International Education with Peace Boat's Global University

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What is Peace Boat

Around the World the Peace Boat way

Peace Boat is an international non-governmental and non-profit organization in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations that works to promote peace, human rights, equal and sustainable development, and respect for the environment through the organization of educational programs, responsible travel, and international projects. Peace Boat’s partner organization, Peace Boat US, is a 501(c)3 registered non-profit organization in New York, with its Headquarters opposite the United Nations. Peace Boat carries out its main activities through a chartered passenger ship that travels the world, seeking to create awareness and action based on effecting positive social change in the world. The ship creates a neutral, mobile space and enables people to engage across borders in dialogue and mutual cooperation at sea and in the ports that we visit. We educate, raise awareness, and inspire action that makes a difference in the world. Participants learn about various social, political, environmental and economic issues through our onboard educational programs and exposure programs in the countries we visit. Learning directly through people-to-people encounters and grassroots field experiences, we examine the root causes of local and global issues, encouraging responsibility and action as global citizens.

Education and Methodology Peace Boat creates a unique environment in which people can live, learn and create together while visiting some of the most fascinating regions in the world. During each voyage, Peace Boat organizes a range of educational activities, including language classes, lectures, workshops and cultural programs onboard and in the counties we visit. Our activities encourage dialogue, critical thinking, reflection and active participation in current global issues. Educators from around the world direct regional or thematic segments of the voyage, sharing their knowledge, experiences and expertise while interacting daily with participants. This combination of guidance from specialists, interactive study sessions, and field work creates a profound learning experience that inspires positive action and cooperation across borders.

Peace Boat’s Global University Program Peace Boat’s Global University program offers a variety of educational programs that combine onboard lectures, workshops, and seminars with field study programs in ports, direct action, and cultural exchanges with people from diverse countries and backgrounds. This approach challenges students to reach far beyond their previous experiences and to develop new ways of understanding the world and how to be an active participant in it.

Peace Boat’s educational programs serve as a highly beneficial supplement to regular university studies by providing experiences that cannot be found in traditional classrooms on a campus. Our programs are based on direct participation and practice, and help to bridge gaps between theory and practice while giving young people tangible experiences in their fields of study that can help them open up new worlds, establish new networks, and gain important traction in their career pursuits. In this way, Peace Boat’s Global University programs add tremendous value to standard educational programs.


Learning Explore New Concepts, Issues, and Perspectives -Lectures -Workshops -Small group seminars -Informal and formal discussions -Language classes -Group project work

Exposure Direct Contact with Communities, Cultures, and Issues -Study programs in ports -Exchange programs in ports and on land -Field project work

Practice Synthesize Knowledge with Experiences -Create and develop new projects -Lead presentations onboard -Raise awareness -Meet with government officials, NGO leaders, and community builders -Participate in peacebuilding actions and events -Report about experiences

Traveling on a Ship

Life on Peace Boat Traveling by ship is a unique and inspiring experience. Learning onboard in a crosscultural environment, watching the sun set over a limitless horizon, spotting dolphins in their natural habitat, playing sports on deck, looking for constellations under a vast, starry sky, and sharing carefully prepared meals with participants and guest speakers can all be part of an ordinary day onboard.

Example of a Day on Peace Boat

International Education Programs Peace Boat’s Global University regularly offers programs onboard that focus on issues such as human security, disaster risk reduction, sustainability, youth leadership, and other issues. These programs are open to students and life-long learners from around the world. Depending on the program, partner universities provide academic credit for their students’ participation.

Peace Boat Led Programs (1-12 weeks)

8:00 Breakfast 9:00 Morning meeting with fellow students and staff 10:00 Attend guest speaker lecture 12:00 Lunch 13:30 Participation in cultural exchange event 16:30 Preparation for group presentation 19:30 Dinner with guest speaker 18:30 Workshop participation 22:00 Evening event

Peace Boat organizes study programs centered on sustainable development, international affairs, regional themes, conflict analysis and non-violent conflict resolution, youth leadership training, disaster risk reduction, media in society, and other topics. Peace Boat creates a curriculum for the program and invites guest educators from different fields of expertise to lead it. In ports of call, Peace Boat arranges exchange and study programs with local communities and organizations. Peace Boat works with academic organizations to create the program content and itinerary, and the partner organization may grant academic credit.

University Led Programs on Peace Boat (1-12 weeks)

Universities and other academic institutions partner with Peace Boat to create a custom program combining the institution’s academic leadership with Peace Boat’s facilities, access to ports, and logistics. Joining a segment or a full Peace Boat voyage can be a component of an advanced seminar, or form a class or semester of guided study.

Full Semester Onboard Peace Boat (3 months)

Voices from Universities “Peace Boat offers experiential opportunities by visiting various parts of the world, including post conflict areas, for students to learn about the present state of these countries. Educational excellence encourages the cultivation of humanity and the idea of a well-educated individual. Experiential learning through Peace Boat is one method to achieve this excellence. Many of our students who have had this valuable eye-opening experience stated that Peace Boat has helped them to grow to become responsible citizens, and has brought changes in their lives. Seisen University values this opportunity and offers academic credits to students who register for a study program onboard Peace Boat.” “University education is not just preparation for a future life, but is a process of living itself. In our globalized world today, the widest possible interaction with different cultures, peoples and societies is indispensable to that ‘finding of a way of life.’ Peace Boat is uniquely enriching in providing direct learning experiences by bringing students together in varied geographical settings.”

“Peace Boat programs combines theory with practical insights that are usually absent from academic programs. Interaction with local populations and non-state civil society activists are especially valuable, as most study programs and theory dealing with international politics/ relations or peace and conflict studies tend to heavily focus on state actors when it comes to issues of policy making, governance, and mediation.”

“After joining Peace Boat, our students know better what they want to make out of their lives and how to join forces cross-culturally for the purpose of peace and mutual understanding.”-

“My time on Peace Boat was nothing short of incredible; it was an absolutely phenomenal experience to meet people from all over the world, to practice Spanish, to learn a few different expressions in Japanese, and mostly to come on board and become a member of the Peace Boat family. This provides an incredible opportunity and experience for students on the undergraduate and graduate levels. There is always something to do, boredom does not exist on the boat, and always there are new relationships to build and new opportunities to create for students of any age.”

Universities organize a full semester for credit onboard Peace Boat, and can prepare their own curriculum and educators, while Peace Boat offers all necessary facilities and logistic support. A semester onboard Peace Boat lasts for the duration of the voyage (approximately 100 days). Kathy R. Matsui, Ph.D., Department of Global Citizenship Studies, Seisen University (Japan)

Professor Achin Vanaik, Political Science Department, University of Delhi, (India)

Professor Sophia Benz, Winner of the Deborah Gerner Innovative Teaching Award Tübingen University (Germany)

Professor Andreas Hasenclever, Institute for Political Science, Tübingen University (Germany)

Daniel Yalowitz, Dean of the Graduate School for International Training (SIT), (USA)

Language and Culture Programs (1-12 weeks)

Having a large Japanese community onboard Peace Boat and and the ship’s regular travel to various countries in Latin America creates the perfect environment for learning and practicing Japanese or Spanish directly with people of different ages and backgrounds. Through language courses, dialogue sessions and cultural events, students can quickly expand their language skills. Students can also experience traditional Japanese tea ceremony, calligraphy, origami and dance.

Summer Program or Internship

Peace Boat can organize an internship or summer program for individuals or groups of students interested in international issues, social studies, environmental awareness, Asian history, and culture. Internships can be carried out on the Peace Boat ship or at our headquarters in New York or Tokyo. Peace Boat interns working in the United States will have access to the United Nations conferences as part of their experience.

Conferences and Forums

Universities and academic institutions can organize conferences and forums onboard Peace Boat. Facilities, logistical support, and the organization of cultural events and programs in ports can be provided by Peace Boat.

Program Credits

Partner universities can provide credits directly to students based on program criteria. Universities may also provide credit to their students for independent study. Example: Tokyo University of Foreign Studies provided 2 credits to its students who participated in a 15-day onboard program that included twelve 90-minute lectures and three field study programs.

Program Costs

Program costs are calculated according to length, content, staffing, and travel requirements. Consult with Peace Boat US to obtain a program quote. Flights are separate from program quote.


Journalism and Media Literacy Journalists from conflict areas in the Balkans, Israel, Palestine, Colombia, India, Pakistan and Northern Ireland, as well as from various students groups from Europe and Asia have participated in Peace Boat programs on modern media trends, social media and media literacy in general. These programs help students to understand how modern media functions, criteria for professional journalism and the influence of social media in new movements and youth culture.

Peace Boat’s Global University Programs at a Glance Connecting People, Experiences, and Ideas Around the World Since 2002, Peace Boat’s Global University program has organized educational programs that give participants from around the world the opportunity to learn about global issues firsthand, guided by esteemed educators .

[New York-Costa Rica] Disarmament for Development More than 20 young people from the United States took part in a series of onboard seminars on disarmament for development, and traveled to Costa Rica, where they learned about mechanisms such as peace constitutions and how the country’s commitment to disarmament has led it to becoming the most stable, prosperous and educated country in the region. The program was organized in collaboration with the Hague Appeal for Peace, Educators for Social Responsibility Metro Area, and other New York-based organizations.

[Central America] International Cooperation Youth from New York City traveled with Peace Boat to learn about sustainable development and international cooperation. During the program, they learned about the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) before helping an indigenous village in Panama construct safer and more sustainable infrastructure for the community. The program was organized with the Music & Art Peace Academy [MAPA], Universal Models for Peace, DCTV and Mythic Bridge.

[Central America] Indigenous Studies Mayan youth from Guatemala joined Peace Boat for a program that focused on the growing challenges that Mayan people face in preserving their traditional culture in a modern society. The program was led by an indigenous leader who is recognized for her work in preventive healthcare, popular education and community support in Guatemala.

2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Having supported the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Campaign since 2009, Peace Boat has renewed its commitment to building a more equitable and sustainable world by pledging its support for the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, otherwise known as the Sustainable Development Goals. As a committed campaigner for the SDGs, Peace Boat proudly unveiled the vibrant SDGs logo on its hull during the departure ceremony of the 92nd Global Voyage in Yokohama, Japan on August 18, 2016. The 92nd Voyage marked the first Peace Boat Global Voyage dedicated to raising awareness for the SDGs.

[Baltic region] Environmental Studies Under a program called Bright Climate Future, (BCF), university students from the Baltic region sailed with Peace Boat to deepen their studies of sustainability, particularly in regions of historical and cultural differences such as the former eastern bloc nations of Belarus and Latvia. The program was organized with the Baltic University Programme (BUP) in association with the Uppsala University based Centre for Environment and Development Studies (CEMUS).

[Europe] History and Reconciliation Students from Germany joined survivors from Hiroshima and Nagasaki on Peace Boat for a special program that focused on historical recognition, post war societies, and justice, and compared the cases of Germany and Japan. The program was organized with Tuebingen Univesity.

[Africa] Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilient Cities Youth from five African countries sailed with Peace Boat to share ideas on how to make their countries more resilient to disasters, and to establish a network of youth working on disaster risk and reduction in the African region. The program was organized in cooperation with the Making Cities Resilient Campaign of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR).

Global Leadership At-risk youth from inner city New York sailed with Peace Boat to Kenya, Eritrea, Egypt, Turkey, Greece, Croatia and Italy to share their work on developing alternative forms of education and leadership skills, and to raise global citizenship awareness among young people. The program was organized with Global Kids, a leadership program developed for teenagers to provide them with the tools to become globally aware citizens who can think critically and speak for themselves.

[Africa] Development Peace Boat has long been involved in local and global initiatives to eradicate poverty in the world, and worked with the United Nations Millennium Campaign (UNMC) and the Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP-Japan) to raise awareness about the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Youth from Africa and Asia joined Peace Boat for a special MDGs Training Program to develop an understanding of the possibilities and challenges faced in eradicating poverty. The program was organized with the United Nations Millennium Campaign.

[Middle East] Peace Building and Reconciliation Nearly 70 young people from Israel and Palestine participated in a special program on Peace Boat that fostered direct ties, dialogue and understanding between the two groups. By sailing on Peace Boat, participants also had the opportunity to experience the larger world and learn from cases of post-conflict reconciliation in other regions. The program was organized with Breaking Barriers, an organization founded by an Israeli and Palestinian who sailed with Peace Boat in 2005, and the German-based campaign “Vacation From War.”

[Japan] Diversity Brazilian youth of Japanese descent took part in special program on Peace Boat that focused on changing trends in migration and the challenges faced in the goal of creating a multiethnic and multicultural society. The youth also learned about current issues in the Northeast Asia region, and participated in regional youth friendship building activities. The program was organized with the Consulate of Brazil in Tokyo, Japan.

Study and exchange programs in ports of call explore themes including peacebuilding, social justice and ecological sustainability. We work in cooperation with local and international non-profit organizations in the countries we visit to create programs that allow participants to support grassroots initiatives, contribute to sustainable local development, and learn from groundbreaking initiatives established by local communities. See below for a snapshot of several of the more than 1,900 study, exchange and exposure programs Peace Boat has organized.

Reviving the Galapagos Forest

Due to rapid development and introduced species brought in by settlers, the precious nature of the Galapagos Islands—the “islands of evolution”—are under threat. Since 2007, Peace Boat has been working with the Charles Darwin Foundation and photographer Fujiwara Koichi on a project to plant native species such as Scalesia.

Visiting a windmill farm in Denmark focusing on renewable energy [Asia] Youth and Security University students from the Asia-Pacific region participated in a program on Peace Boat that focused on social cohesion and how the construction of highly cohesive societies plays an important role in conflict prevention, post-conflict recovery and making societies resilient to conflict. The program was organized with Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS).

Denmark, a country that 30 years ago depended mostly on fossil fuel imports for its energy, has decided to produce 100 percent of its energy consumption from renewable energy sources by 2050. How was this energy shift possible? Sharing the lessons from pioneers around the world such as Denmark and Germany, Peace Boat is among the leaders of the social movement to create an energy shift in Japan and a sustainable future for the world.

Learning With Indigenous Communities in Guatemala

Peace Boat believes in looking at the world from the perspective of local people. As the world confronts an unprecedented number of issues, indigenous wisdom, knowledge and traditions are an invaluable source for us to learn how to coexist with nature and envision an alternative to the current ‘development model. Visits and exchanges with local communities allow Peace Boat participants to reflect upon their own societies.

[Sri Lanka] Post-conflict Reconciliation Youth from Sri Lanka who grew up during the country’s long period of conflict and civil war joined Peace Boat for a special program on reconciliation and the promotion of harmony amongst communities with a diverse population and multi-ethnic culture. The program was organized in cooperation with the Weeramantry International Center for Peace Education and Research and Sri Lanka Unites.

Youth and Media Students from Manhattan-based Downtown Community Television (DCTV), joined Peace Boat to learn about peace activism and to make a documentary about nuclear issues and disarmament. The program was organized with DCTV, which gives disadvantaged, inner city youth documentary making skills to explore the social issues they care about most.

The World Is Our Classroom- Exposure Programs In Ports Of Call

[Asia] Conflict Resolution Youth from Hong Kong SAR, the People’s Republic of China, South Korea and Japan joined the Northeast Asia Youth Peace Dialogue Program on Peace Boat to deepen their knowledge of issues facing the region and to create a first step toward the creation of a network of youth working on peacebuilding in Northeast Asia. The program was organized with the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC).

“Peace Boat’s voyages, offering an inspiring learning environment and linking onboard programs with local people, issues and cultures, are changing people’s perspectives. I myself felt the kind spirit of friendship through your warm welcome, interest and respect. I wish for the continued development and success of Peace Boat.” -Rigoberta Menchú, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate.

Peace Boat and the United Nations An NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations, Peace Boat brings grassroots voices and perspectives from civil society around the world to the UN through participation in issues of disarmament, peace and international security, human rights and sustainable development. The Ship

The Ocean Dream, chartered by travel agency Japan Grace Co., Ltd. to carry out Peace Boat Voyages, is a full-sized passenger ship outfitted with all modern amenities.

Peace Boat sails in support of the Sustainable Development Goals

Traveling with Peace Boat provides a space where people can interact, study, create events, and have access to facilities such as conference and seminar rooms. Cabin accommodation, daily meals, medical services, recreational facilities, and a highly trained professional team of officers and crew members ensure that passengers can travel with safety and comfort as they engage in learning. And no other form of travel in the world allows people to be a part of a borderless “international floating village” like a Peace Boat voyage!

Milestones in Peace Boat History 1983 1984 1990 1995 1998 1999 2002 2002 2004 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

· Organized first voyage in Northeast Asia · Began delivering humanitarian aid · Began organizing global voyages · Launched disaster relief activities in response to the Great Hanshin Earthquake · Established the P-MAC campaign to help remove landmines in Cambodia · Established the Peace Ball project to support peace through sports · Established the Peace Boat Global University Program · Gained Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations · Joined the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) · Launched the Global Article 9 Campaign to Abolish War · Nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize · Established the Peace Boat Global Voyage for a Nuclear Free World Hibakusha Project to promote nuclear weapon disarmament · Worked in partnership with the United Nations Millennium Campaign (UNMC) to raise awareness of the Millennium Development Goals · Began a Montessori education program onboard Peace Boat · Established the Peace Boat Global School program for youth withdrawing from public schools and society · Launched a large relief project in Ishinomaki City after the Great East Japan Earthquake · Established the Peace Boat Volunteer Center (PBV), and dispatched 80,000 volunteers to provide disaster relief support to the affected region · Carried out disaster relief support for victims of Hurricane Sandy · Winner of the Korea Foundation Green Planet Award · Winner of the International Institute for Peace Through Tourism (IIPT) “ Ambassador for Peace” Award 2014 · Became an official campaign partner of the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction’s “Making Cities Resilient” campaign 2015 · Celebrates organizing 90 voyages throughout its history 2016 · Launched the Eco Ship Project at the COP 21 Conference on Climate Change, taking one step closer to creating the world’s first cruise ship featuring environmentally friendly technology 2017 · Peace Boat and Arctech Shipyard sign a letter of intention for the Ecoship. · Peace Boat takes part in the UN Ocean Conference at the United Nations headquarters.


Peace Boat US

777 United Nations Plaza, 3E. New York, NY 10017, USA TEL +1-212-687-7214 · Peace Boat US

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