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Local News ... Pg 1-3 Peachland Views ... Pg 4-5 Community Events... Pg 6 From the desk of the Mayor... Pg 7 Classifieds... Pg 12-13 Real Estate... Pg 16

April 23, 2010 Peachland, BC

Volume 06 | Number 16

Eldon and Donna Kerbes (centre) were honoured as Citizens of the Year Friday at the Spirit of Peachland Civic Awards ceremony. The Kerbes are shown with (left to right) Mayor Fielding and Councillors Moberg, Photo Joanne Layh Condon, Fraser and Schierbeck.

Citizens of the year: Eldon and Donna Kerbes By Joanne Layh

The top prize at the Spirit of Peachland Civic Awards ceremony was this year awarded to not one, but two individuals. At the awards ceremony on Friday, Donna and Eldon Kerbes were given the honour of being pronounced Peachland’s Citizens of the Year. We were quite surprised that we were even nominated, let alone in that particular category,” Eldon Kerbes told the View. “It was quite a shock to be nominated for that.” The Kerbes’ generously volunteer their time to a number of community groups. Eldon is well known for his extensive

involvement with the Peachland Lions Club. His wife Donna volunteers regularly with the Peachland Hospital Auxiliary and is also involved with the Peachland Quilters Guild and Pincushion Quilters Guild. Both Donna and Eldon are active in the Peachland Fall Fair and Peachland Players. Needless to say, the couple are dedicated to offering their time and effort to the community. In fact, the Kerbes’ missed much of the awards ceremony because both were busy volunteering in the kitchen during the event. While the Kerbes’ were busy in the kitchen, the Peachland Variety Singers opened the evening

by leading the audience in singing the national anthem. Throughout the evening, the Danny Sameshima Trio had the pleasure of performing to a full house, as the ceremony was particularly well attended this year. When the awards segment of the evening began, Constable Jeremy Ricker and the Peachland Ambassador candidates were on hand to escort the winners of each category down the red carpet. Helen McLaughlan, Sarah (Sadie) Todd and Stella Vaughan-Birch took home the Freedom of the Municipality award. Darlene Hartford received the Mayor’s Award for her work with

Spirit of BC and the Councillor’s Award went to Chris Byrd. Both the Centennial and Communities in Bloom Committees were presented the Meritorious Service award. Centennial Committee members Chris Scowen, Don Wigfield, Lorraine Bergman, Peter Schierbeck and Barb Dionne were honoured for their hard work in ensuring the centennial year was a success, while Communities in Bloom Committee members Gord Thorne, Doreen Thorne, Wilma McKinnon, Phyllis Papineau, Martha Jenkins, Doug Ross, Mary Trueman, Darlene Hartford, Chris Scowen, Polly Palmer, Doug Allin, Vic

Loney and Linda Nicholas were acknowledged for their contribution in making Peachland a Five Bloom community. Councillor Moberg presented the Community Builders award to Lynne Herrin. The Youth Achievement award went to Portia Conner, one of this year’s Peachland Ambassador candidates. Connor was successful in raising over $9,000 for CIBC Run for the Cure. The Water Conservation Landscaping prize was awarded to Nahid Gordon and Liz and Dale Zimmerman for their use of drought tolerant shrubs and other eco-friendly landscaping elements. The Christmas

Lighting Award went to Deborah and Samuel Derksen. While not everyone left the ceremony with an award, a special segment in the first part of the program allowed for community group recognitions. Among others, Peachland Fire and Rescue Service acknowledged Dory Nash, Peachland’s Firefighter of the Year. The Peachland Lions Club recognized Lynne Herrin as Lion of the Year, Peachland Sportsmen’s association member Martha Jenkins paid tribute to Sportsman of the Year Judy Vernando and Olive Fielding spoke about the contributions of the Wellness Centre.

Peachland Johnston Meier

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April 23, 2010

The Peachland View

New Ponderosa map/score card unveiled By Joanne Layh

With the new Ponderosa Golf Course and clubhouse targeted to open in Summer 2011, work is finally beginning to move forward at the development site. Derek Chichak, president and chief operating officer of Treegroup was in Peachland this week to move the development along. Tendering for construction of the golf course closed on April 15, Chichak told the View. He confirmed that Treegroup is currently reviewing the tenders and expect to announce a decision very soon. Mobilization to start work on the course is targeted to begin May 1. Meanwhile, Teresen Gas has been scheduled to do some identification of depths and location of the line below so it can be


properly surveyed before construction begins. “Things are happening basically starting today or tomorrow and you’re going to see mobilization with some equipment,” he said, “We have an earthworks permit that allows us to work on the existing zoned property.” The score card for the new Greg Norman designed Ponderosa Golf Course was unveiled on April 15. While the first nine holes of the new golf course will be roughly situated in the same area as the old golf course, it will all be new. “It will be totally different. If you overlaid the old course under this, you wouldn’t recognize anything,” Chichak explained. From there, they’ll move into the Crown land once they get the annexation




Photo Contributed

The score card for the new Ponderosa Golf Course.

and zoning done, which should take place by June, if all goes well. Chichak says that following that they will be submitting to the district engineering drawings for phase 1 of the infrastructure, which will include the road work, water and sewer. “The hope is that we’ll be able to tender that work for early June and

that would be for commencing the work on that for late June or sooner,” he said, adding, “and again, that all depends on the kind of feedback we get from Urban Systems and the District on the engineering plans.” Access to Highway 97 about halfway between Ponderosa and Princeton has been proposed to Ministry of Transpor-

tation and Infrastructure (MOTI). Treegroup and the district are now awaiting a response. It’s possible that within that response, MOTI may include a recommendation about whether or not lights should be installed at the intersection. Chichak indicated that the start of home construction for the first multi-family residential

units might begin as early as this fall and could be completed by the end of next year. Residential units in the Founder’s Lane area would be likely be the first to go up, followed by units in the Alpine area. Chichak says it depends upon absorption. “We’ll start pre-marketing it and see what kind of interest there is,” he said.

April 23, 2010

The Peachland View


Facing the future of Highway 97 Brenton Froehlich of the public. Tekano didn’t Peachland Sportsman’s give away what direction Association raised con- the Ministry is leaning tocerns relating to the en- wards, but he did reveal vironment. His presenta- that they would not be retion outlined the need for research involving We think we have a strong hydrology, riparian working relationship with the protection, air quality, Highway 97 Task Force and rock stability, forestry we will continue to foster that issues, flora and fauna, hip positive working relationship wildlife survival and into the future habitat, and biodiversity. MOTI project director At the end of the Grant Lachmuth presentation, MOTI Okanagan Shuswap dis- searching the options for trict manager Murray another five or ten years. Tekano took questions If that is truly the case, from the panel and the then there should be plen-

ty of time for in-depth consultation with the public and the task force. “We think we have a strong working relationship with the Highway 97 Task Force and we will continue to foster that positive working relationship into the future,” MOTI project director Grant Lachmuth told the View in an interview following the presentation. The Task Force boasts a membership of 500, about 10 per cent of the population of Peachland.

Photo Joanne Layh

Murray Tekano, Okanagan Shuswap district manager for MOTI

By Joanne Layh Mayor Fielding, Councillor Condon, West Kelowna Mayor Doug Findlater, Derek Chichak and Norm Porter of Treegroup, and two representatives from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) were just a few of the people in attendance at last Wednesday’s Highway 97 public meeting. Co-sponsored by the District of Peachland, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Highway 97 Task Force, the public meeting was arranged to raise awareness about issues surrounding Highway 97

through Peachland. Essentially there are two options for Highway 97 in Peachland – create a bypass or 4-lane the existing highway. The perceived impacts of each of these options were represented from a variety of angles over the course of the presentation. Michael Stringam, a senior transportation engineer for Urban Systems, was the first to present to the public. With many years of transportation planning experience, Stringam offered a broad overview of the various concerns that are faced when highway planning. He spoke about the ways

in which planners try to balance mobility and access, illustrating creative solutions such as multiuse boulevards. Stringam’s presentation didn’t address where one might find room for a multiuse boulevard through Peachland. Instead, his presentation was geared to conveying that there are a multitude of solutions to be considered. Peachland Chamber of Commerce president Rob Campbell reflected the concerns of the business community and how they might be affected by a bypass - and it’s construction. Later, panel presenter

Water advisory in effect By Joanne Layh

A water advisory now in effect for Peachland means that some may need to drink boiled water or a safe alternative such as bottled water until further notice. Further to that, for certain at-risk populations, health officials are recommending that water intended for

washing fruits or vegetables, making juice or ice, or brushing teeth be boiled for one minute. Those are the recommendations that Interior Health has made for the for the following groups of people: Children; The elderly; People with weakened immune systems; and

Anyone seeking additional protection. Peachland’s water quality is presently listed as fair, but while the associated health risks are minimal, it may be better to be safe than sorry. For more info contact the District of Peachland at 250.767.2647 or 250.767.2108 or visit www.interiorhealth.ca


The Peachland View

Peachland Views

April 23, 2010

Why is the May 15 referendum vote so important? It’s an issue that has been discussed for many years. But, in the last few months, the proposal to build an extension to the community centre and operate a curling club has become an emotional subject in our town. In the history of any community, there are certain dates that become defining moments. Elections for mayor and council are often such dates. May 15 also qualifies because this vote is not just about a building or about money; it’s about what kind of community we are, and what kind of community we will become. Certainly there are many

enthusiastic curlers who will vote yes. However, there are some people who will vote against spending money, no matter what the proposal is. But the decision on May 15 will not be controlled by either of these groups. Many of the people who vote won’t be curlers and won’t be keen to spend money. The decision will depend on responsible people accepting the vision of a significant community asset and accepting the proposal as good value for money. When the alternate approval process gathered over 500 signatures, some people were upset and

called this group “negative nellies” who were opposed to everything. That is not my opinion. Perhaps there were a few like that, but I have spoken to several people who signed and their question is, “why should I pay money for this?” It’s a legitimate question and one that deserves a good answer. It doesn’t matter if the alternate approval process was the work of a relatively small number. When people exercise their democratic rights, they deserve our respect. Too often, politicians promise to listen and, after the election, ignore public opinion. However, I don’t believe that is

Watch Your Mailbox for the Real Utility Bills This Month For the past year we’ve been sending out mock utility bills to help our water customers understand why we’ve joined other Okanagan communities and switched to water meters. What you need to know: White is the new blue. This month’s real, payable water bills come on white paper, to help distinguish them from last year’s blue-coloured mock bills. All in one. Customers will now see all utilities on one quarterly bill – covering water, sewer and waste collection. You’re in control. The cost of your water depends on how much water you use. The more you conserve, the lower your bill. Press of a button. Sign up for e-billing – the fast, convenient, paperless way to receive your utility bills. Contact us at finance@peachland.ca Learn more. Watch for your copy of the spring edition of our WaterWise newsletter in the View. Gets tips for conserving water and saving money!

www.peachland.ca • 250-767-2647 finance@peachland.ca

Eric Hall

MY VIEW the case in our town. I have attended many Peachland council meetings and I am very impressed with the mayor and council that we are fortunate to have. After much analysis and debate, they have already endorsed this proposal. Peachland is a relatively small community but has a history of being lucky about getting grant money from the provincial and federal governments. In reality it hasn’t been about luck but about a lot of hard work behind the scenes. One person involved in this hard work is new to Peachland and that’s our MLA, Bill Barisoff. Due to boundary changes, Barisoff has represented Peachland since the last election. When grant money became available through the Building Canada fund, Barisoff fought hard to get money for Peachland. The result is two very large grants for a community of our size. Peachland council put forward proposals for an enhanced waterfront pathway and for a new building for a curling club. Many other good ideas were either too expensive or ineligible for this grant process. It would be unusual for a commun-

ity to reject such grants. The debate about which projects should be supported is history; the decisions have been made. However the alternate approval process has had a significant impact on the curling club proposal. The new building adjacent to the existing community centre, if it is built, will no longer be controlled by the curling club. The revised proposal now put forward gives total control to Peachland staff. So the description “multi-use facility” is appropriate. If the curling club succeeds, that’s great for the community. If it fails due to lack of support, the new building might become our new larger council chambers. Use of the building in the summer for meetings and receptions was always part of the original proposal anyway. If we reject the chance to get a four million dollar building for a one-third cost, we may have to pay the full amount in a few years. I didn’t support the decision to approve doubling the size of Peachland, but that decision has been made. As our town grows, the need for municipal building space will grow as well. In the summer, this new building will become a key component of providing community services that have nothing to do with curling. When it comes to defining the cost, this has been a problem. The official number is $34 per household per year. But there has been some confusion about the numbers in the past. Why? Because it depends on whether you are an optimist or a pessimist. Until the building is complete, we don’t know how many sponsors will come forward, how many new curlers there will be or how many weddings will be arranged. Sponsorship money will come. For example, it cost the credit union a lot of

money to get their name on Prospera Place in Kelowna. Some people considered building the existing Peachland Community Centre to be a waste of money. Fortunately it was built and it is hard to imagine our town without that facility today. Thank goodness, the mayor and council endorsed those plans. Many people using this facility (whether winter curlers or summer brides) will come from West Kelowna as well as Peachland; this helps the building pay for itself. For those who don’t curl but like to use the pool or ice arena in West Kelowna, voting yes on May 15 will be a wise decision. We don’t (at the moment) pay more than residents of West Kelowna to use their facilities (subsidised by their tax base), but this could change. With a new Westside curling club in Peachland, reciprocal and equal access to facilities makes more sense. Voting yes is accepting the needs of a larger Peachland. It’s about working together with West Kelowna. It’s about getting a building at one-third of the cost. It’s about much more than just curling. I am an advocate of smaller government and lower taxes, but if I had to decide how to spend money, I’d vote for buildings before I would vote for more managers or consultants. Learn to curl or just get out and socialise. This proposal gives you those opportunities. Let’s give the people of Peachland more places to meet and play. Let’s support other people’s dreams because next time they will support ours. That’s the kind of community I want to live in, a community where people care about each other and make responsible plans for the future. In Peachland, the dream is alive; let’s get on board.

The Peachland View welcomes letters expressing your opinion regarding news and events in Peachland. Please keep your letter to less than 350 words. We reserve the right to edit letters for clarity, brevity, or legal purposes. Published letters are the opinion of the writers only and do not reflect the opinions of this newspaper, its publisher or staff. All letters must be signed and include a telephone number for verification. Anonymous letters will not be printed. You can email your letters to: peachlandview@shaw.ca fax them to: 250-767-3337 or mail them to: P.O. Box 1150 Peachland, B.C. V0H 1X0

April 23, 2010

Peachland Views

Signs of spring popping up There are definitely lots of signs popping up. Anyone notice those cute referendum community facility signs? In the sales/marketing world there is a procedure to follow when trying to sell a product, which may be perceived as having flaws or blemishes. It is vitally important to change the point of view on the product. It’s sort of like watching a slight of hand artist. If you are watching the hands, you will never spot the switch. Some say it’s like putting the “em-PHA-sis” on a different “sil-i-bel.” The entire purpose is to sell the sizzle

Jim Gardner

Curling club camouflage


into voting for a facility which will not be truly a multiplex. The facility was designed specifically for curling. A multiplex it cannot be. Do not be fooled. You will be asked, as taxpayers, to vote for considerable funding to build a primarily single-use facility – the curling club. Really, I would appreciate more honesty from the Peachland Curling Club. Greg Nicholls, Peachland

Will the next referendum be on Peachland joining West Kelowna? If the curling rink/community facility referendum fails and the people of Peachland as a group decide that they do not want or can’t afford to support a public facility, we have to decide where to go from there. Does Peachland have the critical mass and the will to remain a standalone community? Most of Peachland shopping takes place in West Kelowna and that will be increasing as the new Superstore opens up. West Kelowna is the home of our Peachland High School with all the accompanying social and extra-curricular activities for the youth. Our local policing is based in West Kelowna and the officers are part of the West Kelowna community. The Peachland Skating and Ice Hockey rink is in West Kelowna, as is the indoor swimming pool. Peachland currently has town staff, council and public employees with the administrative overhead accounting for about 20 per cent of all Peachland District expenditures. This requires a much larger portion of our tax dollars than more populated communities. There can be no doubt that there would be tremendous efficiencies and savings if Peachland formally joins West Kelowna and contribute to the West Kelowna infrastructure and staff in the same way we support the police, the high school and sewer system. Maybe that is the way some people want it and the way it will inevitably play out. The unintended consequence of a vote against the curling rink is a vote against the confidence of Peachland as community with a future. Reverse the trend. Vote yes for the Curling Rink and yes to Peachland.

WORKSAFEBC – WORKERS’ COMPENSATION BOARD OF B.C. HEREBY GIVES NOTICE OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY REGULATION (BC Reg. 296/97, as amended) The proposed regulatory amendments pertain to: • Part 1, Definitions – relating to the definition of qualified registered professional; • Part 4, General Conditions – relating to the definition of late night hours; • Part 4, General Conditions (and consequential amendments to Part 26, Forestry Operations and Similar Activities) – relating to avalanches; • Part 4, General Conditions (and consequential amendments to Part 1, Definitions; and Part 20, Construction, Excavation and Demolition) – relating to notification of utilities; • Part 4, General Conditions – relating to wire rope guardrails and prior approval; • Part 8, Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment – relating to leg protection; • Part 8, Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment (and consequential amendments to Part 4, General Conditions; Part 6, Substance Specific Requirements; Part 9, Confined Spaces; Part 12, Tools, Machinery and Equipment; Part 23, Oil and Gas; and Part 31, Firefighting) – relating to respirator protection factors; • Part 9, Confined Spaces – relating to alternate procedures; • Part 12, Tools Machinery and Equipment – relating to swing-arm restraint; • Part 13, Ladders, Scaffolds and Temporary Work Platforms – relating to swing stages and prior permission; • Part 15, Rigging – relating to standards for slings; • Part 16, Mobile Equipment – relating to warning signal device; • Part 19, Electrical Safety – relating to minimum clearance; and • Part 30, Laboratories (and consequential amendments to Part 5, Chemical Agents and Biological Agents; and Part 6, Substance Specific Requirements) – relating to biohazardous agents. PUBLIC HEARINGS You are invited to provide feedback on the proposed regulatory amendments. Your views may be presented orally at the public hearings and/or submitted in writing. Please register if you wish to make an oral presentation at the public hearings by telephoning 604-232-7744 or toll free in BC 1-866-614-7744 prior to the hearing. Information on the proposed amendments and the public hearings, including details of registration/ participation procedures, are on WorkSafeBC’s website at www.worksafebc.com. PUBLIC HEARING DETAILS Date May 4, 2010 May 6, 2010 May 11, 2010 May 13, 2010 June 3, 2010 Session Times:


Is a no vote no to Peachland?

and not the steak. In other words sell the perception of what you want, not the actual product. Hence the signs say community facility, with no mention of the words curling rink. Can they sell the single purpose built facility as a more inclusive multiuse facility with the emphasis away from the single use? They are sure as heck going to try. Is it clever? Will it work? Time will tell on May 15th. Remember, keep your eye on the “PEA” not the moves.

Signs are popping up asking us to vote for a multiplex in the upcoming referendum on May 15th. Is the multiplex not the curling club? Why would the Peachland Curling Club omit any references to a curling club on its own signs? Reminds me of the wolf in sheep’s clothing story. Perhaps by excluding the phrase “curling club” from their signs, the Peachland Curling Club thinks the voters might be tricked

The Peachland View

Location Prestige Rocky Mountain Resort & Convention Centre 209 Van Horne Street South, Cranbrook, BC V1C 6R9 Best Western Inn 2402 Highway 97 N, Kelowna, BC V1X 4J1 Coast Inn of the North 770 Brunswick Street, Prince George, BC V2L 2C2 Hotel Grand Pacific 463 Belleville Street, Victoria BC V8V 1X3 Executive Airport Plaza Hotel & Conference Centre 7311 Westminster Highway, Richmond, BC V6X 1A3 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

WRITTEN SUBMISSIONS The deadline for receipt of written submissions is 4:30 p.m. on Friday, June 4, 2010. Written submissions can be made online or via e-mail, fax, mail, or delivered at the public hearings during the session times. Online: via the WorkSafeBC website at www.worksafebc.com E-mail: regquery@worksafebc.com Fax: 604-279-7599; or toll-free in BC: 1-877-279-7599 Mail: Policy and Research Division WorkSafeBC - Workers’ Compensation Board of B.C. P.O. Box 5350, Station Terminal Vancouver, BC V6B 5L5

Richard Wachal

Removing signs won’t remove support To the Editor: As the owners of the Heritage Plaza building on Beach Avenue, we wish to request that those individuals “against” the proposed Curling Club cease and desist the removal of the signs that have been placed on our property promoting a “yes” vote for the Curling Club referendum. Signs in other areas have also been removed and it is upsetting to us that this kind of tactic is being used. If you are against this proposal, you also have the right to make up your own signs and request placement of them or place them yourself in neutral areas. As long time residents of Peachland, business owners and managers, and both corporate and individual taxpayers, we do support the Peachland Curling Club’s efforts and have no problem saying so, both verbally and in writing. We believe that this proposal is a worthy one, and will be an asset to our ever-growing community. We expect and deserve respect for our opinion, just as we respect your opinion, but we do not expect approved signage to be removed. Sincerely, Lorraine Bergman, Carolyn Cartier and Laura Coris


April 23, 2010

The Peachland View


Your Guide To Local Events & Activities FEATURED EVENTS

BEACHFRONT LIVING! #217. 3996 Beach Ave. Lakeshore Gardens 3 bed/ 2 bath - 1748 Sq feet. Large newer unit with all the upgrades including beautiful granite countertops, crown moulding, hardwood flooring, 7 appls. (including wine fridge), overlooking pool/ hot tub area and a stunning lakeview! Steps to miles of beachfront Furniture pkg. avail. MLS ®9224980


Cancer Awareness Month - Donation boxes have been distributed around town at various locations. Door to door fund-raising campaign runs from April 1 - 30. 50+ Activity Centre- Bingo! For the month of April there will be a weekly door prize of $20.

Peachland Players - Laurie Lee’s “Cider with Rosie” Three 8:00 p.m. shows on April 22nd, 23rd, and 24th and two Matinees on April 24th and 25th at 2:00 p.m. Tickets are $10 adults and $5 children under six, available at Washtub in Westbank and Peachland Pharmacy in Peachland. Tickets will be available at door but, seating not guaranteed.

Wild Mushroom Group meets in Peachland. Learn to identify wild mushrooms and participate in outings. For more info call Albert at 250.767.2372 or Sandy at 250.767.3346.

Peachland 1/2 Walk/Run Marathon - to be held on April 25th. Please pre-reigster. Cost is $65. Call the Recreation Centre for more information at 250.767.2133.

Gym Night at Peachland Community Centre: 7:00 p.m. - 8:15 p.m. every Wednesday until end of June. Children grades 2 to 6 welcome. Fun games, good exercise and treats for each child. Call Pastor John at Peachland Baptist Church, 250.767.9232 for more info.

Peachland Rotary Club - 7th Annual Starlight Fantasy Gala - will be held on Saturday, May 1, 2010. $60 Per person. Dinner, live and silent auctions and dancing. For tickets or more info call 250.767.9270.

Big Slick Poker - Free Texas Hold-em Tournament sponsored by Big Slick Poker is held every Tuesday evening at 7:00 p.m. at The Peachland Castle. Top 8 people from The Peachland Castle after ten weeks move to the finals. June 1st is the Tournament. New Comers Club - Hike and Picnic to Bear Creek Park on Thursday, May 6 at 10:00 a.m. Call Doris Muhs at 250.767.2391 for more info.

WHAT YOU’VE BEEN WAITING FOR! #202. 4340A Beach Avenue Top of the line renovations completed throughout in this beautiful semi-lakeshore condo with fabulous unobstructed lake views! Call for your private viewing today of this fantastic unit! Friendly Adult 55+ Complex with miles of beach front right at your front doorstep. RV parking avail.


St. Margaret’s Annual Plant Sale takes place on Saturday, May 1, 2010, at 9:00 a.m., at the end of 4th Street in St. Margaret’s Church grounds. Plants, bake table and yard sale. 50+ Activity Centre - Minter Gardens trip. Day trip to Minter Gardens Saturday, May 15. Price $40 Memb -ers, $50 Non-members - Call now and save your seat. Deadline May 1st. Come and join us in visiting these beautiful gardens. Call 250.767.9133

FRIDAY APRIL 23 Community Volunteer Income Tax Program at Peach land Wellness Centre: 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. For info call 250.767.0141 Tales for Tots at the Peachland Library: 11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Children 3 to 5 years. Fridays, Feb 5 - Apr 30. Friday Art Club: 1-4 p.m. acrylic painting with Roberta. PDRS membership required. Call Roberta 767.2054 Meeting and Potluck Supper at 50+ Activity Centre: 6:00 p.m.











Sunday Breakfast Program: 8-11 a.m. at Peachland Wellness Centre. $5 for a full breakfast. Call 250.767.0141

Take Off Pounds Sensibly at 50+ Activity Centre: 9:30 a.m. For information call 1.800.932.8677 or Doreen at 250.767.2132

Computer Literacy at the Wellness Centre 10:00 a.m. For those needing basic computer skills. Call 250.767.0141

Peachland Run/Walk 1/2 Marathon. Pre-register at the Recreation Centre . Cost will be $65. For more information call 250.767.2133.

Peachland Variety Singers: Meet 9:45 a.m. at the Fifty Plus Activity Centre

Carpet Bowling at 50+ Activity Centre: 10:00 a.m.

Senior Coffee Morning at Peachland Wellness Centre: 10 a.m. Call 250.767.0141 Tai Chi at 50+ Activity Centre: 12 noon Peachland Quilters Guild at Fifty Plus:1–4 p.m. Wood Carving at 50+ Activity Centre: 7:00 p.m. Royal Canadian Legion General Meeting: 1930 hrs. Drop in Volley Ball at Recreation Centre: 7:30 p.m.


Painting with Pete at Wellness Centre: 10:00 a.m. Informal class and instruction with local artist. Health in Action last meeting until the Fall: 1:00 p.m. Lunch at the Royal Canadian Legion. Tai Chi for Wellness: 6:00 p.m continuing students meet at United Church Hall Peachland Bridge Club at 50+ Activity Centre: 7 p.m. Call Eva at 250.767.6407 Big Slick Poker night at The Peachland Castle. 7:00 p.m. Call 250.767.6605

Chess at 50+ Activity Centre: 1:00 p.m. Experienced and beginners.

Tai Chi for Wellness: 9:30 a.m. beginning students meet at United Church Hall

Sunshine Singers at Peachland Wellness Centre: 1:30 p.m. Come and sing!

Tai Chi for Wellness: 10:15 a.m. continuing students meet at United Church Hall

Yoga for the young at heart at the 50+ Activity Centre: 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. Central Okanagan Model Railway Company: Group meets at 7:00 p.m. at the Peachland Museum. Contact Dave at 250.767.2409 or visit http://www.corc-bc. com Gym Night at Community Centre: 7:00- 8.15 p.m. Children grades 2 - 6. No charge. For more info call Pastor John, Peachland Baptist Church 250.767.9232

Drop in Volley Ball at Recreation Centre: 7:30 p.m.


Bereavement Support Group at the Wellness Centre: 10 a.m. – 12 p.m

Dollhouse Show & Sale at Westbank Community Hall, 2466 Main Street: 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Admission $3.00, children under 8 years free. Royal Canadian Legion Brunch: 1300 - 1500 hrs. Price $10. Royal Canadian Legion Meat Draw: 1500 - 1700 hrs.

Royal Canadian Legion 2200 hours. Karaoke with Anita.


Line Dancing at 50+ Centre: 9:00 - 10:30 a.m.

Carpet Bowling at 50+ Activity Centre: 10:00 a.m.

Royal Canadian Legion Roast Beef Dinner: 1700 1900 hrs. Price $10.


Wellness Circle at Peachland Wellness Centre: 10:00 a.m. Speaker each week.


Tales for Tots at the Peachland Library: 11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Children 3 to 5 years. Fridays, Feb 5 - Apr 30. Friday Art Club: 1-4 p.m. acrylic painting with Roberta. PDRS membership required. Call Roberta 767-2054. Royal Canadian Legion Roast Beef Dinner: 1700 1900 hrs. Price $10.

“Iron & Silk” excercise at 50+ Centre: 11:00 a.m. - noon.

SATURDAY MAY 1 St. Margaret’s Annual Plant Sale: 9:00 a.m., 4th Street. St. Margaret’s grounds. Carpet Bowling at 50+ Activity Centre: 10:00 a.m. Royal Canadian Legion Brunch with Peggy: 1300 1500 hrs. Price $10. Peachland Rotary Club 7th Annual Starlight Fantasy Gala. Starts at 5:30 p.m. $60 per person. Tickets and info call 250.767.9270 Royal Canadian Legion Meat Draw: 1500 - 1700 hrs.

Bingo at 50+ Centre: 6:45 p.m Peachland Bahai DVD Night at the Little School House: 7:30 9:00 p.m. “The Baha’i Gardens of Haifa”. Everyone welcome- free refreshments provided. Please bring a Food Bank item for attendance.

1456 Rosemeadow Drive Featuring newer 4 bed/3 bath Rancher in Rose Valley within walking distance to schools, daycares, swimming pool, tennis courts, etc.. Modern colors including hardwood flooring, gas fireplace, central air, 6 appls., and even a trampoline & pool table for the family! Call Tracey today! MLS®10000612





Sunday Breakfast Program: 8-11 a.m. at Peachland Wellness Centre. $5 for a full breakfast. Call 250.767.0141

Take Off Pounds Sensibly at 50+ Activity Centre: 9:30 a.m. Call 1.800.932.8677 or Doreen at 250.767.2132 Peachland Variety Singers at 50+ Activity Centre: Meets 9:45 a.m. Senior Coffee Morning at Peachland Wellness Centre: 10 a.m. Call 250.767.0141 Tai Chi at 50+ Activity Centre: 12 noon Peachland Quilters Guild at 50+: 1–4 p.m. Wood Carving at 50+ Activity Centre: 7:00 p.m.

BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME JUST THE WAY YOU WANT IT! Come and visit us at True View Estates this Saturday, April 24, from 12-4pm for the “Homes for Gnomes” design competition! Exciting contest, hot dogs & bouncy castle! View www. trueviewestates.com for more information. Only 7 lots remaining in this fantastic project priced between $179,000 to $239,000 MLS®9227234

Drop in Volley Ball at Recreation Centre: 7:30 p.m.

TUESDAY MAY 4 Carpet Bowling at 50+ Activity Centre: 10:00 a.m. Computer Literacy at the Wellness Centre 10:00 a.m. For those needing basic computer skills. Call 250.767.0141 Painting with Pete at Wellness Centre: 10:00 a.m. Informal class and instruction with local artist. Tai Chi for Wellness: 6 p.m. continuing students meet at United Church Hall Peachland Bridge Club at 50+ Activity Centre: 7 p.m. Call Eva at 250.767.6407 Big Slick Poker night at The Peachland Castle. 7:00 p.m. Call 250.767.6605

WEDNESDAY MAY 5 Wellness Circle at Peachland Wellness Centre: 10:00 a.m. Speaker each week. Chess at 50+ Activity Centre: 1:00 p.m. Experienced and beginners. Yoga for the young at heart at the 50+ Activity Centre: 1:30 - 2:30p.m. Sunshine Singers at Peachland Wellness Centre: 1:30 p.m. Come and sing! Central Okanagan Model Railway Company: Group meets at 7:00 p.m. at the Peachland Museum. Contact Dave at 250.767.2409 or visit http:// www.corc-bc.com Gym Night at Community Centre: 7:00- 8.15 p.m. Children grades 2 - 6. No charge. For more info call Pastor John, Peachland Baptist Church 250.767.9232

THURSDAY MAY 6 Line Dancing at 50+ Centre: 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. Tai Chi for Wellness: 9:30 a.m. beginning students meet at United Church Hall New Comers Club: 10:00 a.m. Hike and Picnic to Bear Creek Park. For more information call Doris at 250.767.2391 Tai Chi for Wellness: 10:15 a.m. continuing students meet at United Church Hall

FRIDAY MAY 7 Friday Art Club: 1-4 p.m. acrylic painting with Roberta. PDRS membership required. Call Roberta 767.2054 Royal Canadian Legion Roast Beef Dinner: 1700 1900 hrs. Price $10.

SATURDAY MAY 8 Summerland Ornamental Gardens Spring Plant Sale today and Sunday, May 9: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. For more info call 250.494.6385. Carpet Bowling at 50+ Activity Centre: 10:00 a.m. Royal Canadian Legion Brunch with Peggy: 1300 hrs. Price $10. Royal Canadian Legion Meat Draw: 1500 - 1700 hrs.

Bereavement Support Group at the Wellness Centre: 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. “Iron & Silk” excercise at 50+ Centre: 11:00 a.m. - noon. Bingo at 50+ Centre: 6:45 p.m.

Would you like to feature your event in the Peachland View’s weekly Calendar of Events? Please call 250.767.7771 or email peachlandview@shaw.ca.

April 23, 2010

The Peachland View

From the desk of the Mayor Arts & Culture Week COMMENTARY MAYOR KEITH FIELDING This week (April 18th to April 24th 2010) communities throughout British Columbia are celebrating Arts and Culture. Now in its 11th year, this annual event provides an opportunity for Arts Councils and communities to spotlight the way in which artistic and cultural pursuits reflect and contribute to the richness of community life in British Columbia. On Sunday afternoon, Phyllis Papineau, chair of the Peachland Arts Council, led a ‘Banner Walk’ to profile and celebrate the newly installed banners that now hang proudly from utility poles and street lamps along Beach Avenue. Each of these beautiful banners is the work of a member of ‘Art Group.’ Each banner tells a story to illustrate some facet of life in Peachland or the Okanagan, and many of the artists were on hand to explain the ideas behind their creations. The walk ended at the Little Schoolhouse, where the artwork of local school children, featuring designs using recycled machine parts, was on display. Other events planned to take place during Arts and Culture week include production of the play “Cider with Rosie” being staged by Peachland Players at 4th Street Place from Thursday, April 22nd until Sunday April 25th; an art and musical

production at The Little Schoolhouse on Saturday afternoon, April 24th; and, on April 21st (which was also Earth Day) pupils at the elementary school were to listen to a talk from Ray Van Ingen of Gorman’s Mill regarding the importance of reforestation, prior to then being encouraged to demonstrate their literary or artistic proficiency through a related followup assignment. For whatever reason, the vein of artistic talent is exceptionally rich in Peachland. In the visual arts we have among us many gifted artists who work in water colours, oils, or acrylics, or draw in chalk or charcoal. We also have printmakers, potters, photographers, sculptors, quilt makers, and crafts workers. In the performing arts we have singers, musicians, dancers, actors and theatre performers. The literary arts are also well represented by poets and writers. It is ironic that at a time when arts organizations are experiencing an unprecedented level of funding cuts that there is an increasing awareness of the importance of arts and culture to the economic well being of communities of all sizes.


Indeed, cultural tourism (travel directed toward experiencing the arts, heritage and special character of unique places) has become increasingly important in the tourism industry. This fact has not escaped the attention of our Peachland Economic Development Committee which is in discussion with the Arts Council about the possibility of an annual long weekend event designed to showcase the depth of artistic talent that exists within our community. Whatever the place such an event might hold in the development and marketing of Peachland’s cultural identity, it is clear that much organizational work is involved in its staging. Whether or not this can be ‘pulled off’ remains to be seen. However, on the basis that it can be of benefit to the artists whose work is profiled, important to the enjoyment of visitors, and of value to the business community, Council has lent its support to the idea and to an associated tourism grant application. I am pleased to take this opportunity to thank the arts community for the important contribution it makes to our quality of life in Peachland.



An Evening With Cliff On March 28 Cliff “The Grinder” Thorburn, former World Snooker Champion treated an enthusiastic crowd of 90 spectators to a display of incredible skills that few of us will ever attempt to emulate. The event was held at the Peachland Legion and hosted by the Peachland Little Snooker League. Cliff’s visit was made possible by the generous contributions of individuals and corporate sponsors. The PLSL will be donating proceeds of the event to the Peachland Legion for their continuing community service We all owe a big thank-you to those individuals listed below: John and Marion Van Huystee, Bob Menzies, Debbie Stewart, Scott, Theresa and Holly Wilshaw, Frank and Barb Reindl, Dwayne and Dorothy Smith, Harry Rusch, Roger Moxley, Doug Gardner, Al Cunningham, Mark and Jean Saul, Barrie Hewer and Pam Foxall The Corporate sponsors listed deserve not just your thanks but also your patronage for their contribution to our community: Peachland Legion

Pushor Mitchell

TNI and Effective Printing

Waterfront Grill

Beyond Ink

Trepanier Manor

Bugman Commercial Kitchen

Tapers Barbershop

Shannon Lake Golf Course Greata Ranch Winery

Lakeside Auto

Big E Bar and Grill

Napa Auto

Tree Brewery

Canada 2 for 1

Tony Wright Contracting


ACE Hardware

Thank you all!

























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10 The Peachland View

April 23, 2010

New plants for Trepanier Creek

Photo contributed

Volunteer tree planters gave Trepanier Creek a sprucing up last weekend.

By Joanne Layh While the much of the Westside was still asleep, volunteers from Westbank Walmart and the Peachland Sportsman’s Association (PSA) were busy planting trees in Trepanier Creek early Saturday morning. Over the course of the morning, volunteers planted nearly 100 mature trees and native bushes along the waterway in Peachland’s Trepanier Creek Linear Park. The planting was part of the Trepanier Creek Riparian Restoration project, which aims to improve the habitat

VINYL “Flooring for kitchens and baths needs to fill a tall order. After all, we demand a lot of the materials we choose to go underfoot in these hardworking rooms. Vinyl flooring looks good, offers comfort, is easy to care for and will weather the years gracefully.” learn more about vinyl flooring watch our helpful videos online


for Kokanee salmon and other creatures. The plants along the creek will provide shade for the Kokanee salmon and other species. Without that shade, the waters might be too warm for the salmon to spawn in come autumn. PSA member Martha Jenkins said the tree planting was a great success. “It was excellent,” Jenkins told the View. “We had 10 Peachland Sportsman’s Association members there volunteering. All the rest were from Walmart and there must have been more than 20. Mothers even came with their little

ones.” District council earlier this year voted in favour of partnering with the PSA and Walmart in the project. Contributions from the PSA as well as a $9,100 grant from Walmart’s Evergreen program provided funding for the materials. Transport of the plant materials was donated by Duda Nursery of Okanagan Falls, while Team Construction of Kelowna donated the use of a bobcat and operator to help move the plants into position. The District of Peachland will tend to the plants during their fi rst year.

Art and music showcase to feature Gypsy Butterfly By Joanne Layh As a wrap-up to Arts and Culture Week, Carly Thomas, also known as Gypsy Butterfly, will be performing songs from her latest album in an art and music showcase, which will also feature an art display of works by Alex Thomas, Mary Ann Molcan and Jrie Molcan. Thomas will be promoting her new album,

Whispers of my Heart. The album includes 8 new songs and 3 pop/dance remixes from previous records, which Thomas says gives the album, “a unique sonic and musical twist.” The album was produced by Thomas’ longtime collaborator, Trance Blackman, who also performs on the album.

The showcase will take place on April 25th from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Little Schoolhouse. Tasty treats will be provided by Wendy from Peachland Fitness and Health Bar, where you can purchase a copy of Thomas’ CD. The CD is also available on iTunes. For more information, visit www. theGypsyButterfly.com.

©2010 Western Canada Press (403) 288-8828

Blinds By Design Nine Ltd.

Okanagan’s Premier bottled water #21- 2484 Main St., Westbank

Stylish Window Treatments to suit your home & budget 15-1515 Westgate Rd. Kelowna (Hwy. 97S & Ross Rd.) Color Your World www.blindsbydesignnine.com

470-7791 769-2878

Window coverings are important design elements when decorating a new home or commercial setting, or when remodeling your current space. Window fashions add colour and texture, plus control over light, privacy, and insulation. For many area residents and businesses, visiting the window treatment specialists at Blinds By Design Nine Ltd. can be the best place to start. Through their training, experience and design expertise, they’ll be able to work within your budget and help eliminate costly mistakes. Owner and Certified Decorating Consultant, Shirley Burton B. Ed., and the helpful staff will guide your choice to achieve the desired effect that best compliments your home’s character and your tastes. Blinds By Design Nine Ltd. is the Okanagan’s exclusive distributor of Hunter Douglas window treatments that includes venetian mini-blinds, vertical and horizontal blinds, sheers, shades and shutters. They are one of just 100 dealers in Canada that offer the Alustra® Collection by Hunter Douglas. Encompassing unique fabrics, finishes, and decorative details. You can also have the professional staff at Blinds By Design Nine Ltd. arrange an in-home consultation, as well as expert on-site measurement and custom installation. If you’re looking for the best in quality paints, stains, varnishes, painting tools & accessories, then look no further than Color Your World, located at the same address. They offer the best in quality ICI paints, a myriad of wallpapers and knowledgeable advice. Stop by the showroom of Blinds By Design Nine Ltd. to inspire your creativity, or bring in favorite magazine clippings and photos, and let them show you where experience really counts.

Designing Space For Any Lifestyle 106 - 140 Commercial Dr., Kelowna 491-5665 www.kitchenhauscabinets.com Whether it’s remodeling and renovating the kitchen in an older home, upgrading the inadequate builders grade kitchen of your newer home, or a one-of-a-kind design to bring your new custom home to life, Kitchenhaus Cabinets Ltd. is the destination of choice of builders and homeowners alike. A kitchen renovation from Kitchenhaus Cabinets Ltd. can bring function, beauty and value to any home, with a better return on investment than any other home improvement. From classic designs to sleek contemporary designs, Kitchenhaus Cabinets Ltd. can create the perfect kitchen for any lifestyle with quality Canadian made cabinets. Bring in magazine clippings and photos to draw upon the elements that really speak to you. Let their design consultants bring their expertise and space planning experience to work for you, along with your valued input, to develop breathtaking designs. Choose from exceptional custom cabinetry, gorgeous countertops, innovative islands, plus stunning hardware and fixtures to complement any décor. Established in 2004, Kitchenhaus Cabinets Ltd. is an award winning company guided by co/owners Jason Coroy and Brooke Nicholas, who are assisted by a professional staff. Their trained designers are members of the National Kitchen and Bath Association and Canadian Home Builders Association. Over the years Kitchenhaus Cabinets Ltd. have won many awards including the Kelowna Chamber of Commerce 2008 Business Of The Year Award and the 2008 Gold Tommie “for outstanding customer service”, just to mention a few. When it’s time to stop dreaming and start living, visit Kitchenhaus Cabinets Ltd. for your free design consultation and estimate.


Whether you are dissatisfied with your water’s taste, odour and overall appearance, or simply want the best for your family’s health and wellness, Okanapure Water has been a leader in providing peace of mind solutions to meet all your needs for quality water. From purified bottled water, cooler sales, crocks and accessories Okanapure Water has something for every budget and need. When you are looking for a water cooler for your home or office, turn to the experts at Okanapure Water. Their Energy Star ice-chilled energy efficient coolers use half the energy of other coolers. Increasing numbers of people, for various reasons, are choosing bottled water as an alternative to tap water. Okanapure Water offers bottled water to meet the needs of families and businesses. With a variety of bottle sizes, water coolers, water types including Pure, Mineralized and Alkaline and bottled water delivery service plans from which to choose, their home and office delivery options make it easy for you to enjoy the convenience of bottled water delivered directly to your location. They deliver from Summerland to Lake Country for as low as $5.85 a bottle, or drop by their location and pickup for just $3.45. Quality bottled water offers fresh flavor to your favorite recipes, coffee, tea and juices. Okanapure Water bottled water is crisp, refreshing, tastes good, meets strict standards and is the easiest way for you and your family to enjoy quality bottled water conveniently delived to your door. Okanapure Water also feature Home Soda Makers to make your own carbonated sparkling soda at home with over 30 flavours available. They contain 2/3 less sugar, carbs and calories than store bought soda. Let Ernie Pawluk and the courteous staff at Okanapure Water assess your needs, answer your questions and guide your choices to provide quality water for your family, as they are the experts in their field.

Your Home Town Store

Appliances, Electronics, Seasonal and Catalogue 2476 Main St., Westbank

Offering Professional, Caring Service Since 1961 1211 Sutherland Ave., Kelowna 762-2299 www.firstmemorialkelowna.com 1-800-667-9277 An increasing number of area residents are coming to realize the benefits of pre-planning a funeral with First Memorial Funeral Services. When arrangements are made at the time of need, family members are emotional and often find decision-making difficult and stressful. Pre-planning your funeral is a thoughtful and caring act-in many ways a gift to your family. A pre-arrangement is done on your schedule, allowing plenty of time for you to make informed decisions that best suit you and your family. You can add personal touches, choosing music, readings, pictures and other elements that will reflect your life and add meaning to the experience for your family and friends. Whether it’s a simple or elaborate celebration, the staff at First Memorial Funeral Services will be attentive to your unique needs and answer all your questions. Like most things, the price of a funeral will increase over time. By pre-paying now, you can protect your family against inflation. Your funds are secure and are guaranteed to cover cost increases over the coming years. First Memorial Funeral Services is guided by General Manager Mark Revie, who is assisted by a professional staff known for their understanding and compassion. Call First Memorial Funeral Services to learn more about the choices and benefits pre-planning offers you and your family. You can also visit their website at www. firstmemorialkelowna.com for additional information on this understanding firm.

Drive In – Drive Out – Drive Happy 2305 Enterprise Way, Kelowna www.smartlubeinc.com

861-5823 (Lube)

It’s a known fact that well maintained vehicles have longer lives. Regular vehicle maintenance is often neglected because of the inconvenience of leaving the vehicle with a garage. Many motorists come back to Mobil 1 Lube Express and enjoy fast, inexpensive maintenance for their vehicle knowing that the manufacturer’s warranty requirements are being fulfilled. It is suggested that you have your vehicles oil and filter changed every 6,000 kilometers, or as your owners manual indicates. This only takes about 15-20 minutes, with their fast drive-in, drive-out service. The efficient staff here will change your oil and filter, lubricate the chassis and provide a 25-point visual inspection. Other services offered include; automatic transmission flush and filter change, manual transmission fluid exchange, radiator-heater core flush & fluid exchange, battery replacement and more. Auxiliary services such as headlights, air filters, cabin air filters, fuel filters and oil and fuel additives are offered by their technicians while you relax in your vehicle with a complimentary newspaper or magazine and beverage. Mobil 1 Lube Express uses high quality Hastings filters and Mobil-branded lubricants such as Mobil 1 -- the world’s leading fully synthetic motor oil, plus Mobil Super 2000 -engineered for high mileage vehicles, and Mobile Super 1000 -engineered to exceed OEM warranty requirements. Mobil 1 Lube Express is guided by Owners, Pat and Michelle Chassie, who invite you to visit them anytime, while you’re on your lunch hour, heading home from work or while you’re out shopping, as no appointment is necessary.

(250) 452-9677

At the family operated Sears Westbank, you get friendly/ helpful service, price guarantee, Sears Club points, which are Canada’s richest rewards program. Sears also provides many financing options including the Sears Card or Sears® Mastercard® - on approved credit, plus they accept all major credit cards for your purchase. Sears is your one-stop destination for quality major appliances (most brands, biggest selection, great value led by Kenmore). If you are looking for the newest in home electronics, Sears features a great selection of televisions, home theatres, DVD or Blu-ray players, home stereos, telephones cameras and more. You can also shop for a new gas or electric barbeque, patio accessories, sewing machines and products, water treatment products, portable and built-in vacuums and accessories, plus Craftsmen lawn and garden and snow equipment. When it comes to value, Sears is the logical choice for all your family’s needs. Stop by today, shop and pick up the new 2010 Sears Spring & Summer and sale catalogue

Guidance & Healing for Mind, Body & Soul 2476 Main Street, Westbank

(250) 768-8876

Your one stop family owned and operated location for all your metaphysical essentials. Crystals, stones, books, cd’s and more. Psychics/Intuitives/mediums, animal communication, Shamanic Practitioner, Pleiadian and other Lightwork, past life, soul regression/retrieval, distance readings and healings, Reiki, massage, in-home spirit releasing, Certified Reiki Masters, workshops, courses, guidance, chakra clearings and balancing, meditation/discussion groups, variety of special gatherings throughout the year, ministerial services such as weddings, counseling, memorials, baby blessings (ordained metaphysical minister licensed by the Province of BC).

12 The Peachland View

April 23, 2010


phone: 250.767.7771 • fax: 250.767.3337 • email: peachlandview@shaw.ca




For Rent

FREE Cardboard Boxes Moving or need storage

Cleaning Service

Lg 1 bdrm basement suite. Lake View $795.00/mo. Incl: utilities, cable internet, shared laundry. NS, NP, good for working person. Call 250.767.9699

We have free cardboard boxes at the Peachland View office. Pick up from office only.


For Rent Beautiful view - 1-bdrm suite in Peachland. Avail. May 1. $750/mo inc. utils. cable, internet. W/D, prkg, N/S N/P. Info & pics @ www.rjt.ca/suite. Call 250.767.6330

For Rent Beatrice Road, quiet neighbourhood, 2 bdrm+den, f/p, d/w., ensuite, laundry, priv. porch, lake panorama, prkg. $850 incl. utlils, 1-yr lease, ref req. DD. Avail April 15. Call 250.869.8832

Painting Services Interior/exterior, new construction or re-paint. Ceilings, walls & woodwork. Call G.C. Contracting for a free estimate 250.767.2701

Plumbing Weber Plumbing Journeyman and inter-Provincial ticket, 40 years experience, honest, reliable, and reasonable, professional installations. Call Bill at 250.767.6409

put a little


Want your home secure and cared

Drum Lessons

Peach land Home Watch David Matthew

Storage For Rent

Peachland United Church BARGAIN BIN SALE • Good clean clothing • Household items We accept donations on days that we are open.


STORAGE FOR RENT. Secure Downtown Location. 5 X 8’s and 10 x 16. Call 250.767.6348.

corbeil_matthew@ telus.net

Yard Care

References available


Please do not drop off any donations while we are closed. OPEN THURS. - SAT. 10 - 3 PM

Hedge trimming, Grass cutting, Weeding etc. Call 250.767.3081

Reno Sense Home Repair Ltd.


20 years experience No job too small Including drywalling & texturing ceilings Fully licensed, insured & W.C.B. Call Eric 250.767.2593

New Queen Orthopedic Pillow Top Mattress and box. New, still in plastic. Cost $1250 - Must sell $350. King size $650. Can deliver. 250.488.4677.

For Sale

FOR SUNDAY, MAY 2ND, and plan to be in Kamloops for the 13th Annual Daily News Boogie. Join in with over 2000 participants who walk, run or stroll their way on a 5, 10 or 21 km track through scenic Kamloops. The kids will especially love the 1 km mini-boogie. This annual not-for-profit community event promotes healthy lifestyles while the whole family enjoys a day of fun and MOVEMENT. All proceeds raised go to support local charities.

for while you are away?

Sparrowhead Music is now accepting students of all ages and levels for drums, hand drums and ukulele lessons. Call Dan Parry for sheduling and rates. 250.575.8757 in Peachland.

1988 Ford Taurus Station Wagon. 3.0 litre. Good mechanical condition. $800 o.b.o. Call 250.767.6552



SPRING CLEANING! Need help? Call Annagret at 250.767.6721


in yourr




For Sale

Amazing commercial/retail space for rent in historic Peachland. Newly renovated! Very close to Heritage Park, Beach, Shopping and Amenities. Approximately 858 sq feet on main floor and 858 sq ft in basement. Available Now! Asking $1000 per month plus utilities. Don’t miss out on this outstanding opportunity! Call Lara at 250-767-6464.

Landscaping Top Soil, Chicken manure, Mushroom manure, Steer manure, Decorative rocks, Sand, Gravel, Flag stone, Sales. P/u and delivery available. Summerland Landscape Supplies 250.686.1306

Peachland Garage Sales 4386 1st Ave. Saturday April 24th & Sunday April 25th 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. PLANT SALE Tomatoes, flowers, house plants

TO REGISTER as an INDIVIDUAL/FAMILY or TEAM (other than corporate): • Go to www.dailynewsboogie.ca and register on-line • In person at the Tournament Capital Centre or Interior Savings Centre in Kamloops DEADLINE for registration on-line is April 29th. If you have any questions, contact Jo Berry at jo@runclub.ca or by phone 250-579-5980

5772 Beach Ave. Saturday April 24th & Sunday April 25th 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Moving/downsizing yard sale Chest freezer, book cases & more


The Daily News

3614 Lever Court Saturday April 24 7:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Table & chair set, asst’d camping items, electronics, books, housewares, clothing

3952 Trepanier Heights Ave Saturday, May 8 8:00 a.m. Moving Sale Large appliances, exercise, household & furniture items




Are you having a Garage Sale, Estate Sale, Multi-family Yard Sale? Advertise it here for all of Peachland to see!

April 23, 2010

The Peachland View



Alcoholics Anonymous Peachland Fellowship


Meets Monday at 7pm (closed meeting) and Friday at 8pm (open meeting). Call 763.5555 for more info.



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14 The Peachland View

April 23, 2010

The glue that holds the community together By Bud Day Since this week is being celebrated as National Volunteer Week across Canada, perhaps we should consider the benefits of volunteerism. Sometimes, we take for granted the community where we live. Throughout the ages, people and societies have co-depended on each other for survival. The explosion of multinational corporations with their impact on society to purchase the best appliances and electronics, to buy the best home, to take that all-inclusive cruise or stay at a resort, et al, has catapulted self-gratification to new levels, and concomitantly, has eroded community spirit. However, through volunteering, we can

bridge that ever-widening gap, for volunteering is about having an impact on the well being of others. It draws from a diverse range of people from all walks of life. Both your recipients of volunteering and your co-workers can be source of inspiration, and a proven way to develop your interpersonal skills. Networking is an important byproduct of volunteering, as you will develop enduring personal and sometimes professional relationships. Alan Luks’s book, The Healing Power of Doing Good: The Heath and Spiritual Benefi ts of Helping Others, was based on a survey of 3000 volunteers, which involved the study of how volunteers felt during and after volunteering. He alluded to

their gratifications as a “helper’s high” which referred to “ . . . the rush of endorphins the body releases during and after performing an act of volunteerism. Endorphins are the body’s natural painkillers, and released during acts of great pleasure. Once the endorphins are released, they help the body experience a sustained feeling of calm that can increase overall emotional health.” In 2004, director of the Centre of Aging and Health at John Hopkins, Dr. Linda Fried, MD, conducted a twoyear study of older volunteers between ages 60 and 86. She concluded that, “compared to a control group of older individuals who did not volunteer, those who did volunteer had significantly increased physi-

cal, cognitive and social activity.” She determined that volunteering could actually retard the aging process. When people lose a loved one, they often volunteer as part of the healing process, as they work through their grief. By assisting an organization in some event, it diverts your pain for the moment, and forces you to count your blessings - that you are alive, healthy and in control of your faculties. Volunteering deters depression. Social isolation is a signal of depression, and by volunteering, you maintain regular contact with others. It allows you to develop a solid support system, which enables you to cope when you are confronted with challenging situations.

Volunteering permits you to appreciate that you are needed and that you can make a difference in someone’s life. As people will depend on you, you will gain a sense of purpose. Volunteering also develops self-esteem. As you are assisting the community in general and others, in particular, a sense of accomplishment is the intrinsic reward. You can better identify with the organization that you are helping, and, in time, you will develop an esprit de corps with the other volunteers in that organization. Volunteering develops social skills for those who are shy and have a difficult time meeting new people. Since you are meeting regularly with a group of people with common interests, volunteering offers

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gradually the opportunity to develop and practice social skills. Peachland has many organizations that serve the community such as Lions and Rotary Clubs, Royal Canadian Legion #69, Sportsmen’s Club, Trepanier Lodge, Wellness Centre, and others. In order to achieve their aims and objectives, these non-profit associations need volunteers to fulfi ll them. Because of Peachland’s small population base, often the same people volunteer to assist three or four associations to set up and participate in their events, which can lead to burnout. Speaking for one organization, I have witnessed fi rst hand that the Peachland Wellness Centre (PWC) has been blessed with a corp of volunteers who perform a variety of tasks throughout the year. Without these dedicated volunteers, the PWC could not deliver its programs to deserving residents. Other organizations would echo the same sentiment, for they do value their volunteers. Indeed, volunteers are the glue that holds our community together! To all those volunteers who dedicate their time to an organization in Peachland, thank you! You are very much appreciated.

April 23, 2010

The Peachland View


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