May 3 Peachland View

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MAY 3, 2013 | VOLUME 09 | NUMBER 18

Highway 97 issues dominate at the All-Candidates Forum



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Joanne Layh Peachland View




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Joanne Layh

Kelowna Metis artist Dennis J. Weber and portrait The Mountain Man.

Weber works primarily in pencils, oils, acrylics, pastels and most of his works are portraits. An assortment of his works were on display in Peachland last weekend at the Footprints and Mini-Powwow event.

While jobs and economy, education, and environmental policies were among the important issues raised at last Wednesday’s all-candidates forum, it was issues around four-laning and the community’s desire for a bypass study that stole the show. In his opening statement Liberal candidate Dan Ashton was quick to address recent remarks he made to The View against a highway bypass around Peachland. “They were precautionary comments,” Ashton said. “I’ve heard loud and clear from many people in town as I’ve been doing my walkabouts how important that [bypass] study is and you have my word I’ll do everything possible to make sure that that gets up to government and through government as quickly as possible.” Concerns about four-laning throughout Peachland were voiced numerous times throughout the evening. John Abernethy, chair of the Highway 97 Task Force Society, asked the candidates if they would help motivate MOTI to study an alternate route. “I strongly believe this area should not have a highway running through it, similarly to what Westbank now has,” Conservative candidate Sean Upshaw said. “I would do everything that I can to make sure that all of the issues the city has would be address

fairly … as MLA, your representative in Victoria, it would be a high priority in the area, without a doubt.” BC First candidate Doug Maxwell said the highway should be done the way the people in Peachland want it to be done. “I certainly will work hard to ensure that highways seriously considers this concept. I can certainly see why you’d want the bypass,” NDP candidate Richard Cannings said, adding that tourists are not coming to Peachland because it’s close to the highway; they’re coming here because of the beautiful view and wonderful location. While Ashton did not go as far as to speak positively about about a bypass option, he did repeat that the bypass study “would be forefront to me to make sure it gets pushed through government as quickly as possible.” Among other questions posed to the candidates was one regarding the candidates’ stance on the legalization of marijuana. Both Cannings and Maxwell said they would be for the decriminalization of marijuana. Upshaw said B.C. should legalize it, and Ashton was not in favour of decriminalization or legalization. As well, Cannings said his party would conduct a comprehensive overhaul of B.C.’s archaic liquor laws to make it easier for the wine industry to do business. The B.C. general election will take place on May 14.

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