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March 25, 2011 Peachland, BC

Volume 07 | Number 12


An independent member broker

BC Master Curling Champions!

Left to right, Skip Garry Gelowitz and Rob Koffski, of Kelowna, Brad Cmolik, of Peachland, and Dennis Case, of Kelowna, pose proudly with their gold medals after clinching the BC Master Curling Championship in Qualicum, BC this month. Next week the curlers will head off to the national championships being held in Winnipeg. Photo Contributed

By Cindy Fortin Local Peachland resident, Brad Cmolik, was one of four Kelowna Curling Club members to bring home the men’s gold at the BC Master

Curling Championship this March. He and his fellow curlers, Skip Garry Gelowitz, Lead Dennis Case, and Rob Koffski, all of Kelowna, travelled to the Qualicum & District Curling Centre for

the March 10-13 competition, for curlers 60 years of age and older, beating out seven other provincial team qualifiers. The Kelowna team defeated Qualicum’s Rick Dunn 4-2 in the men’s

final, after having edged out Vernon’s Ron Heuman 6-2 in the semi-final. As a child, Cmolik was no stranger to the sport. He first curled when he was just five years old.

“We were a curling family, both my parents were good. It’s a great sport, and keeps you fit.” The Qualicum win means the Kelowna Club curlers will be travelling to Winnipeg next week

to participate in the Canadian Masters Curling Championships. “It was very satisfying to accomplish a lifelong goal. It was a lifelong wish to represent the province,” says Cmolik.

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March 25, 2011

The Peachland View




The strength of the economy is evident everywhere

It’s back! The signs are all there. It hit high that is held up by resilient, shock home for me this past week while I was absorbing laminated beams and girders. The doing an announcement at one of Western demand for the people and the product is Canada’s largest technical institutes. This strong. And we have what it takes right here post secondary training college graduates to supply that demand. about 25 per cent of all of the completed Another sign of our growing economy was apprentices going into a wide range of evident at the annual Hong Kong business professions and occupations right across the dinner in Vancouver this week. As minister country. for the Asia Pacific it was an What they were telling honour to bring remarks to the WEEKLY COMMENTARY me was good news, but not sold-out event. The mood in the without its challenges. The STOCKWELL DAY, MP room was clearly optimistic. administration and faculty And it was optimism based on reps said it was starting to look like dÊjà -vu hard facts, not simply hope. all over again. The demand for all types of Agriculture and energy producers were trades is unmistakeably surging upwards there, talking about what appears to be longagain. They said it reminded them of the term growth and demand numbers. After pressure they felt at the time of major all, as the middle class continues to grow at employee shortages a few years ago. an amazing rate and people move annually It wasn’t that long ago. You remember. out of poverty by the tens of millions per Demands for qualified help or for those year in China, India and other previously willing to be trained was so high that many impoverished nations the demand from fast food outlets couldn’t keep open their them for every type of product imaginable usual hours because they simply couldn’t will only increase. We are very well placed find the people. to meet those demands and see our own I’m not saying we’re there yet. There are levels of standard of living and prosperity still many people looking for work. But rise in the process. the strength of the economy is evident Westbank First Nations continue to see everywhere. All I have to do is reflect on economic growth. This week I was with some of the events I was involved in this Chief Robert Louie for the announcement week. of a construction project that will upgrade Just last week I attended the opening of a a number of homes on WFN lands. That huge new production facility in Okanagan means there will be a need for trades and Falls. Structurlam makes value added wood building supply products. More jobs, more products that are used here and around the sales, more economic growth. world. If you’re wondering what kind of An international meeting of private and projects they do, think Richmond Olympic public sector transportation companies with skating oval‌that breathtaking magnificent top people from around the world also took roof superstructure. They did that. place here (Vancouver) to look at the growth Sometimes we aren’t aware of the amazing needs in transportation arising from our workers and technicians that we have right growing economy. As I said, the signs of job here in our own backyard. (They also have a creation and investment are everywhere. We plant in Penticton.) will continue to work on the types of policy I was there this week to announce that they that will keep this momentum going. were the successful recipients of research On another note we can be proud of what dollars in the ongoing development of the Canada is able to offer the world on two next generation of laminated wood beams. different counts this week. This week I had Some of you find that exciting. Others of the honour of meeting with some of our fine you are about to nod off thinking about it. members of our Armed Forces. Canada has Well, hold on. Before I lose you, think about been asked to provide soldiers, sailors, and earthquake proof high-rise buildings, an fighter pilots to assist with other United apartment or office tower up to 25 stories Nations countries in subduing the Libyan dictator in his ongoing assault on his own people. Once again, as we have done throughout history, our Armed Forces will step up to protect those who are being slaughtered by the forces of dictators. As usual, I expect we will hear good reports from others in foreign Come visit us at the countries that will have the honour of serving with our West Kelowna Home and Armed Forces.

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March 25, 2011

The Peachland View


The asbestos has left the building! By Rob Campbell, Primary School project manager The primary school asbestos removal is now complete. Over this past month or so many of you have passed by the primary school and witnessed the huge scaffolding constructed in the front of the building, as well as the air duct piping coming out of the upper dormer. All this was to facilitate the removal of the asbestos insulation that has been in the attic area for decades. This work had to be completed in order to ensure our public, our visitors and our community groups who will use this building that it will be absolutely safe to occupy. We must also be able to access the attic area on a regular basis to maintain and protect our Peachland bat colony. This is extremely important, as they are a protected species under the BC Wildlife Act. In order to remove the asbestos, we contracted Stutters Disaster Kleanup to do this work. They are a long-standing, reputable and certified hazardous materials contractor, who

works closely with Work Safe BC to ensure that the removal of asbestos is done in accordance with Work Safe BC’s safe work

Workers must carefully check out every nook and cranny to make sure every fibre of asbestos is removed, before it is inspected and sprayed with a sealant. Photo Rob Campbell

practices for handling asbestos. This work was also directed and monitored by PHH Environmental, another reputable, Canadawide company who define the scope of work and how it is to be performed. PHH were also responsible for

the daily monitoring of the air samples within the entire building to determine there were no asbestos particles present and floating in the air. These are required safety checks. Asbestos removal is not an easy job, particularly in an attic, which is 6500 square feet in size and has many nooks and crannies. The workers had to literally scoop and bag all the insulation by hand. This creates a high risk factor because of the floating asbestos particles and the reason they must be suited up and breathe through respirators. As they scoop up the asbestos, they must mist the material with treated water to help control the airborne particles. They could not use large extraction vacuums that suck up the materials. The entire work area had to be completely sealed off (entire building) and special air filtration equipment installed to capture any asbestos fibres and prevent them from escaping into the outside environment. On completion of work each day, the Stutters team had to remove all their suits and underclothing


PEACHLAND CURLING CLUB SOCIETY March 28, 2011 at 7 p.m. at the Fifty Plus Activity Centre 5672 Beach Avenue, Peachland (corner of Beach Ave. & 8th Street)

The Purpose of the Meeting is to conduct the Final Business of the Society Curling Club “Everyone Welcome”

and dispose of them in special bags. They then had to shower off completely before being able to dress in street clothes and leave the building. All the bags of asbestos removed from the attic had to be doubled bagged in special “Asbestos” bags and transported to the landfill. To transport the waste, it had to be documented as to the type of materials and the amount. Copies of these documents were filed with the Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Transport to ensure the waste process was done according to the rules and regulations set out by each ministry. Once the majority of asbestos was bagged and removed, the workers had to then vacuum every square inch of the attic area to make sure there were no further asbestos particles (which is a very tedious job on your hands and knees). The next step was to wet wipe all the surfaces within the work area. Once this was completed, the entire work area had to be inspected by an environmental hygienist from PHH. When he confirms the area is “clean”, the at-

To prevent contamination workers with Stutters Disaster Kleanup were required to wear special protective suits while removing the asbestos from the primary school attic. Photo Rob Campbell

tic had to then be sprayed with a glue type encapsulant that seals in any loose asbestos fibres that might remain (not visible to the eye). The final step was the air clearance testing to confirm there were no airborne particles. Once this was confirmed, the environmental controls were removed and we had clear access to the attic without the need for personal protection equipment. At this point, we have achieved final clearance. There are no further environmental concerns and

the primary school and surrounding area is safe for everyone. Further to this, we are already working in the attic area to start preparations for the return of our bats sometime towards the end of April. This work is the construction of access cat walks throughout the attic area and the installation of the TV cameras which will allow everyone to view our bats live online, as they come and go during the day and night. Please watch for further updates on this exciting Peachland project.

IMPORTANT OFFICIAL NOTICE In the Matter of Dissolving the

PEACHLAND CURLING CLUB SOCIETY Person or Persons Deemed to be Affected Should Contact 778-754-2252 or 250-470-8989 Before March 25, 2011


March 25, 2011

The Peachland View

Editor’s Perspective Stockwell bids adieu M CINDY FORTIN The announcement by OkanPEACHLANDVIEW@SHAW.CA agan-Coquihalla MP Stockwell Day that he is retiring came as sad news to many of his constituents. Despite any grievances one may have with our federal government, you can’t take away from the fact that Day was one of the harder working politicians. Rarely, did he miss a ceremony or local event. He was a familiar face in the Okanagan. He was also loyal with his weekly commentaries, even though some people did express that they felt they were often more Tory pat-on-the-back pieces. At one time Day was the leader of the Canadian Alliance Party, before some missteps saw him step aside and Stephen Harper claim the leadership of the party in 2002. (Eventually, the party merged with the Progressive Conservatives, forming the Conservative Party of Canada, as it is known today.) Day may have become our prime minister, had things worked out differently. While he has moved away from Peachland now, he and his wife Valorie, lived on Brent Road at the south end of the city for several years. Canada’s Prime Minister living in Peachland! (When not at 24 Sussex Drive in Ottawa.) That would have been something. Maybe we would have had more sidewalks and traffic lights by now. But all that fell through several years ago, due, in part, to a couple of early public image faux pas. You may recall how, in September of 2000, in an attempt to present himself as a regular Joe-public, Day rode up to his first press conference, held in Kelowna, on a jet ski, clad in a skintight wet suit. He never did manage to escape that. How could we take him seriously as a possible future leader of our country when he shows up to press conference on a jet ski? Too bad. Early on, he also announced that he wouldn’t work on Sundays, choosing to set the day aside as a time or worship and for family. Suddenly he left his party loyal to wonder…what if there is a major crisis on a Sunday? Then what? Of course, he didn’t mean he was completely unavailable, but that is how it was perceived. Day was born in Barrie, Ontario, in 1950, and lived in a number of places during his youth. His father, Stockwell Day, Sr., was long associated with the Social Credit Party of Canada. In 1986 Stockwell was elected to represent Red Deer North, as a Progressive Conservative in the Alberta legislature, a position he held until 2000. Over those years he became the Minister of Labour under Premier Ralph Klein, Government House Leader, Minister of Social Services in 1996, and then Treasurer. Quite a portfolio! However, if 2001 the government of Alberta was forced to pay out a high six-figure settlement in taxpayer dollars to settle a defamation suit brought against Stockwell for comments he made while a member of the Alberta legislature. That, and other Alberta skeletons, always dogged him. In 2000 Day ran for leader of the newly formed Canadian Alliance party, and in order to take a seat in parliament he ran in a by-election in the riding of Okanagan–Coquihalla, vacated, under questionable circumstances, by MP Jim Hart. Day won the by-election on September 11, 2000, arriving for his first news conference on that infamous jet ski in the wetsuit. He has since also managed to get himself in trouble for his views on homosexuality, same-sex marriage (against

Peachland Views

Old Time Music Show a big success

Dear Editor: Thanks to The View newspaper, all the volunteers and the eight musicians that made the Old Time Music Show a big success, plus Leverne Prozny, Westbank Country Opry president, who kindly loaned his PA equipment and operated it. The newly painted 4th Street Place facility, with the newly renovated kitchen, are a pleasure to use. The parking area is newly paved and landscaped. Peachland now has a small venue for events, the Little Schoolhouse, a medium venue, renovated Fourth Street Place, and the community centre for larger events. With a restored primary school, too, we will be the envy of all the neighbouring towns. Oh, and did I mention the beach walkway, numerous trails and Heritage Park. Richard Smith, Peachland

Peek Into the Past Alex Miller holds a 15 pound Kamloops trout he caught in about Ale 1909. He is posing on the shore where the 8th Street boat launch 19 is today. The lapstrake boat has a mast for a sail, always handy when far from home and a breeze coming up. Alex came to Peachland in 1898 with his two brothers from Dundee, Scotland and was a noted fisherman and known locally Du as “Fishy” Miller. He was also a hard drinker. When he could no a longer row, friends raised money to buy him an outboard motor. lo You can find the three brothers’ story in the Peachland history book. Photo contributed by the Peachland Historical Society

continued page 5 see Editor’s Perspective

Constance Roth

Publisher/ Sales Manager

4437 - 3rd Street Peachland British Columbia V0H 1X7

Cindy Fortin Editor

Melodie Conzatti Production Artist

Published by The Community View Publishing Inc. P.O. Box 1150 Peachland, BC V0H 1X0 Tel: 250-767-7771 Fax: 250-767-3337

The Peachland View is a free community newspaper that is distributed each Friday to everyone in Peachland. Anyone who lives outside the distribution can purchase a subscription at the following rates: Within Canada: $60 per year plus HST Outside Canada: $120 per year plus HST

The Peachland View reserves the right to refuse publication of any advertising or editorial submission at it’s discretion. Material submitted by columnists does not reflect the opinions of the Peachland View or it’s employees.

The Peachland View retains complete and sole copyright of any content, including stories, photographs and advertisements published in the Peachland View. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission or consent from the publisher is strictly prohibited.

March 25, 2011

The Peachland View

Editor’s Perspective continued from page 4

changing the definition of marriage), and abortion. I believe he had a lot more to say, good or bad, but, like the rest of the cabinet, was stifled under Prime Minister Harper’s unofficial “Don’t speak/Don’t tell” policy. (Unless given specific permission, and script, to do so.) So Day is leaving. And

at what a time! This week the Conservatives tabled their new budget, and the Opposition has made it quite clear their intention to topple the government. Will we have a spring election? Today we will find out. We can only wish the best to Stockwell Day, and to 34 year-old small businessman, Dan Albas, from Penticton, who, it was

announced on Wednesday, will replace Day in the Okanagan-Coquihalla riding. Rumour has it, in order to avoid the same early scrutiny as his predecessor, Albas will not arrive in for his first official Okanagan press conference is such a grand fashion as Day. Instead, Albas will arrive on a plastic pedal boat. No wet suit.

Peachland Views Writer irate over Gaddafi editorial Dear Editor: In its guidelines for journalists and editors The Canadian Press accepts the legitimacy of analyses, which "focus on a single perspective or point of view" so long as the perspective is "dispassionate and logical." Your editorial perspective on Mr. Gadafi, American " terrorism," and Stephen Harper is neither.

In truth, it is a confusing, poorly written mishmash of crude, illogical bias. Take, for example, the editorial cartoon lumping our democratically elected Prime Minister together with deranged, mass-murdering dictators. To support this puerile "perspective" the reader is told that in Canada "the media remains under strict govern-


Referendums should be held for larger developments Dear Editor (Mayor and Council): Mayor and council are voted in by the citizens of Peachland, with the responsibility of maintaining the best interests of the community. With developments of the magnitude of New Monaco and Ponderosa proposed for Peachland, with the potential for permanently change the quality of life in Peachland, there should be a referendum held to determine the wishes of the majority. One of the most outstanding issues facing us is the availability of water. The engineer, Don Dobson, has already changed his projections once, reducing

mental control." In response to those who might defend the editorial as tongue-in-cheek satirical humor, I would suggest that juxtaposing Kim Jong-Il and Stephen Harper is an insult to the memory of Kim' s estimated two million victims. David Mulhall, Peachland

the availability for 30,000 people to 6000 homes. In our 30 years of farming in Peachland, we have witnessed a number of dry years of water shortage. With projected climate change, this condition can only worsen. Draining water from Okanagan Lake on a permanent basis is not a solution. Developers are famous for painting a pretty picture prior to commencing and then disappearing. There are several developments in Peachland now that have completely defaced the land and impacted the neighbourhood, then gone bankrupt or sit unoccupied, leaving a moonscape. Th is is not

acceptable and municipal government must have in place some measures to prevent this from happening and/or to insure some repairs are made to the land. As other contributors to the “letter to editor” have noted, developments of the size proposed can not help but to create towns within towns, thereby fragmenting a cohesive community. We have a responsibility to ourselves and our children, now and in the future, to protect this still beautiful and fragile part of the world. Once developed, it can’t be restored! Jessica and Joe Klein, Peachland

The Peachland View welcomes letters expressing your opinion regarding news and events in Peachland. Please keep your letter to less than 350 words. We reserve the right to edit letters for clarity, brevity, or legal purposes. Published letters are the opinion of the writers only and do not reflect the opinions of this newspaper, its publisher or staff. All letters must be signed and include a telephone number for verification. Anonymous letters will not be printed. You can email your letters to: fax them to: 250-767-3337 or mail them to: P.O. Box 1150 Peachland, B.C. V0H 1X0



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The Peachland View

March 25, 2011

Peachland Views

Cartoon in poor taste

Dear Editor: Re: Cartoon in the editorial section in the March 11, 2011 issue. I wanted to voice my disgust at the editorial cartoon referenced above. To compare the democratically elected leader of a "free" Canada to Mugabe, Gadhafi and Jong-Il is not funny, not satirical, not in the slightest entertaining. It is frankly offensive. I would hope that you would offer your apologies to Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Regardless of what political party our leader represents, the fact is, we live in a free and democratic society, the type of society that the citizens of Libya are fighting and dying for. To mock the Prime Minister of our country in such a fashion is in extremely poor taste. Mark Jennings-Bates

Sadness at the passing of a good friend and club mentor Dear Editor: The Peachland Boxing Club would like to express its sadness at the passing of manager John Oliver. John, over the years, has been a good friend and mentor to the club’s youth. He and Gail constantly helped raise funds for boxing equipment, and he would often tell the wide-eyed kids his stories of his meetings and attending bouts of some of boxing history greats, such as Rocky Marciano, George Chuvalo, Ali, Ken Norton, Sugar Ray Robertson, and Dempsey. John will be sadly missed. Our condolences to Gail and the family. John Wardley

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Your Guide To Local Events & Activities FEATURED EVENTS 50+ Activity Centre -Potluck supper, Friday, March 3 pm. This program is for those with an income of Peachland Half Marathon & Spring 10K - volun25 will begin at 6 pm. The entertainment will fea- less that $30,000 with a simple tax situation. The teers are needed on Sunday, April 17. Info. 250ture the Irish Dancers beginning at 7 pm. program will run until April 18. 767-2133. Boxing - beginners boxing, both male and female Peachland Literary (Writers) Club - if you are a is held Monday and Wednesday at 4th Street Place writer who is intersted in joining a Peachland Litat 6 pm. For more information call 250-767-9538. erary (Writers) Club in order to share and practice your writing skill contact Judy Wyper at wyper@ Community Volunteer Income Tax Programs - at or call Judy at 250-767-3002. the Peachland Wellness Centre Mondays from 1 -

The Greater Victoria Police Chorus - is on a concert tour of the Okanagan during May. The Chorus will perform a concert at the 50+ Activity Centre Thursday, May 5 at 7 pm.









Royal Canadian Legion - Fish & Chip Dinner 1730 hrs. Waterfront Grill and Pizzeria - Live entertainment, info. 250-767-3255 Men’s Coffee Club - PWC, 10 am 50+ Activity Centre - Art Classes, 1 pm

Take Off Pounds Sensibly - 50+ Activity Centre, 9:30 am, info. 1-800932-8677 or Doreen at 250-767-2132 Peachland Quilters 50+ Activity Centre, 1 - 4 pm Wood Carving - 50+ Activity Centre, 7 pm Royal Canadian Legion - Euchre, 7 pm

SATURDAY MARCH 26 Royal Canadian Legion - Eye Opener Steak N Eggs for $6.50, 10 am to 1 pm Royal Canadian Legion - Meat Draw, 1500 hrs. 50+ Activity Centre - Carpet Bowling, 10 am Royal Canadian Legion - The Country Boys Band, 2000 hrs.

SUNDAY MARCH 27 Jerry Dober Sunday Breakfast Peachland Wellness Centre, 8 - 11 am, for $ 5.75, info. 250-767-0141 Royal Canadian Legion - Snooker Banquet & Award Night

50+ Activity Centre - Tia Chi, 1:30 pm Ladies Coffee - PWC, 10 am Royal Canadian Legion - General Meeting, 1730 hrs.

TUESDAY MARCH 29 Carpet Bowling - 50+ Activity Centre, 10 am Peachland Bridge Club - 50+ Activity Centre, 7 pm, info. 250-767-6407 AA at Noon - 50+ Activity Centre, noon Royal Canadian Legion - Darts, 7 pm Tai Chi - PWC, 6 pm

Computer Literacy - PWC, 10 am Sunshine Singers - PWC, 1:30 pm

Westside Toastmasters - Lakeview Heights Community Center, West Kelowna, 7 - 9 pm CO Model Railway Company Group Peachland Museum, 7 pm

WEDNESDAY MARCH 30 Caregiver Support Program Peachland Wellness Centre, 1 pm Peachland Baptist Church Gym Night - Kids from Kindergarten - Grade 6, Peachland Community Centre, 7 pm

THURSDAY MARCH 31 Line Dancing - 50+ Activity Centre, 9 am

Wellness Circle, - PWC, 10 am

Bereavement Support Group - PWC, 10 am

Royal Canadian Legion, Liver & Onions Dinner

Iron & Silk Exercise - 50+ Activity Centre, 11 am

Peachland Lions Club meeting, 7 pm, at the Lions Den, info. 250-767-9034

Bingo - 50+ Activity Centre, 6:45 pm

Chess - 50+ Activity Centre, 1 pm

AA at Noon - 50+ Activity Centre, noon

Wellness Circle - PWC, 10 am

Tai Chi - PWC, 9:30 am

Yoga - 50+ Activity Centre 1:30 pm

Girls Club - Peachland Baptist Church, 7 pm

Peachland Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours, Roundeye, 6 pm Royal Canadian Legion - Executive meeting, 7:30 pm

Royal Canadian Legion- Pasta Dinner

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March 25, 2011

The Peachland View



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Council gave first, second and third readings to Water Rates Bylaw No. 1931, 2010 Amendment Bylaw Number 1981, 2011. This amendment brings the agricultural rate in line with the 2009 level from $0.04 to $0.10 per cubic meter, with no increase in any other rate category.

Earthworks Bylaw Amendment

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Fees and Charges & Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Bylaws

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Council gave first, second and third readings to both Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Bylaw No. 1982, 2011 and Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 1980, 2011. These bylaws replace Freedom of Information and Administrative Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 1632, 2001, thereby bringing administrative clarity of having two distinct bylaws rather than one.

Official Community Plan Bylaw Amendment – Voluntary Amenity Contribution Council gave first and second readings to Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1600, 2001 Amendment Bylaw No. 1969, 2011 for the provision of including Voluntary Amenity Contributions. This funding mechanism will help the District to fund future amenities in the community. A public hearing will be scheduled prior to third reading.

Council gave first three readings to Sign Bylaw Number 1853 Amendment Bylaw Number 1980, 2011. This amendment will restrict applications for full color digital message centers with TV motion.

Sidewalk CafÊ, Merchant Display and Mobile Vending Licenses and Encroachments Council granted authorization for the Waterfront Pizzeria and Grill to allow construction of a sidewalk patio from May 1- October 31, 2011. A public consultation process will be undertaken in relation to sidewalk cafÊ, merchant display and mobile vending licenses and encroachments, including: • Letters sent to downtown businesses with information and invitation to attend a public information meeting • Advertising in the Peachland View • Public information meeting • Final review and commencement of council adoption process

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March 25, 2011

The Peachland View

Regional District to hold annual composter sale By Cindy Fortin Spring has sprung, much to the relief of winter-weary Okanaganites, and it’s time to start planning for a healthy, well-nourished garden. To help facilitate that, the Regional Waste Reduction Office is holding their annual composter sale on Saturday, April 2nd. According to Rae Stewart, Waste Reduction Facilitator, you will be doing your yard a huge favour this gardening season with a backyard composter. It also can cut your household garbage in half. “One third to one half of household waste is easily compostable,” says Stewart. “If you recycle and compost you could be

putting as little as one or two grocery bags worth of garbage out for collection a week, a huge savings for our landfi ll. And by adding compost to your garden, your soil comes alive with greener grass, healthier flowers, and better fruit and vegetables!” Stewart says they will be doing things a little differently this year, including holding the event in West Kelowna in the parking lot of Canadian Tire, and hosting a walk-up event, instead of a drive-through as in years past. “That means no vehicle lineups, and no idling,” says Stewart. “These composters fit in any sized vehicle, and we’ll have the Cadets on hand again this year to help you carry your

composter to your vehicle!” She adds that the composters are big enough for a family of five, easy to assemble, and made of recycled material. Five hundred “Earth Machine” composters will be available for a reduced rate of $40.00, tax included -- a big savings from the regular $100.00 retail price. The sale is from 9:00 am until 3:00 pm, first come first served, cash only. For more information on composting, the composter sale, or other waste reduction programs, check out the Regional Waste Reduction Office webpage, ht t p://reg iona ld ist ric t. com/recycle, or call 250469-6250.

Stand Easy By Patricia Day

singers at this week's 'concert'. What a treat! It is The suspense is over at always great to hear and Branch 69! A new sec- see new performers. You retary/manager has been know, there is a lot of hidhired. Chandra Wittev- den talent in this town. rongel has already taken For instance, Brandy and over the reins of the opera- Steve were special guests tion. We wish Judy Reick- at last week's meat draw. It mann the best in her future is hoped that we will see endeavours. Thank you, them again. Judy, for all the work that Have you been down you did on behalf of the to Branch 69 to watch the Legion. dart players? Wow! They St. Patrick's Day was sure throw a mean dart, celebrated with a menu of which hits the bull’s eye on corned beef and cabbage the target. Their season is along with soda bread, wrapping up soon. made by MaryEm. MaryThe snooker players are Em followed an Irish recipe in the midst of their doufaithfully even to making ble round robin knockher own corned beef with out. During the season, a juniper berries. Albert player has to play over 200 brought along his squeeze- games in order to compete box and led the celebrants in this competition. Now, in a singsong. that's a lot of snooker! Later in the evening, Each member's score is Darlene George was carefully tabulated on the coaxed into 'tickling the scoreboard. When you are ivories' and a good time visiting the branch, take was had by all. Yes, there a look and check out the was green beer served from stats. You will be amazed the bar. There was a sur- at the scores that some of prise appearance by Dave the players have achieved. Cain who played some Currently, Darcy Weston Irish tunes on his bagpipes. is the "Leader of the Pack!" Anita, once again, gave This tournament ends karaoke her own twist. March 27 with a banquet There were many new and an awards evening.

Spring is in the air and the snowbirds are returning to the Okanagan. What does this mean to the Legion? New faces, renewing friendships and some new idea perhaps come to mind. A new committee is being formed to create excitement with new activities for you to enjoy. Do you have a suggestion? The committee would love to know about it. Simply write it down and hand it to the bar steward, the next time you visit Kudos go to the staff for their help and support during the past month. They, without question, stepped up to the plate in order to keep the Legion 'steady on course'. Jason Bendera will be entertaining on the 26th of March. So put on those dancing slippers and be prepared for an evening of fun. Don't forget the monthly general meeting! Zone Commander, Bud Sadegur is our special guest. Bud comes from Princeton. The meeting begins at 1930 hours. Shall we save a seat for you? ...till next time



$25,000 Our Goal!




$7,500 raised so

Peachland Lions 13th Annual Charity Golf Tournament

The Peachland Lions are well on their way toward their fundraising goal as they prepare for their 13th Annual Golf Tournament this May 1st. But they still need your help. The Lions hope to raise $25,000 for the event, the proceeds of which will go to the Camp Winfield, a camp for children with disabilities. Keep an eye on their progress each week in The View. Individuals or teams are welcome to participate in the tournament. For more information or registration, you can call Eldon at far! 250.767.0330 or Lynne at 250.767.6225. Raffle tickets are also available. First prize is a trip for two wherever WestJet flies. Tickets are $5, or three for $10, and can be purchased from any Lions member, Johnson Meier Insurance, or Valley First Credit Union.


10 The Peachland View

March 25, 2011

News from the Fifty Plus Activity Centre By Sandy Polvere As I sit here in front of the computer deciding what to write for my introductory report, my first thought is how our president, Pat Grieve, has been wearing several hats in the past little while and is doing a fantastic job. I am pleased to take one of those hats from her as the new publicity person for the 50+ Activity Centre. My task is to report the news as well as events on-going and upcoming. Hopefully, I can put my rusty writing skills to good use! I must admit that, since we moved to our delightful community, I have really not been involved in the centre, except for Thursday night bingo. I am amazed to learn just how many other activities the 50+ offers. “Activity” centre is justly named, as there is always something going on there. There are so

many activities to choose from and participating is such a great way to meet new people. I give kudos to all the volunteers, both on the administrative side as well as the leaders of the programs, who are involved in giving their time and expertise in making the centre a success. So, if you are over 50 years old and not currently a member, it is $15 well spent. Why not drop in and check it out? The office

is open Monday to Friday from 9:30 to 11:30 am and there is always someone there to give you information. Having said all that, here is my first report… At the March 10 bingo, Barb Campo won the loonie pot of $150. Good for you, Barb! There was a special St. Patrick’s Day bingo on March 17 with free coffee and homemade goodies. A special thanks to the people who donated their delicious goodies. Most people wore

their “green” and a special St. Patrick’s Day game valued at $100 was won by Virginia Cundliffe. The $50 loonie pot was won by Valerie Mack. Congratulations to all the winners. The loonie pot will start at $50 again and until it’s won, will continue to grow each week. Why not bring your dauber and join the fun … may be you’ll be lucky too. A new volunteer bingo assistant is required to work Thursday nights, so if you

are interested in helping Marie, please call her at 250-767-3132 for more information. Upcoming events… Friday, March 25 is the monthly potluck supper starting at 6 pm. The entertainment for the evening is the Irish Dancers. So, bring a dish and enjoy a wonderful meal, great conversation and fabulous entertainment. A special note... Please mark Thursday, May 5 on

your calendar. We are excited about hosting the Greater Victoria Police Chorus, a 35 voice male choir, who will perform for us as part of their Okanagan tour. Tickets are $10 each and available by calling the office at 250-767-9133. Tickets are limited, so don’t wait too long. Please note that there will be no bingo on Thursday, May 5. That’s all for now, so until next time… see you at the 50+ Activity Centre!

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March 25, 2011

The Peachland View


Shepherd’s Pie

Food For the Soul Working hard or hardly working‌? When I was 19 years old I worked in a machine shop. No, I wasn’t one of the trained technicians. I was the labourer who cleaned up and did the simple work that others were too qualified to do. I worked full-time, generally speaking, that’s eight hours a day in North America. Apart from my annual youth group all-nighter around Christmas, throughout my teen years and then as a youth pastor, I’ve only worked day shifts. That would include some weird hours on occasion and lots of evenings out. I always work Tuesdays to Sundays and Mondays are my official day off. Saturdays are a flex day. I did a bit of research on what a week of work looks

like in other countries and learned that France instituted a 35-hour work week in February 2000. South Koreans, at the other end of the scale, work an average of 44 hours per week. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development studied the annual work hours/worker in various countries. Out of 24 selected countries, South Koreans topped the chart with 2390 work hours, each worker per year. Poland came in second, at 1984 hours. Japan was fifth at 1828 hours and the USA was seventh at 1777 hours. Not surprisingly and so typical (not wanting to rock the boat and keeping it balanced), Canada came in right in the middle at 12th at

1717 hours. So what’s the best way to live? When looking for some guidance on what is a reasonable amount of work, I think the Bible gives us some good advice. Two key thoughts emerge. First, Paul who travelled from town to town teaching about Jesus worked a second job so that people hosting him wouldn’t have to pay for his stay. He made canvas tents and sold them. In one letter to a church in Thessalonica he writes, “We were not idle when we were with you. We never accepted food from anyone without paying for it. We worked hard day and night so we would not be a burden to any of you. We certainly had the right to ask you to feed us, but

we wanted to give you an example to follow.� I like that‌a strong work ethic. Do everything you can to provide for yourself and by extension, your family. Second, it’s important to take a break from work. In the very first chapter of Genesis when we read about the creation of the world, God works for six days and rests one. In conversation with God on Mt. Sinai, God instructed Moses to institutionalize this pattern of work and rest. The pattern is still legitimate for us today. Rest is important. Do you work too hard or too little? What is your motive for the amount of time you spend at work, whether you spend a lot of time there or not very much? Are your

By Derek Koch Peachland Pastor eachland Campus Pasto motives respectable? Are you spending enough time with your family? Are you taking time to connect with God,

the one who created this universe, sustains it, and loves you? Are you taking enough time for yourself? Finding a balance in life is often a challenge. Don’t let that stop you though. Take the time to figure it out now and you’ll build a foundation of wholeness that will benefit you and those around you for years to come.

2 Chefs Family Restaurant

Opening April 1st Tuesday - Sunday 11:00 - a.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Dr. Don MacRae Dr. Phil Kachanoski Dr. Karl Oppenheim Dr. Peter Cormillot Dr. Jeff Krawchuk

Elisa Messer, RMT Function Massage Therapy

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250-767-3432 5 7 7 tivity Ce Ac

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Open Mon - Fri 9 am to 5 pm Closed Weekends

50 +

Massage Therapist

Friday- All you can eat Fish and Chips $9.99

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Every Thursday, All Year 6:50 p.m.


Jackpot Grows Weekly Lotto License #103899 - 19 years or older

Daily Events Monday

Carpet Bowling T.O.P.S. - 9:30 10:00 Variety Singers AA at Noon 9:45 Friendship Tuesday Tai Chi - 12:00 movie (2nd and 4th) Quilting - 1:00 Wood Carving - Bridge Experienced & Novice - 7:00 7:00

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday Worship 10:00 am Morning Prayer Tuesdays - 9:30 am OfďŹ ce Hours 9:30 - 11:30 am Monday to Friday

The Rev. Canon Sue Mayoss-Hurd Interm Priest, Rev. Canon Jim Kidell

“The Crux of the Matter� Derrick Hamre, Lead Pastor


Centennial Celebration Coming Sept. 2-4, 2011

Children & Adult Sunday School 9:45 am Church Services 11:00 am Childrens Church during Service

Wednesday Chess - 1:00 Yoga - 1:30




Line Dancing 9:00 Iron & Silk Exercise - 11:00 AA at Noon Bingo - 6:45

Art Club - 1:00

Carpet Bowling 10:00 Great Place... Great People...

OfďŹ ce hours - Tue, Wed, Thur 9:30 am - 2:00 pm Peachland Campus 11:00 am - Worship Service at Peachland Elementary School (with Kids Church) 2600 Hebert Road, West Kelowna 250.768.7638

Hall rental contact Doreen 767-2132

Sunday Morning Service 10:00 am

Potluck Supper - 6:00 p.m. Friday, March 25 Featuring the Irish Dancers - 7:00 p.m.

“New Members Welcome - $15 Per Yearâ€? OfďŹ ce open 9:30 - 11:30 Weekday mornings

12 The Peachland View

March 25, 2011


phone: 250.767.7771 • fax: 250.767.3337 • email:

We Accept Classified Advertising at:





Alcoholics Anonymous Peachland Fellowship

Congratulations Ardelle Scott & Tye on the birth of Brynn Gracey Hodgins, 7lbs., 8 oz. on March 21. Much love grandpa & grandma Tom and Wanda and great-grandpa Adam, great-grandpa John and uncle Jon.

Meets Monday at 7pm (closed meeting) and Friday at 8pm (open meeting).

Window cleaning service; fast, affordable, professional; $5.00 per exterior window. Also, spring yeard clean up; odd jobs as well. Servicing Peachland & West Kelowna. Call 250-869-5632

We accept donations on days that we are open.

Peachland, BC

Please do not drop off any donations while we are closed.

By Phone:




By Email: publisher.peachlandview@ Deadline: Tuesday - Noon At the office

CLASSIFIEDS $8.80 + HST* 30 Words 15¢ each additional word + HST

*Some exceptions apply.

Peachland United Church

• Good clean clothing • Household items

4437 - 3rd Street,




Our office:

By Fax:

Call 763-5555 for more info.

SHARE ACCOMODATIONS Share Accomodations Quiet female looking for N/S female to share accomodations or will do light work in exchane for rent in Peachland. April 1st. 250-767-0153

FOR RENT Available immediately 2 bedroom suite; $850 including utilities and Internet; $500 damage deposit required; 250-212-4401

Home Improvements Dress up your home with crown moulding, new railings, upgrade trim and baseboards. Drywall repair and painting. Renovations. 25 years experience. Call Harry 250-878-5768 p49

R. Brown Electrical Electrical & Electronics Installation, Maintenance, Service Residential, Commercial, Industrial Licensed & Bonded Solutions for your electrical needs. Peachland.....250-863-5180

Want your home secure and cared for while you are away?

Peachland Home Watch David Matthew 250-767-0093 corbeil_matthew@ Bondable

References available

For Rent


Licensed Property Management Services “Serving Peachland and the Westside” • Placement of tenant • Full monthly management • Regular inspections for your peace of mind • Home Watch Call Today for your complimentary market evaluation!

Debra (RPM): 250-718-0511 Website: MacDonald Realty Property Management 5842 C Beach Ave. Peachland, BC V0H 1X7

Wish I knew about this 20 years ago. New in Canada - Not available in stores! Free Demonstration! Amazing Message 1-800-603-6153, 24 hrs.

20 years experience No job too small Including drywalling & texturing ceilings Fully licensed, insured & W.C.B. Call Eric 250.767.2593

For Rent

Leanne Resch Executrix 6009 Ellison Ave Peachland, BC V0H 1X4

Wow!!! Dramatically Changed My Skin In “60” Seconds

Reno Sense Home Repair Ltd.

OPEN THURS. - SAT. 9:30 - 3 PM

IN THE ESTATE OF JAMES ALLAN RESCH DECEASED, LATE OF PEACHLAND,WHO DIED FEB 14, 2011 TAKE NOTICE that all persons having claims upon the estate of the above named must file with the undersigned Exucutrix by the 8th of April 2011 a full statement of their claims and of securities held by them


Window Cleaning

Partial house, upper floor, main entranceway and garage; over 1200 sq. ft.; 2 bedrooms, hardwood and ceramic tile floors; lake view; available May 13; $1200/month; phone 250-85965978 or

Sparrowhead Music For Rent Avaliable April 1, 1 bedroom suite in newer home, quiet area, private entrance, ground level, fireplace, patio, 180 degree lake view, utilities included, mature person, n/s, $750 permonth. Call 250-767-9524


WANTED For Rent Looking to rent garage space year round for storage of vehicle & motorcycle. Ideal storage location would be Eagle View in Peachland or anywhere in the town of Peachland. Call 1-306222-7250.

100 DRUM LESSONS - $25

Single family bungalow, 3 BR, 2 bath, dble attached garage, walking distance to lake & amenities. Min. 12 mth lease,$1600/mo +DD, utilities. Ph (403)461-5041.

Private lessons for drums, conga, djembe and ukulele. All ages and levels welcome! Great recording rates in our new 24-track analog studio! Located in Peachland! 250-5758757

Painting Services Interior/Exterior, new construction or repaint. Ceilings, walls & woodwork. Call G.C. Contracting for a Free Estimate. 250-767-2701



March 25, 2011

The Peachland View





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Simplifying 723/,1( (;7(5,256 /7' Your Books • RooďŹ ng • New • Re-Roofs • Repairs

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Want your business or service listed in this directory? Call

250-767-7771 and ask us to design your ad!

14 The Peachland View

March 25, 2011

Peachland through Tania’s Eyes

A daily visitor to my yard. This picture was snapped on March 15. Amateur photographer and Peachland resident, Tania Simpson, started photography in 2007 and immediately found a passion for it. She chronicles the seasons, the people, and the wildlife of Peachland in almost daily photos of the area. View more at taniaseyes. The View will be publishing a weekly look at Peachland, through Tania's eyes.

68'2.8 0HGLXP

68'2.8 +DUG

March 25, 2011

The Peachland View


around peachland

Lind Lindsay ndsay Ca Carter arter h helps ellps her ddaughter aughterr Alexis make a ccup up towe tower er at Crea Creative ativve Play Playtime ytime

at thee communit ity centre. t Photo hoto Eric Hall

Tim Mitchell Ti Mitcche h ll h helps e ps his son el on Declan n with cra craft raftss at Creative Creeative Play Playtime aytime at th the he Co Community Ce C Centre. ntre Photo Eric Hall Hall

Left to right, Councill Cou o ncillor or Peter Pete Pe ter Schierbe beck ck, c , Mayor Keith Keit Ke i h Fielding Fiel eldi d ng and M Maureen aureen Heathwood take in the au festivities at the Okanagan Regional Library’s 75th Anniversary celebrations in Peachland. Events were held at every ORL branch last Saturday. Photo Constance Roth

ervices at mily SServices am ridge FFamily Bridge or the B rogram ffor program ns this pr tt runs if SScott l i . JJennifer Playtime It’s circle time at Creative Pl Photo Eric Hall the Peachland community centre.

large forr anbrigghtt and large n as bright seeen again ill not be seen i ht It will d night. S l Saturday The spring moon was awesome last Photo Frank Warburton y other 2200 years.

me cake ugh and some laugh lau hares a la ha reeen, right, sshares re Green, Assistant librarian, Diane G with Kit Carson during the library’s celebrations.

Photo Constance Roth

See More Around Peachland online at


The Cody Sisters!

00 ,0,09

924 4$5


6204 Haker Place, Peachland

MLSÂŽ#10016592 Call Cecile to view at 250-212-2654.

5878E Beach Avenue

Some conditions apply. Rates may change at any time.

Let us negotiate for your best mortgage! Please call us to learn more about how changes in mortgage financing in March 2011 may affect you!

217-3996 Beach Ave, Peachland

You simply can’t beat this semi-lakeshore location, just steps from the beach! Large newer 3 bed/2 bath unit, 1748 sq.ft., at Lakeshore Gardens with high end upgrades incl. granite countertops & hardwood, 7 appliances. Covered balcony with great lakeviews! MLS Ž10021626

One of a Kind!!!



Lara Cody 250-868-7114

250.864.6606 KELOWNA WESTSIDE Each office independently owned and operated.

Leanne Cody 250-215-5028

This is a manufactured home that has a basement so you have over 2000 square feet of living space with 600 square feet of wrap around deck for the speculator lake views. Large family room, spacious bright living room, formal dining room plus kitchen with nook. Yes 3 bedrooms & 3 bathrooms. Priced to Sell call to view it, a must see!

T R A C E Y B O O R M A N. C O M

MLS 10024280


5206 Clarence Road, Peachland



2108 Tomat Avenue, Westbank

The best family home in Lakeridge Park! New garage door; new stainless steel apps; new furnace in Oct/10. Clean, neat and warm, it has room for the new or growing family. Literally moments to Hwy 97 & the bridge, your commute just got shorter! Great views, quiet neighbourhood, this is your next home! Measurements are approximate, verify if important. Young family and dog so 24 hours notice is asked. Call Bradley at 250.768.2161 for more information. MLSÂŽ10021220







1244 Pettman Road, Kelowna The best value in an exquisitely renovated 3BD + Den home, with more than $155K+ in upgrades. Vaulted ceilings, recessed lighting, high-end cabinetry, stainless steel appliance, Silestone + Granite counters. The owners’ wonderful taste is radiated throughout, from the solid Fir doors, casings and baseboards, to the double built-in theatres, Smart Wire A/V system + speakers throughout. In-oor heating in bath and foyer. A lovely child-friendly back yard with large fenced area for the pets of your choice. $$650,000 , MLSŽ10022892




Priced Under Assessed Value! 2 bdrm, 2 bath w/views renovated & upgraded in 2000 incl. wiring, plumbing, insulation, windows, drywall, ooring. Study/ofďŹ ce area & sunroom provide extra living space. Lots of character, room for expansion.

This is a dream home! Incredibly clean interior with 3 spacious beds, formal living & dining, 3 cozy ďŹ replace, a huge deck, extensive use of hardwood and tile as well as a large basement with room for media and games, a large wine cellar. This home is situated on a large .27 acre lot with view of Okanagan Lake and only minutes away from the new Ponderosa Golf Course. Loads of room for parking and a workshop as there is a double and single car garage. MLSÂŽ10020011


6094 Ellison Avenue











Shirley Geiger g

CURRENT RATE SPECIALS 3 yr ďŹ xed rate 3.42% 5 yr variable (Prime -0.70%) 2.30% 5 yr ďŹ xed rate 3.89%

2); 46-')

What a gem! private with a fantastic lakeview, gleaming hardwood oors through most all of the main oor, grade level entry in a quiet rural setting, cul-de-sac location, with RV & boat parking plus more parking along side of the house, detached studio/shop great for gardening, 4 beds, 3 baths, gas F/P, C/A, easy to suite .29 acre, U/G irrigation, immaculate in & out, new large view deck & roof, nicely landscaped, fenced yard, fruit trees plum, apple, cherry & peach, nature right out your door with a park nearby,


For all your mortgage needs...


1965 Spyglass Way, West Kelowna

1470 Rosewood Drive, West Kelowna

This lovely 3 bdrm, 3 bath plus den home is perfect for the growing family. Once the kids are down its time to enjoy the hut tub on the rear patio. The kitchen in this home features 4 stainless steel appliances, an island with an eat up bar, under cabinet lighting, loads of cabinets & drawers as well as stellar mountain views. The basement is complete with a TV room, a full bath room & a billiards room as well as a den & huge front entry. MLSÂŽ 10024359

$4 85

$1 67

,0 0

,5 0



This luxurious home has so many unique and wonderful features. Asian inspired with 13 to 15 foot ceilings throughout with features such as Deco-Art walls, interesting and unique lighting and views that will take your breathe away. Entertain from the lower level rec room with a built in wet bar and wine room. 3 full wall gas ďŹ replaces. 3 car garage, fully landscaped & to top it all’re across the street from the communities waterfall! MLSÂŽ10024346

# 187-1255 Raymer Avenue, Kelowna Sunrise Village - Totally updated 2 bedroom, 2 bath home in adult (45+) community. Recently painted, new ooring throughout, new furnace and hot water tank, solar tube skylight and more. 12 x 22 covered patio with gas BBQ hookup. $254,900 MLSŽ10022881

845 Hollydell Road, Kelowna

Perfect family home, in central location. 5 beds, 3 baths + ofďŹ ce. Tasteful upgrades, fab kitchen, dining area. Big family and games room down. Two car garage plus loads of parking + RV. This home has well cared for landscaping, fruit trees, and even a large Garden shop. Basement level is all wired and plumbed for suite with walkout. MLSÂŽ10024485

# 7 - 2433 Ingram Road, West Kelowna

Best Buy in Leisure Gardens. 55+ Townhome, 2BR 1 bath, in immaculate condition. Fresh paint, ooring, counters, sinks, and ďŹ xtures. Low, utility cost, almost all covered by Strata! separate Carport with storage. Must be seen. Call Next Door Team 250-768-2161, or view on-line at and arrange a viewing now! MLSÂŽ10020330



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