Friday, August 19, 2022 | Every house, Every business, Every week PEACHLAND VI EW It’s fire season Please be fire smart when you are camping and enjoying our beautiful forests and back country. 5872 Beach Ave, Peachland | 250-767-2500 | 1-877-767-2510 Call Kerri for a private Lunch & Tour, see why our residents LOVE loving here! 250-768-2934 Chef-preparedWESTWOOD:meals, suites with balconies & lake views and so much more! LOOK FOR THE FALL RECGUIDEREATION RecreationPeachland GuideRECREATIONGUIDE FALL 2022 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Mural artists Layla Folkmann and Lacey Jane Wilburn, collectively known as LALA, completed their contribution to the Making Waves Mural Festival last week. See Page 3 for story. PHOTO JOANNE LAYH LALA leave their mark on Peachland

A person is qualified to be nominated, elected, and to hold office as a member of local government if they meet the following criteria:
• Not disqualified under the Local Government Act or any other enactment from voting in an election in British Columbia or being nominated for, being elected to or holding the office, or be otherwise disqualified by law. By hand, mail or other delivery service: DISTRICT OF PEACHLAND 5806 BEACH PEACHLAND,AVENUEBCV0H 1X7 By fax to: 250-767-3433 By email to: *Originals of faxed or emailed nomination documents must be received by the Chief Election Officer by 4:00 pm on SEPTEMBER 16, 2022.
In accordance with the Local Elections Campaign Financing Act, for the 2022 general local elections, the following third party advertising limits apply: Directed Advertising Limit – $809.84 Cumulative Third Party Advertising Limit - $161,967.47 For further information on campaign period expense limits and third party advertising limits, please contact Elections BC: Toll-free phone: 1-800-661-8683 Email:
• Canadian citizen; • 18 years of age or older on general voting day [October 15, 2022];
A person is qualified to be nominated, elected, and to hold office as a School Trustee if they meet the following criteria: • Canadian citizen; • 18 years of age or older on general voting day [October 15, 2022]; • Resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately before the day nomination papers are filed [September 9, 2022]; and
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to the electors of School District No. 23 (Central Okanagan) Zone II being The Corporation of the District of Peachland, Central Okanagan West Electoral Area of the Regional District of Central Okanagan, Tsinstikeptum Indian Reserve 9, and Tsinstikeptum Indian Reserve 10, that nominations will be accepted for the following office, to be elected for a four (4) year term: SCHOOL TRUSTEE FOR ZONE II OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 23 (CENTRAL OKANAGAN) – ONE (1) Nominations for the office of School Trustee will be received by the Chief Election Officer or a designated person, as follows: Nomination documents are available at the Peachland Municipal Office (250767-2647) and at the Regional District of Central Okanagan Office (250-4696224) during regular office hours Monday – Friday 8:00AM to 4:00PM. PEACHLAND 5806 PEACHLAND,AVENUEBCV0H CENTRAL KELOWNA,1450OKANAGANKLOROADBCV1W 250-767-3433 PEACHLAND Jennifer Sawatzky, Chief Election Officer 250-767-3704 Harding, Deputy Chief Officer
By email to: *Originals of faxed or emailed nomination documents must be received by the Chief Election Officer by 4:00 pm on SEPTEMBER 16, 2022. From: 9:00 am AUGUST 30, 2022 To: 4:00 pm SEPTEMBER 9, 2022 From: 9:00 am AUGUST 30, 2022 To: 4:00 pm SEPTEMBER 9, 2022 THE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF
• Resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately before the day nomination papers are filed [September 9, 2022]; and
In accordance with the Local Elections Campaign Financing Act, for the 2022 general local election, the following expense limits for candidates during the campaign period apply: Mayor $10,797.83 Councillor $5,398.92 School Trustee $9,114.90
From: 9:00 am AUGUST 30, 2022 To: 4:00 pm SEPTEMBER 9, 2022 From: 9:00 am AUGUST 30, 2022 To: 4:00 pm SEPTEMBER 9, 2022
3Z4 By fax to:
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to the electors of the District of Peachland that nominations will be accepted for the following offices, to be elected for a four (4) year term: MAYOR – ONE (1) COUNCILLOR – SIX (6) Nominations for the office of Mayor or Councillor will be received by the Chief Election Officer or a designated person, as follows: Nomination documents are available at the Peachland Municipal Office during regular office hours beginning Tuesday, August 2, 2022. Monday – Friday 8:00AM to 4:00PM. Interested persons can also obtain information on the requirements and procedures for making nominations at the District of Peachland Website
Interested persons can also obtain information on the requirements and procedures for making nominations at the District of Peachland Website NOMINATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER 4:00PM, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2022. By hand, mail or other delivery service: DISTRICT OF
• Not disqualified under the School Act or any other enactment from voting in an election in British Columbia or being nominated for, being elected to or holding office as a trustee, or be otherwise disqualified by law.
2022 GENERAL LOCAL ELECTIONS NOTICE OF NOMINATIONForfurther information on the nomination process, please contact:

Mural artists complete first work for upcoming Making Waves fest
Vancouver-based duo were in Peachland last week to complete the mural for the upcoming inaugural Making Waves Mural Fes tival, which will take place Sep. 2 - 4 at various loca tions in ducedUniversityFineterartistichaveWilburnPeachland.andFolkmannbeenworkingasanduosince2010aftheymetwhilestudyingArtatGrantMacEwaninEdmonton.Togethertheyhaveproover100muralsall across Canada with orga nizations such as MURAL Montreal, MU, Start Up To ronto, Mural Routes, as well as multiple other arts coun cils, arts organizations, and festivals.Internationally, they have been commissioned to paint in Iceland, Hondu ras, France, and Northern Uganda and have also col laborated with a number of brands including Microsoft, Absolut Vodka, Simons, and Yves St. Laurent. “This one was unique. Peachland contacted us for their first ever mural festi val and they specifically wanted us to do the Legion because it is the heart of the community and a great gathering place,” said Wil burn. “We designed the mural to respond to the Legion so we wanted to do an Okanagan landscape but with a poppy theme so it was thematically rele vant but also uplifting and positive and local to the community.”Thetwoarrived in Peach land at the beginning of last week and spent a couple days prepping and just four days“We’vepainting.learned we have to be incredibly fast. We have so much limited summer time with our pro fession so we have learned to hone our skills so that we paint really fast and go boom, boom, boom, boom from project to project,” said Wilburn, noting that the following day they would move on to Kelowna for their next mural. “We have back to back projects and sometimes there are things like weath er that you can’t anticipate so you have to accommo date for that and the heat’s crazy here as well so we had to do two shifts in the morning and the evening,” added Folkmann. “The paint dries so quickly in the sun and we do a lot of blending soft tonal transi tions and it’s not easy in the heat. It dries before you can put the paint on the wall.” While they were in town the duo say they received nothing but positive feed back from residents. “People have been very supportive and kind and generous. People have been feeding us and it’s been re allyLALA’snice.” other works can be viewed on Instagram: @’sinauguralfestvisitpeachland
JOANNE LAYH Peer down 2nd St and you’ll notice an impressive transformation that has tak en shape across the exterior of the Legion hall, thanks to mural artists Lacey Jane Wilburn and Layla Folk mann, collectively known as TheLALA.
Earlier this month, staff with the Okanagan and Similka meen Invasive Species Society (OASISS) met with one of B.C.’s Invasive Mussel Defence Teams at an inspection station located on Highway 97C just outside of Peachland. The two teams shared information on their respective jobs, and OASISS staff were able to see firsthand what happens when travellers arrive at a station with watercraft. OASISS has been working to raise awareness about inva sive mussels and other aquatic species for the last decade in the Okanagan Valley. Our work is supported by the Okana gan Basin Water Board. The staff interact with boaters at launches and set up information booths at farmers’ markets and community events. Youth are also targeted through presentations and games at summer camps. Since 2015, the B.C. Government has been working to prevent the introduction of zebra and quagga mussels into the province. Prevention efforts focus on inspecting boats, monitoring lakes, educating the public and coordinating actions with neighbouring jurisdictions. If you are transporting a watercraft in B.C., it is man datory to stop and report to all invasive mussel watercraft inspection stations along your travel route. Failing to stop at an inspection station can result in a fine of $345.
The OASISS team met up with the Penticton Mussel Defence crew just outside Peachland earlier this month.
Applications will only be received during regular office days and hours during this period. Application forms are available at the DISTRICT OF PEACHLAND office located at 5806 Beach Avenue, or at the District of Peachland Website
PHOTO LISA SCOTT Boater inspection station
On Saturday, OCTOBER 15, 2022, an assent voting opportunity will be held within THE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF PEACHLAND on the following question: ARE YOU IN FAVOUR OF THE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF PEACHLAND ADOPTING THE PROTECTIVE SERVICES BUILDING LOAN AUTHORIZATION BYLAW NO. 2364, 2022, TO AUTHORIZE THE BORROWING OF UP TO SEVENTEEN MILLION, FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($17,500,000), OVER A THIRTY (30) YEAR TERM, TO FUND THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW PROTECTIVE SERVICES BUILDING TO ACCOMMODATE THE FIRE DEPARTMENT? Scrutineers for and against the question must be appointed if applications are received from persons who wish to volunteer for the positions. Only persons entitled to vote as electors in this assent voting opportunity are entitled to act as scrutineers. If sufficient applications are received, One [1] scrutineer for and One [1] scrutineer against the question will be appointed for each voting opportunity. One scrutineer for the question and one scrutineer against the question will also be appointed to be present at the determination of the official results and, if necessary, at a judicial recount.
Jennifer Sawatzky, Chief Election Officer Philippa Harding, Deputy Chief Election Officer
Interested persons can obtain information on the requirements and procedures for making an application by contacting the following persons at the District of Peachland office by phone at 252-767-3704 or by email at :
Applications to act as a scrutineer will be received by the Chief Election Officer at the office of the: DISTRICT OF PEACHLAND 5806 BEACH AVENUE PEACHLAND, BC V0H 1X7 during the period: 9:00AM, AUGUST 30, 2022 TO 4:00PM, SEPTEMBER 9, 2022

Continued on Page 5
Long-time ops clerk bids farewell to Peachland
Dear Peachland residents and friends: I AM RETIRING! I feel so very lucky to have been able to stay as the District of Peachland’s operations clerk for almost three decades, Aug 15, 1994 – Aug 26, 2022. During my time there have been so many changes in full time and seasonal staff, admin istration and council that its hard to count all the peo ple that I have worked with over the 28 years, includ ing eight different mayors and council, seven or eight CAOs, seven or eight direc tors of operations and many, many (75+) co-workers who left or retired. In my years here, I feel like I’ve gone through a technological revolution. When I started, no one had cell phones. We used twoway radios. I mostly knew where everyone was and what they were doing. I felt connected and in the loop. Cell phones changed all of that. My voice was the alarm voice for the water department for a few years and the water crew would make fun of “me” waking them up in the wee hours. For a year or two, my of fice was in what is now the planning office downtown, so that contractors and workers would have easy access to operations while the downtown revitalization was ongoing. I was work ing on a data spreadsheet at that time, a huge proj ect that had me dreaming numbers all night. It was a local engineer, looking over my shoulder one day that offered an insight into the program I was teaching myself to use. His comment made a huge difference in my use of the program. Peo ple know things and when someone offers their exper tise, listen and learn. As much as I would have loved to attend college or university, I did not attend either. I learned ‘on the job’ and helped finance, admin and planning with a variety of work. My tasks included the mundane, the monoto nous and the creative that stretched my patience, knowledge and abilities. I worked on the Peachland website upon the request from the CAO back in the late 1990s. I learned about html code from library books and from my chil dren who knew much more than I did. I knew nothing and that learning curve went straight up for years. My advice to the young people starting out in the working world is accept opportunities outside your comfort zone. Definitely not all opportunities are easy or fun but they can later make for great stories and new skills. Having a sense of humour is a must and helps one get through the not-soniceWhenjobs.I got a rescue dog from the SPCA, I was very lucky to be able to bring her to work. My co-work er Mirjam and I, at noon hours, scrounged thrown away materials from the garbage and metal bins, cobbled together fencing and built a gate to create a yard for both our dogs. My dog Shadow (2005 – 2020) and I would go out at noon on “my” trails in summer and winter; walking, run ning, and snowshoeing. As we both got older and slow er, our joy in being out on a trail never diminished. I have also commuted by bicycle every year for all of these 28 years, not every day of the week, but for sure at least one or two times a week from April – Sep. I always tried for three times a week but I found myself a wimp for weather (cold, wind, rain, extreme heat, smoke) and it can be hard to be motivated in spring and fall to get on the bike in the dark at 5:30 a.m. for the one hour and 20 minute commute. Princeton Ave is a killer hill but oh the joy in the after work downhill blast! I think my co-workers cringed at my speed, and on those days when I would tow Shadow in the trailer, I am sure her legs would be spread-eagled and toenails grasping for purchase as we careened around the cor ners with her ears flapping and her tongue hanging out. She never refused to get in the trailer and she warbled with excitement as we be gan. Over the years as I aged I never lost my drive to get up Princeton hill faster
The Peachland View is a free community newspaper that is distributed each Friday to everyone in Peachland. Anyone who lives outside of the distribution area but within Canada can purchase a subscription at $70 per year + GST. The Peachland View reserves the right to refuse publication of any advertising or editorial submission at its discretion. Material submitted by columnists does not reflect the opinions of the Peachland View or its employees. The Peachland View retains complete and sole copyright of any content, including stories, photographs, and advertisements published in the Peachland View. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission or consent from the publisher is strictly prohibited. 5878A Beach Avenue Peachland, BC V0H 1X7 250 767 7771 published by Aberdeen Publishing Inc. Robert W. Doull, pres Joanne Layh Publisher / Don Urquhart Contributing Reporter Charlie Biddiscombe designer@peachlandview.comProduction Is rising infla tion changing how you shop for groceries? Visit our website to QUESTIONyourcastvote.LASTRESULTS Is the ArriveCan app an requirement?unnecessary12Yes/4No ONLINEPOLL PEACHLAND VIEW4 AUGUST 19, 2022 OPINION

Continued from Page 4
This is a very active and involved com munity and I am happy to have spent a great part of my life working for you and the Dis trict of Peachland. You’ve been awesome. Am going to find other trails now…. Linda Nicholas, Operations Clerk
PEACHLAND VIEW 5AUGUST 19, 2022 NEWS | OPINION than the last time (seconds count), or the sheer joy of going fast downhill. I am impressed with anyone, young or old, that takes on the challenge of cycling up Princ eton Ave. I love cycling to work and that last hill was always a challenge no matter which bike I used; a 1984 vintage Cannondale, a 2016 Cannondale or a creaky old mountain bike. My best time up is 23 minutes and 30 seconds, which is not too shabby for a senior. Now that I am retired, I am never cycling up that hill ever again. Ha. I can hear some of you saying never say never and whispering, “e-bike, e-bike!”
Council unanimously approve form and character DP for Crystal dev’t JOANNE LAYH At their last regular meeting Peachland coun cil unanimously supported the issuance of a form and character development per mit that approves the design quality and character, in cluding landscaping, siting, form, exterior design and finish of buildings and other structures, and any specific features of the Todd’s RV site project proposed by Porchlight Developments. The proposal to build six six-storey buildings and four luxury beachside bunga lows at 3946, 3966 and 3976 Beach Ave, currently the site of Todd’s RV, received the fi nal go ahead from Peachland council back in June. Since then, council has been presented with a package of renderings that identify the form and char acter details of the project. In her presentation to council planner Lor Pel legrino described it as “what will be a very iconic and very unique and interesting development.” She noted the exterior will have climate appropriate finishes, and “the light colours proposed will reduce the heat island effect.”“Ithink it’s been very well thought through and I’m very impressed by the form and character, so I have no difficulty supporting this motion,” said Coun. Keith Fielding. “I think this developer has done everything we asked from them, and they listened to us. I’m very happy to see the 15 parking spots in front because we need those for that area,” said Coun. Pat rick Van Minsel. “I think this development will be an example for many other developers coming to this town.”Coun. Mike Kent said a resort type development like this is exactly what Peach land deserves and wanted to know what the timeline for building would be. An architect representing Porchlight said their goal is to work on presales in con junction with detailed design drawings and hopefully have shovels in the ground next spring followed by a twoyear construction period on the first of two phases. The project is being marketed by Chamberlain Property Group as Crystal Lake Okanagan Residences. To facilitate the upgrade of the campground to a 46-unit tourist/residential project, earlier this year the OCP was amended and the site was rezoned to CD11 Todd’s Resort Comprehensive De velopment Zone from C6 Campground and R1 Single Detached Residential, which allows for tourist accommo dation and vacation resort residential accommodations. This spring the Minis try of Transportation and infrastructure also granted their approval, which was a requirement due to the prop erty’s proximity to Hwy 97.
Linda is off to find new trailsPHOTOSCONTRIBUTED

PEACHLAND VIEW6 AUGUST 19, 2022 13211 N. Victoria Rd. P.O. Box 520, Summerland
KOKANEE SALMON FESTIVAL Celebrate the return of the Kokanee salmon! Enjoy watching fish in their spawning colours and find the answers to all your fishy questions. Event takes place at Hardy Falls Regional Park on Aug. 27 from 10 am - 2 pm.
1Z0 1-800-663-0392 • 250-494-6621 • 250-492-8137 • Personal Injury • Wills & Estates • Real Estate • Civil Litigation • Family Law • Notary Services
MAKING WAVES MURAL FESTIVAL happens Sept. 2 – 4. Peachland’s inaugural mural festival will feature mural painting, live music, an artisan market, dancing and drumming, food, free art lessions, a kids chalk walk and more. PEACHLAND FALL FAIR has the atomsphere of an old-fashioned country fair. Event takes place at the community centre from Sep 9 - 11.
RECYCLE BC POP UP RECYCLING DEPOT Drop off glass bottles and jars, foam packaging, plastic bags and overwrap, other flexible plastic packaging, plastic, metal and paper containers, paper, and cardboard free of charge Sept 10 from 10 am - 3 pm at the 2nd Street parking lot.
END OF SUMMER GALA fundraiser for the Peachland Wellness Centre will feature an elegant sit down dinner, silent auction, door prizes and music by Sister Act, Kinda Kenny Rogers, and Marty Edwards and the Revival. Tickets $75 at the wellness centre or pharmacy. Event takes place Sept 24 at the Peachland Community Centre. Have an event you’d like to share? Email editor@peachlandview.combeforeFridayatnoon BC V0H Joseph JacoePatrick Bell
MONDAYS FITNESS ROOM 5 am - 10 PeachlandpmCommunity Centre INDOOR WALKING 8 am - 9 PeachlandamCommunity Centre ADULT DAY SERVICE 9 am - 3 Residencespmon 6th 50+ FITNESS 9 am - 10 am ($5 Drop In) 50 Plus Activity Centre PICKLEBALL (ALL PLAY) 9:05 am - 11 am Peachland Community Centre LADIES’ COFFEE SOCIAL 1 4thpmStreet Place BRIDGE 1 pm – 4 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre ACRYLICBEGINNER/INTERMEDIATEWORKSHOP 1 pm – 4 PeachlandpmLittle Schoolhouse PICKLEBALL (ALL PLAY) 1 pm – 3 PeachlandpmCommunity Centre WOODCARVERS 7 50pmPlus Activity Centre TUESDAYS FITNESS ROOM 5 am - 10 PeachlandpmCommunity Centre YOGA 8:30 am - 9:30 am 50 Plus Activity Centre FLOW YOGA 9 am - 10 am 4th Street Place CARPET BOWLING 10 am - 12 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre THERAPEUTIC YOGA 10:30 am – 11:45 am 4th Street Place AA 12 50pmPlus Activity Centre PASSION 4 ART 1 pm - 4 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre MAH JONG 1 pm – 4 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre MEN’S COFFEE & CARDS 1 PWCpm (downstairs) T-SHIRT TIE-DYEING HUB Market, Cousins Park Drop-in or register;programs@$15/shirt PEACHLAND HUB NIGHT MARKET 4 pm – 9 pm Cousins Park LINE DANCING 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre SHOW AND SHINE, CARS AND COFFEE 5 pm - 7 pm May 3 to Oct 3 Peachland Village Mall PEACHLAND LEGION DART LEAGUE 7 pm - 11 pm Royal Canadian Legion #69 COMPUTER LITERACY By PeachlandCallAppointment2507670141Wellness Centre WEDNESDAYS FITNESS ROOM 5 am - 10 PeachlandpmCommunity Centre INDOOR WALKING 8 am - 9 PeachlandamCommunity Centre 50+ FITNESS 9 am - 10 am ($5 Drop In) 50 Plus Activity Centre PICKLEBALL (ALL PLAY) 9:05 am - 11 am Peachland Community Centre NOVICE PICKLEBALL CLINIC 12 pm - 1 PeachlandpmCommunity Centre BARGAIN BIN 12 pm - 3 Peachlandpm United Church PICKLEBALL (ALL PLAY) 1 pm - 3 PeachlandpmCommunity Centre BRIDGE 1 pm – 4 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre WE ART HERE 12 pm - 4 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre LEGION KARAOKE 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm Royal Canadian Legion #69 SPIN, CORE AND STRETCH 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Peachland Community Centre CENTRAL OKANAGAN MODEL RAILWAY CO. Train modellers + visitors meet 7 Peachlandpm Musum THURSDAYS FITNESS ROOM 5 am - 10 PeachlandpmCommunity Centre YOGA 8:30 am - 9:30 am 50 Plus Activity Centre BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT 10 am-11:45 am Peachland Wellness Centre THERAPEUTIC YOGA 11 am - 12:15 pm 4th Street Place IRON AND SILK FIT 11 am - 12 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre BARGAIN BIN 12 pm - 3 Peachlandpm United Church TAI CHI FOR WELLNESS 12:30 pm 4th Street Place PICKLEBALL (ALL PLAY) 1 pm - 3 PeachlandpmCommunity Centre PASSION 4 ART 1 pm – 4 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre DEMENTIA CAREGIVER SUPPORT (ALZHEIMER SOCIETY) 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm 4th Street Place MEAT DRAW 3 pm-5 pm Royal Canadian Legion #69 BINGO 5:30 pm (EOW) 50 Plus Activity Centre FRIDAYS FITNESS ROOM 5 am - 10 PeachlandpmCommunity Centre INDOOR WALKING 8 am - 9 PeachlandamCommunity Centre FLOW YOGA 9 am - 10 am 4th Street Place 50+ FITNESS 9 am - 10 am ($5 Drop In) 50 Plus Activity Centre BARGAIN BIN 12 pm - 3 Peachlandpm United Church LADIES’ COFFEE & CARDS 4th1pmStreet Place CANASTA 1 50+pmActivity Centre BAT COUNTS 7:45 pm - 10 pm Historic Primary School SATURDAYS FITNESS ROOM 5 am - 10 PeachlandpmCommunity Centre CARPET BOWLING 10 am - 12 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre BARGAIN BIN 12 pm - 3 Peachlandpm United Church MEAT DRAW 3 pm-5 pm Royal Canadian Legion #69 SUNDAYS FITNESS ROOM 5 am - 10 PeachlandpmCommunity Centre PEACHLAND FARMERS & CRAFTERS MARKET 10 am - 2 pm Heritage Park PICKLEBALL (2.5-3.5) 12-2 Peachlandpm Community Centre LOCAL EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES PEACHLAND HUB NIGHT MARKET takes place Tuesday evenings from rom 4 pm - 9 pm at Cousins Park. The market includes live entertainment, food, and work by local artisans. To register as a vendor phone 250 212 0211. SUMMER ARTS PROGRAM sponsored by the Peachland Community Arts Council runs Wed. to Sat. 11 am – 4 pm at the Little Schoolhouse. Robin Taylor and Sunshine Village Group will be featured Aug 17-20. ARTISTS IN STUDIO & RIVER SONGS runs from Aug 1 – Aug 28 at the Peachland Art Gallery. Featuring new artists weekly working and displaying in the gallery in conjunction with River Songs, a collection of rivers near Hope, B.C. by Holly Smith.
BRITISH CREAM TEA at the Peachland Little Schoolhouse on Sun Aug 21 12 pm - 4 pm for reservations or phone Barb 403 862 2140. LIVE MUSIC AT THE PEACHLAND LEGION No membership required; everyone welcome! Aug 21 Jeremy Messenger 2 pm - 4:30 pm.

Summer of FunSummer of Fun BeachPeachlandRentals PHOTO JOANNE LAYH PEACHLAND VIEW 7AUGUST 19, 2022 Celebrating 17 years! Peachland Farmers & Crafters Market 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at Heritage Park Over 60 Vendors from the Okanagan Valley “The Little Market that Cares” Located on Highway 97 Peachland Centre Mall Open 250.767.1958LiquorLiquorPeachlandevery10am-11pmdayStoreStoreOpenat9amThursdaythruSundayMaylongweekendtillSeptemberlongweekend FOOTWEAREUROPEANQUALITYANDOLDFASHIONEDSERVICE! CHECK US OUT ON 778.754.0052•FACEBOOK#116-2330 Hwy 97 Westbank, BC Peachland MON - SAT 9am - 5:30pm NOW OPEN SUNDAYS 11:30 - 5 5836 Beach Ave,250-767-9220Peachland SELECTION OF FLOATIES IN TOWN WASP HORNET/SEASON - WE ANSWERYOURHAVE bookspacethis Call joanne @ 250 767 7771 or editor@peachlandview.comemail No kayak? No problem. Located at the corner of Beach Ave and 13th Street, Peachland Beach Rentals has stand up paddleboard (SUP) and kayaks available for rent. They have your choice of single or double kayaks to meet your adven ture needs. The helpful Farrah Goulet (shown here) will be able to assist with all your summer fun rental requirements.

JOANNE LAYH ZipZone Adventures announced on Tuesday that the BC Ministry of Forests has granted them a 30-year Licence of Occupation for the Crown land on which they operate.
Continued on Page 9
ZipZone gets 30 more years
PEACHLAND VIEW8 AUGUST 19, 2022 CRAIG’S PAINTING Interior Exterior | Residential and Commercial Craig Battersby 604 240 7594 Summerland • Peachland • West Kelowna 25 Years Businessin INTER-VALLEY ELECTRIC • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • INSTITUTIONAL ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING & MAINTENANCE cell: 250-212-5622 email: Kris Klumpner INTER-VALLEY CST. LTD. REG 17640 Service with safety to the energy industry 5866A Beach Ave, Peachland 250 767 6615 WARRANTY APPROVED VEHICLE SERVICE & MAINTENANCE Locally owned and operated • Licensed technician on duty Diagnostics • Brakes • Shocks & Struts • Tires • Wheel Alignments Oil Changes • Suspension • Air Conditioning • Imports & Domestic CMYK Version C=25 M=100 Y=100 K=35 CPB Logo Formats Pantone Version Pantone=195C Black Version C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=100 MEMBER INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPERS OF CANADA BOOKKEEPERPROFESSIONALCERTIFIED MEMBER INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPERS OF CANADA BOOKKEEPERPROFESSIONALCERTIFIED(IPBC) MEMBER - INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPERS OF CANADA BOOKKEEPERPROFESSIONACERTIFIEDL MEMBER INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPERS OF CANADA BOOKKEEPERPROFESSIONALCERTIFIED(IPBC MEMBER INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPERS OF CANADA BOOKKEEPERPROFESSIONACERTIFIEDL MEMBER INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPERS OF CANADA BOOKKEEPERPROFESSIONALCERTIFIED(IPBC Simplifying Your Books TMG BusinessServices 250.767.6521TammieGilbert, • Support • Training • Payroll • Bookkeeping • Income Tax WindowJ.B.’sCleaning Pressure Washing & Eavestrough Cleaning in the Okanagan for 20 years Jodey Shea Cell: 250-317-4525 NEWS | COMMUNITY LOCALdirectorySERVICES ERIC FRITSCH PHOTOGRAPHY
and long-term lending facilities,
The success of this year’s car show means the World of Wheels Car Society was able to give back $8,000 to the community this year. Peachland World of Wheels’ Pam Cunningham, Tory Fischer, Alex Charles, Randy Bloy and Kirsten Charles (shown left to right) presented a cheque for $4,000 to the Peachland Food Bank last weekend, accepted by Judy Bedford (shown in blue). Other recipients of $1,000 each included the Peachland HUB Society, BEEPS, the Peachland Wellness Centre and a Ukrainian family. The World of Wheels car show was held during the May long weekend and attracted approximately 10,000 people.
ZipZone president Kevin Bennett says granting of the licence recognizes their stewardship of the land and water shed for the past 12 years, and their positive relationships with other stakeholders in the area, including the District of Peachland and the Westbank First Nation. Bennett estimates that over a 30-year period the adven ture park will inject as much as $24 million into the local economy and generate $250,000 in tenure fees for the province. a 30-year lease allows us access to flexible for expanding the activi ties we have at ZipZone,” said Bennett.
World of Wheels give back!

The adventure park was initially granted a tenure in 2010 and began operations in 2011.
CALL 250 767 7771 TO BOOK A SPACE HERE PEACHLAND VIEW 9AUGUST 19, 2022 CLASSIFIEDS | NEWS THRIFT STORE 50% off Sale SUMMER ITEMS Such as camping, Sports equipment, etc. July 20-23 only! Open Wed - Sat Noon - 3pm Peachland United BARGAIN BIN GET RESULTS! Post a classified in 92 newspapers in just a few clicks. Reach almost 2 million people for only $395 a week for 25-word text ad or $995 for small display ad. Choose your province or all across Canada. Best value. Save over 85% compared to booking ROCKY MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT is NOW HIRING: AG Equipment Techs, Heavy Equipment Techs - Journey man & Apprentices, Parts Techs. View Open Roles & Apply: www. Relocation and Signing Bonus Offered. ANNOUNCEMENTSEMPLOYMENTSERVICES NUMISMATIST PURCHASING COIN COLLECTIONS & ACCUMULATIONS! Royal Canadian Mint, Canada & World Collections Wanted. Also buying 9999 bullion, old money, jewelry, nuggets, sterling, gold, silver, coins, bars, monster boxes +++ ESTATES WELCOMED! Todd 250 864 3521. WANTED TO BUY COIN COLLECTOR looking to pur chase Coin Collections. Gold & Silver coins, Bullion, Bars, Maple Leafs etc. Any amount! Call Chad 250-499-0251 WANTED NOTICE Meets Monday at 7 p.m. (closed meeting) and Friday at 7 p.m. (open meeting). Callfor250-763-5555moreinfo. Peachland Fellowship Alcoholics AnonymousFOR SALE EDGING EMERALD CEDARS Direct from Oliver grower. Acclimatized for this area. SPECIAL: 5’ tall – 10 for $500 Other sizes available. De livery available. Call Budget Nurser ies (George) 250-498-2189 or georgedemelo135@gmail.comemail One Stop Love StopShop pShop p3466 CARRINGTON RD #102, WEST KELOWNA 3466•250-707-5683 •250-707-5683 Open 7daysaweek CHECK OUT OUR NEW ARRIVALS NOW HIRING! In Memory Of Leona Robinson 1929 - 2020 The community is invited to a celebration of life for longtime Peachland resident Leona Robinson that will be held Aug 27 at 1 pm at Peachland United Church. RECYCLEPLEASE NEWSPAPER.THIS Mad Hatter BOOKSTORE Come in & browse 1/2 the price of new BUY GETBOOKS56THONEFREE! OPEN TUES - SAT 10-3 #5 Plaza 97 South 2483 Main Street, madhatterbookswk.comWestbank 250.768.2231 Places of FaithPeachland PEACHLANDBAPTISTCHURCH Lake Ave at 13th St Sunday250-767-9237MorningService 10:30PASTORam Lyle Wahl There is a sermon audio available on our website each week. UnitedPeachlandChurch 4421 4th Street 250-767-2206 “Let UsWorshipTogether” Pastor: Ian McLean all welcomeare For 10:00am online Zoom service visit ZOOM AND IN SANCTUARY SERVICES AT 10:00 AM Grace Lutheran OnlineforforPrayingChurchabettertomorrowallofus!Worshipat: Watch the service from the videos tab right underneath the picture of the church. 1162 Hudson Road W. Kelowna BC 250-769-5685 St. AnglicanMargaret’sChurch 4464-4 St, Peachland, BC V0H Sundaystmargarets@shaw.ca250-767-31311X6ChurchServiceat10:00am.ZoomserviceonrequestEmailorCallforLinkComeJoinUs!AllareWelcome.
Matthew 25:35 “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” Bennett told the View he’s always looking for some thing new to add at the park and he has “a couple of ideas.”The 30-year tenure is for 17 acres, a reduction from the parcel they originally occupied. “Our original tenure was for 48 acres, because at the time, 12 years ago, we weren’t sure what the layout of the park was going to be, so we asked for a larger envelope. Now that we’re established, we only need tenure on the land we actually occupy,” said Bennett. ZipZone is Canada’s highest freestyle zipline, span ning Peachland Creek, about 8km along Princeton Ave.
Continued from Page 8 New tenure for 17 acres

• Work with a fiduciary. Fiduciaries differ from other financial advisors in a significant way. Accord ing to Investopedia, fiduciaries are legally bound to put their client’s best interests ahead of their own. Working with a fiduciary can provide peace of mind for individuals who want to know the person they’re trusting to guide their financial decisions is working on their behalf. That peace of mind can be especial ly valuable for individuals over 50 who don’t have as much time to make up for financial losses as younger people. Investopedia notes that some brokerage firms do not want or allow their brokers to be fiduciaries, so investors should make sure they’re aware of the legal responsibilities of anyone they trust to manage their money.
• Monitor the progress of your retirement accounts. Tracking the performance of retirement accounts takes on more significance after 50, even for individ uals who don’t see themselves retiring anytime soon. Monitor how particular investments are performing and reallocate funds if certain ones have not per formed well in some time. Most investments will go up and down, but people over 50 can monitor perfor mance more closely than they used to so they get an idea of which ones are working for them and which could be compromising their ability to enjoy financial flexibility in the decades to come.
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PEACHLAND VIEW10 AUGUST 19, 2022 FOR SENIORS More than just a place to call home. 3630 Brown Road, West Kelowna SPRING INTO RETIREMENT LIVING (250) 768-9926 to book your personal tour! Arbor Funeral Chapels & Crematorium Partners with Park Lawn 2541 Churchill Rd West Kelowna, BC 250 768 3702 Registered under the College of Speech and Hearing Health Professionals of BC Tom Millar RHIP/Owner WEST KELOWNA 778.760.9005 102– 2139 Louie Drive
What to do with your portfolio after 50
• Resist the temptation to avoid stocks entirely. A recent study published in the medical journal The Lancet found that life expectancy, which has in creased dramatically across the globe since 1900, is expected to continue increasing in developed coun tries in the decades to come. That means people won’t only be working longer, but living longer as well. In vestors 50 and over can prepare for that longer life expectancy by utilizing the growth potential of stocks even after they hit the half century mark. Limiting exposure to risk after 50 is still important, but avoid ing investment risks entirely could lead to a financial shortfall down the road. Managing a portfolio after 50 requires careful con sideration of various factors. Deft management of an investment portfolio after 50 can ensure investors don’t outlive their money.
A fiftieth birthday is often characterized as a mile stone moment. Despite that reputation, upon crossing the half-century threshold, individuals typically don’t feel that much different than they did when they were still a fun-loving 49-year-old. Though there might not be much to distinguish a 49-year-old from a 50-yearold, a fiftieth birthday is a good time to reassess certain parts of life, including finances. Conventional financial wisdom has long suggested reducing risk as retirement age draws closer. But a 2021 survey from American Advisors Group found that 18 per cent of respondents indicated their inten tion to work past the age of 70, while another 12 per cent indicated they have no plans to ever stop work ing full-time. Conventional financial wisdom rooted in retiring around the age of 65 may not apply to in dividuals who intend to work well past that age. That means recently minted fiftysomethings could benefit from adopting a new perspective on managing their money after they reach 50.

PEACHLAND VIEW 11AUGUST 19, 2022 PUZZLES CLUES ACROSS 1. Influential Swedish, Belgian clan6.Swiss river 9. Nocturnal S. American rodent 13. Like coagulated milk 14. Lima is its capital 15. Lying down 16. Jai __, sport 17. Egyptian statesman 18. Napoleon Dynamite’s uncle 19. Renovated 21. Chadic language 22. 18-year period 23. Beverage container 24. Natural logarithm 25. The “mecca” of basketball 28. A way to darken 29. Mackerels 31. Actor Pitt 33. Places to buy seafood 36. True firs 38. Neither 39. Fencing sword 41. Italian pastas 44. Island nation close to the U.S. 45. Begets 46. Resembles a pouch 48. __ student, learns healing 49. Sodium 51. Indicates position 52. The world has one 54. Partner to pains 56. Photographer 60. Chew the fat 61. Culture of the British Iron Age 62. Weaverbird 63. Advice or counsel 64. Asian nation 65. Brought on board 66. German river 67. Airborne (abbr.) 68. Leaf-footed bug genus CLUES DOWN 1. Mark left behind 2. Cry weakly 3. Ancient region in modern Syria 4. Farewell 5. Blue grass state 6. Genus of mosquitoes 7. S. Israeli city 8. You can get stuck in one 9. One who mistrusts others 10.unjustifiablyFirstmonth of ancient Hebrew calendar 11. Tigers legend Fielder 12. Make more attractive 14. Horses 17. Slight projection in 21.20.typefacesMaleparentJackandJill are two 23. After B 25. Licensed for Wall Street 26. Missile with about 600mile range 27. Goddesses 29. A day kids love 30. Oily secretion 32. One-tenth of a meter 34. A father’s male child 35. One point east of southeast 37. Silk garments 40. Cool! 42. The color of anger 43. Trade profession 47. It can get you around 49. Mother-of-pearl 50. Hurt 52. Legendary slugger Hank 53. Polio vaccine developer 55. Incline from vertical 56. Sea creature 57. Actress Kate 58. Affirmative votes 59. Nothing 61. Pie _ __ mode 65. Expresses surprise This week’s Crossword, Sudoku & Word Search Answers to last WordCrossword,week’sSudoku&Search CONTACT JOANNE 250 767 7771 Top solvers can complete a crossword puzzle in 8-12 minutes, but the average person spends more time solving puzzles. To onadvertisethispage

6211 Thompson Place 4720 Peachland Place $1,179,000 $789,000 Serene private Gardener’s Paradise on .39 acres. 4 bed + 3 bath, 3,235 Sq Ft im maculately maintained Rancher with Walk-out Bsmt. Open concept kitchen, wine cellar, 3 hobby rooms, AC, built-in vac, plus so much more! MLS 10259371 Great family home on quiet CDS with lake view front and back on .25 acre!! 3 bed /2 bath + large office, ready for your decorating ideas. Garage, workshop + room for RV. Large, almost flat fully fenced yard just waiting for your outdoor ideas. 3 min to the beach or boat launch. MLS 10259476 SOLDSOLD When you want to make a Smart Move Susi 250-808-8762Lieuwen susib@royallepage.caRoyalLePage West Kelowna #11-2475 Dobbin Road Westbank, BC V4T 2E9 Proud sponsor of the PeachlandCenterWellness MLS®10258991 Country Estate with fabulous views of the lake and valley. This property offers a high producing Artesian Well which is not really common in the neighborhood and opens up many options for the land! The home has an open, bright and spacious main floor living with huge windows to enjoy the views, vaulted ceilings, and open floor plan. Large primary bedroom has a very spacious ensuite and walk-in closet. The office features built in cabinets and murphy bed. The lower floor is perfect for entertaining with wet bar and access to the lower patio and hot tub! RU3 Zoning allows for secondary suite or carriage home. 250-718-2761 $2,249,000 3496 Fenton Road Sandy Chevallier Realtor® 250-575-3643 JASON COWARD CALL 250-575-7112 FOR A FREE MARKET EVALUATION250.212.2654 NEWLISTING K 100 K 29.8 Trusted Agents Since 1999 Contact Us for a Complimentary Market Evaluation of Your Home $1,585,000 4580 Trepanier Road Beautiful custom built log home situated on 3.31 acres of flat usable acreage backing onto Trepanier Creek with a bridge and sitting area that extends over the creek, enter through a circular driveway, a wrap around veranda at the front with no maintenance Trekk decking, cedar soffits on the house and detached double garage with an office that has a gas fireplace, stamped concrete features, rock accents around the home, detached shop with 110 power and A/C, 20 X 30 dog kennel and another detached storage area could be used for animals. MLS®10260460 Chad Rogers Going Above and Beyond Each office is independently owned and operated. REALTOR® CALL FOR FREE MARKET EVALUATION OF YOUR HOME 250 808 8143 m S 14-1470 Harvey Ave 510-3211 Skyview Lane - Enjoy the outstanding lake and mountain views from this bright TOP FLOOR 2 bed / 2 bath unit in Copper Sky! Open concept living, granite counters, stainless steel appliances, laminate flooring, vaulted ceilings, large windows, spacious deck PLUS 2 underground parking stalls and a storage unit. World class amenities, Short Term Rentals allowed and no PTT or Speculation Tax! Copper Sky $539,900 MLS® 10259311 welcome home. Realtor ® rachel morrison 250 280 rachel@rachelmorrison.ca8070 Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated 15 units 1,850 sq.ft. and up starting in the $900’s 2 and 3 bed + den available now fall 2023 delivery 3 Bed 2 1,892Bathsquare feet single $939,000level+ GST two car private garage New Development 5300 BuchananProp.RoadSL2 MLS #10256275 Larry Guilbault 250-826-2047 5878E Beach Avenue Peachland, BC VOH 1X7 3774 Inglis Place, Peachland $979,000 Welcome to this 3 bedroom incredible home in the beautiful neighborhood at Desert Pines. This quiet cul-de-sac street is a great place to call home. The home boasts many upgrades and features. The home is a split 3 level with vaulted ceiling, hardwood flooring, modern appliances, with open concept. The lower level is set up for a B & B studio suite. It could be converted to a suite with a few extras added. The yard is fully landscaped , with the back yard backing on to the ravine. The double garage plus work shed lends itself to plenty of storage. The flat lot has parking for a boat or a RV. New Listing MLS 10260913 PEACHLAND VIEW12 AUGUST 19, 2022