PDS Summer Adventures 2013

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NOTE FROM THE DIRECTOR We are all so excited that summer is nearly here! Though school will not be in session, that doesn’t mean that we here at PDS take a break. srooms, With furnished age-appropriate clas tiple mul and a climbing wall, ropes course, and play , nds grou gymnasiums, rec rooms, play bustling be will pus fields, we hope that our cam with activity. Students It is with great delight that Dean of and g orin Tut Ross Spain, Director of the I invite and er Enrichment Center Alice Park and fun of full you to join us for a summer ge llen cha to ide adventure. Whether you dec ly, tive crea or ally etic yourself academically, athl our of rt hea there’s plenty to do! At the

ular summer schedule will be our ever-pop s che Coa by elementary Sports Camp lead camp ay all-d new Spain and Albertine, a brand , which mer Sum of extravaganza dubbed Knights various and rs uthe will be headed up by Shari Car the rse, cou of , other PDS faculty members, and ses. clas always-important Jump Start so much But don’t stop there, because there’s then visit e, hur more! Browse through this broc additional any view pdsmemphis.org/summer to king Loo d. classes and to register your chil forward to seeing you there!

Kathleen McCallen

Director of Auxiliary Programs 901.842.4609 kmccallen@pdsmemphis.org

4025 Poplar Avenue • Memphis, TN 38111-6022 • 901-842-4600 • pdsmemphis.org/summer

ACADEMIC 1st Grade Readin g Boot Camp

Math Perplexors

COST: $160 PDS boys only

COST: $160 Boys and girls ente ring

Does your son ne ed a reading boos t? Come spend a we ek with a 1st grad e teacher reviewing basic reading skill s using a multi-sens ory approach. We wi ll focus on building phonemic awaren ess, decoding, and sig ht word skills. DATE: July 15-19, 9am-12noon INSTRUCTOR: La ura Glenn

Critical and Creat ive Thinking

COST: $160 Boys and girls ente ring


Become a master problem-solver an d creative thinker by practicing thinking routines. Dazzle ev eryone with your true genius by learning to apply these rout ines and make your th inking visible. 5TH GRADE DATE: July 15-19, 9am-12noon INSTRUCTOR: Al ice Parker 6TH GRADE DATE: July 15-19, 1pm-4pm INSTRUCTOR: Al ice Parker

Slingerland Read ing Camp

Boys and girls ente rin

g 2nd-3rd

Join us for a “pow er play� on readin g and spelling usin g a multi-sensory approach mixed wi th fun activities an d incentives. Studen ts with experience in the Slingerland m ethod are invited to sign up for this excitin g adventure. Enro llm ent is limited so please contact Alice Park er at 842-4677 or aparke r@pdsmemphis.or g to reserve your spot . DATE: TBD INSTRUCTOR: N ancy



Spend a week navi gating and conque ring math perplexo We will also spen rs. d time working on those required summer math hour s using IXL. We wi ll learn to think about math in a wh ole new way. DATE: July 8-12, 9a m-12noon INSTRUCTOR: W indy May

Word Voyage

COST: $160 Boys and girls ente ring


Increase your voca bulary potential by taking this dynamic workshop . Build up your wo rd knowledge as you investigate meaning at your ow n individual level, and watch as it enhances your su mmer reading experience. DATE: July 8-12, 9a m-12noon INSTRUCTOR: Ki m Trefz

Grappling with G

COST: $160 Boys and girls ente ring



Bring your writing to life. Engage in fun writing activiti where you learn to es paint a picture wi th your words. This camp is grea t for both budding and struggling writers. DATE: July 8-12, 1p m-4pm INSTRUCTOR: Ki m Trefz

Camp Read-A-Lo

t COST: $160 PDS boys only ente ring 2nd-6th Bring your sleepin g bag, and gather around the readin campfire with som g e awesome books for summer readin Be the first to take g. AR tests on summ er reading books while they are still fresh in your min d. DATE: June 17-21, 9am-12noon INSTRUCTORS: Beth Diaz, Brooke Clement, Sherry Creasman, and M arie Duncan

mer REGISTER: pdsmemphis.org/sum


COST: $160 MATERIALS FEE: $50 Boys and girls entering 3rd-6th Learn how to hand-make pottery using pinch, coil, and slab methods. You will make (and take home) fired bowls and boxes, and even cast you r face in plaster to make self-portrait pots and masks. DATE: July 15-19, 9am-12noon INSTRUCTOR: Darla LinerodeHenson

Sculptures and 3D Design

COST: $160 MATERIALS FEE: $50 Boys and girls entering 3rd-6th Join us as we explore how sculptur es have been created by artists for centuries. We will create everything from Easter Island type sculptures to Debra Butterfield driftwood horses. DATE: July 8-12, 9am-12noon INSTRUCTOR: Darla LinerodeHenson

Acrylic Painting on Canvas

COST: $160 MATERIALS FEE: $75 Boys and girls entering 2nd-6th Become a master in the art of portrait, landscape, and still life painting by following just a few simple techniques. DATE: June 17-21, 1pm-4pm INSTRUCTOR: Darla LinerodeHenson

Famous World Artists

COST: $160 MATERIALS FEE: $75 Boys and girls entering 1st-6th

Join us as we make sculptures, reliefs, and paintings inspired by artists from other places and other times. Whether it’s Michaelangelo or Picasso, cave art or hieroglyphics, we will look at it all. DATE: June 24-28, 1pm-4pm INSTRUCTOR: Darla LinerodeHenson

Exploring China

COST: $160 Boys and girls entering 1st-4th Come explore the beautiful and diverse country of China. We will dabble in Chinese calligraphy, the art of origami, Chinese cooking, and even ping pong. No Mandarin experience is required. DATE: June 17-21, 1pm-4pm INSTRUCTOR: Ting Ting Davis


COST: $160 Boys and girls entering JK-SK Cooking encourages creativity, teaches how things change, helps develop children’s fine motor control , and builds self-confidence. In this class, we will be cooking using age appropriate recipes and culinary skills. Roll up your sleeves and join us. DATE: June 17-21, 1pm-4pm INSTRUCTORS: Elizabeth Bell and Traci Stewart

mer REGISTER: pdsmemphis.org/sum


COST: $160 Boys and girls entering 4th-6th Come unlock your story-telling capacities with us, as we use stunning illustrations to stimulate your mind and spark creativity. You r words will come to life as you use illustrations to tell your story as your imagination unfolds. Prepare to publish your work for others to enjo y. DATE: June 24-28, 9am-12noon INSTRUCTOR: Kim Trefz

Multimedia Mania

COST: $160 Boys and girls entering 4th-6th Come join in the fun as you learn all the needed skills for creating a slick multi-media project. We will use iPhoto, Photo Booth, GarageBand, and iMovie. Plus you will learn many techniques that will enhance your movie by adding transitions, animations, and many other special effects. DATE: June 24-28, 1pm-4pm INSTRUCTOR: Kim Trefz




Knights of Summer

COST: $160 PDS boys only

ing) Cost: $220 ($160 per additional sibl Boys and girls entering JK-4th e water slides, Join us for Legos/Ninjagos, inflatabl , Star Wars gym games, ropes course challenges es, Wii and X-box activities, scooters, mini-golf, snocon ball, and more. foos g, tournaments, air hockey, ping pon SESSION 1: July 8-12, 9am-3pm SESSION 2: July 22-26, 9am-3pm s Spain, and INSTRUCTORS: Shari Caruthers, Ros various PDS faculty

Sports Camp

Use the lazy days of summer to get a jump start on your next year of school.

Jump Start JK

DATE: June 17-21, 9am-12noon INSTRUCTORS: Elizabeth Bell and Traci Stewart

Jump Start SK

SESSION 1: June 17-21, 9am-12noon SESSION 2: July 15-19, 9am-12noon INSTRUCTOR: Betty McGreger


Cost: $220 ($160 per additional sibl Boys only entering 1st-6th

etball, soccer, and We’ll cover all the basic skills of bask onal games such as eati recr into baseball, and even delve soccer, floor hockey, team handball, indoor golf, indoor s course and more. rope , bing pickle ball, rock wall clim

Jump Start 1st Grade

SESSION 1: July 1-5, 9am-3pm SESSION 2: July 15-19, 9am-3pm er Albertine, and INSTRUCTORS: Ross Spain, Palm various PDS faculty

Jump Start 2nd Grade

DATE: July 22-26, 9am-12noon INSTRUCTORS: Stacey Hays and Laura Glenn

DATE: June 24-28, 9am-12noon INSTRUCTOR: Brooke Haley

Jump Start 3rd Grade

DATE: June 24-28, 9am-12noon INSTRUCTOR: Sherry Creasman

SPORTS Dennis Smith Basketball Camp


COST: $150 Boys and girls ente ring


This golf camp wi ll take place Monday through Wednesday at Golf and Games Fa mily Park, and Thursday at Windy ke Country Club. DATE: June 17-20, 8:30am-11:30am INSTRUCTOR: Ro ss Spain

Crusader Footbal l

COST: $160 Boys only entering 4th-

Boys only entering SK-6th Over the past 25 ye ars, DSBC has been a proven camp for both recreational and co mpetitive players. SESSION 1 (SK-1S T) $125 June 24-28, 9am-12 noon SESSION 2 (2ND -6TH) $195 July 8-12, 9am-3pm INSTRUCTOR: Ro ss Spain, Mark Fruitt, and Spence r McLean

REGISTER: pdsmemphis.org/sum


Come brush up on your football form with PDS Crusader coach Palmer Albertine. Blocking , tackling, passing, and receiving are just some of the skills taught in th is camp. When football season be gins, you’ll be ahead of the gam e! DATE: June 24-28, 9am-12noon INSTRUCTOR: Pa lmer Albertine


REGISTRATION All registrations will be processed online at www. pdsmemphis.org/summer, and a confirmation email will be sent to you when you have correctly completed the registration process. If you have any questions about or problems with the enrollment process, please email or call Kathleen McCallen. ADMISSION Admission is granted to qualified students in the order in which our database receives your registration. Registration will remain open online until the first day of camp unless a registration deadline is specifically stated. If you have any last minute inquiries about availabile space in a specific camp, please call or email Kathleen. Many classes fill up, so we encourage you to enroll early.

of $50 per child, per full day. Please contact Kathleen with any questions regarding dropin availability. DRESS T-shirt, shorts, socks, and athletic shoes are most appropriate. Sandals are allowed, but athletic shoes are required for gym and field activities. Students are encouraged to bring either a pullover or a jacket for indoor activities, as our airconditioned rooms can be chilly.

PAYMENT Payment for each class is due up front at the time of registration. If, at any time, you need to cancel your reservation, a $50 cancellation fee will be applied to your refund. If, one week prior to the first day of a camp, registration is deemed to be insufficient, PDS reserves the right to cancel that camp. If this were to occur, your payment would be refunded in full. Unfortunately, PDS is unable to prorate a camp fee for any day(s) your child may miss, however, certain full-day camps do allow for drop-ins at the rate

DROP-OFF AND DISMISSAL LOCATIONS Camper check-in/dropoff point for every summer camp or class held on the PDS campus (in addition to both before-care drop-off and after-care dismissal) will be located at the main elementary lobby by the gym. If a camper attends a class held in the Early Childhood building, dismissal point will be at the Early Childhood entrance. If a camper attends a class held in the Elementary building or in the gym, dismissal point will be the main school lobby.

BEHAVIOR It is expected that every student attending PDS Summer Adventures follow school procedures and standards of behavior. Consideration of others in thought and action SNACKS & LUNCH is expected. PDS reserves the Snacks are provided by PDS require the withdrawal during all of our camps, though right to of any student who poses children staying for the full a discipline problem or a day will need to pack their disruption to the learning own lunch. A supervised lunch process. No refunds will be no at break will be provided for students who are extra charge for those students. issued asked to withdraw. BEFORE- & AFTER-CARE Early drop-off/check-in for morning camps begins each day at 8:30am (12:30pm for afternoon camps). Camp ends each day either at 3pm or 4pm, depending upon which camp your child attends. Both beforecare and after-care will be available. Please call or email Kathleen in the camp office to arrange before- or after-hours care.

mer REGISTER: pdsmemphis.org/sum

SUMMER HOLIDAYS Summer Adventures will be closed on Monday, May 28 (Memorial Day) and the week of June 3-7 (2PC VBS) and June 10-14 (Martin Institute Summer Conference).

CAMPS BY GRADE Jump Start 3rd Grade Knights of Summer Pottery Sculptures and 3D Design Sports Camp

JK Jump Start JK Kindercooks Knights of Summer SK Dennis Smith Basketball Camp Jump Start SK Kindercooks Knights of Summer 1st Grade 1st Grade Reading Boot Camp Dennis Smith Basketball Camp Exploring China Famous World Artists Golf Jump Start 1st Grade Knights of Summer Sports Camp 2nd Grade Acrylic Painting on Canvas Camp Read-A Lot Dennis Smith Basketball Camp Exploring China Famous World Artists Golf Jump Start 2nd Grade Knights of Summer Sports Camp

4th Grade Acrylic Painting on Canvas Camp Read-A Lot Crusader Football Dennis Smith Basketball Camp Exploring China Famous World Artists Grappling with Grammar Knights of Summer Math Perplexors Multimedia Mania Pottery Sculptures and 3D Design Sports Camp Storybirds Word Voyage

5th-6th Grade Acrylic Painting on Canvas Camp Read-A Lot Critical and Creative Thinking Crusader Football Dennis Smith Basketball Camp Famous World Artists Grappling with Grammar Knights of Summer Math Perplexors 3rd Grade Multimedia Mania vas Acrylic Painting on Can Pottery Camp Read-A Lot Sculptures and 3D Design p Cam all Dennis Smith Basketb Sports Camp Exploring China Storybirds Famous World Artists Word Voyage Golf



June 17-21 Acrylic Painting on Canv as Camp Read-A-Lot Exploring China Golf (June 17-20) Jump Start JK Jump Start SK Kindercooks June 24-28 Chess Crusader Football Dennis Smith Basketba ll Camp Famous World Artists Jump Start 2nd Grade Jump Start 3rd Grade Multimedia Mania Storybirds July 1-5 Sports Camp July 8-12 Dennis Smith Basketba ll Camp Knights of Summer Grappling with Gramma r Math Perplexors Sculptures and 3D Desig n Word Voyage July 15-19 1st Grade Reading Boot Camp Critical and Creative Th inking Jump Start SK Pottery Sports Camp July 22-26 Jump Start 1st Grade Knights of Summer

4025 Poplar Avenue • Memphis, TN 38111-6022 • 901-842-4600 • pdsmemphis.org/summer

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