Peachland View December 18, 2020

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PEACHLAND VIEW Friday, December 18, 2020 |


Last Thursday morning Peachland Lions Club president Steve Sweeney (right) presented the Peachland Food Bank’s Judy Bedford with a cheque for $5,000. The food bank will be distributing Christmas parcels to those in need on Dec. 19 and Dec. 21 by appointment.

We wish you a safe and happy holiday season. We will be closing early at 1 pm on Dec 24th and Dec 31st 5872 Beach Ave, Peachland | 250-767-2500 | 1-877-767-2510


DECEMBER 18, 2020



Brent Road area residents unhappy with decision made by City of West Kelowna JOANNE LAYH The Brent Road area is located in between Peachland and Summerland, but due to a legislative anomaly, homeowners there are required to pay hundreds of dollars a year in taxes to help fund West Kelowna’s Johnson Bentley Pool, Mount Boucherie Recreation Complex and Westside Senior Citizens Activity Centre. In 1987 and 1989, when the RDCO bylaws for those facilities were passed, certain electoral areas funded these services. When West Kelowna incorporated in 2007, it took over the funding service areas for these services, and since then the arrangement has remained unchanged. That leaves residents in the Brent Road area funding services in a municipality two borders away from they

live. Recently Brent Road area residents asked West Kelowna if they could be removed from funding the Johnson Bentley Pool, Mount Boucherie Recreation Complex and Westside Senior Citizens Activity Centre. The answer from West Kelowna’s CAO was a decisive no. The response from West Kelowna has some Brent Road area residents wondering if it is time to leave the Central Okanagan West Electoral Area. The Central Okanagan West Electoral Area encompasses the mostly rural, unincorporated area on the west side of Okanagan Lake, outside the municipal boundaries of the City of West Kelowna and District of Peachland. Westbank First Nation Reserves #9 and #10 are included within the boundary of the

electoral area, however the Westbank First Nation is an

Cove, Killiney Beach, Wilson’s Landing, Westshore

a resident of the Brent Road area. “Given our location, if

Brent Road area pay between $200 - $800 a year

The 46 residents in the Brent Road area pay between $200 - $800 a year just toward West Kelowna’s pool and rec centres. Interestingly enough, Peachland is not levied for it. That’s what sticks in our craw. That is the centre of the upset. We do use Peachland. We do use Summerland and we can get to them a lot faster…it’s just an unfair anomaly. - Tanya Northcott

independent, self-sustaining government. A population of 1,981 lives within the electoral area, including many along Westside Road (Traders

wishes to thank the sponsors of the ​Sip ’n Savour Wine Festival and the ​Murder Mystery Dinners​ for their generosity in allowing us to use their donations to support other programmes, since these two events were cancelled because of the pandemic These gifts are now supporting programmes such as Starfish, the Peachland Foodbank and the Okanagan College Health Sciences Building. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Estates, Fintry and Valley of the Sun) as well as two areas outside the District of Peachland: the Trepanier Valley and Brent Road area. RDCO zoning bylaws apply throughout the electoral area, in addition to the Brent Road-Trepanier Official Community Plan and the Rural Westside Official Community Plan. Residents of the Brent Road area, roughly located in between Antlers Beach and Fitzpatrick Family Vineyards, are currently in the process of reviewing their options. “As we are part of the RDCO, we are paying unfair taxes to West Kelowna for facilities none of us use,” said Tanya Northcott,

we use any pool or rec centres, Brent Road residents use Peachland and Summerland facilities…we have come to refer to ourselves as the forgotten people because basically for all our taxes, we do not get city lights, street sidewalks, water, septic, anything. There is nothing that we receive out here. Even our garbage and our recycling, and so on, we pay for extra.” Electoral area property owners pay taxes to the province and a portion is then distributed to the regional district and, in turn, West Kelowna. “The one that really gets up our nose is this one,” Northcott told the View. “The 46 residents in the

The Corporation of the District of Peachland 5806 Beach Avenue Peachland, BC V0H 1X7

Phone: 250-767-2647 Fax: 250-767-3433

MUNICIPAL OFFICE CLOSURES Please note that the District of Peachland Municipal Office and Fire Department Office located at 5806 Beach Avenue, and the Recreation Department Office located at 4450 6th Street, will be closed for the holidays from Thursday, December 24th, 2020 at 1:00 pm to Monday, January 4th, 2021 at 8:00 am. Tax and utility bill payments received through the mail drop slot at the Municipal Office by 8:00 a.m. on January 4th, 2021 will be credited as December 31st, 2020 for the purpose of calculating interest or penalties.

just toward West Kelowna’s pool and rec centres. Interestingly enough, Peachland is not levied for it. That’s what sticks in our craw. That is the centre of the upset. We do use Peachland. We do use Summerland and we can get to them a lot faster…it’s just an unfair anomaly.” Northcott suggests that when West Kelowna incorporated there were gaps in the process that left them in this unusual circumstance. “We were just swept in unknowingly,” Northcott said. “There was no study done to the lands left out of the West Kelowna study. Problems in the new electoral area that were left out of the West Kelowna amalgamation were never addressed. They take our taxes and they use our taxes, but we get no benefit.” Northcott would like to see a services review that would help determine what their next steps forward should be. “Are we better off with Summerland? Are we better off with the RDOS? Are we better off with Peachland? At the end of the day we don’t know that,” Northcott said. Electoral Area Director Wayne Carson represents the Brent Road area residents on the regional board and spoke in their defence at the RDCO’s Dec. 7 meeting. “I spoke with some of the residents of Brent Road over the last couple of days and I Continued on Page 3

DECEMBER 18, 2020




Electoral area director says Peachland is best option for Brent Road area Continued from Page 2

can’t tell you how disappointed they are in this decision. Here they were hoping for a different decision for them. They call themselves the forgotten people and this is not, from their perspective, a ringing endorsement of their local government,” Carson said. “I’m a little disappointed too,” Director Cindy Fortin said. “I realize it’s up to the City of West Kelowna and I appreciate that and understand that. They live even farther away than we do, and we don’t pay into it.” RDCO CAO Brian Reardon said an agreement was entered into and there was an assent of the electors process when the service was originally formed some 30-plus years ago. “There are certain things that the City of West Kelowna could do. The one thing the City of West Kelowna cannot do is dissolve the service completely,” Reardon said. “They can adjust the service area boundaries, but they cannot dissolve the service in its entirety.” Sometimes when you have these local government issues you just run out of options, Carson later told the View. “Incorporation isn’t an option for smaller communities like Trepanier and Brent Road, that will either remain in electoral areas or they are going to manage some kind of an amalgamation with the adjacent community that would be able to provide them with the services they’re looking for,” Carson said. Joining with Summerland is a possibility but as it is in a different regional district,

Carson says he’s unaware of any precedent or how they would even go about making that happen. “The only option for the residents of the Brent Road area is Peachland,” Carson said. “If Brent Road and Peachland came to an agreement, that tax [to West Kelowna] would disappear. This is 47 homes, all with higher than average assessments because they’re all waterfront homes. So they come with a good tax base, they’re a compact community, Peachland’s already delivering them fire service and it’s just a case of what would it cost to enhance those services and provide some municipal services that are available to the residents of Peachland to the residents of Brent Road.” Carson said prior discussions between Brent Road area residents and Peachland were unsuccessful but that was before 2011, when Peachland’s population was below 5,000 and it was in the municipality’s interests to keep it that way. In the 2011 census Peachland’s population bumped over 5,000, which caused the municipality’s policing costs to nearly double. Carson says he is waiting for direction from the residents of the Brent Road area, who have recently re-established their homeowners group and are currently in meetings to discuss what direction they want their community to go. Carson says he believes if a study was requested by the District of Peachland it would be funded by the provincial government and would provide both Brent Road area property owners and the District of Peachland with the costs they would need to

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The Brent Road area.

make a decision. Currently Brent Road residents receive fire protection from Peachland that is covered through a five-year contract. Carson, a former fire chief himself, says the five-year contract between Peachland and the residents of Brent


Road worries him because there is a possibility that one day the Peachland fire chief will go to council and say that he can’t have equipment outside the municipal boundaries because of responsibilities within the district. He believes that now that keeping the population under

5,000 is no longer an issue in Peachland, maybe the District of Peachland will take a different view to Brent Road than it did years ago. “When you’re under 5,000 most of the small communities will do almost anything they can to keep that number under the 5,000. But once


Tree of Memories Honour a loved one this holiday season at the District of Peachland cemetery where a Tree of Memories will be available for visitors to place an ornaments in remembrance of their loved ones. The holidays are a time of reflection and celebration. Placing an ornament on a Tree of Memories can help bring some peace to friends and family during this special time of year. Visitors can place an ornament on the tree between now and Friday, January 15, 2021, from 8 a.m to 5 p.m. Ornaments will be removed by Public Works Staff after January 18th. Those who wish to retrieve their ornaments can do so by contacting the Public Works Office at 250-767-2108 before January 31st, 2021. Any unclaimed ornaments may be donated for charitable use. The District of Peachland cemetery is located on Vernon Ave, off Princeton Ave.

you go through the 5,000, and Peachland is through the 5,000, it seems to me that you’re looking for people to help you pay those bills,” Carson said. “So now it becomes, what would it cost to Peachland to have Brent Road join and what would it cost Brent Road to join Peachland?”




DECEMBER 18, 2020


Do you plan to spend your BC Recovery Benefit locally? Visit our website to cast your vote. ___________ LAST QUESTION RESULTS Will you queue for a vaccine at your first opportunity? 10 YES / 7 NO

Joanne Layh

Publisher / Editor

Amanda Johnston Production

5878A Beach Avenue Peachland, BC V0H 1X7 250 767 7771 published by Aberdeen Publishing Inc.

Robert W. Doull, pres

The Peachland View is a free community newspaper that is distributed each Friday to everyone in Peachland. Anyone who lives outside of the distribution area but within Canada can purchase a subscription at $70 per year + GST. The Peachland View reserves the right to refuse publication of any advertising or editorial submission at its discretion. Material submitted by columnists does not reflect the opinions of the Peachland View or its employees. The Peachland View retains complete and sole copyright of any content, including stories, photographs, and advertisements published in the Peachland View. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission or consent from the publisher is strictly prohibited.

THE PEACHLAND VIEW WELCOMES LETTERS TO THE EDITOR on subjects of interest to our readers. Short letters are most likely to be chosen for publication but the use of any material is at the discretion of the editor. The editor reserves the right to edit letters for taste, brevity and clarity or to avoid obscenity, libel or invasion of privacy. Upon request we will use a pseudonym only, but only rarely and for compelling reasons. Letters submitted do not necessarily reflect the editorial policies or beliefs of the paper. All letters must include your first and last name, and town or city of residence to be considered.

Peachland Ambassador Committee grateful for donations during ongoing bottle drive The Peachland Ambassador Program would like to say a huge thank you to all the people in Peachland who have donated to our ongoing bottle drive this year. Due to COVID-19, we had to postpone our program this year but continued our bottle drive. We are just amazed at the donations we have received. We really appreciate the support for our program and hopefully will be back volunteering in 2021. It’s been a crazy year! We want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Stay safe and thank you. Peachland Ambassador Committee

Minister of Vertans Affairs urges holiday cheer card for veterans The holidays will be different for all of us this year. The flights home will be empty; the tables will be set for far fewer. While this time of year is usually about coming together with family and friends, Canadians across the country, including many of our veterans, will be separated from their loved ones this winter. If you’ve got some time, let them know you’re thinking of them by sending holiday cheer cards directly to veterans in long term care homes in your community, or via your local Royal Canadian Legion branch. It’s going to be a difficult winter for a lot of folks, and a small act like sending a holiday card can brighten the spirits of the veterans who have sacrificed so much in service of Canada. The Honourable Lawrence MacAulay Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence

DECEMBER 18, 2020




Okanagan chapter opposes Site C Dam Task force grateful to local arts council

The Site C Dam has always been a controversial project, but new safety and financial problems identified this fall are ringing alarm bells. We have learned that the project is over budget by $4 billion, with BC Hydro admitting it has no idea of the final costs. Engineers concede that the challenging design and instability of the dam’s shale foundation are still problematic. Hundreds of earthquakes caused by fracking are adding to the region’s geological instability. Site C is being built for LNG Canada, made up of profitable foreign-owned multinationals like Royal Dutch Shell, Petronas, and PetroChina. These companies receive millions of dollars inannual subsidies, royalty credits, and tax breaks from the B.C. government. 100 per cent of Site C project’s costs and the subsides to LNG are being paid for by you and me. The sad thing is that in 2017 our own BC Utilities Commission told the new NDP government that the project was not only over budget, but likely not needed because existing hydro infrastructure could be used. And now the B.C. government is discouraging independent small hydro and solar power producers. British Columbians have a right to ask their government for third-party oversight of this project and to give us transparent information on the financial, technical and safety risks of continuing Site C dam construction. As a climate action advocacy organization, we believe that it is ill-advised to keep Site C afloat with billions more dollars, as well as subsidize an LNG industry which will add significantly to B.C.’s greenhouse gas emissions. British Columbia has committed to reducing greenhouse gases by 40 per cent below 2007 levels by 2030 scaling up to 80 per cent by 2050. So far, the province is falling far short of these goals. Site C and LNG may make the task unattainable. Margaret Holm, Penticton Citizens Climate Lobby Canada – Okanagan Chapter

Middle-class taxpayers squeezed During the next federal election voters will have an opportunity to re-elect Trudeau’s ultra-socialist government that is proposing to spend about half-a-trillion dollars on COVID with little or no input from the people while he is busy telling us it’s none of our business where and how all that money will be spent – or they can elect a Conservative government with a new leader committed to governing using science-based research and public consultation. COVID opened the doors for Trudeau to put literally millions of Canadians on the public dole, while the middle-class taxpayers are getting squeezed like never before. Combining CERB with employment insurance and some additional daycare funding, an increasing number of low-income people will be voting Liberal in the next election. This will represent a huge challenge for the Conservatives, as they will have to play the role of the responsible adult and advocate caution, while Trudeau is trying hard to transform Canada into a Cuban-style socialist haven. To get some political traction the Conservatives will have to be very creative and offer the voters something they wanted and voted for during the last election, and Trudeau ultimately denied them - electoral reform. It is a well-established fact the majority of Canadians want electoral reform, and that almost all of them want some form of proportional representation, and that includes a lot of federal MPs. The Conservatives will have to abandon Harper’s anti-democratic antics and convince voters that unlike the Liberals, they support electoral reform 100 per cent, and that they are committed to adopting a proportional ballot. It will be a huge challenge to campaign on an electoral system that will embrace and protect everybody’s human rights to have inclusive democratic governments. Trudeau will fight it tooth and nail, but it’s the only issue that will give the Conservatives the traction they need to win that election. Andy Thomsen, Kelowna


On behalf of the Peachland Recovery Task Force (PRTF) I would like to extend a sincere thank you to the many sponsors, donors, entertainers and volunteers that assisted us in ensuring our Light Up Virtual Gala on Dec. 4 was a success. The committee worked very hard and we all hope that everyone that took part enjoyed themselves! A special thank you goes to the Peachland Community Arts Council and the visitor centre for being such gracious hosts and assisting us with our auction and event night. The art gallery made for a spectacular venue for our emcees. The proceeds have allowed us to assist four deserving community groups: Peachland Wellness Centre, Peachland Boys and Girls Club, BEEPS and the Sportsman Association, with funds that they have been unable to raise due to COVID concerns. Thank you, Peachland! All the best, Shelley Sweeney, Chair, PRTF

Residents express ongoing gratitude to retired Quilters and Needleworkers I read with sorrow that that the Quilters and Needleworkers group is retiring. What a wonderful group who have contributed much to the community of Peachland. They were one of the first to offer support to my daughter when her house burned down in 2019. A member of the group brought three beautiful quilts for her and her family. My daughter and her family thank you so much for your kindness. The quilts have found a wonderful home in their new home. Sandra Mendoza, Peachland

Create memories, not garbage. Even though things are looking different this year, there are still ways to connect and celebrate the season. Bake treats for family and friends, send a homemade card, meet up online and paint together or teach somone a new skill.

This season, celebrate with less waste

Find ideas at Concept and creative courtesy of Metro Vancouver.


DECEMBER 18, 2020


LOCAL EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES ARTISTS OF THE OKANAGAN returned for its fifth year featuring local artists displaying works representing a variety of media: oil, acrylic, mixed media, watercolour, fibre art, clay sculpture, pastel, ink, fine art photography, printmaking, and charcoal and glass sculpture. This year’s exhibition features 48 artists showcasing over 80 works. The exhibition features seven Peachland artists: Berkeley Stuart, Jean Allen, Jean Brandel, Michael Healey, Susan Driussi, Susan Haglund and Wayne Power. The exhibition runs until Dec. 23 at the Peachland Art Gallery. HISTORIC CHRISTMAS DISPLAY at the Peachland Visitor Centre boardroom from Nov. 27 - Dec. 23. See a vintage sleigh, model train, Christmas ornaments from the past and more. ROTARY CHRISTMAS RAFFLE DRAW will take place at 5 pm on Sat. Dec. 19 at the IGA. Rotary raffle tickets continue to be on sale at IGA on Thurs., Fri. and Sat. from 2 pm - 5 pm, from any Rotary member or by calling 250 767 6689. First prize is $800 in IGA gift cards, second prize is a queen size handmade quilt and third prize is $200 in IGA gift cards. Proceeds go to the Okanagan College Foundation for bursaries. PEACHLAND FOOD BANK CHRISTMAS PARCELS will be given out Dec. 19 and Dec. 21 by appointment to those in need. Call Judy at 250 767 3312 or email Donations can be dropped off at Peachland Pharmacy or the Peachland post office. Tax receipts will be given for all money donations - cheques should be payable to Peachland Food Bank, 5848A Beach Ave., Peachland, BC, V0H 1X7. All food donations are gratefully accepted.

MONDAYS FITNESS ROOM 8 am – 5 pm Registration only; no drop-ins Peachland Community Centre INDOOR WALKING 8 am – 9 am Registration only; no drop-ins Peachland Community Centre 50+ FIT AND STRETCH 9 am - 10 am 50+ Activity Centre LADIES MONDAY MORNING COFFEE 10:15 am – 11:15 am 50+ Activity Centre Hosted by the Wellness Centre TAI CHI 12 pm 50+ Activity Centre BEGINNER/INTERMEDIATE ACRYLIC WORKSHOP 1 pm – 4 pm Registration: plsworkshops@ Peachland Community Centre NEEDLE ARTS/QUILTING 1:15 pm - 3 pm 50+ Activity Centre BRIDGE 1:15 pm - 3 pm 50+ Activity Centre

CLOGGERS 6 pm - 7:30 pm 50+ Activity Centre WOOD CARVERS 7 pm - 9 pm 50+ Activity Centre LEARN TO PLAY GUITAR 16+ 7 pm – 8 pm Registration only; no drop-ins Peachland Community Centre

TUESDAYS FITNESS ROOM 8 am – 5 pm Registration only; no drop-ins Peachland Community Centre YOGA 8 am - 9:15 am 50+ Activity Centre INDOOR WALKING - Mask Required 8 am – 9 am Registration only; no drop-ins Peachland Community Centre BRIDGE CREATIVE PLAYTIME 10 am – 12 pm Registration only; no drop-ins Peachland Community Centre CARPET BOWLING 10 am - 11:30 am 50+ Activity Centre AA 12 pm 50+ Activity Centre

MEN’S COFFEE & CARDS 1 pm – 3 pm Peachland Wellness Centre MAH-JONG 1 pm – 4 pm 50+ Activity Centre LINE DANCING 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm 50+ Activity Centre COMPUTER LITERACY By Appointment Call 250-767-0141 Peachland Wellness Centre

WEDNESDAYS FITNESS ROOM 8 am – 5 pm Registration only; no drop-ins Peachland Community Centre INDOOR WALKING 8 am – 9 am Registration only; no drop-ins Peachland Community Centre 50+ FIT AND STRETCH 9 am - 10 am 50+ Activity Centre CHAIR YOGA 10:30 am - 11:30 am 50+ Activity Centre BARGAIN BIN 12 pm - 3 pm Peachland United Church

Non-perishable items such as shampoo, toothpaste, laundry soap and gift certificates are also accepted. The food bank is open the second Saturday of every month from 9 am - 11:30 am and every Friday from 1 pm - 2:30 pm. CHRISTMAS EVE VIRTUAL CRY: At 6 pm on Christmas Eve Okanagan Town Crier Bruce Klippenstein will read a cry. Klippenstein is encouraging residents to ring a bell and/or point a light to the sky from their homes from 6 pm – 6:02 pm. 7TH ANNUAL COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS DINNER will talke place on December 25, hosted by the Peachland Wellness Centre and partnered with the Peachland Legion. If you are alone, new to Peachland or low on funds, please reserve your FREE Christmas Dinner with all the trimmings. Delivery and take out only (pick up at the Peachland Legion). Reserve by December 18 by calling the Peachland Wellness Centre at 250 767 0141.

Have an event or activity happening in Peachland? Email before noon on the Friday prior to publication WE ART HERE 12 pm – 4 pm 50+ Activity Centre BRIDGE 1:15 pm – 3:30 pm 50+ Activity Centre SUNSHINE SINGERS 1:15 to 2:15 pm 4th Street Place CLOGGERS 6 pm - 7:30 pm 50+ Activity Centre

BARGAIN BIN 12 pm - 3 pm Peachland United Church PASSION 4 ART (beginners) 12 pm 50+ Activity Centre UKULELE 1:15 pm - 3 pm 50+ Activity Centre MEAT DRAW 3 pm-5 pm Royal Canadian Legion #69



FITNESS ROOM 8 am – 5 pm Registration only; no drop-ins Peachland Community Centre YOGA 8 am - 9:15 am 50+ Activity Centre TAI CHI FOR WELLNESS 9:15 am - 10:30 am 50+ Activity Centre Hosted by the Wellness Centre Beginners welcome BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT 10 am-11:45 am 50+ Activity Centre Hosted by the Wellness Centre IRON & SILK GENTLE FITNESS 10:45 am - 11:45 am 50+ Activity Centre

FITNESS ROOM 8 am – 5 pm Registration only; no drop-ins Peachland Community Centre INDOOR WALKING 8 am – 9 am Registration only; no drop-ins Peachland Community Centre INDOOR WALKING - Mask Required 9 am – 9:30 am Registration only; no drop-ins Peachland Community Centre 50+ FIT AND STRETCH 9 am - 10 am 50+ Activity Centre BRIDGE CREATIVE PLAYTIME 10 am – 12 pm Registration only; no drop-ins Peachland Community Centre

FRIENDLY COFFEE BEAN 10:15 am - 11:30 am 50+ activity centre BARGAIN BIN 12 pm - 3 pm Peachland United Church PASSION 4 ART 12 pm 50+ Activity Centre CANASTA 1 pm 50+ Activity Centre

SATURDAYS CARPET BOWLING 10 am - 11:30 am Pre-registration required 50+ Activity Centre BARGAIN BIN 12 pm - 3 pm Peachland United Church MEAT DRAW 3 pm-5 pm Royal Canadian Legion #69


Peachland Christmas Contest

Win this year’s Peachland Christmas Contest Grand Prize: The $1,000 value Grand Prize includes a beautifully decorated tree (value: $150) plus $850 in gift cards from local businesses including Southern Ridge Trading Company, Peachland View, Peachland Ace Hardware, Cibo & Vines, Chico’s Paradise, King Pool & Spa, Bosleys, Déjà Vu, The Lanai, Lakeside Autocare, Bliss Bakery & Bistro, Ship’s Ahoy and On Beach Boutique!

See pages 8-9 for details about how to win!

DECEMBER 18, 2020





e by Rotarians Chris Boyle, Ann chland Rotary Club, represented Pea ary the Rot of s with ber g alon mem ay hy, Frid rnet Last Gail Abe Behnke, Peggy Southin and chland Cook, Peter Behnke, Midge an assortment of gifts to the Pea ity ated don t), righ to left wn (sho mun ard Com How ng dy omi Wen upc nt the side in g pre atin be distributed to seniors particip only. Wellness Centre. The gifts will be available by pick up or delivery will er dinn r’s yea this 9, ID-1 COV to Due ner. Din as istm Chr

The Residences on PHOTO CONTRIBU TED 6t organizations. He h Social Club collects bottles and cans from their bu re social club secre ild ta to Christina MacM aster on behalf of ry/treasurer Ginny Holstrom presen ing to help local the Peachland Well ts a $100 donatio n Behnke, neRotarians ss Centre.Chris Boyle, Anne Cook, Peter Last Friday members of the Peachland Rotary Club, represented by Midge Behnke, Peggy Southin and Gail Abernethy, along with Rotary president Wendy Howard (shown left to right), donated an assortment of gifts to the Peachland Wellness Centre. The gifts will be distributed to seniors participating in the upcoming Community Christmas Dinner. Due to COVID-19, this year’s dinner will be available by pick up or delivery only.


Residences on 6th Social Club secretary/treasurer Ginny Holstrom presents Judy Bedford of the Peachland Food Bank with a $100 donation. Social club chairman Bonnie Andres told the View that under normal circumstances the funds would support a social activity for the residents but this year, because of COVID-19, they decided to donate their proceeds to the Peachland Food Bank and Peachland Wellness Centre, both organizations where she also volunteers her time.

2021 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULE Pursuant to Sections 94(1) & (2) of the Community Charter, notice is hereby given of the schedule of Regular Council Meetings for 2021:

Patrick Bell

Joseph Jacoe

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January 12 & 26

July 13

February 9 & 23

August 10

March 9 & 23

September 7 & 28

April 6 & 20

October 12 & 26

May 11 & 25

November 9 & 23

June 8 & 22

December 14

During the Pandemic Regular Council Meetings are held via an electronic platform that can be viewed at the Peachland Community Centre, 4450 – 6th Street, Peachland, B.C., or through live webcasting at www.peachland. ca/watch. Regular Council meetings start at 7:00 p.m. unless changed by Council resolution and posted at the Community Centre notice board and the District Office notice board. Polly Palmer Corporate Officer District of Peachland


DECEMBER 18, 2020




Peachland ChristmasContest

ENTER TO WIN a pair of weekly gift certificates from two of the fine advertisers on this page or one of several prizes to be awarded before Christmas including gift baskets of various values (ranging from $100 - $200) and a Grand Prize $1,000 Christmas Tree loaded with local gift certificates!

The Grand Prize draw will take place Saturday, December 19! How do I Enter? Find your perfect gift at Peachland


Adult (XS-XXL) $59.99 Toddler (2T-4S) $39.99 Infant (6mo-18mo) $29.99


Mens & Womens, Real Leather & Fur Trim $49.99

Look for a Passport to Christmas 2020 at participating local businesses and start shopping local! Visit one of the advertisers on this page or any participating Peachland business (visit or see page 7 for a full list) to collect a sticker. Once you have collected six stickers, you can enter by dropping off your completed passport into a ballot box at one of the ten advertisers on this page. Enter as many passports as you wish! The View will draw a gift certificate winner each week and publish the name and photo of the winner, along with how they plan to use their gift certificates. Just before Christmas we’ll announce the winner of the gift baskets and Grand Prize!

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DECEMBER 18, 2020




Peachland ChristmasContest

ENTER TO WIN a pair of weekly gift certificates from two of the fine advertisers on this page or one of several prizes to be awarded before Christmas including gift baskets of various values (ranging from $100 - $200) and a Grand Prize $1,000 Christmas Tree loaded with local gift certificates!

The Grand Prize draw will take place Saturday, December 19! How do I Enter? Find your perfect gift at Peachland


Adult (XS-XXL) $59.99 Toddler (2T-4S) $39.99 Infant (6mo-18mo) $29.99


Mens & Womens, Real Leather & Fur Trim $49.99

Look for a Passport to Christmas 2020 at participating local businesses and start shopping local! Visit one of the advertisers on this page or any participating Peachland business (visit or see page 7 for a full list) to collect a sticker. Once you have collected six stickers, you can enter by dropping off your completed passport into a ballot box at one of the ten advertisers on this page. Enter as many passports as you wish! The View will draw a gift certificate winner each week and publish the name and photo of the winner, along with how they plan to use their gift certificates. Just before Christmas we’ll announce the winner of the gift baskets and Grand Prize!

MON - SAT 9am - 5:30pm • CLOSED SUNDAYS

Shop local and keep the cheer in Peachland!

5836 Beach Ave, Peachland • 250-767-9220

Introducing collections by


OF DECEMBER • 2477 Main Street, West Kelowna• 250.768.7353 • 1.800.406.3666

Merry Christmas

99¢ each

Green Giant Frozen Vegetables 750 g

from our home to yours!


5500 Clements Cres • 250-767-9110

250 . 767. 6615 •5866A B ea ch Av e, P ea chl a nd

Gasthaus on the Lake Pub & Restaurant




778 754 0052• #116-2330 Hwy 97 Westbank, BC

Great time to finish your christmas shopping. Save 30% on clothing. Some exclusions apply. 4200 BEACH AVENUE, PEACHLAND BC ~ WWW.THELANAI.CA

McCain Hashbrowns 900 g

Holiday Countdown Sale

Prime Rib Night Choice of:

Caesar Salad or Mixed Greens Salad

3 Course Dinner $35+gst

8oz Slow Roasted Prime Rib:

Served with mashed potatoes, seasonal vegetables, Yorkshire pudding and au jus


Homemade Sticky Toffee Pudding

Friday Nights | 4pm to 8:30pm This special is for dine in only.

250 767 6625 | 5790 Beach Avenue, Peachland |

Thank You For Shopping Local

We Would Like To Wish Everyone A Safe and Happy Holiday Season With Your Pets Locally Owned and Operated 50-5500 Clements Cres | 250-767-0121

Come Spend New Years Eve

With Us

Holiday Hours

Open Dec 24 until 3pm, Closed Dec 25-26 & Jan 1 Open for New Years Eve

For “We Know You’d Rather Be Somewhere Else” Come Dressed For Where Ever You’d Rather Be Attire. Ristorante

Lets Have Some Sit Down Fun!

(250) 767 2408 • 5842 Beach Ave, Peachland


DECEMBER 18, 2020



Chamber offers access to leadership and resilience certificate program PATRICK VAN MINSEL


The last few months have turned our community and economy on their head. During a global pandemic, the Peachland Chamber works around the clock to provide you with the most up-to-date information and relevant resources. We are here for you! These are challenging times. The chamber helps you and our community get through it, and we’ll be here through every step of the recovery. Already, the feedback provided by our local businesses helped shape the federal and provincial emergency response funding for COVID-19. We relayed your requests for immediate relief and flexibility on tax remittance, provincial school tax on property, and other wage replacement programs. We’re pleased to have seen deferred tax filing and payment deadlines, relief on PST and EHT, a 50 per cent cut on property school taxes, an increase to the wage

subsidy to 75 per cent, and a one-time tax-free payment of $1,000 for those whose ability to work has been affected by the outbreak. We continue to be your advocate and go-to source of information regarding COVID-19, funding for a business, government updates, as well as education and training resources. Also, we are actively pushing the Peachland community to #SupportLocal through these challenging times. Small business is the backbone of our economy. We must support these businesses through all available means so that their doors can stay open. Now, more than ever, the Peachland community needs its Chamber of Commerce to help them. We’ve rolled up our sleeves and are ready to do whatever it takes to ensure our business community sees this pandemic through. We’re here for you now, and we’ll be here for you as we revitalize our economy post-pandemic. Many of us are looking forward and envisioning what business could look like on the other side of the pandemic. We encourage you to act now, to better position yourself, your team, and your business once we have collectively recovered. Start 2021 off right by registering for the Building Resilience to Thrive program. This program is offered by the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business in partnership with the Peachland Chamber and the BC Chamber of Commerce.

The six-week certificate program requires little time commitment (weekly hourlong sessions for six weeks) and results in a formal education certificate. It applies core competencies in leadership and resilience to help set you up for long-term, consistent success. For as little as $35 for Chamber members and $70 for non-members (a fraction of the cost of alternative programs), the program will help you: • Communicate and connect more openly with your employees; • Be a more productive, empathetic leader; • Efficiently host team meetings to encourage dialogue and idea exchanges; • Build a better workplace culture and the team mentality; • Engage with customers in a more meaningful way; • Strategize new approaches to servicing your clients; • Cultivate and offer a superior customer experience; • Diversify your cultural intelligence and help your team work effectively together; and • Design a world-class customer experience program that also recognizes employee excellence. Courses are taught by award-winning professors Dr. Mark Colgate and Prof. Brian Leacock and are supplemented by resiliency roundtables with other businesses to drive collaboration and connectedness. The leadership and resilience certificate is not just for small and medium businesses. Suppose you are in a

leadership role or influence a team. In that case, Building Resilience to Thrive can help you adapt and equip you for the future by applying core competencies in leadership and resilience to help set you up for long-term, consistent success. There are two cohorts: • Jan. 12 - Feb. 16, every Tuesday, 11 am - 12 pm, PST; and • Feb. 24 - Mar. 31, every Wednesday, 11 am - 12 pm, PST. Are you interested in signing up for this program? Let us know by sending an email to peachlandchamber@, and we will send you a registration link.

Newly elected Chamber President Greg Sewell, P. Eng.

Please join me in congratulating the newly

elected Board of Directors. Our 2021 directors are President Greg Sewell (Lauren Heights), Rocky Rocksborough-Smith (Pineacre on the Lake), Erin Chadwick (VantageOne Credit Union), Nicole Moreau (Bluehouse Realty), Cam Banman (Bosley’s Peachland), Eddy Labreque (The Lanai Ladies Boutique), Murray Wood (Eagle’s Nest B&B), Andrew Grieve (Acubed Holdings) and Nikki Hayden (Vertical Edge Window Cleaning). On behalf of myself and the board of directors, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Healthy New Year.

4th Meridian Art & Auctions G OLD 201 8



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Quality Antiques, Collectibles, and Fine Art Inquiries: #104 1475 Fairview, Penticton

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DECEMBER 18, 2020




Christmas Holiday Schedule Remember to put all wrapping paper (not foil), flattened boxes and cartons into your recycling cart for curbside pick-up or take to your nearest recycling depot.

Waste collection for Friday December 25th moves to Saturday December 26th. Waste Collection for Friday January 1st moves to Saturday January 2nd, 2021. PHOTO JOANNE LAYH

Valerie Wood is the lucky winner of this week’s Christmas Contest. Wood lives among the tree tops and is looking forward to picking up bird seed from Buckerfield’s to fill her bird feeders. Wood also won a gift certificate for J.K. Schmidt Jewellers, where she is hoping to pick up some new rings.


The DeBonis Family Beach House.


Our second Christmas Service will be one of traditional Lessons and Carols Christmas Eve at 7:30. The Pandemic will not deter us from being together Christmas Eve. Come and join us for a wonderful celebration. There will be familiar hymns and we will celebrate the coming of the Christ Child with candle lighting and the singing of Silent Night. Both services will be conducted through the Zoom© format. Connection details will be posted on our website ( and on our Facebook page. Everyone is Welcome!!

Places of Faith

St. Margaret’s

Anglican Church

Christmas Services The first will be a “Contemplative Christmas Service” at 3 PM Tuesday December 22nd. This time will offer a quiet meditative experience to reflect on light, peace and love in the midst of our present-day stressors. There will be recorded music, some prayer time and an opportunity to light candles for loved ones or situations of concern.

For info visit


PEACHLAND UNITED CHURCH Peachland United is offering two services this Christmas Season.

Recycling and Landfill Operations Glenmore Landfill and Recycling Depot 2720 John Hindle Drive. (7:30am-4:45pm. Closed December 25, 26 and January 1) Westside Residential Waste Disposal and Recycling Centre 2640 Asquith Road. Open Friday-Monday (7:30am-3:50pm. Closed December 25 and January 1) Traders Cove Transfer Station Westside Road. (Closed December 25 and January 1) North Westside Road Transfer Station Whiteman Creek Forest Service Road. (Closed December 25, 26 and January 1)



Rejoice in the glory of the birth of Christ and celebrate the Miracles and Blessings of the Holy Spirit Online Worship at: Watch the service from the videos tab right underneath the picture of the church.


4421 4th Street


Grace Lutheran Church 1162 Hudson Road W. Kelowna BC

Peachland United Church

Praying for our world wishing all safety from the virus and hope for the future.

“Let Us Worship Together”


Worship links and resources:

• The Diocese of Kootenay: • St. Michael’s, Kelowna:

Pastor: Ian McLean

“For I know the plans I have for you ... to give you a future and a hope.”


Jeremiah 29:11

all are

See for online worship information




Lake Ave at 13th St 250-767-9237 Sunday Morning Services 9:30 am & 11 am PASTOR

Lyle Wahl Since we don’t have a livestream, we do have a sermon audio on our website for people to log into.


DECEMBER 18, 2020




B.C. Recovery Benefit applications open Dec. 18 ABERDEEN PUBLISHING British Columbians will soon have more money in their bank accounts. On Dec. 8 the legislature passed the B.C. Recovery benefit, a one-time tax-free direct deposit of up to $1,000 for families and $500 for individuals. The benefit is based on the 2019 tax return families and single parents that made less than $120,000 net income in 2019 are eligible to apply for the full amount, as are individuals who made less than $62,500. A sliding scale means that families that made up to $175,00 can apply for a reduced amount, as can individuals who made less than $87,500. To be eligible for the benefit those applying need to be a B.C. resident on Dec. 18, be at least 19 years old, have a valid social insurance number, individual tax number or temporary tax number and filed a 2019 tax return. Those on income assistance or disability can apply for the recovery benefit. If you have not filed your 2019 tax return or don’t have a bank account, a modified application will be available in the new year to help you apply for and receive the benefit. Those under 19 may apply for the family benefit provided they are married or in common-law partnership, or if they are a single parent and the primary caregiver of at least one child (of any age). However, if an individual has been separated from their spouse or common-law partner for at least 90 days they only qualify for the single person benefit. If the spouse or common-law partner is not a resident of B.C. individuals can only apply for the single person benefit. Those applying need to provide their net income (line 23600) from their 2019 tax return, social insurance number, drivers license number, and direct deposit information. If you have not filed your 2019 tax return the province asks applicants to do so as soon as possible. Online applications will open Dec. 18, with support available by phone starting Dec. 21. Phone applications start on the 21st.


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Gold, Sliver & Costume Jewelry! Charm Bracelets, Rings, Chains, Necklaces, Pocket Watch Chains, Watches, Bracelets, Necklaces, Earrings, Brooches, Coins, All Old Jewelry Wanted, Quality, Estate, Even Ugly & Broken Jewelry With All The Bits And Pieces You No Longer Want!


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Experienced snowplower 250-938-4659 Servicing Peachland & West Kelowna

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DECEMBER 18, 2020







Peachland United

Consignments Wanted: Fine ART and quality estate items. 4th Meridian Auctions is the only fine art auction house in the Okanagan.



INVENTORS! Ideas wanted!

R . B R O W N E LE C T R I C A L Service Installation, Maintenance. Residential, Commerial. Lic’d, Bonded Insured. Do it Right. Make it Safe. Peachland 250-863-5180.

RENOSENSE Home Repair Ltd. Renovations including siding, decks, carpentry, drywalling, ceiling texturing, window & doors. Need walls moved? All work done to code. Call Eric 250-317-6570.

NOTICE Alcoholics Anonymous Peachland Fellowship Meets Monday at 7 pm (closed meeting) and Friday at 7 pm (open meeting). Call 250-763-5555 for more info CALL 250 767 7771 TO BOOK A SPACE HERE


Come in & browse

BUY 5 BOOKS GET 6TH ONE FREE! OPEN TUES - SAT 10-2 1/2 the price of new

#5 Plaza 97 South 2483 Main Street, Westbank



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Call Davison today! 1.800.218.2909 or visit us at Free inventor’s guide!


Talk to us about building your collection or downsizing. We are also buying estates & quality antiques. Leanne 1-250-488-0850 • René 1-250-462-4969 Visit us in Penticton by appointment in the Cannery Trade Centre, 1475 Fairview Rd. #104



One Stop Love Shop

3466 CARRINGTON RD #102, WEST KELOWNA • 250-707-5683



CASH for gold and silver! Also buying coin collections, old money and old jewelry. Call Todd 250-864-3521

MEN’S RING FOUND at the self check-out in the Peachland Library. If this belongs to you call Raphael Desjarlais, Community Librarian, at 250 767 9111.



DEVELOPMENT OF A PEST MANAGEMENT PLAN MOSQUITO CONTROL The purpose of this Pest Management Plan (PMP) No. 148-0029-21/26 is to reduce mosquito populations within the boundaries of the Regional District of Central Okanagan (RDCO) including all private, public and First Nation Reserve lands, with permission, of the applicable landowners or agency. This includes the municipalities of Kelowna, Lake Country, Peachland and West Kelowna. The PMP and the control program it covers, focuses on larval mosquito control initiatives and an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach which uses public education, physical site modification, biological controls and non-persistent, bacterial larvicides to reduce larval mosquito populations and conserve, or enhance, natural mosquito predators wherever possible. The proposed duration of the PMP is from 15 April 2021 to 14 April 2026. Larvicide products proposed for use include Vectobac 200G, which contains the natural-occurring soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis, (PCP #18158) and VectoLex CG (PCP # 28008) and VectoLex WSP (PCP # 28009) made with the related bacterium Bacillus sphaericus. These products provide species-specific control of mosquito larvae and are non-toxic to other organisms including insects, fish, birds, wildlife, man and domestic animals. Mosquito larvae require stagnant or non-flowing waters, temporary or permanent, to develop. Development habitats include river or lake level influenced floodwaters, marshes, ponds, ditches and catch basins. When physical alterations are neither practical or desirable, developing larvae will be treated using VectoBac 200G or VectoLex larvicides. Applications of Vectobac and VectoLex would be made by hand-broadcast or motorized backpack spreader methods. All applications will be conducted within the boundaries of the RDCO. This Pest Management Plan is being prepared for the Regional District of Central Okanagan by Duka Environmental Services Ltd., an environmental services firm with extensive experience in pest management plan development and local mosquito control operations. Information on proposed treatment areas, annual mosquito control program operations and this PMP are available to the public by request through Duka Environmental Services Ltd. 19732 – 68th Avenue, Langley, BC V2Y 1H6 (604) 881-4565, Facsimile (866) 7595902, or email; For VectoBac or Vectolex product information please see the manufacturer’s website A person wishing to contribute information regarding a proposed treatment site, relevant to the development of this Pest Management Plan, may send copies of the information to Duka Environmental Services Ltd. (agents for the Regional District of Central Okanagan) at the contact addresses above within 30 days of the publication of this notice. The identity of any respondents and the contents of anything submitted in response to this notice and application will become part of the public record.


DECEMBER 18, 2020



This week’s Crossword, Sudoku & Word Search

CLUES ACROSS 1. Popular pickup truck 4. Profoundly wise men 9. Camera company 14. Folk singer DiFranco 15. Passerine birds 16. Plum-shaped fruit used for preserves 17. Popular kids channel 18. Dodgers’ skipper 20. Removes 22. The Atlantic is one 23. Badgerlike mammal 24. Foulness 28. Luke’s mentor __-Wan 29. Commercial 30. A type of gin 31. Temptress 33. Shuts in an enclosed space 37. Milligram 38. Actress Adams 39. Strive to equal or match 41. Health insurance

42. A detective’s source 43. Small American rails 44. Alfred __, Brit. poet 46. Crest of a hill 49. Atomic #52 50. __ Caesar, comedian 51. Breaks apart 55. Register formally (Brit. sp.) 58. Worker 59. Chemical compound 60. Disgraced newsman 64. Born of 65. Chemical substance 66. Supernatural powers 67. Clothes 68. Indy footballers 69. Moves forward 70. Midway between south and southeast CLUES DOWN 1. Driver 2. Bone cavities

3. Menacing 4. Where coaches patrol 5. Greek mythological figure 6. War-based board game 7. Midway between northeast and east 8. 18-year period in astronomy 9. Mid-century term used to describe Japanese-Americans 10. Large bodies of water 11. Eurasian ryegrass 12. Perform on stage 13. Greek island 19. 10th month of the year (abbr.) 21. One point east of southeast 24. Belgian city 25. Praise excessively 26. River in France 27. Edible lily bulbs

31. Quarterbacks take them 32. Organic compound 34. Tears down (Brit.) 35. Beloved Hollywood alien 36. Unconscious 40. Missouri 41. Firemen use them 45. Pig noise 47. Greatly dismay 48. Imitator 52. Moves by turning over 53. Boxing’s GOAT 54. Swarms with 56. Margarines 57. Feudal superior 59. As fast as can be done 60. Reciprocal of a sine 61. Chinese city 62. Tell on 63. United

Top solvers can complete a crossword puzzle in 8-12 minutes, but the average person spends more time solving puzzles.

Answers to last week’s Crossword, Sudoku & Word Search

To advertise

CONTACT on this page JOANNE 250 767 7771

DECEMBER 18, 2020





At the beginning of the year, grocery shopping was an uneventful chore that few people were likely to remember after returning home. But in the wake of efforts to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus, grocery shopping changed in ways that few people will ever forget. Social distancing guidelines and recommendations urged consumers to stay in their homes as much as possible, but grocery shopping requires people to spend time outside their homes. A few simple strategies can help shoppers stay safe as they shop for groceries. • Wear a mask. Safety guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are evolving as scientists learn more about COVID-19. One of the more significant changes the CDC made to its initial guidelines was to recommend people wear cloth face coverings in public settings where social distancing measures are difficult to maintain. As communities begin to reopen, certain restrictions may be relaxed, but the CDC continues to advise people to wear masks while out in public, including when shopping for groceries. The CDC notes that wearing masks may slow the spread of the virus by preventing people who have it but are asymptomatic from transmitting it to others. • Shop during off-peak hours. Traditionally “offpeak” hours may no longer apply at many grocery stores, some of which may have changed their store hours so staff can thoroughly clean and disinfect stores each night. But even if stores are not open as late as they used to be, there’s still times of day when fewer customers will likely be in the store. Early mornings may be designated for shoppers in vulnerable populations, such as the elderly. However, many stores remain less crowded in the mornings than they are during the rest of the day. Avoid shopping on weekends if you want to steer clear of crowds, as these are the only times when people who are still working can find time to shop. Weekday mornings or late afternoons may be ideal times to shop for shoppers who want to avoid crowds.


• Wash hands before and after going to the store. The CDC continues to tout the importance of washing hands as a means to preventing the spread of COVID-19. Scientists are still unsure about how easily the virus can spread from contact with potentially contaminated surfaces, but washing hands before and after shopping is a simple safety measure that prevents the spread of germs and potentially harmful viruses like COVID-19. • Avoid touching your face. The Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology note that respiratory infections can be caused by an assortment of bacteria, viruses and other disease-causing germs. Scientists believe COVID-19 is spread through the respiratory droplets of infected persons. These droplets are essentially invisible, but when people come into contact with them and then touch their eyes, nose or mouth, viruses can spread. So people should avoid touching their face with potentially dirty hands. Grocery shopping has changed as the world reacts to the COVID-19 virus. It’s important that people remain diligent when shopping for groceries, taking every step necessary to protect themselves and others from contracting this potentially deadly virus.

DEADLINES DISPLAY ADVERTISING (boxed): Monday noon CLASSIFIED ADS: Monday by 4 pm (Must be prepaid—cash, debit, Visa, Mastercard) email: NEWS COPY: noon Monday


Up to 30 words- $20 inc. tax; 20¢ each additional word. Per column inch $10 + GST

Garage Sale Ads (include box and headline): $20 inc. tax


Safely shop for groceries while social distancing





Pet of the Week

Email a picture and description of your pet to

Penticton SPCA

Name: Skoki ID: 521094

Age: 9 years old Breed: Savannah

Skoki – meaning ‘lost bear’ – is a senior Savannah cat who is looking for his forever home. Savannah cats are domestic cats crossed with servals and require special care. Therefore, he will need to go into a home with Savannah experience and have a vet who will guide you with providing proper care. At almost 9 years old, Skoki is a sweet and affectionate boy. He is a melty bucket of lovie. Skoki does not enjoy the company of other cats or dogs and is looking for a home Sponsored by: where he will be the only animal.

My Best Vacation Ever? Rose Valley for Cats Only Boarding, of course!

Announcement Advertising for Weddings, Engagements, Birth Announcements, Cards of Thanks and other notices - call or email for rates.


CONTACT: 250.767.7771 or

Enjoy Your Winter



Advertising Regulations: The Peachland View reserves the right to classify ads under appropriate headings and to separate and to determine the page location. The Peachland View reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisement. All claims of errors to advertisements must be received by the publisher within seven days after the first publication. It is agreed by the advertiser requesting space that the liability of the Peachland View in the event of failure to publish an advertisement or in the event of an error appearing in the advertisement as published, shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for only one incorrect insertion for the portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect or omitted item and that there shall be no liability in any event greater than the amount paid.

For peace of mind and a happy cat, call: West Kelowna’s Full Service Small Animal Hospital

112-2476 Westlake Rd., West Kelowna V1Z 2V2 Monday-Friday 8:00 am to 5:30 pm; Saturday 10:00 am to 3:00 pm



DECEMBER 18, 2020



Lake and Mountain Views!

0 90 , 4 $71

111-5165 Trepanier Bench Rd - Pride of Ownership! Immaculate 3

bed / 3 bath rancher walkout townhome offers OUTSTANDING lake and mountain views! Convenient floor plan, quality finishings throughout, large windows to showcase the amazing views, A/C, central vac, double garage, 2 spacious covered decks ~ great for entertaining plus balcony off the master and much more! Shows AAA! MLS® 10218946


3910 Beach Avenue

Live your dream...meticulously maintained SEMI WATERFRONT home along Beach Ave....grade level entry with a total of 3 bedrooms and 3 full baths, approximately 2880 square feet, 1 bedroom in-law suite for extended family or B & B business, lots of parking for RV or boat completely flat lot with mini orchard in the private back yard with many trees. MLS®10217776 Trusted Agents Since 1999 Contact Us for a Complimentary Market Evaluation of Your Home


Chad Rogers

K 100




#211 3360 Old Okanagan Highway

RARELY AVAILABLE at Leisure Village!!!! Large 3 bedroom, one level home with soaring 9’ ceilings, 2 fireplaces and enclosed sunroom for added living space. Gated, 55 plus strata development on Freehold land, right in the heart of Westbank! Lovely gazebo and ponds in the central park area of the complex. Low strata fees and great location are just the bonus!

Sandy Realtor Chevallier 250-718-2761 ®

K 29.8


Happy Holidays

Selling a Home?

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Advertise here.

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The Peachland View has 100% Market Coverage. Delivered to EVERY house and EVERY business in Peachland.

Each office is independently owned and operated.



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