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Sheffield manufacturer with 140+ years’ experience focusses on “sharp knives”.
from September 23 New
by peachdigital
Separate fully forged martensitic* stainless steel blade *Martensitic has more carbon to keep a superior cutting edge.
The biggest single issue or complaint about cutlery is ‘the knives don’t cut!’ The reason is quite simple the blades aren’t made from martensitic stainless steel!
Most knives today produced in the Far East have ‘monobloc’ or solid handles with rolled out 13/0 or at very best 18/10 stainless steel blades. You can try & sharpen such a blade until “the cows come home” it will never hold a decent cutting edge. Now martensitic stainless is different & specially made with extra carbon so it keeps a cutting edge. ‘Tricketts of Sheffield’ have been using martensitic blades in their dining ranges for over 140 years. So there’s no reason to buy expensive French knives – buy British from a Sheffield company with over 140 years’ experience of making ‘sharp knives’.