Peach Magazine V4-46 - Oh What FUN

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OhFUN What Virtual

Peach Exclusive Q & A with Jeff Mayhew

Hulu’s Happiest Season Queering Christmas Built Tough Colton Ford is Stronger Than Ever Bounce Back Better Recipe for a Prosperous 2021


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DEC 9, 2020 V4-46

PEACH MEDIA 6050 Dawson Blvd, Ste O Norcross, GA 30093



OPERATIONS Jeff Anderson Sales and Development Director

EDITORIAL Mikkel Hyldebrandt Editorial Director


Brian Sawyer Graphics



Yes, we’ve said it over and over again: the Holiday season looks very different this year! But you know what? Even though we can’t gather and celebrate in-person this year, there are still plenty of ways to get in the spirit and spread some holiday cheer. It might be even more important this year! Take the annual Toy Party, for instance, which is virtual this year due to the pandemic (read our Q&A with FTK President Jeff Mayhew on page 10!). Even though we can’t gather and celebrate in-person, the vital work of collecting toys is needed now more than ever because the pandemic has put even more strain on community groups in need. There are plenty of options to help – monetary donations, toy donations, toy drives – and because everything is switched anyways, it shouldn’t be an issue to spread cheer a little differently this year.

CONTRIBUTORS Chris Azzopardi, Jamie Kirk, Brad Nichols

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COVER True Essence Photography by Phil Model: Eddie “Clark” Posey


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Midtown Moon has joined forces with For The Kid to ensure that the annual toy collection will be as big as ever, now that the yearly Toy Party has gone virtual. As a Holiday highlight, the Toy Party was not only a chance to gather and see your friends and chosen family during the busiest of seasons, but it was also one of the Atlanta LGBTQ+ community’s biggest and best opportunities to give back. Because of the ongoing pandemic, we won’t be able to attend the annual Toy Party and watch the donated toys pile up, and instead, For The Kid has switched the event to a virtual fundraiser. Among several options to donate, For The Kid has collaborated with Midtown Moon to collect toys at the bar. The toy drive kicked off on Marco’s (mangaer) birthday on December 7 and will continue until December 23. For The Kid will also host a Toy Drive-Thru in the parking lot of Midtown moon on December 12, where you can stay safely in your car and drop off a toy donation. This year, one thing is unchanged, and that is the guidelines for your toy donation: You can donate a new, unwrapped toy valued at $20 or more, and you are free to donate as many as you want! And to sweeten the deal, anyone who donates a toy up until December 12 gets a house cocktail or beer on the house. What Midtown Moon’s Toy Drive benefiting For The Kid When Ongoing Until December 23 Where Midtown Moon Ansley Square 8 | follow us @ peachatlmag

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Not Playing Around:

The Toy Party Shifts to Virtual The annual Toy Party, hosted by For The Kid In All Of Us, has been the Holiday season’s highlight for many years. A one-of-a-kind event where you could donate literal heaps of toys and get together with your friends and chosen family before the Holidays. But, as with so many other significant events, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced the organization to rethink their in-person fundraiser events completely, and as a result, this year, the celebration is virtual. Peach spoke to Board President Jeff Mayhew about overcoming the challenges and how For The Kid continues to help thousands of Georgia’s children in need this year. How has the COVID-19 pandemic the Park in July, I still kept thinking, “ok, impacted the work and mission of there may be a way we can still do Toy Party, For the Kid? but maybe a condensed version so that we can manage everyone’s health and well-beIt has definitely been a challenging year for ing.” However, through the great courage For the Kid in All of Us, as we are tradition- and knowledge of my fellow Board members, ally very interactive with in-person events we came to the conclusion in the fall that around the community and typically work there was no way we could responsibly hold directly with our beneficiary groups and the an in-person event. We knew we would have children they represent. We’ve missed being to do something virtual because this year, able to have those in-person connections the more than any in recent memory, families most! However, I am extremely fortunate that are hurting to pay their rent and afford food, each individual on our all-volunteer Board of let alone toys. The desire to help bring some Directors was proactive and creative enough sort of normalcy to a child’s life this holiday to come up with unique solutions to over- season has been what pushed us as an orgacome not being able to hold our Backpack nization to find other ways to make it happen in the Park and Toy Party events this year. As this year. such, our work and mission did not have to be altered too much. Through hard work and What initiatives are you taking to the generosity of all of our donors and spon- make the virtual Toy Party a standsors, we’ve still been able to help thousands out event now that we can’t gather of Georgia’s children in need this year. to celebrate in person? The Toy Party – a Holiday highlight for many – is going virtual this year. Tell us about the decision to shift everything to virtual? Like all of the other wonderful nonprofits in this city, we couldn’t wrap our heads around hosting a large-scale, in-person event this year with everything going on. As the year started, I honestly was in a little bit of denial about how long this pandemic would last, and even as we had to cancel Backpack in 10 | follow us @ peachatlmag

I think our biggest initiatives have really been reaching out more to the community to get them to collect toys for us this year—more so than we have in the past. We are really looking forward to the Toy Drop Off on Saturday, December 12th, from 12 pm-4 pm in the parking lot outside of Midtown Moon and all the neighboring businesses. We’re expecting a good turnout of people driving through and dropping off new toys for us to distribute to our beneficiary groups!

Atlanta’s Favorite Holiday Fundraiser starts now!

2020 Virtual


donate to atlanta’s kids in need today!

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Spreading a little cheer: anyone Anything else you’d like to share? you would like to highlight in makJust again, I want to say I’m so amazed at ing the Toy Party happen? the generosity of all of our donors, sponsors, None of our work would be possible without volunteers, and wonderful beneficiary organithe hard work and sacrifice from the rest of zations we’ve worked with over this past calour Board of Directors. However, I would be endar year. Thank you, thank you, thank you! remiss if I didn’t have a shot out to all of our donors and sponsors, including those who helped us with Facebook fundraisers—making an extra special effort to help For the Kid in All of Us this holiday season.

2020 Virtual Fundraiser Ways to Get Involved:


donate to atlanta’s kids in need today!



Looking ahead, what aspects of your work do you think have changed forever in the light of a pandemic? What would you like to keep on doing even after it is over?

@ Midtown moon on 3. DRIVE 12/12

Obviously, fundraising itself has changed and will be very virtual for the foreseeable future. But, I am hopeful that even in the new normal, people will still enjoy, and desire the opportunity to congregate and have a great time while making a difference in so many children’s lives. The same goes for the Toy Party next year – do you think it will look and feel different post-pandemic (fingers crossed)? We had some GREAT ideas for Toy Party this year, and we’re looking forward to bringing them to action in 2021 and bringing back one of Atlanta’s larger and longstanding holiday traditions. Assuming that the scientific community and our city leadership say it’s safe, I imagine we’ll be right back to getting back into the spirit again. My fingers are crossed! 12 | follow us @ peachatlmag

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Colton Ford is Stronger Than Ever By Brad Nichols Photos: Kevin Hoove

Colton Ford has taken a conscious step back from public life over the past seven years. He’s released an album (2016’s Glenn Soukesian)) and several singles, but he hasn’t pushed his work the way he had done previously. “I needed time to process the losses I was experiencing during this time; to reflect and grow,” he says now. The losses he is referring to are the passing of his mother and the end of a long-term relationship. He also dealt with some health issues. Fortunately, he’s doing better today and even says he feels stronger than ever. In fact, the name of the first single from his new Unity album is called “Stronger.” We spoke with Colton Ford from his NYC home. It’s been a minute. The last time we spoke you were still living in California.

I moved to California in 2013 to be with my mom. About a year and a half ago, I started making my way back east. 14 | follow us @ peachatlmag

You say the past several years have been challenging, even debilitating, at times.

I do. This record acknowledges the challenges and obstacles in front of us, but is also clearly hopeful. It’s a message of empowerment, not just for us individually, but also as we Processing through the changes of life, come together in unity. We need to recognize which is a real and impactful thing for men, that we are one species with all kinds of can be challenging. It was a lot of new and wonderful brothers and sisters in it, and we unexplored territory for me in many respects. have to celebrate all of that! Losing your mom was especially difficult. What made you decide to come out publicly with your grief?

Which song on the EP is the most powerful to you personally?

I’m jumping back into promoting myself and my music. Talking about my trials and tribulations, experiences and observations, both in song and elsewhere, is a part of it. We are all figuring our way through this life, and can gain insight and motivation through our shared experiences. That’s the power of art, and the bond between the artist and his audience. Music and art are a powerful way to reach, comfort and inspire.

Honestly, they’re each equally powerful to me. I know that’s a lame answer, but it’s how I feel. How are you today?

I’m doing well. I’ve been in therapy for almost thirty years now, and it has been a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Therapy ain’t easy. It requires commitment and consistency, but it works! Now I will say They say what doesn’t kill us makes us that I’m disgusted over what we’re witnessing stronger. in our country and globally. Unconscionable! Where is the empathy? I do believe there are Literally! I wrote the lyric for “Stronger” as a more good people then bad, but we’re in a self-speak to stay positive and hang in there. serious struggle between good and evil. Our internal dialogue can help us process through difficult and challenging times, or Are you stronger on your own or have be the catalyst to our demise. It has helped you found strength through a new love? me through, and the positive message is very timely, especially now. I am happily single and strong on my own. I’m open, though, but not looking. Do you elaborate on these themes in the other songs on your new EP, “Unity”?

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Follow Colton Ford on social media Facebook @ColtonFordMusic Instagram @gsouke62

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CHRiSTMAS By Chris Azzopardi Photos courtesy of Hulu

Kristen Stewart is waving around what appears to be a joint. Even her Happiest Season co-star Mackenzie Davis, who’s seen on Zoom with Stewart, doesn’t quite know exactly what Stewart has lit. “Oh my god,” Davis says. “I thought that was a blunt.” It is actually Palo Santo, a South American tree that translates to “holy wood.” But for a moment, Stewart gets silly and pretends her soothing wood stick is an actual joint, moving it toward her mouth as if she’s going to smoke it. They both crack up at the thought of Stewart maybe getting blazed during our interview. “Just cleansing the energy!” Stewart assures. After her Twilight years, a Charlie’s Angels reboot and a range of indies, Stewart’s latest movie, Happiest Season, feels a lot like taking a whiff of some Palo Santo – an energy-cleanser. For 102 festive minutes, it restores some of the downer pandemic energy of 2020 with comfort, joy and the promise of a yuletide so gay it makes sense that Clea DuVall, the openly lesbian actress who starred in the 1999 queer camp classic But I’m a Cheerleader, directed and co-wrote it. The film is the first of its kind: a major studiobacked holiday rom-com with a queer love story at its center. In the movie, Stewart stars as Abby, whose girlfriend, Harper (Davis, who is straight and adored by the LGBTQ community for playing queer in the “San Junipero” episode of Black Mirror), invites her home for Christmas. At first, she’s not sure about meeting Harper’s family, but then decides she’s all in. Abby even plans to propose to her (with guidance from BFF John, played by Dan Levy). But what Abby doesn’t know until they’re en route: Harper hasn’t come out to her family. Shot in February just before the film industry was forced to shut down due to the coronavirus pandemic, the movie was originally slated for a

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wide theatrical release backed by Sony’s TriStar Pictures. But with many theaters still shuttered, Happiest Season has found a new (streaming) home for the holidays on Hulu. During our recent Zoom call, Stewart and Davis talked about moving beyond the fetishizing of lesbian relationships, why they love gay bars and how Stewart plans to continue to use her A-list power to radicalize conventional genres with queerness. As a kid, could you have imagined a world in which a movie like this existed? Kristen Stewart: Yeah! That’s kind of why it seems a little bit overdue now. But we have a bunch of really rad stories, like fringy independent films that I grew up with that didn’t lack in joy or sort of splendor, even Clea’s movie that I love so much, But I’m a Cheerleader. They’re very much together and happy and run off into the sunset. But that’s a tiny, little movie and not everyone has seen it, and it’s so nice to think that you don’t have to go out and search for this movie. It’s inviting, it’s warm, it’s open. And yeah, helpful! I was into strange movies when I was little; that’s not the most normal thing, do you know what I mean? But I’m a Cheerleader is seminal and it’s iconic, but I wish it was bigger and this is, so that’s rad. This is a big year. You’re part of a queer Christmas movie movement. Lifetime, Hulu, Hallmark are all doing them. Mackenzie Davis: Hallmark’s doing a (queer) Christmas movie? Stewart: Ohh… really? But we want to be the only one! Davis: No, no, no. We’re the first. No. I’m just shocked that Hallmark is doing that. They are historically not progressive, to say the least. Ha!

That’s so cool. Stewart: You know what’s cool? Now they have to be, or else they get left behind! Ha! Kristen, this movie is a big deal to a lot of LGBTQ people. But for you, what is the significance that you are an openly queer A-lister playing a queer character in a major studio queer Christmas movie? Stewart: It’s really fun. I love playing characters that feel sort of further away from my natural wheelhouse because I like to expand my horizon, and also kind of deeply explore uncharted territory within myself that exists but might not be the most obvious. But what feels great is leaning fully into what’s easy and obvious and comfortable when it is supported and recognized and loved. I’ve never had that on such a big movie that people were willing to put so much money into. Because that is a huge risk! And, like, the fact that people are taking risks for, well... look, it’s not a huge risk. It’s that the time calls for it. And there’s a huge gaping desire for it. And that is something I feel because I live in this world. So the fact that I got to play this part after being in so many big movies where I never feel like I’m not being myself or trying to pass or anything like that, but I do feel like I’m ambitious about hitting marks that people don’t think I can hit. So this one was not that, this was the opposite of that. It

was, no, no, no; I get to be the star of a big movie, and also get to be this person? It felt great. With Runaways, I remember a lot of talk about your kiss with Dakota Fanning. It seems dated to be talking about a girlon-girl kiss at this point. Obviously you two kiss in this movie, but with Happiest Season, do you get the impression that people and the press are less like, “A gay kiss! What was that like?” and is that a relief? Stewart: Yeah, nobody’s asked that. Davis: Oh, god. It hasn’t been brought up. Culture’s moved so fast after not moving (laughs) at all for a very long time. But in the last 10 years it feels like so much has changed. Stewart: No, nobody has fetishized it in (that) way. I have experience with that being, like, “So tell me about the …,” especially depending on who it’s coming from. You sit down with some news outlet man who’s been a news outlet man for, like, 50 years… Davis: Ha! Stewart: … and you’re like, “Don’t ask me that.” Wow, that’s so weird. Makes me feel really weird. Yeah, we haven’t had that. Davis: I just wanted to change the subject so badly when Matt Lauer (asked) Anne Hathaway about when she was not wearing any underwear. It’s like the absolute worst moment I’ve ever witnessed.

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Even though this is based on Clea’s story, it will be relatable to a lot of queer people, like myself. What parts of this Abby-Harper dynamic of coming out and self-acceptance did you identify with the most? Stewart: Look, doing things that are really normal and natural to you physically and then having to sort of curb those instincts around people because you don’t want to make other people uncomfortable so you are willing to make yourself so uncomfortable for other people’s benefit is something that I have done (and) probably still (do). I tried to go on a houseboat trip recently and it was in northern California like around Tahoe. It’s a really Trumpian area up there, and I was like, “We gotta get the fuck outta here.” I was holding my girlfriend’s hand, just walking around. I’m not saying every single person… I don’t even know what I’m saying. But I didn’t feel safe. I don’t mean to imply that I know where that would’ve gone, but even just emotionally, it was a violent experience. In the movie, it’s really nice to be able to laugh at certain feelings that are more heavy because when you repossess and then sort of release a feeling, it feels cool and triumphant and like I’ve won something back. There were things in the

movie – just little moments – where we have to drop each other’s hands or, even though we know we’re lying for just a brief period, the lie hurts and, yeah, I’ve never gone home with someone and had to lie. I’ve never specifically had to keep myself in a closet with a person, but all of that, as somebody who’s grown up queer – not to put any limits on my own sexuality – I’ve dealt with that forever. And that’s triggering. But, specifically, just the general experience of being gay and thinking that maybe people think you’re gross or weird is something that is nice to laugh at in this environment. In the film, you’re at a gay bar and RuPaul’s Drag Race contestants BenDeLaCreme and Jinkx Monsoon are performing. What’s the best time you’ve had at a gay bar? Stewart: Even before I knew I was gay – even before I had a girlfriend! – I was like, “Oh my god, this is the most fun I’ve ever had at a bar ever! Why are you all the best people?!” Davis: Yeah, being a female and experiencing men at bars and being in a space where you can... Stewart: Dance! Davis: … be completely unleashed and not fucking worry about anybody touching you or approaching you or coming up behind you is

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especially – when I was younger it was just such a safe, incredible feeling. It felt very great. And also not worrying about how you looked because nobody wanted to fuck you. Stewart: Ha! I know! You never want to take up space where you don’t belong, but it’s typically not an alienating group, not to generalize, and it’s such a nice feeling to go into a queer bar and be like, “Doesn’t matter, whatever, no one’s coming for you.”

setting that someone is straight in a movie when maybe it’s not a romantic movie.

Kristen, after playing queer in Charlie’s Angels and now in Happiest Season, do you plan to continue radicalizing conventional genres with queerness? Basically, will you continue trying to actively make Hollywood gayer?

This interview has been lightly edited and condensed for clarity.

Stewart: Yeah! Yeah, naturally. But, like, it’s funny when you start just applying restrictive rules on who is allowed to have what perspectives. I still want to play straight sometimes, if that’s OK! Ha! But I will say that, primarily, it’s really important for me to really pick and choose those opportunities and not have it be the default-given

If it’s not about the romance, then why am I playing straight? Because it’s normal? Well, that’s a ridiculous idea. Because in Charlie’s I didn’t have any romantic (interest). I had no one in the movie. But I just thought it was important to drop an Easter egg and be like, “No, that doesn’t mean you can have me, boys.”

As editor of Q Syndicate, the LGBTQ wire service, Chris Azzopardi has interviewed a multitude of superstars, including Cher, Meryl Streep, Mariah Carey and Beyoncé. His work has also appeared in The New York Times, Vanity Fair, GQ and Billboard. Reach him via Twitter @chrisazzopardi.


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The The

holidays h oliday s are are the the ones ones we we spend spend with with FRIENDS. FRIENDS. ys

So So you y ou better betttter BUCKIN' BUCKIN' believe belie v e we're w e're doing d oing it it again... a gaiin... n... yo ev ve we doin aga

...but, this yea , all cash & toys collected will be donated to in honor of "MAMA" "MAMA REGINA SIMMS! S IMMS! A"" REGINA SIMMS

Hosted by Charmaine Sinclair Dupree

with performances by winners of the New Faces All-Stars Competition

Sunday, Sunday December 13th, 13 20 20 y,, December 3tth, 2020 02

merriment begins at 6:00PM showtime at 7:30PM

followed by Sunday Night Mixtape Party with DJ Darlene

all of your favorite dance hits from the 80's & 90's

Join our #FriendsFam online for more details @FriendsNeighborhoodBar @FriendsOnP

Celebrating e Holidays and Honoring e Spirit of “Mama” Regina

By Mikkel Hyldebrandt

In honor and remembrance of “Mama” Regina Simms, Friends On Ponce is bringing back her infamous Holiday Christmas benefit and toy drive for Toys For Tots. To say 2020 has been a challenging year for Friends On Ponce, a decades-long staple of the LGBTQ+ community, is an understatement. The friendly neighborhood gay bar was forced to shut its doors for a while at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, and in late April, it suffered the devastating loss of its long-time bar manager, Regina Simms. Regina “Mama” Simms had managed the bar for more than 15 years, and she was the loving epicenter for patrons and staff alike. She influenced countless people’s lives with her giving nature, and her New Faces show launched so many people’s careers on the drag scene.

The 16th Annual “Mama” Regina Simms Holiday Christmas Benefit & Toys For Tots will be hosted by the illustrious Charmaine Sinclair Dupree, who will be flanked by close and personal friends of Regina and the community, as well as former contestants of the New faces show, including, but certainly not limited to, Roxy Redd, Tatiana Du jour, Ravion, Majik Sheena Cassadine, and Nyx Karres with more special guest appearances being added right up until show start on December 13 at 7:30 pm. The show will be full of amazing performances and surprises – and you can even purchase a commemorative face covering that celebrates the memory of Mama Regina (proceeds will go to Toys For Tots)!

Another Simms signature event was her annual Holiday show and toy drive, which is now being brought back in full force not only to honor Mama Regina’s life and memory, but also to spread a little cheer after a year that has brought a whole new level of challenges to us all.

Attendees can donate a toy or make cash donations that will all benefit Toys For Tots, and a Sunday Night Mixtape Party with DJ Darlene will follow the stacked benefit show, who will be playing all of your favorite dance hits from the 80s and 90s.

Photos by Russ Bowen-Youngblood

So, come out and celebrate the life and memory of our friend, sis, mama, and mentor and spread some love and Holiday cheer in the spirit of “Mama” Regina Simms. WHAT The 16th Annual “Mama” Regina Simms Holiday Christmas Benefit & Toys For Tots WHEN Sunday, December 13, 6 pm (7:30 pm showtime) WHERE Friends On Ponce

Photos by Russ Bowen-Youngblood

Get Your Limited Edition “Mama” Regina Face Covering Support a good cause and stay safe with the limited-edition Friends On Ponce face mask that honors “Mama” Regina Simms and raises money for Toys For Tots. The mask will be available for purchase at the benefit show, and all proceeds will go directly to Toys For Tots. Be festive and safe while honoring the life and memory of “Mama” Regina Simms.

Pandemic. Social Distance. Working from home. Vaccine. COVID. Social Injustice. Home Schooling. Election 2020. Stimulus Package. Furlough. Impacted by Coronavirus. Zoom meeting. Mask. If I never hear any of these words or phrases again in my life, that would be just fine with me. We simply cannot go into another year the way we are potentially leaving 2020. I keep hoping and praying that one day, we will all wake up and realize that this has been a dream - okay, well - nightmare. But since that will likely not happen, we will just have to lean into what has happened, what is happening, and how we can build back better! My thought is that we need to start with a recipe or a road map. Looking at a few key “Big Rocks” will be essential to have a successful upcoming year. Again, not discounting where we have been, but mastering a go-forward approach. Big Rock #1 Mastering Forgiveness We have to somehow find forgiveness for those folks that don’t believe in wearing a mask, for folks that don’t think that we, as a nation, have a social and economic divide, and even folks that don’t believe we ALL should have the same rights to healthcare, the ability to marry whomever they love. Even those folks that believe police brutality can 34 | follow us @ peachatlmag

Finger On the Trigger By Jamie Kirk

be justified. We have to consider how people were raised, their exposure to different cultures, and how much we can educate them if they are open to receiving the blessing of human kindness. Big Rock #2 Dedication We need to stay focused and dedicated to our positioning of being in control. Controlling the events in our lives that we can and accepting those events that we can’t. We have to stay the course and not move the line in the sand regarding what we will tolerate and not tolerate in the upcoming year(s).

lose our jobs. Being able to wipe the slate clean and start from scratch is paramount to master the holidays and tee up a great and prosperous upcoming year. It is literally envisioning a better year - where the mind goes, our lives tend to follow.

Big Rock #5 Peace Being able to forgive, staying focused, remaining tenacious and dedicated, and lastly, being open to the possibility (whatever that is) will unequivocally lead to a peace-filled 2021. Peace comes when we are in control and are making decisions that are not fearbased. Remaining calm, being present, and Big Rock #3 treating each moment like we actually have Transformation chosen it. Being at peace will support our efBeing able to acknowledge what is working forts of not being anxious or overwhelmed. It and what is not. Looking at pieces of our is essential to be at peace as we look to live lives (especially around the holidays) and a long and wide life. being grateful for ALL things, and not being afraid to make small changes to have a better Ensuring that we have all of the above ingrelife. Wanting to make a change does not con- dients working together to produce the right stitute being ungrateful; it means just that; year we deserve should not be debatable. making a change. Most aspects of 2020 have been challenging for most, and many of us feel stressed out Big Rock #4 and out of sorts. That’s okay, because as the Remaining Open saying goes, “the more difficult the test, the Avoid predicting the future and avoiding look- greater the victory.” ing at 2021 through the lens of 2020. We must plan and prepare for a better year. We can’t go into 2021 planning to fail, intending not to see our family members, prepping to | 35

DEC 9 - 16

We believe in safety first, so this lineup features mainly virtual events or in-person events with limited capacity that enforce CDC guidelines. 2020 Cat Film Festival This is the purr-fect opportunity to get away from the holiday bustle. The Cat Film Festival embraces films that honor these mysterious creatures, which have fascinated humanity for centuries and continue to enchant us. Get tickets at Wednesday, December 9, 7-10 pm Landmark’s Midtown Art Cinema For The Kid Toy Drive-Thru Stay safely in your car while you drop off your $20 unwrapped toy at Midtown Moon. Remember, you can also donate ($20 buys a toy) or bid in the silent auction. Go to to learn more and to donate. Saturday, December 12, 12 – 4 pm Midtown Moon

The Armorettes And How Vivian Stole Christmas The Armorettes have put together a Holiday-themed show that will put the camp back in Christmas! Performances by Autumn Skyy, Ally Yankadic, Nurse Holly, Baby D GaLore, Taylore Alexander, Linuxx Lovee, Plenty Moore, and special guest Vivian Valium. The show will livestream on Facebook as well. Saturday, December 12, 8 – 10 pm The Heretic or Facebook Live

Tossed Salad Holiday Edition She’s Back! Brigitte Bidet brings you Tossed Salad in a special Holi-Gay themed edition. Join her and her batch of entertainters as they put on a show like no other. Sunday, December 13, 10 pm Midtown Moon

Elf Trivia Get in your Holiday cheer with an Elf Trivia Night. A ticket reserves your seat and gets you Two Tacos and a Margarita! A limited number of tickets are on sale, so grab yours now via Eventbrite. Wednesday, December 16, 7 – 9 pm Guac Y Margys 36 | follow us @ peachatlmag


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12 W. Peachtree St. NW



P o n ce D e Leo n Pl . N E

Spring St. NW


4th St. NE



Ponce De Leon Ave. NE


Ponce De Leon Ave. NE



2 Blake's 3 Bulldogs 4 Friends

227 10th St NE 893 Peachtree St NE 736 Ponce De Leon Ave NE

6 My Sister’s Room 7 Ten Atlanta

66 12th St NE 990 Piedmont Ave NE

10 th & Piedmont Campagnolo Einstein's F.R.O.G.S

991 Piedmont Ave NE 980 Piedmont Ave NE 1077 Juniper St NE 931 Monroe Cir NE

clubs 13 Atlanta Eagle

306 Ponce De Leon Ave NE


retail 8 BarkingLeather

9 10 11 12

306 Ponce De Leon Ave NE

14 Urban Body Fitness 500 Amsterdam Ave NE

spa/bath 15 Flex Spa

76 4th St. NW

16 17 18 19

G’s Midtown Henry’s Joe's on Juniper La Hacienda

219 10th St NE 132 10th St NE 1049 Juniper St NE 900 Monroe Dr NE

billards/Darts drag dancers leather non-smoking area Patio

When the world throws you Let be your


ansley 21



on tC ir .


BARS 2043 Cheshire Bridge Rd 1086 Alco St NE 1931 Piedmont Cir NE

1842 Cheshire Bridge Rd 1824 Cheshire Bridge Rd

32 33 34 35 36

Midtown Moon Felix's The Hideaway Mixx Oscar's

1510 Piedmont Ave Suite A 2205 Cheshire Bridge Rd 2069 Cheshire Bridge Rd 1739 Cheshire Bridge Rd

Fitness 2201 Faulkner Rd NE

Spa / bath 2135 Liddell Drive NE

1492 Piedmont Ave NE 1510 Piedmont Ave NE 1544 Piedmont Ave NE 1492 Piedmont Ave NE 1510 Piedmont Ave NE

Dining 38 Eclectic Bistro


30 Gravitee Fitness

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Piedmont Park


28 Heretic 29 Tokyo Valentino





26 Barking Leather 27 Southern Nights




24 Las Margaritas 25 Roxx


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28 20

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26 35


20 BJ Roosters 21 Sequel 22 Tripps

42 The Den












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. NE

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Manchester St. NE

Piedmont Rd. NE


42 L



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Lambert Dr.




A l co

1600 Piedmont Ave NE 1425 Piedmont Ave NE

Retail 39 Boy Next Door 1447 Piedmont Ave NE 40 Brushstrokes/Pleasures 1510 Piedmont Ave NE

Fitness 41 Equilibrium Fitness

1529 Piedmont Ave, Suite L


Mary's Sister Louisa’s Church Swinging Richards Lips Atlanta The T Woof's

1287 Glenwood Ave SE 466 Edgewood Ave SE 1400 Northside Dr NW 3011 Buford Hwy NE 465 Boulevard SE 494 Plasters Ave NE

A snapshot of Gay Atlanta’s favorite destinations. View their ads in Peach ATL & visit their websites for weekly event listings.

BARS & CLUBS MIDTOWN ATLANTA EAGLE 306 Ponce De Leon Ave NE BLAKE’S ON THE PARK 227 10th St NE BULLDOGS 893 Peachtree St NE FRIENDS NEIGHBORHOOD BAR friendsonponce-atl. com 736 Ponce De Leon Ave NE MY SISTER’S ROOM 66 12th St NE TEN ATLANTA 990 Piedmont Ave NE THE T 465 Boulevard SE CHESHIRE HERETIC 2069 Cheshire Bridge Road BJ ROOSTERS 2043 Cheshire Bridge Road NE SEQUEL 1086 Alco St NE TRIPPS 1931 Piedmont Circle N

ANSLEY MIDTOWN MOON 1492 Piedmont Ave NE FELIX’S 1510 Piedmont Ave NE THE HIDEAWAY 1544 Piedmont Ave NE MIXX 1492 Piedmont Ave NE OSCAR’S 1510 Piedmont Ave NE WOOFS 494 Plasters Ave NE EAST ATLANTA, GRANT PARK & EDGEWOOD MARY’S 1287 Glenwood Ave SE SISTER LOUISA’S CHURCH sisterlouisaschurch. com 466 Edgewood Ave SE SWINGING RICHARDS swingingrichards. com 1400 Northside Dr NW

DINING MIDTOWN 10TH & PIEDMONT 10thandpiedmont. com 991 Piedmont Ave NE EINSTEIN’S einsteinsatlanta. com 1077 Juniper St NE FROGS CANTINA 931 Monroe Dr G’S 219 10th St NE


HENRY’S 132 10th St NE

GCB & PLEASURES brushstrokesatlanta. com 1510 Piedmont Ave. NE

JOE’S ON JUNIPER 1049 Juniper St NE

BARKING LEATHER 1510 Piedmont Ave Suite A

LA HACIENDA lahaciendamidtown. com 900 Monroe Dr NE CHESHIRE LAS MARGARITAS 1842 Cheshire Bridge Rd NE ROXX 1824 Cheshire Bridge Rd NE DEKALB LIPS ATLANTA 3011 Buford Hwy NE






Atlanta’s premier for as little as


35 per week! $

Email for more information.

 Â?Â? Â?Â?  Â? Â


things to normalize during the Holidays and a global pandemic The holidays are here and, yes, they are feeling and looking very different this year! The global pandemic, election aftershocks, and everything that those entail have an impact on us all. So cut yourself some slack, while normalizing these things, so we can all stay safe and sane.

1. It’s okay that your weight fluctuates 2. It’s okay to abandon healthy habits and routines 3. You can be unproductive at times, it’s okay 4. Throwing yourself into work is okay too! 5. It’s alright to feel unmotivated to do anything

6. … and being over-productive is totally fine too! 7. It’s understandable to feel ok one moment, and terrible the next 8. You can experience waves of sadness or anxiety 9. It’s okay not to respond to messages or calls 10. Frequent distractions are relatable and understandable Source: @clicksforclimate

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Playmates and soul mates...




We’re closer to Atlanta than you think!

Get the details on our website calendar.

Membership Required *Must be 21 to Enter

The River’s Edge is open and invites you to come, relax by a campfire and enjoy gay, country camping.

Enjoy 1/2 off winter rates Dec. 1 - Feb. 28

RV Sites, Cabins and Tent Sites Available! 706-213-8081

The Rivers Edge Campground, 2311 Pulliam Mill Road, Dewy Rose, GA 30634

This new guy started at work today. He’s gay!

E-mail your Peach Pits to


I wish all these HOes I’m hearing was Santa’s laughter …

Asking for a friend Do I actually like being dominated during sex or am I just lazy?

ByWell, cutting off the sleeves do you know him? of all your t-shirts? It’s not a club, we don’t automatically just know each other Here’s his picture Ooooh, I know her!

Be your own secret Santa with ambien and Amazon!

Insulting me gets you nowhere. Plus, it makes you look fat!

Daddy Joke Alert I If anyone gets a message from me about canned meat, don’t open it. It’s spam

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Instead of presents this year, I’m giving everyone my opinion

Daddy Joke Alert II To the guy who invented bread, I’d like to propose a toast

Eddie was born in Chicago and relocated to Atlanta in 2013 to pursue his career as an actor, fitness model, and performing artist. He signed with Meak Productions’ talent agency division in 2015 and was elected Mr. Meak Productions 2016-2017. During his five-year tenure with the agency, his most significant accomplishment was getting booked for the leading role in the renowned stage play “His Double Life,” which is still touring to date. Eddie is currently featured in Meak Productions’ recently released SUIT & TIE/BLACK & WHITE campaign. For more information, visit

@thatsclark__ FB: therealclarkatl

See more photos at EDDiE “CLARK” POSEY

TAURUS (APR. 20 - MAY 20) Have sympathy for those who need to vent this week. Don’t be surprised if people line up outside your door for a chance to bend your ear for an hour or two. Your mind is sharp. You will be able to see to the core of any issue brought before you.

GEMINI (MAY 21 - JUN. 20) You will probably want everyone to know how you feel this week. You won’t be shy about expressing your emotions. Feel free to take the lead on matters, for you have the self-confidence and emotional stability to do quite well at the helm of the ship.

SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 22 - DEC. 21) You’re apt to be spurred into action by strong forces that don’t want you to take a break. Keep in mind that the more you resist, the more you will be pushed and pulled by outside sources. If you find yourself in a bind, take a deep breath and calm down.

CAPRICORN (DEC. 22 - JAN. 19) Feel free to let it all out this week. It’s finally your turn to stand up and say what you feel. Don’t let others push you into places you don’t want to be. The key is to probe deeply with your penetrating mind and share your incredible insights with others.

CANCER (JUN. 21 - JUL. 22) Put your foot down. Don’t let others push you around. It could be that you’re used to letting people have their way in order to keep the peace. The problem with this is that your dreams and goals may get lost in the shuffle. Don’t lose sight of your true destination.

LEO (JUL. 23 - AUG. 22) For goodness’ sake, make a decision! The more you flounder about which way to go, the likelier it is that you will miss the boat altogether. You have all the facts you need, so don’t delay any longer. Once you make up your mind, be strong and throw all your weight behind it.

VIRGO (AUG. 23 - SEP. 22) AQUARIUS (JAN. 20 - FEB. 18) Emotionally speaking, you’re probably doing quite well. You have extra self-confidence to draw on to tackle your projects. The one difficult aspect of the day probably has to do with some sort of mental challenge that for some reason just isn’t making sense.

Mentally, you’re apt to do very well this week. You will find that you can tackle just about any cerebral challenge that comes along. The most difficult aspect of the day will be dealing with your emotions. More than likely, you will feel a great desire for attention. You just want to be loved.

LIBRA (SEP. 23 - OCT. 22) PISCES (FEB. 19 - MAR. 20) You might be in a bit of a jam this week, when one person or situation doesn’t work well with what you’re thinking, and another doesn’t fit well with what you’re feeling. There’s a clash taking place that may be difficult to reconcile, especially if you remain stubbornly in your position.

ARIES (MAR. 21 - APR. 19) Normally you’re much better at tagging along or simply going with the flow of the situation. This way of doing things has proven quite effective for you in the past. Indeed, it has gotten you far. What you have now is a different situation. The things you’ve started will do you no good until you complete them.

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Your heart is in the right place, so feel free to share your good mood with others. Keep things simple and straightforward. You will find that you can be much more efficient when you cut out the aspects that aren’t pertinent or absolutely necessary. Follow your heart.

SCORPIO (OCT. 23 - NOV. 21) You may find it hard to get rolling this week. It’s likely that you’re caught in a gridlock between your mind and heart. Be careful about letting this tension build. The most important thing for you is to relax. Tackle things one step at a time and finish one project before starting another.

Trouble in the love department? With sex? Or just people in general? Send us your queries, questions, and problems, and you’ll get answers served straight up and with a little ice.

After months of isolating and not having sex with anyone, I have finally broken my COVID bubble, and I am seeing this guy now. We have been safe and gotten tested so that we can meet in person, and he is really great and very sexy. Well, sexy to look at because we haven’t had sex yet, and it’s been a couple of months now. We’ve made out a lot and done a bunch of on ‘top of clothing’ touching, but we haven’t even come close to going to the next level! I’m sexually pretty liberated, so this waiting game and shyness was initially a turn-on, but now it is becoming really frustrating. I don’t want to be too forward with him and scare him off because I really like him, and I want him to be comfortable with me. How do I create that safe space for him where we can finally be intimate with each other? Sincerely Don’t Be Shy Dear Don’t Be Shy Even though the lack of sex and intimacy is frustrating to you, it is excellent that you are not pushing it with him. There are many things to consider. First, maybe the pandemic has created some barrier for him when it comes to sex. Also, did he come out late? Does he have a job that keeps him from being open and honest about his sexuality (they still exist, you know), or has he had terrible experiences opening up and pushing past the shyness before? You are doing the exact right thing with this guy by sticking to it and not applying pressure, so keep that up. Switch things up to create an environment that makes him more comfortable. Invite him to your house for a homemade meal or delicious takeout and verbalize to him that you are very attracted to him, but you want to wait for him to overcome his shyness. Sometimes hearing that someone is willing to create that space for you can be healing and comforting. If he is going through some issues with insecurity or anxiety, you could be the person that he could open up to in more ways than one.

After being really lonely during this pandemic, I got on one of the apps and quickly started chatting with this really hot guy. He quickly revealed to me that he was in a relationship but that they were open and poly. So after a while, we met up, and that’s when things got a little weird because he didn’t have a lot of time, he couldn’t meet for dinner, and he wanted to be dominating towards me. Over the last few weeks, we have even met in parking lots at night for quick hookups, and he has canceled a few times because his husband was home early. So this guy is not poly; he is just cheating, right? I mean, just tell me it’s so. It just sucks because he is so great, and I’m freakin’ lonely, okay? Sincerely Tricked Dear Tricked, You don’t know if he is telling the truth about being poly or if he is, in fact, cheating on his partner with you – although his behavior indeed points towards the latter! You should ask yourself a more relevant question if you really want to be with someone who only has limited time for you or has to cancel lastminute on you. Pandemic loneliness is real; there’s no denying that – but wouldn’t you be better off getting back on that app to find a guy that’s even more in tune with what you want and need right now? It seems like you need someone who can help you deal with loneliness, not make you feel abandoned.


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