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Councillor Dave Collins got into the Halloween spirit Monday night at the Jack-O’-Lantern Walk on the Haunted Dock event in Heritage Park. Over 200 kids and many more adults attended the event.
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NOVEMBER 4, 2022
New subdivision could bring paving and sewer to Thorne Road JOANNE LAYH The District of Peachland is hoping to save some taxpayer money by requiring a local developer to pay for the paving of Thorne Rd. The paving of Thorne
Rd has been a regular item during budget deliberations for almost a decade and in recent years the town has been making funding contributions in the budget toward the approximately $400,000 project.
However, a Thorne Rd resident/local developer hoping to subdivide his property has since been asked to pay for the paving project as part of his application, potentially saving the municipality a sizable
Date: November 18, 2022 Time: 5:30 pm – 7:00pm Location: The Little School House (1898 Brandon Lane off 4th Street) Rezoning Application Z22-04 6785 Thorne Road An invitation to discuss the proposal of Re-zoning and 0.C.P Amendment for 6785 Thorne Road Peachland converting the parcel from RR1 – Rural Residential to R1 - Single Family Residential to craft a subdivision consisting of 8 sizable lots. The plan will also include sewer main install from Hardy Street to the end of Thorne Road followed by paving the entirety of Thorne Road. The Developer will be in attendance to answer any questions or concerns.
chunk of money. The poor condition of Thorne Rd has been a concern to residents almost 10 years. Thorne Rd residents had been seeking municipal water hook up for decades and when the water main project finally received budget approval in 2012, each of the nine residents contributed 25 per cent toward the installation costs. However, when the water main was installed in 2013, the municipality tore up the road to put in the in-
mense increase in scope of the nearby orchard business that uses the road but is located outside the district. Local developer Steve Penich has lived on Thorne Rd for about 15 years and is proposing to subdivide his property into eight sizable lots. Before he can do so, Peachland council will first need to approve rezoning and an OCP amendment, something that’s expected to come before them for consideration at the Dec. 13 council meeting. Ahead of that, Penich is
mean another delay in finally getting the road paved. “I’ve been to council every year for what seems like 10 years, and they finally budgeted to pave the road for 2022 and then the powers that be at city hall said, ‘Hang on. We’re not going to pave Thorne Rd. We’re going to see if we can get this developer to pay to pave it.’ I’ve been down there to complain that this may never happen. It could take years and this road is way overdue for its pavement,” said Carpenter.
Thorne Rd
frastructure but didn’t leave the road in the condition they found it. Since then residents of Thorne Rd have been looking for a remedy from the municipality. According to Thorne Rd resident Jim Carpenter, prior to the water main installation the road had a hard surface made of recycled blacktop. When the item was up for budget consideration last year, Carpenter said the problem has since been compounded by the im-
required to hold a public open house, which he has scheduled for Nov. 18 from 5:30 p.m. – 7 p.m. at the Little School House. If Penich’s project goes ahead, he’ll also be required to provide a sewer main installation from Hardy St, which will provide opportunities for other nearby residents, not just those on Thorne Rd. Carpenter told the View he has mixed emotions about Penich’s proposal because he’s worried it could
Penich told the View he can’t predict when things will happen but if all goes well he is hoping that the road will be paved next year. “I’m biting off a chunk for sure. But that all comes with the development of the property,” says Penich. “I’ve canvassed the whole neighbourhood and everyone is excited to get sewer for sure, and also to get Thorne Rd upgraded and paved.”
NOVEMBER 4, 2022
New council sworn in at inaugural meeting JOANNE LAYH Members of the newly elected Peachland council were sworn in at a ceremony held on Tuesday evening, followed by a brief inaugural council meeting that included council intro-
Thom went on to characterize his council colleagues as “a collection of very smart, intelligent people.” Coun. Randey Brophy also had praise for his new colleagues. “I am confident in the community I am working
I’ve played on and coached teams all of my life. This is a good one and I’m thankful to be on it.”
- councillor randey brophy
ductions and committee appointments. “As your new council, we accept this privilege to serve you. You have our commitment to providing quality service, taxing fairly, spending prudently, and managing wisely,” said Mayor Patrick Van Minsel in his initial address. “You also have our commitment that we will work together for the best interests of the community.” Van Minsel’s remarks were followed by an abundance of congeniality around the table that was a marked departure from the usual tone of Peachland council in recent years. “I look forward to working with Mr. Van Minsel and the rest of the council that we see here today. I’m very excited about the next four years and what we are going to do working together, for the best interest of all of Peachland,” said Coun. Alena Glasman. “The last time I was on council, I must confess I was more interested in increasing the tax base at the sacrifice of social and environmental issues,” said Coun. Keith Thom. “That has changed. Social and environmental issues are critical to this town. If we make decisions, they need to be smart decisions.”
for and the council, staff and mayor that I am working with, that we will make Peachland better,” said Coun. Brophy. “I’ve played on and coached teams all of my life. This is a good one and I’m thankful to be on it.” Coun. Rick Ingram remarked that he is very much looking forward to working with his new colleagues as they work to deal with the various issues facing Peachland, while Coun. Dave Collins expressed that he is really looking forward to getting going and going to work and getting to know all of his colleagues much better. Coun. Terry Condon, who served on five previ-
ous councils that could be divisive and tumultuous at times, thanked the previous council for their effort. “I didn’t agree with many of them much of the time but that’s how it goes sometimes. I look forward to working with my new best friends,” said Condon. “I think from the work that we did in campaigning, we have a lot of unity amongst the group and I’m very hopeful that we can make things move forward.” Van Minsel announced his internal council committee appointments, which will be re-evaluated after a five-month term: • Mayor’s Task Force on Climate Change – Rick Ingram (alternate Randey Brophy); • Tourism and Economic Development Committee – Dave Collins and Alena Glasman; • Healthy Watersheds Committee – Rick Ingram (alternate Alena Glasman); • Peachland Audit Committee – Dave Collins and Patrick Van Minsel; • Public Art Committee – Keith Thom (alternate Alena Glasman); The following external committee appointments will be for a four-year term: • Peachland Seniors Support Society – Keith Thom and Patrick Van Minsel; • Okanagan Regional Library Board – Terry Condon (alternate Alena Glasman); HUB Committee – Rick Ingram (alternate Randey Brophy); RDCO – Patrick Van Minsel (alternate Keith Thom); Airport Advisory Committee – Patrick Van Minsel
I didn’t agree with many of them much of the time but that’s how it goes sometimes. I look forward to working with my new best friends.”
- councillor terry condon
(alternate Terry Condon); Southern Interior Local Government Association (SILGA) – Keith Thom; Peachland Chamber of Commerce – Dave Collins
(alternate Keith Thom); Okanagan Basin Water Board – Patrick Van Minsel (alternate Randey Brophy); Peachland Wellness Centre – Rick Ingram (alternate
Alena Glasman); and Okanagan Folk School – Keith Thom (alternate Patrick Van Minsel).
PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING NOTICE Proposed Rezoning Application at 4641 Princeton Ave, Peachland
About the Rezoning Application: On behalf of the owner, McElhanney Ltd. has submitted a rezoning application to the District of Peachland on a property located at 4641 Princeton Ave in the Lower Princeton neighbourhood. The intent is to facilitate up to 50-unit groundoriented townhouses on the subject land. The figure below shows the massing of the proposed development. The application is to rezone the property from Rural Residential (RR-1) to MultiUnit Residential Medium Density (RM-4). The RM-4 zone allows medium-density (two to four-storey) multiple-unit residential buildings, up to 24 units per acre. The subject property meets the minimum required lot area and dimensions in the RM-4 zone. The proposed ground-oriented three-storey townhouse is permitted in the RM-4 zone. Based on the size of the property, the RM-4 zone would allow a maximum of 63 townhouse units on the subject property. The developer proposes a maximum of 50 townhouse units for the site. The current District of Peachland Official Community Plan (OCP) Future Land Use for the property is “Medium Density Residential.” and the Lower Princeton Area Sector Plan (ASP) has planned the site for future “Medium Density Residential.” The OCP’s future land use policies and the Lower Princeton ASP policies support the proposed townhouse land use on the site. If you want to learn more about the proposed rezoning application, please visit the project information website at https://bit.ly/4641princetonrezoning. Register for the Virtual Public Information Meeting The District of Peachland staff is currently reviewing the proposed rezoning application. Before staff brings the application to Council for first reading, McElhanney is inviting Peachland residents to register and participate in an organized virtual Public Information Meeting to learn about the project and provide your input and feedback on the proposed rezoning application. As a Peachland resident, McElhanney is taking proactive steps to ensure that you are aware and informed of the developer’s intentions to rezone and develop the lands. Please use the link below to register for the meeting. An email with a link to the meeting will be sent to you after registration. No download or installation of the meeting software is required. When: 6 pm - 8 pm, Wednesday, November 23, 2022 Meeting Format: Online Virtual Meeting. Please use your browser to join the meeting Registration Link: https://bit.ly/4641princeton Registration QR Code:
NOVEMBER 4, 2022
Is November too early for Christmas decorations? Visit our website to cast your vote. ___________ Results from last week’s question: Do you plan on wearing a costume for Halloween? 0 Yes 3 No
Joanne Layh
Publisher / Editor
editor@peachlandview.com sales@peachlandview.com
Don Urquhart
Contributing Reporter
Melissa Morris Production
5878A Beach Avenue Peachland, BC V0H 1X7 250 767 7771 published by Aberdeen Publishing Inc.
Robert W. Doull, pres
The Peachland View is a free community newspaper that is distributed each Friday to everyone in Peachland. Anyone who lives outside of the distribution area but within Canada can purchase a subscription at $70 per year + GST. The Peachland View reserves the right to refuse publication of any advertising or editorial submission at its discretion. Material submitted by columnists does not reflect the opinions of the Peachland View or its employees. The Peachland View retains complete and sole copyright of any content, including stories, photographs, and advertisements published in the Peachland View. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission or consent from the publisher is strictly prohibited.
More rate hikes a Shout out Ben serious concern to Stringer DAN ALBAS MP
Ottawa is a very busy place this week with many different topics dominating media stories. The ongoing inquiry into the invoking of the Emergency Act continues and many surprising details are being revealed to the public. This will be a topic for a future report. Also occurring this week is a request to the Speaker from the NDP asking for an emergency debate in the House of Commons over the Province of Ontario’s pre-emptive use of the notwithstanding clause to impose a contract on CUPE workers in the Ontario public educations system. As this is a provincial matter, it is unknown at this point if the Speaker will agree to a request for this emergency debate. Somewhat overlooked in many media reports this week was the Bank of Canada coming out and stating that they have “not ruled out another oversized interest rate hike to fight sky-high inflation”. With many families seriously struggling to pay increased interest on debt in mortgages, lines of credits and elsewhere, these comments will be of very serious concern. However, it is not just individual households that will be seriously impacted by a further increase in interest on debt. As many will know, for every year since being elected, the Trudeau Liberal Government has deliberately run deficit budgets that have significantly increased Canada’s debt. For those who have been following closely, they will Continued on Page 7
Wanted to give a shout out to Ben Stringer for his hard work and enthusiasm to bring a wonderful Halloween experience for our Peachland kids. We helped Ben decorate in the afternoon and it soon became obvious to me that a huge amount of organization was required to pull off such an event. We are so fortunate to have an individual with the work ethic and integrity that Ben has. Also had an opportunity to meet and work with Caitlyn, a new hire who seems to have similar characteristics – welcome to Peachland, Caitlyn and I look forward to working with you again. Thanks to you both and congratulations on such a successful event! I heard from the trick-or-treaters who came to my house that they loved it! Janet Hornseth, Peachland
NOVEMBER 4, 2022
Halloween isn’t too early to think about Christmas It’s been an honour
The Peachland Variety Singers gathered for a Halloween practice on Oct. 31. The singers are preparing for their Christmas concert, which will be held at the 50+ Activity Centre on Dec. 11 at 2 p.m. Admission will be by donation and refreshments will be served after the concert. In addition to choral pieces, the concert, Comfort and Joy, will feature individual numbers including ukuleles and a Christmas carol sing along with audience participation. Some of the numbers include Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah, When a Child is Born, Peace on Earth and It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year. The Peachland Variety Singers will be singing for 50 years in 2024 and are already planning a great celebration to greet this milestone. Earlier this year the group were recognized for their long service to the community by the District of Peachland.
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in the Central Okanagan. It hasn’t always been easy, but it has been rewarding. I wish the 2022-2026 Board of Education all the best as they work together on behalf of all students entrusted to their care. Thank you to all those who have supported and encouraged me over the years. It has been a joy to work with the Peachland Elementary Parent Advisory Council (and see some of the students I met 26 years ago become parents and PAC members themselves). Peachland is a wonderful place to live, and I intend to continue to support our community as much as I can. As President-Elect of the Rotary Club of Peachland, I am excited to see the community working together on the Hub project, and fully support our club’s involvement in the plan which will benefit all Peachlanders. Moyra Baxter, Peachland
20 21
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Dear Editor: On Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2022, the Central Okanagan Board of Education held its last public meeting of the 2018-2022 term. The new board will be sworn in on Nov. 9, at which time my tenure as the Peachland/Zone II Westside School Trustee will end. It has been an honour to serve the community of Peachland for the past 26 years, during which time many changes have taken place in the school district. Most are for the better and have supported our students and their learning. Some, such as the closing or amalgamation of schools in the early 2000s, were, I believe, short-sighted and have contributed to the severe lack of space the district is currently experiencing. Congratulations to the new Peachland/Zone II School Trustee, Lisa Guderyan. I hope she experiences as much satisfaction as I have serving the students and families
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NOVEMBER 4, 2022
LOCAL EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES LEGION POPPY CAMPAIGN Legion volunteers have distributed poppy boxes to businesses around town. Donations to the Poppy Fund will be accepted and all funds go to support our veterans and their families. PUMPKIN TOSS The Regional District Waste Reduction Office is encouraging residents to compost their pumkins this year. Or if you don’t compost, you can also put your pumkin in your curbside yard waste cart for pickup, which runs until the end of December.
MONDAYS FITNESS ROOM 5 am - 10 pm Peachland Community Centre INDOOR WALKING 8 am - 9 am Peachland Community Centre 50+ FITNESS 8 am - 9 am ($5 Drop In) 50 Plus Activity Centre ADULT DAY SERVICE 9 am - 3 pm Residences on 6th PICKLEBALL LEVEL 3.0-3.5 9:05 am - 11 am Peachland Community Centre FITNESS FUSION 9:30 am - 10:45 am 4th Street Place PICKLEBALL LEVEL 1.0-2.5 11 am - 1 pm Peachland Community Centre PICKLEBALL LEVEL 1.0-2.5 1 pm - 3 pm Peachland Community Centre LADIES’ COFFEE SOCIAL 1 pm 4th Street Place BRIDGE 1 pm – 4 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre BEGINNER/INTERMEDIATE ACRYLIC WORKSHOP 1 pm – 4 pm Peachland Little Schoolhouse CARLY THOMAS - CHAIR YOGA 2 pm - 3 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre
TRIVIA NIGHT at the Peachland Legion on Nov. 4 from 7 pm - 9 pm. PAUL JONES 80S ROCK N ROLL at the Peachland Legion on Nov. 5 from 530 pm - 830 pm. ST MARGARET’S ANGEL BAZAAR takes place at the community centre Nov. 5 from 9:30 am – 1 pm and includes a silent auction, home baking and other food items, books/puzzles, and more. JOHN COLE MUSIC at the Peachland Legion on Nov. 6
PICKLEBALL (ALL PLAY) 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm 4th Street Place INTRO TO WEIGHT TRAINING 11 am - 1 am Peachland Community Centre SPIN, CORE & STRETCH 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Peachland Community Centre ZUMBA 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Peachland Community Centre WOODCARVERS 7 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre
TUESDAYS FITNESS ROOM 5 am - 10 pm Peachland Community Centre YOGA 8:30 am - 9:30 am 50 Plus Activity Centre FLOW YOGA 9 am - 10 am 4th Street Place PICKLEBALL CLINIC LEARN TO PLAY 10 am - 11:15 am Peachland Community Centre CARPET BOWLING 10 am - 12 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre THERAPEUTIC YOGA 10:30 am – 11:45 am 4th Street Place AA 12 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre
PICKLEBALL LEVEL 3.75+ 1 pm - 3 pm Peachland Community Centre PASSION 4 ART 1 pm - 4 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre MAH JONG 1 pm – 4 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre MEN’S COFFEE & CARDS 1 pm PWC (downstairs) YOGA FOR YOUR BACK 2:45pm - 4 pm 4th Street Place PEACHLAND HUB NIGHT MARKET 4 pm – 9 pm Cousins Park LINE DANCING 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre SHOW AND SHINE, CARS AND COFFEE 5 pm - 7 pm May 3 to Oct 3 Peachland Village Mall POUND 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm 4th Street Place PEACHLAND LEGION DART LEAGUE 7 pm - 11 pm Royal Canadian Legion #69 COMPUTER LITERACY By Appointment Call 250 767 0141 Peachland Wellness Centre
from 2 pm - 430 pm.
7 pm - 9 pm.
REMEMBRANCE DAY CEREMONY at the Community Centre begins at 10:20 am on Nov. 11. Later the Elderly Brothers will perform at the Peachland Legion from 1 pm - 5 pm.
GREY CUP PARTY at the Peachland Legion on Nov. 20 from 2 pm - 8 pm.
IMPRESSIONS ART GROUP runs until Nov. 20 at the Peachland Art Gallery. A collection of new works presented by this art group.
HAVE AN EVENT YOU’D LIKE TO SEE HERE? Email editor@peachlandview.com before Friday at noon for the following week.
JUST THIRSTY BAND at the Peachland Legion on Nov. 26 from 5:30 pm - 9 pm.
TRIVIA NIGHT at the Peachland Legion on Nov. 18 from
WEDNESDAYS FITNESS ROOM 5 am - 10 pm Peachland Community Centre INDOOR WALKING 8 am - 9 am Peachland Community Centre 50+ FITNESS 9 am - 10 am ($5 Drop In) 50 Plus Activity Centre PICKLEBALL LEVEL 1.0-2.5 9:05 am - 11 am Peachland Community Centre FITNESS FUSION 9:30 am - 10:45 am 4th Street Place FULL BODY STRETCH 11 am - 12 pm 4th Street Place PICKLEBALL DROP-IN LEVEL 3.0 11 am - 1 pm Peachland Community Centre NOVICE PICKLEBALL CLINIC 12 pm - 1 pm Peachland Community Centre BARGAIN BIN 12 pm - 3 pm Peachland United Church PICKLEBALL LEVEL 3.0-3.5 1 pm - 3 pm Peachland Community Centre BRIDGE 1 pm – 4 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre WE ART HERE 12 pm - 4 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre LEGION KARAOKE 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm Royal Canadian Legion #69
MINI KICKERS SOCCER 5 pm - 6 pm Cousins Park HATHA YOGA 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm 4th Street Place SPIN, CORE AND STRETCH 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Peachland Community Centre CENTRAL OKANAGAN MODEL RAILWAY CO. Train modellers + visitors meet 7 pm Peachland Musum
THURSDAYS FITNESS ROOM 5 am - 10 pm Peachland Community Centre YOGA 8:30 am - 9:30 am 50 Plus Activity Centre YOGA FOR YOUR BACK 9:30 am - 10:45 am 4th Street Place BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT 10 am-11:45 am Peachland Wellness Centre PICKLEBALL LEVEL 3.5 10:30 am - 12:30 pm Peachland Community Centre THERAPEUTIC YOGA 11 am - 12:15 pm 4th Street Place IRON AND SILK FIT 11 am - 12 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre BARGAIN BIN 12 pm - 3 pm Peachland United Church TAI CHI FOR WELLNESS 12:30 pm 4th Street Place
PICKLEBALL LEVEL 3.75+ 1 pm - 3 pm Peachland Community Centre PASSION 4 ART 1 pm – 4 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre DEMENTIA CAREGIVER SUPPORT (ALZHEIMER SOCIETY) 230 pm - 430 pm 4th Street Place BEGINNER UKULELE 230 pm - 330 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre MEAT DRAW 3 pm-5 pm Royal Canadian Legion #69 BINGO 5:30 pm (EOW) 50 Plus Activity Centre CHOPRA MANTRA MEDITATION 5:45 pm - 6:45 pm & 6:45 pm - 7:45 pm 4th Street Place
FRIDAYS FITNESS ROOM 5 am - 10 pm Peachland Community Centre INDOOR WALKING 8 am - 9 am Peachland Community Centre FLOW YOGA 9 am - 10 am 4th Street Place 50+ FITNESS 9 am - 10 am ($5 Drop In) 50 Plus Activity Centre BARGAIN BIN 12 pm - 3 pm Peachland United Church LADIES’ COFFEE & CARDS 1pm 4th Street Place
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NOVEMBER 4, 2022
New council ready to go to work Cost to service our debt is a very serious concern to local MP
MAYOR PATRICK VAN MINSEL By the time you read this, the new council has been inaugurated, and two days of council training will have passed. Our residents voted for change and a desire for better communication and collaboration between the council, residents, and councillors themselves. Trust needs to be earned and can only be reached by enhanced communication. I spoke with all elected councillors the first week after the elections and gauged their priorities, skillset, and expectations for the next four years. We have a group of elected officials full of energy and ready to go to work. The desire for teamwork was their top priority. We have many short-term and long-term challenges we need to deal with. First, we will deal with the issue of heights and setbacks for the frontage of the Beach Avenue neighborhood and discuss the necessary zoning change to make this happen.
Secondly, we will define at a strategic planning meeting (scheduled for January 2022) what the short-term (within four years) and long-term (a vision for the next 20-30 years) priorities are and implement deadlines and actions needed to fulfill these priorities. Topics (not in order) that came up during my meeting with councillors were; • Infrastructure improvements (sewer/ sidewalks/lights at Trepanier); • Improved communication; • Watershed protection; • Parks development; • Building our reserves; • Asset management; • Downtown revitalization plan; • Improve relationships with other governments; • Purpose build development (Attainable Housing- long-term rental and smaller affordable units); • Zoning and bylaw amendments; • Highway safety – speed reduction; • Streamline the planning department process; and • Increase amenities for families. As you see, there is a lot to take into consideration. Building a team and uniting Peachland was a topic of conversation that came up during my talks with residents; I noticed that we have many bright, intelligent, and experienced residents wanting to lend a hand when necessary. Let’s use this willingness to help and bring this knowledge and skill set together in future task forces. I personally am looking forward to working together with this council, district staff and residents for the betterment of Peachland. In service, Patrick Van Minsel, Mayor of Peachland
Beach Ave Traffic Flow Changes The Peachland Remembrance Day Ceremony will be held on Friday, November 11. Beach Avenue traffic flow will be altered as follows: 10:00 am-12:00 pm
No traffic will be permitted on Beach Avenue from 1st-3rd street. Local traffic detours are available via the back alley from 1st to 3rd Street. Vehicles parked on the west side of Beach Ave before the road closure may remain in their stalls through the closure, but they cannot depart until after 12:00 pm. 8:00 am-12:00 pm
No parking will be permitted on the lake side of Beach Avenue in the stalls adjacent to Cenotaph Park (the two parallel stalls to the north and south of the 2nd Street cross walk). Any vehicles left in these stalls after 8:00 am will be towed to the parking lot on 2nd Street at the owner’s expense.
Continued from Page 4
know the Trudeau Liberal government has consistently defended their deficit budgets by stating this spending is “affordable due to low interest rates.” Back in my criticism of the Liberal budget early last year, I warned about rising interest will mean rising payments on that debt, a term known as “debt servicing”. In fact, I pointed out that the interest that we paid on our public debt for 2020/21 was $20.4 billion. I also pointed out that by 2026/27 these debt servicing costs were forecast to rise to $40.9 billion. For context I gave the example that the Canada Health Transfer that was $45.9 billion (at the time) was forecast to rise to $55.2 billion in 2026/27. I did this to raise the issue that over the next five years the cost to service our debt is doubling and increasing at a rate faster than our health transfers are increasing.
I viewed this as a very serious concern and many local citizens agreed. Flash forward to this week and Desjardins (from Quebec) has forecast that Canada’s debt servicing costs will hit $49.8 billion next year. To put $49.8 billion in debt servicing charges into perspective, the total of the Canada Health Transfer (CHT) for 2022/23 is expected to rise to $45.2 billion. In other words, the situation that I was worried about has now occurred over a much shorter period. With Canada’s debt servicing now forecast to see us spending more money on debt servicing than we are spending in funding the entire Canada health transfer to the provinces and territories, here is my question for you this week: What actions would you like to see from the federal government in response to this situation? I can be reached at Dan.Albas@parl.gc. ca or call toll free 800 665 8711.
NOVEMBER 4, 2022
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NOVEMBER 4, 2022
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One Stop StopLove Love Shop
3466 CARRINGTON RD #102, WEST KELOWNA • 250-707-5683
WANTED SASQUATCH SKULL - Also purchasing SILVER & GOLD coins, bars, jewelry, scrap, nuggets, sterling, 999+ BULLION, maple leafs, bulk silver, pre-1969 coins. Coin collector BUYING ENTIRE COIN COLLECTIONS,
Places of Faith
Anglican Church
4464-4 St, Peachland, BC V0H 1X6 • 250-767-3131 stmargarets@shaw.ca https://www.facebook.com/ stmargaretspeachland106/
Sunday Church Service at 10:00 am. Zoom service on request Email or Call for Link Come Join Us! All are Welcome. Matthew 25:35 “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.”
July 22, 1961 – October 10, 2022
St. Margaret’s
Aubrey (Drew) Stewart
Meets Monday at 7 p.m. (closed meeting) and Friday at 7 p.m. (open meeting). Call 250-763-5555 for more info.
In loving memory of
Peachland United Church
4421 4th Street
“Let Us Worship Together”
Pastor: Ian McLean
all are
welcome For 10:00am online Zoom service visit www.peachlandunited.ca
Lake Ave at 13th St 250-767-9237 Sunday Morning Service 10:30 am PASTOR
It is with great sadness we announce the passing of Aubrey (Drew) Andrew Stewart on Monday, October 10th, 2022, at the age of 61. Drew was born and raised in the Okanagan. After graduation, Drew moved to Houston, BC in 1980 where he completed his Millwright apprenticeship and began his career at Equity Silver Mines. Drew met his wife, Debbie, in 1986 and decided to stay in Houston to continue his career at Northwood/Canfor before retiring to the beautiful home he built for his family. Drew and Debbie married in 1990 and enjoyed 32 years of marriage. Much to their delight, they had two wonderful children, Dayton (30) and Serene (29). Drew was very proud of his family and loved them all deeply. In his spare time, Drew loved being outdoors – fishing, hunting, collecting fossils, and working on the property. He also enjoyed spending time with his family and friends, and always had a story or joke to share. Drew was predeceased by his father, Paul Stewart, and mother, Mildred (Croteau) Stewart. He is survived by his wife, Debbie, his children, Dayton (Lynneah) and Serene (Wilson), his stepmother, Lyn, and his faithful dog, Jake. He will be deeply missed as a father, husband, and friend. The family would like to thank the staff of the Houston Ambulance Service, Houston Fire Department, Bulkley Valley District Hospital, and Mills Memorial Hospital for their care and support. In lieu of flowers, please consider donating to the BV Health Foundation (www. bvhealthfoundation.ca) or the Houston Volunteer Fire Fighters Association (Box 194, Houston, BC V0J 1Z0). The service will be planned for the spring of 2023 with details to follow.
Lyle Wahl
peachlandbaptistcanada.com There is a sermon audio available on our website each week.
NOVEMBER 4, 2022
Christmas Market at 50 Plus the latest HUB fundraising event DARLENE HARTFORD The Peachland HUB’s Night Markets are moving indoors for the winter. The HUB will have five fundraising markets throughout the winter as an ongoing
means of raising funds to build the new Peachland Food Bank as well as an activity centre to replace the 50 Plus. Groovy Tuesday Markets were a fun family event during the summer and
organizers are looking for local and neighbouring support over the winter months. Vendors are excited to have an opportunity to share their wares during the off season. The first indoor market will be filled to ca-
pacity with returning and new vendors. Thursday, Nov. 10 is the first of the winter market series where the 50+ Activity Centre will showcase a bounty of Christmas gifts and ideas. There will also
be a Kids Korner where children can create personal wrapping paper using stencils and stamps. Market hours are 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. so bring the kids after school for crafts, dinner and shopping. Future winter markets will be Feb. 16, Mar. 16,
Apr. 20 and May 18. The weekly summer markets will begin in June and return to Groovy Tuesdays. All winter markets are held on Thursdays due to availability in the busy 50 Plus schedule.
Elaine McKay is busy preparing her woodland reindeer and santas for the HUB’s Christmas Night Market on Thursday, Nov. 10. McKay is one of 30 vendors who will bring the spirit of Christmas to Peachland early in November.
Bat Education and Ecological Protection Society (BEEPS) community partner Henry Van Druten from Bugsense Pest Control volunteers his services to the community every fall by cleaning various bat house around Peachland, including this one at Hainle Winery. Once the bats have left for hibernation, Van Druten makes sure their homes are cleaned up and free from wasps, bird feathers or other items when it’s time for the bats to return. While the houses may not be discovered “right off the bat” Van Druten notices after a while guano begins to accumulate, indicating that members of the local bat population have located a suitable home. For information about getting a bat house on your property, email BEEPS at info@beepspeachland.com or call 250 767 2143.
NOVEMBER 4, 2022
This week’s Crossword, Sudoku & Word Search
CLUES ACROSS 1. Chop up 5. Ones who utilize 10. Sings with closed lips 14. South American hummingbird 15. Serves as a coxswain 16. Liquor distilled from coconut or rice 17. Spur 18. Senile 19. Tanzanian people 20. Cruel 22. Boxing’s “GOAT” 23. Yokels 24. London soccer team 27. Chinese chess piece 30. Supervises flying 31. 007’s creator 32. Shaft horsepower (abbr.) 35. A spider makes one 37. Liquefied natural gas 38. Opaque gem 39. Brazilian palm 40. Periodical (slang) 41. You might step on one 42. Marvin and Horsley are two 43. Partner to cheese 44. Unpleasant smell 45. Field force unit (abbr.) 46. Fashion accessory 47. Cool!
48. Time zone 49. Songs to one’s lover 52. German river 55. Go bad 56. Sword 60. Very eager 61. Leaf bug 63. Italian seaport 64. Napoleon Dynamite’s uncle 65. Member of Jamaican religion 66. Large wading bird 67. Carries out 68. Eternal rest 69. It holds up your headwords CLUES DOWN 1. Not low 2. Small water buffalo 3. A mark left behind 4. Archaic form of have 5. Fiddler crabs 6. Popular Hyundai sedan 7. Deport 8. Making over 9. Midway between south and southeast 10. Arabic masculine name 11. Type of acid 12. Popular 1980s Cher film 13. Outdoor enthusiasts’ tools 21. Chinese city 23. “Star Wars” character Solo
25. The bill in a restaurant 26. Old, ugly witch 27. Burn with a hot liquid 28. To claim or demand 29. “A Doll’s House” playwright 32. Involuntary muscular contraction 33. Pea stems (British) 34. Double or multiple fold 36. No longer is 37. Lakers’ crosstown rivals (abbr.) 38. S. American plant cultivated in Peru 40. Cloth or fabric 41. Flanks 43. Disfigure 44. Angry 46. Baltic coast peninsula 47. Large, flightless birds 49. Plants of the lily family 50. Medieval Norwegian language 51. Polio vaccine developer 52. Not soft 53. Exchange rate 54. Voice (Italian) 57. Baseball’s Ruth 58. Famed guitarist Clapton 59. Take a chance 61. Wife 62. Elaborate handshake
Answers to last week’s Crossword, Sudoku & Word Search
NOVEMBER 4, 2022
2219 Mayer Road
Opportunity knocks.....own a Multi Family Residential property in the heart of Kelowna, walking distance to Orchard Park Mall and other shopping and restaurants, Zoning is RU6B Two Dwelling Housing with Boarding or Lodging House, operating as affordable housing for 55+, 15 Units that have 4 patio’s and 9 decks, 15 bedrooms, 14 full baths, 6450 sq ft finished on 2 and half floors, room to install an elevator, each unit has its own A/C, construction and materials above average, situated on .82 of an acre backing onto Mission Creek Greenway. Modernized in 2016 to meet the requirements of Interior Health, installed solar panels, brought city water into the property, 2 common fully equipped common Kitchens and dining and living room areas. MLS®10264130 Trusted Agents Since 1999 Contact Us for a Complimentary Market Evaluation of Your Home
250.212.2654 www.cecileguilbault.com
New Listing
0 90 , 9 6 $8
K 100
3-450 Yates Rd - This great North Glenmore family home is located in the quaint gated community of Orchard View Estates. Offers 3 beds / 3 baths, spacious convenient floor plan, vaulted ceilings, gas fireplace, double garage, and updated furnace, a/c, hot water tank, partial windows and more. Minutes to schools, amenities, golf, parks, and a short drive to MLS® 10264512 UBCO and downtown Kelowna.
K 29.8
13244 Victoria Rd N Summerland BC
6139 Seymoure Lane, Peachland
Breathtaking 180 degree Lakeview from Naramata to Kelowna of Okanagan Lake. Enjoy this gorgeous luxury executive home featuring 4 bedrooms 4 baths, over three stories. The main living area consists of Living Room, Kitchen, Den, master bedroom and ensuite. Up the beautiful spiral staircase and you find two bedrooms with full bath. The lower level has an additional bedroom, massive storage, theatre/fitness room potential, and a huge shop. This lends itself to a home based business with exterior garage and man doors. driveway extends to rear of house which leads to partially enclosed covered deck with separate entrance to home. MLS 10264385
Larry Guilbault
250-826-2047 youarehereimages.com
5878E Beach Avenue Peachland, BC VOH 1X7
5972 Princess Street, Peachland
Incredible Lake Okanagan views! This house is located on a beautiful lot in a quiet neighbourhood within walking distance to the nice beaches and wonderful restaurants of downtown Peachland. You are going to love the open concept and vaulted ceilings of the main living area. All focus flows towards the stunning views & sprawling outdoor deck. The kitchen has granite counters & newer appliance package that is perfect for cooking wonderful meals for friends & family. The primary bedroom has a deluxe ensuite complete with jetted tub so you can relax after playing at the beach. MLS 10263792
250-575-3643 jason@jasoncoward.ca
www.sellingpeachland.ca Expert Real Estate Service Since 2007