Griff & Rick’s Halloween Tricks & Treats Elec�on Journey My Right, My Vote Stream Your Screams Ghoulish Guide to Horror Flicks
TESTING Free HIV testing • Results in 5 minutes • Safe & easy • No need to leave your car Offered by appointment at our Decatur Center: 523 Church St, Decatur, GA 30030
OCT 28, 2020
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PEACH MEDIA 6050 Dawson Blvd, Ste O
Norcross, GA 30093
OPERATIONS Jeff Anderson Sales and Development Director
EDITORIAL Mikkel Hyldebrandt Editorial Director
Brian Sawyer
We live in scary times. In fact, Halloween, with all its ghouls and ghosts, pales in comparison to what 2020 has had in store for us. And then there is the impending election! Scary times, indeed! So this issue deals with some of that, but mostly we are here to give you a sense of Halloween now that we can’t celebrate to the same extent as last year. So we asked Griff and Rick to grace the cover and give us a little insight and inspiration for a fun and sexy Halloween. And we give you a comprehensive list of horror movies so you can stream your screams from the comfort and safety of your own home.That, and so much more, in this spooky issue of Peach!
CONTRIBUTORS Jamie Kirk Eric Maxwell
NATIONAL AD REP Rivendell Media | 908.232.2021
ON THE COVER Rick & Griff
Editorial Director | IG @hyldebrandt ONLINE
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By Mikkel Hyldebrandt
hat does voting mean to you? Is it a hard-earned right? A civic duty? A menacing chore? Barely W on your mind? A privilege? After casting my vote
in this year’s Presidential election, it became clear to me what voting means to me - especially after I haven’t been able to vote in a general, parliamentary, presidential election since moving to the US. This is the story of my vote. I could tell I got emotional when the poll workers all cheered for me for being a first-time voter. And when I was giving off my ballot to be scanned, and a woman handed me my ‘I’m a Georgia Voter’ sticker, the tears were definitely pressing. Thank the gods for masks so that they couldn’t see my emotional state all over my face, right? But this was the first time in over ten years that I voted in a general and presidential election, so yeah, this was a massive deal to me.
to whom I was legally married (in Denmark). After a lengthy process to obtain my own visa so I could work and live in the US, the Defense of Marriage Act (section 3) was repealed in 2013, which at the time didn’t legalize gay marriage but recognized the legality of my marriage under Danish law. That paved the way for me to get a green card sponsored through my marriage because I was now recognized as a lawful spouse to my husband, who already had a green card. Green card but still no elections. It was difficult not to be able to participate in a democratic process in local elections, and it was heartbreaking not to be able to cast a vote in the 2016 election that had such a devastating (for me) outcome. It was around that time that I started thinking about a path to citizenship, so I could fully participate in a democratic process again. A deadline for even applying for citizenship is having a green card for five years, and that deadline was reached for me in 2019. Under the counsel of an immigration lawyer, the application was started, and right before COVID shut the country down, I went to my biometrics appointment, where the immigration authorities take your fingerprints for your official documents. At that point, it was simply a waiting game while you were being vetted, and the lawyer warned that the process could be delayed because of the pandemic that was only gaining in strength at the time. Then, things suddenly went fast! I received a letter for my final naturalization scheduled for early September. I went and passed. Then, my inauguration was less than three weeks later although I was told it would be delayed due to COVID. I went to get sworn in as a citizen (alone because of the pandemic), and I received my citizenship certificate along with information and form to register to vote.
They say you don’t know what you got until it’s gone, and when it comes to voting, that holds very true to me. I’m originally from Denmark, and when I moved to Atlanta in 2012, I knew that when I gave up my residency in Denmark, I also gave up my right to vote in any Danish election. And because I was a Danish citizen living in the US, I couldn’t vote in any elections stateside. In fact, I wasn’t even recognized as a resident in the US, but as a tourist because of my visa status, even though I came with my husband
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Within days I submitted my registration, but I was a little concerned whether or not it would reach the voter registration office, so after about two weeks, I went in person to the elections office. That turned out to be a great idea because my mailed registration had apparently been lost in the mail. I registered in person again and then spent the next couple of weeks checking my voter registration page daily. When it finally went through and my newly won citizenship was verified, I chose a pretty ordinary Tuesday in October to go and vote early for the first time in over a decade. And in that moment, my journey to win the right to vote felt very clear to me. So when the poll workers cheered, and my ballot was accepted, yes, I got emotional. My right, my vote.
Between Two Passions:
Real Estate and Helping the Community
Marsha Siso REALTOR
arsha Siso, of ExP Realty’s Homes Sold By Siso, takes pride in serving the community she loves in Metropolitan Atlanta and the Suburbs.
A proud Georgia peach, when she’s not renovating her home or spending time with her family and friends, she’s helping make an impact on the community she calls home. She’s been recognized with top honors as an accredited buyer’s representative, a sellers representative specialist, and an expert in finance. She’s been awarded membership into the highly prestigious Million-Dollar Club from the Northeast Atlanta Metro Association of Realtors to top that off.
by Daniel García
I’m fervently working in their best interests. I never shy away from chipping in to make the transaction go smoothly. Providing excellent customer service is the most important thing we can do. People want to know they are heard, taken care of, and can trust you with their largest investment. How important is diversity to you, and what does it bring to the real-estate world? Diversity is crucial to maintaining a balance in the community, and our generation has such an opportunity to make a positive and lasting impact. That’s one reason I listen respectfully and intently to my clients’ different needs and desires in homeownership. It’s the American dream, and it’s something that’s intended for everybody.
We caught up with Marsha to learn more about her passion for helping and serving clients in the community and obtain What makes Atlanta a great place to purchase some insightful real estate tips for today’s hot Atlanta market. a home in today’s market? Aside from property How did you first get values continuing to started in real estate? go up at almost 4% Believe it or not, my life over the last year, has been a stepping stone Atlanta’s got a distinct towards real estate. At first, blend of quintessential I ignored my calling because timelessness, while at I was too shy to speak with the same time being a people. I used my Business fresh, young community degree to take baby steps to that takes pride in its overcome my social fears. diversity. I started in bookkeeping at the age of 12, working my What’s one hot way into customer service real estate tip you at an insurance agency, and can share with us finally built-up my confidence today? to jump into real estate. Don’t shy away because Now, several years later, I’ve of minor cosmetic had the pleasure of being updates needed. Looking able to help a melting pot of past wallpaper, paint, hundreds of people and never looked back! and dated kitchens or bathrooms gives you an opportunity to get more house for the money. Are you involved with any volunteering or activism in the LGBTQ community? I enjoy running for charity events, and I’m always looking for new ways to contribute where and when I can to support my LGBT community. With such an amazing start to your career, how do you continue elevating your goals? Every year, my main goal is to help more and more people in the community with the largest investment of their lives; their home. Being well-informed in the market is of the utmost importance. I participate in podcasts, attend weekly sales meetings, read up on the news, and have attended all the big-name conferences, but honestly, I learn the most just being in the field and working with different kinds of people each day.
You have a perfect 5-star rating in serving your clients. What’s your secret? I treat every client as an individual and personalize everything I do according to each client’s situation and needs. I’m always available to my clients 24/7, and I believe they know Sold By Siso LLC fully supports the principals of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Each franchise is indepentently owned and operated.
To say that 2020 has been a scary year is an understatement. Grueling, horrific, gut-wrenching come to mind instead. Not even the goriest or most mind-chilling horror movie could have predicted what mind-blowing plot 2020 had in store for us – and we have all felt it in one way or another. A quick online survey came up with an abundance of the many lived-through experiences that 2020 challenged us with. So, with the wishes of a better tomorrow, here are some of the most frightening things we experienced in 2020. “Losing my entire career and “Just how fragile our economy wondering what’s next” truly is and how quickly things can - Keiran N. go south” - Matthew T. “Covid and it’s over 200k body count. This is one scary movie that “Being restricted from being able I don’t need a sequel for!” to be physically close to people - Patrick L. - from everyday touch to the inability to travel internationally to “The scariest thing this year is see family” finding out how uncompassionate - Eric M. people are” - Paul H.
THE HORROR OF 2020 10 | follow us @ peachatlmag
“The scariest thing this year has been dealing with a worldwide pandemic, racial inequality, the collapse of our country, an entire government party that would rather kill us than help us, murder hornets, hurricanes, what else am I forgetting? What’s next, 2020?!” - Ty F.
“I think we might just find out 4 days after (Halloween)” Joey D.
“The prospect of Trump winning reelection... say bye-bye to women’s rights, gay marriage, health care, preexisting conditions, a more equitable legal system for citizens of color, climate change legislation and all the rest of the social gain we’ve achieved” - Frank S
“Trump. It’s terrifying that we have someone who is clearly mentally ill running the most powerful country on the planet. Someone who clearly doesn’t care about us and who clearly wants us to fight with each other” Peter P.
“Losing my job, searching for one, still not getting ANY unemployment assistance, and the callousness throughout it all” - Frank C.
“The prospect of losing everything we’ve built” - David R.
“Staring up the barrel of a rapidly developing fascist dictatorship with no idea how to stop it or get out of the way” Lauren A.
“RBG passing and The Supreme “Coming to the realization that Court Justice seat being replaced these days many Americans just by a conservative. RBG has been don’t care about others” the deciding vote for monumental - Rick L. changes with civil rights and equal rights. And now there is a “Terrified of getting my Dad conservative nominee that may exposed with Covid-19. Being repeal ACA, Roe, Gay marriage, super cautious about what I do or Religious freedoms, and other who I see to be sure to not get him judgments made to advance civil sick” and equal rights” - Allie S. - Keith D.
“The pending doom and collapse of civility and our republic” - Mike A.
STREAM YOUR SCREAMS THE ULTiMATE GUiDE TO HALLOWEEN MOViES By Eric Maxwell Photo by Willrow Hood At the grueling prospect of not celebrating Halloween in-person this year, we compiled a haunting list of films and TV shows that are perfect for a frighteningly good time from the comfort and safety of your home. Gather your COVID pod for a ghastly streaming party or let the stream of horror spread via Zoom. With this list*, you will be checking the locks and leaving the porch light on …
Slashers & Stalkers Slashers & stalkers are probably the most popular part of the genre. They give us sequel after sequel and get remakes for decades. Here’s a few to cut your teeth on. Psycho The 1969 original Alfred Hitchcock film is considered by many to be the birth of the slasher film. No one felt safe in the shower again after this one, and it goes to show you can’t trust a man with mommy issues.
Scream A clever modern take on the genre, the Scream series Scream series is a story of revenge and Scream uncovering secrets. At times hilarious and extremely quotable, this is the definitive popcorn flick of the 90s. I Know What You Did Last Summer Hot on the heels of Scream Scream is another revenge tale with bigger star power and a fearsome hook. The first two films starred Jennifer Love Hewitt, Sarah Michelle Gellar, and Brandy – talk about girl power – escaping from an angry father who wants revenge for his dead children.
Halloween Michael Myers has been scaring audiences since his 1978 debut, and the 2018 sequel was so successful that he’s got two more films in the works. Forget a 401K when you can stalk babysitters with a butcher knife.
Ghostly Frights
Friday the 13th Not far behind Michael, you’ll find Jason Voorhees. Though he’s not the killer in the original film (Scream Scream trivia!), this series Scream has given us a whopping 12 films (one short of Michael Myers’ current output) that have found him slashing from Crystal Lake to Outer Space and even to Springwood, Ohio to fight a familiar foe.
The Haunting The 1963 adaption of Shirley Jackson’s novel “The Haunting of Hill House” was a classic Cinderella story gone wrong where a woman breaks free of her family and finds herself in a mansion of ghosts. The 1999 remake dialed up the sex and humor with Catherine Zeta-Jones and Owen Wilson giving us tons of special effects and atmosphere. It was later adapted into a TV series on Netflix.
A Nightmare on Elm Street If you think there’s nothing scary than giving a speech naked, then you’ve never met Freddy Kruger. A former child murder who was burned to death by neighborhood vigilantes, this series was the height of the MTV generation in the 80s. The Springwood Slasher even faced Jason Voorhees in 2003’s Freddy vs. Jason.
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From haunted houses to haunted VHS tapes, ghosts just have a lot of unfinished business, and they are mad about it. Get spooked with these.
The House on Haunted Hill If you want campy fun, look no further. Not to be confused with The Haunting/ Haunting/” The Haunting of Hill House,” there are lots of special effects pioneering in the1959 original starring Vincent Price as one half of the world’s unhappiest
married couple who invite people to survive the night at a haunted house for a cash prize. The 1999 remake dialed up the sex and gore with Famke Janssen (X-Men), singer-actor Taye Diggs, and Ali Larter (Final Destination). Thirteen Ghosts Of no relation to Scooby-Doo, this film is about a family getting an inheritance from a distant uncle – but it’s not what it seems. The inheritance is an incredible mansion… filled with ghosts. And they aren’t happy to be there. The 2001 remake starred Tony Shalhoub (preMonk), Shannon Elizabeth (American Monk Pie), and Matthew Lillard (Scream). The Ring Japanese horror was all the rage in the mid-2000s, and the 2002 American remake of 1998’s Ring started Ring started the trend. Ring This compelling story of a ghost exacting revenge through a curse will make you afraid to watch a VHS ever again. Hopefully, we’ve escaped the ghosts by moving to YouTube. The Grudge Hot on the heels of Ring Ring was 2000’s direct-to-video Ju-On. This gave birth to a few sequels that eventually made their way to cinemas and were remade in 2004 with Buffy herself in the lead role. This ghost was wronged, and anyone who lives in her house has hell to pay, even a slayer.
Witches You’ll need more than a hat and a few spells to fight these empowered bad girls. The scariest thing about witches is that they can be anyone anywhere. The VVitch If you’ve never heard the phrase “Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?” then you need to watch this movie to see what a satanic goat by the name of Black Phillip has to offer to his coven of witches. Suspiria The Italian original offered some of the most stunning visuals and memorable music in a horror film, but Amazon’s 2018 remake added over an hour of story to the film and brought its own sense of high art through extended dance sequences in this tale of an American girl who goes to study dance in Europe only
to find that a coven of witches runs the studio. Rosemary’s Baby There is a reason you should never get to know your neighbors and never trust a stranger. 60s it-girl Mia Farrow stars as pregnant Rosemary, who is expecting a baby that she definitely isn’t expecting. -Return of the Living Dead After their creative divorce following Night of the Living Dead, writer John Russo decided to title his sequels with the “Return” prefix and gave us a series of campy, goofy, gory films that more closely mirror Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” than Romero’s artistic criticism of capitalism. Werewolves are Furry Friends Too Everyone feels different when they start to grow body hair, but these films exceed the limit of normal puberty. Here are some to sink your claws into. An American Werewolf in London Two friends have an unexpected mishap during a backpacking adventure in the UK. John Landis’ 1981 horror film was filled with groundbreaking special effects. The werewolf transformation scene might look familiar – he replicated it when he directed Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” video. The sequel proved traveling to Paris is no less of a hairy adventure. Ginger Snaps Two sisters grow apart during an unusually stressful time of puberty, boys, and murders. This is perhaps the best Canadian horror film ever made, and the cast really nailed their alt-90s characters, but let’s agree to forget the sequels happened. The Howling The original was a high-profile success based on the novel of the same name. The story of a news reporter who finds herself at odds with a local colony of werewolves soon spawned a number of low budget sequels that so often filled the filmscape of the 80s.
Torture Porn Some folks like blood and guts, and some can’t stand it. If you want to see the insides on the outside, look no further.
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Saw Saw the epitome of modern torture Saw is porn. People must escape from traps that are based on the wrong they’ve done in life, or they’re going to die gruesomely. This series was one of the most successful film series to consecutively release sequels on Halloween each year, rivaled only by the Paranormal Paranormal Activity Activity franchise.
The Haunting of Hill House Shirley Jackson’s novel gets retold again, this time in a well-written, incredibly suspenseful, and downright scary original TV show for Netflix. The character names were recycled from previous iterations, but the show itself focuses on a family that lives in the house after the original story’s events.
High Tension For once, Hollywood decided to leave the original film intact and instead decided just to dub the audio. This 2003 French film is a bloody mindfuck about two friends who go to visit family for a weekend study break.
American Horror Story Ryan Murphy makes like 10 TV shows a year now, and AHS AHS is to blame for that. After two decades in the industry already, he created a show that breathed new life into the horror anthology genre and became so massively popular that anyone and everyone wanted a piece of him. Each season is related and recycles some of the actors who also sometimes play the same role in more than one season. The show has tackled everything from murder, witchcraft, insane asylums, sideshow freaks, and haunted hotels to the lost colony of Roanoke, cults, the apocalypse, and, most recently, the slasher glory of the 80s. Production of the tenth season is underway using COVID-19 precautions, and Murphy has released teasers on his Instagram account that lead many to believe it will be set at the beach and possibly involve mermaids or sirens.
Laid to Rest Imagine waking up with amnesia in a coffin and being pursued by a man with a very large knife. This gore-filled action story spawned a sequel and has one more in the works. The camera never cuts away, so if you don’t want to see someone literally cut in half from head to toe, then skip this one. Hostel Director Eli Roth is a god among horror fans, and every single one of his films is absolutely drenched in blood and guts. Hostel Hostel is a standout in the genre of what happens to Americans who go backpacking in Europe. Hint: nothing good.
Scary Good TV From movie adaptations to anthologies, horror is finding a new home on the small screen by being able to tell longer and more in-depth stories than any movie could. Here’s some of the best. Buffy the Vampire Slayer A few years after the questionably loveable movie, Buffy Summers was redeveloped for TV starring future horror queen Sarah Michelle Gellar as a considerably smarter and more badass slayer with a group of close-knit friends. This show has so many emotional ups and downs and tackles subjects like loss and death as well as some of the best love storylines on teen TV. The show is probably best known for its sarcastic and dark sense of humor.
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Scream While the film series is still alive and well, MTV developed an unrelated show that is often as comedic and suspenseful as its film counterpart. Slasher Netflix also acquired the rights for this Canadian gem. Horror fans have been buzzing about this series that is filled with frights, mysteries, and a surprising amount of gore that could never make it onto American broadcast TV. The seasons of this anthology series do recycle some of the actors but, unlike American Horror Story, the seasons are not related. Each Story season focuses on a pair of crimes (often a sex-related murder, echoing the Scream Scream franchise) and the need for revenge and truth. *The article has been edited for length – get the full list of horror movies at
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Griff and Rick’s
Tricks & Treats
By Mikkel Hyldebrandt
Our cover models, Griff and Rick, usually have a few tricks up their sleeves for Halloween, and even though this year may look very different, they still get into the spirit of Halloween. We caught up with the social media stars to talk about how they will treat Halloween this year. Following your social media, it is obvious that you guys really enjoy dressing up and celebrating Halloween? What does the holiday mean to you? We think it’s mostly just the sense memories and nostalgia from childhood. The weather, changing leaves, carving pumpkins, scary movie marathons with friends, planning costumes, the candy. And for one night, allowing yourself to become whoever (or whatever) you want! There’s a freedom and whimsy to it that’s just so fun! And did we mention the candy? With an ongoing pandemic, a movement to end social injustice, and the impending election, one could say that we live in scary times already! Do you think that Halloween will be less scary this year because of all of that? Not at all. All of the things you mentioned are part of our current reality. Halloween is the opposite. It’s about creating a non-reality. A fantasy. It’s an escape, and what BETTER time to escape reality for one night than Halloween! So now that we have established that Halloween is going to look vastly different this year, how do you plan to celebrate it? We haven’t decided what we want to do yet? We have a few costume ideas on the back burner! We will be doing a countdown with movie trivia and Halloween-themed photos on our IG, though. Where do you come up with the ideas for your creative and sexy costumes? We try to draw inspiration from things we love. But we always try to take that inspiration and give it a unique Griff and Rick “twist” to make it our own.
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Where can readers see more of you and your dress-up for Halloween inspiration? @Rick_and_the_griffopotamus on IG or either of our FB pages. Possibly more NSFW versions @ Allegedly... Which do you prefer? Trick or Treat? Treats from tricks... Any last-minute tips for a fun (and safe) Halloween? Sure! Here’s the playlist for our Halloween movie marathons this year!
The Orphanage
Let The Right One In
The Shining/Doctor Sleep
Interview with a vampire
Bram Stoker’s Dracula
sequel) •
The Exorcist
An American Werewolf in London
Dawn of the Dead (remake)
Young Frankenstein
Alien and Aliens
“WE” + Q T
© 2020 · All Rights Reserved · OUT Georgia Business Alliance
JOIN US For an exciting three-day virtual event bringing Georgia’s LGBTQ+ and allied business community together to learn, support, and celebrate with each other.
November 17-19, 2020 Register today:
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Griff and Rick’s
Tricks & Treats
All Photos courtesy of Griff & Rick
A little Halloween inspiration or perhaps a little eye candy? Here a few of Griff and Rick’s very best Halloween looks and costumes from past years. Follow @Rick_and_the_griffopotamus on IG or Facebook for even more Halloween dress-up – and quite possibly more NSFW versions at
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FALL FLING @ WOOFS Photos by Snow
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Free HIV testing at our Decatur Center: 523 Church St, Decatur, GA 30030 Make your appointment:
Marcus is 33 years old, and he has lived in Atlanta for 21 years now, which practically makes him a native. He works as a real estate advisor, and he is the owner of the social media marketing company, 3M Marketing and Acquisitions, which specializes in targeted branding and marketing for real estate professionals. When Marcus decompresses from a busy work schedule, he likes to go dancing or a good Netflix binge-watch. He is also a huge football fan (Go Dawgs!), and he likes exploring and supporting new restaurants throughout Atlanta.
We Wi Survive by Jamie Kirk
People are coping with several facets of life around the globe that, if we are not careful, could cause us to lose our minds. Continued racial injustice, continued social injustice, high unemployment numbers, housing challenges, small businesses being forced to close, and social distancing in full force. Oops, I almost forgot, we are in the eye of the storm regarding a full-on first wave pandemic, which has caused millions of people to have lost their lives worldwide. To summarize: shit is crazy. Add to this laundry list the anxiety of the upcoming election on Nov 3. Two things, a) you can’t NOT know there is an upcoming election, due to the overwhelming posts on social media testifying that “I voted early,” “the line was only 15 minutes,” and “voting is my love language” and b) you can’t be undecided at this point, due to the extreme differences and platforms of the candidates. For many Americans, this upcoming contentious 2020 presidential election is only compounding unprecedented uncertainty and anxiety levels. A recent survey conducted by the American Psychological Association and Harris Poll revealed that 68% of American adults say that the upcoming U.S. presidential election is a primary source of stress in their life. By comparison, ahead of the 2016 election, only 52% of Americans said that the election was a “somewhat” significant stress source. If you are part of the 68% of folks feeling a little overwhelmed in the time leading up to the election, here are some recommended pointers to help you cope. Avoid Dwelling On Worst-Case Scenarios Humans have evolved to avoid uncertain situations because the fear of the unknown tends to elicit negative emotions. There-
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fore, we have to avoid dwelling on things we can’t control. When uncertainty looms, it is sort of common to imagine the worst-case scenario. However, research has shown that ruminating or over-thinking repetitive thoughts or themes can actually impair thinking and problem-solving. Cure: practice yoga or meditation. Establish a Voting Plan Just making a plan as to “how” you will vote. The candidates you will support. Making this mental note can help you gain control over your thoughts and prevent you from being overwhelmed. Having and maintaining this level of control and preparation will help you overcome any angst you have about supporting your chosen candidate. Cure: decide before you arrive. Rock the Vote and Rock the Day The uncertainty about the election may not end on Election Day because, as we have seen in the past, the results will likely be delayed a bit due to the shift in the mail-in voting option. To that end, figure out something to do on Nov 3. Perhaps it’s offering rides to the polls, standing on the street corner with a sign, doesn’t matter, anything that will keep your mind occupied, but indirectly connected to this momentous day. Cure: find someone or something to be a pleasant distraction.
Small Doses of Media Consumption Who is up in the polls? What states leaned towards which candidate? What are the exit polls saying? Who is predicted to win the Senate, et cetera? It might be wise to take a break from social media and the news outlets if you find this causes you stress. For example, many people have been “doom scrolling,” a term used for endlessly scrolling social media platforms seeking out bad news. Cure: set a timer for small doses of election result news.
Hopefully, these tidbits will help you deal with the upcoming days, weeks, and months to come regarding our nation’s future. We have to try and remain positive, hopeful, and faithful that the election results will place someone in charge of our great country that exhibits role model behavior, tenacity, strength, exhibits empathy, and truly understands that he serves the people of the United States of America and not the other way around. We have to believe this; we just have to.
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OCT 28 - NOV 4
Due to the ongoing pandemic, please keep yourself updated on an event’s status as it may change last-minute. We believe in safety first, so this lineup features mainly virtual events or in-person events with limited capacity that enforce CDC guidelines. Be the Change Three days of artistic activism, critical discourse, and cultural connectivity. Join the online event to create, activate, and cultivate a new world beyond the election. All donations will go to the New Georgia Project. Tickets via Eventbrite. October 27 – 29 Online Event Via Crowdcast Shalloween! ATL Drive-In Drag Show Bump socially-distanced uglies with Atlanta’s undead weirdos! We wanna see your freakiest Drag, Spooky Sadboys, Trash Queens + Swamp Kings, and Undead inspired couture.Hosted by Taylor Alxndr, Ellasaurus Rex, and Brigitte Bidet. Tickets by Eventbrite October 29 - 31, 8 – 10:30 pm Edgewood Avenue (behind Ammazza) Monster Mash Bash Halloween Cabaret Aurora Theatre has a real treat this Halloween with a spooktacular show. An all-star cast will perform the most chilling songs from Broadway and beyond for theater lovers missing spine-tingling vocals that will make them scream. Tickets at October 30 – November 1 Online Event
HELL NO WEEN! It’s 2020, and everything is WEIRD! Let’s get weird in-person (very limited capacity) or VIRTUALLY with Mary’s, Neon Horror & Mystery Meat! Videos, Costume Contest, and Surprises await you on Twitch or at Mary’s. Tickets for the in-person event must be bought in advance. Saturday, October 31, 7 – 10 pm Mary’s or Online at Twitch
Ansley Mask Parade Get out your hot glue gun and stone your mask into a menacing grin, and be part of Ansley’s Mask Parade. The parade goes through Hideaway at 10 pm, and the winner of a $250 cash prize for the best mask will be chosen at Midtown Moon at midnight. 36 | follow us @ peachatlmag
Saturday, October 31, 10 pm The Hideaway & Midtown Moon
Monroe Dr. NE
Amsterdam Ave.
12th St. NE
NE ve . tA
Piedmont Park
Pi e
Juniper St. NE
14th St. NE
10th St. NE
. NE
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Peachtree St. NE
Charle s Alle n Dr . N E
12 W. Peachtree St. NW
P o n ce D e Leo n Pl . N E
Spring St. NW
4th St. NE
Ponce De Leon Ave. NE
Ponce De Leon Ave. NE
2 Blake's 3 Bulldogs 4 Friends
227 10th St NE 893 Peachtree St NE 736 Ponce De Leon Ave NE
6 My Sister’s Room 7 Ten Atlanta
66 12th St NE 990 Piedmont Ave NE
10 th & Piedmont Campagnolo Einstein's F.R.O.G.S
991 Piedmont Ave NE 980 Piedmont Ave NE 1077 Juniper St NE 931 Monroe Cir NE
clubs 13 Atlanta Eagle
306 Ponce De Leon Ave NE
retail 8 BarkingLeather
9 10 11 12
306 Ponce De Leon Ave NE
14 Urban Body Fitness 500 Amsterdam Ave NE
spa/bath 15 Flex Spa
76 4th St. NW
16 17 18 19
G’s Midtown Henry’s Joe's on Juniper La Hacienda
219 10th St NE 132 10th St NE 1049 Juniper St NE 900 Monroe Dr NE
billards/Darts drag dancers leather non-smoking area Patio
When the world throws you Let be your
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BARS 2043 Cheshire Bridge Rd 1086 Alco St NE 1931 Piedmont Cir NE
1842 Cheshire Bridge Rd 1824 Cheshire Bridge Rd
32 33 34 35 36
Midtown Moon Felix's The Hideaway Mixx Oscar's
1510 Piedmont Ave Suite A 2205 Cheshire Bridge Rd 2069 Cheshire Bridge Rd 1739 Cheshire Bridge Rd
Fitness 2201 Faulkner Rd NE
Spa / bath 2135 Liddell Drive NE
1492 Piedmont Ave NE 1510 Piedmont Ave NE 1544 Piedmont Ave NE 1492 Piedmont Ave NE 1510 Piedmont Ave NE
Dining 38 Eclectic Bistro
30 Gravitee Fitness
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Piedmont Park
28 Heretic 29 Tokyo Valentino
26 Barking Leather 27 Southern Nights
24 Las Margaritas 25 Roxx
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26 35
20 BJ Roosters 21 Sequel 22 Tripps
42 The Den
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1600 Piedmont Ave NE 1425 Piedmont Ave NE
Retail 39 Boy Next Door 1447 Piedmont Ave NE 40 Brushstrokes/Pleasures 1510 Piedmont Ave NE
Fitness 41 Equilibrium Fitness
1529 Piedmont Ave, Suite L
Mary's Sister Louisa’s Church Swinging Richards Lips Atlanta The T Woof's
1287 Glenwood Ave SE 466 Edgewood Ave SE 1400 Northside Dr NW 3011 Buford Hwy NE 465 Boulevard SE 494 Plasters Ave NE
A snapshot of Gay Atlanta’s favorite destinations. View their ads in Peach ATL & visit their websites for weekly event listings.
BARS & CLUBS MIDTOWN ATLANTA EAGLE 306 Ponce De Leon Ave NE BLAKE’S ON THE PARK 227 10th St NE BULLDOGS 893 Peachtree St NE FRIENDS NEIGHBORHOOD BAR friendsonponce-atl. com 736 Ponce De Leon Ave NE MY SISTER’S ROOM 66 12th St NE TEN ATLANTA 990 Piedmont Ave NE THE T 465 Boulevard SE CHESHIRE HERETIC 2069 Cheshire Bridge Road BJ ROOSTERS 2043 Cheshire Bridge Road NE SEQUEL 1086 Alco St NE TRIPPS 1931 Piedmont Circle N
ANSLEY MIDTOWN MOON 1492 Piedmont Ave NE FELIX’S 1510 Piedmont Ave NE THE HIDEAWAY 1544 Piedmont Ave NE MIXX 1492 Piedmont Ave NE OSCAR’S 1510 Piedmont Ave NE WOOFS 494 Plasters Ave NE EAST ATLANTA, GRANT PARK & EDGEWOOD MARY’S 1287 Glenwood Ave SE SISTER LOUISA’S CHURCH sisterlouisaschurch. com 466 Edgewood Ave SE SWINGING RICHARDS swingingrichards. com 1400 Northside Dr NW
DINING MIDTOWN 10TH & PIEDMONT 10thandpiedmont. com 991 Piedmont Ave NE EINSTEIN’S einsteinsatlanta. com 1077 Juniper St NE FROGS CANTINA 931 Monroe Dr G’S 219 10th St NE
HENRY’S 132 10th St NE
GCB & PLEASURES brushstrokesatlanta. com 1510 Piedmont Ave. NE
JOE’S ON JUNIPER 1049 Juniper St NE
BARKING LEATHER 1510 Piedmont Ave Suite A
LA HACIENDA lahaciendamidtown. com 900 Monroe Dr NE CHESHIRE LAS MARGARITAS 1842 Cheshire Bridge Rd NE ROXX 1824 Cheshire Bridge Rd NE DEKALB LIPS ATLANTA 3011 Buford Hwy NE
Atlanta’s premier for as little as
35 per week! $
Email for more information.
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things to do for a FUN and SAFE
Big costume parties and grueling gatherings are probably not the best idea this year, but you can still celebrate Halloween in a horriďŹ cally fun way. You just have to get a little creative! Scary, right? 1. Do a virtual costume party 2. Go crazy with Halloween decorations 3. Carve lots of pumpkins 4. Bake plenty of Halloween treats 5. Find out how to deliver candy to trick or treaters in a safe way 6. Do a candy scavenger hunt for the people or pets in your house 7. Attend a drive-in event 8. Have a Halloween movie marathon 9. Decorate a face mask spooky 10. Visit a pumpkin patcht
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Can we go to a haunted house this year?
E-mail your Peach Pits to
Sure, but why though?
Before I agree to 2021, I want to see the f*ckin terms and conditions October is almost Octover and I haven’t even picked out my costume, been to a haunted house, carved a pumpkin or murdered anyone
ByI cutting sleeves want to off getthe spooked! of all your t-shirts? What’s wrong with the one we live in? Wait, WHAT?!
I’m going Carpe the f*ck out of so many Diems when all this is over
Ever been so drunk you got hit by a parked car?
Daddy Joke Alert You have fingertips but not toetips, yet you can tiptoe but you can’t fingertip
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All my intentions of being kind to everyone go away as soon as someone forgets to use their turn signal
Did you say you planned this costume for a long time? You’re half-naked, and it’s a piece of fabric
| 45
ARIES (MAR. 21 - APR. 19) If you’ve been planning a long trip by air, you know that you might be better off postponing those plans for now. Money is not the issue, but your fears and concerns traveling during a pandemic are, and they could run away with you. The situation may be more secure than it appears, but for your own mental health, you should leave it for now. You might want to attend a class or lecture, perhaps on computer science or some other technology. As with the vacation plans, try to view this objectively.
TAURUS (APR. 20 - MAY 20) The prospects of the pandemic not ending any time time soon has you feeling a little overwrought to concentrate on whatever goals you’re trying to reach, particularly if they’re financial. Past issues might crop up at inopportune times but will still need to be released. If you aren’t careful, this could get in the way of just about anything you need to do. Keeping cool is the most important thing to remember.
SCORPIO (OCT. 23 - NOV. 21)
GEMINI (MAY 21 - JUN. 20)
After a lengthy pandemic, financial issues might have you and your partner a bit more on edge than you need to be. Money is tighter than usual right now, and you have to put off purchases you want to make. Try to work it out. This is a great time to reach a compromise in just about any touchy situation, because you should be in just the right space to see both sides of any issue.
You’ve been on a roll lately, but even though you tend to be pretty self-assured, self-esteem issues dating from long ago could resurface. You might feel like a schoolchild called on to recite. This could cause a few snags in your relationships or interfere with your effectiveness at social occasions. Try to remain objective. Don’t lose sight of who you are. Don’t let old insecurity interfere with your effectiveness
CANCER (JUN. 21 - JUL. 22)
It seems a couple of months in lockdown has done wonders for your brain, and your intellect is flying high this week. A number of new ideas, perhaps about political or social issues, might excite your curiosity and cause you to want to spend hours in the library or on the Internet. Mundane tasks still need handling, however. This might be frustrating, because it takes you away from your quest..
The weight of the world and all its responsibilities are weighing on you, and you might even feel a bit bloated and slow, which could interfere with your daily routine. You might not feel like exercising, but it’s important that you do it anyway. Moving the body can clear your head and put you in the proper frame of mind to get on with your day. It can also help purge all the excess toxins you let build up from your frustrations.
LEO (JUL. 23 - AUG. 22)
Your imagination is working overtime this week, and apart from thinking up and creating amazing Halloween costumes, you might spend hours at a computer writing or in front of an easel or piano creating your own brand of painting or music. This drive to create comes from the heart and shouldn’t be ignored no matter what other issues come up. Take care of whatever needs to be handled and then follow your inspiration. You may be surprised at what you produce!
This week, your job or another activity could require your artistic skills for a particular project. You may not be used to this, so it could throw you into a bit of a panic. There should be others around who can collaborate with you, so you will be all right. A tendency to be overly emotional could interfere with just about anything you try. Stay centered.
AQUARIUS (JAN. 20 - FEB. 18)
VIRGO (AUG. 23 - SEP. 22)
Being isolated for a long time has its downsides. A conflict between your responsibilities to family and obligations to friends could rear its ugly head this week. You might want to attend an event but need to deal with emotional issues in the home immediately. It could be difficult to keep a cool head under these circumstances. If you can, you should find a way to satisfy your family and see them somehow – if only just virtually!
A subject that has gained your interest during the pandemic could bring up some deeply buried emotions this week. You might want to retreat into your mind and try to make sense of it, although analyzing it intellectually may not be the answer. Avoid emotional confrontations. Things might be said that shouldn’t be said, and they won’t be easily forgotten.
PISCES (FEB. 19 - MAR. 20)
LIBRA (SEP. 23 - OCT. 22)
Dissatisfaction with certain job conditions might come to a head this week. A discussion with colleagues might be necessary to defuse a potentially explosive situation. Clear, honest communication is necessary in order to avoid misunderstandings. Try to remain objective. Don’t let your emotions take control. Things will work out to everyone’s satisfaction.
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This could be a confusing week for you. Financial issues might be complicated by computer glitches or failures in communication. Keep pushing, however, and whatever you’re trying to straighten out will be resolved. An opportunity to participate in a project you’ve never tried before could have you doubting your abilities. Believe in yourself and then move ahead. There’s a first time for everything!
Trouble in the love department? With sex? Or just people in general? Send us your queries, questions, and problems, and you’ll get answers served straight up and with a little ice.
I realize with age that I have a kink or fetish that I really miss during this pandemic: I get very aroused in locker rooms. I am turned on by the nudity, by the potential of voyeurism and exhibitionism, and the chance of someone checking me out. I have engaged in mutual masturbation with other guys before, but I am starting to think about how my peeking could be perceived as non-consensual or even perverted. I guess I feel ashamed that I find it difficult to contain my excitement as soon as I start to get undressed at the gym. How do I unpack this? Sincerely Locker Romps Sincerely Locker Romps So, right now, you don’t have that many options to go to a locker room because most are shut down due to the pandemic – which is also why you miss your little kink, and perhaps why you have given it some extra thought too. First of all, nudity is 100% okay in a locker room, so in that sense, you are not doing anything wrong. Besides, those guys trying to get in and out of their underwear while being wrapped in a towel are so awkward. Plus, let’s not neglect the fact that some locker rooms can be erotically charged, to begin with – and right now, a little mutual masturbation would actually be a safe way to engage with someone sexually at a safe distance! In your case, you seem to have pretty good bearings as to who is into what. When it is safe to go to a public shower again, you need always to proceed slowly, and even though verbal consent is likely not given, you can discreetly signal that you want to be looked at: eye contact, a slightly open shower curtain, a quick stroke, et cetera. There is nothing wrong with a little mutual sexual chemistry as long as others aren’t inconvenienced by it. And of course, if you engage in public sex (yes, masturbation counts too), be aware of the fact that there can be consequences that range from being banned at the gym to real legal trouble. So, enjoy your kink, but be careful and be safe.
My boyfriend and I have a great relationship and a great sex life, but the other day I made a discovery that leaves me perhaps a little shaken. He has left his laptop open, and I asked to Google something on it, and when I opened it, it was open to a porn site with videos of ‘old and young’ videos with guys in their fifties and sixties having sex with much younger guys. We are both in our twenties, and I had no idea that he was into older guys – at least much older than me. This discovery has made me a little insecure because is he really attracted to me, or does he secretly fantasize about being with a silver Daddy? Do I tell him about my discovery, or do I leave it be? A little help here! Sincerely Not THAT Old Dear Not THAT Old So, you do know that what your boyfriend has in his ‘spank bank’ has nothing to do with you, right? It is actually quite normal to have a completely different taste in porn compared to what you like in real life. And what he chooses to get off to is his business – until now, because now you know. So prepare to apologize to your boyfriend for inadvertently seeing what was on his laptop, and once he has dealt with you finding out, you can ask him some questions about what you saw. It is more than okay to have fantasies – even extreme ones! – that you would never pursue or act out in real life. Remember that his masturbation isn’t about you. Remember that he doesn’t owe any explanation to you either about his taste in porn. Remember, above all, that he chooses to be with you every day, which has more weight than some fantasy that may never be realized.