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March 12, 2010 Peachland, BC
Volume 06 | Number 10
Peachland Curling Club Fun Spiel winners of Trophy A (shown left to right) Colin Tait, Willie Wainwright, Daryl Wainwright, and Boomer Wainwright sweep the shot made by Julie Tait (not shown). The Fun Spiel was held on Sunday at the Summerland Curling Club. Participants from Peachland, Westside and Kelowna ranged in age of 14 to 86. Trophy B was won by the team of Bill Boos, Trudy Boos, Storm Brown and Lynn Photo Contributed Bradley. Trophy C was won by the team of Peter Schierbeck, Vern Moberg, Terry Condon and Keith Fielding.
Green credit delayed for food-producing grey area properties By Joanne Layh This week council edged a little bit closer to establishing water meter rates, giving First, Second and Third Reading to Water Rates Bylaw No. 1931, 2010. However, members of council are still nowhere near a consensus about green credits, so while the bylaw may pass soon, a policy about green credits will likely follow later on this spring or summer. The bylaw will most likely be up for adoption on the next council agenda. As it appears now, residential homes will
be assigned a basic fee of $55.50 per quarter, with a consumption fee of $0.30 per cubic meter for the first 400 cubic meters, with the rate climbing up to $0.50 per cubic meter for amounts over 400 cubic meters. Agricultural properties will be assessed $0.04 per cubic meter. Those that have termed been termed “grey area” (non ALR) large properties will have a slightly different rate structure. The grey area properties refer to more than half of the 90 properties which have irrigation meters but are not in the ALR nor have Class 9 (farm-
land) assessment with the BC Assessment Authority. 54 of these are properties between .5 and 2.0 acres which the district has identified as being in the grey area. If the bylaw is adopted, these properties will pay a fi xed rate of $0.30 per cubic meter. Only if they exceed 1250 cubic meters per acre will their consumption rate increase to $0.50 per cubic meter. That’s a lot of water, so it is unlikely that anyone will actually use enough to pay that consumption rate. Unfortunately, a decision about how to apply green credits has yet to
be made. At this week’s Committee of the Whole meeting, Councillor Fraser objected to the criteria that called for at least one-half of the total area available for cultivation to be devoted to the production of food. Councillor Condon seemed also to favour giving the credit to those with gardens smaller than one-half of the total area available for cultivation. There was also talk about opening up the defi nition of water-efficient irrigation systems to include other technologies. Most councillors spoke in favour of a green credit, though few could agree even on
a size of property they’d like to see it applied to. A green credit policy will be established when council are all on board with one particular strategy. Irrigation rates only apply in the second and
third quarters, so for the green credit policy to be available to food producing grey area properties, it will likely need to be in place before the July 15th water bills are scheduled to be sent out.
Spring Forward! Don’t forget to set your clocks forward 1 hour! Daylight savings time begins on Sunday March 7th.
Peachland Johnston Meier
Swinging into spring with home renovations? Don’t D ’t forget f t to t tell t ll us about b t changes h you have made to your home or property. Keep your assets covered!
March 12, 2010
The Peachland View
Gone but never forgotten By Richard Smith Today, Tuesday March 9, 2010 a remembrance service was held for one of Peachland’s beloved pioneers. His dad Bill Sr. served in the First World War and was captain of Peachland’s war canoe team before the First World War. Born in 1922, Gordon “Sandy� Sanderson was the oldest Peachland Second World War veteran. Friends and early Peachland residents from far and wide came to celebrate his life. It was one of the largest funeral services ever held in the Community Centre. Those present realized it was an honour to have known him and his family. Our own Fire Chief Grant Topham and his brother John told a personal series of fond memories. The Legion members then paid special ceremonial tribute to their fallen comrade.
As a young man he enlisted in the army. He was part of the Normandy invasion and was wounded by a land mine. After a short recovery he was back in action. While riding on a “Buffalo� armoured personnel carrier through Belgium, the driver wandered off the road and on to a anti-tank mine. Gordie was thrown high in the air, landing with a broken back. He was evacuated back to England and in a full body cast all the way back to Canada and finally home to the Okanagan. That could not slow him down, and he married Dorothy “Dot� Miller of another pioneer family. The Miller Ranch is today Okanagan Park Campground. The family raised fruit and Gordie worked in the bush as a boss, logging and constructing roads. Those were the days of bush camps that had to be moved from location to
COUNCIL MEETING HIGHLIGHTS - MARCH 9, 2010 By Erin Boyes, District of Peachland
Water Rates Bylaw No. 1931, 2010 Council gave First, Second and Third Reading to Water Rates Bylaw No. 1931. The bylaw establishes and regulates water rates for the District. Please see online for the rates and charges fee schedule. A decision on “Green Credits� for food producing properties will be forthcoming by policy. Gord Sanderson
location as the trees were logged. They were really just cabins on wheels. He took one or two home after they became obsolete and he also dragged home a Greata Ranch bungalow from behind the hotel. The house is still on the property at the home farm. He raised a family of two
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Photo Contributed
daughters Jennifer and Linda and a son, Gordy Jr. Gordy Jr. was tragically killed in a car accident as a young boy. Gord soldiered on and served his community all his life. While teaching logging in Sri Lanka, he lost his wife to cancer. Later he married a girl, Christine from there had a son John. In our centennial year John presented him with a newborn grandson. Through his life, Royal Canadian Legion Branch 69 was always a part of his life. He was at every Remembrance service including the last two when he read the list of the Peachland fallen via video recorded in his hospital room. He personally knew all the four Second World War casualties on the cenotaph, as they were his boyhood friends. Gordie, your life story could fill a book but there is only room here to say you will be deeply missed by all your friends.
Automated Voting Machine Authorization Council passed First, Second and Third Readings for both Automated Voting Machine Authorization Bylaw No. 1941, and Election Procedure Amendment Bylaw No. 1940. These bylaws will authorize the District to rent two voting machines to be used in the Peachland Curling Club and Multi-Use Facility Referendum.
Official Community Plan Amendment – Greenhouse Gas Reduction Targets Council gave Third Reading to OCP Amendment Bylaw No. 1933, 2010. This amendment sets out Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reduction
targets. In 2008 the Provincial Government enacted Bill 27 – Local Government (Green Communities) Statues Amendment Act, which requires all local governments to set GHG reduction targets in their OCP by May 2010.
Rural to Low Density Residential OCP & Zoning Amendment Bylaws
Council passed First and Second Readings for OCP Amendment Bylaw No. 1938, 2010 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1939, 2010. Council also instructed staff to set a Public Hearing date. The amendments will change rural zoning designation to low density residential at 5308 Law Street.
BC Solar Communities Program
Council passed a resolution supporting a submission to the BC Solar Communities Program. This is a grant program that if awarded will help reduce the costs associated with developing and promoting solar initiatives in Peachland.
Peachland Boxing Club
Council passed a resolution waiving the fee for use of the Peachland Community Centre on March 27 & 28, 2010 for the Peachland Boxing Club to host a “Fight Against Drugs� presentation by George Chuvalo. If you would like to receive Council Highlights by email please contact Erin Boyes at
March 12, 2010
The Peachland View
First Responder medical service too good? By Barry Kerton
How much is peace of mind worth? Ever since the 1970’s, Peachland Fire and Rescue Service (PFRS) have provided pre-hospital emergency service to Peachland area residents. Back then the ambulance was part of the PFRS fleet staffed completely with PFRS volunteers. As the BC Ambulance Service evolved, the PFRS continued to provide First Medical Response service, assisting ambulance crews or providing service when the ambulance is delayed. However, at Tuesday morning’s Committee of the Whole meeting, district council discussed the merit of having the PFRS respond to Tier 1 calls. A Tier 1 (code 3) response is one where the 9-1-1 dispatcher in Kamloops decides the caller’s life is in danger through a series of information gathering questions. If the call meets the criteria of being a ‘life endangering’ situation, the Kamloops Dispatcher transfers the call to the Kelowna Fire Department dispatch office which then calls upon the PFRS. At the same time, the Kamloops dis-
patcher sends an ambulance to the scene, as well. While all the councillors agreed that the PFRS provides a valuable service to the community, it was stated that no other community in BC offers the extent of First Responder service that Peachland does. Councillor Condon wondered if there was a possibility of fi nding a more efficient way to carry out the service. “From a visual perspective, the residences see an ambulance and ambulance staff and a fi re response vehicle, one or more, and a number of people. That calls into question the efficiency of the system. And people wonder, why do all these people have to respond to this?” However, Councillors Vern Moberg and Ernie Hurd expressed that the extra safety and peace of mind the PFRS provide with the First Responder policy is worth the extra money. Peachland’s Chief Administrative Officer estimated the PFRS First Responder service cost the district approximately $45,000$50,000 a year. This funding comes directly
from the PFRS operating budget. Vern Moberg explained: “My theory is I don’t really look at the expense of when we have a fi rst responder call. I look at the response. Somebody has a problem, whether they are choking or something else. We know that in our community, there are people that are volunteer fi remen [who] will respond. And they will get attention pretty quick, whether the PFRS is before the ambulance or not. We know that there is someone there looking after us who is capable of doing the job.” “Since I have been here (1985) the system has been this way. The fi rst responders have gone in and we have had great response. I have never heard anyone ever complain about how much it cost our fi re department to operate or anything like that. The way I feel now is that everyone is happy about the service and the way our fi re department reacts and until they can come up with a better system I would like it to stay the same.” Councillor Hurd said, “I was a fi rst responder
here, years ago when believe to be a valuable x amount of dollars.” I was a volunteer fi re- service. Mayor Fielding told fighter. These people are “I called an ambu- council that when they not regular people. They lance, for my son, one touched on the topic a are trained, almost to a time,” Bell said. “And few years ago, the conpoint just below ambu- I got the bill ($50+). I sensus was that the lance service.” would be willing to pay town did not want to “Look at the demo- the bill for a First Medi- get out of the First Regraphics here in Peach- cal Respondent.” sponder business. They land. We have one am“I don’t know how that just wanted to fi nd posbulance here in Peach- could be incorporated so sible alternatives to see land and a possible that the town is not pick- if any efficiencies could backup ambulance. So ing up the bill,” Bell con- be found. anytime during the day tinued. “It is user pays. The council tabled the that ambulance could be That is how I would do topic until staff could out. I had a heart attack it. If there is an emer- prepare a list of possible a few years ago. I did not gency, I need them, I call options. Over a 6-month have it here but if I did them. That is an amaz- period (July 1, 2009 I would be quite thank- ing service and anyone December 31, 2009) the ful that I did not have to that is in a life threaten- PFRS was called out to wait for the ambulance ing situation would be 83 First Responder incito show up. To me, what- more than happy to pay dents. ever is the cost, I am okay with it because I think a tremendous service to the community.” Westwood Retirement Resort Councilh G G G G G G lors Lindsay Bell and Peter Schier{ G~ Gm Gˈ{ G{ Gz Gs ˉ beck asked the group if there was any way Put your feet up with a good book the District could or enjoy a relaxing massage and recoup the pedicure. Spending time in the costs in“Tranquility Sun Lounge” will volved in what they surely lift your spirits on those grey wintery afternoons.
v ˅ Gm G y Gw G
Peachland to apply for solar community grant By Barry Kerton Peachland district council took another step in trying to become a more green community by unanimously agreeing to apply for the $5000 grant in hopes of becoming a solar community. The grant from Solar BC encourages people and communities to reduce their carbon footprint by embracing different solar energy initiatives. Currently there are nine Solar Communities: Dawson Creek, Kelowna, Saanich, Tofino, T’Sou-ke First Nation, District of North Vancouver, Vancouver, West Moberly First Nation and Whistler. An additional six communities will be added to the list of solar communities. Solar communities will: • Act as flagship communities and provide leadership to community members; • Help to develop means to remove barriers to solar hot water installations; • Help to promote and
raise awareness of Solar BC to community members; and • Provide visible solar demonstration projects. Doug Pryde, Peachland’s Director of Finance, explained. “This is simply a grant, which we sought, and the application expires at the end of the month. We can obtain $5,000 for the purposes of creating a strategy to inform and encourage people of the benefits of changing to solar energy type systems.” The District of Peachland has been trying to implement and encourage local residents to do what they can to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Applications will be assessed and selection of Solar Communities will be determined according to the following criteria: • Solar targets, actions and initiatives proposed; • Innovation in the targets, actions and policy/planning/ leadership measures proposed;
• Intention to apply for grants to help implement the solar hot water initiatives; • Commitment of resources to achieve the solar hot water initiatives; • Demonstrated commitment and past implementation of solar initiatives in the community; and • Applicability of initiatives in other communities. After an audit of Peachland facilities, it was determined that the community centre’s hot water system is closing in on the end of its useful life. Since solar technologies for heating hot water are well developed and have shown to save money and lower greenhouse emissions, district staff will likely include in the upcoming budget the replacement of the aging hot water system with a solar hot water installation.
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March 12, 2010
The Peachland View
Peachland Views Who should be eligible for green credits?
WEEKLY COMMENTARY JOANNE LAYH, PUBLISHER/EDITOR In council chambers, much has been said recently about green credits. As it had been laid
out last week, the nowrejected green credit policy for grey area properties seemed like a reasonable compromise and a good idea to me. It is a shame that not enough members of council could support it. The green credit would have seen grey area properties get a break on their water rates provided that: • At least 50% of the cultivatable area is devoted to the production of food; • The area devoted to food is at least 0.25 acre; and
• A water efficient (e.g. micro-jet, drip irrigation) system is employed to irrigate all cultivatable areas. Under this criteria, only those that take up food production in some kind of serious way and do so in a conserving fashion would qualify for it. However, council couldn’t fi nd enough support for this because some felt that no one should get a break, and others felt that everyone with a large property should get a break, or that anyone with any sort of garden should get
a break. On the one hand, I believe that those who can afford to live on a large lot in the central Okanagan are among the most privileged in this country. They own property that most Canadians can only dream of. For these people to ask those who live in condos or on smaller properties to subsidize their utility cost seems unfair to me. If they want to live big, they should pay big. Some would like to see the green credit extended to anyone with a large property, whether
they produce much food on it or not. To offer a credit to owners of large properties just for the sake of subsidizing their heavy usage isn’t fair, nor does it encourage conservation. To call that credit green when what is going on is actually over-consumption rather than conservation in some cases just seems wrong. On the other hand, if the owners of these properties are producing a considerable amount of food and are using sustainable practices, then they should be sup-
ported by the community. I don’t think the importance of local food production can be overstated. It is of great significance to our health, local tourism, the economy, and the environment and, as the mayor recently stated, should be encouraged. Offering a green credit to those who devote a significant area of their property to the sustainable production of food makes sense. Offering the same credit to a hobby gardener makes less sense to me, and seems impossible to regulate.
Olympic screen found agreeable Olympic accolades to all who were involved and helped to facilitate the large screen viewing of the 2010 Games events. We felt as if we were “right there” throughout the two weeks. Though we were few in number most days, the opening and closing ceremonies, as well as the gold medal game in hockey, were marvelous on the big screen. Thank you so much. Kit and Margot Carson, Peachland
Peachland Pipe Band explains move
This letter is in regard to the one thousand dollar civic grant to the Peachland Pipe Bank approved by Peachland Council as reported in The Peachland View recently. As many residents already know, the Peachland Pipe Band moved from the Peachland Recreation Centre to the Summerland Legion a few months ago. The move was necessitated for several reasons, which I will try to explain in simple terms. First of all, our goal of attracting new people into the band was a failure. In the four years plus we practiced here we could not attract young Peachlanders, despite many attempts to promote our tutoring program. However, we were and are gaining young members from the Summerland, Penticton, and OK Falls communities as well as experienced pipers and drummers. This suggests the move was the right one. We had seemingly failed to grasp the imagination of a majority of our previous council and district staff who appeared unable to help us address such concerns as providing the band with adequate and proper equipment storage and a practice facility that we could always count on to be available.
Thanks to the Summerland Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion, we now have an excellent practice facility. Nor could we get municipal financial support. Our one and only civic grant of $1,000 was awarded in our second year of operation. Further assistance requested in the following year was rejected without explanation. We saw this as a clear indication that the previous Council did not support the band and that we were, in their eyes, not worthy of future grant consideration. It is not my intention to turn this into a list of gripes and issues. However, suffice it to say we have left Peachland for a new home and many of our problems appear to have been solved. Since we have left town we feel we cannot in good faith accept council’s civic grant and we have informed them of our decision. However, we want to assure our Peachland supporters and citizens that we will still come out to assist in community events whenever we can and that we want to continue to have a relationship with the wonderful residents of Peachland. David Cain, Pipe Major, Peachland Pipe Band
The Peachland View welcomes letters expressing your opinion regarding news and events in Peachland. Please keep your letter to less than 350 words. We reserve the right to edit letters for clarity, brevity, or legal purposes. Published letters are the opinion of the writers only and do not reflect the opinions of this newspaper, its publisher or staff. All letters must be signed and include a telephone number for verification. Anonymous letters will not be printed. You can email your letters to: fax them to: 250-767-3337 or mail them to: P.O. Box 1150 Peachland, B.C. V0H 1X0
March 12, 2010
Peachland Views
The Peachland View
An introduction to upcoming provincial goverment spending
WEEKLY COMMENTARY BILL BARISOFF, MLA Last week as you may have heard, both the Federal and B.C. Provin-
cial governments introduced new budgets. As your Provincial Member of the B.C. Legislature, I would like to share with you information from the B.C. Budget 2010 as it compares to last year’s budget. First is total spending, as the BC Budget 2010 will again see an increase of total spending, up to $40.6 billion. Fortunately, revenue is also forecast to increase up to just over $39 billion. Unfortu-
nately, this still leaves a deficit of $1.7 billion when also factoring in a $300 million forecast allowance. The positive news is that this year’s deficit is forecasted to come in one billion below last year’s deficit, in spite of the increased spending announced in Budget 2010. With an increase in spending the question to be asked is; where is the government spending your money? Health
Post Olympic blues?
WEEKLY COMMENTARY STOCKWELL DAY, MP Monday morning a week ago the streets of Vancouver were quiet. Quiet? Yes! Especially compared to all the previous nights of the Winter Olympics. Only hours before, the downtown was jammed with 150 thousand delirious cheering Canadians. “Can’t the afterglow last a little longer?” I thought. I didn’t have to wait long for the Olympic flame to rekindle. 48 hours later I was on Parliament Hill in another crowd. This time, it was cheering, flag waving school kids. They were there to applaud (wildly) our Paralympic athletes who were lighting the torch that would get to 31 Canadian cities on its way to Vancouver. The Prime Minister greeted our athletes in front of the Peace Tower and wished them all the best in their quest for gold. Like athletes everywhere, each one of our Special Olympians carries a story of overcoming the odds and pressing on with their dreams. There will be over 50 hours of Paralympic
television. Tune in. You will be thrilled by what you see. Go Canada Go! Talking about gold, the next day the Minister of Finance unveiled about $270 billion of it in his budget. Yes, that’s a big number. Here’s what it looks like in bite size pieces. Imagine you were given your own portable ATM machine and you were then told you could go shopping. You would be allowed to pull money from the machine at a rate of a thousand bucks an hour, only resting one day a week to respect any local Sunday shopping by-laws. Do you know how long it would take you to spend a billion dollars at that pace? 375 years! And that’s only one billion. We’re going to spend about $270 billion in just one year. So now you understand why I shake my head when our critics come out exclaiming, “There’s nothing in this budget.” It’s one thing to disagree on the spending priorities. That’s fair comment. But it’s another thing to tell the hard working taxpayers there’s ‘nothing’ in the budget. $36 billion for seniors is not ‘nothing.’ Over a billion for the Department of the Environment is not ‘nothing.’ Our National Defense takes $18 billion to protect our country. Foreign aid to help others is $5 billion. Youth Opportunity and Employment Training programs are in the hundreds of millions…and on it goes. That’s not ‘nothing.’
It’s something! This budget also sets us on a course to get rid of the deficit (balance the budget) by 2014/15. Not by slashing the Health and Education transfers to provinces. As matter of fact, we will increase the health transfer. Program funding for seniors and families will also increase, and not by raising taxes. Instead, we will put a lid on government operations. All departments ‘spending’ will be frozen for the next 3 years. We’re also introducing legislation to freeze Minister, MP and Senators’ salaries at 2010 levels. What kind of rating are we getting on our tight fiscal management? The International Monetary Fund, the World Economic Forum, the OECD and the Economist Intelligence Unit all say we are now in the best position fi nancially of the G-8 countries. International investment advisors are saying Canada is the place to be due to our fi nancial management. Our debt ratio is the lowest in the G-8. Four of the last six months we have seen the job numbers increase. This last quarter, our economic performance surprised analysts with 5% annualized growth. We’re certainly not perfect. We still need to do some things better. But you’ve told us you expect us to manage responsibly. The same way you’ve had to. Thank you for that clear advice. That’s the plan.
care will again see the largest budgetary increase in spending with a $447 million increase towards an additional $2 billion in increased health spending by 2012. Education funding is the next largest increase with an additional $156 million over the next three years, with a $50 million increase in this year’s budget alone. Other spending increases include $ 20 million this year in funding for a new sports and the arts legacy fund, along with an additional $ 8 million towards increased day care support. An increase of $10 million will also be allocated towards justice and the court system with a further $12 million to support increasing policing operations. There will also be $58 million towards increasing local government infrastructure projects in this year’s budget, as well. Finally, on the energy front $5 million will invested in the LiveSmart
BC Program and $20 million is destined for the support of new clean energy initiatives. As mentioned previously, the 2010 BC Budget also contains a $270 million contingency fund, based on the Ministry of Finance economic forecast of 2.2 per cent. It should also be noted that this year’s budget is part of a three year fiscal plan to return B.C. back to our previously enjoyed surplus situation. While B.C. currently is on track for the three year budget targets, I made a point of listing many of the budgetary items as they will be spent in this year’s budget in an effort to provide more clarity on the spending of your tax dollars. It should also be noted that while the areas above outline increases in expenditures, there are also other ministries that will, as a result, see a reduction in their funding. For example, both the Ministry of Forests and
the Ministry of Labour will see a reduction in their annual operating budget. I will in future weeks discuss in greater detail many aspects of B.C. Budget 2010. The introductory information here was presented to provide an overview and I am always happy to answer further question in greater detail. Before I conclude this week’s column, I would like to thank rural Summerland residents for taking the time to share your concerns regarding the potential of hosting the Targa West automotive rally in your area. I appreciated both the effort and constructive nature of your many comments, and it became apparent there was an overwhelming consensus that the Targa West proposal, as it currently stands, is not one that I could recommend for approval on the May long weekend. Thank you again to everyone for your calls and emails on this matter.
Introducing The M A D a m e s in CONCERT Saturday, March 13 7:30 - 10:30 pm R.C. Legion #69 Presented by
Wellness Centre Admission: donation Giant Raffle Over 30 items Plus
Special Raffle 3 Days & Nights in Elegant Condo in Whistler or Vancouver Melita
Vibrant Vocal Stylings - as Soloists and as a Trio Each with musical theatre backgound Enjoy their Okanagan Debut Perfomance
“A great pre St. Paddy’s Day party!”
March 12, 2010
The Peachland View
Your Guide To Local Events & Activities VOLUNTEER CORNER
.Volunteer Drivers Needed
BEAUTIFUL LAKE VIEW LOTS IN PEACHLAND ! BEAT THE HST! Build your home just the way you want it! This lovely little development off Lipsett Drive boasts fabulous lake views! View or www. or call for more info on lots or builders. 8 lots remaining priced between $179,000 to $239,000 MLS ®9227225
The Peachland Wellness Centre requires volunteer drivers to occasionally help wheelchair-based clients get to medical appointments, go shopping or attend to errands. Drivers must have 10 years driving experience to meet insurance requirements. Contact us at 250.767.0141
THIS IS WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR! Enjoy your retirement in this centrally located and newly renovated Adult Community townhouse. Across the street from stunning Lake views, close to amenities, restaurants and recreational facilities. Contemporary feel with fantastic upgrades. Own this gem for $459,900. Call Tracey today! MLS®10002241
4036 Smith Way
TOPS at 50+ Activity Centre: 9:30 a.m. For information call 1.800.932.8677 or Doreen at 250.767.2132
Computer Literacy at the Wellness Centre 10:00 a.m. For those needing basic computer skills. Call 250.767.0141
Peachland Variety Singers: Meet 9:45 a.m. at the Fifty Plus Activity Centre
Carpet Bowling at 50+ Centre: 10:00 a.m. Tai Chi for Wellness: 6:00 p.m continuing students meet at United Church Hall Peachland Bridge Club at 50+ Activity Centre: 7 p.m. Call Eva at 250.767.6407
Royal Canadian Legion Executive Meeting: 1900 hrs.
Enjoy raising your family in this fabulous neighbourhood in beautiful Peachland! Includes a spacious rancher walkout with over 2700 sq ft (5 bed/3 baths) and a mortgage helper if necessary. It’s a nice little package! Offered at $459,900 MLS®9227636
Peachland Garden Club -The Peachland Sowers and Growers are an active gardening group who meet the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Little Schoolhouse. The club has guest speakers, garden tours, workshops and much more. COME ONE COME ALL! This month’s speaker is Michael Farynycz who will demonstrate the construction of old wood bird houses. Contact 250.767.2218 or 250.767.2546.
Peachland Quilters Guild at Fifty Plus:1–4 p.m.
Sunday Breakfast Program: 8-11 a.m. at Peachland Wellness Centre. $5 for a full breakfast. Call 250.767.0141
Peachland Riding Club is hosting a Competitors Workshop on March 17, at the Peachland Riding Club clubhouse. This is a motivational seminar with personal coach/trainer Dave Freeze. The Workshop is open to the public. Tickets - Members $10 each and Non-members $30 each. Contact Erin at 250.768.0920 or Sandy at 250.718.2761.
Senior Coffee Morning at Peachland Wellness Centre: 10 a.m. Call 250.767.0141
202-4340 Beach Ave, Peachland
Peachland Wellness Centre Gala Benefit- at the Royal Canadian Legion #69 on Saturday, March 13, 7:30 - 10:30 p.m. Admission: by donation. Featuring the Dynamic Debut of The MADames: Melita, Anita, Dagmar. A talented trio and stirring soloists - a don’t miss performance! Plus a Giant Raffle with over 30 great prizes and a SPECIAL RAFFLE: 3 days & nights at an elegant condo in Whistler or in downtown Vancouver - FREE
MARCH 14 Sunday Breakfast Program: 8-11 a.m. at Peachland Wellness Centre. $5 for a full breakfast. Call 250.767.0141
Tai Chi for Wellness: 9:30 a.m. beginning students meet at United Church Hall
Chess at 50+ Activity Centre: 1:00 p.m. Experienced and beginners.
Tai Chi for Wellness: 10:15 a.m. continuing students meet at United Church Hall
Sunshine Singers at Peachland Wellness Centre: 1:30 p.m. Come and sing!
Bingo at 50+ Centre: 6:45 p.m
Yoga for the young at heart at the 50+ Activity Centre: 1:30 2:30 p.m. Central Okanagan Model Railway Company: Group meets at 7:00 p.m. at the Peachland Museum. Contact Dave at 250.767.2409 or visit
Carpet Bowling at 50+ Centre: 10:00 a.m.
Wellness Circle at Peachland Wellness Centre: 10:00 a.m. Speaker each week.
Peachland Variety Singers at 50+ Activity Centre: Meets 9:45 a.m.
Computer Literacy at the Wellness Centre 10:00 a.m. For those needing basic computer skills. Call 250.767.0141
Chess at 50+ Activity Centre: 1:00 p.m. Experienced and beginners.
Peachland Quilters Guild at 50+: 1–4 p.m. Royal Canadian Legion General Meeting: 1930 hrs.
Health in Action at 50+Activity Centre: 1:00 p.m. Tai Chi for Wellness: 6 p.m. continuing students meet at United Church Hall Peachland Bridge Club at 50+ Activity Centre: 7 p.m. Call Eva at 250.767.6407
Wellness Circle at Peachland Wellness Centre: 10:00 a.m. Speaker each week.
TOPS at 50+ Activity Centre: 9:30 a.m. Call 1.800.932.8677 or Doreen at 250.767.2132
Senior Coffee Morning at Peachland Wellness Centre: 10 a.m. Call 250.767.0141
Central Okanagan Model Railway Company: Group meets at 7:00 p.m. at the Peachland Museum. Contact Dave at 250.767.2409 or visit Yoga for the young at heart at the 50+ Activity Centre: 1:30 2:30p.m.
Peachland Sowers and Growers Monthly Meeting: 7:00 p.m. at the Little Schoolhouse. Speaker - Michael Farynycz
Community Volunteer Income Tax Program at Peach land Wellness Centre: 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. For info call 250.767.0141 Tales for Tots at the Peachland Library: 11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Children 3 to 5 years. Fridays, Feb 5 - Apr 30. Friday Art Club: 1-4 p.m. acrylic painting with Roberta. PDRS membership required. Call Roberta 767-2054.
FRIDAY MARCH 19 Community Volunteer Income Tax Program at Peach land Wellness Centre: 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. For info call 250.767.0141 Tales for Tots at the Peachland Library: 11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Children 3 to 5 years. Fridays, Feb 5 - Apr 30.
SATURDAY MARCH 13 Sun Run Clinic at the Peachland Recreation Centre: 9 :00-10:30 a.m. Call 250.767.2133 for more information Carpet Bowling at 50+ Activity Centre: 10:00 a.m. Royal Canadian Legion Meat Draw: 1500 - 1700 hrs. The MADames Peachland Wellness Centre Benefit at the Legion: 7:30 p.m. Admission: donation
SATURDAY MARCH 20 Sun Run Clinic at the Peachland Recreation Centre: 9 :00-10:30 a.m. Call 250.767.2133 for more information Carpet Bowling at 50+ Activity Centre: 10:00 a.m. Royal Canadian Legion Meat Draw: 1500 - 1700 hrs.
Friday Art Club: 1-4 p.m. acrylic painting with Roberta. PDRS membership required. Call Roberta 767-2054. Royal Canadian Legion Karaoke with Anita: 1930 hrs.
THURSDAY MARCH 25 Line Dancing at 50+ Centre: 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. Tai Chi for Wellness: 9:30 a.m. beginning students meet at United Church Hall Tai Chi for Wellness: 10:15 a.m. continuing students meet at United Church Hall Bereavement Support Group at the Wellness Centre: 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. “Iron & Silk” excercise at 50+ Centre: 11:00 a.m. - noon.
FRIDAY MARCH 26 Community Volunteer Income Tax Program at Peach land Wellness Centre: 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. For info call 250.767.0141 Tales for Tots at the Peachland Library: 11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Children 3 to 5 years. Fridays, Feb 5 - Apr 30. Friday Art Club: 1-4 p.m. acrylic painting with Roberta. PDRS membership required. Call Roberta 767.2054
SATURDAY MARCH 27 Sun Run Clinic at the Peachland Recreation Centre: 9 :00-10:30 a.m. Call 250.767.2133 for more information Carpet Bowling at 50+ Activity Centre: 10:00 a.m. Royal Canadian Legion Meat Draw: 1500 - 1700 hrs.
Bingo at 50+ Centre: 6:45 p.m.
UPCOMING EVENTS & ACTIVITIES Community Volunteer Income Tax Program March 5 - April 23
Fridays - 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. at the Peachland Wellness Centre. For more information call 250.767.0141
EXCEPTIONAL HOME IN FANTASTIC CONDITION! 6163 Gillam Crescent Located on a cul-de-sac near school and park, this excellent 4 bed/3 bath home offers lots of space for the whole family inside and out! Includes large rooms, fenced private flat backyard, gleaming hardwood flooring, A/C, newer furnace and an oversized double car garage to park the boat! Priced at $579,000.
Peachland Sportsmen’s Association General Meeting March 17
The General Meeting will be held at the Community Centre at 7;30 p.m. Special guest from 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. - Jessica Hobden of Invasive Plant Council of BC.
Peachland Little Schoolhouse 8th Annual Wine and Cheese evening March 19
Featuring wines from Greata Ranch Estate Winery. For tickets and more information call 250.575.8226
munity; however, there are more things you need to know about your new place of residence. If you are new to Peachland, this is a great way to meet new people and get involved in the activities of your community. We are a fun-loving group that goes out for lunches, excursions, games, walks or just a good time and yes, we also have cookies! Contact Doris at 250.767.2391. Robie at 250.767.6322 or
Peachland Newcomers Club The Peachland Newcomers Club....more than just cookies! It is very nice when your neighbours welcome you with cookies to your new com-
Would you like to feature your event in the Peachland View’s weekly Calendar of Events? Please call 250.767.7771 or email
March 12, 2010
The Peachland View
“I wish that I had never been born . . .” By Bud Day The popular traditional Christmas movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life” has a timeless theme which could apply to all of us. How would the lives of those whom you have touched, even those who are just the recipients of your warm smile, be altered should you not have visited this planet? These lives would include all significant others: parents, siblings, spouses, relatives, close friends, plus those whose lives that you impacted somewhat, such as casual friendships, business colleagues, and even nodding acquaintances. In the main, we are unaware of the influence we have on others, subtly or otherwise, either by a kindness or a listening ear. Think back to those occasions where you made a person’s day by sharing a part of yourself, for a moment. In our community, we are fortunate to have a facility that embodies the traits of caring, helping, sharing, and supporting - the Peachland Wellness Centre (PWC), which was a dream ten years ago, of the charming, indefatigable Phyllis Papineau, then a municipal councillor. Through
the assistance of others, she galvanized the residents to work together to house a facility where disenfranchised seniors may find help regarding health and welfare issues. With this recession rearing its ugly head to shake a definite “no!” to funding requests to sustain the much-need programs, we should pause momentarily to reflect how the lives of those now touched by the PWC, would be altered, should it cease operations. “Where do I go now for a wholesome Sunday Breakfast where I can enjoy the company of the regular patrons?” (average 45 patrons each Sunday) “Where can I have Monday morning coffee and look forward to the camaraderie of the group?” (average 22 people) “Who can transport me to my medical appointments?” (some in the handicap van) - (average 23/month) “I lost my spouse/close friend - where do I go for comfort and solace?” (Bereavement Support Group - average 8/week) “Where can I find a Learn to Sing group that enjoys singing just for fun?” (Sunshine Singers:
average 12-14/week) “I’m lonely and depressed - who can I turn to now to help me through this ‘funk?’” (Blues Club - average 6-8/week) “I have a low pension and I can’t afford to pay someone to do my income tax” (annual Community Volunteer Income Tax program - 60 people last year) “My husband and I can’t cook anymore and we love the nutritious frozen dinners/soups prepared by Penticton Hospital that we use to get at the PWC. We can’t drive to Penticton, so what can we do?” (Dinners-at-Home program 96 served last month) “My brother recently fell in his home and broke his hip. I learned that the PWC has trained personnel in their Falls Prevention Program that will come into my home to assess the potential accident areas. My husband and I are susceptible to accidents, but who will carry on the program now?” “I use to look forward to the friendliness of the Wellness Circle and the informative guest speakers - now what?” (average 10-12 per week) Space does not permit me to include other ser-
vices, such as: Computer Literacy, Painting with Pete, Tai Chi, et al. But I think that the aforesaid underscores the loss of the myriad of services offered by the PWC to the community, should Phyllis not have had her dream! The Peachland Wellness Centre is hosting a Gala Benefit tomorrow night (March 13) at the Legion Branch 69 from 7:30 - 10:30 p.m. which features the debut performance of The MADames: Melita, Anita and Dagmar, who have had musical theatre experience. Admission is by donation. Also featured will be a giant raffle with over 30 great prizes, plus a special raffle for a free 3 days and nights stay at an elegant condo in Whistler or in downtown Vancouver. Please come out and support the Peachland Wellness Centre. If you cannot attend, please send your donation, (you will receive a tax receipt) to: Peachland Wellness Centre, 4426 Fifth Street, Peachland, BC, V0H 1X6. I think that our community has been more enhanced since the Peachland Wellness Centre had been born.
The gloves are off By Barrie Hewer The PLSL player names below are listed in the order of their final 2009 – 2010 League Standings. Yes, the player ordered frivolous forensic audit has been completed by the accounting firm of McLean and Stuart. They found all records kept by league officials to be without error and accompanied their audit findings with a letter of commendation to league officials for outstanding efforts that have kept all, but a few with personality disorders, calm and
pleased with league activities. With well over 400 games completed without property damage or injury (except egos) those listed below deserve congratulations (and thanks) for an incident free season of league play. But now the Championship Round has begun and the gloves are off. The format of play is a round robin, double knock-out. You can be knocked to the mat once and still return to battle. However medical advice insists that if you are knocked to the mat a second time, you are out,
but can rejoin in October, with a doctor’s note indicating medical clearance. Games are played Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday between 5:30 and 7:45 p.m. The finals will be played on March 28. Unconfirmed reports would like us to believe that we may have an internationally recognized guest attending the finals. The standings below reflect the results of play prior to the Championship Round that commenced March 4, 2010. Watch this paper for continuing reports or better yet, watch a game.
Tom Topham Al Cunningham Lee Chevalier Chris Reiswig Ken Davis Dwayne Smith Roger Moxley Charlie Simpson Bob Menzies Debbie Stewart Bernie Neeson Harry Pankratz Brad Vallance Harry Rusch Mark Saul Andy Doyon Scott Wilshaw Frank Reindl Barrie Hewer Clare Stinson Joey Neeson
Peach Tarts’ jammer Teri-Lyn Martin (Evol-Lin) reaches for Kelly McKenzie (Melody Full Nelson) to get a hip whip. The Peach Tarts played their first bout last Saturday (March 6th) against the Raggedy Rollers. Photo David Conzatti
Peachland Little School House Wine and Cheese evening
For a short time only, wine and cheese soon to be found here.
Photo Eric Hall
By Eric Hall Friday March 19th is the annual wine and cheese evening at Peachland’s Little School House. There are still tickets available at $25 each; call 250-575-8226 for details. This event is usually a sell out well before the date. Last year, the wine talk by our local Working Horse Winery was very well received. This year we will be hearing from the staff at Greata Ranch and will sample some of their fine wines. Because of space restrictions, there are only 40 tickets to be sold, so act soon if you plan to go. Greata Ranch will give the lucky few a chance to sample their new Peachland red wine. Although Greata ranch is not within the District’s boundary, it is a place with many historical links to our town. George Greata arrived in the Okanagan in 1895 from Souris, Manitoba
and built a log cabin and a wharf at the lakeshore. Four years later, in 1899, he built a five-mile wooden pipeline to get water from Deep Creek. It was a major project for that time and, with water assured, Greata planted an orchard of mostly apple trees. In 1910 Greata sold the property and the Long family took over the running of the orchards. Ross Fitzpatrick, a longtime Okanagan senator, purchased the property in 1994. He had visited the property with his father many years before and remembered the magnificent peaches that he had sampled. The first vines were planted in 1996. The Fitzpatrick family have been working on plans for a new residential community, The Greata Ranch Vineyard Estates. This development will allow people to live in luxury surrounded by the splendours of nature, including the grapevines.
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OUR GARDEN SEEDS AND SUPPLIES ARE ALL IN! Bear Spray- 2 sizes: 225 g for $29.99 325 g for $39.99 Don't go hiking without it! Guaranteed Deer repellent
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Gordon & Helen Piers
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Gordon and Helen won a set of gift certificates, a $20 gift certificate to Rocky Top Coffee Company, which they will use to treat some friends as well as a $20 gift certificate to New Image Salon, which Helen will use to get a new perm that she’s been looking forward to!
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10 The Peachland View
Senior’s View
March 12, 2010
A senior’s guide to being bear aware By Frank Warburton Bears live and sleep in the forest that surrounds us in the Okanagan and they have perhaps been having their winter sleep (some call hibernation) since early winter days in November. They will soon be waking up, driven by powerful hunger. Some will be searching for food for the newly born cubs and themselves. Plant life will still be scarce, and they may climb trees in search of vegetative or reproductive parts such as fruit, nuts, and seeds. However, the bear is considered to be carnivorous and can often be seen near rivers where salmon runs. They will also be looking for alternative sources of food, like the contents of your garbage can. A bear’s ramblings will be driven mostly through their keen and principal sense of smell used to fi nd most of their available food re-
quirements. Bears are not fussy eaters and they are unlikely to ramble past an easy meal, even if it means coming up to your house and raiding your food waste garbage can or knocking over your uncleaned BBQ or carelessly spilled sugary drinks and crumbs. They will also raid your bird feeders, so these should be taken indoors and put away until next year, as the birds will by now be foraging for themselves in the fields’ gardens and forest for all the food they need. You would do well to remember that bears will soon associate food with human activities and that is when they become a nuisance and put our youngsters and adults at risk. Let me give you some advice so you can avoid that furry cuddly looking bear climbing onto a chair and joining you for dinner or the family BBQ (see photo). Here’s what you can do:
• No matter where you are, clean up thoroughly when you have fi nished your meal and carefully dispose of your food garbage; • Store your garbage in a bear-proof container. Better still, keep it in a freezer or cold storage until the morning of collection. Then there is no odour to attract that hungry bear; • Keep your barbeque clean and free of grease and do not leave food unattended. After cooking, consider turning your burners on high for a few minutes to burn off any remaining odorous residue; • Pick your berries and fruit as they ripen. Also keep the ground clear regularly of fallen fruit; • If you have pets, ensure you feed them indoors; • Outdoor freezers should be removed to a secure indoor location; • Garden compost should be sprinkled with lime frequently;
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Photo Contributed
• Do not compost fallen fruit or rejected canning fruit, stones or skins from jam making; • Make sure that petroleum products including turpentine, kerosene, charcoal and tarpaper are stored in a secure safe place as bears are attracted to these things; • If you are an outdoor person and like walking, jogging or running in the wild country, do not wear headphones. You want to be able to hear as well as see wild animals. It is always advisable to make noise if you suspect animals are around. Try singing. Learn your choir music. Bears are not fussy if you are on key or not. Alternately you can clap your hands, or just make a noise blowing a shrill whistle; • Always be on the look out for bear signs (a fresh dump of poop); • It would be wise not
to be on your own. It is better to be with a friend or group; • If you have children with you, keep a close watch on them at all times; • Dogs should be on a leash at all times; • If you do encounter an animal, remain calm. Do not frighten the animal, as this may provoke an attack; • If you plan to carry bear spray, know how to use it should you feel the need. Make sure it has not expired or been exposed to freezing temperatures or rain; • Photography is great to bring home a picture of bruin feeding or playing with cubs. However, I caution you not to attempt to get too close. Better to spend a few dollars on a telescopic lens and take a photo from a safe distance (at least 100m) than to be mauled by an aggressive bear that may only
be protecting her furry, cuddly looking babies. For further information, there are many good sources of information online. Two of the best are or www. In case of emergency call 9-1-1 or contact the BC Conservation Service at 877.952.7277 (RAPP).
Senior’s View is proudly brought to you by
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The Peachland View
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12 The Peachland View
March 12, 2010
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For Rent
In Memory of
New, clean, bright above-ground suite. New appls. inc. dishwshr, washer, dryer. Lakeview, decks, prt. ent., off-street prkg, garden space avail. Quiet N/S female pref. N/P. $600 + $150 for utils & cable a month. Call 250.862.6149
Merv Fehr r October 13, 1934 4March 12, 2009 9
SANDERSON, JOSEPH GORDON (SANDY) 1922-2010 Gordon Sanderson (Sandy) passed away peacefully with family by his side on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 at the Village at Smith Creek. Born on June 2, 1922 to Peachland pioneers, W.B. (Billy) and Jenny Sanderson, Sandy lived almost all of his life in Peachland, leaving only to serve overseas during WW II and to work in Sri Lanka in the 1970’s. Sandy grew up churning butter, canning fruit, and working the family orchard on Princeton Avenue, in the same house he brought up his own family. After attending school in the old Peachland Elementary school on Beach Avenue for Gr. 1 to 11, Sandy worked the orchard full time and logged in the bush behind Peachland. He joined the Army in 1942 and served overseas with the Calgary Highlanders and the North Nova Scotia Highlanders, landing in Normandy on the evening of D-Day. He was wounded twice. The second time he was rafted down a Belgian river for medical help and, after spending several months in an English hospital, he was shipped home in a body cast, crossing the Atlantic on the Ile de France and crossing Canada by train. Sandy went back to orchard work and logging, working for Trautman and Garraway Sawmill Co. in Peachland, SM Simpson Sawmills, and Crown Zellerbach as foreman of a logging crew and road superintendent. He spent many long nights grading logging roads both in the bush and for the Municipality of Peachland, always with his dog Nub running shotgun. In 1946, Sandy married
Dorothy (Dot) Miller and they spent the next 25 years working and raising their family and being involved in the community of Peachland. They lost their son Gordon in a tragic car accident in1969. In 1971 they travelled to Sri Lanka (Ceylon) where Sandy worked for CIDA teaching road building techniques and logging. Just a few months after their arrival in Sri Lanka Dot died at the age of 47. After bringing her home, Sandy returned to Sri Lanka for several years. He married Christine Rezel in 1973. In 1977, after returning to Peachland, Sandy became the proud father of son John, 10 days after becoming a grandfather! He continued to work in the logging industry for several years and worked his grader and his hay field on Sanderson Avenue until well into his 70’s. He was a master storyteller and a great listener, always asking questions and wanting to learn new things about people and places. He taught his children and grandchildren a love of learning and a love for travel. He was a proud member of the Peachland Royal Canadian Legion Branch #69, serving for many years as the spokesman for the Remembrance Day ceremonies and more recently as the reader of the Role of Honour. He was able to continue to read the Honour Roll until November 2009 by being filmed in hospital while he was in care. He was a member of the Trepanier Masonic Lodge, the original Peachland Curling Club, a former member of Peachland Council, and was very
active in the community. Sandy is survived by his loving family; wife Christine and their son John, daughters Jennifer (Gary) Reece and Linda (Fred) McNeill, daughter-in-law, Lonnie and his much loved grandchildren Koreen & Daryn Reece, Erika McNeill, and Sylas Joseph Sanderson. Also, survived by nieces and nephews and his sisterin-law Geneva Miller as well as by Christine’s extended family in England and Australia. Predeceased by his beloved wife Dot, his much loved son Gordie, and his brother Bill. The family wishes to thank Veteran’s Affairs Canada for their support, particularly over the past four years and the staff at the Village of Smith Creek for their compassionate care of Dad for the past year. We also thank Mel Fondrick, good friend, as well as the many Peachland people who supported his jammaking efforts and listened to his stories! He will be missed by family and friends whose lives he warmed with his big smile and bright blue eyes. A Celebration of Life will be held Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at 1:00 PM at the Peachland Community Centre, 4450 – 6th Street, Peachland. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of BC & Yukon, #4 – 1551 Sutherland Avenue, Kelowna, BC V1Y 9M9. Funeral Arrangements entrusted to Valleyview Funeral Home (Kelowna) (250) 765-3147 Honoured Provider of Dignity Memorial. Condolences may be made to the family by visiting w w w.valley
Truly loved and nd sadly missed by his even wife Alma, son Steven and daughter Leslie, slie, rett, grandchildren Brett, Sydney and Cassidy idy
For Rent Newly renovated 1-bdrm suite. Prvt. entr, cov. deck, 5 appls, DW, F, S, $750/mo incl. utils. Avail. immed. Call John at 250.212.6129
For Rent
Jocelyn and Robin Watson of Peachland, BC, are pleased to announce the arrival of their baby boy, Keaton David Watson on March 3, 2010, at 1:17 p.m. at the Penticton Regional Hospital. Proud grandparents are Brian and Ila Waston of Chase, BC and Alan Marshall of Kentville, NS. Keaton weighed in at 7 lbs 9 oz and 19" long.
1-bdrm, walkout basement suite, lake view, sep. entr, patio area, F.S, W&D. Bright and cosy. Single working person. N/S. Cat OK. $750/mo incl. utils & 1/2 dd. Call 250.767.0001
For Rent Luxurious 3-bdrm townhouse in Eagles View, Peachland. 180° lakeview. 1900 sq. ft, 2 balconies, hdwd flrs, quality appls. Long term lease, $1600/ mo. Utils extra. No kids/pets. 1-250487-1247
For Rent Large self-contain. 1-bed suite incl. utils & cable. N.S, N/P. Single person only. $700/mo Call 250.767.6746
For Rent 3-bdrm house w. huge deck, panoramic lake & mtn view. Form. dining & living rm, spacious kit. w. sitting area, 5 appls, storage & laun. $1500/mo + utils. Avail immed. 1-403-993-2937
SERVICES Want your home secure and cared for while you are away?
Peachland Home Watch David Matthew 250-767-0093 corbeil_matthew@ Bondable
References available
FANTASTIC BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY!!!! Amazing commercial/retail space for rent in historic Peachland. Newly renovated! Very close to Heritage Park, Beach, Shopping and Amenities. Approximately 858 sq feet on main floor and 858 sq ft in basement. Available Now! Asking $1000 per month plus utilities. Don’t miss out on this outstanding opportunity! Call Lara at 250-767-6464.
Peachland United Church
PERSONAL Alcoholics Anonymous Peachland Fellowship
6’ - 10 for $280 5’ - 10 for $189.50 4’ - 10 for $150 2 gal. - 20 for $135 1 gal. - 20 for $95 3’ Blue Spruce - 10 for $250 Volume Discounts Free Delivery Call Budget Nurseries Toll Free: 1-866-498-2189
BARGAIN BIN SALE March 1 - 31, 2010 Winter Clearance Coats, sweaters, pants, boots. Please do not drop off any donations while we are closed. OPEN THURS. - SAT. 10 - 3 PM
Meets Monday at 7pm (closed meeting) and Friday at 8pm (open meeting). Call 763.5555 for more info.
14 The Peachland View
March 12, 2010
Shepherd’s Pie
Food For the Soul Christian or otherwise, a university is a university I don’t have any problem with the secular bent of our public school system. We live in a country that is made up of many vibrant cultures, and I have no desire to force my particular values on others. In order for all of us to get along, we Canadians don’t allow the state to adopt a religion as its own. It’s all about being intentionally respectful and tolerant of others, whether you have different perspectives from them or not. I don’t always get why the school system is so nervous talking about religion. There seems to be some leeway for talking about religions that are in
the minority in Canada for educational purposes. But as a whole, the study of religion has been pushed to the sidelines, with an apparent sigh of relief from our educators. This can be a bit annoying at times, particularly when it comes to holidays like Christmas or Ramadan or Hanukkah, where our secular sensibilities take great educational moments and castrate them. Billions of people around the world celebrate these holidays, but it’s so much safer to downplay them. In one case a local Christmas pageant became a love fest for the environment, a relevant topic to
be sure, but transplanted awkwardly on to the Christmas season, replacing even generic values like “peace on earth” and “goodwill to mankind.” Regardless, as long as the motives remain pure, and religion is not downgraded on the educational ladder because of some hostility or particular bias held by the powers that be, I can live with the tensions of a secular system. This brings us to the debate over Trinity Western University (TWU). If you haven’t heard, TWU’s status as a university has been called into question. What is the contention? TWU is a private,
Christian university that requires its professors to sign a “community covenant,” or statement of belief. The Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) argues that this practice suppresses academic freedom. In their words, “a university is meant as a place to explore ideas, not to create disciples of Christ.” At first blush, it’s hard to determine why CAUT has decided to take on TWU in this way. TWU has always supported the definition of academic freedom, encourages discussions on all perspectives and ideas in the classroom, and have
Jeff Bjorgan piritual Formation Pasto Spiritual Pastor Emmanuel Church no previous complaints of suppressed academic freedom. Further, this doesn’t seem like a concern over academic license as much as concern over a Christian bias. Although I am no academic, I’ve always assumed it was general knowledge that we all have a particular bias or perspective on the world. If a professor signs a creed at a Christian university then they are admitting to a Christian bias. However, if a professor at a public, secular university doesn’t sign a creed, it merely suggests that other biases are in play. Any of these biases can stagnate academic freedom if allowed. But a university finds its strength when, in spite of the many biases, there is a commitment to a free study of ideas. So why this battle, why did CAUT choose this hill to die on? TWU has been around for awhile, and so has their community covenant. The public school system may handle religion like a hot potato, and for good reason, but CAUT seems to want to inflict damage, prefer-
ring to draw a line in the sand over an accusation that seems groundless. To what ends? What should be the issue for discussion is the quality of education, and perhaps this is where the real issue lies. TWU was featured in Maclean’s 2010 Student Survey of Universities. The school performed remarkably well. Apparently professors that have a Christian bias are just as good at producing top notch students as any other institution. Apparently the students of TWU are open-minded enough to be successful contributors to society. It’s the quality of education according to the students that CAUT should be concerned about. In that regard, TWU seems to be doing just fine. And yes, I’m biased. About 15 years ago I was in a serious car accident on the Hope-Princeton highway. The first vehicle to stop at the scene of the accident was a carload of medical students from TWU. They prayed for me, but they also gave me excellent medical attention until the ambulance arrived. I never got the chance to thank them. I remain deeply appreciative for both their spiritual care and medical expertise.
Yard Waste COllection • Yard waste pick up every two weeks through November. • Just put your material into the cart and wheel it out for pick up. • Accepted items include grass clippings, leaves, needles, prunings, and branches. • NOTE: yard waste must fit in the cart with the lid closed. No plastic bags, rocks, sod, flower pots, fruit droppings or kitchen scraps please.
For additional yard waste carts and collection options, contact your municipality, or visit A PROGRAM OF THE REGIONAL DISTRICT OF CENTRAL OKANAGAN, THE CITY OF KELOWNA, & THE DISTRICTS OF WEST KELOWNA, LAKE COUNTRY & PEACHLAND
March 12, 2010
The Peachland View
Peachland through Tania’s Eyes
Enjoying the end of a beautiful day, T Boat Launch; dog beach, Friday, March 5, 2010 Amateur photographer and Peachland resident, Tania Simpson, started photography in 2007 and immediately found a passion for it. She chronicles the seasons, the people, and the wildlife of Peachland in almost daily photos of the area. View more at flickr. com/photos/taniaseyes. The View will be publishing a weekly look at Peachland, through Tania's eyes.
Have a View you’d like to share? We welcome your letters to the editor and story ideas Please email us at or call 250.767.7771
68'2.8 0HGLXP
68'2.8 +DUG
250-470-9205 KELOWNA
March 19th
Call C ll the Peachland View to Reserve a spot for the
OPEN HOUSE WEEKEND. Publishing March 19th for the weekend of March 20th - 21st
$6 49 ,9 00
6445 Bulyea Avenue, Peachland
SERENITY — Unobstructed views of OK Lake. Nestled in a stunning quiet family location. A lovely dbl walkout rancher, 5Bd + Den. Gorgeous space for teens, easily create separate entrance suite or B&B. RV space, lots of value, many possibilities! See photos at MLS®9222876
Mel Lemky
It’s Possible!
Agent of Change working for YOU
250-215-5185 KELOWNA
John Walker
spot for
Do you want the benefits of a realtor, but hate paying commissions? I have a solution! Talk to me today about my innovative plan to put the money back into YOUR POCKET, where it belongs.
open house
The Cody Sisters!
The owners say SELL NOW! Bring an offer and get READY TO MOVE IN to this tidy home in a 55+ park located within walking distance to shopping and the beach in sunny Peachland. Wood stove provides economical heat source when needed in winter & cooler keeps you from overheating in summer. Nice layout, stacking washer & dryer included. Steps to hiking trails and Trepanier Creek! MLS®10002252
Attention All For-Sale-By-Owners
0 90 5, $7 #11 5432 Chidley Road
For all your mortgage needs... 61322 Wil 613 Wils W Wilson ilson on A Avenue Ave venue nue
Great lakeviews, quiet area, grade level entry, 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, open concept, covered patio off dining room, some updating, kitchen & floors, .27 acre fenced yard, U/G irrigation, lots of boat & RV parking, detached shop or single garage, boat launch close by. $398,500 Call Cecile to view at 250-212-2654.
Lara Cody 250-868-7114
Leanne Cody 250-215-5028 3 yr variable (P-0.4%) 1.85% 5 yr fixed rate 3.79% CURRENT RATE SPECIALS
Some conditions apply. Rates may change at any time.
Ask us about the changes to mortgage qualifications coming up in April!
3330 Chelsea Court, Westbank
POTENTIAL! Subdivision potential for 4-6 lots. This is R1 zoned with Westbank Irrigation District water supply. Currently set up as a hobby farm for 3-5 horses. The 2008 built 4 bedroom family home features 2 bdrms up, 2 bdrms down, media room, family room, formal dining room with great views from the large deck and patio. There is plenty of room for RV parking and great shop with huge storage under + 2 pce bthrm. More photos available at MLS®10000467
Sandy Chevallier
59 $ 83 56 M 9,0 el 0 dr 0 um Pl
00 ,9 9 2 $3
Stunning Walk-out Rancher offering loads of living space on 2 levels and fabulous views! Open concept living on main floor with Kitchen open to living room giving great room appeal. Dark cherry cupboards in kitchen plus island, tile backsplash and pantry. Master Bedroom is a retreat with an over-sized ensuite with soaker tub, access to deck and unique detailing. Lower level boasts a games room and separate media room. Contractor home - lots of bells and whistles! Check out the shop underneath the suspended garage floor! Hot tub, 6 appliances and window coverings included. 5 bdms and 3 bthms. Call Roger or Amy to view! $569,000 MLS®10002 MLS®10002222 02222 02 2
Located beside the school, mall & just a close walk to the beach & park. 1880 square feet end unit with spacious living room, dining area & island kitchen. 3 bedrooms & 3 bathrooms, family room, lots of storage, 2 decks, & a garage. Priced to Sell, call to see. MLS®9224796
Peachland Realty Ltd. 5878E Beach Avenue
Call Roger or Amy 250-707-4663
Gary & Shirley Geiger Kelowna Westside Office
For all your mortgage needs...
90 0
$4 69 ,
The Cody Sisters! CURRENT RATE SPECIALS 3 yr variable (Prime - 0.4%) 1.85% 5 yr fixed rate 3.79% Some conditions apply. Rates may change at any time.
Let us negotiate for your best mortgage!
Lara Cody 250-868-7114
Leanne Cody 250-215-5028
1545 Scott Crescent, West Kelowna
Great view from this lovely 2600+ sq ft family home with SUITE. 3 bdrm, 2 bath up and 1 bdrm plus den down. Hot tub and outstanding views from large private deck. Master bedroom with sitting area and gas f/p. Newer high efficiency furnace. Call Peter to view 250-768-2161. Please visit MLS®10001685
3699 Inverness Road
Gorgeouss lak llake akke an ake andd mo mountain unt un nta tain tai in vi vviews iewss ffro ie from rom ro m th this h great home. 16’ x 32’ inground pool, mature landscaping, ample parking, large .50 acre lot. Fully updated throughout this home offers spacious rooms, hardwood, tile, cork, laminate, fireplaces, skylights, central AC, on demand hot water, U/G sprinklers, view deck, enclosed sun room and more. ONLY $499,800!
#7 - 4356 Beach Avenue
Gorgeous Semi-Lakeshore luxury townhouse. Just steps to the beach. Superior finishings. Comes with gourmet kitchen. All appliances, island, granite, hardwood, sound system, security, double garage, central air and heat pump. This unit is loaded. Call Bryon today. Rentals allowed. $569,000 MLS®9220818