artist Sheldon
has completed the second mural for the Making Waves Mural Festival, which will take place from Sep 2 - 4 at various locations around Peachland. Louis’ mural is located on a wall of the Peachland Pharmacy.
Friday, August 26, 2022 | Every house, Every business, Every week PEACHLAND VI EW It’s fire season Please be fire smart when you are camping and enjoying our beautiful forests and back country. 3630 Brown Road, West Kelowna More than just a place to call home. SPRING INTO RETIREMENT LIVING Call (250) 768-9926 to book your personal tour!CreativeBe
Okanagan/Syilx Pierre Louis

A program schedule was not released until after the View’s press time, but the music lineup will include Yamabiko Taiko Japanese Drumming group, Hot Sax, Kelowna Bhangra Dancers, DJ Grandpa Groove and Monica Nadj, among others. The performance area will be located at the Peach land Community Centre and Cousins Park, where there will continuous activ ity from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. on Sep 3 and 4. All events are free and family-friendly.Thefullschedule of events will be available soon at Making Waves festival lineup
“Wesenses.forexperience180-degreethistohopingaremakeafullallyour - shelley sweeney
The Peachland Making Waves Mural Fes tival has announced the entertainment lineup for their inaugural event set to take place over the Labour Day weekend. In addition to the reveal of three completed murals, the fest will also include live music with local and guest artists, an open-air dance fusion experience, interac tive street performances, art-making for kids, an artisan market and demon strations.“Weare hoping to make this a full 180-degree expe rience for all your senses,” said Making Waves mural committee chair, Shelley Sweeney. “Public art ex tends beyond the murals, which provide an additional visual experience for visi tors, by combining music, dancing and kids’ enter tainment, it’s a unique street party atmosphere.”

The second mural for the Making Waves Mural Festival was completed last weekend by Okanagan/Sylix artist Sheldon Pierre Louis.
“We too, as political reps, fighting for our water is something we do quite often, fighting for our water sheds, plus my work has been centred around salmon for maybe the last 10 years,” Louis told the View. “My family have ancestorial connections to one of the hereditary salmon chiefs, who is directly related to the Armstrong family in Penticton, so learning that his tory and understanding the importance of the Columbia River and then, as history went, understanding the im pacts of all of the dams on the Columbia River, how it impacted our salmon . . . with this mural I wanted to show the protocol of giving thanks to our four food chiefs, and the salmon is one of our four food chiefs.”
Louis said the watershed alliance group were aware of the four food chiefs and suggested that theme also be incorporated into the mural. The completed mural fea tures two of the food chiefs, the n’tyxtix (salmon) and siya (Saskatoon berry), which is also a representation of the youth.
Adults carry out the protocols of offering tobacco to the water while little ones watch and mimic and learn, saysAccordingLouis. to Louis, the salmon in Syilx culture rep resents the “getting it done” or “the worker” which speaks to the work and effort that is needed to care for ourLouiswaters.says the theme is locally relevant as Peachland is a significant salmon spawning area.
Second work for Making Waves Mural Festival now completed
The mural also incorporates the image of a young toddler making an offering to the water and salmon, which was taken from a photo of Louis’ two-year-old son.“It drew a parallel in passing those protocols on. I wanted to share that caring for the salmon isn’t just about one generation doing it, you have to teach all gen erations responsibility.”
Okanagan/Syilx visual artist Sheldon Pierre Louis has completed the second mural to be featured in the upcoming Making Waves Mural Festival, set to take place at various locations over the Labour Day week end. The first mural for the fest went up at the Legion over a week ago, and there is still one more to be created before the festival kicks off. Louis created his first murals over 20 years ago for a mural fest in Vernon and he typically produces at least one or two murals each summer, although much of his time is taken up with various commissioned works. In conjunction with his partner, the multi-disciplinary artist is currently working on a didactics project for BC Parks that will be featured at Kalamalka Lake Provin cial Park; elsewhere in the province he is also working on a large Interior Health project that will include 12 canvas paintings. In addition to a constant stream of commissioned work, Louis is also serving a third council term for the Okanagan Indian Band. Louis’ water-themed mural can be found on a wall of Peachland Pharmacy; it was sponsored by the Peach land Watershed Protection Alliance (PWPA). Louis became involved with Peachland’s mural festi val after the PWPA approached him to see if he would be interested in creating something around water and waterLouisprotection.wasfamiliar with the organization, having once attended a PWPA engagement session at the com munity centre and joined them for a subsequent site visit to the watershed.

Do you con sider develop ment to be the primary issue in the upcoming election? Visit our website to QUESTIONyourcastvote.LASTRESULTS Is rising inflation changing how you shop for groceries? 7 Yes / 5 No ONLINE POLL PEACHLAND VIEW4 AUGUST 26, 2022 OPINION The Peachland View is a free community newspaper that is distributed each Friday to everyone in Peachland. Anyone who lives outside of the distribution area but within Canada can purchase a subscription at $70 per year + GST. The Peachland View reserves the right to refuse publication of any advertising or editorial submission at its discretion. Material submitted by columnists does not reflect the opinions of the Peachland View or its employees. The Peachland View retains complete and sole copyright of any content, including stories, photographs, and advertisements published in the Peachland View. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission or consent from the publisher is strictly prohibited. 5878A Beach Avenue Peachland, BC V0H 1X7 250 767 7771 published by Aberdeen Publishing Inc. Robert W. Doull, pres Joanne Layh Publisher / Don Urquhart Contributing Reporter Melissa Morris designer@peachlandview.comProduction
There is a wonderful motto – It’s not why we can’t, it’s how we can, and Linda was the very epitome of that approach to doing things. She seemed to know how ev erything in the municipality worked and she used that knowledge to be helpful. Since those days of Centenni al, there have been other occasions when I have needed information or help, and that warm and ready helpful ness has always been there. Even though I thought I knew Linda quite well and knew that cycling was a passion for her, I did not know that she regularly cycled up Princeton Avenue to come to work. That is impressive indeed! The words that “she will be missed,” so often used when someone retires or leaves seem very inadequate to describe Linda’s leaving, but hopefully it will be the prelude to a wonderful and long retirement doing all the things that were not possible for her as a working per son.Iwish her all the best!
Nicholas knew how everything worked
I have a few things to share with fellow Peachlanders. First and foremost I just love Peachland! Second how do we keep Peachland Peachland? My family and I moved from Winnipeg, Manitoba to Thunder Bay, Ontario and then to Kelowna when Kelowna wasWeKelowna.movedto Peachland because Kelowna was becoming just another big city with big city problems. If we consider approving the kind of projects that will replace Todd’s campground then Peachland is on the next train to overdevelopment. How do we keep Peachland Peachland? We take our rights and privileges to vote seriously. We take an active role in finding out who is running for office in the upcoming civic elections and take them to task on how we want Peachland to look like in 10 years. Is there an infrastructure capable of more and more de velopment?Weshould have a tax base capable of supporting what we have and building new and necessary projects like the proposed fire hall! When is enough enough? Vote – vote and let’s keep Peachland Peachland. Moderate development is not a four-storey tower on Beach Ave. Jim Kenny, Peachland
A goodly amount of these endeavours involved Lin da’s Operations Department, especially getting items and news up on the Peachland website, and so I was often at Linda’s door up at the Public Works Yard with requests.Nomatter what else Linda had on the go, she always welcomed me with warmth and helpfulness.
Four-storey “tower” on Beach not moderate
Don Wigfield, Peachland
Dear Editor, How wonderful to read, in last week’s edition, Linda Nicholas’ recollections of her 28 years working for the District of Peachland, but sad to know that she will be leaving. I was a member of the six-person Centennial Committee, charged with organizing and encouraging events to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Peachland’s Incorporation back in 2009, as well as urging various businesses to create and market Centennial Souvenirs.

• Expanding Peach land’s boundaries so that the abandoned weigh sta tion can be developed into industrialBennett’sspace.platform can be found at Vote4Peach
• Voting “no” in the Oct. 15 referendum;
Kevin Bennett running for councilPHOTOCONTRIBUTED
District of Peachland to hold information open house for potential candidates
The District of Peachland is hosting an information open house for people interested in running for mayor or council in the upcoming municipal election.
The Regional District of Central Okanagan & Tire Stewardship BC collec�on
event - drop off old used vehicle �res with or without rims.
Learn about Tire Stewardship BC programs at
The drop-in information session will take place in coun cil chambers on Aug 30 from 3 p.m. – 6 p.m. Each department will have a table set up and in addition there will also be a table set up specific to the election with information about important things candidates will need to know about such as deadlines and what happens on election day.
JOANNE LAYH ZipZone owner Kevin Bennett announced today he’ll be seeking a seat at the council table in the up coming municipal election. Bennett is a self-de scribed serial entrepreneur, having owned a software company, a retail business, a manufacturing company, a commercial real-estate business and, currently, ZipZone Adventure Park, located up Princeton Ave. He’s been a Peachland resident for almost 20 years and hopes to retire from business in the next couple of years to use his skills to serve Peachland.
This event is sponsored by the RDCO Mosquito Control program and Tire Stewardship BC
• Supporting the lo cal folk school; and
are holding a free �re
• Applying sand or pea gravel to some of the beach areas to make them more comfortable to lie on;
• Selling the exist ing municipal office and fire hall properties to build a multi-storey building on 13th St for various com munity services on the upper floors and protective services on the ground lev el instead of the proposed protective services build ing;• Making Beach Ave downtown pedestri an-only during weekends;
PEACHLAND VIEW 5AUGUST 26, 2022 NEWS Sunday, September 11 Okanagan College 1000 KLO Road Parking lot #17 (off West Campus Road) 9 a.m. 2 p.m. Bring us your old, ‘Retired’ tires Safely dispose of any old �res you have collec�ng water and si�ng around your property! Help reduce breeding habitat for mosquitoes.
Bennett’s vision for Peachland includes:
“Peachland is a beautiful community but is suffering from underinvestment and a lack of affordable homes for first time buyers and working families. We need to invest in the things that Peachlanders want; rec reational facilities, sewer, water, sidewalks and social support for families and the elderly,” says Bennett. “I’ve watched my friends serve Peachland as coun cillors, and I’m proud of the work that the mayor and council do. I may not agree with every decision they make, but I believe they serve with integrity and for the benefit of our community. I feel it’s my turn to step up and serve my community, too.”
On Sep 19 the municipali ty will declare the election by voting, said Jennifer Sawatzky, director of corporate services and chief election officer.
• Densification of the downtown the core and zoning Beach Ave multi-family residential while preserving Peach land’s quaintness;
The session is being held to provide candidates an op portunity to meet district management and learn about the municipality’s various de partments and current projects.
The nomination filing peri od will take place between Aug 30 and Sep 9; a declaration of candidates will take place at or after 4 p.m. on Sep 9.
More informa�on on Mosquito Control at

THE PEACHLAND VARIETY SINGERS 49TH SEASON OF SINGING begins Sep 12 at 9:30 am in the 50 Plus Activity Centre. There are no auditions and anyone who enjoys
END OF SUMMER GALA fundraiser for the Peachland Wellness Centre will feature an elegant sit down dinner, silent auction, door prizes and music by Sister Act, Kinda Kenny Rogers, and Marty Edwards and the Revival. Tickets $75 at the wellness centre or pharmacy. Event takes place Sep 24 at the Peachland Community Centre. Have an event you’d like to share?
Email editor@peachlandview.combeforeFridayatnoon
singing is welcome. as they begin rehearsing for the Christmas concert which will be held on Dec 11 at 2 pm.
FITNESSMONDAYSROOM 5 am - 10 PeachlandpmCommunity Centre INDOOR WALKING 8 am - 9 PeachlandamCommunity Centre ADULT DAY SERVICE 9 am - 3 Residencespmon 6th 50+ FITNESS 9 am - 10 am ($5 Drop In) 50 Plus Activity Centre PICKLEBALL (ALL PLAY) 9:05 am - 11 am Peachland Community Centre LADIES’ COFFEE SOCIAL 1 4thpmStreet Place BRIDGE 1 pm – 4 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre ACRYLICBEGINNER/INTERMEDIATEWORKSHOP 1 pm – 4 PeachlandpmLittle Schoolhouse PICKLEBALL (ALL PLAY) 1 pm – 3 PeachlandpmCommunity Centre WOODCARVERS 7 50pmPlus Activity Centre FITNESSTUESDAYSROOM 5 am - 10 PeachlandpmCommunity Centre YOGA 8:30 am - 9:30 am 50 Plus Activity Centre FLOW YOGA 9 am - 10 am 4th Street Place CARPET BOWLING 10 am - 12 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre THERAPEUTIC YOGA 10:30 am – 11:45 am 4th Street Place AA 12 50pmPlus Activity Centre PASSION 4 ART 1 pm - 4 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre MAH JONG 1 pm – 4 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre MEN’S COFFEE & CARDS 1 PWCpm (downstairs) T-SHIRT TIE-DYEING HUB Market, Cousins Park Drop-in or register;programs@$15/shirt PEACHLAND HUB NIGHT MARKET 4 pm – 9 pm Cousins Park LINE DANCING 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre SHOW AND SHINE, CARS AND COFFEE 5 pm - 7 pm May 3 to Oct 3 Peachland Village Mall PEACHLAND LEGION DART LEAGUE 7 pm - 11 pm Royal Canadian Legion #69 COMPUTER LITERACY By PeachlandCallAppointment2507670141Wellness Centre FITNESSWEDNESDAYSROOM 5 am - 10 PeachlandpmCommunity Centre INDOOR WALKING 8 am - 9 PeachlandamCommunity Centre 50+ FITNESS 9 am - 10 am ($5 Drop In) 50 Plus Activity Centre PICKLEBALL (ALL PLAY) 9:05 am - 11 am Peachland Community Centre NOVICE PICKLEBALL CLINIC 12 pm - 1 PeachlandpmCommunity Centre BARGAIN BIN 12 pm - 3 Peachlandpm United Church PICKLEBALL (ALL PLAY) 1 pm - 3 PeachlandpmCommunity Centre BRIDGE 1 pm – 4 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre WE ART HERE 12 pm - 4 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre LEGION KARAOKE 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm Royal Canadian Legion #69 SPIN, CORE AND STRETCH 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Peachland Community Centre CENTRAL OKANAGAN MODEL RAILWAY CO. Train modellers + visitors meet 7 Peachlandpm Musum FITNESSTHURSDAYSROOM 5 am - 10 PeachlandpmCommunity Centre YOGA 8:30 am - 9:30 am 50 Plus Activity Centre BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT 10 am-11:45 am Peachland Wellness Centre THERAPEUTIC YOGA 11 am - 12:15 pm 4th Street Place IRON AND SILK FIT 11 am - 12 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre BARGAIN BIN 12 pm - 3 Peachlandpm United Church TAI CHI FOR WELLNESS 12:30 pm 4th Street Place PICKLEBALL (ALL PLAY) 1 pm - 3 PeachlandpmCommunity Centre PASSION 4 ART 1 pm – 4 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre DEMENTIA CAREGIVER SUP PORT (ALZHEIMER SOCIETY) 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm 4th Street Place MEAT DRAW 3 pm-5 pm Royal Canadian Legion #69 BINGO 5:30 pm (EOW) 50 Plus Activity Centre
PEACHLAND VIEW6 AUGUST 26, 2022 13211 N. Victoria Rd. P.O. Box 520, Summerland BC V0H 1Z0 1-800-663-0392 • 250-494-6621 • 250-492-8137 • Personal Injury • Wills & Estates • Real Estate • Civil Litigation • Family Law • Notary Services Joseph JacoePatrick Bell
MAKING WAVES MURAL FESTIVAL happens Sep 2 – 4. Peachland’s inaugural mural festival will feature mural painting, live music, an artisan market, dancing and drumming, food, free art lessions, a kids chalk walk and more.
PEACHLAND VINTAGE AND COLLECTABLE MOTORCYCLE SHOW returns on Sep 4 after a two-year hiatus. The event will take place on Beach Ave around the centotaph from 10 am - 3 pm and will feature a wide display of vintage and collectable motorcycles and more.
PEACHLAND HUB NIGHT MARKET takes place Tuesday evenings from rom 4 pm - 9 pm at Cousins Park. The market includes live entertainment, food, and work by local artisans. To register as a vendor phone 250 212 0211.
KOKANEE SALMON FESTIVAL Celebrate the return of the Kokanee salmon! Enjoy watching fish in their spawning colours and find the answers to all your fishy questions. Event takes place at Hardy Falls Regional Park on Aug 27 from 10 am - 2 pm.
LIFE IN TECHNICOLOUR & THREADS OF HOPE opens Sep 3 and runs until Oct 10 at the Peachland Art Gallery. In this series of vibrant oil and pastel paintings, Dave Denson explores our relationship with colour and how one can find beauty in the grit of a city. In conjunction with the Fibre Art Network ‘s Threads of Hope, a fibre art exhibition exploring hope, longing and desire for the future of the world. PEACHLAND FALL FAIR has the atomsphere of an old-fashioned country fair. Event takes place at the community centre from Sep 9 - 11. RECYCLE BC POP UP RECYCLING DEPOT Drop off glass bottles and jars, foam packaging, plastic bags and overwrap, other flexible plastic packaging, plastic, metal and paper containers, paper, and cardboard free of charge Sep 10 from 10 am - 3 pm at the 2nd Street parking lot.

Summer of FunSummer of Fun ATVOkanaganTours Okanagan ATV Tours offer two-hour or fourhour ATV tours for beginners wanting an easy ride, experts looking for a challenge, and every one in between. Tours include ATV safety and operation orientation. Helmets, goggles, gloves and weather gear are provided. PEACHLAND VIEW 7AUGUST 26, 2022 Celebrating 17 years! Peachland Farmers & Crafters Market 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at Heritage Park Over 60 Vendors from the Okanagan Valley “The Little Market that Cares” Located on Highway 97 Peachland Centre Mall Open 250.767.1958LiquorLiquorPeachlandevery10am-11pmdayStoreStoreOpenat9amThursdaythruSundayMaylongweekendtillSeptemberlongweekend Peachland MON - SAT 9am - 5:30pm NOW OPEN SUNDAYS 11:30 - 5 5836 Beach Ave,250-767-9220Peachland SELECTION OF FLOATIES IN TOWN WASP HORNET/SEASON - WE ANSWERYOURHAVE bookspacethis Call joanne @ 250 767 7771 or editor@peachlandview.comemail PHOTO OKANAGAN ATV TOURS

PEACHLAND VIEW8 AUGUST 26, 2022 CRAIG’S PAINTING Interior Exterior | Residential and Commercial Craig Battersby 604 240 7594 Summerland • Peachland • West Kelowna 25 Years Businessin INTER-VALLEY ELECTRIC • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • INSTITUTIONAL ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING & MAINTENANCE cell: 250-212-5622 email: Kris Klumpner INTER-VALLEY CST. LTD. REG 17640 Service with safety to the energy industry 5866A Beach Ave, Peachland 250 767 6615 WARRANTY APPROVED VEHICLE SERVICE & MAINTENANCE Locally owned and operated • Licensed technician on duty Diagnostics • Brakes • Shocks & Struts • Tires • Wheel Alignments Oil Changes • Suspension • Air Conditioning • Imports & Domestic CMYK Version C=25 M=100 Y=100 K=35 CPB Logo Formats Pantone Version Pantone=195C Black Version C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=100 MEMBER INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPERS OF CANADA BOOKKEEPERPROFESSIONALCERTIFIED MEMBER INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPERS OF CANADA BOOKKEEPERPROFESSIONALCERTIFIED(IPBC) MEMBER - INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPERS OF CANADA BOOKKEEPERPROFESSIONACERTIFIEDL MEMBER INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPERS OF CANADA BOOKKEEPERPROFESSIONALCERTIFIED(IPBC MEMBER INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPERS OF CANADA BOOKKEEPERPROFESSIONACERTIFIEDL MEMBER INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPERS OF CANADA BOOKKEEPERPROFESSIONALCERTIFIED(IPBC Simplifying Your Books TMG Business Services 250.767.6521TammieGilbert, • Support • Training • Payroll • Bookkeeping • Income Tax WindowJ.B.’sCleaning Pressure Washing & Eavestrough Cleaning in the Okanagan for 20 years Jodey Shea Cell: 250-317-4525 COMMUNITY LOCALdirectorySERVICES $50K helpcommunityFoodtothetheshow.serviceFischer’sBank.JudypresentedRealtoroverdonationsin8yrsTroyFischer(left)recemt;uachequefor$3,500toBedfordofthePeachlandFoodThefundswereraisedthroughcomplimentaryshuttleattheWorldofWheelscarThislatestdonationbringsamountoffundshe’sraisedateventoverthepasteightyearsover$50,000forthePeachlandBank.Fischer’scommendableinvolvementwillgotolocalfamiliesinneed.Magician Leif David performed a magic show at the Peachland library as part of the Summer Reading Program that wrapped up last Wednesday.PHOTORAPHAEL DESJARLAIS

The Peachland Legion is now hiring an OPERATIONS MANAGER and a SERVER/BARTENDER. The Legion is seeking an operations manager able to perform as well as supervise food and beverage operations. Hours and salary commensurate with experience. The Legion also requires a part-time server/bartender who has evening and weekend availability is experienced in serving and bartending and has Serving it Right and a BCLC certificate. Interested candidates should submit resumes to the Legion office by Sep 7.
COIN COLLECTOR looking to pur chase Coin Collections. Gold & Silver coins, Bullion, Bars, Maple Leafs etc. Any amount! Call Chad 250-499-0251 WANTEDFOR SALE EDGING EMERALD CEDARS Direct from Oliver grower. Acclimatized for this area. SPECIAL: 5’ tall – 10 for $500 Other sizes available. De livery available. Call Budget Nurser ies (George) 250-498-2189 or georgedemelo135@gmail.comemail
Election Officials are needed from 7:30AM – 8:30PM on October 15th, General Voting Day.
THE 2022
• Able to attend a mandatory training session in Peachland on September 28, 2022 at 6:00PM. Rate of Pay for attending the mandatory training session is $50.00. Daily rate of pay is $300.00.
Applications are available at the District Office and at by email to by September 9, 2022 to the attention of: Jennifer Sawatzky, Chief Election Officer or Philippa Harding, Deputy Chief Election Officer
One Stop Love StopShop pShop p3466 CARRINGTON RD #102, WEST KELOWNA 3466•250-707-5683 •250-707-5683 Open 7daysaweek CHECK OUT OUR NEW ARRIVALS NOW HIRING!
PEACHLAND VIEW 9AUGUST 26, 2022 CLASSIFIEDS | NEWS THRIFT STORE SummerForWATCHEndofSALES!!StartinginSept. Open Wed - Sat Noon - 3pm Peachland United BARGAIN BIN GET RESULTS! Post a classified in 92 newspapers in just a few clicks. Reach almost 2 million people for only $395 a week for 25-word text ad or $995 for small display ad. Choose your province or all across Canada. Best value. Save over 85% compared to booking ROCKY MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT is NOW HIRING: AG Equipment Techs, Heavy Equipment Techs - Journey man & Apprentices, Parts Techs. View Open Roles & Apply: www. Relocation and Signing Bonus Offered. ANNOUNCEMENTS HELP EMPLOYMENTSERVICESWANTED NOTICE MOVING SALE Meets Monday at 7 p.m. (closed meeting) and Friday at 7 p.m. (open meeting). Callfor250-763-5555moreinfo. Peachland Fellowship Alcoholics Anonymous MOVING SALE 6211 Thompson Place August 27 & 28, 9 am - 2 pm Lawn mower, weed eater, cement mixer, table saw, double bed, dining table and chairs, china cabinet, deck chairs, and much more household items. WANTED TO BUY NUMISMATIST PURCHASING COIN COLLECTIONS & ACCUMULATIONS! Royal Canadian Mint, Canada & World Collections Wanted. Also buy ing 9999 bullion, old money, jewelry, nuggets, sterling, gold, silver, coins, bars, monster boxes +++ ESTATES WELCOMED! Todd 250 864 3521. RECYCLEPLEASE NEWSPAPER.THIS Mad Hatter BOOKSTORE Come in & browse 1/2 the price of new BUY GETBOOKS56THONEFREE! OPEN TUES - SAT 10-3 #5 Plaza 97 South 2483 Main Street, madhatterbookswk.comWestbank 250.768.2231 Places of FaithPeachland PEACHLANDBAPTISTCHURCH Lake Ave at 13th St Sunday250-767-9237MorningService 10:30PASTORam Lyle Wahl There is a sermon audio available on our website each week. UnitedPeachlandChurch 4421 4th Street 250-767-2206 “Let UsWorshipTogether” Pastor: Ian McLean all welcomeare For 10:00am online Zoom service visit ZOOM AND IN SANCTUARY SERVICES AT 10:00 AM Grace Lutheran OnlineforforPrayingChurchabettertomorrowallofus!Worshipat: Watch the service from the videos tab right underneath the picture of the church. 1162 Hudson Road W. Kelowna BC 250-769-5685 St. AnglicanMargaret’sChurch 4464-4 St, Peachland, BC V0H Sundaystmargarets@shaw.ca250-767-31311X6ChurchServiceat10:00am.ZoomserviceonrequestEmailorCallforLinkComeJoinUs!AllareWelcome. Matthew 25:35 “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.”
THE DISTRICT OF PEACHLAND IS FOR POSITIONS FOR PEACHLAND GENERAL ELECTION: ELECTION OFFICIALS (17) Election Officials help set up the voting location, register voters and distribute ballots. Election Officials also help clean up the voting location (such as removing posters, signage, moving tables and chairs).
Applicants must be: 18 years or older • Able to work a 12-hour day and remain on site at all times; Legally able to work in Canada. As a condition of working any local government election, all election workers are required to make a solemn declaration that they will faithfully and impartially fulfill their duties, and that they are not personally connected with any candidate in the election.

A reminder that exhibitor tags will be available for purchase at the Peachland Commu nity Centre on Sep 6 from 10 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. and Sep 9 from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. – 8 p.m.; fresh flowers and fresh flower arranging tags will be available Sep 10 from 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Fall fair rules require that all entry tags be completely filled out be fore presenting your entries. Exhibits may be dropped off between 5:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. on Sep 9. Only fresh flowers and fresh flower arranging entries can be dropped off Sep 10 from 7:30 a.m. -8:30 a.m. The door to the fair will open at 1 p.m. on Sep 10, at which time you will be able to pay your admission fee of $3 for adults and 50 cents for children, then come on in to see if your entry has won a ribbon or trophy and cash prize! Oh, the anticipation! As the exhibits are an essential part of the fall fair, they may not be removed until after the close of the awards ceremony which begins at 4 p.m. on Sep 11 (no exceptions). The countdown is - you at the
The “3 Times for the Hub” Pledge
Can you believe we had 26 volunteers at our last general meeting? What a turnout! It’s such a wonderful thing to have a room full of people who are all passionate and excited about the return of our beloved fair. We provide our volunteers and fair judges with a lovely luncheon - that helps to keep them coming back year after year! This year’s lunch will be catered by the 50 Plus Activity Centre as they raise funds towards the building of The Hub. It’s so nice to give and to receive. The 50 Plus volunteers will also be selling tea and pie on Saturday from 2 p.m. onward - make sure you stop in and get yourself a piece or two and a cuppa. We are so thankful that the Peachland Fire Brigade will be assisting with our set up and take down this year. Having local community groups is such a great way to support one another. We also have some wonderful local sponsors who have contributed to our fair. We had lost some sponsors over the last couple of years so it is so nice to have others step up to contribute. Our entertainment this year will also be featuring local talent – it’s so wonderful they are willing to give of their time for your listening pleasure!
One time donations are also gratefully accepted. Make a donation today, and commit to making the same donation again in 12 months, and then again in 24 months!
Fall fair countdown is on
PEACHLAND VIEW10 AUGUST 26, 2022 COMMUNITY Give your family peace of mind. Plan for tomorrow, today. L e e D a v i d s o n A d v a n c e d P l a n n i n g D i r e c t o r WEST KELOWNA 2541 Churchill Rd 250 768 3702 PENTICTON 1258 Main St 250 493 4202 Partners with Park Lawn ARBOR FUNERAL CHAPELS & CREMATORIUM PRINCETON 113 Vermilion Ave 250 295 6102 KEREMEOS 702 7th Ave 250 499 2121 Make a “3 Times For The Hub” Pledge Peachland’s community service groups need a new permanent home. All donations of $25 or more will receive a charitable donation tax receipt. All donations of $250 or more will receive name recognition on our Donor Recognition Wall just inside the Hub’s main entrance. Donation Level Single Donation Amount 3 Times Pledge Amount Buy a brick Gold $1,000 $335 Buy a brick Silver $500 $170 Buy a brick Bronze $250 $85 Contact us regarding higher Donation Recognition Levels Make cheques payable to “Peachland Wellness Centre” and drop off at either the 50+ Activity Centre or the Peachland Wellness Centre. To make a 3 times pledge or one time donation online, go to hub project/ Or contact

PEACHLAND VIEW 11AUGUST 26, 2022 PUZZLES CLUES ACROSS 1. 7.4.UnhappyClairvoyanceOnewhoworks under you 12. What happens there stays 15.thereNot ingested 16. Got the picture 18. One thousandth of a gram 19. Breakfast item 20. About 21. Tall deciduous trees 24. Safe keeping receipt 27. Cowardly 30. Pueblo people of New 31.MexicoHerring-like fish 33. A very large body of 34.waterAngle (abbr.) 35. Spiritual leader of a Jew ish congregation 37. White clergical vestment 39. Cool! 41. Matchstick games 42. Thick piece of something 44. A state that precedes 47.vomitingBurned item residue 48. Jaguarundi 49. Anno Domini (in the year of Our Lord) 50. The home of “60 Minutes” 52. Dorm official 53. Give cards incorrectly 56. One who is learning the job 61. Popular R.L. Stevenson 29.28.social26.25.24.23.Congo22.17.14.13.director12.11.wright10.consoleandsystemCLUES65.64.63.novelAttentivelyCNN’sfounderCriticizeDOWN1.Fijiancapital2.Assist3.ElectedlordinVenice4.Thecapacityofaphysicaltodowork5.Peopleofthewild6.Parent-teachergroups7.Midwaybetweensouthsoutheast8.Movedquicklyonfoot9.HandheldNintendo“TopoftheStairs”playElectronicdataprocessing“DogDayAfternoon”LeanedAboutaviationMountainisapopulartypeLakealongZambiaandborderHeroictalesSovietSocialistRepublic“StarTrek”villainHandgesturepopularonmediaRentershaveoneTubularsteelcolumn 32. Database management 38.36.systemSimilarProviding no shelter or 43.40.sustenanceDeathWhata sheep did 44. Midcentury Asian bat 45.tlegroundHorizontal passage into a 51.46.mineMortifiedImproper word 54. No seats available 55. Financial obligation 56. It can be hot or iced 57. Tough outer skin of a fruit 58. __ Spumante (Italian This week’s Crossword, Sudoku & Word Search Answers to last WordCrossword,week’sSudoku&Search CONTACT JOANNE 250 767 7771 Top solvers can complete a crossword puzzle in 8-12 minutes, but the average person spends more time solving puzzles. To onadvertisethispage

This custom built home features panoramic lake views in beautiful Peachland BC. This rancher style home offers vaulted ceilings, fireplace, modern kitchen with gas stove and SS appliances, hardwood floors, and a large master suite with 5 pc ensuite with heated floors and a jetted tub! Another 2 bedrooms and a 4 pc bath are across the hall. The lower level features a 300 sq ft family room, pantry, and wine cellar. The lower level also features a full walk-out basement with a large 2 bed, 1 bath in-law suite with 10 foot ceilings, huge windows (lots of light) and its own view! The large balconies have stunning views for you to enjoy the Okanagan summer! Large driveway with a double garage means lots of room for parking and storage. Come see this terrific home for yourself, the view is not to be missed!! MLS® 10260297
$2,999,000 3140
Expertwww.sellingpeachland.caRealEstateServiceSince 2007 Chad Rogers Going Above and Beyond Each office is independently owned and operated. REALTOR® CALL FOR FREE MARKET EVALUATION OF YOUR HOME 250 808 8143 m S 14-1470 Harvey Ave 3726 Lornell Cres - Outstanding lake & mountain views can be enjoyed from this immaculate 3 bed / 2 bath home that is located on a large usable lot in Peachland. Hardwood floors, gas fireplaces, open floor plan, spacious covered deck, flower and garden beds plus 3 sheds (workshop) that add to the outdoor living space. This home is a must see! Outstanding Lake Views! $849,900 MLS® 10251489 PEACHLAND VIEW12 AUGUST 26, 2022 250.212.2654 NEWLISTING K 100 K 29.8 Trusted Agents Since 1999 Contact Us for a Complimentary Market Evaluation of Your Home $1,285,000 6174 Davies Crescent Sweeping lake views from Kelowna to
This A1 property has potential to easily transform to many Agritourism or Estate Winery possibilities! Located on the Westbank Wine Trail this 9.7ac property features rich clay base soil currently growing top quality hay. Presently a turnkey equestrian property, it includes two homes, a massive shop with 3 phase/600amp power, a large clear span barn with stalls/runs, covered pens and hay storage. The 70’ x 170’ indoor riding arena has sand footing and viewing platform plus an 80’ x 190’ sand outdoor arena, three separate pasture areas and 5 acres producing quality alfalfa/grass hay. Other features include municipal water and newer fencing around the perimeter. Elliott Road Chevallier Realtor® 6034 Garraway Place
A wonderful 3 bedroom 2 bath ranch style home on large flat lot with RV parking in beautiful Peachland BC! You are going to absolutely love this one level home located on a quiet cul du sac in a beautiful neighbourhood just minutes to parks and amazing back country adventure while still enjoying all the conveniences of city living. This home features recently renovated bathrooms, flooring and some windows. The attached two car garage, large parking pad and additional RV parking is perfect for storing all your toys. 10253608 250-575-3643 COWARD Penticton... within a quiet neighborhood to afford privacy and peacefulness, .33 of an acre fully landscaped and irrigated with a water feature in the fenced back yard, fruit trees, cherry, plum, apricot and peach, this home has everything all in place in excellent condition, large welcoming entry, take advantage of the views with a wall of windows on the upper floor, chef’s kitchen with a gas stove, eating bar and dining nook, stone counters, pantry, wine fridge, 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, 2 primary bedrooms on the upper floor, gas fireplace in the living room with vaulted ceilings and custom shelving, walk out to wonderful out door living onto open and a large covered deck, oversized double garage with storage and 9 foot doors, this homes shows 10 out of 10. MLS®10260619
5179 MACNEILL COURT TROY FISCHER PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPERATION c: 250.878.0626 e:|104.399Main St o: 778.476.7778