peace ideas
‘’If five percent of the people work for peace, there will be peace.’’ A Quarterly Publication of the Peace Center Theosophical Society in the Philippines, 1 Iba Street, Quezon City, Philippines
Tel. No. 741-5740; Fax: 740-3751; E-mail address:; Webpage:
Peace Practice __________
Outer Peace __________________________________
8 Habits of Love
Most Peaceful Countries in the World
In his book, 8 Habits of Love, Rev. Ed Bacon points out that we can access "the deepest, most sacred place" within ourselves, that "inner sanctuary" inside us all that grounds us in love, by cultivating the following habits: 1. The habit of generosity by which we allow the gifts of life that we receive to flow to others. 2. Stillness which enables us to experience how we are loved completely and unconditionally and to love others the same way. 3. The habit of truth which shows us the stories we need to abandon so we can express our true self which is loving. 4. The habit of candor which is about having the courage to engage in difficult conversations and deepen our relationships. 5. The habit of play which prevents us from hurting ourselves and others when we become too tense or stressed out. 6. Forgiveness which is about understanding the inner suffering of those who offend us. 7. The habit of compassion which is about revealing to others the goodness that is inside them. 8. The habit of community which teaches us a truth that beats at the very heart of the universe: we need other human beings to become fully human. Source: Rev. Ed Bacon, 8 Habits of Love (USA: New World Library, 2001)
The Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) has just released the latest Global Peace Index (GPI) which ranks the 162 countries in the world according to their level of peacefulness. The index gauges peace using three broad themes: · level of security and safety in society · extent of domestic and international conflict · degree of militarization. The 10 GPI topnotchers as of July 16, 2015, together with their scores using these indicators, are: 1. Iceland 1.189 2. Denmark 1.193 3. Austria 1.200 4. New Zealand 1.236 5. Switzerland 1.258 6. Finland 1.297 7. Canada 1.306 8. Japan 1.316
9. Belgium 1.354 10. Norway 1.371 The latest GPI data also show that while many countries are enjoying historically high levels of peace, others are spiralling further into violence and conflict: · 15 of the 20 most peaceful countries are in Europe where countries are enjoying unprecedented levels of peace and prosperity. · Due to terrorist activity and civil unrest, the Middle East and North Africa are now the world’s least peaceful regions for the first time since GPI began in 2007. · Globally, the intensity of internal armed conflict has increased dramatically, with deaths rising over 3.5 times from 49,000 in 2010 to 180,000 in 2014. Sources:;
Inside ____________________________________ Why We Should Spiritualize Politics Peace Lessons Learned from a Scientist's Stroke Tips from the Bible for Mending Conflicts Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone Teaching Positive Silence Inside the Classroom Green Shopping Tips
The Healing Power of Self-Acceptance Fish are Smarter Thank You Think How Classical Music Affects Your Kids Letting Go of Life's Frustrations The War on Terror: Who is Winning? And More…
Peace Ideas, No. 81
Environment ___________ Outer Peace___________________________________
Decalogue of the Earth Ecotopia author Ernest Callenbach gives the following 10 Commandments of Mother Earth: 1. Thou shalt love and honor the Earth for it blesses thy life and governs thy survival. 2. Thou shalt keep each day sacred to the Earth and celebrate the turning of its seasons. 3. Thou shalt not hold thyself above other living things nor drive them to extinction. 4. Thou shalt give thanks for thy food to the creatures and plants that nourish thee. 5. Thou shalt limit thy offspring for multitudes of people are a burden unto the Earth. 6. Thou shalt not kill nor waste Earth's riches upon weapons of war. 7. Thou shalt not pur sue profit at the Earth's expense but strive to restore its damaged majesty. 8. Thou shalt not hide from thyself or others the consequences of thy actions upon the Earth. 9. Thou shalt not steal from future generations by impoverishing or poisoning the Earth. 10. Thou shalt consume material goods in moderation so all may share Earth's bounty.
Why We Should Spiritualize Politics With all the moral problems in gov ernment to day like graft, corruption, dynasty-build ing, and so on, it is not too hard to think that the idea of spiritualizing politics might be a good one. The question, though, is that is it doable? According to Indian humanitarian, spiritual leader and peace ambassador Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, spiritualizing politics is not just a possibility but a necessity. In fact, he travels around the world to impress upon political leaders the need to integrate spirituality and their political philosophies. As a result, parliaments around the world have invited him to address their lawmakers out of recognition of his contributions in shaping a new political order. Here are some of the reasons he gives for why we should spiritualize politics: 1. Spiritualized politics brings a holistic perspective to the national decision-making process that is more conducive to real progress. There is an underlying spiritual crisis beneath all our social, ecological, economic and political crises and problems which is rooted in our illusion that we are absolutely separate from each other instead of essentially one at the core of our being.
peace ideas No. 81
A quarterly publication of the Peace Center of the Theosophical Society in the Philippines, 1 Iba Street, Quezon City, Philippines. The Theosophical Society is a non-profit, non-sectarian organization dedicated to the promotion of universal brotherhood without distinction of creed, caste, sex or color.
Peace Ideas seeks to disseminate workable ideas that will promote lasting peace and universal brotherhood. Contributions from readers are welcome, whether their own or clipped from their readings. Previously published materials must include name and address of publication from where the materials were taken. The views expressed herein do not necessarily express those of the editors or the publisher. Subscriptions: In the Philippines: P120.00 per year. Foreign: US$8.00 per year (postpaid airmail). Single copies: P30.00 (Foreign: US$2.00). Bulk orders for redistribution are entitled to sub-
2. Spiritualized politics creates a larger consensus among political parties. Because spiritual values promote unity, there is a greater chance for politicians to sacrifice self-interest and work together towards national progress. 3. Spiritualizing politics preempts conflict and political exploi ta tion. A pol i tics of hate (which leads to political reprisals) and abuse of power (which leads to corruption) can be prevented when political ideology is based on spiritual values. 4. Spiritualizing politics motivates good people to enter politics. “Politics is mainly about caring for people and their welfare...Politicians should be more spiritual. Spiritual is honoring the values of compassion and non-violence," says Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. Spiritualized politics will naturally attract spiritually inclined people who genuinely care for the welfare of the whole of society. 5. Spiritualized politics prevents political shortsightedness. Politicians often adopt policies or devises that benefit the people in the short term ( e.g., secret summary killings to prevent crime) but are actually harmful to them in the long term. Source:
stantial discounts. For information please write to: Peace Ideas, 1 Iba Street, Quezon City, Philippines. Tel. No. 741-57-40. Fax No. (63-2) 740-3751. E-mail address: Editor: Joselito B. Cendaña Editorial Staff: Vicente R. Hao Chin, Jr., Estrellita V. Gruenberg, Jenifer Aposaga
© Copyright 2015 by The Theosophical Society in the Philippines. Permission to reprint is granted provided Peace Ideas is acknowledged. ISSN 0118-9883
Peace Ideas, No. 81
Peace Perspective _______________________________ Self-Improvement ________
Peace Lessons Learned If You Feel Envious from a Scientist's Stroke In her bestselling book, My Stroke of Insight, brain scientist Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor describes how she lost her left-brain skill set during a massive stroke and experienced utter peace and being "one with the universe" when her rightbrain circuitry took over. Among the life-chang ing les sons she learned from what she calls her "stroke of insight" are: 1. There is another way of experiencing reality which is in complete contrast to our everyday or di nary way of ex pe ri encing things as separate and moving in time. It is a euphoric experience of being connected with everything in the timeless present moment. 2. Right-brain pres ent-moment experience occurs when left-brain thinking is silenced. When people meditate or become
mindful (or focus on the now), for example, they shift their minds away from the normal patterns of brain chatter (analyzing, categorizing, criticizing, and so on), freeing them from their left-brain circuitry and opening up the right brain ex pe ri ence. Even tu ally, peak experiences marked by feelings of bliss and utter peace may occur as a result of their practice. 3. "To experience peace does not mean your life is always blissful," Dr. Taylor says. "It means that you are capable of tapping into a blissful state of mind amidst the normal chaos of a hectic life." 4. Attaining inner peace is our best way of creating peace in our world because it brings out our inherently loving nature. Source: Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, My Stroke of Insight (New York: Penguin Books, 2006)
Interpersonal Relationships _______________________
Tips from the Bible for Mending Conflicts Like all other sacred scriptures, the Bible provides plenty of advice for resolving conflicts peacefully. Here are just a few of the many conflict-resolution tips you can find in the Christian scriptures or Bible: 1. Try to stay calm when someone upsets you. Do not add fuel to the fire. “A mild answer turns away rage, but a harsh word stirs up anger,” says Proverbs 15:1. 2. Settle differences privately and respectfully, thus dignifying the other person. "Settle matters quic kly with your adver sary...while you are still with him," says Matthew 5:25. 3. Gain insight into his or her feelings and viewpoint. Such in-
sight “slows down [our] anger” (Proverbs 19:11) because it puts us in the other person’s shoes. It can also help us to see ourselves through the other person’s eyes. 4. Forgive. Forgiveness is not only beautiful. It is also good medicine. As reported in a 2001 study, “unforgiving thoughts” resulted in “significantly higher” blood pressure and heart rate, whereas a forgiving attitude reduced stress. "Bear with each other and forgive one another," says Colossians 3:13. 5. Let love rule. “Above all t h i n gs , lo v e on e a n o t h e r deeply...," says 1 Peter 4:8. Source: "Interpersonal Conflicts" (Awake magazine, May 2014)
Envy causes discontentment and distress, binds our freedom, leads to resentment and bitterness, and makes us do things we would not normally do. Here are some steps you can take to break free of envy if it takes over: 1. Shift your focus to the goodness in your life. Count your blessings. You will be surprised by their number if you truly try. 2. Remind yourself that nobody has it all. For example, many rich and famous people are unhappy and even commit suicide, while you can be contented every time you focus within. 3. Avoid people who habitually value the wrong things. For example, if you spend your time with people who talk about new possessions, you will naturally fall into the trap of comparing your possessions to theirs. 4. Spend time with grateful people. Gratitude is highly contagious. Be contaminated by it. 5. Understand that marketers routinely fan the flame. Advertisers aim to foster jealousy and envy among us. Be on guard against their tactics. 6. Celebrate the success of others. Genuinely and practically, rejoice in the fortune of others. 7. Be generous. Share. Volunteer. Help others. Giving gives us a high that makes us happy. Source: Joshua Becker, "A Helpful Guide to Overcoming Envy" (
Peace Ideas Online Read entire issues of Peace Ideas plus outlines of essays on Self-Transformation in the Internet. The webpage of the Theosophical Society in the Philippines can be found in:
Peace Ideas, No. 81
Personal Growth ________ Education ____________________________________
Getting Out Teaching Positive Silence of Your Inside the Classroom Comfort Zone Silence has historically been pens While staying in your comfort zone provides mental security, it may also inhibit your personal growth. Here are some ways you can get out of your comfort zone without going too far and getting overwhelmed: 1. Do your everyday activities differently. Take a different route to your destination. Go vegetarian for a day. Try a new operating system. The aim is to get used to breaking out of a routine or pattern until you get used to it. 2. Take your time making deci sions. Some times, slow ing down is all it takes to make you uncomfortable if you value speed and quick thinking in your work and personal life. 3. Trust yourself and make snap decisions. Just as there are people who thrive on snap decisions, there are also those who always take it slowly. 4. Do it in small steps. If you are painfully shy, for example, you do not have to pay your neighbors visits right away. Just say "hi" to them and see where you can go from there. Source: Alan Henry, "The Science of Breaking Out of Your Comfort Zone" (
Bulk Copies of Peace Ideas Bulk quantities of Peace Ideas either in newsprint or standard paper may be ordered at very low prices. It is a very economical way of promoting inner and outer peace. Contact the Peace Center, 1 Iba St., Quezon City, Philippines, Tel. 741-5740; Fax No. (63-2) 740-3751.
used in schools for negative rea- · Introducing opening and closing silent pauses sons such as to keep control of unruly children or to allow the teacher · Taking oneself away from talk and busy action to be heard. This is negative weak silence. Postive strong silence, on · Encouraging silence, not frowning upon it the other hand, requires democrat· Talking to others about ically agreed participation whose how to achieve it aim is to bring benefits to body, · Noticing the silence in the mind and spirit of both the student midst of busyness and the teacher. Some of the tech· Looking at nature and its niques used by educators to introrhythms with silence in duce positive silence to students mind include: · Teaching meditation and · Waiting longer after asking a mindfulness techniques. question The benefits of these practices · Creating agreed silent events include: · Introducing silent tasks · Focused learning · Listening more · A sense of well-being · Modelling silent and calm be- · Interpersonal tolerance havior · A calmer approach and at· Dedicating a silent space for mosphere sitting in · More self-awareness. · Using silent reading Source:· Not talking to see what haptent/strong-silence-sound-strategy-class
SuAnne Big Crow: Sioux Indian, Peace Heroine The Sioux Indians are perhaps best known for producing one of the greatest Indian warrior chiefs in history: Sitting Bull, who defeated Custer in the Battle of Little Big Horn (also known as Custer's Last Stand). It was ironically from this once-powerful and ferocious tribe that a modern peace heroine was to be born. SuAnne Big Crow was a star basketball player at Pine Ridge, South Dakota who also promoted cultural understanding and goodwill among rivals. In one basketball game, she hushed a jeering crowd by performing a spontaneous traditional Oglala shawl dance. The crowd fell into complete silence as she brought them into a humanitarian state of love that will never be forgotten. An exceptional athlete, she set several state records, including scoring an average of 39 points per game and scoring 67 points in a single game . She led her team to a state championship, scoring the winning basket at the last second. Big Crow was also an academic topnotcher in school. She spoke across the country against drug and alcohol abuse, confronted bigotry, and worked toward reconciliation between races. Still dreaming big for her homelands, she suddenly died in a car accident at 17. She was adopted by tribes all over South Dakota such that her funeral procession was six miles long. Her legend lives on today among Native Americans.. Source:
Peace Ideas, No. 81
Health and Spirituality __________________________
The Healing Power of Self-Acceptance In her inspiring bestseller, Dying to Be Me, Anita Moorjani relates how she started to die of cancer, entered into an extraordinary near-death ex pe ri ence where she realized her true worth and the actual cause of her disease, and came back to heal totally after a few weeks—leaving her doc tors in complete astonishment! Among the things that she learned from her NDE are: 1. Who we really are is pure consciousness which is also Love itself. Anita says she was able to get in touch with who who we really all are—that deepest part of ourselves that is eternal, infinite, and one with the universe. It is a state of being Love—being both completely loved and all-loving. 2. The root cause of cancer is fear. Anita says she was afraid of about everything, especially fail-
ing, being disliked, letting people down, not being good enough, and other things related to her self-image. Her fears prevented her from expressing her true self. 3. Healing occurs by allowing our true spirit to shine through. Anita says her NDE was a state of pure loving awareness, a state of suspension of all previously held beliefs (without self-judgment and judgment of others) which allowed her body to reset itself. It is a state of Oneness. This is where miracles take place. 4. The first step to conscious awareness and healing is understanding how nature intends things to be. We then accept life as it is rather than how it should be, and accept and love ourselves and others unconditionally. Source: Anita Moorjani, Dying to Be Me (USA: Hay House Inc., 2012)
Parenting ____________________________________
Peace Quotes The reason that people start wars is because they still believe in their separation from life. But when you experience wholeness with all living beings, you understand that hurting somebody else is just hurting yourself as we are all one on the spiritual level. SWAMI DHYAN GITEN
The greatest learning of the ages lies in accepting life exactly as it comes to us. ANTHONY DE MELLO
No one is to be called an enemy, all are your benefactors, and no one does you harm. You have no enemy except yourselves. ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI
. It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets. VOLTAIRE
When Your Kid Asks About Death Mental-health experts say that a child will develop anxieties related to death if he is not allowed to talk about the subject. Here are some parenting tips they give for talking about death to children: 1. Take advantage of opportunities to talk about death. If your child sees a dead bird in your yard, for example, ask him simple questions to encourage him to talk like “Why is it not moving?" "How do you know it is dead?” and so on. 2. Do not hide the truth. Avoid us ing con fus ing eu phe misms such as “He has gone away." Use simple and direct words that reveal the truth about death.
How can it be that it is not a news item when an elderly homeless person dies of exposure but it is news when the stock market 3. Reassure your child. He loses two points? POPE FRANCIS might think that his actions or thoughts caused some one’s death. Instead of just saying that In truth, to attain to interior he is not responsible for what peace, one must be willing to pass happened, ask, “What makes you through the contrary to peace. think it is your fault?” Listen careSWAMI BRAHMANANDA fully to his feelings. 4. Draw out your child. Talk Every moment is precious and freely about loved ones who have beautiful, filled with love, joy, died, including those whom your peace, tranquility, and serenity. child has never met. Evoke fond DEBASISH MRIDHA memories of them. When you open up this way, you help your child understand that he need not You can't calm the storm, so avoid thinking or talking about stop trying. What you can do is people who are no longer alive. calm yourself. The storm will pass. Source: "When Your Child Asks About Death" (Awake magazine, February 2015)
Peace Ideas, No. 81
Environment ____________ Animal Welfare ________________________________
Green Shopping Tips You can make a big difference to our planet by being environmentally conscious in your shopping. That said, here are some green shopping tips: General Considerations · Prepare a shopping list before buying so you can avoid purchasing unnecessary items, thus reducing waste. · Family-sized products require less packaging and generally cost less. · Bring an environmentally friendly shopping bag rather than buy plastic bags each time you purchase. Buying Food and Drinks · Minimize take-away foods which use more disposable packaging, and choose to eat at home. · Buy drinks in returnable bottles as much as possible. · Try to use durable tablewares instead of disposable ones such as foam containers, paper cups, and disposable plastic cutleries. Buying Daily Necessities · Buy ant or cockroach traps instead of fluorocarbon sprays; they pollute less. · Minimize your purchases of products such as aerosol sprays that contain ozone depleting substances. · Use a solution of vinegar and baking soda as multi-purpose cleaner instead. · Use reusable handkerchiefs instead of tissues. Buying Clothes · Choose clothes that are made of non-bleached materials because waste water generated from the bleaching process affects the marine ecology. · Choose clothes made of materials which do not crease easily so less energy is consumed for ironing. Source:
Fish are Smarter Than You Think Even though they travel in schools, fish have always been thought to be unintelligent creatures. A new comprehensive study consisting of decades of research into an i mal be hav ior, however, indicates for the first time that fish are smarter than we ever thought and also feel pain much the same way humans do. Headed by Culum Brown, a biologist at Macquarie University in Australia, the study shows that fish— · have great memories which may last 12 days or more (contrary to the popular belief that fish have 30-second memory spans). · demonstrate many complex behaviors including multitasking and maintaing cultural traditions. · live in complex social struc-
tures. · recognize themselves and others, unlike many more advanced animals. · feel pain. These results were enough to make Brown conclude: "Although scientists cannot provide a definitive answer on the level of consciousness for any non-human vertebrate, the extensive evidence of fish behavioral and cognitive sophistication and pain perception suggests that best practice would be to lend fish the same level of protection as any other vertebrate. We should therefore include fish in our ‘moral circle’ and afford them the protection they deserve.” Source: Andrew Fazekas, "Fish are Smarter Than You Think" ( nk--a-new-study-shows-%E2%80%93-and-they-feel-pai n--too-205536787.html)
Parenting ____________________________________
How Classical Music Affects Your Kids Since September is Classical Music Month, let us talk a bit about classical music. Do you know that children benefit more from listening to classical music than adults? The pathways in our brain for classical music are similar to the pathways we use for spatial reasoning which undergoes more rapid development in kids. Just to mention some of its benefits to people, especially children, classical music— 1. Enhances mental ability. Studies show that students who listen to classical music before taking an exam perform better than those who do not. Children who take music lessons also see a general increase in their overall IQ
2. Boosts moods. This is especially true with classical music that has high frequencies and is moderately fast. 3. Encourages creativity. Classical music excites the emotions and boosts imagination. 4. Aids in treatment. Listening to classical music, compared with other music genres, promotes quicker recovery from illness. Parenting tips you can use: · Play classical music for your baby or kids. · Hum classical tunes to them. · Sing with your child. · Start music lessons early. · Encourage your child’s school to teach music. Source: resources/Articles/building_babys_brain.htm
Peace Ideas, No. 81
Inner Peace__________________________________ Interpersonal Relationships _
Letting Go of Life's Frustrations
When You're Smiling
"When you're smiling, the whole world smiles with you." So goes the lyrics of the song, "When You're Smiling" popularized by Louis Armstrong and Frank Sinatra. But making other people smile is just one of the many benefits of smiling. Scientific studies and verifiable actual obervation and experience show that when you smile— 1. You overcome stress and anxiety. Studies show that participants who wear a smile during stressful and anxious situations have lower heart rates. 2. You become happier. Smiling causes your brain to release "happy hormones." 3. You become more attractive. A study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology found that smiling makes you more attractive to those you smile at. 4. Your immune system becomes stronger because your body produces white blood cells or leukocytes that fight disease. Source: Lori Deschene, "40 Ways to Let Go and Feel Less Pain" 5. You feel less pain. Studies ( that smiling and laughter are go-and-feel-less-pain/) natural analgesics. 6. You be come more approachable. A smile is a facial inLife will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evovitation to people to come talk lution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experiwith you. ence you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the 7. You will feel more comfortmoment. able. Studies show that smiling ECKHART TOLLE can make you feel more comfortable in situations you would otherwise feel awkward in. 8. You appear more trustworthy. Participants in a University of Why not a year’s subscription to Pittsburgh study rated people Peace Ideas? P120.00 (or US$8.00 for- who smiled as more trustworthy eign by air). If you subscribe for more than people who did not smile. 9. You will be a better leader. A than 10 friends, you get a 10% discount University of Montpellier study for all. Your friends will receive a card announcing your gift has shown that smiling is a more subscription together with the first issue. ef fec tive lead er ship tech nique Just send your name with the list of your friends, to- than other actual management gether with a check or money order to: Peace Ideas, 1 Iba techniques.
Influential Thai Buddhist teacher Ajahn Chah once said, "If you let go a little, you will have a little peace. If you let go a lot, you will have a lot of peace." This is sim ple ad vice but one that speaks volumes. That said, here are some ways to get started with letting go of life's frustrations: 1. Learn a new skill instead of dwelling on the skills you never mastered or cannot master. 2. Change your perception. See that everything is a blessing, though it may be in disguise. 3. Cry it out. According to biochemist Dr. William Frey II, Ph. D., cry ing re leases harm ful chemicals that build up in the body due to stress. 4. Channel your discontentment into an immediate positive action. Make some calls about new job opportunities, volunteer at the community center, buy self-help books, and so on. 5. Meditate to bring yourself into the present moment instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.
6. List down your accomplish ments (even the small ones) and add to the list daily. This is a way of replacing frustration with self-satisfaction. 7. Visualize a box in your head la beled "Ex pec ta tions" and use it. Whenever you start thinking of how things should be or should have been, shelve your thoughts in that box. 8. Engage in a physical activity. Exercise releases "happy hormones" called endorphins and decreases stress hormones like cortisol. 9. Focus on what you can control instead of dwelling on what you cannot. 10. Express yourself through a creative outlet like blogging, painting, singing, dancing, and so on. Add this to your to-do list and cross it off when you are through. This will be a visual reminder that you have actively chosen to release your feelings.
Thinking of a Gift?
Street, Quezon City, Philippines.
Peace Ideas, No. 81
Interspirituality _________ Outer Peace __________________________________
Spiritual Awakening 101 Jeff Foster, author of Falling in Love with Where You Are, gives the following "simple principles and pointers of spiritual awakening": 1. There is no destination; there is only now. We awake to a timeless state which can only be accessed in the present moment. 2. Thinking and resistance create suffering. They bring our minds to the past and future, and prevent us from experiencing the "joy of Being" in the now. 3. Thoughts and sensations are not personal, and not the truth. They are just waves in the ocean that come and go. 4. You are the space for thoughts, not the thinker of them. You can watch the thinker in you and know yourself as pure awareness by being mindful. 5. Breathe into your discomfort and pain; honor them. They hold the intelligence of the universe; they are not against you. 6. You can only get “there” by being “here.” True joy can only be found in the here and now, and has nothing to do with goals and an imagined future. 7. Embrace your stumbling; it is perfect too. Seeing things as they really are consists of seeing perfection in imperfection. Everything is whole and fulfilled in the timeless state, but things need to unfold in our world of time and space. Even then, heaven and earth are one. 8. Do not compare; you are life itself. We are all expressions of the same ocean of consciousness. Love and accept yourself and others without condition. Source:
The War on Terror: Who is Winning? If you are wondering who is winning the US War on Terror, the following statistics should give you an answer: · In 2014, terrorist attacks worldwide increased by 30% while terrorism-related fatalities increased by 81%. · There is an unprecedented flow of foreign fighters to Syria and Iraq to join ISIS, which is a direct outgrowth of Al Qaeda. · 1.3 million people have been killed in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan as a result of the US War on Terror which is supposedly being fought to uphold human rights. · 1 million people perished in Iraq alone, a shocking 5 % of the country’s population. · There are 3 million internally displaced Iraqis and 2.5 million Afghan refugees living in Pakistan due to the US War on Terror. · As of 2011, the cost of the US War on Terror has hit $5 trillion or $16,000 per American, not including future interest costs on borrowing for the wars and its effects on the US and world economy. · The U.N. Assistance Mission in Afghanistan has reported that 2014 saw the highest rate of civilian deaths and injuries due to
the US War on Terror in the 5 years it kept statistics. Despite the costs and inefficacy of US military interventions to fight terrorism, American support for the use of force has grown as can be gleaned from the following statistics: · In three surveys by the Pew Research Center over the last 10 years, fewer than 40 % of Americans believed in the use of force as the best strategy to combat terrorism. · In a recent Pew poll, however, nearly 50% of the Americans surveyed now believe that military force is the best option available. All this makes us wonder: How much more human suffering is needed before we finally listen to the teachings of our great spiritual masters like Jesus ("Love your enemies") and the Buddha ("Hatred will not stop in this world by hatred but by love. This is an eternal law")? After all, there are alternatives to the use of violence like human i tar ian-eco nomic de velopment and proactive removal and prevention of "root causes" that are more effective and compassionate. Sources: Warren Strobel, "Terror Attacks, Deaths Up Sharply in 2014: State Department" (; Lauren Carasik, "Americans Have Yet to Grasp the Horrific Magnitude of the ‘War on Terror’" ( and Spirituality
The Peace Center The Peace Center of the Theosophical Society in the Philippines is open Tuesday to Sunday from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. The Center is located at the National Headquarters of the Theosophical Society in the Philippines, 1 Iba Street,
Quezon City, Philippines. Tel. No. 741-57-40. The Board of Trustees of the Center is composed of the following: Vicente R. Hao Chin, Jr. (Chairman), Rudy Rodil (Executive Director), Flerida Ruth P. Romero, Leticia R. Shahani, Concepcion L. Madarang, Luis Torres, Leonardo Salazar and Patricia G. Muñoz (Trustees).