Peachland View October 28, 2022

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HappyHalloween from the ghouls and howlin Al at Johnston Meier Insurance! - Come in on the 31st for your treats5872 Beach Ave, Peachland | 250-767-2500 | 1-877-767-2510

Prepare to be spooked at Haunted Dock Halloween event

The District of Peach land’s Jack-O’-Lantern Walk on the Haunted Dock family event will return this Halloween to spook kids of all ages at Heritage Park.

“We started it out of ne cessity in 2020 due to the desire to keep some sort of a fun activity going on at Halloween when we couldn’t have an activity indoors. It was a lot of fun and a really big success that updated and changed our Halloween routine a little bit to kind of fresh en things up,” recreation manager Ben Stringer told the View

The recreation depart ment decided to continue it last year and it grew over the previous year, with over 500 people in attendance and over 200 goodie bags given out to kids.

“The idea is that this will be a stop on every one’s trick-or-treating routine. So as the kids are going around and

collecting their candy in different neighbourhoods, they can swing by the park and check out our

displays,” said Stringer.

“I have a whole bunch of candy that’s been donated by some of our commu

nity sponsors and some l ight, quick fun for every body to engage in.”

T he Peachland Water

shed Protection Alliance, t he Peachland HUB, BEEPS, Peachland Am bassadors and Peachland

BCG will be participating in the event with decorat ed sections of the dock, while Peachland Fire and Rescue Service will be on site to hand out candy from the fire truck.

Some of the organiza tions will also provide face painting for children.

Kids of all ages, all the way up to adults and seniors are welcome to come through and check out the fun, although the goodie bags will be ex clusively available to little ones.

Businesses, service clubs and members of the community are invited to participate by carving a pumpkin and dropping it off on Halloween between 2 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. Do nated pumpkins will be featured along the walk to give the dock a spooky atmosphere.

The event will take place rain or shine at Heri tage Park on Monday, Oct. 31 from 5 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Entry is by donation to the Peachland Food Bank.

Pumpkin and candy wrapper advice


The Regional District Waste Reduction Office is once again encourag ing residents to compost their old jack-o’-lanterns post-Halloween.

“Pumpkins are great to add to your composter because they’re high in nitrogen,” says waste re duction facilitator Rae Stewart. “If you cut them into small pieces and add some fall leaves, they will break down much faster than leaving them whole. By next spring you’ll have a great nutrient rich soil amendment to add to your garden or lawn.”

If you don’t compost, another option is to put unwanted pumpkins into your curbside yard waste cart, which will continue to be collected until the end of December.

Stewart also suggests residents consider using pumpkins in baking or soup making if they’re still

in good condition and free of debris or damage from the elements.

The RDCO is also re minding residents that while candy wrappers can’t go into your curbside recycling cart, they can be returned to the nearest re

cycling depot as part of the flexible packaging recy cling program.

For more information on composting, yard waste or recycling collection programs visit recycle.


Legion poppy campaign kicks off with pinning of the first poppy

The Legion’s annual pop py campaign got off to a start on Tuesday afternoon with Peachland Legion vice president Jean Saul pinning the first poppy on May or-elect Patrick Van Minsel in a brief ceremony at the cenotaph.

The poppy campaign will continue through to Re membrance Day on Nov. 11. Legion volunteers will be out and about en masse to distribute poppy trays to businesses throughout Peachland this Friday.

Each year tens of mil lions of Canadians wear a poppy as a visual pledge to honour Canada’s veterans and remember those who sacrificed for the freedoms we enjoy today.

In the coming days the Rotary Club of Peachland will install a Field of Cross es at the cenotaph to honour Peachlanders who volun teered and gave their lives during the First World War and Second World War. Each name inscribed on the cenotaph will be honoured with a white cross.

This Remembrance Day will mark the first time in 70 years that God Save the King will be sung at the cer emony. This Remembrance Day

will also mark the third consecutive year of the return to Peachland’s Re membrance Day ceremony being held at the cenotaph.

“The only reason we had the indoor one was because in 1995 a massive snowstorm crippled this town so we couldn’t pa rade outside,” Saul recalled. COVID restrictions caused the ceremony to return outdoors and since many people welcomed the move, it was decided to keep the ceremony at the cenotaph, even though restrictions have ended.

The ceremony will begin at the usual time of 10:20 a.m.

There will be limited seating available for those who are unable to stand for the ceremony; if people have a fold-up chair and can manage it, they are welcome to bring their own seating.

The public is invited to visit the Legion after the ceremony, where there will be live entertainment provided by the Elderly Brothers.

Make a “3 Times For The Hub” Pledge Peachland’s community service groups need a new permanent home. All donations of $25 or more will receive a charitable donation tax receipt. All donations of $250 or more will receive name recognition on our Donor Recognition Wall just inside the Hub’s main entrance. Donation Level Single Donation Amount 3 Times Pledge Amount Buy-a-brick Gold $1,000 $335 Buy-a-brick Silver $500 $170 Buy-a-brick Bronze $250 $85 Contact us regarding higher Donation Recognition Levels Make cheques payable to “Peachland Wellness Centre” and drop off at either the 50+ Activity Centre or the Peachland Wellness Centre. To make a 3 times pledge or one time donation online, go to hub project/ Or contact One time donations are also gratefully accepted. Make a donation today, and commit to making the same donation again in 12 months, and then again in 24 months! The “3 Times for the Hub” Pledge
PHOTO JOANNE LAYH On Tuesday Peachland Legion vice president Jean Saul (right) pinned the first poppy on Mayor-elect Patrick Van Minsel.

Unacceptable spending of tax dollars


Early this week I was contacted by a local jour nalist for reaction to reports that the government delega tion headed by PM Trudeau to attend the Queen’s fu neral in London had cost $397,000 for the five-night stay.

One room was report ed to have cost $6,000 per night and included a private butler.

The Trudeau Liberal gov ernment so far refuses to disclose who stayed in that room.

For the record, this was a non-partisan delegation

that included past Liber al and Conservative prime ministers as well as other dignitaries and elected of ficials.

When I was asked for my reaction, I was taken back to 10 years ago when it was revealed a former Conser vative cabinet minister had charged taxpayers $16 for a glass of orange juice, iron ically also while travelling in London at an expensive hotel.

My reaction is the same then as it is now.

It is totally unacceptable there is not greater respect for the spending of tax dol lars.

In the case of former Minister Bev Oda, the min ister did the honourable thing and resigned after her expenses were reported. She also repaid the expens es out of her own pocket.

In this case the Trudeau Liberal government will not even tell us who should be held accountable for staying in a $6,000 a night hotel room.

That is totally unaccept able.

Also announced this week is the Bank of Cana da is once again raising the overnight interest rate to 3.75 per cent.

This is another increase from the previously an nounced increase of 3.25 per cent.

I am hearing from many families who are serious ly struggling financially, as the increased payments on household debt have become unsustainable for them.

As one family recently shared, they are now cop ing with the extra payments solely through their line of credit however, the interest of the line of credit is also increasing, and they have calculated they can make two more months of pay ments before they max out their line of credit.

Many have also ex pressed concerns that if there is a cold winter having high heating bills on top of everything else will be the “straw that broke the cam el’s back”.

Do you plan on wearing a costume for Halloween? Visit our website to cast your vote. Results from last week’s question: Are you satisfied with the election results? 11 Yes 4 No ONLINE POLL PEACHLAND VIEW4 OCTOBER 28, 2022 OPINION The Peachland View is a free community newspaper that is distributed each Friday to everyone in Peachland. Anyone who lives outside of the distribution area but within Canada can purchase a subscription at $70 per year + GST. The Peachland View reserves the right to refuse publication of any advertising or editorial submission at its discretion. Material submitted by columnists does not reflect the opinions of the Peachland View or its employees. The Peachland View retains complete and sole copyright of any content, including stories, photographs, and advertisements published in the Peachland View. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission or consent from the publisher is strictly prohibited. 5878A Beach Avenue Peachland, BC V0H 1X7 250 767 7771 published by Aberdeen Publishing Inc. Robert W. Doull, pres
Joanne Layh
Publisher / Editor
Melissa Morris Production
Continued on Page 5

Peachland Rotary marks World Polio Day

Did you, by chance, drive by IGA at 7:30 a.m. this past Monday? If so, you would have seen Peachland Rotarians holding up End Polio Now signs bringing awareness of polio to those passing by. This was, in fact, a regular occurrence as Peachland Rotarians have been doing this for the past 15 years in support of Rotary’s campaign to help eradicate polio throughout the world, a program that Rotary International started in 1979.

In fact, with support from the thousands of Rotary clubs in the world more than $2.6 billion has been raised for the eradication of polio. In 1985 polio was endemic in most of the world. By 2019 polio was endemic in only two countries – Pakistan and Afghanistan. In my childhood, polio existed in B.C. and throughout Canada. I remember when one of my classmates had to leave school and go to a sanitorium in Vancouver for several years. It was easily eradicated in North America by a program of vaccination in our schools.

Polio is a severe neurological disease caused by a bacterium, usually spread through the water system. It causes paralysis in many of its victims who are crippled and often unable to walk again for the remainder of their lives. My husband remembers when all the public swimming pools in Vancouver were closed in an attempt to stop the spread of the disease. Success was only achieved by a widespread vaccination program in the 1950s using the newly developed Salk vaccine.

Recent news reminds us that polio anywhere is still a threat everywhere. Polio has been detected around the world in places where it hasn’t been found in decades. New York has seen a case of polio, while London, England and Toronto have detected polio in sewage samples. We often say “Polio is just a plane ride away”. The need to continue vaccines against polio is ongoing until we finally have no more cases.

Rotary continues its efforts to support worldwide vaccination programs for polio. It is committed to raising US$50 million every year which is matched two to one by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Rotary is committed to the eradication of polio and thus protecting children throughout the world.

$6,000 a night hotel room mystery

they refuse.

Unfortunately, as the Offi cial Conservative Opposition, every effort we have made to have carbon tax increases de layed or GST removed from fuel have been opposed by the Liberal/NDP partnership. With the Bank of Canada now confirming that carbon taxes increase inflation, this would be one measure the Trudeau Liberal government could undertake to help many struggling Canadians and yet

At a time when many are struggling, the Liberals do not have any concern with renting a $6,000 a night hotel room.

I am seriously concerned PM Trudeau does not appreci ate or understand just how real the financial challenges that some Canadians are facing.

I should also add that many that I hear from, in this chal lenging fiscal situation, have good jobs and as a result do not qualify for many of the rebate and assistance programs that

are available.

This Liberal government once promised to help the mid dle class and yet every day I hear from more middle-class families who cannot afford to make ends meet.

My question this week: Do you think Canadians that heat their homes with nat ural gas or propane should be punished with a carbon tax for attempting to stay warm in the cold winter months?

I can be reached at Dan.Al

School trustee returns thanks to candidate

Thank-you Gordon Wiebe for the congratulations and for all your efforts in the cam paign. It was a clean race and

it was a pleasure to meet you. You are exactly right about big shoes to fill – I recognize Moyra has been a force. I will

do my best to represent zone II communities well. Best of luck to you,

Continued from Page 4



SIGNING for A to Z Ménagerie – A parade of Animals in Poems and Paintings takes place at the Peachland Visitor Centre on Oct 29 from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm.

LEGION POPPY CAMPAIGN Legion volunteers will be distributing poppy boxes and wreaths on Fri. Oct. 28. Donations to the Poppy Fund will be accepted and all funds go to support our veterans and their families.



5 am - 10 pm

Peachland Community Centre


8 am - 9 am

Peachland Community Centre

50+ FITNESS 8 am - 9 am ($5 Drop In)

50 Plus Activity Centre


9 am - 3 pm

Residences on 6th


9:05 am - 11 am

Peachland Community Centre


9:30 am - 10:45 am

4th Street Place


11 am - 1 pm

Peachland Community Centre


1 pm - 3 pm

Peachland Community Centre


1 pm

4th Street Place


1 pm – 4 pm

50 Plus Activity Centre



1 pm – 4 pm

Peachland Little Schoolhouse


2 pm - 3 pm

50 Plus Activity Centre

JACK-O’-LANTERN WALK ON THE HAUNTED DOCK Spooky fun in Heritage Park: goodie bag, decorations, music and photo booth. Mon Oct 31 5 pm - 7 pm. Entry by donation to the Peachland Food Bank.

PUMPKIN TOSS The Regional District Waste Reduction Office is encouraging residents to compost their pumkins this year. Or if you don’t compost, you can also put your pumkin in your curbside yard waste cart for pickup, which runs until the end of December.


3:30 pm - 4:45 pm

4th Street Place


11 am - 1 am

Peachland Community Centre


6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Peachland Community Centre ZUMBA 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Peachland Community Centre WOODCARVERS 7 pm

50 Plus Activity Centre



5 am - 10 pm

Peachland Community Centre YOGA

8:30 am - 9:30 am

50 Plus Activity Centre FLOW YOGA 9 am - 10 am

4th Street Place


Peachland Community Centre CARPET BOWLING

10 am - 12 pm

50 Plus Activity Centre

THERAPEUTIC YOGA 10:30 am – 11:45 am

4th Street Place

AA 12 pm

50 Plus Activity Centre


1 pm - 3 pm

Peachland Community Centre PASSION 4 ART

1 pm - 4 pm

50 Plus Activity Centre


1 pm – 4 pm

50 Plus Activity Centre


1 pm PWC (downstairs)


2:45pm - 4 pm 4th Street Place


4 pm – 9 pm

Cousins Park

LINE DANCING 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm

50 Plus Activity Centre


5 pm - 7 pm May 3 to Oct 3

Peachland Village Mall POUND

6:30 pm - 7:30 pm 4th Street Place


7 pm - 11 pm

Royal Canadian Legion #69 COMPUTER LITERACY By Appointment Call 250 767 0141

Peachland Wellness Centre

TRIVIA NIGHT at the Peachland Legion on Nov. 4 from 7 pm - 9 pm.

PAUL JONES 80S ROCK N ROLL at the Peachland Legion on Nov. 5 from 530 pm - 830 pm.

ST MARGARET’S ANGEL BAZAAR takes place at the community centre Nov. 5 from 9:30 am – 1 pm and includes a silent auction, home baking and other food items, books/puzzles, and more.



5 am - 10 pm

Peachland Community Centre


8 am - 9 am

Peachland Community Centre

50+ FITNESS 9 am - 10 am ($5 Drop In)

50 Plus Activity Centre


9:05 am - 11 am

Peachland Community Centre FITNESS FUSION

9:30 am - 10:45 am

4th Street Place

FULL BODY STRETCH 11 am - 12 pm

4th Street Place


11 am - 1 pm

Peachland Community Centre NOVICE PICKLEBALL CLINIC 12 pm - 1 pm

Peachland Community Centre BARGAIN BIN  12 pm - 3 pm

Peachland United Church PICKLEBALL LEVEL 3.0-3.5

1 pm - 3 pm

Peachland Community Centre BRIDGE

1 pm – 4 pm

50 Plus Activity Centre


12 pm - 4 pm

50 Plus Activity Centre


3:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Royal Canadian Legion #69

JOHN COLE MUSIC at the Peachland Legion on Nov. 6 from 2 pm - 430 pm.

REMEMBRANCE DAY CEREMONY at the Community Centre begins at 10:20 am on Nov. 11. Later the Elderly Brothers will perform at the Peachland Legion from 1 pm - 5 pm.

IMPRESSIONS ART GROUP runs until Nov. 20 at the Peachland Art Gallery. A collection of new works presented by this art group.


5 pm - 6 pm

Cousins Park HATHA YOGA

5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

4th Street Place


6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Peachland Community Centre


Train modellers + visitors meet 7 pm

Peachland Musum



5 am - 10 pm

Peachland Community Centre YOGA

8:30 am - 9:30 am

50 Plus Activity Centre

YOGA FOR YOUR BACK 9:30 am - 10:45 am 4th Street Place


Peachland Wellness Centre


10:30 am - 12:30 pm

Peachland Community Centre


11 am - 12:15 pm

4th Street Place


11 am - 12 pm

50 Plus Activity Centre

BARGAIN BIN  12 pm - 3 pm

Peachland United Church TAI CHI FOR WELLNESS 12:30 pm

4th Street Place

PICKLEBALL LEVEL 3.75+ 1 pm - 3 pm

Peachland Community Centre PASSION 4 ART 1 pm – 4 pm

50 Plus Activity Centre


4th Street Place

BEGINNER UKULELE 230 pm - 330 pm

50 Plus Activity Centre

MEAT DRAW  3 pm-5 pm

Royal Canadian Legion #69 BINGO

5:30 pm (EOW)

50 Plus Activity Centre


5:45 pm - 6:45 pm & 6:45 pm - 7:45 pm

4th Street Place



5 am - 10 pm

Peachland Community Centre

INDOOR WALKING 8 am - 9 am

Peachland Community Centre FLOW YOGA

9 am - 10 am

4th Street Place

50+ FITNESS 9 am - 10 am ($5 Drop In)

50 Plus Activity Centre


12 pm - 3 pm

Peachland United Church


1pm 4th Street Place

PEACHLAND VIEW6 OCTOBER 28, 2022 Online Auctions • Retail Gallery of Art, Pottery, Textiles, Accessories 4th Meridian Art & Auctions Online Gallery & Shop: Visit in person: Thurs - Sat CALL or check Website for current hours #104 1475 Fairview Rd, Penticton inside the historic Cannery Trade Centre Accepting Consignments: ART, POTTERY, small furnishings unexpected & curious finds

Jail N Bail fundraiser for HUB project a huge success

Last weekend’s Jail N Bail fundraiser at IGA was a hugely memorable suc cess to say the least. We have raised over $12,000 for the HUB project if all promised transfers are received.

Huge thank-yous and kudos need to go out to jailbirds Rob Verbaan, Patrick Van Minsel, Geoff Davis, Keith Thom, Deborah Livingstone, Judy Bedford, Janet Hornseth, Bernice Collin, Alan

Sokoloski, Moyra Baxter, Sherry Ken drick, Janice Liebe, Kym Martin, Lee Etherington, Gail Bodnarek, Shayn Moritz, Rachel Truant and Rick Ingram.

Thanks also to Jean Saul, Gerry Con rad, and Murray Wood for the purchase of stay of of jail cards and to arresting officers Bruce Klippenstein, Rick In gram, Gerry Conrad, Ian Woodward and Nick Berry.

Also thanks to our jail guards Gwen Bodnarek, Heidi Slyngbom, Kym Mar tin, Darlene Hartford and Maurita Graham, photographer Karen Read, paymaster Lynne Herrin, our set up and take down crew, Shayn Moritz and Rod Irwin, and my fellow HUB fundraising committee members Kym Martin, Gwen Bodnarek, Heidi Slyngbom and Darlene Hartford.

Gazebo/jail construction was courtesy of Shelley and Steve Sweeney.

Kudos to Peachland IGA for open ing up the front of their store to house the jail and for so generously supplying much needed vitals to jail staff and jail birds.

Thank-you to all the snitchs out there

(and you know who you are) who took out arrest warrants to get their favourite jailbird arrested.

We would not be at this impressive total raised had it not been for Peach landers coming to IGA in person and/or on the phone bailing out friends, family and business colleagues.

Thank-you Peachland and everyone throughout Canada who were called to assist in supporting Peachland’s HUB project by offering monies toward paying bails. Your generosity is over whelming, and The HUB committee is forever thankful for your support.

Mayor-elect Patrick Van Minsel in jail cells. Arrest charge: best looking bald mayor-elect. “Judge” Nixon (right) and just some of the many Jail n Bail volunteers. PHOTOS KAREN READ Rachel Truant of BEEPS is reminding residents that International Bat Week runs annually from Oct. 24 - 31 to provide information and generate excitement about the positive impact bats have in our world. Check out the BEEPS display at the Peachland Historic School from Oct. 25 - 30 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The theme this year is “Bats in Agriculture.”
public is invited to learn about how bats support local wineries, orchardists and gardeners alike. BEEPS is hosting an apple fundraiser with 10-pound boxes of ambrosia or honeycrisp apples at a great price. Also, local artist, Wayne Power, has showcased some beautiful bat line-art for viewing and purchasing. And to top it off, kids are invited to decorate a pumpkin for display at the Peachland Jack-O’-Lantern Walk and participate in a bat craft. PHOTO DARLENE HARTFORD
PEACHLAND VIEW8 OCTOBER 28, 2022 CRAIG’S PAINTING Interior Exterior | Residential and Commercial Craig Battersby 604 240 7594 Summerland • Peachland • West Kelowna 25 Years in Business INTER-VALLEY ELECTRIC • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • INSTITUTIONAL ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING & MAINTENANCE cell: 250-212-5622 email: Kris Klumpner INTER-VALLEY CST. LTD. REG 17640 Service with safety to the energy industry CMYK Version C=25 M=100 Y=100 K=35 CPB Logo Formats Pantone Version Pantone=195C Black Version C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=100 MEMBER INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPERS OF CANADA CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPER MEMBER - INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPERS OF CANADA (IPBC) CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPER Simplifying Your Books TMG Business Services 250.767.6521 Tammie Gilbert, • Support • Training • Payroll • Bookkeeping • Income Tax LOCAL SENIOR SUPPORT SERVICES Offering Compassionate Assistance For Happy Living • Assisted Shopping • Social Interaction • Stimulating Mind Therapy • Healthy Meal Preparation • Travel Attendant • Escorted Special Event Outings • Visual Impaired Guided Outings • Wheel Chair Support Outings Now serving West Kelowna/ Peachland • Website: 250-833-2921 • Email: LOCAL SERVICES DIRECTORY 5866A BEACH AVE, PEACHLAND 250 767 6615 BE SAFE! Have your winter tires on when travelling the highway passes. OCT 1 - MARCH 31 Peachland owned and operated FREE LOCAL DELIVERY • 250-215-6836

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Peachland Chamber of Commerce

Executive Director will report to the board of

and provide leadership and direction to the achievement of Peachland Chamber’s mission and objectives. Acting as a liaison among members, the board of directors, volunteers, and government partners, the Executive Director is responsible for overseeing the delivery of all programs and services, membership growth and retention, including daily operations, community, and public relations.


• Background in business administration, communications, marketing, economic development, or related field

• Minimum 3 years of management experience in a related field

• Strong leadership skills and excellent written and verbal communication skills

• Must be a highly motivated self-starter who works well under limited supervision

• Organized, efficient, resourceful, and dependable

• Ability to manage a variety of projects simultaneously and to meet deadlines

• Ability to perform a cost-benefit analysis of proposed ideas, projects, and events

• Strong ability to foster teamwork and collaboration between the board of directors, chamber members, elected officials, and strategic committees and organizations

• Proficiency in major office computer applications


• Maintain records of membership, communications, events, and activities

• Represent Peachland Chamber at business and community events

• Manage budget in consultation with the board of directors

• Assure that organization priorities are responsive to member needs and serve to advance the District of Peachland’s economic welfare

• Event organizer

• Administrative duties

• Develop and maintain a positive, productive relationship with the municipality and regional governmental agencies, neighbouring chambers, and provincial chambers

• Ensure compliance with accepted business practices, contracts, government regulations, employment standards, and bylaws


• Salary commensurate with experience

• Health benefits, cell phone, mileage, and bonus package available

Qualified applicants are to email resumes cover letters, and references to or mail/ drop them off in a sealed envelope to the chamber office.

5878 Beach Avenue, Peachland, BC V0H 1X4

Closing date: November 9, 2022

Only those selected for an interview will be contacted

HELP WANTED SERVICES WANTED TO BUY NOTICE Meets Monday at 7 p.m. (closed meeting) and Friday at 7 p.m. (open meeting). Call 250-763-5555 for more info. Peachland Fellowship Alcoholics Anonymous PLEASE RECYCLE THIS NEWSPAPER. Mad Hatter BOOKSTORE Come in & browse 1/2 the price of new BUY 5 BOOKS GET 6TH ONE FREE! OPEN TUES - SAT 10-3 #5 Plaza 97 South 2483 Main Street, Westbank 250.768.2231 3466CARRINGTONRD#102,WESTKELOWNA•250-707-5683 Open7daysaweek CHECKOUTOURNEWARRIVALS OneShop StopLove NOW HIRING! ANNOUNCEMENTS Places of FaithPeachland PEACHLAND BAPTIST CHURCH Lake Ave at 13th St 250-767-9237 Sunday Morning Service 10:30 am PASTOR Lyle Wahl There is a sermon audio available on our website each week. Peachland United Church 4421 4th Street 250-767-2206 “Let Us Worship Together” Pastor: Ian McLean all are welcome For 10:00am online Zoom service visit ZOOM AND IN SANCTUARY SERVICES AT 10:00 AM St. Margaret’s Anglican Church 4464-4 St, Peachland, BC V0H 1X6 • 250-767-3131 stmargaretspeachland106/ Sunday Church Service at 10:00 am. Zoom service on request Email or Call for Link Come Join Us! All are Welcome. Matthew 25:35 “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” FOR SALE EDGING EMERALD CEDARS Direct from Oliver grower. Acclimatized for this area SPECIAL 5’ tall - 10 for $400 or 6’ tall - 10 for $600 Delivery available. Call Budget Nurseries (George) 250.498.2189 BUILDINGS FOR SALE INTEGRITY POST FRAME BUILD INGS since 2008. Built with concrete posts. Barns, shops, riding arenas, machine sheds and more. sales@ 1-866-974-7678. The


A Q&A regarding hospice and palliative care

Illnesses and aging can force families to make challeng ing decisions regarding the health and well-being of people they love. Care facilities, home health aides and other ser vices can help improve quality of life for those people who are no longer well enough — physically or cognitively — to care for themselves. Palliative and hospice care are part of these care offerings.


Palliative care is specialized medical services for individ uals living with serious illnesses. It is not designed to cure or treat the condition itself, but it is a way to manage symptoms. It is typically used in conjunction with other forms of medi cine that are attempting to treat or cure the disease.


Hospice is similar to palliative care in that it is geared to enhancing quality of life. Hospice care is for people in the last phases of incurable diseases and is intended to ensure

they live as fully and comfortably as possible, according to the American Cancer Society. Unlike palliative care, which accompanies traditional medical care, those who ac cept hospice care typically cease any other care attempting to cure the illness.


The National Institute on Aging says anyone living with a serious illness, such as cancer, dementia, Parkinson’s disease, and heart failure, can appreciate the support palli ative care provides. It is helpful at any stage of the illness, and is best started soon after diagnosis.

Hospice care is for those who are in the final stages of their illnesses. Generally, hospice services are reserved for people who are expected to live another six months or less if their illness continues to run its course.


The good news about palliative care and hospice care is that wishes are completely driven by the patient and his or her family. If the patient is incapable of making medical directives, his or her medical proxy can make changes to care wishes.

Research indicates that many times hospice care is start ed too late because people think it’s a form of “giving up.” However, anyone in hospice care can resume active care if they or their caregivers choose to do so.


The Mayo Clinic says that palliative and hospice care can improve symptoms such as pain, nausea or vomiting, anxiety, depression, constipation, difficulty breathing, fa tigue, and trouble sleeping, among others.

Hospice care also can include spiritual and bereavement care. Hospice teams typically follow up with members of the immediate family to offer them counseling or other services.


Patients and their families decide what they want out of these care measures. Palliative care teams are separate from the patient’s medical care team that’s managing their treatment. Hospice care teams coordinate the majority of care for the patient and communicate with the patient’s medical care team.

Hospice and palliative care are considerations for people with serious conditions.

Registered under the College of Speech and Hearing Health Professionals of BC. WEST KELOWNA 778.760.9005 102– 2139 Louie Drive Experience the difference BETTER hearing makes. LIVE IN THE MOMENT Arbor Funeral Chapels & Crematorium Partners with Park Lawn 2541 Churchill Rd West Kelowna, BC 250-768-3702
PEACHLAND VIEW 11OCTOBER 28, 2022 PUZZLES CLUES ACROSS 1. Single Lens Reflex 4. People of southern Benin 7. One who is learned (abbr.) 10. Neckwear 11. Solid water 12. A way to work the soil 13. Inspiring 15. Pick up 16. It wakes you up 19. Parcel 21. Popular dog breed 23. Lets out a sigh 24. Embedded into the surface 25. Hard liquors 26. One from Scotland 27. Satisfy 30. Used to introduce a contrasting statement 34. Antidepressant drug type (abbr.) 35. Similar 36. Winged horse 41. Soft drink maker 45. One who doesn’t live up to expectations 46. Nursemaid 47. Inheritor 50. Hot, often dusty wind 54. Serves as an introduction 55. Earned top billing 56. Mansion 57. A partner to a carrot 59. War-horse 60. Midway between northeast and east 61. It checks the heartbeat 62. Aquatic salamander 63. CNN’s founder 64. Being precisely suitable and right 65. Strongly alkaline solution CLUES DOWN 1. Pinochle trick 2. A system of connections 3. Emblems of royalty 4. Work with a soft hand 14. Surfers use it 17. Small Eurasian deer 18. Popular Miller beer 20. Finds out about 22. Unusual 27. Small European viper 28. Indicates before 29. Birth swine 31. 7 32. Useful keyboard key 33. Letter of the Greek alphabet 37. Edible mollusk 38. Stitched up 39. Utilized 40. __ in tradition 41. A way to get through 42. Let off 43. Fashionable source of shade 44. In due time 47. Printing speed 48. A major division of This week’s Crossword, Sudoku & Word Search Answers to last week’s Crossword, Sudoku & Word Search 
PEACHLAND VIEW12 OCTOBER 28, 2022 3241 Kingfisher Rd. - Bright 2 Bed PLUS den shows like new and is located in the sought after 45+ community ~ Sage Creek. Open concept floorplan, gas fireplace, welldesigned kitchen with corian countertops, stainless steel appliances, spacious primary bedroom with lovely 3 piece ensuite, hardwood flooring, full sized double garage, oversized driveway, gorgeous landscaping and plenty of outdoor living space. Minutes to Okanagan Lake, Two Eagles Golf Course and all amenities. No PTT and Spec Tax! Sage Creek $625,000 MLS® 10263787 Chad Rogers 250 808 8143 14-1470 Harvey Avenue, Kelowna Each office is independently owned and operated. $669,000208-4340B Beach Ave Perfect location just steps to the Beach and a short walk to every thing downtown Peachland has to offer. This fantastic 1244 sq/ft, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 2nd floor unit on the quiet side of this semi wa terfront 45+ adult complex is a real gem. Great outdoor deck with lake view with bbq hook up, brand new carpet in the spacious bed rooms – primary with full en-suite & walk in closet, full size dining area and great living area with gas fire place. MLS® 10258798 REALTOR® NEWPRICE Peachland Resident 5972 Princess Street, Peachland $899,900 Incredible Lake Okanagan views! This house is located on a beautiful lot in a quiet neighbourhood within walking distance to the nice beaches and wonderful restaurants of downtown Peachland. You are going to love the open concept and vaulted ceilings of the main living area. All focus flows towards the stunning views & sprawling outdoor deck. The kitchen has granite counters & newer appliance package that is perfect for cooking wonderful meals for friends & family. The primary bedroom has a deluxe ensuite complete with jetted tub so you can relax after playing at the beach. MLS 10263792 250-575-3643 JASON COWARD Expert Real Estate Service Since 2007 250.212.2654 NEWLISTING K 100K 29.8 Trusted Agents Since 1999 Contact Us for a Complimentary Market Evaluation of Your Home $2,295,000 58254 Brown Place Very special acreage 3.52 acres with outstanding Okanagan Lake and mountain views a rare find, a tastefully updated one level rancher, RR1 zoning, potential future subdivision, plant a vineyard, build a huge shop, or enjoy nature in this peaceful beautiful setting surrounded by nature, located last house on the road just five minute drive to downtown Peachland along the lake, new A/C unit 2021, high efficiency furnace 2020, oak plank flooring refinished 2021. MLS®10262803 Buying or Selling a Home? 250-826-5977 INFO@NICOLEREMILLARD.COM WWW.NICOLEREMILLARD.COM 13244 Victoria Rd N Summerland BC CONTACT ME FOR YOUR FREE MARKET EVALUATION Dave Collins 250-870-1444 3743 Lornell Court Gorgeous lake views from every window! Upscale open concept walk-out rancher boasting granite island kitchen with raised eating bar, built in wine cooler, Alder cabinets and walk-in pantry-perfect for the chef who loves to entertain. Enjoy Cherry hardwood flooring, vaulted ceilings and large picture windows in this open design filled with natural light. Explore this home in 3D on my website Call Dave for your private viewing. MLS 10262256 $1,450,000

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