Peachland View November 25, 2022

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3630 Brown Road, West Kelowna Call
Cozy up in retirement living made for two
Thursday, November 25, 2022 | Every house, Every business, Every week PEACHLAND
On Tuesday afternoon Peachland Legion vice president Jean Saul and Peachland Community Connects members Alex Morrison, Madeleine Nixon, Shelley Sweeney, and Lynne Herrin (shown left to right) gathered in front of the Legion mural to present Kelowna Stands with Ukraine president Denys Storozhuk (third from left) with a cheque for $2,316. The money was raised earlier this year when the Legion and Peachland Community Connects held a series of international dinners to fundraise for the mural, which was created during the Making Waves Mural Festival. One of those dinners featured Ukrainian cuisine, so they decided to give back to the Ukrainian community with a donation to the Kelowna Stands with Ukraine organization.


30-year-old air conditioning needs 100K replacement

The community centre’s 30-year-old air conditioning and heating units are past their serviceable life and in need of replacement, direc tor of community services Cory Labrecque said in a report delivered to council on Tuesday.

heat and cool an important community building and its community patrons. During extreme heat events the sys

town’s contracted HVAC technician was required on-site multiple times over the summer to troubleshoot

“We’re going to tell them right now if they don’t fund this then they’re going to have a problem when we have a heat dome because this is critical infrastructure.”

of blood at a Canadian Blood Services clinic and several complaints from recreation patrons during the summer,” said Labrec que in his report.

He said he has a medium to high level of confidence that the grant application will be successful.

• To amend the start time of all Regular Council Meetings to 6:00PM.

• To amend the procedure for the Annual Designation of a Member to Act in Place of the Mayor.

The proposed amending Bylaw No. 2369 is available for viewing at:

• The District Office at 5806 Beach Avenue, Peachland, B.C. on regular business days (Monday to Friday except for statutory holidays) between normal business hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.;

• The District’s website at

For more information contact Director of Corporate Services, Jennifer Sawatzky at 250-767-2647.

Replacing key compo nents of the HVAC system is estimated to set the town back close to $100,000, al though it is hoped that grant funding will cover a sub stantial portion of the cost.

Labrecque says he ex pects to find out around January if an $82,389 Union of BC Municipali ties (UBCM) Disaster Risk Reduction – Climate Adap tation grant application is successful. In the applica tion to UBCM the district has stated they would con tribute up to $16,000 toward

“In terms of a backup plan, yes, we do have one. Senior management has been in close discussions for the last couple weeks and we do have another cli mate related grant that is provided to us every year,” said Labrecque, who noted the backup grant is also for around $80,000.

interim cao joe creron


“I would never want to let the government off the hook,” said interim CAO Joe Creron. “We’re going to tell them right now if they don’t fund this then they’re going to have a problem when we have a heat dome Christmas Light-up Events Friday, December 2 Time Event Location 5:15-6:00 pm Children’s Party: Crafts, Face Painting, Sing-a-long Boys & Girls Club 6:00-6:15 pm Walk with us in a Glow Parade to Heritage Park Boys & Girls Club to Heritage Park 6:15-6:30 pm Welcome & Official Countdown to the Light-Up & Fireworks Heritage Park 6:30-7:30 pm Entertainment, Face Painting, Hot Refreshments, Heritage Park Games, Photo Booth, Visit with Santa & More!
To consider a
proposed amendment
Council Procedure Bylaw No. 2063, 2013 This is a Notice pursuant to sections 124(3) and 94 of the Community Charter, that it is the intent of the District of Peachland Council to consider an amendment to Council Procedure Bylaw No. 2063, 2013 at the December 6, 2022 Regular Council Meeting, which will be held at 6:00 p.m. in the Community Centre at 4450 6th Street, Peachland. The purpose of the amendment is:

New York New Year’s Eve to return to 50 Plus

After a two-year COVID hiatus, Marty Edwards’ New Year’s Eve event will return on Dec. 31 to provide the community with an evening of live entertainment.

New Year’s Eve is a big night and will be the return of the original New York New Year’s Eve, Edwards told the View

The idea is to celebrate and ring in the new year at 9 p.m. PST, at the same time the big apple drops in New York City, which is ideal for those who want to go out on New Year’s Eve, but don’t necessarily want to stay up

past midnight.

“A number of years ago I did two years of New Year’s Eve shows at the communi ty centre. I produced it and I lost money on both shows because it was the tradition al midnight,” said Edwards. “I had so many people say, ‘Marty, we love coming to your shows but we just can’t stay up that late.’”

Edwards said the New York New Year’s Eve cele bration idea came about by the suggestion of Kelowna Councillor Maxine DeHart, and since making the switch to an earlier celebration, the event has been a big success.

The New Year’s Eve event

takes place at the 50 Plus Activity Centre and will fea ture two shows with a short intermission in between.

The evening will kick off with The Power of Music, a salute to Tom Jones, Engel bert, Elvis, Michael Bublé, and a few other entertainers.

“If people like that genre of music, they’re going to love that.”

Next, Marty Edwards and the Revival will take the stage. This three-piece band, which includes Betty Anne Northup and Craig Brown, will perform classic rock hits and some country from the 60s, 70s and later.

At 9 p.m. they’ll ring in

the new year and then the band will continue to play until 10 p.m.

“It’s a nice evening. It’s not too late for people,” said Edwards.

The doors don’t open un til 6:30 p.m. so the idea is that people can have dinner at home or enjoy an early seating at a local restaurant before coming down to the show.

Tickets are on sale now in person at Peachland Pharmacy, online through or via e-trans fer to pvmconsulting@ Early bird tick ets are $35 until Dec. 11 ($45 after).

Marty Edwards

5878A Beach Avenue Peachland, BC V0H 1X7 250 767 7771 published by Aberdeen Publishing Inc.

Robert W. Doull, pres

The Peachland View is a free community newspaper that is distributed each Friday to everyone in Peachland. Anyone who lives outside of the distribution area but within Canada can purchase a subscription at $70 per year + GST.

The Peachland View reserves the right to refuse publication of any advertising or editorial submission at its discretion.

Material submitted by columnists does not reflect the opinions of the Peachland View or its employees.

The Peachland View retains complete and sole copyright of any content, including stories, photographs, and advertisements published in the Peachland View. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission or consent from the publisher is strictly prohibited.

Your Hub needs support

The Peachland Hub is an ambitious project that promises to have a positive impact on Peachland for years to come. It will be a landmark building on our prized Beach Ave., providing the much needed new and permanent home for Peachland’s community service non-profit groups and a beautiful place to hold special events. However, the project can only happen with committed support from the com munity.

How can you help? In addition to your ongoing support of our member groups operations you can:

1. Buy tickets for our raffles, and encourage your friends and family to buy tickets (must be in B.C. at time of pur chase);

2. Volunteer to help in our fundraising and awareness activities;

3. Determine how much you are comfortable donating and make a one-time donation or a “3 Times for the Hub” pledge.

Have any questions and want to learn more? See us at the Christmas Craft Fair on Nov. 26 at the community centre, come out to our Lobster on the Lake fundraising dinner Dec. 3 or visit our website

Kind regards,

Shelley Sweeney, Chair, Peachland Hub Society Gwen Bodnarek, President, PDRS Judy Bedford, President, Peachland Food Bank Kym Martin, President, Peachland Wellness Centre

our website to cast your
last week’s
Beach Ave
be limited
Do you ap prove of the province’s move to drop COVID mandatory isolation?
vote. Results from
question: Do you think building heights on

The season of giving begins

Invitation to upcoming chamber AGM



The Board of Directors of the Peachland Chamber invites their members and non-members to their An nual General Meeting on Monday, Nov. 28.

The meeting is at the TNI Chamber 2.0 Centre Boardroom, located at 5878 Beach Ave. Doors open at 6:15 p.m. for refreshments, mingling, and networking,

followed by the annual gen eral meeting (AGM) at 7 p.m.

While the AGM provides chamber members and supporters with the oppor tunity to approve the 2021 financials and pass motions on recent efforts undertak en by the chamber, it also offers the chance to recon nect with one another. The AGM is ideal for meeting your fellow members and speaking with the chamber board of directors.

Non-members will have an opportunity to get to know the chamber and what they stand for.

Continued on Page 7


Traffic Flow Changes

To facilitate the Peachland Christmas Light Up Parade, Beach Avenue will be closed to traffic between 1st and 6th Street as follows:

December 2, 5:55-6:15 pm

Detours are available from south to north via Waldo Way. Traffic travelling north to south may follow behind the parade.

Peachland Lions Club president Steve Sweeney recently presented a cheque for $5,000 to the Peachland Food Bank’s Judy Bedford to help provide a little joy to Peachlanders that may otherwise do without this Christmas. PHOTO SHELLEY SWEENEY


ANNUAL CHRISTMAS MARKET DAY Take a walk down Candy Cane Lane and Gingerbread Street to several other venues from the 50+ Activity Centre, to the visitor centre and community centre and on to the Little School House and the Peachland United Church. A great start to the Christmas season.

PEACHLAND UNITED CHURCH ANNUAL CHRISTMAS EXTRAVANGANZA featuring gently used quality Christmas items plus vintage jewelry and collectibles takes place Nov. 26 from 9 am - 3 pm.

ANNUAL CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR hosted by the Peachland Wellness Centre takes place on Nov 26



5 am - 10 pm

Peachland Community Centre


8 am - 9 am

Peachland Community Centre

50+ FITNESS 8 am - 9 am ($5 Drop In)

50 Plus Activity Centre


9 am - 3 pm

Residences on 6th

PICKLEBALL LEVEL 3.0-3.5 9:05 am - 11 am

Peachland Community Centre

FITNESS FUSION 9:30 am - 10:45 am

Peachland Community Centre

PICKLEBALL LEVEL 1.0-2.5 11 am - 1 pm

Peachland Community Centre

PICKLEBALL LEVEL 1.0-2.5 1 pm - 3 pm

Peachland Community Centre

BRIDGE 1 pm – 4 pm

50 Plus Activity Centre



1 pm – 4 pm

Peachland Little Schoolhouse CHAIR YOGA 2 pm - 3 pm

50 Plus Activity Centre


6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Peachland Community Centre


6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

from 9 am - 3 pm. at the Peachland Community Centre with over 50 crafters and artisans taking part. Coffee and lunch for purchase from the Peachland Ambassadors. Entrance to this event is by donation.

JUST THIRSTY BAND at the Peachland Legion on Nov. 26 from 5:30 pm - 9 pm.

CHRISTMAS LIGHT UP AND FIREWORKS! Friday, Dec 2 - Chilcdren’s Party at B&GC 5:15 pm - 6 pm; 6 pm - 6:15 Glow Parade from Boys & Girls Club to Heritage Park; 6:15 pm - 6:30 pm Welcome and Official Countdown to the Light-Up and Fireworks in


3:15pm - 4:30 pm

Heritage Park; 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm face painting, hot refreshments, games, photo booth, visits with Santa and more!

ARTISTS OF THE OKANAGAN runs from Nov. 26 –Dec. 23 and reopens Jan. 7 – Jan. 22 at the Peachland Art Gallery. Returning for its eighth year this everpopular exhibition features local artists feat. a variety of mediums.

PEACHLAND VARIETY SINGERS CHRISTMAS CONCERT “COMFORT AND JOY” takes place at the 50 Plus Activity Centre. on Dec 11 at 2 pm. Christmas carols and refreshments will follow. Admission by donation.


COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS DINNER the Peachland Wellness Centre wants to ensure no one is alone or goes without a Christmas dinner. Doors open at 11:30 am, dinner served at 12:30 pm at the 50 Plus Activity Centre. Save your space by calling 250 767 0141..

NEW YEAR’S EVE CONCERT FEAT. MARTY EDWARDS includes a salute to the music of Tom Jones, Engelbert, Michael Buble and Elvis plus soft rock, country and rock ‘n’ roll hits from the 60s, 70s, 80s and more. Dec 31 at the 50 Plus Activity Centre. Tickets at Peachland Pharmacy or


Peachland Community Centre WOODCARVERS 7 pm

50 Plus Activity Centre



5 am - 10 pm

Peachland Community Centre YOGA 8:30 am - 9:30 am

50 Plus Activity Centre

FLOW YOGA 9 am - 10 am

Peachland Community Centre CARPET BOWLING 10 am - 12 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre

THERAPEUTIC YOGA 10:30 am – 11:45 am Peachland Community Centre AA 12 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre

PICKLEBALL LEVEL 3.75+ 1 pm - 3 pm Peachland Community Centre PASSION 4 ART 1 pm - 4 pm

50 Plus Activity Centre MAH JONG 1 pm – 4 pm

50 Plus Activity Centre

MEN’S COFFEE & CARDS 1 pm PWC (downstairs)

Peachland Community Centre PEACHLAND HUB NIGHT MARKET

4 pm – 9 pm Cousins Park

LINE DANCING 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm

50 Plus Activity Centre POUND 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre


Royal Canadian Legion #69 COMPUTER LITERACY By Appointment Call 250 767 0141

Peachland Wellness Centre



5 am - 10 pm

Peachland Community Centre INDOOR WALKING 8 am - 9 am

Peachland Community Centre 50+ FITNESS 9 am - 10 am ($5 Drop In) 50 Plus Activity Centre

PICKLEBALL LEVEL 1.0-2.5 9:05 am - 11 am

Peachland Community Centre SPIN, SCULPT AND STRETCH 9:30 am - 10:45 am 1 pm - 3 pm

Peachland Community Centre

3.0 11 am - 1 pm

Peachland Community Centre BARGAIN BIN  12 pm - 3 pm

Peachland United Church

PICKLEBALL LEVEL 3.0-3.5 1 pm - 3 pm

Peachland Community Centre BRIDGE

1 pm – 4 pm

50 Plus Activity Centre


3:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Royal Canadian Legion #69 MINI KICKERS SOCCER

5 pm - 6 pm

Peachland Community Centre HATHA YOGA

5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Peachland Community Centre


6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Peachland Community Centre


Train modellers + visitors meet 7 pm

Peachland Musum



5 am - 10 pm

Peachland Community Centre YOGA

8:30 am - 9:30 am

50 Plus Activity Centre YOGA FOR YOUR BACK

9:30 am - 10:45 am

Peachland Community Centre

10 am-11:45 am

Peachland Wellness Centre


10:30 am - 12:30 pm

Peachland Community Centre


11 am - 12 pm

50 Plus Activity Centre


12 pm - 3 pm

Peachland United Church


1 pm - 3 pm

Peachland Community Centre


1 pm – 4 pm

50 Plus Activity Centre

BEGINNER UKULELE 230 pm - 330 pm

50 Plus Activity Centre

MEAT DRAW  3 pm-5 pm Royal Canadian Legion #69 BINGO 5:30 pm (EOW)

50 Plus Activity Centre



5 am - 10 pm

Peachland Community Centre


8 am - 9 am

Peachland Community Centre


9 am - 10 am

Peachland Community Centre

50+ FITNESS 9 am - 10 am ($5 Drop In)

50 Plus Activity Centre


12 pm - 4 pm

50 Plus Activity Centre

BARGAIN BIN  12 pm - 3 pm

Peachland United Church THERAPEUTIC YOGA 12:30 pm - 1:45 pm Peachland Community Centre

CANASTA 1 pm 50+ Activity Centre

PICKLEBALL LEVEL 3.0 -3.5 1 pm - 3 pm Peachland Community Centre



5 am - 10 pm

Peachland Community Centre CARPET BOWLING 10 am - 12 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre

BARGAIN BIN  12 pm - 3 pm

Peachland United Church MEAT DRAW  3 pm-5 pm Royal Canadian Legion #69


FITNESS ROOM 5 am - 10 pm Peachland Community Centre PEACHLAND FARMERS & CRAFTERS MARKET 10 am - 2 pm Heritage Park

PICKLEBALL - LEVEL 2.5-3.5 12 pm - 2 pm Peachland Community Centre

Online Auctions • Retail Gallery of Art, Pottery, Textiles, Accessories 4th Meridian Art & Auctions Online Gallery & Shop: Visit in person: Thurs - Sat CALL or check Website for current hours #104 1475 Fairview Rd, Penticton inside the historic Cannery Trade Centre Accepting Consignments: ART, POTTERY, small furnishings unexpected & curious finds PEACHLAND VIEW 6 NOVEMBER 25, 2022

New executive director to be announced

director for the board. Be part of the future of the organization!

The chamber membership is full of ben efits to help you meet your goals. The best thing you can do for your investment is to get involved in a capacity that enables you to advance your business.

To get the most out of chamber mem bership, ensure the chamber executive director understands your business goals. They can help put you on a path to get there and ensure you get tons of value from your membership.

The Peachland Chamber is looking for business owners to let their name stand as a

At this meeting, we will introduce you to our new executive director and say thank you to our outgoing general manager, Pat rick Van Minsel.

Patrick became a volunteer for the Peach land Chamber of Commerce in 2012, when he was elected to the chamber’s executive board as treasurer. In 2014 he became inter im-president. He later stepped down from the chamber board of directors to apply for the manager’s job and in May 2014, Van Minsel took on the management duties of the chamber as the general manager.

In memory of Nancy Anne Gluschenko

Nancy Anne Gluschenko (née Bennett) died on November 9, 2022 in West Kelowna, B.C. Born on October 26, 1940 in Vancouver, she had just turned 82.

A beloved wife, mother, grandmother, sister, auntie, friend, neighbour and colleague, Nancy was a force of life who excelled at most everything she tried. She was an accomplished gardener who grew 20 different kinds of lettuces, a talented seamstress, a potter whose work was coveted by friends and family and a wonderful cook who baked, canned, juiced or froze much of what she and her husband Paul grew. After moving to Peachland, B.C. in May 1965, she won many awards at the town’s Fall Fair, particularly for her chocolate cake. (Her apple pies were also amazing.) She and her husband of 64 years were legendary on the dance floor.

In her youth, Nancy wanted to be a marine biologist but early marriage and motherhood intervened. Instead, she touched many lives as a swim instructor/lifeguard at Peachland’s Swim Bay, as a fitness instructor and as a school board trustee. When her three children were in their teens, she entered the nursing program at Okanagan College, graduating at age 40 with the Dean’s Award (Diploma of Nursing) and serving as valedictorian for her class of 52 registered nurses. She found her calling as an obstetrical nurse at Kelowna General Hospital where her competent, warm manner was appreciated by both families and co-workers.

She was the young, hip mom who dressed well, cheered on her kids’ many games and activities and loved travel, cats, conversation and wine. She sparkled wherever she went, and we all loved her to pieces.

The past 10 years were very difficult as Nancy battled Parkinson’s disease and dementia. Despite these challenges, her kindness, warmth and beautiful spirit remained intact.

Nancy is survived by Paul, her daughter Valerie Berenyi (Alex Berenyi), sons Brian Gluschenko (Judith Barnes) and Derek Gluschenko (Karen Verbeek), grandchildren Nicholas Berenyi, Natasha Sklar (Dr. Cam Sklar), Madelaine Berenyi and Lukas Gluschenko, and great-grandson Leo Sklar.

The family will hold a private celebration of Nancy’s life in Peachland on May 13th.


Local non-profit organizations which contribute to the quality of life in Peachland are invited to apply for a Civic Grant.

The Civic Grants Policy outlines the following:

- The purpose of the civic grant program is to assist citizens in organizing themselves around community issues and projects.

- In the majority of cases, it is anticipated that financial assistance will only be granted for a limited time period, subject to annual review.

- Programs and services will be evaluated on the basis of need, appropriateness, and demonstrated effectiveness.

- All grants are for a period of one year and shall not exceed $1,000.

An application for a civic grant may be submitted by any organization which:

- Has been in operation no less than 6 months in the District of Peachland

- Is based in Peachland

- Has membership from within the District of Peachland or surrounding areas

- Has the majority of its members as voting members

- Is in good standing with its licensing authority

- Has made, at a minimum, an application to the Central Okanagan Foundation, and has received a written response from the COF, or any other granting organization.

Grant applications are considered by Council during 2023 budget deliberations. Approved grants are distributed after July 15, 2023.

Application forms and civic grant criteria may be obtained by contacting the District of Peachland, Legislative Clerk at 250-767-3708 or the District’s website Completed applications must be submitted to the Director of Corporate Services by December 16th , 2023.

Continued from Page 5
LOCAL SERVICES DIRECTORY PEACHLAND VIEW 8 NOVEMBER 25, 2022 CRAIG’S PAINTING Interior Exterior | Residential and Commercial Craig Battersby 604 240 7594 Summerland • Peachland • West Kelowna 25 Years in Business LEN , S SNOPLOW Servicing Peachland & West Kelowna 250-938-4659 Experienced snowplower INTER-VALLEY ELECTRIC • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • INSTITUTIONAL ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING & MAINTENANCE cell: 250-212-5622 email: Kris Klumpner INTER-VALLEY CST. LTD. REG 17640 Service with safety to the energy industry CMYK Version C=25 M=100 Y=100 K=35 CPB Logo Formats Pantone Version Pantone=195C Black Version C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=100 MEMBER INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPERS OF CANADA CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPER MEMBER INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPERS OF CANADA (IPBC) CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPER MEMBER INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPERS OF CANADA CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPER MEMBER INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPERS OF CANADA (IPBC) CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPER MEMBER INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPERS OF CANADA CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPER MEMBER - INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPERS OF CANADA (IPBC) CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPER Simplifying Your Books TMG Business Services 250.767.6521 Tammie Gilbert, CPB • Support • Training • Payroll • Bookkeeping • Income Tax 5866A Beach Ave, Peachland 250 767 6615 WARRANTY APPROVED VEHICLE SERVICE & MAINTENANCE Locally owned and operated • Licensed technician on duty Diagnostics • Brakes • Shocks & Struts • Tires • Wheel Alignments Oil Changes • Suspension • Air Conditioning • Imports & Domestic Peachland owned and operated FREE LOCAL DELIVERY • 250-215-6836
See something newsworthy? Send tips or photos to Photos must be high resolution (at least 300 dpi). If sending photos from your phone, choose “Actual Size”. PEACHLAND VIEW CALL 250 767 7771 TO BOOK A SPACE HERE PEACHLAND VIEW 9 NOVEMBER 25, 2022 CLASSIFIEDS THRIFT STORE Peachland United BARGAIN BIN tt Come to the wonderful November 26th CHRISTMAS EXTRAVAGANZA! At Peachland United Church The Bargain Bin opens EARLY 9:30am - 3pm on Saturday GET RESULTS! Post a classified in 92 newspapers in just a few clicks. Reach almost 2 million people for only $395 a week for 25-word text ad or $995 for small display ad. Choose your province or all across Canada. Best value. Save over 85% compared to booking individually. vertise or 1-866-669-9222. WANTED SASQUATCH SKULL - Also purchasing SILVER & GOLD coins, bars, jewelry, scrap, nuggets, sterling, 999+ BULLION, maple leafs, bulk silver, pre-1969 coins. Coin collector BUYING ENTIRE COIN COLLECTIONS, old $ & Royal Canadian Mint coins. TODD 250864-3521. SERVICES WANTED TO BUY NOTICE Meets Monday at 7 p.m. (closed meeting) and Friday at 7 p.m. (open meeting). Call 250-763-5555 for more info. Peachland Fellowship Alcoholics Anonymous PLEASE RECYCLE THIS NEWSPAPER. Mad Hatter BOOKSTORE Come in & browse 1/2 the price of new BUY 5 BOOKS GET 6TH ONE FREE! OPEN TUES - SAT 10-3 #5 Plaza 97 South 2483 Main Street, Westbank 250.768.2231 3466CARRINGTONRD#102,WESTKELOWNA•250-707-5683 Open7daysaweek CHECKOUTOURNEWARRIVALS Shop One StopLove NOW HIRING! ANNOUNCEMENTS Places of Faith Peachland PEACHLAND BAPTIST CHURCH Lake Ave at 13th St 250-767-9237 Sunday Morning Service 10:30 am PASTOR Lyle Wahl There is a sermon audio available on our website each week. Peachland United Church 4421 4th Street 250-767-2206 “Let Us Worship Together” Pastor: Ian McLean all are welcome For 10:00am online Zoom service visit ZOOM AND IN SANCTUARY SERVICES AT 10:00 AM St. Margaret’s Anglican Church 4464-4 St, Peachland, BC V0H 1X6 • 250-767-3131 stmargaretspeachland106/ Sunday Church Service at 10:00 am. Zoom service on request Email or Call for Link Come Join Us! All are Welcome. Matthew 25:35 “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” BUILDINGS FOR SALE INTEGRITY POST FRAME BUILD INGS since 2008. Built with concrete posts. Barns, shops, riding arenas, machine sheds and more. sales@ 1-866-974-7678. COIN COLLECTOR – looking to pur chase Coin Collections. Gold & Silver coins, Bullion, Bars, Maple Leafs etc. Any amount! Call Chad 250-8633082 WANTED TO BUY

How older drivers can increase their comfort levels behind the wheel

It’s not uncommon for aging individuals to feel less comfortable driving as they approach their golden years. Whether it’s glare from LED lights, aches and pains that often accompany aging or age-related vision issues, older drivers’ comfort behind the wheel can be compromised by a host of variables.

Though older drivers cannot reverse the aging process, they can try various strategies to make themselves more comfortable behind the wheel.

• Share driving duties on long trips. The National Insti tute on Aging notes that stiffening joints and weakened muscles are a common byproduct of aging. In addition, the Arthritis Foundation® notes that more than one in two men and two in three women over age 65 have arthritis, which also can make driving less comfortable. Age-related aches and pains and arthritis can make it very uncomfortable to drive for lengthy periods of time when drivers are sitting in roughly the same position for the duration of their trip. In such instances, drivers can share driving duties to make long trips more manageable.

• Upgrade to a vehicle with modern amenities. Various amenities in modern vehicles make driving more comfort able for everyone, especially individuals with age-related aches and pains. Heated seats and in-car climate control can help reduce the discomfort caused by aches and pains and ensure drivers and passengers can tailor the tempera ture in the vehicle to their own preferences.

• Protect your eyesight. Much of the discomfort older drivers experience behind the wheel has to do with eye sight. The NIA urges individuals 65 and older to see their eye doctor every year. Such visits can ensure prescriptions are current and that can make drivers more confident in their ability to see everything on the road. Drivers also can speak to their eye doctors about night driving glass es, which are designed to help nighttime drivers overcome glare from headlights and street lamps.

• Drive more defensively. A greater emphasis on de fensive driving also can help aging drivers feel more comfortable behind the wheel. The NIA notes that reflex es naturally slow down as a person ages, which adversely affects older drivers’ reaction times. Drivers can counter this by leaving more space between their vehicles and the

one in front of them. Braking earlier and avoiding driving during times marked by heavy traffic, such as rush hour, also can help drivers feel more comfortable.

It’s natural for aging drivers to feel less comfortable be hind the wheel than they did when they were young. But drivers can take various steps to increase their comfort lev els so they can stay on the road.

PEACHLAND VIEW 10 NOVEMBER 25, 2022 FOR SENIORS CELEBRATE TOGETHER Registered under the College of Speech and Hearing Health Professionals of BC. WEST KELOWNA 778.760.9005 102– 2139 Louie Drive Experience the difference BETTER hearing makes. Arbor Funeral Chapels & Crematorium Partners with Park Lawn 2541 Churchill Rd West Kelowna, BC 250-768-3702
PEACHLAND VIEW 11 NOVEMBER 25, 2022 PUZZLES CLUES ACROSS 1. Basics 4. Swiss river 7. Constrictor snake 8. Building occupied by monks 10. Discount 12. Deal a blow to 13. Relating to the ear 14. Thyrotropin 16. Loud, unpleasant noise 17. Large intestines 19. Move with a curving trajectory 20. Witnesses 21. You need both to live 25. Dash 26. Network 27. Dig 29. C. European river 30. Supplement with difficulty 31. Corporate executive 32. Carroll O’Connor’s onscreen wife 39. No variation 41. Airborne (abbr.) 42. “Heidi” author 43. Affirmative 44. Pie _ __ mode 45. W. Asian country 46. Grotesque or bizarre 48. Delicacy (archaic) 49. Textile 50. Denial 51. Electronic data processing 52. Attempt CLUES DOWN 1. Engulf 2. Waterside hotel 3. Printed cotton fabric 4. Defensive nuclear weapon 5. One who follows the rules 6. Lace up once more 8. Fire byproduct 19. Epoxy hardener (abbr.) 20. Samoan monetary unit 22. Type of gland 23. Arrest 24. Check 27. Past participle of be 28. Alias 29. A major division of geological time 31. Kids programming channel (abbr.) 32. Joked 33. Helps little firms 34. Roman numeral 50 35. Impressive in size or scope 36. Domineering leader 37. A person who delivers a speech 38. One after 89 This week’s Crossword, Sudoku & Word Search Answers to last week’s Crossword, Sudoku & Word Search 
PEACHLAND VIEW 12 NOVEMBER 25, 2022 2037 Elkridge Dr - Beautifully updated 4 bed / 3 bath rancher walkout located in the Elkridge Community. MOVE IN ready! Open concept living, vaulted ceiling, quality updates throughout, fenced back yard and minutes to all amenities, golf and Okanagan Lake. No PTT or Speculation Tax. Why settle for anything less! $824,900 MLS® 10265358 Gorgeous Rancher Walkout Dave Collins 250-870-1444 IS 2023 YOUR YEAR TO MOVE? Activity will pick up next spring when interest rates stabilize. Buyers will continue to favour Peachland in 2023. Contact Dave for a free market evaluation of your property plus tips to maximize your sale price. Now is a great time to plan for next year’s busy spring market 5972 Princess Street, Peachland $899,900 Incredible Lake Okanagan views! This house is located on a beautiful lot in a quiet neighbourhood within walking distance to the nice beaches and wonderful restaurants of downtown Peachland. You are going to love the open concept and vaulted ceilings of the main living area. All focus flows towards the stunning views & sprawling outdoor deck. The kitchen has granite counters & newer appliance package that is perfect for cooking wonderful meals for friends & family. The primary bedroom has a deluxe ensuite complete with jetted tub so you can relax after playing at the beach. MLS 10263792 250-575-3643 JASON COWARD Expert Real Estate Service Since 2007 250-864-2400 NEWLISTING Trusted Agents Since 1999 Contact Us for a Complimentary Market Evaluation of Your Home $499,900 #203 A 4630 Ponderosa Drive Enjoy beautiful lake and mountain views from your new home set high above Peachland in a peaceful quiet environment with nature and walking trails close by. “Chateau on the Ridge”.....The famous Pincushion Mountain hike right from your door and yet only a five minute drive to shopping and the beach on Okanagan Lake, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, laundry room, granite counters, electric fireplace. One covered parking in a combined carport with a storage locker, direct ground floor entry to your suite. Pets welcome must be approved, and dogs are restricted to 14”high, no rentals allowed. MLS®10264959 Buying or Selling a Home? 250-826-5977 INFO@NICOLEREMILLARD.COM WWW.NICOLEREMILLARD.COM 13244 Victoria Rd N Summerland BC CONTACT ME FOR YOUR FREE MARKET EVALUATION welcome home. Realtor ® rachel morrison 250 280 8070 Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated limitless views chef inspired kitchen quiet street next to hiking trails price includes GST 4 Bed 3 Bath 2,645 sq.ft $1,199,000 New Listing 6038 Gerrie Road Never Lived In MLS #10265182

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