Len Sumner
In Honor of Susan Droke Candace Echols Sarah Haygood Courtney Humphreys Lyndsey Kelley In Honor of Imogene Erb Fargason Erb, Jr. In Honor of John Estes Missy and Leslie Estes In Honor of Netra Fitzgerald Irene and Ron Ayotte Courtney Humphreys Lyndsey Kelley In Honor of Christi Fleming Joey and Neal Beckford In Honor of Amy Fruitt Courtney Humphreys Lyndsey Kelley In Honor of Mark Fruitt Molly and Robert Gooch Robert, William, and Owen In Honor of Dee Gibson Joey and Neal Beckford Libby Laios In Honor of Laura Glenn Candace Echols Sarah Haygood In Honor of Spencer Goetz Jane and Spencer Goetz In Honor of Brooke Haley Candace Echols Sarah Haygood In Honor of Nina Haley Joey and Neal Beckford Molly and Robert Gooch Robert, William, and Owen In Honor of Mary Wilkes-Harris Courtney Humphreys Lyndsey Kelley In Honor of Claire Hicks Mason Love In Honor of Dale Hill Nell Brown In Honor of Watson Isbell Heather Isbell
In Honor of Debbie Isom Molly and Robert Gooch Robert, William, and Owen Courtney Humphreys Lyndsey Kelley In Honor of Terri Jarratt Candace Echols Sarah Haygood In Honor of Leroy Johnson Steve Hearn In Honor of Tim Johnson Steve Hearn In Honor of Coach Austin Jordan Joey and Neal Beckford Molly and Robert Gooch Robert, William, and Owen In Honor of Emily Kamm Courtney Humphreys Lyndsey Kelley Alison and Win Rawson In Honor of Sandy Kilgore Molly and Robert Gooch Robert, William, and Owen In Honor of Beverly Kirkscey Nell Brown In Honor of Mary Joy and Milton Knowlton Aline Walshe In Honor of Cathy Kyle Nell Brown In Honor of Darla Linerode-Henson Joey and Neal Beckford Molly and Robert Gooch Robert, William, and Owen Stewart Love In Honor of Susan Love Candace Echols Sarah Haygood In Honor of Sally Mattis Molly and Robert Gooch Robert, William, and Owen In Honor of Windy May Molly and Robert Gooch Robert, William, and Owen Stewart Love
Annual Fund 2007-2008 Giving Clubs In Honor of Sharon McCall Courtney Humphreys Lyndsey Kelley In Honor of Betty McGreger Courtney Humphreys Lyndsey Kelley In Honor of Coach Spencer McLean Joey and Neal Beckford Molly and Robert Gooch Robert, William, and Owen Stewart Love In Honor of Bill McMath Joey and Neal Beckford Molly and Robert Gooch Robert, William, and Owen In Honor of Dabney Millar Kim and Larry Heathcott In Honor of Carolyn Murray Nell Brown Molly and Robert Gooch Robert, William, and Owen In Honor of Jean Nabers Joey and Neal Beckford Libby Laios Dr. and Mrs. Len Sumner In Honor of Mark Nagle Joey and Neal Beckford In Honor of Alice Parker Joey and Neal Beckford Molly and Robert Gooch Robert, William, and Owen Stewart Love In Honor of Anna Pearson Molly and Robert Gooch Robert, William, and Owen Mason Love In Honor of Patty Pereira Joey and Neal Beckford Molly and Robert Gooch Robert, William, and Owen Stewart Love PDS Faculty and Staff Joey and Neal Beckford Mary Hearn Coleman Bobbi and Dave Tichansky
In Honor of Kiki Richardson Candace Echols Sarah Haygood In Honor of Coach David Rose Joey and Neal Beckford Molly and Robert Gooch Robert, William, and Owen In Honor of Teresa Scott Candace Echols Sarah Haygood In Honor of Marilyn Seaton Molly and Robert Gooch Robert, William, and Owen In Honor of Mary Shaw Steve Hearn In Honor of Lauren Sheehan Mason Love In Honor of Mary Sims Jody and Neal Beckford In Honor of Walker Sims Amie and Walker Sims In Honor of Coach Dennis Smith Molly and Robert Gooch Robert, William, and Owen In Honor of Melissa Smith Joey and Neal Beckford In Honor of Palmer Smith Candace Echols Sarah Haygood In Honor of Dawn Southerland Joey and Neal Beckford Molly and Robert Gooch Robert, William, and Owen In Honor of Traci Stewart Courtney Humphreys Lyndsey Kelley Alison and Win Rawson In Honor of Elizabeth Taliaferro Amie and Walker Sims In Honor of Eason Taylor Fontaine and Chris Brown In Honor of Cullen Weeden Nell Brown Molly and Robert Gooch Robert, William, and Owen
In Honor of Betty West Steve Hearn In Honor of Sandra Wiggins Steve Hearn In Honor of Teresa Yarwood Molly and Robert Gooch Robert, William, and Owen Stewart Love In Honor of Lauren Yelverton Courtney Humphreys Lyndsey Kelley
Annual Fund 2007-2008 Giving Clubs
Memorials In Memory of Billie Jean Batchelor Susan and Don Batchelor In Memory of Judy Boucek Ronald Boucek In Memory of Jack Buddenbohm Suellyn and Stan Ruffin In Memory of Arthur L. “Bud” Burns, Jr. Susie Andrews Joey and Neal Beckford Janis and Allen Boyd Sarah and Lee Burns Kristi and Keith Collins Pat and Jim Corbitt Mary Ellen and Danny Danner Susan and Stan Droke Jennifer and Paul Edwards Laura Glenn Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Haguewood Sarah Haygood Denise and Steve Hearn Lynell Hecht The Hutchison School, Annette C. Smith, Head Terri Jarratt Vance and John Lewis Beth and Bruce Moore Carolyn and Seldon Murray Melissa Smith Charlotte and Bob Neal Ginny and Bryan Nearn Kara and Nick Nunn Lee and James Rantzow Teresa Scott Palmer Smith Madison and Gary Wunderlich In Memory of Paula Cardwell Cole Madeline and Patrick Akins In Memory of John Coleman Mary Hearn Coleman In Memory of Larry G. Eason Roberta and Brian Eason
In Memory of Wendy Edwards Sandy Kilgore In Memory of Robert E. Gentry, Jr. Kay and Robert Gentry In Memory of Hugh G. Henderson Roberta and Brian Eason In Memory of Phyllis Isom Nell Brown In Memory of Richard P. McMullen, Sr. Ann and Greer McMullen In Memory of Tony Parker Dr. and Mrs. Chris McEwan In Memory of Jacob Rudolph Suellen and Stan Ruffin In Memory of Louise Sieb Nell Brown In Memory of Daniel West Charlotte and Bob Neal In Memory of A. Edward Willingham Craig Willingham
Can’t Find Your Name? This report reflects gifts received between August 1, 2007 and July 31, 2008. If we inadvertently omitted your name, please let us know.
Acknowledgments PDS is blessed to have so many individuals who willingly give of their time, talents and treasures so that our boys can have the very best learning environment. Last year, among other things, PDS volunteers participated in our buddy program for families new to the school, served lunch alongside our 6th graders at a nearby rescue mission, acted as ambassadors for our admission events, assisted with the sports banquet, made phone calls on behalf of our annual fund and completed gift solicitations for our capital campaign. Members of the PDS Parents’ Association supported the school by organizing numerous activities including the PDS Book Fair, Spirit Sale, Berclair Elementary School Partnership, Accelerated Reader Auction, Gift Wrap Sale and Father/Son dinner. Other PDS volunteers shared their guidance and wisdom by participating on various boards, committees and strategic task forces to outline PDS’ trajectory into the 21st century. On behalf of the faculty, staff and administration of PDS, thank you for joining us in our efforts to advance the mission of this very special school.
Steven B. Hearn Chief Advancement Officer
2007-2008 Parents’ Association Melissa Reddoch President Beth Kakales Vice President Margaret Apple Secretary Susan Madden Treasurer Leigh Harwell Vice Treasurer Mary Call Ford Nominations Jenny Matthews Sunshine Secretary Ivy Hayes Accel. Reader Chair Julie Hussey Accel. Reader V. Chair Missy Carter Bookworms Chair Heather Craig Bookworms Vice-Chair Vicki Nelson Berclair Service Chair Susan Davidoff Book Fair Chair Catherine Huffman Book Fair Vice-Chair Mary Dicken Father-Son Event Chair Kelly Klinke Father-Son Event Vice-Chair Kristen Keegan Faculty Appreciation Chair Kim Bridgforth Faculty Appreciation Vice-Chair Douglas Dunavant Hospitality Chair Caroline Billups Hospitality Vice-Chair Barbie Clayton School Spirit Sale Chair Liz Crosby School Spirit Sale Vice-Chair Jill Doster Communications Coordinator Leigh Harrison PDS Connections Chair Elizabeth Williamson EC Connections Chair Angie Street EC Connections Vice-Chair Stephanie Jones LS Connections Chair Karen Wilson LS Connections Vice-Chair Jeannie Tabor US Connections Chair Emily Bragorgos US Connections Vice-Chair Quinn Scott Spring Luncheon Chair
Chantal Johnson Spring Luncheon Vice-Chair Bobbi Tichansky PDS Incentives Chair Elizabeth Allen PDS Incentives Vice-Chair Catherine Stallings Grandparents Day Chair Kathy Carruthers Sixth Grade Graduation Banquet
2007-2008 Alumni Board Bo Allen ’80 Carter Campbell ’85 Michael Faber ’90 Paul Gillespie ’95 Cam Hillyer ’87 Jay Keegan ’82 Lon Magness ’79 Bob McEwan ’78 Dan McEwan ’82 Warren Milnor ’88 Gavin Murrey ’80 John Norfleet ’72 Richard Scharff ’74 Fred Schaeffer ’82 Will Thompson ’89 Walker Upshaw ’78 Matt Weathersby ’90 Philip Wunderlich ’84
Presbyterian Day School ˜ Since 1949 ˜ 4025 Poplar Avenue • Memphis, Tennessee 38111-6622 901 842-4600 • www.pdsmemphis.org