The Red Lion Family Restaurant
All You Can Eat Fish & Chips $9.95 Every Friday until May 11, starting at 4 pm Breakfast Weekends only starting April 26, 7:30 - 11 am Saturday Special $13.95 8 oz New York strip steak with onion rings and caesar salad
6575 Hwy 97 South, Peachland, BC
Every week... Every house... Every business WESTWOOD FEATURE SUITE:
APRIL 26, 2013 | VOLUME 09 | NUMBER 17
And they’re off!
includes meals and services
Call Corinne at 250-768-2934
Beijing RE STA U R AN T
250-494-1238 Daily Buffet Open 4 - 8 pm daily (Closed Tuesday)
for Peachlanders with this ad HWY 97
Sol ly
lle rie Va y Rd Prai
Beijing R E S TU AR AN T
Behind McDonalds off Hwy 97 #9 - 7519 Prairie Rd, Summerland
Joanne Layh
RunneRs LeAVe the stARtInG LIne of the 10K portion of the Peachland Spring 10K and Half Marathon at Beach Ave on Sunday. See page 10 for more photos.
Municipal taxes to increase 2.8 per cent Joanne layh Peachland View Peachland homeowners can expect a 2.8 per cent tax increase in their municipal property taxes this year, according to the 2013 financial plan bylaw that is likely to be adopted next week. Overall, the average single family dwelling will be assessed a 4.5 per cent tax increase, when taxes to other governments are taken into consideration, including Okanagan Regional Library, RDCO, Central Okanagan Regional Hospital District, School District 23, and the Municipal Finance Authority. The 2.8 per cent municipal tax increase includes an increase in general municipal property taxes in
addition to increases in policing costs. 2013 is the first full year the district will directly fund policing services. This year Peachland will pay a total of $606,655 in policing costs. Back in 2011 policing costs were $268,743. The dramatic increase in policing costs was a result of Peachland’s population exceeding 5,000 in the 2011 census. The population increase means that the district is now assessed policing costs at a much higher rate and is also obligated to fund other related expenses, including one RCMP support staff member and a portion of prisoner expenses. The increased cost of policing will result in an estimated $26.13 tax increase for the average single family dwelling.
According to the financial plan, residential taxes will total $3,618,536 (92.6 per cent of taxes) while commercial/business taxes will total $191,641 (4.9 per cent of taxes). For the second year in a row, Peachland council approved a reduction in the business tax multiplier to decrease the tax burden on business owners by increasing taxation to utilities. The business tax rate multiplier deceased from 1.95 to 1.9 in 2013. In 2012 it decreased from 2.0 to 1.95. As a result, the utility tax multiplier has increased, meaning reduced business taxes have no impact on the residential tax assessment. This year the responsibility for transit services was transferred from the
regional district to Peachland, resulting in decreased taxes to the RDCO and increased taxes to the District of Peachland. The cost of transit services is estimated to be $120,000, which includes $8,000 for increased transit service to be implemented later this year. Capital expenditures projects for 2013 total $1,571,390. The proposed budget, which received three readings at this week’s council meeting, also included the following key capital expenditures: • Road rehabilitations program (paving/repaving, crack sealing, and repairing) - $141,200; • Digital driver feedback sign (subject to funding from ICBC) - $10,000; • Computer aided dispatch (for fire department)
Thanks to all who came out to the 20th Annual Business Expo and congratulations to all our door prize winners!
- $10,680; • WASP interface fire protection system - $24,700; • Walkway from Ponderosa to Clements - $60,000; • Implementation of sidewalk master plan, including sidewalk construction - $377,000 (funded by federal gas tax funds available for sustainable projects); • Priority 3 Ponderosa water interconnect – Gladstone to Ponderosa Drive - $1,541,038 (funded by the Ponderosa development); and • Primary school improvements $339,287 (funded by grants from the provincial community recreation fund and the federal enabling accessibility fund). The 2013 financial plan, tax rates, and parcel tax bylaws are expected to be adopted at a special council meeting on April 30.
Christine Millar, Dennis Bawdry, Loretta Robinson, Maurita Graham and Peter Price all won sets of braided water supply hoses, Richard Smith and Madeleine Patterson both won water sensors, Bob Cox won a jumpstart compressor, Nancy Stadnick won a emergency car kit and Judy McCrea won a wine basket! (Some of our winners are shown here)
We would like to thank Total Restoration, ABK Restoration, Stutters Restoration and J. Wright Plumbing for donating some of the door prizes and we also thank all of the insurance companies that we represent, who donated many of our fun and useful give aways. Finally, a big thank you to the tireless Chamber staff and volunteers who put this expo on each year!
5878C Beach Avenue, Peachland, BC
1-877-767-2510 | 250-767-2500