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Connecting People to Rocky Horror
Connecting People to Rocky Horror
By Mikkel Hyldebrandt
Anyone who’s been to a Friday night viewing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show at the Plaza Theatre recognizes the huge effort it takes to make this cult event happen week after week. One of the cast members is Candace Weslosky, who works as an ophthalmic technician by day and hosts the RHPS at night!

Candace, you have hosted the Rocky Horror Picture Show viewing for 20 years now – how did you even get to do that?
Saw the movie as a young kid on VH1 one on Halloween and heard in my early teens They were going to create a cast to come to The Plaza, so the minute they started there I joined the cast in fall of 2000, I was at the time the youngest member. I started off working backstage and look at me now.
What does it entail being the hostess?
Being the hostess is like being the connection, or the concierge between the audience and the actors. It allows another level of interaction with our show that you don’t get just from the movie. I definitely don’t dress up, and if you had asked what I wore weekly. It’s probably jeans and a T-shirt, so classy.
For those who haven’t been to a Rocky Horror Picture Show viewing at the Plaza yet; can you explain what it is all about?
We are a live, shadow cast, meaning the movie is playing on the screen behind us, but the show is happening in front on stage is completely mimicked scene for scene song for song sequin for sequin. It’s the original 4D.
You were recently awarded and honored received for your decadelong hosting duties. How does it feel to be recognized like this?
I was very honored to receive the Furleinger Cinema and Arts Award. This is the second year the award has been given out. The first recipient was awarded in Florida last year, and I am the first recipient in Georgia. I was honored to receive this. And while I like bringing the party, I don’t really like being the focus of it, so that was challenging to take the compliment.
Besides being a cult phenomenon hostess, you’re also a part of the Outlantacon board. Tell us a little bit about that.
Outlantacon is the longest running LGBTQ+ board gaming and sci-fi convention in the Southeast. I was a con chair for several years, a track birector, but my real love is hosting the events and games and making sure that all of our attendees feel welcomed and included. In fact, we just got our dates for next year ,which are March 22-24, 2024, and we will also be hosting Gaylaxicon, which is a traveling countrywide LGBTQ+ convention.
Remind everyone: when can we experience you hosting the Rocky Horror Picture Show?
Rocky horror can be seen at the plaza theater every Friday night at 11 pm. It’s always best to purchase your tickets online, as we often sell out especially in September and October. I host many Fridays, but not always as I’m not the only one hosting, we are making a concerted effort to help our younger members learn how to host, so that they, too, can grow their skills, and the confidence that comes with public speaking. Another thing to mention is the Cineprov show at the Plaza theater which is a live movie-riffing mystery science theater 3000 type of event. I am one of the regular comedians and we do our show once a month. Usually in the last Thursday of the month.
Anything you’d like to add?
My new hosting venture I’ve done over the last two years is geek-themed trivia on Monday nights at Felix‘s at 8:30pm. It’s been such a fun adventure and it really allows me to enjoy hanging out with the audience and spending time with them in a more intimate setting. I also want to give a shout out to the Atlanta Freedom Band. They are Atlanta’s pride band, and I’m in the concert and marching band –they are amazing people, and when I’m not hosting every event in town, I’m either playing the French horn or cymbals at it. It really is a labor of love and a testament to our community and how we all support each other and all these great events