Friday, August 12, 2022 | Every house, Every business, Every week PEACHLAND VI EW Bring in your pet and we’ll give them a bone. Big or small, we look after you all! 5872 Beach Ave, Peachland | 250-767-2500 | 1-877-767-2510 Need a RUFF quote on your home? 3630 Brown Road, West Kelowna More than just a place to call home. SPRING INTO RETIREMENT LIVING Call (250) 768-9926 to book your personal tour!CreativeBe
Mayor Cindy Fortin has announced she’ll be seeking re-election in October. See CONTRIBUTED
Page 2 for the story. Continued on Page 3PHOTO
JOANNE LAYH A 57-year-old man from the Lower Mainland is de ceased following a tragic drowning at Swim Bay on Monday afternoon. “The man had been swimming in the area off 6th Street and Beach Av enue with his friends and family members when he jumped in the water on his own then never resurfaced,” said RCMP Cst. Mike Del la-Paolera.Approximately 30 min utes went by before his disappearance was noticed and after all attempts by the victim’s family and friends had failed to locate the man they contacted the lifeguards who took up the search.Theman was successful ly located and the lifeguards term Fortin?
A third

• Keeping taxes as low as possible by relying on other monies, such as grants for projects;
• Continuing to work with the Okanagan Basin Water Board and the prov ince on the reassessment of Okanagan Lake level man agement, and water release calculations; and
• Continuing to work with the higher levels of govern ment, such as the Ministry of Transportation and Infra structure (MOTI) to make safety improvements to the existing highway through town, while keeping the possibility of a future by passAllalive.local governments in B.C. will have a general election on Oct. 15. Fortin will go up against Coun cillors Patrick Van Minsel and Keith Fielding (also a two-term mayor), who have already announced they’ll be running for mayor. The last general election took place on Oct. 20, 2018, when there was a tie vote for mayor between Cindy Fortin and Harry Gough with 804 votes each. The result was decided by pull ing a name from the box. At that time Van Minsel was elected to council with the highest vote of 1,094, followed by Pete Coolio with 1,073, Terry Condon (who has confirmed he’ll be seeking a sixth term) with 1,029, Pam Cunningham with 1,022, Keith Fielding with 998 and Mike Kent with 996.
Over the weekend May or Cindy Fortin announced via Facebook that she will be seeking re-election in October.Fortin has served two terms as Mayor of Peach land; prior to being elected mayor she served one term as a Peachland councillor. Fortin moved to Peach land in her early twenties, shortly after completing the Practical Nursing program at Okanagan College. Later she embarked on a career in journalism before turning to Inpolitics.addition to serving as mayor, Fortin sits on the regional board, and is chair of the Mayor’s Task Force on Climate Change and Peachland Healthy Water sheds committee, and vice chair of the Okanagan Wa ter Basin Board. She also sits on the board of the Peachland Seniors Support Society and various other local committees. “I believe in moderate development, as growth is part of the evolution of a community,” said Fortin. “However, I stress moder ate development, not over development. And we don’t have to say yes to every de veloper.”Fortin would like to re-evaluate the Offi cial Community Plan, particularly when it comes to building heights along Beach Ave. She stated one of her pri mary focuses in the next few years will be to ensure sewer hook-ups for the en tireHercommunity.othertop priorities include:•Source water protection, adequate supply, and an up dated Water Master Plan;
• A new fire hall for Peachland Fire and Rescue Service (also referred to as a protective services build ing);•Affordable housing for both seniors and young working families;
Cindy Fortin announces bid for third term as Peachland Mayor
Filming for the made for TV movie “A Town Called Love” began at various locations last week, including this Beach Ave residence. This week filming moved downtown to 3rd St, Beach Ave and Heritage Park.
• Outdoor active trans portation corridors and improved transit, as well as inter-municipal transporta tion;•An updated community sewer plan;

Peachland Fire and Rescue, RCMP and BC Ambulance were at the scene Monday afternoon. - Staff Sgt. duncan dixon
Continued from Page 1
PEACHLAND VIEW 3AUGUST 12, 2022 NEWS Give your family peace of mind. Plan for tomorrow, today. L e e D a v i d s o n A d v a n c e d P l a n n i n g D i r e c t o r WEST KELOWNA 2541 Churchill Rd 250 768 3702 PENTICTON 1258 Main St 250 493 4202 Partners with Park Lawn ARBOR FUNERAL CHAPELS & CREMATORIUM PRINCETON 113 Vermilion Ave 250 295 6102 KEREMEOS 702 7th Ave 250 499 2121
Tragic drowning at Swim Bay claims life of 57-year-old man brought him to the sur face and immediately administered lifesaving measures. EHS and Peach land Fire and Rescue attended but ultimately lifesaving measures were unsuccessful and the man was pronounced dead at the“Itscene.starts out obviously with lifeguards and people helping and then the ambu lance service and the fire department,” Dixon told the View on Monday. “The fire department was great and the young lifeguards were great but it is just one of those things, sadly.” The incident happened between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. and did not involve any thing criminal, according to RCMP Staff Sgt Duncan Dixon.“Lots of things can happen when there is a drowning, of course. We don’t really know at the moment exactly what hap pened,” said Dixon. Swim Bay remained closed on Monday until af ter the coroner arrived. The popular swimming area was not operating with lifeguards on duty Tuesday, but the area could be ac cessed by the public as
PHOTO JOANNE LAYH “Lots of things can happen when there is a drowning, of course. We don’t really know at the moment exactly what happened.”

I can be reached at or call toll free 800 665 8711.
Time to scrap the ArriveCan app?
My question this week: What are your thoughts on the ArriveCan app and would you like to see its use termi nated or continued as a permanent requirement to enter Canada?
Welcome boating visitors
V0H 1X7 250 767 7771 published by Aberdeen Publishing Inc. Robert
Many in the tourism and accommodation sectors of our economy have raised the chal lenge of lost revenue, as many regular visitors from outside of Canada refuse to visit Canada citing concerns with the requirement to use the ArriveCan app. For many border towns across Canada, there has been almost unanimous opposition against the app due to lost economic opportunities as many USA citizens are refusing to cross the border due to ArriveCan. I have also heard from citizens, often seniors, who will no longer travel to the United States, either because they do not have a smart phone capable of downloading the app, or because they oppose the app on principle.
Likewise, if you received a false quarantine order, the Trudeau Liberal Government has not set up any type of an appeal or resolution process to have an error rectified.
Recently Global News reported that a glitch in the ArriveCan app created a situation where 10,000 fully vaccinated Canadians were falsely instructed to quarantine themselves for 14 days solely because of an error. Worse, it took the Government of Canada 12 days to become aware of the error and report this information to the citizens involved. While the government refuses to disclose exactly what was the cause of this error, it has been reported that these 10,000 quarantine orders were sent out automatically and elec tronically by the ArriveCan app through an automated decision-making process.
pres Joanne Layh Publisher / Don Urquhart Contributing Reporter Charlie Biddiscombe designer@peachlandview.comProduction Is the Arrive Can app requirement?unnecessaryan Visit our website to QUESTIONyourcastvote.LASTRESULTS Do you have air con ditioning at home? 18 Yes / 6 No ONLINE POLL PEACHLAND VIEW4 AUGUST 12, 2022 OPINION
Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission or consent from the publisher is strictly prohibited. 5878A Beach Avenue Peachland,
Although the ArriveCan app was introduced as a temporary pandemic related require ment, the Trudeau Liberal Government refuses to announce, either a proposed withdrawal date or a clarification if they intend to try and make this app a permanent requirement for entry into Canada, as has been floated in the media.
In other words, you can be electronically ordered to quarantine without any recourse.
The cost of the ArriveCan app is reported to be close to $24.7 million and was devel oped through an untendered partnership that involved five private sector companies.
of any content, including stories, photographs, and advertisements published in the
DAN ALBAS MP As my summer listening tour continues throughout our region, another concern that I continue to hear about is the Trudeau Liberal Government’s ongoing requirement that the ArriveCan app be used to enter Canada.
The Peachland View is a free community newspaper that is distributed each Friday to everyone in Peachland. Anyone who lives outside of the distribution area but within Canada can purchase a subscription at $70 per year + GST. The Peachland View reserves the right to refuse publication of any advertising or editorial at its discretion. Material submitted by columnists does not reflect the opinions of the Peachland View or its employees. The Peachland View retains complete and sole copyright Peachland View. BC W. Doull, Hello. So, I read the ar ticle in the July 29, 2022 Peachland View, and I feel compelled to comment: Absolutely no boats of any size should be “hog ging” the day wharf, and yes, this is something that certain individuals have re peatedly gotten away with for years. Others obtain and pay for moorage, or trailer boats out of the lake. There should be hefty tickets left for those abus ing the timeline of the day wharf usage, impeding the sharing of the wharf with others.Ifthere is a 10 or 20 min ute drop off period, that certainly is not adequate. Countless people come to town by boat from all over and visit the restaurants and pubs for breakfasts, lunch es, and dinners, ice cream, shopping, farmer’s market, gas, etc. A more adequate time line should be two hours; sufficient time to eat and/ or Weshop.are members of the boating community, and this is something that we are repeatedly told people love to do. These boating visitors are spending good money in our town to sup port our businesses. A discussion that many of us have had over the years is the concept of charging for moorage spots, just like street parking. They do this at Kelowna Downtown Ma rina. You tie up in one of the hourly spots, grab your ticket from the parking me ter, and place it face-up on your dash. They charge $5 for 30 minutes or less, $10 for one hour, and $5 for each additional hour. There could be a twohour maximum stay. And heavy fines for exceeding that. This is all done by credit card these days, so no cash collection would be necessary. This could be a summer job for a lo cal student to monitor on weekends and evenings. We could follow a similar model, and the town would make additional funds to pay for marina mainte nance.So yes, good riddance hogs, but welcome boating visitors! Sandi Rusch, Peachland

Interested persons can also obtain information on the requirements and procedures for making nominations at the District of Peachland Website NOMINATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER 4:00PM, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2022. By hand, mail or other delivery service: DISTRICT OF PEACHLAND 5806 BEACH PEACHLAND,AVENUEBCV0H 1X7 REGIONAL-OR- DISTRICT OF CENTRAL KELOWNA,1450OKANAGANKLOROADBCV1W 3Z4 By fax to: 250-767-3433 By email to: *Originals of faxed or emailed nomination documents must be received by the Chief Election Officer by 4:00 pm on SEPTEMBER 16, 2022. From: 9:00 am AUGUST 30, 2022 To: 4:00 pm SEPTEMBER 9, 2022 From: 9:00 am AUGUST 30, 2022 To: 4:00 pm SEPTEMBER 9, 2022 THE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF PEACHLAND 2022 GENERAL LOCAL ELECTIONS NOTICE OF NOMINATIONForfurther information on the nomination process, please contact: Jennifer
• Not disqualified under the School Act or any other enactment from voting in an election in British Columbia or being nominated for, being elected to or holding office as a trustee, or be otherwise disqualified by law.
By hand, mail or other delivery service: DISTRICT OF PEACHLAND 5806 BEACH PEACHLAND,AVENUEBCV0H 1X7 By fax to: 250-767-3433 By email to: *Originals of faxed or emailed nomination documents must be received by the Chief Election Officer by 4:00 pm on SEPTEMBER 16, 2022.
A person is qualified to be nominated, elected, and to hold office as a School Trustee if they meet the following criteria: • Canadian citizen; • 18 years of age or older on general voting day [October 15, 2022]; • Resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately before the day nomination papers are filed [September 9, 2022]; and
From: 9:00 am AUGUST 30, 2022 To: 4:00 pm SEPTEMBER 9, 2022 From: 9:00 am AUGUST 30, 2022 To: 4:00 pm SEPTEMBER 9, 2022
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to the electors of School District No. 23 (Central Okanagan) Zone II being The Corporation of the District of Peachland, Central Okanagan West Electoral Area of the Regional District of Central Okanagan, Tsinstikeptum Indian Reserve 9, and Tsinstikeptum Indian Reserve 10, that nominations will be accepted for the following office, to be elected for a four (4) year term: SCHOOL TRUSTEE FOR ZONE II OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 23 (CENTRAL OKANAGAN) – ONE (1) Nominations for the office of School Trustee will be received by the Chief Election Officer or a designated person, as follows: Nomination documents are available at the Peachland Municipal Office (250767-2647) and at the Regional District of Central Okanagan Office (250-4696224) during regular office hours Monday – Friday 8:00AM to 4:00PM. Sawatzky, Harding, Deputy Chief
• Not disqualified under the Local Government Act or any other enactment from voting in an election in British Columbia or being nominated for, being elected to or holding the office, or be otherwise disqualified by law.
Election Officer 250-767-3708
In accordance with the Local Elections Campaign Financing Act, for the 2022 general local elections, the following third party advertising limits apply: Directed Advertising Limit – $809.84 Cumulative Third Party Advertising Limit - $161,967.47
In accordance with the Local Elections Campaign Financing Act, for the 2022 general local election, the following expense limits for candidates during the campaign period apply: Mayor $10,797.83 Councillor $5,398.92 School Trustee $9,114.90
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to the electors of the District of Peachland that nominations will be accepted for the following offices, to be elected for a four (4) year term: MAYOR – ONE (1) COUNCILLOR – SIX (6) Nominations for the office of Mayor or Councillor will be received by the Chief Election Officer or a designated person, as follows: Nomination documents are available at the Peachland Municipal Office during regular office hours beginning Tuesday, August 2, 2022. Monday – Friday 8:00AM to 4:00PM. Interested persons can also obtain information on the requirements and procedures for making nominations at the District of Peachland Website
A person is qualified to be nominated, elected, and to hold office as a member of local government if they meet the following criteria:
• Canadian citizen; • 18 years of age or older on general voting day [October 15, 2022];
For further information on campaign period expense limits and third party advertising limits, please contact Elections BC: Toll-free phone: 1-800-661-8683 Email:
Chief Election Officer 250-767-3704 Philippa
• Resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately before the day nomination papers are filed [September 9, 2022]; and

PEACHLAND VIEW6 AUGUST 12, 2022 13211 N. Victoria Rd. P.O. Box 520,
MONDAYS FITNESS ROOM 5 am - 10 PeachlandpmCommunity Centre INDOOR WALKING 8 am - 9 PeachlandamCommunity Centre ADULT DAY SERVICE 9 am - 3 Residencespmon 6th 50+ FITNESS 9 am - 10 am ($5 Drop In) 50 Plus Activity Centre PICKLEBALL (ALL PLAY) 9:05 am - 11 am Peachland Community Centre LADIES’ COFFEE SOCIAL 1 4thpmStreet Place BRIDGE 1 pm – 4 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre ACRYLICBEGINNER/INTERMEDIATEWORKSHOP 1 pm – 4 PeachlandpmLittle Schoolhouse PICKLEBALL (ALL PLAY) 1 pm – 3 PeachlandpmCommunity Centre WOODCARVERS 7 50pmPlus Activity Centre TUESDAYS FITNESS ROOM 5 am - 10 PeachlandpmCommunity Centre YOGA 8:30 am - 9:30 am 50 Plus Activity Centre FLOW YOGA 9 am - 10 am 4th Street Place CARPET BOWLING 10 am - 12 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre THERAPEUTIC YOGA 10:30 am – 11:45 am 4th Street Place AA 12 50pmPlus Activity Centre PASSION 4 ART 1 pm - 4 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre MAH JONG 1 pm – 4 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre MEN’S COFFEE & CARDS 1 PWCpm (downstairs) T-SHIRT TIE-DYEING HUB Market, Cousins Park Drop-in or register;programs@$15/shirt PEACHLAND HUB NIGHT MARKET 4 pm – 9 pm Cousins Park LINE DANCING 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre SHOW AND SHINE, CARS AND COFFEE 5 pm - 7 pm May 3 to Oct 3 Peachland Village Mall PEACHLAND LEGION DART LEAGUE 7 pm - 11 pm Royal Canadian Legion #69 COMPUTER LITERACY By PeachlandCallAppointment2507670141Wellness Centre WEDNESDAYS FITNESS ROOM 5 am - 10 PeachlandpmCommunity Centre INDOOR WALKING 8 am - 9 PeachlandamCommunity Centre 50+ FITNESS 9 am - 10 am ($5 Drop In) 50 Plus Activity Centre PICKLEBALL (ALL PLAY) 9:05 am - 11 am Peachland Community Centre NOVICE PICKLEBALL CLINIC 12 pm - 1 PeachlandpmCommunity Centre BARGAIN BIN 12 pm - 3 Peachlandpm United Church PICKLEBALL (ALL PLAY) 1 pm - 3 PeachlandpmCommunity Centre BRIDGE 1 pm – 4 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre WE ART HERE 12 pm - 4 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre LEGION KARAOKE 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm Royal Canadian Legion #69 SPIN, CORE AND STRETCH 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Peachland Community Centre CENTRAL OKANAGAN MODEL RAILWAY CO. Train modellers + visitors meet 7 Peachlandpm Musum THURSDAYS FITNESS ROOM 5 am - 10 PeachlandpmCommunity Centre YOGA 8:30 am - 9:30 am 50 Plus Activity Centre BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT 10 am-11:45 am Peachland Wellness Centre THERAPEUTIC YOGA 11 am - 12:15 pm 4th Street Place IRON AND SILK FIT 11 am - 12 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre BARGAIN BIN 12 pm - 3 Peachlandpm United Church TAI CHI FOR WELLNESS 12:30 pm 4th Street Place PICKLEBALL (ALL PLAY) 1 pm - 3 PeachlandpmCommunity Centre PASSION 4 ART 1 pm – 4 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre DEMENTIA CAREGIVER SUPPORT (ALZHEIMER SOCIETY) 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm 4th Street Place MEAT DRAW 3 pm-5 pm Royal Canadian Legion #69 BINGO 5:30 pm (EOW) 50 Plus Activity Centre FRIDAYS FITNESS ROOM 5 am - 10 PeachlandpmCommunity Centre INDOOR WALKING 8 am - 9 PeachlandamCommunity Centre FLOW YOGA 9 am - 10 am 4th Street Place 50+ FITNESS 9 am - 10 am ($5 Drop In) 50 Plus Activity Centre BARGAIN BIN 12 pm - 3 Peachlandpm United Church LADIES’ COFFEE & CARDS 4th1pmStreet Place CANASTA 1 50+pmActivity Centre BAT COUNTS 7:45 pm - 10 pm Historic Primary School SATURDAYS FITNESS ROOM 5 am - 10 PeachlandpmCommunity Centre CARPET BOWLING 10 am - 12 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre BARGAIN BIN 12 pm - 3 Peachlandpm United Church MEAT DRAW 3 pm-5 pm Royal Canadian Legion #69 SUNDAYS FITNESS ROOM 5 am - 10 PeachlandpmCommunity Centre PEACHLAND FARMERS & CRAFTERS MARKET 10 am - 2 pm Heritage Park PICKLEBALL (2.5-3.5) 12-2 Peachlandpm Community Centre LOCAL EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES PEACHLAND HUB NIGHT MARKET takes place Tuesday evenings from rom 4 pm - 9 pm at Cousins Park. The market includes live entertainment, food, and work by local artisans. To register as a vendor phone 250 212 0211. ADULT & SENIORS BAT CAMP 50+ Activity Centre for a bat talk, games, snack and beverage. Register at or call 250 767 2143. $10 per camper – you’re never too old for summer camp! SUMMER READING PROGRAM FEAT. MAGICIAN LIEF DAVID happens at the Peachland Library Wednesdays from 10 am - 11 am. On Aug 17 magician Lief David will perform! SUMMER ARTS PROGRAM sponsored by the Peachland Community Arts Council runs Wed. to Sat. 11 am – 4 pm at the Little Schoolhouse. From Aug 10 - 13 features Passion 4 Art Group followed by Robin Taylor and Sunshine Village Group Aug 17-20. ARTISTS IN STUDIO & RIVER SONGS runs from Aug 1 – Aug 28 at the Peachland Art Gallery. Featuring new artists weekly working and displaying in the gallery in conjunction with River Songs, a collection of rivers near Hope, B.C. by Holly Smith.
1-800-663-0392 • 250-494-6621 • 250-492-8137 • Personal Injury • Wills & Estates • Real Estate • Civil Litigation • Family Law • Notary Services
LIVE MUSIC AT THE PEACHLAND LEGION No membership required; everyone welcome! Aug 14 Tony Harnell 2 pm - 4:30 pm, Aug 21 Jeremy Messenger 2 pm - 4:30 pm.
KOKANEE SALMON FESTIVAL Celebrate the return of the Kokanee salmon! Enjoy watching fish in their spawning colours and find the answers to all your fishy questions. Event takes place at Hardy Falls Regional Park on Aug. 27 from 10 am - 2 pm.
MAKING WAVES MURAL FESTIVAL happens Sept. 2 – 4. Peachland’s inaugural mural festival will feature mural painting, live music, an artisan market, dancing and drumming, food, free art lessions, a kids chalk walk and more. PEACHLAND FALL FAIR has the atomsphere of an old-fashioned country fair. Event takes place at the community centre from Sep 9 - 11. Have an event you’d like to share? Email editor@peachlandview.combeforeFridayatnoon Summerland BC V0H 1Z0 JosephPatrick Bell
RECYCLE BC POP UP RECYCLING DEPOT Drop off glass bottles and jars, foam packaging, plastic bags and overwrap, other flexible plastic packaging, plastic, metal and paper containers, paper, and cardboard free of charge on Aug 13 from 10 am - 3 pm at the Peachland Community Centre and Sept 10 from 10 am - 3 pm at the 2nd Street parking lot.

Summer of FunSummer of Fun PEACHLAND VIEW 7AUGUST 12, 2022 COMMUNITY Peachland MON - SAT 9am - 5:30pm NOW OPEN SUNDAYS 11:30 - 5 5836 Beach Ave,250-767-9220Peachland THAT STUFF FOR PAIN GORILLAGLUE Celebrating 17 years! Peachland Farmers & Crafters Market 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at Heritage Park Over 60 Vendors from the Okanagan Valley “The Little Market that Cares” Located on Highway 97 Peachland Centre Mall Open 250.767.1958LiquorLiquorPeachlandevery10am-11pmdayStoreStoreOpenat9amThursdaythruSundayMaylongweekendtillSeptemberlongweekend SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE UP TO 75% OFF CHECK US OUT ON 778.754.0052•FACEBOOK#116-2330 Hwy 97 Westbank, BC bookspacethis Call joanne @ 250 767 7771 or editor@peachlandview.comemail Rattlesnake Island Swim returns after two-year pandemic hiatus Brock Hoel (left) crossed the finish line first with a time of 01:45:55 followed by Peter Smith (01:50:35), shown second from the left. A total of 34 swimmers completed the 7K race to Rattlesnake Island and back last Saturday morning. Hector Garcia-Martinez Jennifer Leach-Trask Peachland’s Matthew Smith placed 9th in the race. Nick Sunderland LAYHJOANNEPHOTOS

PEACHLAND VIEW8 AUGUST 12, 2022 Black Version C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=100 A MEMBER INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPERS OF CANADA BOOKKEEPERPROFESSIONACERTIFIEDL MEMBER - INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPERS OF CANADA BOOKKEEPERPROFESSIONALCERTIFIED(IPBC Simplifying Your Books TMG Business Services 250.767.6521TammieGilbert, • Support • Training • Payroll • Bookkeeping • Income Tax CRAIG’S PAINTING Interior Exterior | Residential and Commercial Craig Battersby 604 240 7594 Summerland • Peachland • West Kelowna 25 Years Businessin INTER-VALLEY ELECTRIC • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • INSTITUTIONAL ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING & MAINTENANCE cell: 250-212-5622 email: Kris Klumpner INTER-VALLEY CST. LTD. REG 17640 Service with safety to the energy industry • Tree Removal • Topping, Limbing & Thinning • Stump Grinding • Fire Cleanup • Logging • Wildfire Prevention “ Over 29 Years Experience” 250-878-5597 Fully Insured FREE Estimates 6094 Ellison Ave, Peac hland 5866A Beach Ave, Peachland 250 767 6615 WARRANTY APPROVED VEHICLE SERVICE & MAINTENANCE Locally owned and operated • Licensed technician on duty Diagnostics • Brakes • Shocks & Struts • Tires • Wheel Alignments Oil Changes • Suspension • Air Conditioning • Imports & Domestic COMMUNITY LOCALdirectorySERVICES Left: The Best Garden in Peachland belongs to Lynda Brown, according to the Peachland Sowers and Growers, who recently held a competition and judged the eight entries received based on variety of plantings, use of foliage, containers, hardscaping, vegetables, water features, sound, year-round appeal, sustainability and overall impact. The judges were very impressed to discover that when Lynda bought her house five years ago the garden was mainly weeds and she has created the yard from scratch, without the use of professional landscapers on a challenging steep hillside. Mayor Cindy Fortin presented Brown with a plaque last Friday on behalf of the municipality. Right:Hundreds of people turned up to see Marty Edwards perform at the Rotary concert in Heritage Park last Sunday, where close to $2,000 was raised toward a new building for the Peachland Food Bank. The Rotary Club of Peachland is undertaking a series of fundraising events for the food bank, which will be displaced when the next phase of seniors housing is constructed. The new food bank building is a component of the proposed HUB project that is designed to house numerous community groups and non-profits.

See something newsworthy? Send tips or photos to Photos must be high resolution (at least 300 dpi). If sending photos from your phone, choose “Actual Size”. PEACHLAND VIEW somethingHave TO ANNOUNCE? (birthdays,celebrationsmarriages,engagements,births,oflife) LET US KNOW all the details... to be included in this special section that will highlight your celebration or let the community know of the passing of a loved one. Call Joanne For Rates 250 767 7771 CALL 250 767 7771 TO BOOK A SPACE HERE CALL 250 767 7771 TO BOOK A SPACE HERE PEACHLAND VIEW 9AUGUST 12, 2022 CLASSIFIEDS THRIFT STORE ForgetTravelling?Camping?anything?Checkusout,Wemayhaveit!OpenWed-Sat Noon - 3pm Peachland United BARGAIN BIN BUILDINGS FOR SALE INTEGRITY POST FRAME BUILD INGS since 2008. Built with con crete posts. Barns, shops, riding arenas, machine sheds and more. 1-866974-7678. GET RESULTS! Post a classified in 92 newspapers in just a few clicks. Reach almost 2 million people for only $395 a week for 25-word text ad or $995 for small display ad. Choose your province or all across Canada. Best value. Save over 85% compared to booking ROCKY MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT is NOW HIRING: AG Equipment Techs, Heavy Equipment Techs - Journey man & Apprentices, Parts Techs. View Open Roles & Apply: www. Relocation and Signing Bonus Offered. ANNOUNCEMENTS EMPLOYMENTSERVICES NUMISMATIST PURCHASING COIN COLLECTIONS & ACCUMULATIONS! Royal Canadian Mint, Canada & World Collections Wanted. Also buying 9999 bullion, old money, jewelry, nuggets, sterling, gold, silver, coins, bars, monster boxes +++ ESTATES WELCOMED! Todd 250 864 3521. WANTED TO BUY COIN COLLECTOR looking to pur chase Coin Collections. Gold & Silver coins, Bullion, Bars, Maple Leafs etc. Any amount! Call Chad 250-499-0251 WANTEDNOTICEMeets Monday at 7 p.m. (closed meeting) and Friday at 7 p.m. (open meeting). Callfor250-763-5555moreinfo. Peachland Fellowship Alcoholics Anonymous FOR SALE EDGING EMERALD CEDARS Direct from Oliver grower. Acclimatized for this area. SPECIAL: 5’ tall – 10 for $500 Other sizes available. De livery available. Call Budget Nurser ies (George) 250-498-2189 or georgedemelo135@gmail.comemail One Stop Love StopShop Love pShop p3466 CARRINGTON RD #102, WEST KELOWNA 3466•250-707-5683 •250-707-5683 Open Open7daysaweek 7daysaweek CHECK OUT OUR NEW ARRIVALS NOW HIRING! RECYCLEPLEASE NEWSPAPER.THIS Places of FaithPeachland PEACHLANDBAPTISTCHURCH Lake Ave at 13th St Sunday250-767-9237MorningService 10:30PASTORam Lyle Wahl There is a sermon audio available on our website each week. UnitedPeachlandChurch 4421 4th Street 250-767-2206 “Let Us Worship Together” Pastor: Ian McLean all welcomeare For 10:00am online Zoom service visit ZOOM AND IN SANCTUARY SERVICES AT 10:00 AM Grace Lutheran OnlineforforPrayingChurchabettertomorrowallofus!Worshipat: Watch the service from the videos tab right underneath the picture of the church. 1162 Hudson Road W. Kelowna BC 250-769-5685 St. AnglicanMargaret’sChurch 4464-4 St, Peachland, BC V0H Sundaystmargarets@shaw.ca250-767-31311X6ChurchServiceat10:00am.ZoomserviceonrequestEmailorCallforLinkComeJoinUs!AllareWelcome. Matthew 25:35 “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.”

Fall fair seeks volunteers
The Peachland Fall Fair is seeking volunteers to help with this year’s event. Volunteers of the Peachland Fall Fair have varying degrees of involvement. Some are work ing for months on the preparations while others will spend only a couple of hours volunteering on the weekend of the event. If you are interested in joining our fun team, even if it’s just for a few hours at the fair, contact us at info@ We have may jobs available from selling entry tags, to set up and take down of the display tables. If you have interest helping in a specific section like Handicrafts or Baking and Preserves, you can contact the section head and discuss how you can be of service. All section heads’ contact information is listed in the booklet as well as at Booklets are available at many locations including Westbank Visitors Centre, Buckerfields, Westbank Li brary, Byland’s Garden Centre, Dogwood Nursery, Home Hardware West Kelowna, Peachland Museum, Peachland Visitors Centre, Peachland Community Centre, Peachland Library, Peachland Pharmacy and Paynter’s Market. Get your booklet today or visit so you can get your entries ready.
JOANNE LAYH The seventh annual nine-day Ryga Arts Fes tival begins this weekend with a return to a full lineup of in-person arts events throughout Sum merland.Ryga Arts Festival celebrates the legacy of George Ryga, an author and playwright who lived and worked in Sum merland. Ryga’s work encompassed a wide range of genres, includ ing radio and TV scripts, novels, and poetry, and the festival is designed to incorporate that kind of range in its offerings. Featuring many paywhat-you-choose events, this year’s festival fea tures a diverse blend of music, theatre, spoken word and dance events scheduled to be held at various venues through out Summerland from Aug. 13 - 21. “This year we’re explor ing themes of ‘weathering the storm’ and how the arts can help us continue in challenging times. The majority of our activities have flexible pricing, to ensure people can attend several events, and have a great time experienc ing our wide range of arts programming,” says artistic director Heather Davies.“We’ve got all differ ent levels of pricing Daviesit’stopmeanwhichpay-what-you-choose,fromofcourse,cananything,andourticketpriceis$30,soallveryreasonable,”toldthe View. “We really want to make sure that people have access to enjoying the arts locally. The takesforfarmer,andficker,includingeryofwhichowfinalingswillSummergateprose,anup,lengthyferenceofwe’repay-what-you-chooseparticularlyproudbecauseitmakesadiftoalotofpeople.”ThefestivalfeaturesaspokenwordlineincludingOutspoken!,openmicspokenword,andpoetrynightatWinery.ThisSundayafternoonfeatureselectedreadfromGeorgeRyga’snovel,“IntheShadoftheVulture,”inasinistershadowavulturefallsoverevcharacterinthestory,ahumantrafadefrockedpriest,aneo-nazichickeneachinastrugglesurvival.ThereadingplaceattheSum
Nine-day Ryga Arts Festival kicks off this weekend in Summerland
Multi-awarding winning PEI folk singer-songwriter Catherine MacLellan will play Centre Stage on Aug. 19.
merland Arts Centre. The music lineup kicks off on Aug. 13 in Me morial Park with Made in Canada: an agricul tural song cycle features 10 songs that centre the voices and realities of the seasonal temporary for eign Workers (TFWs) by blending mariachi influ ences with lyrics sourced from the stories of the seasonal TFWs, news articles, and legal text surrounding the TFW program.On Aug. 19 multi-awarding winning PEI folk singer-songwrit er Catherine MacLellan will play Centre Stage fol lowed on Aug. 20 by what is likely to be one of the highlights of the festival, Juno and multi-awardwinning Edmonton-based folk singer-songwriter Celeigh Cardinal’s live performance, which is also set to take place at Centre Stage on Main St. Cardinal’s soulful voice and heartbreaking lyrics are sure to captivate lis teners. This year she’ll be bringing her whole band so this is one show you won’t want to miss. Cardinal is back by popular demand after her sold-out show last year. For 2022 Ryga Arts Festival event informa tion and tickets, visit

PHOTO CONTRIBUTED Call or email Joanne to book your ad today! 250 767 7771 •
THE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF PEACHLAND NOTICE OF APPLICATIONS FOR SCRUTINEERS PROTECTIVE SERVICES BUILDING LOAN AUTHORIZATION BYLAW On Saturday, OCTOBER 15, 2022, an assent voting opportunity will be held within THE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF PEACHLAND on the following question: ARE YOU IN FAVOUR OF THE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF PEACHLAND ADOPTING THE PROTECTIVE SERVICES BUILDING LOAN AUTHORIZATION BYLAW NO. 2364, 2022, TO AUTHORIZE THE BORROWING OF UP TO SEVENTEEN MILLION, FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($17,500,000), OVER A THIRTY (30) YEAR TERM, TO FUND THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW PROTECTIVE SERVICES BUILDING TO ACCOMMODATE THE FIRE DEPARTMENT? Scrutineers for and against the question must be appointed if applications are received from persons who wish to volunteer for the positions. Only persons entitled to vote as electors in this assent voting opportunity are entitled to act as scrutineers. If sufficient applications are received, One [1] scrutineer for and One [1] scrutineer against the question will be appointed for each voting opportunity. One scrutineer for the question and one scrutineer against the question will also be appointed to be present at the determination of the official results and, if necessary, at a judicial recount.
Interested persons can obtain information on the requirements and procedures for making an application by contacting the following persons at the District of Peachland office by phone at 252-767-3704 or by email at : Jennifer Sawatzky, Chief Election Officer Philippa Harding, Deputy Chief Election Officer
JOANNE LAYH Hainle Vineyards Es tate Winery recently competed in two wine championships, the All Canadian Wine Cham pionships (ACWC) and Winealign National Wine Awards of Canada (NWAC), and brought a whopping eight awards home to HainlePeachland.nabbed three awards from the 2022 All Canadian Wine Cham pionships, which took place from June 10 - 12 in Cherry Valley, Ontar io. They received a Gold for their 2020 Pinot Noir, Silver for the 2020 Amore and Bronze for their 2020 Syrah.Atthis year’s ACWC 1,233 wines were entered by close to 200 participat ingShortlywineries. afterwards Hainle received another five awards at the 2022 National Wine Awards of Canada, which took place from June 19 – 23 in Niag ara Falls, Ontario. At the National Wine Awards of Canada 1,890 wines were entered by more than 250 wineries. From this awards event, Hainle brought home the following medals: • 2020 Merlot - Plati num Medal; • 2021 Pinot Gris - Sil ver Medal; • 2020 Syrah - Silver Medal;•2021 Cheers - Bronze Medal; and • 2020 Oaked Chardon nay - Bronze Medal. “NWAC are the most prestigious wine awards of Canada,” brand di rector Abby Sharma told the View. “It’s a big hon our for our winery to bag eight medals this year, compared to three bronze medals in 2021. This goes to show our efforts to make excellent products with an amazing tasting experience.”Sharma’s message to Peachland residents want ing to add some local awarding wines to their collection: shop early, be cause the 2020 Pinot Noir is down to less than 50 bottles and there are only 18 cases of the 2020 Mer lot in Thestock.2020 Syrah was technically sold out in the winery but after it re ceived a silver medal they managed to wrangle seven cases back from distribu tors. Hainle’s 2020 Amore, 2020 Pinot Noir, and 2020 Syrah recently received medals at the All Canadian Wine Championships
Applications to act as a scrutineer will be received by the Chief Election Officer at the office of the: DISTRICT OF PEACHLAND 5806 BEACH AVENUE PEACHLAND, BC V0H 1X7 during the period: 9:00AM, AUGUST 30, 2022 TO 4:00PM, SEPTEMBER 9, 2022
Applications will only be received during regular office days and hours during this period. Application forms are available at the DISTRICT OF PEACHLAND office located at 5806 Beach Avenue, or at the District of Peachland Website
Eight awards for Hainle Winery

6211 Thompson Place 4720 Peachland Place $1,179,000 $789,000 Serene private Gardener’s Paradise on .39 acres. 4 bed + 3 bath, 3,235 Sq Ft im maculately maintained Rancher with Walk-out Bsmt. Open concept kitchen, wine cellar, 3 hobby rooms, AC, built-in vac, plus so much more! MLS 10259371 Great family home on quiet CDS with lake view front and back on .25 acre!! 3 bed /2 bath + large office, ready for your decorating ideas. Garage, workshop + room for RV. Large, almost flat fully fenced yard just waiting for your outdoor ideas. 3 min to the beach or boat launch. MLS 10259476 SOLD When you want to make a Smart Move Susi 250-808-8762Lieuwen susib@royallepage.caRoyalLePage West Kelowna #11-2475 Dobbin Road Westbank, BC V4T 2E9 Proud sponsor of the PeachlandCenterWellness 6034 Garraway Place $834,900 A wonderful 3 bedroom 2 bath ranch style home on large flat lot with RV parking in beautiful Peachland BC! You are going to absolutely love this one level home located on a quiet cul du sac in a beautiful neighbourhood just minutes to parks and amazing back country adventure while still enjoying all the conveniences of city living. This home features recently renovated bathrooms, flooring and some windows. The attached two car garage, large parking pad and additional RV parking is perfect for storing all your toys. MLS 10253608 250-575-3643 JASON COWARD Expertwww.sellingpeachland.caRealEstateServiceSince 2007 250.864.2400 Trusted Agents Since 1999 Contact Us for a Complimentary Market Evaluation of Your Home $838,000 134-3996 Beach Ave Excellent opportunity to own this lovely semi waterfront 2 bed/ 2 bath condo in Peachland’s sought after “Lakeshore Gardens” complex. Miles of beach front right out your doorstep, a short walk to restaurants, shopping, grocery store, tennis courts & more! Bright open floor plan, vinyl plank floors, granite kitchen counters, eating bar, gas fireplace, covered wrap around patio. Convenient ground floor location to take advantage of the street parking with access right to your door. Additional features, turn-key with all furnishings included, BBQ hook up, storage locker. MLS®10252972 Julia Debolt*PREC 3726 Lornell Cres - Outstanding lake & mountain views can be enjoyed from this immaculate 3 bed / 2 bath home that is located on a large usable lot in Peachland. Hardwood floors, gas fireplaces, open floor plan, spacious covered deck, flower and garden beds plus 3 sheds (workshop) that add to the outdoor living space. This home is a must see! Outstanding Lake Views! $849,900 MLS® MLS®1025472110259243This A1 property has potential to easily transform to many Agritourism or Estate Winery possibilities! Located on the Westbank Wine Trail this 9.7ac property features rich clay base soil currently growing top quality hay. Presently a turnkey equestrian property, it includes two homes, a massive shop with 3 phase/600amp power, a large clear span barn with stalls/runs, covered pens and hay storage. The 70’ x 170’ indoor riding arena has sand footing and viewing platform plus an 80’ x 190’ sand outdoor arena, three separate pasture areas and 5 acres producing quality alfalfa/grass hay. Other features include municipal water and newer fencing around the perimeter. 250-718-2761 $2,999,000 3140 Elliott Road Sandy Chevallier Realtor® welcome home. Realtor ® rachel morrison 250 280 rachel@rachelmorrison.ca8070 Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated 15 units 1,850 sq.ft. and up starting in the $900’s 2 and 3 bed + den available now fall 2023 delivery 3 Bed 2 1,892Bathsquare feet single $939,000level+ GST two car private garage New Development 5300 BuchananProp.RoadSL2 MLS #10256275 Chad Rogers 250 808 8143 m 14-1470www.chadlist.comHarveyAvenue,Kelowna Each office is independently owned and operated. $679,000208-4340B Beach Ave Perfect location just steps to the Beach and a short walk to every thing downtown Peachland has to offer. This fantastic 1244 sq/ft, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 2nd floor unit on the quiet side of this semi water front 45+ adult complex is a real gem. Great outdoor deck with lake view with bbq hook up, brand new carpet in the spacious bedrooms – primary with full en-suite & walk in closet, full size dining area and great living area with gas fire place. MLS® 10258798 REALTOR® NEWPRICE Buying or SellingHome?a 250-826-5977 WWW.NICOLEREMILLARD.COMINFO@NICOLEREMILLARD.COM13244VictoriaRdNSummerlandBC CONTACT ME FOR YOUR FREE MARKET EVALUATION PEACHLAND VIEW12 AUGUST 12, 2022