PDS Summer Adventures 2010

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Have we got a summer for you! PDS Summer Adventures happily invites you to join us as we debut for summer use our new state of the art facilities. A climbing wall, ropes course, additional gymnasium, a multipurpose field to add to our football field, multiple playgrounds, and an extraordinary EC building help us extend and expand our offerings. In addition, joining me this year are two respected colleagues, Ross Spain and Alice Parker. Ross is our Dean of Students. He has put together an ambitious, fun-filled program of sports and day camps that will provide your child with exercise and memories that will last a lifetime. Alice, reading specialist and tutor extraordinaire, will direct our new tutoring center. Whether your child needs one-on-one tutoring in a particular subject or just wants a leg up for the coming year, we have a place for him or her. I welcome Ross’ and Alice’s experience and expertise in their respective fields. Enrichment? We haven’t forgotten the part that enrichment camps and classes play in summer. Your child can practice Taekwondo, learn Yoga, catch up on summer reading, create art, play the guitar, prepare French food, and invest time in technology, just to name a few. We at PDS are excited about our Summer Adventures and hope that you can be here! BEVERLY KIRKSCEY Director of Auxiliary Programs 901.842.4609 • FAX 901.327.7564 bkirkscey@pdsmemphis.org


General Information..........4 Summer Offerings by Grade........34 Summer Offerings by Grade........35

Day Camps

exciting activities to keep you going strongall day long!


Scholars ATHLETICS 10


Learn, grow, and get ready for school.

Ahh! The thrill thril of competitio competition.

16 & w riting SPECIALTY CAMPS 20 words make the world go ‘round.

everything else you can think of...


creative expression never felt so good.


making really cool things work.

27 30

learn to love learning! lear


General Information REGISTRATION

Plea Please as fill out t the t registration form with a regi re gist stra rat tion on f orm or m an and d se send nd w deposit of $50 per class or camp to PDS Summer Adventures, 4025 Poplar Avenue, Memphis, TN 38111 by June 1, 2010. The deposit is applied toward your fee(s) but is non-refundable.


Admission is granted Ad dm to qualifi ed students q in the e order ord der in n which wh hich registration forms with payment are received. Registration is ongoing until the first day of class. However, if one week prior to the first day of camp or class, registration for the activity is deemed to be insufficient, that class will be cancelled. Many classes fill up, so we encourage you to enroll early to ensure a space.


There Th here is no charge cha ch harge ge for lunch care care e for students stude ent nts s staying st tayin for the entire day, but children MUST bring their own lunch and drink.


Snacks Snac ck are provided by PDS any class or PD DS during du camp lasting las asti ting more mor r than two hours.


Tee shorts, socks Te ee shirts, s and shoes are a d athletic an a just are allowed, but just right. right t. Sandals Sa sneakers are required for gym or k field activities. Bring a sweatshirt or sweater for those cooler-thanusual air-conditioned rooms.

before- and after-care

Before Care Be (7:30 (7 7:3 :30 0 am – 9:00 am) to am pertains pe er those thos th ose e students s participating part rticip pating in a morning camp or class who need to be dropped off before class begins. There is no charge, but let us know in advance if such care is needed for your child. We offer After Care (3:00


pm – 5:30 pm) for those students participating in afternoon activities that need care after 3:00 pm The After Care fee is $50 per week. that It is expected ex xp discipline Itevery ev very y student s attending PDS attend at ndii policy Summer Summ Su mmer Adventures follow and f ll w school sch h l procedures r ced r standards of behavior. Consideration of others in thought and action is expected. PDS reserves the right to require the withdrawal of any student who poses a discipline problem or a disruption to the learning process. No refunds will be issued for students who are asked to withdraw.


A Confi Con rmation will be b e-mailed e-mailed to the address listed e-ma lis on the registration form and will t t t f show the balance due before the first day of camp or class. PDS reserves re the right rig to cancel classes if necessar necessary. If a class is cancelled, all fees will be refunded. In such an event, refund checks will be issued by the Business Office and mailed to the address listed on the registration form.


PDS Summer S Adventures Adven will be closed the week of July 5 -9. No sessions will be held that week except for Dennis Smith Basketball Camp. Call 901.842.4611 for details.

summer break

non-discrimination statement PDS maintains a non-discrimination policy with regard to race, color, and national or ethnic origin.

INSTRUCTORs Ross Spain, PDS Coaches and Assistants


SpectaCular PDS

Day Camps

Wear comfortable play clothes. Tee sh shorts and sneake irts, rs are just right. Bring a sweater or sweatshirt fo f r those chilly air -conditioned mome nts.


Cam mpers will be grouped by age.

Full Days: $200 Fo r the week Half Days: $100 fo r the week. Must be paire d with another Summertime advent ure this week.


We’ll let you know in n advance when these spec cia ial l days ar a e planned. For exam ple, a bathing suit and to wel are needed on water da ys.

Summer Fun Camp GRADES JK-6 For boys and girls entering

es, r play, water fun, board gam l include indoor and outdoo ll re the camp wil mo and , vies mo activities, s,, directed and free choice fts aft arts and cra e! gin ima fun and laughter than you can


Weekdays, July 12-16 0 pm 00 3:0 9:00 am - 3

Sports Camp SCHEDULE

Two sessions available For boys entering GRADES



Session 11: June 21-25 9:00 am - 3 3:0 00 0 pm Session 2: July 19-23 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

This sports camp will cover all basic skills of basketball, soccer, and baseball and will includ e recreational games and spo rts such as handball, tag games, ind oor golf, pickle ball, rock wall climbin g, ropes course, and more.


e m i t r e m m u S Scholars laxed summer rning and fun in a re lea r fo us n joi me Co rning, brush up orce last year’s lea inf Re . nt me on vir en ur vacation by year, and enrich yo ol ho sc w ne e th r fo ! mmertime Scholar becoming a PDS Su


JUMPing into JK!

Two session s available For boys en tering PDS JK ONLY Would you li ke for your entering JK boy to m ake some n ew friends? If so, then we have the camp for you! Your s on will enjo y meeting his classmat es for a fu n-filled, theme-relat ed week. Wh at way to be in a great tro Kindergarten duced to Junior at PDS!


Session 1: Weekdays, J une 21-25 9:00 am - 12 :00 Noon Session 2 : Weekdays, July 12-16 9:00 am - 12 :00 Noon $150 per ses sion

o t n i g n i G N SWI

ys until count the da Don’t just ose ver! Use th summer is o get a summer to azzyy days of la rgarten! n Sr. Kinde umpstart o ju ose basic l review th The boys wil s and diness skill reading rea y for a pts necessar math conce into the transition successful chool year. upcoming s

ning In a fun lear tudents t, s environmen ’s, e their ABC will practic g in d handwrit counting, an d listening an as well as rections. following di t an excellen This is also for new opportunity become students to in PDS and beg oriented to hips. new friends

PDS teacher s and assistan ts


ns available Four sessio SK ONLY tering PDS For boys en eger Betty McGr


21-25 kdays, June ee W 1: n io Sess 00 Noon 2:0 9:00 am - 12 ne 21-25 eekdays, Ju W : 2 n io s Ses 0 pm ly 12-16 1:00 pm - 4:0 eekdays, Ju W :— 3 n io s Ses :00 Noon 9:00 am - 12 ly 12-16 eekdays, Ju W : 4 n io s Ses 0 pm 1:00 pm - 4:0


sion $150 per ses


Soaring into First ities of fun-filled activ Join us for a week grade. st fir in ar ady to so that will get you re week We will spend the s like: ill sk sic ba reviewing sounds, letter names and ort blending, reading sh cognition, stories, number re d numbers, writing letters an . We tracing, and cutting flying a u yo e giv will also first start as to how a ve when ha be ld ou sh grader d spread at school. Come an ! your wings with us


Grade! For boys and girls E entering 1st GRAD


achers PDS First Grade Te -July 2 Weekdays, June 28 am 0 30 11:3 11 9:00 am $125 for the week

Second Grade Magic! 2nd GRADE For boys and girls entering

st Graders: Use this Attention, all graduated Fir r ever in second grade: recipe to have the best yea SPRINKLE grammar practice a with a little fairy dust. Add g din rea mer sum of G DUSTIN to the mix. Apply the MAGIC TRICKS you learn about the math facts to eighteen while stir playing fun games. Finally, in a PINCH of second grade al secrets to your organization skills. And POOF! You get a fun-filled week of 2nd grade success right here at PDS!


PDS ch r che tea de Gra Second ey Hal Brooke


21-25 Weekdays, June 21on N No 0 12:0 am 9:00


fo the week $150 for


Up Your Engin e s for Third Gra de! GET READY TO ACCELERAT E INTO THIRD GRADE!

For boys an d girls ente ring 3rd GR ADE


Come enjoy activities that will “t une-up” you r math, langu age, reading , and writing skills.


PDS Third G rade teacher e Sher rry Creasm an


Weekdays, J uly 26-3 - 0 9:0 00 am - 12:0 0 Noon

$150 for th e week


ATHLETICS g your new sport, sharpenin a ing rn lea r he et Wh ts camps n already, PDS spor pio am ch a or ills sk are for you.


Soccer Camp

For boys en tering GRA DES 4-6 Come sharpe n your “football” skills this summer at the PDS Kathleen M Soccer Cam Assistant E cCallen, p. CS Girls Var sity Soccer Coach And PDS employe e Bring your “boots” and water b ott and probably le, a towel! June 28-Ju ly 2 Learn why s occer is 8:3 30 am - 11:0 called “The 0 am Beautiful Game”! For boys of all skill le vels, let’s Main upper PLAY ON! field




$125 for th e week

Lacrosse Camp INSTRUC

Two session s available For boys en tering GRA D

ES 1-6

PDS Lacros se Cam mp seeks t develop the skills of beg o inners and experie nced player s. Coach Buddy Cater and his staf f have put together a camp prog ram filled with instruction al games, drills, and fun to devel op your individual la crosse skill s and make you a better play er.


Buddy Cater Hutchison co , ach and staf f


Session 1: Grades 1-3, Weekdays, June 1 - 4, 9:00 am - 12 :00 noon Session 2 : Grades 4-6 , Weekdays, June 14 - 18 , 9:00 am 12:00 noon


Session 1: $120 for th week (4 days e ) Session 2 : $150 for t he week

Improve you r throwing, catching, cr adling and g round ball will be divid skills. Cam ed into appr pers opriate age/ Campers mu ability grou st supply al ps. l equipment .


Taekwondo Camp Two sessions availab le For boys and girls entering GRADES SK-6

Taekwondo is a phys ical fitness and self-defense co urse designed to develop self-con fidence and self-esteem. It encourages courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control, and indomitable spirit in its studen ts.




Tara and Steven Miller from Midtown Taekwondo and assis ta t nt

SCHEDULE Session 1: Weekda ys, June 28-July 2 9:00 am - 12:00 no on Session 2: Weekda ys, July 26 - 30 9:0 00 0 am - 12:00 noon

May be purchased fr om instructors for $35 (Check ma de out to Midsouth Taekwond o for uniform)

$150 per session

Yoga Camp

JK-2 entering GRADES For boys and girls

ompetitive, m promotes a nonc The YogaKids progra ildren, create ate and empower ch playful way to educ eem. d promote self-est flexible bodies, an d his inner w your child to fin This camp will allo rrior pose and wa s such as se po ul rf we po in thing. strength are of his/her brea aw me co be d an d, all ages! handstan tion for children of xa la re es ag ur co Yoga en



-July 2 Weekdays, June 28 on 12:00 no 9:00 am - 12


g Kids Yoga Stephany Fair from


$150 for the week

Dennis Smith Basketball Camps

Two sessions availab le e For boys entering GRADES SK-7 Dennis Smith brings his basketball camp back to PDS for two weeks this summer.

This is the 23rd ye ar that Coach Smith has be en running basketball camps in the Memphis area .

The camp offers fu ndamental basketball skills an d game strategies for both the beginner and advanc ed player. The DSBC st resses organization, good sportsmanship, an d Christian ideals while providi ng a fun environment for le arning about basketball. For a complete brochure , please call (901) 842-4611.

INSTRUCTORs Braxton Brady, Spencer McLean and assistants


Sessiion 1: grades SK-1 -1, June 1414 18, 18 9:0 9 00 0 am - 12:00 noon Session 2 - grades 2-7, July 5-9, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm


PDS Gymnasiums Session 1: $125 Session 2: $195


Sessio ion 2 boys will need to bring their own day. A drink will be lunch each b provided. Also, th ere will be no Befo After- Camp Care re- or July 5-9. Make chec k payable to Dennis Basketball Camp, Smith P. O. Box 11056, Mem phis, TN 38111-0056 .


For boys entering GRADES 4-6

FootbaRUlCTl ORCamp

football Learn the basics of s es he ch ac oa s’ co from PDS Crusader k ar d M Dwight Creasman an g,, ng lin ck ta g, kin oc Fruitt. Bl re ng are just passing, and receivi taught in some of the skills . When fall this specialty camp ll season arrives and footba ad you begins, you’ll be gl ! went to THIS camp $150 per session



PDS coaches Mark Fruitt and Dwight Creasman, assistants



Weekdays, August 2-6, 9:00 am 12:00 noon

le. Bring a water bott ts or sh , irt sh tee Wear t se. ea pl s et lm ds or he and sneakers. No pa


Running Camp

For boys en tering GRA DES 2-6 Whether yo u love to r un or just first time, want to tr PDS Runnin y it for the g Camp is t have a blas he place fo t with Cour r you! You’l tney Humph thoner, as l reys, five-t you learn ab im e maraout running stretching, form and t nutrition, an echnique, d much mor condition fo e. This is a r sports, t great way t oo. All you comfortable o need is a wat clothes to er bottle, run in, and running sho es.


PDS teacher Courtney Humphreys



Weekdays, J uly 19-23 8:30 am - 10 :30 am

$100 for th e week

Golf Camp

GRADES 1-3 For boys entering

brings his Coach Ross Spain camp to PDS lf own brand of go camper will this summer. Each understander tt leave with a be tals of the ing of the fundamen iquette, golf golf swing, golf et , and proper course management techniques. chipping and putting


will meet Tuesday, Camp w T ursday at Golf Wednesday, and Th Park, 5484 and Games Family iday’s class Summer Avenue. Fr yke Country will be held at Wind ster Road. Club, 8535 Winche

INSTRUCTOR ts PDS Dean of Studen in S ain Ross Sp


4 Weekdays, June 1 0 pm 00 4:0 1:00 pm - 4


$120 for the week (4 Days)


g n i d a re g n i t i & wr ing, andwrit e good h n o g n workin getting in som Have fu d lling, an eading! storyte ned Summer r hio old-fas


Camp Read-A-Lot Two sessions availab le For PDS boys ente ring GRADES 2-6

Camp Read-A-Lot is that perfect time and place to work on your REQUIRED SUMMER READING and RESPONSES in a fu n way! Join us as we pitch our tents and camp out with some awesome books for summer reading! And how about being the first to take AR tests on summer reading books while they’re still fresh in your mind? Bring along a slee ping bag and your portfolio, ga ther around the reading campfir e, and munch on camp sn acks. Camp Read-A-Lot is for you!


PDS reading special ists, library/ media specialist an d teachers: Beth Diaz - 2nd gr aders Kim Normant - 3rd graders Charlotte Shaw 4th graders Alice Parker - 5th and 6th grad


SCHEDULE Session 1: Weekda ys, June 14-18 9:00 am - 11:30 am Session 2: Weekda ys, June 14-18 12:30 pm - 3:00 pm $125 per session



E entering 1st GRAD For boys and girls

ndwriting Brush up on your ha ning skills with fun lear creative t ge t’s activities! Le mbers with letters and nu ocks, and bl h, ug using play do ll also magic boards. We wi ok written bo l na make an origi you. and illustrated by



lly Lindsey PDS SK teacher Ho

SCHEDULE s,, June 14-18 ayys da kd ek ee We 9:00 am - 11:00 am

$100 for the week



GRADES 2-4 For boys and girls entering

t to ry that your friends will wan Imagine yourself telling a sto get l wil you t tha r Come and enjoy stories hear over and over. week. Festival at the end of the to tell at our Storytelling You’re going to love this one!

INSTRUCTORs Professional


PDS Storyteller Billie Martin and pbell Reading Specialist Beth Cam R

Weekdays, June 21-25 9:00 am - 11:30 am



Reading/Math Portfolio

School w ill start in a few weeks. Ar e your su m mer reading/m ath assign m going to ents make the grade?


You must h ave complete d the req u ir ed books and bring you r notebook with you on th e first day of the session.


Session 1: Grade 4 , Weekdays July 19-2 23, 9:0 0 0 a m - 12:00 no Session on 2: Grades 5-6, Week July 26-3 days 0, 9:00 am - 12:00 no on


for the week $125 fo

Two Sess ions Availa ble For PDS b oys enter ing GRAD ES 4-6 PDS has s ome teach ers who w help you p ill addle you r way to an “A”. Come finish you r This week -long cam portfolio. p will help complete you the requir ement due the first on day of sch ool.


PDS teach Gibson an ers Dee d Jean Na bers


$150 per s ession

Super Summer Rea Portfolio Camp ding

Two Sessio ns Available For PDS bo ys entering 1st GRADE Come have PDS 1st grad fun and get e small gro required reading finis up t eacher Sarah hed at the Haygood an same time! We wil P d D S 1s t grade rea l also prac ding spetice some helpful rea ci al is t Lynell Hech ding and wr t iting strategies to get you o ff good start to a in first grad e. NOTE: Bring Readi ng Portfoli Session 1: o with you. June 14-18 9:00 am - 11 :30 am Session 2 : June 14-18 12:30 pm - 3 $125 per ses :00 pm sion






RADE 4-6 rls entering G For boys and gi

to hone t opportunity en ll ce ex an t doing it! orkshop is ll have a blas e’ w The Writing W d an , ls il authors, writing sk we Skype with as your creative ng ti ri w of e. e the art and much mor We will explor eate journals cr s, ol to gy use technolo


y Humphreys acher Courtne te e ad gr h 4t PDS Trefz e teacher Kim ad gr h 5t S PD and


June 14 - 18 n on oo no 9:00 am - 12:00 eek $150 for the w


SPECIALTY CAMPS and Star Wars Dinosaurs, Mandarin, LEGO, and other - oh, my! Cooking, fun camps to try.


Dinosaur Camp

GRADES SK-1 For boys and girls entering

bones have been found on PDS Did you know that dinosaur ite rn more about these “dino”m property? Come help us lea re! mo ch mu and s , dinosaur egg animals. We will make fossils YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS THE BIG DIG!



ley PDS SK teacher Lyndsey Kel


for the week $150 fo

Weekdays, June 14-18 9:00 am - 12:00 noon

Lego Mania Ca mp By popula r demand! Lego Mania Cam p will be offered t his summe r for one week only! Come join us as we challenge your imag ination! We will b uild rocke ts, planes, ca rs, and m uch more... BR AND NEW SETS!


Session 1: Grades JK-SK, June 14-118 8, 9:0 0 0 a m - 11:00 am Session 2: Grades 1-3, June 14-18 , 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Two sessio ns For boys and girls entering G RADES J K-1

Research shows tha t building with LEGO S stimula tes the b increases rain, spatial aw areness a sequencin nd g skills, s trengthen fine moto s r skills, a nd enhanc creativity. es


PDS teach er Emily M ay and PDS t eacher as s is Carroll B tant ernard Session 1: $100 fo r the week Session 2: $150 fo r the wee k


May the Force Be With You Two Sessions For boys entering GRADES JK-1


teachers Shari Caruthers and Holly Yarbrough


W ekon 1: Grade JK, We ssiion ess Se 2 y Jul days, June 289:00 am - 12:00 noon Session 2: Grades SK-1, Weekdays, June 28-July 2 1:00 pm- 4:00 pm

far, far A long time ago in a galaxy . . . an beg rs Wa r away the Sta ght If you have a little Jedi kni th Dar h wit that loves to battle ld wou we , side Vader and the dark our to r ove ss love for him to cro e light summer session. We will mak and kies coo sabers, bake wookie a storm create projects that even trooper will enjoy.

$150 plus Materials Fee of $25 (check made out to Shari Caruthers)


ars W ar d St isite v Re


activities Some a er-school aft will repeat ering; most off enrichment nd new! bra activities are


Bon Appetit! French Cooking

START with five easy traditional French recip es. ADD some co nversational “Kitchen Fr ench.” MIX in a little Fren ch music. C O MBINE with lots o f fun with friends. YIELDS: A w eek of delicious le arning and a class cookb ook to take with you! Th e best part You get to eat what yo u have prepar ed each day!

For boys an d girls ente ring GRADE S 3-4


PDS teacher Elizabeth Wafler and special gues t

SCHEDULE June 21-25, 9:00 am - 12 :00 noon


$150 plus M aterial Fee of $25 (check made out to Elizabeth W afler)


JK-SK entering GRADES For boys and girls using ageWe will be cooking and culinary appropriate recipes urages skills. Cooking enco w things ho s he ac te creativity, lop children’s fine change, helps deve d helps build selfmotor control, an have fun rolling confidence. We will cooking! up our sleeves and


s Fee of $30 $150 plus Material Merideth Arnold) (check made out to



PDS teachers Meredith Arnold and Teresa Scott

SCHEDULE June 28-July 2 9:00 am - 12:00 noon


A Learning Adventure in Mandarin Chinese For boys and girls entering GRADES 1-3


Join us this summ er as we study the language that more people speak than any other in the wo rld. Best of all, you’ll be learning your Chinese and culture from a na tive speaker.

PDS Mandarin Chinese teacher Ting Ting Davis

SCHEDULE Weekdays, June 28 -July 2 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm


$150 for the week

Mrs. Ting Ting Davis will introduce you to basic Chinese and th e culture and music of this extraordina ry country. Origami , Tai Chi, calligraphy , the arts through storytelling and ot her fun-filled activ ities will be a part of this enriching cl ass.

It’s a Small er All! World Aft voyage!

S JK-SK Two Sessions tering GRADE en s rl gi d an For boys

. is now boarding S Flight 2010 DS PD ad ssports re y e have your pa se as ea le Pl ve the World in Fi r our “Around or ent fo er will visit a diff Days” tour. We n ar day and will le country each e m so ok co ure, about the cult t, ec oj pr t ar do an native foods, s and games. and learn song d girls Earth, boys an Using Google ations in st fferent de will “fly” to di e geogth at around ok lo a ke ta d an ptops, untry. Using la co e th of y ph ra n postdesign their ow l il w ts en ud st s. This mily and friend fa nd se to rd ca miss! won’t want to is one trip you


INSTRUCTOSRansdy Kilgore and PDS teachers nbury Darilyn Christe


K July de JK, Session 1: Gra 11 00 am - 11: 19-23, 9:00 am SK, June de ra Session 2: G - 11:00 am 21-25, 9:00 am n $100 per sessio ls plus Materia c ck Fee of $25 (che rilyn Da to made out y) ur Christenb


Leadership Cam p


“For I kno w the pla ns I have declares for you,” the Lord, “plans to you and n prosper ot to har m you, pl you hope a n s to give and a fut ure.” Jer emiah 29:1 For PDS b 1 oys enter ing GRAD ES 4-6 Join us a s we train yo building a ctivities in u in leadership thr ough the the lifetim all kinds. use of te We will p e fitness chnology, u center, a t the PDS addition, team nd presen we’ll have BBMM se tations o v en noble visits fro in leaders f traits int m PDS al hip in eve umni who o action! rything fr want to m will share In om sport iss this s their expe s to the pecial sum business r ie nces mer oppo world. Yo rtunity! u don’t


Weekdays, July 26-3 0 9:0 00 am - 3 :0 00 pm


boys will need to b ring their own lunc h each da y.


Dean of S tudents R oss Spain and staff

$200 for the week


Future Scientists Two sessions GRADES 1-3 For boys and girls entering

k of scientific exploration. Get your child ready for a wee on activities that will excite He or she will enjoy handsand engage his imagination. ors are made How about learning how col ing with ent erim Exp using edible goods? bles? bub e -siz life solutions? Making


Teachers Allison LaRue and Abbie Fowler


14-18 Session 1: Weekdays, June on 9:00 am - 12:00 No 28-July 2 Session 2: Weekdays, June on 9:00 am - 12:00 No

the These are just samples of cial spe fun we have planned for to dy young people who are rea its be exposed to science and all wonders. $150 per session

Summer Chess

Want to l earn to play ch ess?

We have t he this summ perfect class for you er. Wheth er you ha never pla ve yed or ha ve been p for a year laying or two, S ummer Ch should do ess the trick.

Chess is a game of s trategy t encourage hat s good sp ortsmans creativity, h ip, self-discip line, and concentr ation. So , come fo instructio r the n, play, a nd fun of chess!

For boys and girlls entering G RADES


PDS Alum nus and C hess Champion Evan Mah with his assist ants


Weekdays, June 1-4 9:0 00 am - 12 :0 00 noon


$120 for t he week (4 D ays)



ART & MUSIC you. PDS art t or musician inside Find the hidden artis budding artist, e perfect for the and music camps ar master. the novice or the


Scupltures from the scrap heap

d& cle y c Re seen Re

For boys and girls entering GRADES 3-7

Across the planet people are thinking of new ideas to re the things we can’t cycle use anymore. Put on your creative think caps and create sc ing ulptures from recy cled objects and mi them with tradition x al art materials!


Darla Linerode-Hens on


$150 for the week plus Material Fee of $50 (check made out to Darla Linerode-Hens on)

June 21-25, 9:00 am - 12:00 0 noon

y a l C h it w n u F : y r e Pott CTOR

3-7 entering GRADES For boys and girls basics of handWe will learn the king pinch, build pottery by ma t pottery. coil, and slab-buil our faces in st We will also ca lf-portrait plaster to make se s will enjoy nt pa ici pots. All part d taking making, finishing, an y. er home real pott



on Darla Linerode-Hens


- 12:00 noon June 14-18, 9:00 am


$150 for the week Fee of $50 plus Material F t to Darla ou (check made ) on ns Linerode-He


Guitar Camp For boys and girls entering GRADES 2-6

Let’s play som e guitar! The cl ass begins with th e fundamentals of music such as rhythm, standa rd music notation , and ear traini ng. In addition, yo u’ll learn abou t different styl es of playing blues, countr y, classical, an d jazz. The week will wrap up with a brief concert for fa mily and friend s.

Pict ure Perf ect!

INSTRUCTORs PDS after-scho ol guitar teache h r Aaron Brock and as ss siis st ta ants


June 28-July 2 1:0 1 00 0 pm - 4:00 pm


$150 for the week plus Mat a erials fee of $15 (che ck made out to Aaron Brock)

digital photos

4-7 s entering GRADES For boys and girls



twork using n! We will create ar fu me so r fo y ad re Get pastels, crayons, rious media (clay, oil va as l ll we as s op lapt twork, manipulate l pictures of our ar ita dig e ke ta en th , etc.) r very own wiki publish them to ou d an , o, ot iPh in them e art gallery! website for an onlin iends will be Your family and fr VERY impressed!


PDS Technology Coach Cindy Brock


23 Weekdays, July 19-2 on o no 00 2 12: 9:00 am $150 for the week plus Material made Fee of $20 (check out to Cindy Brock)



os, learn vie with still phot Learn to make a mo a video game. laptop, or create your way around a everyone. uter-based fun for That’s right - Comp


Video Game Creati on For boys an d girls ente ring GRADE S 3-6 Learn to cr eate your o wn video co You’ll lear mputer gam n about crea e! ting subject and actions s, sprites, . Design a r events oom, make want, add o it look the bjects and w ay you play your g ame.

We’ll teach you to displ ay health, li splash table ves, score s. At the en and d of the cl home a CD ass you wil with both yo l take ur game an class goes d the softw into greater ar e. This depth and is game from our regular a different type of after-schoo l enrichmen t class.


David Hirsch feld from Bits, Bytes and Bots



Weekdays, J uly 19-23 1::0 00 pm - 4:0 00 pm

$150 for th e week

Claymation art of making clay Claymation is the e. Groups will figures come to lif ops from clay and make figures and pr tell a story and then use them to n movie. create a claymatio s of still photos We will take a serie ra, use iMovie to with a digital came , and then produce import our photos s will take home our movie. Camper on a CD to share their final project mily. We will also with friends and fa the last day of have a movie viewing work. camp to show our

For boys and girls 3-7 entering GRADES


gyy Coach og lo ol PDS Techno ck dy Broc Cind


days, Weekd 4 0 pm 4:0 pm 0 July 19-23, 1:0

$150 for the week plus Materials made out Fee of $25 (check k) to Cindy Broc



Advanced Laptop Learning For boys and girls entering GRADES 4-6

Education has beco me project based. Come to this summ er camp to learn and acquire skills to make multi-med ia projects. We will be learning and using Comic Life, iPh oto, Photobooth, Garageband, and iM ovie to create a fu n summertime projec t. What we learn here will help us in the fall!


This camp is especia lly good for chil ildren new to PDS.

ow Imagination Tomorr teaches more than computers...

PDS Technology Specialist Melissa Smith

SCHEDULE Weekdays, July 12-16 9:0 9 00 0 am - 12:00 noon


$150 for the week


new experi-every class brings teach very ences designed to w to think young students ho ideas, and s es pr creatively, ex ey learn apply the skills th and acms le to solve prob unique r Ou s. al complish go ental am nd fu s approach take and brings literacy concepts ildren by them to life for ch a story immersing them in come the be to t where they ge ptops used. main character. La



For boys and girls JK-SK entering GRADES


agination Brad Farmer of Im Tomorrow


s,, July 19-23 ayys da kd ek ee We 12:00 noon 10:00 am - 12


$120 for the week

! op! p e e B Bo

The Ttutorial Ccenter

For boys and girls entering GRADES SK-6

PDS opens its door s to the Memphis Community to shar our expertise in me e eting individual stud ent’s academic needs through our one-on-one tutorin g program. Our mission is to provide tutorial services to assist boys and girls in meeting their acad emic potential. All PDS students are welc ome to take advant age of the program; so me students may be required by their Division Head to participate in tuto ring at the Center .


Lou Ma artin, certified Handwriting Withou t Tears instructor, will tutor rising JK-3 grade in handwriting. Call Tutoring Cent er to set up.

INSTRUCTORs to be arranged. Al ice Parker is the direc tor.

Available Througho ut the summer by arrangement with Program Director Alice Parker.


To be a arranged.


Call A Alice Parker at 901.842.46 4677 or e-mail her at apar ker@ pdsmemphis.org


To b be arranged. Availabili ty between June 1 - Au gust 6.

Special Note The PDS Library will be ope n Tuesday afternoons: June 22, 29, July 13, 20, 27, and Aug ust 3 from 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm. PDS boys may take AR tests and/or check out and return books. A teacher will be present to assist.


Summer Offerings by Grade JUNIOR Kindergarten




Guitar Camp

Summer Fun Camp

Dennis Smith B-Ball Camp



Rev Up... for 3rd Grade


Summer Chess

Mandarin Chinese

Jumping into JK

Future Scientists

Running Camp

Summer Fun Camp

Mandarin Chinese

Digital Photos & Art Claymation

LEGO Mania Camp Star Wars It’s a Small World... Kinder Cooks

SENIOR KINDERGARTEN ITKids YogaKids Swinging into SK Summer Fun Camp LEGO Mania Camp Star Wars It’s a Small World... Taekwondo Dinosaur Camp Dennis Smith B-Ball Camp Kinder Cooks

FIRST GRADE Lacrosse Camp Golf Camp Super Summer Reading.. Handwriting Dinosaur Camp Kinderball LEGO Mania Camp Soaring into 1st Grade


SECOND GRADE Lacrosse Camp Golf Camp Summer Fun Camp

Summer Chess Future Scientists Video Game Creation

Sports Camp


LEGO Mania Camp

Lacrosse Camp

Dennis Smith B-Ball Camp

Camp Read-A-Lot


Summer Fun Camp

2nd Grade Magic

Sports Camp

Guitar Camp

Running Camp


Guitar Camp

Running Camp


Camp Read-A-Lot


Summer Chess

Bon Appetit! French Cooking

Future Scientists

Dennis Smith B-Ball Camp

Mandarin Chinese

Pottery: Fun with Clay Scupltures... Scrap Heap

THIRD GRADE Lacrosse Camp Golf Camp Summer Fun Camp Sports Camp Camp Read-A-Lot Pottery: Fun with Clay Scupltures... Scrap Heap Storytelling Bon Appetit! French Cooking

Advanced Laptop Learning Claymation Digital Photos & Art Leadership Camp Football Camp Reading/Math Portfolio Writing Video Game Creation Soccer Camp

fifth & sixth GRADES


Lacrosse Camp

Running Camp

Summer Fun Camp

Video Game Creation

Camp Read-A-Lot

Advanced Laptop Learning



Pottery: Fun with Clay

Digital Photos & Art

Sports Camp

Leadership Camp

Scupltures... Scrap Heap

Football Camp

Guitar Camp

Soccer Camp

Dennis Smith B-Ball Camp Reading/Math Portfolio

SEVENTH GRADE Pottery: Fun with Clay Scupltures... Scrap Heap Dennis Smith B-Ball Camp Claymation Digital Photos & Art

Summer Offerings by Week June 1-4 Lacrosse Camp Golf Camp Summer Chess

June 14-18 Lacrosse Camp Camp Read-A-Lot Super Summer Reading... Writing Pottery Handwriting Dinosaur Camp Lego Mania Camp Future Scientists Dennis Smith B-Ball Camp

Swinging into SK Second Grade Magic It’s a Small World...

June 28-July 2

PDS Sports Camp Storytelling

Sports Camp Running Camp Picture Perfect! Claymation

Soccer Camp Guitar Camp

Reading/Math Portfolio

May the Force Be with You

Video Game Creation

It’s a Small World...

Soaring into 1st Grade Taekwondo Yoga Kinder Cooks Mandarin Chinese Future Scientists

July 5-9 Dennis Smith B-Ball Camp

June 21-25

July 19-23

July 26-30 Leadership Camp Rev Up... for 3rd Grade Taekwondo Reading/Math Portfolio

August 2-6 Football Camp

July 12-16 Summer Fun Camp

Scupltures... Scrap Heap

Jumping into JK

Bon Appetit! French Cooking

Swinging into SK

Jumping into JK

Advanced Laptop Learning IT Kids


Presbyterian Day School ˜ SINCE 1949 ˜ 4025 Poplar Avenue • Memphis, Tennessee 38111-6622 901 842-4600 • www.pdsmemphis.org

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