PDX Parent March 2025

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Teen camp counselors pick up tons of real-world skills — and get to have tons of fun on the job, too.  By Sarah Carpenter. The Pro’s Guide to Signing Up for Summer Camps

Signing your kid up for summer camp can be daunting, but we’ve got helpful tips and tricks for you to get your child’s summer booked. By Courtney O’Leary.

If your tweens and teens aren’t quite ready to be camp counselors, these activities and camps will help add some structure to their summer. By Sarah Vanbuskirk.

The readers have spoken and picked their favorite local camps for 2025.

A new website that lets parents easily find school stats; your baby’s first dentist visit; a teen who created an app to help unhoused folks find an open shelter bed; and more.

The westside gets a new museum where kids can play and learn.

Family-friendly Salvadoran and Mexican favorites come to North Mississippi Avenue.

Go green at St. Patrick’s Day celebrations, march in the Portland Mardi Gras Parade and find family fun for zero dollars!

All moms are working moms. But for those who also work outside the home, jobs that are part-time, remote or have lots of flexibility are especially desired by more and more mothers.

By Denise Castañon.

22-23, 28-62

Parent Flex

It’s March and that means it’s time to plan for summer camps. (I would not be surprised if some parents out there already have several weeks scheduled.) But spring is the time to get all those sunny weeks booked, something that’s especially crucial for parents who work outside the home. If you’re new to the summer camp scene, we’ve got a really helpful story by Courtney O’Leary on page 18. She lists so many handy tips and tricks for signing your kids up for camp. And if your kids are starting to age out of summer camp, they might consider going the camp counselor route. Head to page 14 to read Sarah Carpenter’s lovely story on all the benefits of being a teen camp counselor. But if your tweens or teens aren’t quite ready to take on that kind of job, Sarah Vanbuskirk has some great ideas on page 20 to keep them from sleeping till noon every day.

Going back to working parents. I could not relate more to the story I wrote on flexible jobs on page 64. Many mothers are trying to find that elusive, almost mythical, thing called “work-life balance,” and the local parents featured in the story are switching jobs or building their own businesses to allow for the flexibility to be with their kids and earn income. Like everyone else here at PDX Parent, I work part time from home. And as a mom, it’s priceless. My husband is a super-capable, engaged parent, but as a teacher, he leaves for work before our kids are even awake. That means if one of our kids wakes up puking, I’m on duty — but with job flexibility I’m not worried about losing my job because I need to take care of my sick child. Several moms in the story echoed just how much a relief that is. And finally a big, heartfelt thank you to all the readers who voted in our 2025 PDX Parent Reader Favorites online poll! Readers cast more than 20,000 votes across all the categories. This month we are rolling out the winners in our Camps category on page 24. Check out the full list of winners at pdxparent.com/reader-favoriteswinners.

Flashback to when my “office mate” slept in a baby carrier and I worked during nap times and days my inlaws would take the kiddos.

Correction: In A Preschool Primer in February 2025, in the sidebar on page 11 we should have listed question No. 6 as “How are you able to accommodate and support students with disabilities?” Privately run child care centers must comply with Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act which states, “Centers cannot exclude children with disabilities from their programs unless their presence would pose a direct threat to the health or safety of others or require a fundamental alteration of the program.” We regret our error.

On Our Cover

We are so lucky that Portland is home to so many different kinds of summer camps. (Head to page 30 for pages and pages of listings!) A big thanks to Oregon Children’s Theatre for sharing this photo from their theater-arts centered summer camp program! Find out more about their offerings at octc.org.

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Gear Guide: Kids’ Sleeping Bags

Get your kiddos excited for overnight camp with a new sleeping bag. These picks will keep them cozy at night.

Big Agnes Little Red 20°

This warm, mummy bag includes a sleeve to accommodate a sleeping pad (sold separately) so squirmy little sleepers won’t roll off their pad in the middle of the night. Designed for kids up to four-feet, five-inches tall. $99.95. Available at bigagnes.com.

REI Co-op Kindercone 25

Kids’ Sleeping Bag

This water-repellent, mummystyle bag fits kids up to 5 feet tall. Rated for 25 degrees Fahrenheit, the sleeping bag has a built-in space adjuster that can shorten the bag to better fit your child and keep them toasty warm. Pro tip: The stuff sack is attached, so you know it will be coming back from camp with your kid. Available in three colorways. $69.95. Available at REI Co-op stores and rei.com

L.L.Bean Kids’ Puffer Sleeping Bag 40°

If your kiddo loves cushy comfort and doesn’t need a bag for below-freezing temperatures, the Puffer Sleeping Bag is a good choice. Roomy and extra comfortable, this bag fits kids up to 5-feet tall and also fully unzips to double as a blanket to snuggle up under during family movie nights. Available in two colorways. $79. At llbean.com

— Denise Castañon

Dad 101: Preschool Readiness

It feels like we just got our son into day care. It was quite the journey scouring websites, visiting places, meeting caregivers and filling out various forms. But I recently overheard some of our friends are already looking for preschools and touring places. My wife and I were surprised since the babies in our friend group (including our own) aren’t even 1-½-years old.

But he’s just a baby I begin to think as I read through news articles and preschool guides online. Do we also need to find a preschool now?!

The crushing reality of time’s relentless march runs through my mind. Soon, we will be talking about grade school, then college or what he wants to do next after school ends. But, I’m getting way ahead of myself. My guy still needs to master walking, so I think we can hold off on his alma mater.

As far as my preschool research, I’ve learned that kids generally start preschool between ages 3- to 5-years-old; however this is all relative to your little one. There are other things we must accomplish first, like potty training, communicating with others, and determining when he is ready for such a place.

Regardless, my partner and I will be including his doctor’s opinion, as well as his current day care providers — these people know him in a different way and will have an objective perspective that I’m sure will help us make the best choices for our son.

Matt Tuohy is a first-time dad living with his wife, son and dog in Northeast Portland. Outside of spending time with family, Matt enjoys exploring the outdoors as a nature photographer. Follow along as he learns on the job.


Ask Dr. Baynham: Pediatric Dentist Appointments

Q: When should I realistically make a first dentist appointment for my baby?

A: Cavities remain the most common chronic disease of childhood. Studies show that there are an increasing number of treated cavities, which means more children are accessing dental care — but it also means they are accessing care too late. The earlier good oral hygiene starts, the more benefits there are down the line.

The American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommend the first dental visit at age 1, or within six months of first tooth eruption. The first visit is important in establishing good brushing habits early (twice daily with fluoride toothpaste), applying fluoride varnish to help prevent

cavities, and establishing care with a dentist.

If your child experiences dental trauma, you are going to want to call your dentist first. Even seemingly levelheaded pediatrician moms can get stressed when their kid hits their mouth on the edge of the bathtub and there is so much blood you can’t even tell if a tooth is missing. That’s when you need your friendly pediatric dentist to tell you to give them a popsicle and reassess when the bleeding has stopped.

Early cavity detection and prevention has potential large cost savings down the line. Untreated cavities can lead to pain, local infection, ER visits and even systemic infections. Early cavities can be easily treated in the dentist’s office with a quick application of a topical medicine thus avoiding more invasive procedures, antibiotics, and time missed from work and school. One study found that children who had several cavities by age 5 were also more likely to have oral health problems and periodontal disease that persisted into adulthood.

Scheduling that first pediatric dental visit at age 1, or within 6 months of first tooth eruption, can help ensure your child has a happy, healthy smile and a lifetime prescription for (sugar-free) popsicles.

Pediatrician, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, Fellow in the American Academy of Pediatrics and mom of two, Allison Baynham, M.D., knows what it takes to raise healthy, resilient children. Come bond, share your struggles and team with her for great care at Metropolitan Pediatrics in Tigard.

Pay Attention: School Stats Online

The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) recently launched the Online Report Card, a web page that makes it much easier to find information about Oregon public schools. Bar graphs and line charts allow users to quickly digest data on the progress, stagnation or drops in student achievement across the state. Another helpful tool is located toward the bottom of the page. You can type in the name of any public school in the state and see a snapshot of data from that school. School demographics, attendance rates, vaccination percentage, teacher retention rate, student proficiency compared to district and state, and much more are all at your fingertips. It’s an incredibly helpful tool to learn more about your child’s school or a school you are considering sending your child to.

“The Online Report Card is a vital step toward advancing educational equity by making critical data more transparent and accessible to all,” said ODE Director Dr. Charlene Williams in a press release. “This tool equips families and community members with information that helps them to actively engage in our shared mission of supporting every student’s success. As someone passionate about the power of data, I am excited about the visualizations that make it easier for Oregonians to understand how our education system is serving students and where we must do better to ensure Oregon’s children thrive.” Find it at ode.state.or.us/apps/OregonReportCard. — D.C


Kid to Know: Shelter App Creator

Senior Claire Cao has been a student volunteer at the social services nonprofit Blanchet House for three years. It was there that she came up with her idea to make an app to help Portland’s unhoused community.

“I noticed that it was really difficult for people in need to access critical social services, and I wanted to do something to address this barrier,” says Cao, who attends Jesuit High School. “So, I began coding an app that serves as a resource hub so that people can hopefully access the services they need.”

Her app, ShelterBridge, went live last summer and lets users see real-time availability for beds at shelters, as well as resources such as hot meals, mental health and legal aid. There’s also a chat bot service. Cao combed online databases and worked with organizations to get the information she needed before coding the app.

Cao says that while she initially envisioned the app being most utilized by homeless folks, she recognizes that continued access to technology and WiFi can be challenging. Social workers, first responders, police and others can also use ShelterBridge to recommend services. “Recently, staff in the Multnomah County Library have been able to use it to direct people to social services,” says Cao.

Today, her app not only serves Portland-area shelters, and food and services organizations, but has expanded to Salem, Eugene, Coos Bay and five other U.S. cities.

“I’m really glad that ShelterBridge has been living up to its name, “bridging” the community together in support of each other.” Visit shelterbridge.org to learn more and download the app. — Tiffany Hill

Claire Cao’s app, ShelterBridge, won the Congressional App Challenge for Oregon’s first congressional district last fall. Her work with the app is currently on display at the U.S. Capitol.

In the Know: New PAM Gallery

If you’ve been to the Portland Art Museum (PAM) lately, you’ve noticed some major construction happening. In late January, PAM announced another exciting improvement: The museum is creating a dedicated gallery space specifically for Black art and experiences. Funding for this new project comes from a five-year grant from the 1803 Fund, a nonprofit dedicated to rebuilding and reinforcing historically Black communities in North and Northeast Portland.

Called the Black Art and Experiences gallery, the new space will open late this year, coinciding with the completion of PAM’s nearly 100,000 square-foot renovation and expansion project. The gallery will showcase works by local, regional and global Black artists, as well as special programming and performances. When open, families can find the new space on the first floor of the Jubitz Center for Modern and Contemporary Art (located in the Mark Building).

“We are deeply grateful to 1803 Fund for the support and recognition of PAM as a beacon for all of Portland’s diverse audiences and are thrilled for the opportunity to provide a platform for voices that have often been marginalized in the broader art world,” said Brian Ferriso, director of the Portland Art Museum, in a press release. — T.H.


Mom’s the Boss: The Franchise Guru

If you’ve worked up a sweat at barre3 or taken your kids for a haircut at Sit Still Kids, say a little thank you to Portland mom Amy Leclerc. She’s been the driver of franchise growth behind both companies. In her five years at barre3, from 2013 to 2018, the company went from three locations to 150 nationwide. She’s been the co-owner of Sit Still Kids since 2018, and the company has opened 26 locations across the country so far, with another 47 franchise locations sold. “The beauty of Sit Still is the uniqueness of our concept given most cities don’t have a lot of options when it comes to where to take your kids to get their hair cut,” says Leclerc. “It’s been extremely validating to see how Sit Still resonates with families all over the country.”

That concept means personalized appointments that cater to the varying needs of families and taking the time to understand each family’s goals and vision for their appointment — and consider any potential challenges. “We love to surprise and delight our clients — for parents, this means being offered cold brew, rosé or sparkling water,” she adds. “For kiddos, this means their favorite show playing on a tablet during their service, and let’s not forget the iconic lollipop on the way out the door!”

Leclerc also adds that the company takes a measured approach to growing the brand by working with the franchise owners to ensure they have the ability to open multiple locations within their markets. “This serves our company in several crucial ways and also makes for a very exciting and rewarding experience for our owners,” says Leclerc. “By owning multiple locations, they are able to really make an impact in their communities and build a legacy for their own children.” Find out more at sitstillkids.com. — D.C.

photo credit: Sam Gehrke



Best Job

When it comes to the teenage workforce, there’s no place like summer camp. Find out what kind of skills and joyful experiences your teen can pick up as a camp counselor.

Julia Barry is a senior at Grant High School in Northeast Portland. She likes reading, writing, and playing trumpet in the school’s jazz band. She just finished applying to colleges. And she has applied for a job as a camp counselor at Camp Westwind this summer and is waiting to hear if she has landed the job. Although Julia was hesitant at first to spend her last summer before college on the Oregon coast, away from home, she made her decision.

“I just know I’ll get a lot more out of being a counselor than doing the same thing I do at home the rest of the year — it’s such a unique experience you can’t get anywhere else,” she says.

Many Portland-area summer camps build upon a legacy of outdoor education, with a focus on wilderness survival or old-school camp traditions. Others are doing something totally new.

And the experience is just as enriching for the teen camp counselors as it is for the kids they guide. Here are the experiences, skills and all-around life lessons teens gain as counselors over the summer.


One of the most obvious benefits of wilderness-focused summer camps like Camp Westwind and Trackers Earth are the hands-on skills counselors and campers learn. While kids may use few of the esoteric skills like lock-picking, blacksmithing and wildlife tracking in everyday life, Trackers founder Tony Deis says there’s a level of competence and care in everything counselors and experienced campers do that transfers to life outside of camp. People from other camps echo this sentiment.

“Working in a tight knit community like that,” adds Camp Westwind Program Director


Laura Chase, “they hold you accountable to showing up each day and working hard. … I appreciated that from a young age — giving it my all every day because I knew other people were.”


Confidence is the No. 1 skill young people pick up on the job as a counselor. Perhaps this is because the camp environment is an especially supportive one.

“You can go in knowing nothing,” says Jess Ellefson, who started working for Portland Parks & Recreation (PP&R) at age 15, “and you feel fully supported.”

She says the job taught her to be responsible, and she learned other practical skills that boosted her confidence — how to project her voice, how to deploy “attention getters,” how to schedule out a day. Now 25 years old, Ellefson still works for PP&R — only now she’s instrumental in programming and curriculum decisions for the Southwest Community Center.

Chase, who left Camp Westwind for a life abroad before returning to become its program director, remembers taking her camp counselor skills with her to college. She felt comfortable presenting, working in group projects, advocating for her needs and talking to professors when things would come up. “It was the confidence of being able to figure things out,” she says.

“I feel pretty prepared,” says Julia as she awaits the results of her Camp Westwind counselor application. She took two leadership programs with Westwind that taught hands-on skills like conflict resolution and managing behaviors. And the assistant role she took on last summer helped her understand the transition she’d be making.

Work Experience

Any job will fill a line on your resume, but camp jobs seem to offer experiences that meaningfully equip alumni to channel their qualifications toward their next goal in life.

Reetu Agnihotri started volunteering at age 16 at Camp Yakety Yak, a special needs day camp in Lake Oswego, to fulfill a service requirement for Jesuit High School. Now she’s studying political science and psychology at Boston College and says, “I talk about my time at Camp Yakety Yak in every internship interview.”

By her second and third year volunteering at Camp Yakety Yak, Reetu had stepped up as an intern, where she focused on her interests, like writing the camp’s blog. Now, while working on her minor in marketing, Reetu says she talks about the marketing strategies she used for the blog, plus the collaboration and teamwork she learned from volunteering, to shape her resume. (Last summer was

the first year she didn’t volunteer with the camp because she was busy with a summer internship with the Oregon Department of Justice’s Bias Response Program.)

Another great bonus of working as a camp counselor: the pay. Most camps we researched offer a starting rate above minimum wage, even for the youngest hirees at entry-level roles. Some rates are harder to calculate, especially for overnight camps when the rates are weekly or daily, not hourly. But the overnight camps provide room and board, and there may be something to be said for making money while in an environment where you can’t spend it.

Grant senior Julia Barry has taken leadership programs at Camp Westwind and has applied to be a camp counselor there this summer.


Connection to Nature

Connecting to nature at a young age instills a deep-rooted love for the world around us, or as Trackers founder Tony Deis calls it, “the more-than-human world.”

Sustainability and stewardship are core values for outdoor camps. “We show campers the beauty of nature, first of all, and how cool it is to be in a pristine natural area so they have that understanding that, like, keeping areas like this is valuable,” says Julia. “I think it’s also so incredible for your mental health, spending an entire summer outside. It’s like a detox from normal life. … It narrows your world in a way, while also expanding it.”

Adaptability (and Lots of Fun)

When you’re dealing with nature, you already can’t control everything. And then you add the chaos that is children. “Nothing ever goes to plan ever,” says Julia. “You have to learn to roll with the punches.”

A passion for working with youth is a must. No waffling on this point. Teen counselors are in charge of younger kids without their parents around. “Hanging out with kids, you get to be a kid, but you have responsibility, which is a really good feeling, too,” says Julia. “You prove to yourself that you have the ability to take care of kids who have complex, individual, unique needs.”

After spending a summer learning what it takes to be a camp counselor, Julia is also realizing something about the counselors she looked up to, who always seemed like they were having so much fun: “None of it was fake, like, I am having as good of a time as they think I’m having.”

We’re happy to report that Julia will be spending her last summer before college at Camp Westwind, getting paid to do one of the best jobs ever on 529 acres of protected Oregon coastline. Yes, she got the job.

Now in college, Reetu Agnihotri started volunteering at age 16 at Camp Yakety Yak and says she talks about her experiences in every internship interview.

Jess Ellefson first started working at Portland Parks & Recreation as a teenage counselor and now works on programming and curriculum for PP&R’s Southwest Community Center.

Pro tips: Advice for finding a teen camp counselor gig

Your teen not feeling confident in their leadership skills? Look for training programs like Trackers Leader-in-Training camps, Camp Westwind’s Teen Leadership program, or Bird Alliance of Oregon’s Green Leaders school, a partnership with Hacienda CDC.

Yes, a parent can be a job reference! Jess Ellefson from PP&R says without her knowing, her dad contacted PP&R after she applied and told them he thought she would be really great at this job. She got the job, and her dad was right, she is good at it.

Does your teen want a test run? Some day camps like Camp Yakety Yak welcome short-term volunteers, so teens can choose to volunteer for a week and get an idea if this type of work is right for them without a huge commitment.

Does your teen love the outdoors, but is unsure about spending the whole summer outside? Look for day camps in the city — with Portland Parks & Recreation, for example, they could spend their days at the park and their nights in the comfort of their own home.

Wilderness just not your teen’s thing? There are specialized youth camps tailored to different interests: art camps, theater camps, STEAM camps, music camps, camps centered around religion and identity … search and you may find. Ask about job opportunities directly.

Sarah Carpenter is a writer and editor whose work has appeared in The Mountains, Cannabis Now and Saratoga Living magazines. She can be found trying to keep pace with her toddler in Portland’s Mt. Scott-Arleta neighborhood.




Pro Tips

The Pro’s Guide to Signing Up for Summer Camps

If you are new to signing up for summer camps, we’ve got helpful tips and tricks for you to get your child’s summer booked.

Summer camp planning is a whole new world for the initiate. Who knew that you’d be considering art versus archery for hot August days when spring break hasn’t even happened yet. Welcome to Portland’s quirky world of preparing for those sunny days while it’s still gray and cold. We don’t recommend waiting until the last minute to determine your plans, as many camps fill up quickly. Instead, read our tips and tricks on how to make the most of summer with camps that suit your scheduling needs, family budget, and children’s interests.


First up, do you need an all-day, every week camp for the entire summer, a week or two of day camp for a change of pace to your summer routine, or a few hours of occasional engagement and entertainment? From part time a few times a week to daily 8 am to 5 pm, there are camps that fit your exact needs.

• Have your kiddo practice putting on sunscreen and pack an easy-to-open bottle in their day pack!

• Be warned — your kid will be tired when you pick them up.

• If you have an open schedule and a kid with no strong preferences, it can pay off to wait until camps actually begin in June. There are often remaining spots in a few camps and most companies will offer discounts to fill those spaces, including Vibe of Portland and BaxterSports (pictured opposite page).

Conveniently, many camps have the option to add on earlier drop off or later pick up, to further facilitate your summer schedule. Pro tip: Consider drop off and pick up times, along with locations. Driving across the river during rush hour for a three-hour camp might not make the effort worthwhile (take it from us).

How to Apply

This is actually the easiest part of the process. Most camps have you register and pay online. You’ll fill out emergency contact forms, a form if your child needs an inhaler or medication, and note any specific needs your child may have.

One slightly confusing element is how to register the age of your child. Many camps are organized by grade level, not age, referring to the grade the child will go into, not the grade currently in or recently completed. For example, if your child will have completed second grade this June and will go into third grade in the fall of 2025, this is noted as a rising third grader, and you would register them for third-grade-appropriate camps.

Types of Camps

Find a huge range of summer camp options starting on page 30. While this list can be extensive and overwhelming, don’t fret — having all these choices is actually a good thing! You can usually find something in your neighborhood that is exactly what your child is interested in, from paintball to pottery. Camps tend to fall into the following categories: art, music and theater, sports, outdoors, and STEM/academic. You can do a variety of different choices or go all in on the area you know your kid will love. Start to narrow down your choices by thinking about your child’s needs. Are they shy and do better in smaller, intimate settings? Then perhaps a quieter art class or learning-focused STEM camp will suit them. Is your child running circles in the backyard and climbing the walls? Direct them to an outdoor parkour or indoor climbing camp to channel that energy.

Another option is to involve the kids in the decision-making process. Portland camp institution, Trackers Earth, has been offering their camps for 20 years and suggests reading camp descriptions together and talking about the adventures they’ll go on to get them excited.

Pro tip: Portland Public Schools (PPS) offers free, extensive summer programming every year. However, enrollment and participation in summer programming for PPS and Schools Uniting Neighborhoods (SUN) community schools are dependent on district priorities and often limited to invitation-only. Summer programming for PPS and SUN haven’t been finalized, as of press time, which makes it a good, last-minute option if you forget to book early, or need a back up. Your best bet to find out more info is to ask at your child’s school if there will be summer programming, if there is a fee and who is eligible.

Navigating Portland Parks & Rec

One of the best options for families is Portland Parks & Recreation (PP&R). Not only are they pretty affordable and located all over the city, but their refund policy is forgiving for schedules changes.

There’s only one drawback — everybody knows about it! The camps sell out quickly, so be ready to sign up, not just the day but the hour the camps go live. Set a calendar alert for May 15 at 9:30 am to sign up for June and July camps, as well as the Nature Day Camps. PP&R offers a second registration period to make it easier to secure a spot, with registration for July and August activities opening on June 12 at 9:30 am. Pro tip: The PP&R waitlist works! Even if you are tenth in line, you could find yourself getting a call from PP&R offering you a coveted spot, as people’s summer plans change. But be forewarned — you only have 24 hours to decide.

Families with rising kindergarteners will be pleased to know that PP&R is designing

programs specifically with younger participants in mind. As of press time, PP&R is also reviewing potential month-long options. Fingers crossed for both! Check portland.gov/ parks/recreation/summer-camps for more information.

Additional Ways to Save

Most week-long day camp fees range from $350 to $500 and up. A number of camps have early-bird pricing as incentive to get started on the summer planning now, providing the chance to save hundreds. Also, the majority of camps offer sibling discounts, so don’t be afraid to ask, even if it’s not posted!

One unique way to spend less money is also an interesting cultural exchange. UK Soccer offers a discount if you host one of their camp counselors for a week.

Thanks to the Parks Local Option Levy, Portland residents can receive a discount on Portland Parks & Recreation programs and activity fees through the Access Discount program, ensuring cost isn’t a barrier for participation.

Now you are officially a summer camp registration pro! Whatever you and your kiddo decide for camp activities, here’s to a fun-filled — and stress free — summer break.

Courtney O’Leary is a Southeast Portland mom of two boys and a giant Golden Retriever, and a copywriter for communication agencies. She’s rarely found without a journal, book, or plans for the weekend that involve food, nature and movement.



Summer Activities for

If your tweens and teens have aged out of traditional day camp, but still need some structure over the summer, check out these great options.

PP&R’s Teen Force

Children between the ages of 10 and 20 are eligible for the Portland Parks & Recreation’s Teen Force Pass. This free program allows youth to access a variety of activities and open swim sessions at six community centers in Portland. Kids need to register in person at Charles Jordan, East Portland, Matt Dishman, Montavilla, Mt. Scott (scheduled to reopen in the fall), or Southwest Community Center.

YMCA of Columbia-Willamette

Your teen or tween can participate in a range of activities, such as swimming, climbing, archery, hiking, excursions and leadership development. The Y focuses its teen programming on fostering confidence, interpersonal skills, team-building and other important life skills, while having all the traditional fun of camp. Kids can choose from a variety of locations in the Portland area. Five-night overnight camps happen weekly from Sunday to Friday, and start at $1,045.

Summer is right around the corner, beckoning with sun, fun, and lots of free time. Your middle-school and high-school-aged kids are probably counting down to the end of homework, finals, and getting up early. On the summer agenda: sleeping in and weeks upon weeks of time to “chill.”

Tweens and teens typically love their unstructured time — and it’s really good for them, especially if much of it is phonefree. But they also need activities to keep them busy, if only so they aren’t sleeping until noon or playing video games all day. Even better if these activities inspire new passions, develop new skills, or widen their circle of friends. Here are some enticing possibilities that are both fun and engaging for the mind and body.

Oregon Children’s Theatre

Tweens and teens can discover their inner thespian with a range of acting programs at Oregon Children’s Theatre (OCT, pictured above) designed for the older set. The Teen Acting Academy, for kids age 12 and up, offers advanced acting training, which can open up opportunities for joining OCT’s award-winning Young Professionals Company (for those 14 or older) and landing professional acting roles. Weeklong, half-day camps start at $260; week-long, full-day camps start at $520.

Tweens and Teens

NW Film Camp

Children 12 to 17 can learn the arts of storytelling and moviemaking at NW Film Camp’s Filmmaking Camps (pictured top right), which run weekly from 9 am to 2:30 pm. Experienced camp leaders guide students from the idea stage to scriptwriting to putting their vision on screen. Students will end their camp with a fully produced short film they will showcase for parents, caregivers and other supporters. Rates for each week of camp are $450.

Trackers Earth

Tweens and teens can find a huge array of unique activities and skill-building opportunities at Trackers Earth’s Portland branch, which has several locations in town. These programs include classes, camps, overnight camps and apprenticeships. Kids can choose between blacksmithing (pictured bottom right), archery, foraging, leadership, fort-building, wildcrafts, boating, fishing, hiking, climbing and many more activities. Camps run weekly, typically from 9 am to 3 pm. Start times and schedules vary depending on the activity. Rates begin at $485 and up.

Multnomah County Library System’s Tween and Teen Councils

Kids age 9 and up can get involved with their local library by joining the Multnomah County Library system’s Tween and Teen Councils. The Tween Council is for kids 9 to 12. The Teen Council is for middle and high school students. Participants meet regularly to work with library staff to improve services that benefit their community. Tweens and teens can sign up on a rolling basis for this free program. Members meet twice a month and can earn volunteer hours.

Sellwood Community House Tween and Teen Program

The Sellwood Community House Tween and Teen program offers a robust variety of activities for area youth. Programming focuses on leadership building, community service, mentorship, civic engagement, fostering confidence and enhancing social skills. Kids can sign up for activities like baking, upcycling clothing, helping lead classes for younger kids, and self-defense. From June to August. Classes range in price (some are free) and length (from single sessions to weekly classes).

Sarah Vanbuskirk is a Portland-based writer, editor and mom of five kids.



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Photo by Jingzi Zhoo

Reader Favorites:

The results are in! We’re rolling out the first batch of the 2025 PDX Parent Reader Favorites winners. This month we’re announcing the winner in our Camps category. Thanks to readers who took the time to vote.



Winner OMSI - Oregon Museum of Science & Industry

Multiple locations, Omsi.edu/camps

Kids who dig science and the natural world will have a blast at either of OMSI’s two overnight camp locations: Camp Hancock in Fossil, Oregon and Camp Gray on the Oregon Coast. Desert survival, paleontology and surfing are a few of the overnight themes to choose from. OMSI also offers a backpacking camp in which campers sleep in tents.

Top 5

Camp Howard

Camp Namanu

Camp Tilikum

Camp Two Roads

Trackers Earth Portland



Winner Children’s Healing Art Project (CHAP)

920 Lloyd Center, Chappdx.org

One of the best creative outlets for kiddos who have an illness, disability or special needs is Children’s Healing Art Project, better known as CHAP. This repeat PDX Parent Reader Favorites winner fosters the healing power of art with weekly art club gatherings (also available online on Zoom), quarterly themed art boxes, summer art workshops and more.

Top 5

Owl and Bee Clay Company

PDX Preschool of the Arts & The Hangout

Tucker Arts Camp

Vibe of Portland

Whimsy Wees Art Studio


Winner The Circuit Bouldering Gym

Multiple locations, Thecircuitgym.com

Billing itself as the original Pacific Northwest bouldering gym, the Circuit Bouldering Gym (with three greater Portland-area locations) cultivates a community of strength and empowerment through its indoor rock climbing set up. In addition to more than 200 routes for climbers, the gym offers youth and adult classes, after-school clubs, birthday parties, and summer and winter camps.

Top 5

The Movement Park Parkour Visions

Portland Rock Gym

Revolution Parkour

Skyhook Ninja Fitness


Winner Oregon Ballet Theatre

Multiple locations, Obt.org

Through beloved annual performances like the Nutcracker, Oregon Ballet Theatre’s professional and student dancers enliven Portland stages. Dancers as young as 3 can learn classical techniques from world class instructors. The organization also offers youth workshops.

Top 5


Classical Ballet Academy

The Everybody Dance Project

NW Dance Project

The Portland Ballet


Winner Trackers Earth Portland

Multiple locations, Trackerspdx.com

Trackers is nearly synonymous with summer camp in Portland. The established outdoors camp — and repeat PDX Parent Readers Favorites winner — immerses kids in age-appropriate outdoor survival skills, archery, paddling, woodworking and much more. There’s also a variety of camp options from no-school day camps to overnight summer camps.

Top 5

Friendly House

Mittleman Jewish Community Center

North Clackamas Parks & Recreation Department

Oregon Episcopal School

Sellwood Community House


Winner Oregon Humane Society

1067 NE Columbia Blvd., Oregonhumane.org

Animal-loving kiddos will have a blast at the Oregon Humane Society’s summer camps. Campers learn about animal welfare, do arts and crafts, play games, and of course, interact with the society’s dogs, cats and other small mammals. Even better, camps are designed and age-appropriately grouped for students in third to eighth grades.

Top 5

French Hill Farm

River Ranch

Royal Ridges

Triskelee Farms

Wilsonville Equestrian Center


Winner The Children’s Gym


Winner Mt. Hood Kiwanis Camp

83500 Kiwanis Camp Rd., Rhododendron, Mhkc.org

This beloved organization offers the best parts of summer camp — a tranquil outdoor environment, supportive counselors and fun activities and experiences — and makes it accessible, inclusive and enriching for children with disabilities. Campers have the opportunity to zipline, ride a horse, swim and more during their various camping programs. And for prospective campers, there’s also Family Camp: an overnight camp experience with family to introduce them to camp.



BB360 (formerly B’nai B’rith Camp)

Camp Yakety Yak

Easterseals Oregon

Spectra Gymnastics

Tucker Arts Camp

1625 NE Sandy Blvd., Childrensgym.com

Founded in 1984, the Children’s Gym offers youth gym classes, camps, events, activities and even child care! And there’s a class for everyone at this Northeast gym, from 12-month-olds to 14-year-olds. They also host birthday parties!


Winner Adventures in


Multiple locations, Adventuresinspanish.org

For families who want their kids to be bilingual in English and Spanish, Adventures in Spanish is the place to enroll. Whether your child is a beginner, or already hears Spanish at home or school, the school’s interactive preschool, and camps and classes, will help them learn Spanish. Classes utilize songs, play time and engaging activities to also foster an understanding and appreciation of Latin culture.

Top 5

Camp Abenteuer

International Leadership Academy

International School of Portland

Kids Like Languages

L’Etoile French Immersion School


Winner Music Together of Portland

Multiple locations, Musictogether-pdx.com

Repeat winner Music Together of Portland offers families a chance to play and bond while singing and dancing together. With classes for babies to 8-year-olds, you’ll find the right class for your kiddo at one of their six locations.

Top 5

Backbeat Music Academy

Ethos Music Center

The Musikry

Oregon Repertory Singers

School of Rock

Top 5

Echo Theater Company

The Little Gym Lake Oswego

OMEGA Gymnastics

Oregon Gymnastics Academy

Westside Dance & Gymnastics Academy


Winner Trackers Earth Portland

Multiple locations, Trackerspdx.com

Building fires, animal tracking, camouflage and foraging for food are just a few of the wilderness survival skills your kid can pick up at a Trackers Earth outdoor camp. Pro tip: If your kiddo is crazy about animals, be sure to check out the Wilders camp where they hang out with farm animals and learn farmsteading skills.

Top 5

Bird Alliance of Oregon Camp Two Roads

Cascade Pacific Council of Scouting America (formerly Boy Scouts of America)

Friends of Tryon Creek Girl Scouts of Oregon/SW Washington


Winner Northwest Children’s Theater

Multiple locations, Nwcts.org

At Northwest Children’s Theater’s summer camps, kids ages 4 to 14 can find a camp that helps them hone their singing, dancing or acting chops. From Percy Jackson to Wicked, the themes of the performance camps will get kids excited for their time in the spotlight. Pro tip: NWCT offers summer camps at four locations in the Portland metro area.

Top 5

Broadway Rose Theatre Company

Echo Theater Company

Imagine Theatre

Oregon Children’s Theatre

Portland Drama Club


Winner OMSI - Oregon Museum of Science & Industry

Multiple locations, Omsi.edu/camps

OMSI has been offering kids’ camps since the ’50s and like the museum, the focus is always on science — but with a totally fun approach. From crime scene forensics to kitchen chemistry to caring for exotic animals, science-loving kids will learn loads at OMSI day and overnight camps.

Top 5

Code Ninjas

Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum

Experiment PDX

Journey to STEAM

Saturday Academy


Winner Northwest Children’s Theater


Winner Soccer Shots

Multiple locations, Pdx.soccershots.com

Kids ages 4 to 8 can kick it up at Soccer Shots camps. During the half-day camp, coaches focus on individual soccer development, team-building, character development, and coordination, balance and agility in a positive and non-competitive environment.

Top 5

Baxter Sports


Rose City Futsal Skyhawks Sports Academy

Stronger Skatepark

The Judy, 1000 SW Broadway, T-100 and The Reser, 12625 SW Crescent St, Beaverton, Nwcts.org

When you need to work during chilly winter break or soggy spring break, there’s no better place for your kids to be than in the theater! At least that’s what our readers think.

Northwest Children’s Theater offers winter- and spring-break theater arts camps at two locations for ages 4 to 14.

Top 5

Baxter Sports Echo Theater Company

Oregon Children’s Theatre

Tualatin Hills Parks & Recreation District

Vibe of Portland



Brainbox Science

We make real science really fun with imaginative STEAM camps that offer a user's guide to the mind. Kids play games, design experiments, solve mysteries, and tackle creativityinspiring challenges. We have something for everyone, from Zombie Survival Quest to The Science of Feelings. Dive into brain science and critical thinking adventures! Air-conditioned camps run 9 – 3, extended hours available.

Cost: $450/week (discounts available)

Registration Information: Open until full

Dates: Jun 16-Aug 22

Ages: Grades 2 - 6

Camp location: 1253 Lloyd Center, Portland, OR 97232 brainboxscience.com hello@brainboxscience.com 971-930-0303

International School of Portland Language Immersion Summer Camp

Enjoy a world of fun at our awardwinning language immersion summer camp! Spanish, Chinese, or Japanese language and culture come to life through hands-on projects, outdoor fun, and more!

Cost: $650-$800 per TWO WEEK Session

Registration Information: intlschool. org/summer

Dates: Jun 23-Aug 1

Ages: 3-11

Camp location: 2305 S Water Ave., Portland OR 97201

S Waterfront/Downtown intlschool.org/summer summer@intlschool.org



Old McDonald’s Farm, Inc.

The Jr. Vet. Baby Piglet Program

Learn to feed and maintain the health of a baby piglet. Learn the diagnostic plan Veterinarians use to treat illnesses. Want to be a Vet.? This is your class! Our Bus meets close in east side.

Cost: $309 + our OMF, Inc. Bus

Registration Information: No Registration Deadline But The Classes Fill!

Dates: Jr. Vet. Baby Piglet Program-Jun 16-19

Ages: 4th-10th grades




PJA Summer Discovery

Open to everyone! Explore your creativity, discover your talents, nurture your curiosity and broaden your horizons at PJA's Summer Discovery program. PJA offers enriching classes from experienced, professional teachers.

Cost: $265-$285

Registration Information: Register online at pjaproud.org/ summer

Dates: Jul 7-Aug 1

Ages: 4-15

Camp location: 6651 SW Capitol Hwy., Portland, OR 97219 pjaproud.org/summer cllanez@pjaproud.org


Precollege Programs

Spend a week at Lewis & Clark sharpening your skills in writing, debate, entrepreneurship, theater, health leadership, or data journalism—learning from experts on one of the nation’s most beautiful campuses.

Registration Information: see individual camp

Dates: Jun 15-Jul 25

Ages: rising 9-12 grade

Camp location: Lewis & Clark College 615 S Palatine Hill Rd., Portland, OR 97219 college.lclark.edu/precollege-programs summercamps@lclark.edu

Kindergarten Readiness Summer Camp

A summer camp led by experienced teachers, combining structured learning with thematic activities and outdoor play. Children build early literacy, math, and school readiness skills to prepare for kindergarten!

Cost: $399 Early Bird (before May 1), $449 Regular. Each additional week: $349 Early Bird, $399 Regular

Registration Information: Spaces are limited! Reserve your spot today at tullistutoring.com.

Dates: Imagination & Creation: Jun 23–27, Animal Planet: Jul 14–18, Construction Zone: Jul 21–25, A Bug’s Life: Jul 2 –Aug 1, The Great Outdoors: Aug 4–8, Lights & Illumination: Aug 11–15, Farm Frenzy Aug 18–22. Mon–Fri, 8 am–1 pm. Extended care available from 1 pm–2:30 pm for $75 per week Ages: 4-6

Camp Location: Eastside Jewish Commons, 2420 NE Sandy Blvd., Portland, OR 97232 tullistutoring.com sari@tullistutoring.com 971-285-6801


Trackers Earth

Explore Trackers Earth's award-winning camps! Kids embark on outdoor adventures, make friends, and learn new skills with expert Guides. Early registration discounts available! 2025 PDX Parent Winner! Best Outdoor, Day Camp & Active After-School Program! Choose from Basecamp (onsite) or Adventure (mobile): Stealth, Archery & Wilderness Survival, Fishing, Boating & Outdoor Cooking, Animals, Farms & Wild Plants, Role-Playing Games, Secret Agents & Wizards, Woodworking, Pottery & Blacksmithing, Grade 6-12 Leader-in-Training (LIT) Programs

Cost: $485 Week, Day Camp Studio (Onsite) - $648 Week, Day Camp (Mobile) - $878 Week, Overnight - $158 Week, Day Camp Leader-in-Training (LIT)

Registration Deadline: Ongoing

Dates: Jun 16-Aug 29

Ages: Grades K-12

Camp location: Day Camp - Portland: NE Portland - Lloyd, SE PortlandSellwood, W Portland - Cedar Hills, Day & Overnight Camps - Sandy, OR trackerspdx.com/youth/camps/summercamp




Art World School

4 Schedule Options offered with different package options and flexible scheduling. Early Bird discount available. Different weekly themes with Drawing/Painting, Clay, Arts & Crafts, Yoga, STEM, Calligraphy, Digital Art, Mixed Media, and outside play time offered daily. Different classes for different age groups between 4 to 14. Each day also includes Studio Art time where students can choose their own projects.

Cost: Starting at $54/Day

Registration Information: artworldschool. com/summer-camp

Dates: Jun 16–Aug 22

Ages: 4 and Up

Camp location: 18335 NW West Union Rd., Ste. 5-E, Portland, OR 97229




Cake Camp

Learn & create this summer at cakedecorating camp! Design your dream cake, practice skills with fondant, buttercream, & professional tools, then execute your vision on a cake to share with family & friends!

Cost: $325 with a discount for multiple registrations

Dates: Mondays-Thursdays in July & August

Ages: Kindergarten and up Camp location: Cake Hoopla 7173 SW Dartmouth St., Tigard, OR 97223 cakehoopla.com/collections/summercake-camps hey@cakehoopla.com 971-610-6530


Creative Reuse

Tailored for young artists and inventors who revel in bringing their ideas to life, Camp SCRAP is a haven for creativity and innovation. Through activities centered around creative reuse, upcycling, and resourceful crafting, campers embark on a journey of exploration and selfexpression. At SCRAP, projects aren’t just about creation—it's about repurposing, reinventing, and reimagining, all while having a blast!

Registration Information: Register Online: portland. scrapcreativereuse.org/CampSCRAP

Dates: May-Aug

Ages: 7-14

Camp location: SCRAP's New Location: 619 SE 6th Ave., Portland, OR 97214 portland.scrapcreativereuse.org/ Camp-SCRAP

PDXedu@scrapcreativereuse.org 503-294-0769

Fine Art Summer Clay Camp

This Fine Art Ceramic Sculpting

Camp focusing on creative thinking and diverse building techniques in clay. Working along side a master ceramicist and other like minded art kids the camp provides a mentor based learning environment while building fun creative connections.

Cost: $375

Dates: Jun-Aug

Ages: 7-10 and 9-13

Camp location: 3522 NE Liberty St., Portland, OR 97211

Located blocks from the Kennedy School and Fernhill Park. thewrightclay.com paige@thewrightclay.com 406-544-7472


Fine Art Starts

Join us in our magically-treed location. Fun, top-notch full & half day camps!

Drawing, painting, digital art, manga & comics, pottery & clay! Small groups, quality materials, skilled staff. Stepby-step lessons, then self-directed exploration. Artists learn skills to balance with their own ideas to make unique art (not crafts). New projects & art shows each week! Payment plans & financial aid available.

Cost: $180-$380

Registration Information: Use discount code PDX10 for 10% off all camps. Expires 3/31. Extended care available. Financial assistance available.

Dates: Jul 7-Aug 8

Ages: 5-14

Camp location: Green Sanctuary and Forest Hall at WHUUF 8470 SW Oleson Rd., Portland, OR 97223 fineartstarts.org fineartstarts@gmail.com 503-740-8220

Gilchrist Art Camp

Our goal is to give kids the best week of their summer! Campers will explore endless creativity with constant messy fun! Join us for a magical summer!

Cost: $450

Registration Information: online Dates: Jun 9-Aug 29

Ages: 4.5-12

Camp location: Located just east of HWY 217 off the Allen exit. A quick access from both Highway 26 and Interstate 5!

gilchristartcamp.com info@gilchistartcamp.com

Hey! Happy Makers Summer Camp

HHM summer camps foster fun, friendships, and creativity in small groups. Kids explore paint, clay, and mixed media, building skills through themed projects that spark imagination and artistic adventure.

Cost: $425

Registration Information: Register online

Dates: Jun 16-Aug 15

Ages: 6-12

Camp location: Hey! Happy Makers Studio, 2751 NE Broadway St., Portland OR 97213

heyhappymakers.com paola@heyhappymakers.com 971-337-0765

One River School Summer Camps 2025

One River School offers the ultimate creative summer camp experience! With 90+ weekly camps, kids & teens can explore painting, drawing, street art, design, & animation. Choose from half-day or full-day options!

Cost: $365.00-$425.00

Registration Information: Use the code CAMP50 for $50.00 off Dates: Jun 16-Aug 29

Ages: Grades K-12

Camp location: One River School of Arts & Design 15010 Bangy Rd., Lake Oswego, OR 97223

lakeoswego.oneriverschool.com/camps lakeoswego@oneriverschool.com 503-606-8861

Pacific Northwest College of Art Pre-College Summer Intensives

Pre-College Summer Intensives are compressed, two-week programs taught by professional artists and designers at PNCA’s state-of-the-art labs and studios. Learn more online or find PNCA Pre-College on Instagram @ pnca_precollege.

Cost: $2,250-Scholarships Available! Registration Information: Registration closes two weeks prior to program start date

Dates: Foundation Intensive: Jul 7-18, Jul 21-Aug 1. Design + Creative Technology Intensive: Aug 4-15

Ages: 14-18

Camp location: 511 NW Broadway, Portland, OR 97209 pnca.willamette.edu/academics/precollege-programs pnca-community-education@ willamette.edu

PAM CUT Summer Camps

Whether you’re an artist, storyteller, or creative thinker ready to shake things up, PAM CUT // Center for an Untold Tomorrow invites you to explore what’s new and next in the world of media arts. PAM CUT Summer Camps let kids express their creativity through DJing, stop-motion animation, podcasting, and more! Get $50 off if you register by April 7.

Ages: 8-14

Camp location: 934 SW Salmon St., Portland, OR 97205 portlandartmuseum.org/colaboratory colaboratory@pamcut.org 503-276-4352

Summer Arts and Activity Camps

Our summer camp is a great place for your child to hang out and learn during the summer while still having tons of fun. Each week has a different theme. Campers participate in arts and crafts, nature walks, critical thinking activities, and field trips.

Dates: Jun 16-Aug 22

Ages: 6-10

Camp location: 1150 SW 170 Ave., Ste 100, Beaverton, OR 97006 craftymindz.com/summer-camp create@craftymindz.com 503-516-8525

Tucker Arts Camp

Over eight weeks, children in preschool through fifth grade will explore music, visual arts, theater, and more! Our beautiful campus in SE Portland offers a large organic garden, tree house studio, goats, and gym. There is plenty of space for inspiration from the natural world and fun in the summer sun. Air-conditioned studios; 8:30-2:30 plus aftercare until 5:30 PM available.

Cost: $399/week if you register before Apr 15. $439/week after Apr 15. Registration Information: April 15 for early bird rate!

Dates: Jun 23-Aug 15

Ages: 4-12

Location: 2860 SE Holgate Blvd., Portland, OR 97202 tuckermaxon.org/tuckerartscamp camp@tuckermaxon.org 503-235-6551

Vibe Summer Camps

Discover Vibe of Portland's inspiring summer art camps!

Led by highly skilled teaching artists, our camps prioritize the creative process, including camps for rising kindergarteners. Through hands-on exploration, delve into various art forms, foster self-expression and growth. Offering scholarships for families at Title 1 schools and BIPOC backgrounds, ensuring accessibility. Join us for a transformative summer of artistic discovery!

Cost: $347-425

Registration Information: vibepdx.org/ summer-camps

Dates: Jun 16- Aug 29

Ages: 5 and up

Camp location: 7414 SE 52nd Ave. | 6520 N Salem Ave. | 5830 NE Alameda St. | 11111 NE Knott St. vibepdx.org music@vibepdx.org 503-560-3592

YMCA of ColumbiaWillamette Unforgettable Summer Awaits!

YMCA Summer Camps help kids explore, learn, and belong through exciting activities that build friendship and leadership. Serving the Portland metro and SW Washington areas with day camps, STEM, arts, enrichment, and overnight adventures at YMCA Camp Collins. Spots fill fast—register today! Learn more: ymcacw.org/camp Registration Information: ymcacw.org/ camp

Ages: 4-18

Camp location: Battle Ground, Ridgefield, Vancouver, Beaverton, Camp Collins, Clackamas, Hillsboro, Oregon City, McMinnville, Portland, Sherwood, Tigard, West Linn, and Wilsonville. ymcacw.org/camp marketing@ymcacw.org 503-223-9622



Camp Rockstar

Sign your kids up to climb in a fun, social environment led by our instructors, where they will problem-solve and build confidence on and off the wall.

Cost: $400

Registration Information: thecircuitgym. com

Dates: Jun-Aug

Ages: 6-12

Camp location: Multiple LocationsCheck our Website for more information. thecircuitgym.com info@thecircuitgym.com


Parkour Summer Camps

Nature-Adventure Parkour Camp.

Speed & Obstacle Coursing CampYour kids can build confidence & creativity with fun games, physical challenges, obstacle courses, and training from expert coaches with thousands of hours of parkour experience. Your kids will learn safety skills that will stay with them for life! Young Filmmakers? Don't miss our...|--Lights Camera Action Camp-|. 15% Early bird discount until March 16th.

Cost: $280-$600

Ages: 4-18

Camp location: Mt. Tabor Park, Irving Park, Grant Park, Westmoreland Park & Elk Rock Island parkourvisions.org/summer-camps/ pdxparent classes@parkourvisions.org 206-923-8864


Aerial Dance Camp

Our aerial dance camps are designed for a variety of levels and ages on a variety of aerial apparatus.

Cost: $175-$350

Registration Deadline: Jun 1

Dates: Jun & Jul

Ages: 5-18

Camp Location: Aerial Dance PDX Studio located in Beaumont Village on NE Fremont 503-935-7752

info@aerialdancepdx.com aerialdancepdx.com

Dance Camp

Princess Camp is based on the fairy tales we all love, and include daily special performances and visits from fairy tale characters. Dance Camp includes instruction in ballet, tap, jazz!

Cost: $150-$240

Registration Information: junetaylorschoolofdance.com/summerprogram. Registration deadline: Prince & Princess Dance & Art Camp: Jun 30. Deadline for Dance Camp: Aug 4.

Dates: Princess Camp: Jul 14-Jul 17; Dance Camp: Aug 18-Aug 22

Ages: Princess Camp: 3-6; Dance Camp: 7-12

Camp location: June Taylor's School of Dance 19318 SW Mohave Ct., Tualatin, OR 97062




Everybody Dance Project Dance Camps

The Everybody Dance Projects summer camps offer fun themes each week along with learning the fundamentals of ballet and tumbling. Campers learn a routine to perform at the end of the week! Camp hours are 8:45am-1:30pm, with aftercare offered 1:30-3:30pm.

Cost: $325

Register Online: everybodydanceproject. com

Dates: Jun 16-Aug 15

Ages: 3-10

Camp location: We offer camps at our SE location: 3132 SE 65th Ave. and our NE location: 2620 NE Fremont St. everybodydanceproject.com/summercamps info@everybodydanceproject.com 503-560-5860

Oregon Ballet Theatre School

Dance with OBT School this summer! We offer a variety of programs for ages 3-14, including pre-ballet and ballet classes, themed camps, and a Junior Intensive exploring different dance styles.

Cost: $118-$1,878 depending on program Registration Information: school.obt.org/ summer-programs

Dates: Jun-Aug

Ages: 3-14

Camp location: Oregon Ballet Theatre's studios on the south waterfront. 720 S Bancroft St., Portland, OR 97239 school.obt.org/summer-programs schoolofobt@obt.org 503-227-6890

Summer dance classes, camps, & intensives

Have fun while working on your technique! Offering classes, camps, & intensives in ballet, contemporary, jazz, & hip hop. Children's story ballet camps, too! Join us for one week or more.

Cost: Varies

Registration Information: classicalballet.net

Dates: Jun 16-Aug 22

Ages: 3 and up

Camp location: 5515 SE Foster Rd., Portland, OR. 97206





Ekone Ranch Summer Camp

At Ekone Ranch, our approach to horsemanship emphasizes the special relationship between children and horses. Days are spent outside, doing projects, and exploring the forests, grasslands, and canyons of the East Cascades. In small sessions with high staff-tocamper ratio, campers build supportive community with both humans and animals. Kids come home feeling confident and ready to tackle new things!

Cost: $900-$1400

Registration Information: ekone. org

Dates: Jun-Aug

Ages: 8-18

Camp location: Goldendale, WA ekone.org

summercamp@ekone.org 509-773-4536


Residential sessions throughout June and July focused on:




Apply now and learn about $20K scholarship funds available to campers who choose to attend L&C!


Horse Camp

WEC has a long standing tradition of bringing each young rider to a better understanding of their stewardship of their equine partner. With a riding lesson every day and lots of horsemanship topics. We strive to bring quality teaching and fun together.

Cost: $475

Dates: all summer

Ages: 5 and up

Camp location: Wilsonville Equestrian Center 24040 SW 82nd Ave., Tualatin OR 97062 wecriding.com marenw1@hotmail.com


Old McDonald’s Farm, Inc.

The Summer Program

Learn to ride a horse or pony, plant in the garden, care for & learn from 33 Farm Program animals, etc. Keep up on reading, writing and other academic lessons too. Our Bus meets close in east side.

Cost: $299 + our OMF, Inc. Bus

Registration Information: No Registration Deadline But The Classes Fill!


The Summer Program Session

1, “Baby Lamb & Sheep” Week, June 23-27

The Summer Program Session 2, “Scalloway” Mini. Horse Week, July 21-25

The Summer Program Session 3, “Cambria” Welsh Pony Week, July 28-Aug 1

The Summer Program Session 4, “J.P. Morgan” Horse Week, Aug 4-7

The Summer Program Session 5, “Johannes” Dachshund Dogger Week, Aug 11-14

Ages: 2nd-6th grades

OldMcDonaldsFarm.org omf@OldMcDonaldsFarm.org 503.695-3316

River Ranch Summer Equestrian Day Camp

River Ranch is offering weekly Day Horse Camps and Half Day Pony Camps from June through August. Children will learn to care for, lead, groom and tack their Horse or Pony. Riding instruction in flatwork and equitation and safety techniques for all children is taught. Horses and equipment provided. Small groups so all Horse Campers have a horse to love!

Cost: $220-$450

Dates: Jun 16-Aug 22

Ages: 5-14

Camp location: 16000 NE Eilers Rd., Aurora, OR 97002




Spring & Summer Horse Riding Day Camps

Beginning to Advanced Horse Riders classes for ages 3-8, 9-14, and 15-18 youth. Horsemanship, grooming, equitation English, Jumping, Western covered. Riding twice daily. Several Spring & Summer Camps to choose from. Horse Riding Day Camp Beginner to Advanced Riders welcome. Grooming, tacking, riding English or Western fun!

Cost: $310.

Registration Information: Beginning to Advanced Dates: Mar-Aug

Ages: 8-18

Camp location: Hillsboro, Oregon herroldstables.com/riding-camps HerroldStables@yahoo.com 971-235-4529

Triskelee Farm

Learn about farm jobs like milking goats, animal care, and gardening. We’ll spend the day outside connecting with nature, tasting what the farm has to offer and making new friends.

Cost: $300

Registration Information: triskeleefarm.com/school-%26-camps

Dates: Jun-Aug

Ages: 6+

Camp location: 29700 SW Mountain Rd., West Linn, OR 97068 triskeleefarm.com/school-%26-camps triskeleefarm@gmail.com 503-741-9930


NW Film Camp

Step into a world where imagination comes to life. Explore the art of storytelling through filmmaking in a fun, supportive environment led by industry professionals. Creator Camp (Ages 8-11) Explore making videos, stop-motion, animation and sound design! Filmmaking Camps (Ages 12-17) Go from script to screen, mastering the filmmaking process with expert guidance. Limited Space, Enroll Today!

Cost: $499-$699

Dates: Jul-Aug

Ages: 8-11 & 12-17

Camp location: Portland West: 4033 SW Canyon Rd., Portland Portland East: 2305 SE 82nd Ave., Portland

Vancouver: 600 Hatheway Rd., Vancouver nwfilmcamp.com/portland admin@nwfilmcamp.com 206-747-2370

Parkour Summer Camps

NatureAdventure Parkour Camp. Speed & Obstacle Coursing Camp Your kids can build confidence & creativity with fun games, physical challenges, obstacle courses, and training from expert coaches with thousands of hours of parkour experience. Your kids will learn safety skills that will stay with them for life! Young Filmmakers? Don't miss our...|--Lights Camera Action Camp--|. 15% Early bird discount until March 16th.

Cost: $280-$600

Ages: 4-18

Camp location: Mt. Tabor Park, Irving Park, Grant Park, Westmoreland Park & Elk Rock Island parkourvisions.org/summer-camps/ pdxparent classes@parkourvisions.org 206-923-8864


Alliance Française Summer Camps

Paris comes to Portland at the Alliance Française! Learning French is FUN with theater, games, arts & crafts, plenty of movement, and interactive lessons. For all levels of French!

Cost: $376-$470/week

Dates: Jun 23-Aug 22

Ages: 6-17

Camp location: The Historic Kamm House, 1425 SW 20th Ave., Ste 102, Portland, OR 97201 afportland.org info@afportland.org


ILA Summer Camp 2025

Join us for an unforgettable summer at International Leadership Academy, where adventure, learning, and leadership come together! ILA Summer Camps provide continuity in language and culture, with instruction in both French and English. French proficiency is not required. Sessions include Cooking, Arts and Crafts, Robotics, Science, Dance, Yoga, Movie Making and more! Don’t miss out—secure your spot today!

Cost: $440/week

Registration Information: mytads.com/a/international leadershipacademysummercamp

Dates: Jun 24-Aug 22

Ages: 3-12

Camp location: The camp takes place on site at ILA 14788 Boones Ferry Rd., Lake Oswego, OR 97035 ilapdx.org/summer-camp-2025 contact@ilapdx.org


International School of Portland Language Immersion Summer Camp

Enjoy a world of fun at our award-winning language immersion summer camp! Spanish, Chinese, or Japanese language and culture come to life through hands-on projects, outdoor fun, and more!

Cost: $650-$800 per TWO WEEK Session

Registration Information: intlschool.org/ summer

Dates: Jun 23-Aug 1

Ages: 3-11

Camp location: 2305 S Water Ave., Portland OR 97201

S Waterfront/Downtown intlschool.org/summer summer@intlschool.org 503-226-2296

PreK-5th grade | June – July

Packed with playfulness, positivity and fun!

www.yogaplaygrounds.com | 503-807-9720


L'Etoile French Immersion Summer Camp

We’ve designed the perfect camp for your child, complete with exposure to the French language, and all the fun, enriching activities they love. (Plus the safety measures and flexible hours you expect!) And with many options to choose from, campers will have endless experiences to keep them engaged and excited all summer long.

Cost: $350/233k

Registration Information: letoilefrenchschool.com/summercamp

Dates: Jun 23-Aug 22

Ages: 3-11

Camp location: Preschool: 5839 S Hood Ave., Portland, OR 97239

Elementary: 68 SW Miles St., Portland, OR 97219

letoilefrenchschool.com/summercamp info@ letoilefrenchimmersionschool. com


Spanish Around the World

Give your child a fun and immersive Spanish experience this summer! Our camps are designed to engage kids through play, culture, and language, making learning both exciting and meaningful.

Cost: Early bird: $450. Regular (May 1st): $500

Ages: 5-10

Camp location: NE Portland2620 NE Fremont St., Portland, OR 97212 SW Portland - 6053 SW 55th Dr., Portland, OR 97221

Lake Oswego - 1133 Andrews Rd., Lake Oswego, OR 97034 linktr.ee/ AdventuresinSpanishCamps admin@adventuresinspanish.org


Adventure Camp

Join us for an incredible summer for Kindergarten - 5th grade campers! Each of our 8 uniquely themed weeks include field trips to top Portland locations, art projects, outdoor games on our large campus, and much more! Register now to save a spot for the adventures ahead. Before and after care available - Adventure Camp is a program by Southwest Bible Church.

Cost: $375/week

Registration Information: Sibling discount available! Price is valid through April.

Dates: Begins Jun 16, 9 am-4 pm. See our website for the complete schedule of all 8 weeks of camp!

Ages: Incoming Kindergarten-5th Grade

Camp location: Southwest Bible Church 14605 SW Weir Rd., Beaverton, OR 97007




Art World School 4 Schedule

Options offered with different package options and flexible scheduling. Early Bird discount available. Different weekly themes with Drawing/Painting, Clay, Arts & Crafts, Yoga, STEM, Calligraphy, Digital Art, Mixed Media, and outside play time offered daily. Different classes for different age groups between 4 to 14. Each day also includes Studio Art time where students can choose their own projects.

Cost: Starting at $54/Day

Registration Information: artworldschool. com/summer-camp

Dates: Jun 16–Aug 22

Ages: 4 and Up

Camp location: 18335 NW West Union Rd., Ste 5-E, Portland, OR 97229 artworldschool.com



Catlin Gabel School

Catlin Gabel’s 67-acre wooded

campus is the setting for a range of age-specific day camps, and specialty camps including arts, sports, LEGO robotics, creative writing, fencing, DJing, and board game design.

Cost: $475 full day; $275 half day

Registration Information: camp registration starts Feb 17

Dates: Jul 7-Aug 8

Ages: 4-18

Camp location: Catlin Gabel School 8825 SW Barnes Rd., Portland, OR 97225

catlin.edu/summer summercamps@catlin.edu


City View Charter School Camp

Join us for an unforgettable 3-week summer camp filled with nonstop fun! Dive into creative crafts, exciting outdoor activities, and weekly expeditions—all thoughtfully designed with our EL Education learning model.

Cost: $350/week register before April 1st, $400/week after April 1st

Ages: 3-13

Camp location: 1920 NE Stucki Ave., Hillsboro, OR 97006 cityviewcharter.org info@cityviewcharter.org 503-844-9424

Club K Summer Camp

Explore our exciting Summer Camp

options designed to fit your schedule! Club K’s Dream Big, Achieve More Summer Camp offers a full day of engaging activities, with the added convenience of after-care services to keep your child entertained and cared for. Whether you need full-day care or just a little extra time, Club K is here for you!

Cost: $79-$495/weekly

Registration Information: Open Until Full

Dates: Jun 23-Aug 22

Ages: 5-12

clubkafterschool.com/summer-camp info@clubkafterschool.com 503-643-9059

Dynamic Ninja-GymSwim-LEGO & More!

Our Dynamic camps provide kids with an active day of sports & FUN including Gymnastics, Ninja, Swim, Science, Crafts & More! Activities revolve around a new theme each week. (see Camp Guide)

Cost: $450 Early-Bird by April 1

Registration Information: $475 after April 1. Multi-Camp & Sibling Discounts

Dates: Jun-Aug

Ages: 5-12

Camp location: DolFUN Dynamics Swim-Move-Play-Learn 9260 SE Stark St., Portland, OR 97216 (beautiful 20,000sf air-conditioned facility right off I-205)

dolFUNdynamics.com info@dolfundynamics.com 888-365-3862

French International Summer Camps

French International summer camps offer a wide range of camp options including sports, arts, cooking, science, language support, outdoor activities, and more. Each week has different offerings beginning June 23.

Cost: Varies

Registration Information: Mid-March sign up

Dates: Jun 23-Aug 1

Ages: Grade 3-8

Camp location: French International School of Oregon 8500 NW Johnson St., Portland OR 97229 frenchintl.org/summercamp extendedlearning@frenchintl.org 503-292-7776

K-Lean's Tennis @ Glendoveer Golf & Tennis

K-Lean’s training methodology focuses on providing a solid technical base in a fun, fast paced, and game based approach. A progression of drills/games/match play specific for each level of play.

Cost: $338 4 Hour Tennis, $558 All Day Tennis/Golf

Registration Information: 10% Early Bird Discount Until Apr 1

Dates: Jun 16-Aug 14

Ages: 6-14

Camp location: 14015 NE Glisan St., Portland, Oregon 97231 k-leans.com/camp kaleen@kleanstennis.com 503-701-4408

MJCC Summer Day Camp

MJCC Summer Day Camp is imbued with a sense of joy, community, spirit and fun. Health + safety is our top priority. Enjoy quality, fun, age-appropriate programs including sports, cooking, Jewish culture, drama, nature, and more! Campers create crafts, play games, and do activities that revolve around each week’s theme. Flexible options 8:00 am – 5:30 pm. Open to everyone.

Cost: $265-$455/week

Registration Information: Rolling Dates: Jun 23-Aug 14

Ages: 3-15

Camp location: 6651 SW Capitol Hwy., Portland, OR 97219 oregonjcc.org/daycamp daycamp@oregonjcc.org 503-244-0111

NCPRD Summer Camps

NCPRD offers a wide variety of affordable day camps designed to keep kids active, connected and having fun all summer long. Choose from sports, science, nature, dance and horseback riding camps. Ages: 3-18

Camp location: Multiple locations in Milwaukie and Clackamas ncprd.com/summer-camps recreation@ncprd.com 503-794-3877

Old McDonald’s Farm, Inc.

The Summer Program-Learn to ride a horse or pony, plant in the garden, care for & learn from 33 Farm Program animals, etc. Keep up on reading, writing and other academic lessons too. Our Bus meets close in east side.

Cost: $299 + our OMF, Inc. Bus Registration Information: No Registration Deadline But The Classes Fill!


The Summer Program Session 1, “Baby Lamb & Sheep” Week, June 23-27

The Summer Program Session 2, “Scalloway” Mini. Horse Week, July 21-25

The Summer Program Session 3, “Cambria” Welsh Pony Week, July 28-Aug 1

The Summer Program Session 4, “J.P. Morgan” Horse Week, Aug 4-7

The Summer Program Session 5, “Johannes” Dachshund Dogger Week, Aug 11-14

Ages: 2nd-6th grades





Oregon Museum of Science and Industry

Let your student explore, learn, and create this summer with OMSI camps and classes! Whether it's at our actionpacked museum campus, at the coastal landscape of Camp Gray, or in the high desert at Hancock Field Station, youth can experience hands-on learning and adventures while making lifelong friends. Spaces are limited—get ready for a summer full of science!

Cost: $420-$2,330

Dates: Day camps: Jun 16-Aug 18, Overnight camps: Jun 24Aug 29

Ages: 5-18

Camp location: Portland, OR / Fossil, OR /Newport, OR/and more!

secure.omsi.edu/camps-andclasses register@omsi.edu 503-797-4661

Portland Waldorf School

Unique experiences for campers ages 3-18.

Our preschool, K, and elementary campers enjoy a variety of games, crafts, offcampus excursions, rest time for the youngest, and more. Camp themes run the gamut, from birds and butterflies to folk herbalism to nature’s kitchen … the possibilities are endless!

We invite middle and high schoolers to join our 2-week theater camp!

Cost $345-550/week

Registration Information: Register at portlandwaldorf. org/camps, Early Bird Pricing through Mar 31!

Dates: Jul 7-Aug 22

Ages: 3-18

Camp location: Camps take place on our 7-acre campus in downtown Milwaukie, with most of the day spent outdoors. portlandwaldorf.org/camps inquiry@portlandwaldorf.org 503-654-2200

Sellwood Community House

Sellwood Community House summer camp is 9 timeless weeks of fun. A whole summer of talent shows, camp skits, pool days, arts and crafts, sports and games, building, making, exploring, and creating with friends. We serve ages 3 to 14, with specialized programs for different age groups. Campers will leave each day filled with memories that will last a lifetime.

Cost: $275-$450

Dates: Jun 16-Aug 18

Ages: 3-14

Camp location: Sellwood Community House 1436 SE Spokane St., Portland, OR 97202


info@sellwoodcommunityhouse.org 503-894-9496

Steve & Kate's Camp

The summer camp that trusts kids. Campers choose from multiple activities in real-time, including sewing, coding, building, recreation & more! Est. 1980. Lunch, snacks & all hours (8am–6pm) included. Ages 4–12.

Cost: $124/day. $3,720/summer

Dates: Jun 16-Aug 22

Ages: 4-12

Camp location: All Saints School 601 NE Cesar E Chavez Blvd., Portland, OR 97232

steveandkate.com/portland portland@steveandkate.com 503-451-3032

Summer Camp at Cedarwood

Explore Cedarwood’s engaging themed summer camps! With handson activities, outdoor adventures, and creative fun, children of all ages can thrive in a nurturing, imaginative environment.

Cost: $500

Registration Information: Registration is open now for themed summer camps throughout the summer

Dates: Throughout the summer

Ages: Rising Grades 1-8, Ages 6-13

Camp location: Cedarwood Waldorf School 3030 SW 2nd Ave., Portland, OR 97201

cedarwoodschool.org/ registration?category=Summer%20 Camp

mfloydpreston@cedarwoodschool.org 503-245-1477

Summer Camp at The Marylhurst School

From kayaking local waterways to art inspired by the Silk Roads, to sewing, science, cooking, storytelling and even Dungeons & Dragons, there's something for every child to explore!

Cost: $350/week

Registration Information: Register Online

Dates: Jul 7-Aug 15

Ages: 3-8th Grade

Camp location: The Marylhurst School 15544 S Clackamas River Dr., Oregon City, OR 97045

themarylhurstschool.org/ summercamps



Summer at OES

Summer at OES offers students in pre-K through grade five a variety of fun, inquiry-based summer enrichment programs, plus special workshops for grades 6-11. From rock climbing to creative arts, from fencing to STEM, your child will find their passion at OES.

Cost: Varies by session

Registration Information: Opens Feb 28

Dates: Jun 23–Aug 1

Ages: Pre-K through grade 11

Camp location: Most programs take place on the OES campus, with some sessions including excursions to experience waterfalls, lakes and rivers.

oes.edu/summer summer@oes.edu


Trackers Earth

Explore Trackers Earth's awardwinning camps! Kids embark on outdoor adventures, make friends, and learn new skills with expert Guides. Early registration discounts available! 2025 PDX Parent Winner! Best Outdoor, Day Camp & Active After-School Program! Choose from Basecamp (onsite) or Adventure (mobile): Stealth, Archery & Wilderness Survival, Fishing, Boating & Outdoor Cooking, Animals, Farms & Wild Plants, RolePlaying Games, Secret Agents & Wizards, Woodworking, Pottery & Blacksmithing, Grade 6-12 Leader-inTraining (LIT) Programs

Cost: $485 Week, Day Camp Studio (Onsite) - $648 Week, Day Camp (Mobile) - $878 Week, Overnight - $158 Week, Day Camp Leader-in-Training (LIT)

Registration Deadline: Ongoing

Dates: Jun 16-Aug 29

Ages: Grades K-12

Camp location: Day Camp - Portland: NE Portland - Lloyd, SE PortlandSellwood, W Portland - Cedar Hills, Day & Overnight Camps - Sandy, OR trackerspdx.com/youth/camps/ summer-camp



Touchstone School Summer Camp

Campers explore science and nature, engage in creative and performing arts, and participate in sports and games. Special guests and oncampus events bring an extra layer of fun!

Registration Information: Join us for summer camp! touchstoneschools. com/camp/summer-camp

Dates: Jun 23-Aug 22

Ages: 5-12

Camp location: 7090 SW Fir Loop, Tigard, OR 97223

6355 NW Cornelius Pass Rd., Hillsboro, OR 97124 touchstoneschools.com/camp/ summer-camp smeagher@springedugroup.com 566-537-4455

THPRD Summer Camps

Full day and half day camps available. Sports, nature, arts, travel, themed camps and more.


Swim options available. #1 Summer Camp provider on the Westside.

Cost: Varies

Registration Information: thprd.org/ portal

Dates: All Summer Long Ages: 3-17

Camp location: Throughout Beaverton, Aloha, and SW Portland. thprd.org/portal communications@thprd.org 503-645-6433

Yoga Playgrounds

These yoga summer camps are designed to nurture a sense of inner strength, self esteem and happiness. Packed with playfulness, positivity and fun, each day includes a wonderful mix of poses and movement, games, mindfulness, creativity, nature exploration, art, and plenty of outdoor time.

Cost: $230-$375

Registration Information: yogaplaygrounds.com

Dates: Jun-Jul

Ages: PreK-5th

Camp location: Multiple locations yogaplaygrounds.com hello@yogaplaygrounds.com 503-807-9720


OMEGA Gymnastics Camp

OMEGA has several programs that keep kids moving:

-Recreational classes for toddlers through pre-teen encouraging skill development and progression.

-Discovery Preschool program provides classroom learning for children ages 3-5 encouraging children to use their minds and bodies while learning social interaction.

-Activities Program offers Camps, Birthday Parties, and Parent’s Great Escape Nights for children ages 4-12.

Ages: 3.5-12

Camp location: 9700 SW Harvest Ct., Ste 180, Beaverton, OR 97005 omega-gymnastics.com/camps info@omega-gymnastics.com 503-466-4872

Oregon Gymnastics Academy

OGA Summer Camps offer friends, fitness, and fun all rolled into one! Campers partake in hours of gymnastics instruction along with engaging games, crafts, and activities based on the theme of the week. OGA Camps are for ages 5-12, and athletes of all levels. Visit our website for more information or to sign up!

Cost: $150-$475

Ages: 5-12

Camp location: 16305 NW Bethany Ct., Ste 109, Beaverton, OR 97006 ogagym.org/activities/summer-camps info@ogagym.org



Roller Derby Summer Camp

Get rolling at Rose City Rollers Roller Derby Summer Camp! With six weeks of camp available and each week tailored to different ages and skill levels, there’s a perfect fit for everyone. Build skating skills, confidence, and friendships in a fun, inclusive environment! Rental skates and gear are provided! For ages 7-18. Spots fill fast—sign up now!

Cost: $300-$335, scholarships available

Registration Information: rosecityrollers.com/schedule/ summercamp

Dates: Jun 16-Aug 8 Ages: 7-18

Camp location: The Hangar at Oaks Amusement Park 7805 SE Oaks Park Way, Portland, OR 97202 rosecityrollers.com/schedule/ summercamp summercamp@rosecityrollers.com


Backbeat Music Academy

Backbeat Music is a year-round music school that offers a range of music camps all summer and private lessons yearround. Camps feature our popular Try-Everything camps, where kids can try out hundreds of instruments,

Rock Band, where kids rehearse in bands and play a show, Write Music For Computer Games Camps, Instrument Building Camps, and more. Full and Half-Day options.

Cost: varies

Registration Information: Rolling Dates: All Summer Ages: 5-9, 8-14, 13-18

Camp location: 4770 SW 76th Ave., Portland, OR 97225

backbeatmusicacademy.opus1.io/w/ summer-camps

contact@backbeatmusicacademy. com


School of Rock Music Camps

School of Rock music camps are a perfect introduction to our performance-based approach to music education. We offer fun, engaging camps for all levels, from beginners to experienced teens.

Cost: Ranges depending on camp: $225-$550

Registration Information: Open Dates: Multiple Dates Ages: 5-17

Camp location: 15955 SW 72nd Ave., Tigard, OR 97224

1825 SE 164th Ave., Ste 120, Vancouver, WA 98683 schoolofrock.com/locations/ lakeoswego/music-camps schoolofrock.com/locations/ vancouverwa/music-camps

Summer Sing

Making MUSIC with new friends is FUN! Summer Sing is a summer camp with arts & crafts, story telling, dance, and, of course, SINGING! Let your imagination take the lead! Each week ends with a performance for family! FINANCIAL AID AVAILABLE. West/Central locations: rising 1st–6th graders. Vancouver location: 3rd-12th graders.

Cost: $425

Registration Information: Sibling discount! Enrollment deadline July 14

Dates: Jul 21-Aug 8

Ages: Rising 1-6 Graders

Camp location: Week 1: Cedar Hills United Church of Christ, Beaverton

2: Cascade Middle School, Vancouver

3: St.Philip Neri Catholic Church, PDX orsingers.org/youth-choir/summersing programs@orsingers.org 503-230-0652


18335 NW West Union Rd. Suite 5-E, Portland, OR 97229 Schooldirector@artworldschool.com www.artworldschool.com

Established in 1997, Art World School is a skill based Fine Art school that offers the following programs:

• After School ProgramDifferent Schedule Options between 12pm - 6:30pm

• Different individual classes for all ages/levels Mondays - Saturdays

• Camps on Saturdays, No School Days, Spring Camp, Summer Camp, Winter Camp

• One-on-one and private classes

• Fine Art Drawing/Painting, Clay/ Pottery, Arts & Crafts, Calligraphy, Digital Art, Animation


ILA Summer Camp 2025

Join us for an unforgettable summer at International Leadership Academy, where adventure, learning, and leadership come together! ILA Summer Camps provide continuity in language and culture, with instruction in both French and English. French proficiency is not required. Sessions include Cooking, Arts and Crafts, Robotics, Science, Dance, Yoga, Movie Making and more! Don’t miss out—secure your spot today!

Cost: $440/week

Registration Information: mytads.com/a/international leadershipacademysummercamp

Dates: Jun 24-Aug 22

Ages: 3-12

Camp location: The camp takes place on site at ILA 14788 Boones Ferry Rd., Lake Oswego, OR 97035 ilapdx.org/summer-camp-2025 contact@ilapdx.org 503-662-8452

Magical Backyard Summer Camp

Discover "Ologies" Our half-day outdoor camps blend nature exploration, art, science and active play. Small groups led by licensed teachers in a beautiful safe settingWhere kids can be kids!

Cost: $300

Registration Information: Opens Feb 11

Dates: Jun 23-Aug 22

Ages: 5-8

Camp location: Central Beaverton, Oregon magicalbackyardschool.com/gallery magical.backyard.school@gmail.com 503-866-8825

Parkour Summer Camps

Nature-Adventure Parkour Camp. Speed & Obstacle Coursing Camp

Your kids can build confidence & creativity with fun games, physical challenges, obstacle courses, and training from expert coaches with thousands of hours of parkour experience. Your kids will learn safety skills that will stay with them for life! Young Filmmakers? Don't miss our...|-Lights Camera Action Camp--|. 15%

Early bird discount until March 16th.

Cost: $280-$600

Ages: 4-18

Camp location: Mt. Tabor Park, Irving Park, Grant Park, Westmoreland Park & Elk Rock Island parkourvisions.org/summer-camps/ pdxparent classes@parkourvisions.org 206-923-8864

Summer Outdoors!

Adventure, play, nature, science, art & gardening! Our summer camps offer new adventures each week, sparking curiosity and creativity through hands-on exploration, outdoor skills, and meaningful connections with the natural world.

Cost: $570/week

Registration Information: edenacres. org/summer-camps-2025

Dates: Jun-Aug

Ages: 3-16

Camp location: EdenAcres Forest Campus, 16528 NW Johnson Rd., Hillsboro, OR 97124

Blooming B-street Learning Garden, 1155 B St., Forest Grove, OR 97116 edenacres.org/summer-camps info.edenacres@gmail.com 440-479-4813

SWIFTS Nature Summer Camp with Portland Audubon

Join SWIFTS Nature Camp for adventures all summer! Camps combine art, science and games with explorations at our Nature Sanctuary, Topaz Farm, or adventures all over the PNW!

Cost: Sliding Scale

Dates: June 23-August 29

Ages: Grades 1-12

Camp location: 5151 NW Cornell Rd., Portland, OR 97210 and eastside pick-up in the Humboldt or Overlook Neighborhood. birdallianceoregon.org/our-work/ learn/youth-programs/camps-for-kids/ summer-camp camp@birdallianceoregon.org 971-222-6131



At Tree Folk, we aim to foster a connection between children and their natural environment by creating outdoor programming that taps into their innate curiosity and creativity. Activities combine scientific observation and discovery with artistic expression. To learn more about programming, visit our website


Dates: Jun 23-Aug 29 running weekly

Ages: K-5th grade treefolkoc.com treefolkoc@gmail.com 503-575-8495

Tryon Forest Adventures

Get outside! Observe the sights and sounds of the forest hiking tree-lined trails and crossing bridges over Tryon Creek. Hone your nature science knowledge with hands-on activities. Express your creativity through arts and crafts. Run, play games, and build forts in an open meadow. Friends of Tryon Creek is a community-supported nonprofit connecting youth to nature since 1970!

Cost: $475 non-members, $425 members

Registration Information: Registration Now Open Online

Dates: Weekly starting Jun 23

Ages: 6-14

Camp location: Tryon Creek State Natural Area tryonfriends.org/forest-adventures adventures@tryonfriends.org 503-636-4398


Big Lake Youth Camp

Youth camps are 6 days of adventure, learning, and new friends! Activities: archery, canoeing, art, horsemanship, wake sports, ceramics/pottery, robots, rockets, & more. Family camps are 4 days, open to all ages!

Cost: Varies on session selected Dates: Jun 29-Aug 24

Ages: 7-17 for youth camps. All ages for family camps.

Location: 26435 Big Lake Rd., Sisters, OR biglake.org office@biglake.org 503-850-3583

Ekone Ranch Summer Camp

At Ekone Ranch, our approach to horsemanship emphasizes the special relationship between children and horses. Days are spent outside, doing projects, and exploring the forests, grasslands, and canyons of the East Cascades. In small sessions with high staff-to-camper ratio, campers build supportive community with both humans and animals. Kids come home feeling confident and ready to tackle new things!

Cost: $900-$1400

Registration Information: ekone.org

Dates: Jun-Aug

Ages: 8-18

Camp location: Goldendale, WA ekone.org summercamp@ekone.org 509-773-4536

Oregon Museum of Science and Industry

Let your student explore, learn, and create this summer with OMSI camps and classes! Whether it's at our action-packed museum campus, at the coastal landscape of Camp Gray, or in the high desert at Hancock Field Station, youth can experience hands-on learning and adventures while making lifelong friends. Spaces are limited—get ready for a summer full of science!

Cost: $420-$2,330

Dates: Day camps: Jun 16-Aug 18, Overnight camps: Jun 24-Aug 29

Ages: 5-18

Camp location: Portland, OR /Fossil, OR /Newport, OR /and more! secure.omsi.edu/camps-and-classes register@omsi.edu 503-797-4661

Pre-College Summer Institute at George Fox University

Spend a week at the Oregon's largest private university, honing your skills in college labs and studios and sparking your vision for the future. Earn college credit and a scholarship!

Cost: $1800

Registration Information: Register at georgefox.edu/summer-institute

Dates: Jun 22-27

Ages: High school students who are going into 10th grade through students who graduated 12th grade Camp location: George Fox University Newberg Campus


Trackers Earth

Explore Trackers Earth's awardwinning camps! Kids embark on outdoor adventures, make friends, and learn new skills with expert Guides. Early registration discounts available! 2025 PDX Parent Winner! Best Outdoor, Day Camp & Active After-School Program! Choose from Basecamp (onsite) or Adventure (mobile): Stealth, Archery & Wilderness Survival, Fishing, Boating & Outdoor Cooking, Animals, Farms & Wild Plants, RolePlaying Games, Secret Agents & Wizards, Woodworking, Pottery & Blacksmithing, Grade 6-12 Leader-inTraining (LIT) Programs

Cost: $485 Week, Day Camp Studio (Onsite) - $648 Week, Day Camp (Mobile) - $878 Week, Overnight - $158 Week, Day Camp Leader-in-Training (LIT)

Registration Deadline: Ongoing Dates: Jun 16-Aug 29

Ages: Grades K-12

Camp location: Day Camp - Portland: NE Portland - Lloyd, SE PortlandSellwood, W Portland - Cedar Hills, Day & Overnight Camps - Sandy, OR

trackerspdx.com/youth/camps/ summer-camp hello@trackersearth.com 503-345-3312


Circus Cascadia Summer Camp

Join Circus Cascadia!

Learn to stilt walk! Dare to walk the tightrope! Clown around and make new friends! Located on a beautiful farm, children experience camp like never before, under a real big top circus tent! Circus Cascadia covers the widest range of circus skills available in the PDX area, including clowning, stilt walking, juggling, diabolo and so much more.

Cost: $346-$410

Registration Information: circuscascadia.org/programs-andcamps

Dates: Jul and Aug 2025 Ages: 6-16

Camp location: 8563 SE Kane Rd., Gresham, OR 97080 circuscascadia.org paulbattram@circuscascadia.org 503-806-0210

Imagine Summer Camps & Programs

Imagine Theatre is excited to offer a variety of theatrical/performing arts based day-camps, workshops, and intensives for youth ages 7-18! Due to limited space in each program, early registration is suggested.

Cost: Varies By Program

Dates: Various dates in Jun & Jul

Ages: 7-18

Camp location: Programming offered in Oak Grove, Milwaukie and Boring. imaginetheatre.org/summer office@imaginetheatre.org 503-453-6691

Lovegood Summer Camps

Join us this summer for camps, intensives and performance opportunities for kids and adults! This summer includes Roald Dahl's Willy Wonka KIDS musical theatre day camps for ages 6-14, Beetlejuice Jr. musical theatre intensive for ages 10-18, and an Andrew Lloyd Webber concert series for ages 14+! Grow and learn with us as we celebrate theatre at every stage!

Dates: Jun-Aug

Ages: 6-14, 10-18 and 14+

Camp location: Lovegood Performing Arts Company, 16260 NW Bronson Rd., Beaverton, OR 97006


Motive Theatrics

Motive Theatrics Summer Camps offer premier production camps where young performers refine their craft in performance workshops of popular musicals. For imaginative explorers, our adventure camps provide playful, story-driven experiences filled with creativity and fun. Whether stepping into the spotlight or embarking on an exciting quest, there’s a place for every student to shine. Join us this summer!

Cost: $390/week

Dates: Jun 16-Aug 22

Ages: 6-18

Camp location: Tigard, OR motivetheatrics.org hello@motivetheatrics.org 971-256-7005

Northwest Children's Theater

Hang with Hagrid, eat tacos with dragons and defy gravity with Elphaba, all while making new friends and enhancing your performance skills! Both half-day and full-day camps are offered for ages 4-14 across five locations in Portland, Beaverton and Sherwood. Choose from 30+ exciting camp titles, including Pete the Cat, Bluey’s Big Adventure, Mario’s Super Party and more!

Cost: $249-$999

Registration Information: Ongoing, but camps fill up fast!

Dates: Jun 16-Aug 22

Ages: 4-14

Camp location: Five locations across Portland, Beaverton and Sherwood nwcts.org/summer-camp-25 info@nwcts.org 503-222-2190

Oregon Children's Theatre

OCT believes that theatre skills = life skills. This means that students learn critical skills—such as collaboration, creativity, empathy, problem-solving, discipline, self-awareness, and so much more—through theatre-based techniques, games and curriculum. With classes for kids ages 4–18, ranging from beginners to collegelevel training, there’s a class designed to engage students at every experience level!

Dates: Jun 16–Aug 22

Ages: 4–18

Camp location: Two convenient locations in NE and SW Portland octc.org/camps info@octc.org


Spotlight Musical Theatre Summer Camps

Since 2009, Spotlight Musical Theatre Academy has been dedicated to enriching the lives of children both on stage and off. Step into the Spotlight this summer for a skill-based musical theatre camp intensive where all campers are cast in roles that provide them opportunities for growth in acting, singing & dancing. All camps end in a live performance.

Cost: $325-$650

Registration Information: Register NOW! Some camps are full or with few openings.

Dates: Jul 21-Aug 8

Ages: 6-18

Camp location: West Linn Lutheran Church 20390 Willamette Dr., West Linn, OR 97068 spotlightmusicaltheatre.com/camps. html

sarakaspotlightmta@gmail.com 503-740-6088


BaxterSports Camps

Time to unplug? Established in Portland in 2008, BaxterSports offers a holistic approach to teaching and coaching kids. With a mix of traditional sports and creative games that emphasize positivity, fair play and the importance of community, their award winning outdoor camps for grades K-8 are fun, active and engaging no matter your child's experience or skill level.

Dates: Jun 11-Aug 22

Ages: 5-14

Camp location: SW Portland: Hamilton Park; N & NE Portland Parks: Arbor Lodge, Alberta, Fernhill, Rose City, Normandale; SE Portland Parks: Clinton, Sellwood, Woodstock, Kenilworth

Baxtersports.com info@baxtersports.com 458-207-6375

First Tee Golf Classes & Camps

First Tee Oregon offers fun 8-week golf classes and 3-day camps. Develop golf skills, confidence, and life skills in a positive, inclusive environment. All skill levels welcome!

Cost: $139 (classes) & $200 (camps) Registration Information: firstteeoregon.org

Dates: Summer classes & camps: JunAug

Ages: 5-17

Camp location: Programs offered at 7 golf facilities across Portland and in Eugene. firstteeoregon.org programs@firstteeoregon.org 503-616-4179

Jordan Kent's Just Kids Skill Camps

Join our action-packed multi-sport camp! Experience thrilling games, team challenges, and skill-building activities across various sports. Featuring agility training, nutrition education, character building, all in a fun environment!

Ages: 6-12

Camp location: Beaverton, Hillsboro, Lake Oswego, West Linn, Portland, Tualatin, Tigard, Wilsonville, Happy Valley

jordankentcamps.com info@jordankentcamps.com


K-Lean's Tennis @ Glendoveer Golf & Tennis

K-Lean’s training methodology focuses on providing a solid technical base in a fun, fast paced, and game based approach. A progression of drills/games/match play specific for each level of play.

Cost: $338 4 Hour Tennis, $558 All Day Tennis/Golf

Registration Information: 10% Early Bird Discount Until April 1

Dates: Jun 16-Aug 14

Ages: 6-14

Camp location: 14015 NE Glisan St., Portland, Oregon 97231 k-leans.com/camp kaleen@kleanstennis.com


Lake Oswego Soccer Camps

Whether your player is looking to sharpen their skills, make friends, or just have a blast on the field, our camps are the perfect way to kick off the summer

Cost: $195

Registration Information: losc.org/ camps

Dates: Jun 16 -Aug 29

Ages: 4-13

Camp location: Local Fields in Lake Oswego losc.org/camps Fraser@losc.org


NCPRD Summer Camps -enhanced NCPRD offers a wide variety of affordable day camps designed to keep kids active, connected and having fun all summer long. Choose from sports, science, nature, dance and horseback riding camps.

Ages: 3-18

Camp location: Multiple locations in Milwaukie and Clackamas ncprd.com/summer-camps recreation@ncprd.com 503-794-3877

NCPRD Summer Camps

NCPRD offers a wide variety of affordable day camps designed to keep kids active, connected and having fun all summer long. Choose from sports, science, nature, dance and horseback riding camps.

Ages: 3-18

Camp location: Multiple locations in Milwaukie and Clackamas

ncprd.com/summer-camps recreation@ncprd.com 503-794-3877

Nike Kids Camp

Nike Kids Camps powered by i9 Sports provides an unforgettable summer camp experience! Enjoy the organization, fun and inclusiveness that you expect from i9 Sports combined with the sports science and elevated experience of Nike programming. All skill levels are welcome and every young athlete grows and glows.

Registration Information: Register today at i9Sports.com

Ages: 5-12


- Summer Fun!

PDX Fencing Camp

Unleash your inner musketeer or Jedi knight! Learn the Olympic sport of fencing - often called Physical Chess. Your child will have a fun, active summer camp of a lifetime! Active, creative; an easy way to keep your child off those devices and keep them moving. Professional coaches lead the fun in a positive environment. Half day - full day.

Cost: $299 -$475

Registration Information: pdxfencing. com/camps

Dates: Jul and Aug

Ages: 8-14

Camp location: Arctic Business Park, 5645 SW Arctic Drive, Beaverton pdxfencing.com/camps office@pdxfencing.com 503-644-7729

Portland Ultimate

Join Portland Ultimate this summer and play one of the fastest growing sports in the world! We offer affordable ultimate frisbee camps for all ages and levels of experience. Our accomplished coaches foster a safe and inclusive environment that promotes spirit of the game. These underlying principles develop character, community and healthy competition – both on and off the field!

Cost: Sliding Scale Fee

Dates: Weekly Camps: Jun 16-Aug 15

Ages: 5-18

Camp location: Parks Throughout Portland Metro Area portlandultimate.org/summer-campsoverview-2025 info@portlandultimate.org

PTFC Camps

PTFC Camps offers options for all experience levels! With locations across the Portland Metro area, there’s a camp for everyone. Join us and take your soccer skills to the next level!

Cost: $240

Registration Information: Register at ptfccamps.com

Dates: Jun-Aug

Ages: 5-18

Camp location: Providence Park and across the Portland Metro Area ptfccamps.com ptfccamps@timbers.com


Skyhawks Sports Camps

Skyhawks Sports is the master of introductory sports programs and strives to provide safe and positive sports experiences for every child! We believe there are so many life lessons to be learned through sports and we’ve structured our curriculum to do just that! That’s why we’ve been the leader in youth sports since 1979.

Cost: $100-$255

Registration Deadline: Jun 1

Dates: Jun 18-Aug 22

Ages: 4-14

Camp location: As the most trusted camp provider, Skyhawks Sports Camps are hosted at multiple Portland metro area & SW Washington facilities. register.skyhawks.com



Stronger Skatepark

Skateboarding, scooter, and roller skate camps for kids ages 6+! We work with all ability levels and create a week of fun with our fantastic staff. Rental gear included.

Cost: $450 +

Registration Information: Registration open now!

Dates: Weekly Jun 16-Aug 29

Ages: 6-16

Camp location: Stronger Skatepark in Milwaukie, Oregon. Travel camps visit outdoor skateparks up to 1 hour away from our location. strongerskatepark.com/camps aj@strongerskatepark.com 503-850-4572

Week Long Summer Camps

An indoor facility providing fun movement for all ages. With parkour classes, award-winning camps, birthday parties, and more! Join us & experience why we're consistently voted a PDX Parent Top 5!

Cost: $300/week

Registration Information: Register at themovementpark.com

Dates: Jun 16-Aug 22

Ages: Grades K-6th

Camp location: 2240 NE Griffin Oaks St., Ste B1000, Hillsboro, OR 97124

*Near the Hillsboro airport & across from Intel's Jones Farm Campus! themovementpark.com/events hello@themovementpark.com 503-844-8801


Brainbox Science

We make real science really fun with imaginative STEAM camps that offer a user's guide to the mind. Kids play games, design experiments, solve mysteries, and tackle creativityinspiring challenges. We have something for everyone, from Zombie Survival Quest to The Science of Feelings. Dive into brain science and critical thinking adventures! Air-conditioned camps run 9 – 3, extended hours available.

Cost: $450/week (discounts available)

Registration Information: Open until full

Dates: Jun 16-Aug 22

Ages: Grades 2 - 6

Camp location: 1253 Lloyd Center, Portland, OR 97232 brainboxscience.com

Experiment PDX Summer Camp

Our morning LEGO Robotics camp is a terrific intro to coding and robotics and a great way to build collaboration skills. Campers work in teams to build and code a different robot every day, with a fun 'battle of the bots' on Friday. Our afternoon STEAM camp includes interactive science, crafting and reading.

Cost: $200/one-week, half-day camp

Registration Information: experimentpdx.com

Dates: Jun 16-Aug 22

Ages: Incoming grades 1-5

Camp location: Hands-On-Museum at 1421 SE Stark St., Portland, OR 97214 curious@experimentpdx.com experimentpdx.com

NCPRD Summer Camps

NCPRD offers a wide variety of affordable day camps designed to keep kids active, connected and having fun all summer long. Choose from sports, science, nature, dance and horseback riding camps.

Ages: 3-18

Camp location: Multiple locations in Milwaukie and Clackamas ncprd.com/summer-camps recreation@ncprd.com 503-794-3877

Next Generation Summer Camps

Saturday Academy’s Next Generation Summer Programs offer immersive and dynamic learning experiences that explore the intersections of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Math) for grades K-8.

Cost: $375

Dates: Jun-Aug

Ages: 5-13

Camp location: University of Portland, 5000 N Willamette Blvd., Portland OR 97203 saturdayacademy.org education@saturdayacademy.org 503-389-5624

Oregon Museum of Science and Industry

Let your student explore, learn, and create this summer with OMSI camps and classes! Whether it's at our action-packed museum campus, at the coastal landscape of Camp Gray, or in the high desert at Hancock Field Station, youth can experience hands-on learning and adventures while making lifelong friends. Spaces are limited—get ready for a summer full of science!

Cost: $420-$2,330

Dates: Day camps: Jun 16-Aug 18, Overnight camps: Jun 24-Aug 29

Ages: 5-18

Camp location: Portland, OR /Fossil, OR /Newport, OR/and more! secure.omsi.edu/camps-and-classes register@omsi.edu 503-797-4661


Art World School

Four schedule options offered with different package options and flexible scheduling. Early Bird discount available. Different weekly themes with Drawing/Painting, Clay, Arts & Crafts, Yoga, STEM, Calligraphy, Digital Art, Mixed Media, and outside play time offered daily. Different classes for different age groups between 4 to 14. Each day also includes Studio Art time where students can choose their own projects.

Cost: Starting at $54/Day

Registration Information: artworldschool.com/summer-camp

Dates: Jun 16–Aug 22

Ages: 4 and Up

Camp location: 18335 NW West Union Rd., Ste 5-E, Portland, OR 97229 artworldschool.com schooldirector@artworldschool.com 503-590-5518


Junior Golf Classes + Camps


More and more mothers who work outside the home are seeking ways to earn a living and be there to care for their children. That means remote and part-time work are particularly desirable jobs to have. BY

Growing up many women heard the phrase “having it all.”

“All” meant a fulfilling career outside the home, happy kids and an adoring spouse. That image has turned out to be a mirage for most women. Most traditional jobs, even fulfilling ones, constantly butt against the needs of family (especially when children are little) leaving many moms faced with impossible choices, like taking a sick kid to the doctor or missing an important work presentation.

Where are the partners in all this?

Even when spouses are supportive and engaged parents, moms (at least in many heterosexual relationships) are deeply entrenched by societal norms that make them the “primary parent.”

You know, the one who keeps track of the birthday party invites, school events, doctor’s appointments, medication, permission slip forms and the list goes on and on and on. You don’t have to scroll long on the local Facebook group Portlandarea Working Moms to see multiple posts about women struggling with the weight of it all. Not because they aren’t trying their hardest to be the best mother and best employee, but because the two can’t easily coexist without a huge support system — or a huge salary to pay for a housekeeper and child care.

These days “having it all” might mean finding or creating a “unicorn job” that allows for earning income and the biggest job perk of all: the flexibility to be there when your family needs you. Here’s how four local women are finding more balance juggling work, relationships, parenting — life in general — with nontraditional work schedules and career paths.

Prior to the pandemic, Melissa Erb Burgess, mother of a 6-year-old and 3-yearold, was the head of accounting services at a mid-sized marketing agency. She worked full-time in downtown Portland and frequently traveled to see clients in the Midwest and East Coast when her oldest son was a baby. Burgess was furloughed from her job when her employer lost clients due to the pandemic. “The pandemic taught many of us, myself included, that we can’t depend on anyone else to look out for us, or to pay us, when things got tough,” she says. “During that time, I decided that ultimately

I felt more confident that I could depend on myself more than an employer for my financial livelihood.”

With more than a decade of experience in marketing, she started her own consulting firm, Tabor North Communications, which focuses on local clients who work toward social justice and health equity. “Owning my own company has given me tremendous flexibility that has positively impacted my life and my ability to parent in the way I want to parent,” says Burgess. “I choose the number and types of clients and projects I take on, and I set my own hours and rates, and work from home. I am able to set my meeting schedule to make sure I am able to pick up my kindergartener when he gets out of school at 2:30 most days. … I am able to pick up my 3-year-old from day care early to spend time with him and don’t have to beat traffic driving in and out of downtown.”


Being able to tell my employer, ‘Hey I gotta run my kid to the doctor, I’ll finish up when I’m back and settled,’ is everything.”
— Anna Giles, mom of two who works as a remote content strategist

Burgess is one of the mothers who has realized that traditional, full-time employment and motherhood aren’t compatible and have sought out paths that allow them to contribute financially to their household and spend more time with their kids. But she’s not alone. While Burgess has ended up earning more while working less hours at her own company than she did at her old agency job, Melissa Collins found taking a pay cut has vastly improved the quality of her life and her ability to parent her 7-year-old son. Collins spent 13 years working for large health care systems doing customer service and scheduling work. “I was constantly worried about clocking in late, having my calls (for work) monitored for quality assurance and having the person in that position actively looking for errors. So I felt like I had to always score 100% on all my calls,” she says. “After my son was born, I was worried about dropping him off at day care and getting to work on time. I never felt like I had enough time to keep my home clean or do laundry or cook meals or even get to the grocery store. Every moment was full of making sure things got done. Weekends were spent doing all the household duties in addition to grocery shopping and all the other things that take time.”

In 2020, her best friend, Adrienne Black,

who is the founder and CEO of Heart to Hands surrogacy agency asked Collins to work for her part-time from home, which meant Collins could take her child out of day care. Collins’ husband had just received a substantial raise, and as a union electrician could expect consistent pay increases and quality health insurance with his job. “Working for Adrienne did mean taking a pay cut and not having double insurance coverage, but after so many conversations and looking at our budget, my husband and I decided that it made sense to do it,” she says.

The switch to a company that emphasized work-life balance and caring for family has been an excellent change for Collins. “The biggest impact this has had is just having more time,” she says. “More time actually at home to get stuff done and then more time on the weekends to do what we want together. If (my son) Ace needs to stay home from school because he’s sick, I don’t worry about it. I just let my team know that I’ve got a sick kid at home and I might be a bit delayed in my responses.”

Collins also notes the positive impact her job switch had on her mental and physical health. If budget allows, she would definitely recommend making this kind of job switch to other moms who feel like they never have enough time. “I have time and energy to go on daily walks, exercise at home and I’m now going to Pilates twice a week. … I don’t worry about getting fired on a daily basis.”


Anna Giles, mom to a 2-year-old and 9-year-old, echoes that need for flexibility. The pandemic nearly destroyed her resume and copywriting business, Girl.Copy, but it did bring her a unicorn of a job: a full-time, fully remote gig as a content strategist. “And it’s the best job I’ve ever had,” says Giles. “I’ve never had a more understanding and flexible employer. … Being able to tell my

employer, ‘Hey, I gotta run my kid to the doctor, I’ll finish up work when I’m back and settled,’ is everything.”

The flexibility was even more important after Giles’ husband suffered grand mal seizures and was diagnosed with epilepsy. His diagnosis means he’s unable to drive or to work full time. “I may not make as much money as my counterparts, but my freedom is priceless,” says Giles, who also still runs her copywriting business on the side.


Employers who might think part-time, flexible jobs that appeal to moms mean less productivity for the company might want to reconsider. “I am a big believer that if you want to get something done, hire a mom,” says Rose Caudillo, the vice president of operations here at PDX Parent. “Moms are masters of multitasking. A mom knows how to prioritize and pivot in a moment; juggling multiple schedules in a limited time frame. They see a task and they get it done.”

Like everyone on the staff at PDX Parent, Caudillo is a parent and works part-time from home. “I love that if I have a family issue or emergency, I can turn to my co-workers and they immediately offer support and understanding,” she says. “I’ve never worked for any other company that offers this type of support for moms. Again, we get it. Moms do so much. Sometimes you need to focus on work; sometimes you need to focus on family and at PDX Parent we offer the flexibility to do that.”

Here’s to more employers offering the kind of jobs that actually let mothers “have it all.”

PDX Parent’s Editor Denise Castañon has had her unicorn job for 11 years and loves that it gives her time to volunteer with her kids’ schools, run a side gig as a vintage reseller, and, yes, take her kids to the doctor when they are sick.

Flipping Out

We venture out to Hillsboro for a fun-filled afternoon at FLIP Museum for kids.

Not long after I started working

at PDX Parent, the Portland Children’s Museum shuttered. Portland parents bemoaned the loss including our magazine staff. And now as a new parent, I totally get it. Places that enrich and engage little minds (and the not-so-little energy levels) are essential for kiddos and the grown-ups who wrangle them. Especially during our gloomy, rainy winter days.

When it was announced that FLIP Museum, a new children’s museum was soft launching its opening, I signed my 17-month-old up for an afternoon play session. FLIP, which stands for Fun, Learning, Inspiration and Play, is located in a two-story building in downtown Hillsboro. Would this place fill the void left from the closure of the Washington Park nonprofit?

FLIP Museum founder and co-executive director Jack Graham says that’s the goal. “We started FLIP when the Portland Children’s Museum closed. I grew up there and took my oldest daughter there for many years. At the time, my youngest had just turned 2 and I didn’t want her to grow up without the kinds of immersive experiences a children’s museum can provide. In the aftermath of the museum’s closure, it was


If You Go

FLIP Museum

136 SE 3rd Ave., suite 200, Hillsboro Flipmuseum.org

Open every day except Tuesday. Hours vary, visit the website to book a play session.

Admission: $5 for adults; $8 for children 2-10; and free for those under 2. (Entry fees increase to $8 for adults and $12 for children after the soft opening.)

obvious that the whole community felt the same way.”

Graham, who has two daughters, says that he hopes to have an official grand opening late this year. Currently, staff are renovating upstairs units, with the goal of increasing the museum’s current 2,200-square-foot space to more than 7,000 square feet. For parents who remember the Portland Children’s Museum — or take their kiddos to OMSI’s Science Playground — FLIP will have familiar elements: a grocery store, craft area and dedicated space for crawlers and new walkers. He says they also want to bring in resident teaching artists for kids and rotating cultural exhibits.

My husband, 17-month-old son and I arrived at the FLIP Museum on a rainy, post-

nap Sunday afternoon. It was bustling with families. Pro tip: You can sign up for your child’s two-hour play session online before arriving.

After stowing our coats and the diaper bag in a cubby near the entrance, I set my son down to explore. (Unlike at some other indoor play spaces, kiddos can keep their shoes on while playing.) He immediately gravitated toward a toddler-level wooden train track. Bench-style seating for adults surrounds the track, in addition to other interactive play stations, like air tubes that shoot out foam balls and scarves, a build-your-own tube system attached to the wall, and an elevated, sloping toy race car track.

Large blue and green foam blocks caught my son’s attention next, and he spent a decent amount of time stacking them (one of his favorite activities). Next to the blocks were magnetic boards being constructed into a mini house by three kindergarten-age children.

My favorite feature of FLIP was the green screen and costume area. Although my son is too young to partake, a group of kids were having an absolute blast with the costumes — from astronauts to fairies to firefighters — while a Lord of the Rings looking forest provided their backdrop.

Next door, in a smaller room was another fun activity. Kids can doodle on a coloring page with a dinosaur on it. But it’s the tech that makes this space cool: You can then scan your colored-in dino and it will appear on a projector screen! The screen was alive

with the creations of children. Opting to stick the markers in his mouth rather than color, my son most enjoyed the mini light board table that sat in the corner (pictured below).

My son was the youngest at FLIP that afternoon. While the museum allows kids ages 0 to 10, I feel that it is currently more oriented for kids between 4 to 8. (As a parent of a not-so-steady on his feet toddler, it felt challenging at times to make sure he wouldn’t get trampled over by an older excited kiddo running between play areas). Pro tip: For a more relaxed play time for littles, visit during the weekdays.

The summertime expansion of FLIP will also give the space needed breathing room. With playing kids, and their observing parents, the space can feel cramped. Pro tip: FLIP is also loud. While the museum offers kid-size noise cancelling headphones, children with audio sensitivities might find the current space too overwhelming.

We all had a nice time at FLIP. While it is not a carbon copy replacement of the shuttered Portland Children’s Museum, it has potential. (After all, it won’t officially be completed until much later this year.) So, yes, there is a lot of work to be done to more fully replace the old children’s museum, but with people like Graham hard at work, I have no doubt that FLIP will get there and is worthy of our community’s support. We already have plans to head back this summer.

Managing Editor Tiffany Hill’s wintertime weekends are now mainly spent exploring libraries and indoor play spaces so she, her husband and their toddler can all get out of the house for a bit.

If You Go

Bicho’s 3917 N Mississippi Ave. Bichospdx.com

Open Sunday-Thursday: 10 am-8 pm; FridaySaturday: 10 am-9 pm.

Pupusas Aplenty

Enjoy family-friendly Mexican and Salvadoran dishes at Bicho’s in North Portland.


Anytime my family heads to a restaurant that has nachos on the menu, I know it’s going to be hit with my oldest child. And our recent trip to Bicho’s on North Mississippi Avenue was no exception. Bicho’s, which opened last fall, serves Mexican staples like tacos, quesadillas, chile relleno, burritos and taquitos. And, yes, a Super Nacho appetizer ($15, pictured top left). The fast-casual spot also makes Salvadoran pupusas, corn masa stuffed with fillings like cheese, beans or chicken, which is then flattened and griddled.

We hit Bicho’s for lunch on a Sunday afternoon. The space is inviting with a colorful, lively mural on one wall. My husband noticed that the restaurant was spotlessly clean. Pro tip: There’s a changing table in one of the restrooms and we spotted a toddler hanging out in a high chair.

The menu is extensive and we easily found things we wanted to try. My husband ordered the chile relleno plate with rice, beans, guacamole, lettuce and tortillas ($17) and a Salvadoran horchata ($6). My youngest child, who is a selective cheese eater, was excited by the option of a pork-only pupusa ($6) and a pineapple Jarritos soda ($4). I also tried the pupusas, opting for a two-pupusa plate with one cheese and zucchini, and one cheese and chicken, plus beans and rice ($15, pictured bottom left). My older kid got the nachos with carne asada and no salsa. While my kids did

not order off the kids’ menu, there is one with a selection of smallersized burritos and a cheese-only quesadilla ($11 each).

The nachos and chile relleno plate came out very quickly. My older kid dug right into the heaping plate of chips, black beans, cheese, sour cream and steak. My husband’s chile relleno was solid and the beans and rice were tasty as well. We all especially liked the Salvadoran horchata which differed from Mexican horchata because of added milk. It was super creamy and delicious. The glass was big enough that my husband didn’t mind sharing with all of us.

My pupusa plate came out a little later. The pupusas were large, two of them crowded the rice and beans on the plate. They came with small pots of a tomato sauce and a tangy curtido, an herbed, pickled cabbage slaw that brought a bright, fresh kick to the richness of the cheese. Both pupusas were good, but I especially like the one filled with cheese and zucchini. My younger child ate some of my curtido while he waited for his pupusa. (There was a mixup with his order, but the staff was apologetic.) My younger kiddo dug right in when his pupusa finally arrived, saying it was good and worth the wait. He piled on the curtido, enjoying the pickled punch it gave his meal. Warm and satisfying, pupusas really are top-notch Latin American comfort food.

Despite the hiccup with our order, we all enjoyed our lunch. Everyone — except for my nacho lover — said they’d order the pupusas again.

Editor Denise Castañon loves exploring Portland’s familyfriendly dining scene with her husband and two kids who take their job as food critics very seriously.

A Place Where Young Minds and Hearts Blossom. Now Enrolling!

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Ages: 2 years through Kindergarten

Hours: 7:30 am - 5:30 pm (Mon - Fri)

• Locally owned and operated

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• Qualified & consistent staff

525 SW 150th Avenue, Beaverton, OR 97006

503-626-0457 | www.nwlearning.com

Ages: Infant through Kindergarten

Hours: 7:30 am - 5:30 pm (Mon - Fri)

Serving students

6 weeks - 6 years


Early Learning School 14950 SW Osprey Drive, Beaverton, OR 97007

503-579-0600 | childs-place.com

Ages: Infant through Kindergarten

Hours 7:00 am - 6:00 pm (Mon - Fri)

• Large outdoor play areas

• Snacks & lunch prepared and served daily

Preschool, Kindergarten & Childcare Center 17650 SW Alexander Street, Aloha, OR 97003 503-591-9660 | www.mayflower-montessori.com

Ages: Infant through Kindergarten

Hours: 7:00 am - 6:00 pm (Mon - Fri)

Go. Play. Explore. MARCH 2025

Mardi crew

The folks of the Mysti Krewe of Nimbus know how to do Mardi Gras. Each year, the organization hosts a free, family-friendly celebration of Fat Tuesday with the Portland Mardi Gras Parade, encouraging the community to dress up and join in the fun. Businesses along the parade route on Mississippi Avenue will also have festive decorations and specials, including Sunlan Lighting and Kate’s Ice Cream. Tuesday, March 4; parade begins at 7 pm and proceeds down Mississippi Avenue to Cook Street. Portlandmardigras.com — Tiffany Hill

groovy posters

The family that creates together, stays together. Artist and designer Julz Clementine (who created PDX Parent’s cover illustration for last summer’s June/July issue!) will lead creative kiddos and adults during the Scissors, Paper, Rock! family poster workshop. Inspired by the Psychedelic Rock Posters and Fashions of the 1960s exhibit at the Portland Art Museum, the workshop will begin with a tour of the groovy exhibit, followed by a brainstorming session to piece together letters, images and colors to create a fun and unique poster that represents your family. Saturday, March 8, 10 am-2 pm at PAM CUT, 934 SW Salmon St. $30 per adult, $7 per child and recommended for ages 7 and up. Portlandartmuseum.org/colaboratory — T.H.

Top 3 Free Fun stuff for zero dollars!

Sports fans know March means college basketball, but Multnomah County Libraries are hoping another craze spreads this spring at their March Mathness events — an appreciation for math. Your local library will be hosting free, fun events and activities that help kids boost their math skills. Check in with your branch to see what librarians have in store.

On Sunday, March 9 from 3-5 pm head to the Mittleman Jewish Community Center for some wholesome fun at their Free Family Nosh Series There will be a movie, crafts, games, and a snack to nosh on.

Venture to the World Forestry Center for Free Admission Day at the Discovery Museum. Kids will learn about forest animals, the importance of sustainable forestry practices and much more. Sunday, March 16, 10 am-4 pm. — Denise Castañon

one cool cat

If you have a Pete the Cat lover in your home, make sure to take them to see Pete the Cat, a Live Rock Musical at Northwest Children’s Theater. Based upon Pete’s many adventures, from loving his white shoes, munching on pizza and tacos, playing in the snow, scuba diving and even going to space, you know this show is going to be full of fun, laughs and adventure! Saturdays and Sundays from March 15 to April 15 with shows at 11 am and 2 pm. At the Judy at 1000 SW Broadway, T-100. Tickets are $25 for youth and $35 for adults (infants under 1 are free). Nwcts.org — T.H.

Find more family fun on our online calendar: pdxparent. com/events-calendar. Be sure to confirm the most up-to-date info with event organizers before heading out.

to market

A Portland institution since 1974 for locals and visitors alike, the Portland Saturday Market reopens for the year this month. Head over for fun, homemade finds like jewelry, clothing, jams, candles, art and much more. Saturday, March 1 at Tom McCall Waterfront Park, 2 SW Naito Parkway; free admission. Portlandsaturdaymarket.com — T.H.

easy being green

St. Agatha Catholic School’s St. Patrick’s Day Festival in Sellwood is a neighborhood tradition (pictured below). Expect a casual parade, live entertainment, carnival games and food for purchase. Saturday, March 15. Parade at noon, carnival until 4 pm, and food carts and beer garden until 7 pm.

The 36th annual Portland St. Paddy’s Day Parade in Northeast promises to be a slightly bigger parade with grand marshals, vintage cars, marching bands and plenty of green! Sunday, March 16. Parade starts at 1 pm at the Beverly Cleary/ Fernwood School, NE 33rd and NE Hancock.

To take part in Portland’s biggest St. Patrick’s Day event, you and your kids will need to lace up your sneakers. More than 18,000 greenclad runners take over downtown during the Portland Shamrock Run, which consists of five different races including the 1K Leprechaun Lap for kiddos 10 and younger. Sunday, March 16. Register at shamrockrun. com — D.C.


flower power

Easter eggsperts

Triskelee Farm is getting a jump on next month’s Easter celebrations with Spring on the Farm! For kiddos who can’t get enough of the egg hunts, the West Linn farm is the place to go. In addition to searching for eggs, kiddos can make crafts, play in a bounce house, get photos with the Easter bunny, see cute baby animals and more. Weekend days from March 15 to April 19 from 10 am-2 pm. 29700 SW Mountain Rd., West Linn. Admission is $15. Triskeleefarm.com — T.H.

Nothing says spring in the Portland-area quite like the grandeur of colorful fields of flowers in full bloom. Frolic amongst the perennials during the annual Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival. In addition to rows and rows of tulips, there’s also tethered hot air balloon rides, kids’ activities, tulip market and food carts. The festival is slated to open March 21 at the Wood Shoe Tulip Farm, 33814 S Meridian Rd., Woodburn. Admission starts at $11. Woodenshoe.com — T.H.

kid biz

Calling all budding entrepreneurs! Kids can sign up to sell goods or services at the Children’s Business Fair, a one-day marketplace featuring kid-run booths. Up to 20 six-foot spaces will be available. Saturday, March 22, 11 am-2 pm. At Ashwood Taps and Trucks, 1525 E St., Washougal, Wash. Apply at childrensbusinessfair.org/ washougal-washington — D.C.


• Small class size

• Pre-K to 8th grade

• Foreign language programs

• Earth experiences

• Before and after care

• 10 acres campus with extensive gardens

It takes a few days for them to detox from screens.

We’re so glad to welcome back Tom Toro’s Parentlandia comic for local parents. Local dad Tom Toro is a cartoonist for The New Yorker and an awardwinning children’s book illustrator and author. His comic strip Home Free appears on GoComics.com. His latest picture book, Crocodiles Need Friends, Too!, will be published in May.

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