Peachland June 10, 2011 Peachland, BC Volume 07 | Number 23
In the event of a strike by Canada Post, please find a list of Peachland View pick-up locations on page 12.
Orchid Man! Photo Cindy Fortin
By Cindy Fortin Dino Baisi sure knows his orchids. And he could probably tell you about each and every one of the nearly 5,000 of them growing in his 1,200 sq. ft. Peachland greenhouse. Baisi bought his first orchid in Edmonton in the late 1980s, which re-bloomed the following year, so he
bought five more. The next year they too, all flowered, and he was hooked. He proceeded to buy 5,000. Baisi had two different greenhouses in Alberta, prior to moving to Peachland five years ago, and now supplies some 100 locations with his plants, including flower and grocery stores, and garden centres. It’s a family effort, with wife Carla Maskewich, daughter Leah Baisi and boyfriend Devon Ehelert who make
up the sales team, and youngest daughter Amy Baisi, who is “apprenticing” with her father in the greenhouse. The orchid business will be growing even greater in size. Baisi is already in the planning stages for his future 6,000 sq. ft. greenhouse. For more information on CR Orchids: The greenhouse is open by appointment only.
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2 - The Peachland View
June 10, 2011
Photos Darlene Hartford
The District of Peachland is working to improve the walkability of our community! We need your feedback We need you to tell us your priorities
Please Attend The SIDEWALK & PEDESTRIAN CONNECTIVITY PLAN COMMUNITY OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, June 22nd, 2011 3pm to 6pm Council Chambers, Peachland Community Centre
Breakfast with the Mayor! The Waterfront Grill provided the perfect venue for open communication between the District of Peachland and business owners at the first meeting of Breakfast with the Mayor. Mayor Keith Fielding gave the Oath of Office to the newly elected Board of Directors of Peachland Chamber of Commerce and then reviewed property developments that are currently in the planning process in Peachland. An informal question and answer session followed and business owners representing 18 Peachland businesses participated in an informative exchange. 2 The Peachland ViewMain topics of
discussion included parking, property development and signage. The Mayor encourages businesses to voice recommendations to Council and will meet quarterly for continued communication on items affecting the success of their business. Peachland businesses are asked to submit recommendations to the Chamber office and a report will be prepared on your behalf, for presentation to Council. Submitted by Darlene Hartford, Peachland Chamber
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The Peachland View - 3
June 10, 2011
Artist of the Month
Christel Davidsen
Christel Davidsen began performing at age five in music and drama. By 14 she was teaching music at the Wentworth Conservatory of Music. At 17 she moved to Chicago to study music at Moody Bible Institute for two years. Christel then transferred to Trinity Western University where she completed her Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts with a Drama emphasis. Over the years she has performed in many plays including “Lil’ Abner”, “Deadwood Dick”, “Antigony”, “Rock n’ Roll”, and a Reader’s Theatre Troup called “Spectra”. She has directed many plays for adults and children, including the “Importance of Being Earnest”, and “G.T. and the Halo Express”. She served as the drama director for a mega church in California where she wrote scripts for and directed many full length musicals. Christel has directed children’s and adult choirs and has also taught private music lessons for over 30 years. Besides the performing arts, she is also an accomplished painter and writes children’s poetry.
HST will be reduced from 12% to 10%.
My first week as part of the 41st Parliament By Dan Albas, MP, Okanagan-Coquihalla In the past five days of the 41st Parliament, I have voted to elect a new Speaker of the House, attended my first throne speech, witnessed a Parliamentary Page removed for engaging in partisan politics, participated in my first question period and listened in as our budget was introduced to Canadians. I also had a chance to attend the opening of the new Penticton Swimming Pool where I was very honoured to meet and hear from many citizens on issues that are of importance to them. One issue that I know is of great importance to all of us is the need to help those seniors who are struggling in their retirement. Budget 2011 contains increased financial support to the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) for low-income seniors. These increases for an eligible senior could be as much as an additional $600 for a single and $840 for a couple annually. This increase will help close to 700,000 seniors from coast to coast. In addition the income earnings exemption threshold for the GIS will also be increased from $500 to $3,500 to help those seniors who are still active in the workforce. For family caregivers, there will now be a 15 per cent non-refundable tax credit for those who care for dependent family members. In addition, the
$10,000 claim limit for eligible medical expenses will be also be removed. There is also a new children’s arts and tax credit for eligible programs in the arts, culture and recreation. The reason I raise these items is that this budget recognizes that different people in different stages of their life have much different needs. This budget also recognizes some of the diverse needs of a riding like Okanagan-Coquihalla. These are only a few of the many details contained in this year’s budget however, one aspect that I believe is also very important and was announced in the throne speech is a commitment to do a comprehensive review of all government spending. I think we all know that government is very good at creating programs but not always as successful at putting an end to them. This will be the first review of its kind in roughly 15 years and will be conducted by a cabinet subcommittee. I may also have a chance to make my first official members statement in the house this week. It is my intent on asking my fellow members to be mindful of the many young high school and college students that will graduate in the weeks ahead and that we not lose sight of the needs of jobs and a strong economy for their future. Retirement is another topic that I will raise as it is one that many of you have shared with me as an important one. Our seniors deserve to retire with dignity.
Transition cheques for families & seniors.
After listening to British Columbians, the government has proposed
Under the proposed change to a 10% HST rate, the average B.C. family
an HST reduction from 12% to 11% by 2012, then to 10% by 2014.
will be $120 better off annually than under the old 12% GST + PST
This proposed change will take effect if the province votes to keep
system. And to help transition to the lower rate, the government will
the HST in the referendum. If B.C. votes to return to the GST + PST
provide $175 for every child under 18 and every senior with income
system, the combined rate will remain at 12%.
under $40,000.
Decide for yourself. Learn more at
4 - The Peachland View
June 10, 2011
Editor’s Perspective
What the frack is Alberta up to now? By Cindy Fortin Editor ∙ You’ve most likely heard of it by now…“fracking”. Alberta’s doing it, and they are not the least bit apologetic. Hydraulic fracturing (called “fracking” in the trade) is a technology used by the oil and gas industry to access unconventional natural gas deposits trapped in shale, coal beds, and tight-sand formations. This man-made fracturing of the rock often comes at the expense of underground water supplies. The fluidic fracturing contains ingredients with toxic substances, such as those found in diesel fuel (benzene, ethybenzen, xylene, and others), as well as methanol, formaldehyde, glycol ethers, hydrochloric acid, and sodium hydroxide -- to name a few. Fracking is actually not a new practice. It was first used by Halliburton in the U.S. in the late 1940s. However, it has come to light more recently in Alberta when a woman by the name of Jessica Ernst (who is being compared to environmental heroine Erin Brockovich, made famous in the movie of the same name, played by Julia Roberts), first noticed in 2006 that something was wrong with her well water. She described how she first became suspicious: “I was getting horrible burns and rashes from taking a shower and then my dogs refused to drink the water.” That would be a good first clue! Ernst went public after hearing from more than 50 other landowners with the same problem. Visiting reporters were treated to a demonstration on how she could light her tap water on fire. Despite the publicity, groundwater contamination by fracking is now widespread in Alberta. Why should this worry us here in British Columbia? Well, besides the fact that as human beings we share this increasingly delicate earth, (and that we live next door to the offending province), the practice of fracking has quietly found its way into British Columbia over the last few years. The B.C. government has been pushing for drilling for unconventional sources of natural gas since 2005, possibly even earlier. According to “Both B.C. and Saskatchewan have been courting the industry with lax or no environmental regulations and promises of low royalties charged to the companies.” In 2010 the Petroleum Services Association of Canada had estimated a 10 per cent increase in drilling in B.C. alone, mostly in the Montney shale field of northeaster B.C. and the Horn River Basin near Fort Nelson. It has been reported that Vancouver Island holds some Coal Bed Methane (CBM) gas deposits of interest, as well as five other areas of B.C.: The Queen Charlotte Islands, the Peace Country in the northeast, the Elk Valley in the southeast, northwestern B.C., and…Merritt and Princeton. That’s
Peachland Views Where has she gone? Dear Editor: For nine months there has been a homeless woman living in her car beside the community police office. A parade of concerned citizens have brought her food and checked on her almost daily. What does it feel like to live in your car, surrounded by what possessions you have crammed in your car in the bitter cold of winter? She was always polite, happy to converse with anyone who stopped and never asked for anything. She was always grateful for what was offered. If the conversation continued long enough you realized there was a greater problem that required a medical solu-
tion but we can’t force that on someone. Not even if it would help change their situation. What happened in her life that she was reduced to these circumstances and as a society we can’t seem to do much about it? All these questions and the greatest one… Where has she gone? She was there Tuesday morning but by 1:30 pm the vehicle and its resident were gone. Was she moved to where she could get the help she needs or was she simply moved to another spot to become someone else’s problem? Carol White, Peachland
Peek into the past Take a peek at the old Crystal Garage in the late 1920s, with owner Bert Baptist standing at the door. The old cars tell the story, too. It looks like Bert was good at painting his own Imperial Esso signs on the front of the building. The garage was located near the eightsided museum and today is the home of Johnston Meier Insurance and the British Invasion specialty shop. Pincushion Mountain is in the background. Bert lived in Peachland until after World War II. He also owned a scrap metal yard at the end of 3rd Street. It was a great playground for the local children. Photo contributed by the Peachland Historical Society
Continued on page 5
Constance Roth
Publisher/ Sales Manager
4437 - 3rd Street Peachland British Columbia V0H 1X7
Cindy Fortin Editor
Shawn Wernig Production Artist
Published by e Community View Publishing Inc. P.O. Box 1150 Peachland, BC V0H 1X0 Tel: 250-767-7771 Fax: 250-767-3337
e Peachland View is a free community newspaper that is distributed each Friday to everyone in Peachland. Anyone who lives outside the distribution area can purchase a subscription at the following rates: Within Canada: $60 per year plus HST Outside Canada: $120 per year plus HST
e Peachland View reserves the right to refuse publication of any advertising or editorial submission at its discretion. Material submitted by columnists the opinions of the Peachland View or its employees.
e Peachland View retains complete and sole copyright of any content, including stories, photographs and advertisements published in the Peachland View. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission or consent from the publisher is strictly prohibited.
The Peachland View - 5
June 10, 2011
Referendum on development should be part of November municipal election Dear Editor: The June 8 public hearing was the last opportunity Peachland residents had to oppose Bylaw No. 1999. That bylaw aims to restrict future council action regarding the Pincushion/Ponderosa Phased Development Agreement. This is not wise. Council has just called for an economic impact study because no one knows how the major developments in the downtown core and the Pincushion/Ponderosa and New Monaco areas will affect us. What happens if the study finds these developments create negative economic impacts on our community? We don’t know what will happen to our home values when 5,000 to 6,000 new housing units are added to the current market of our 2,500 homes. We don’t know what the social services and infrastructure costs will be to local taxpayers when our population increases by over 250 per cent, from 5,000 to 18,000 people. This proposed growth makes a mockery of the Official Community Plan that projects a population of 8,334 by 2,022.  Bylaw No.1999 renders that economic impact study meaningless. What if that study finds this explosive growth is not in our best interest? This Bylaw No.1999 prevents the next three elected coun-
2011 AWARDS OF EXCELLENCE Nominate a Deserving Individual or Organization! Awards of Excellence Categories: These awards encourage excellence by
honouring people and organizations whose work makes the lives of children and youth better, and exempliďŹ es innovation and respect. Winners will be recognized and honoured To make a nomination or for more at an awards dinner in Vancouver, information on the Representative’s October 13, 2011. Awards visit DEADLINE FOR NOMINATIONS 4:00 PM PaciďŹ c Time August 31, 2011
cils, from 2012 to 2021, from changing the phased development agreement with the Pincushion/ Ponderosa developers. This bylaw also establishes a precedent that the New Monaco developers can request as well. District planning staff and the Pincushion/Ponderosa developers do not like the uncertainty of facing a new Council after next November’s election. That new council may question whose interests are served by following the vision of extreme growth for Peachland that the previous mayor turned lobbyist Graham Reid has been working toward. This Bylaw seeks to limit citizen electoral power. I urge this Council not to adopt Bylaw No.1999. I am calling for Council to place a Referendum question on the November 2011 municipal election ballot. A question might be: Should Peachland District Council proceed with the current development proposals to build over 5,000 to 6,000 new homes? This referendum allows Peachland citizens to vote yes or no after considering the economic impact study results.Â
*New category this year in which only youth can nominate someone – the MENTORING AWARD OF EXCELLENCE!
Rocky J’s Beach Hut
Rocky J’s Beach Hut date change Karaoke w/ Billy’s Basement Sat. June 11 – 7pm. supper special / BBQ steak nite.
Nancy Merrill, Peachland
(Rocky J’s Beach Hut will return to Friday evenings June 17)
Live on stage Lauren Mann & Winborne
I could not have said it better myself Dear Editor: (Re: Peachland View: Editor’s perspective - “HST referendum goodies and threats�) Great article and I could not have said it better my-
The author, Cindy Fortin, has indeed a unique writThe last editorial in the ing style and I enjoyed View (June 3, 2011) by reading the editorial. Editorials are difficult Cindy Fortin concerning the HST was a great read. to produce and often are It was great to read about not read, just because such a serious topic with where they may appear a bit of humour mixed in. in the paper. However,
Cindy dispelled all those ideas with her last editorial about the HST. I hope that we may read more of her writing. Patricia Day, Peachland View Newspaper
What the frack is Alberta up to now? Continued from page 4 getting too close! As recently as March of this year, Energy and Mine Minister Rich Coleman said despite the fact other governments have instituted moratoriums on the process, (such as in Quebec, New York state, and France), because enough is not known about the long-term effects of this extraction process, British Columbia has no worries about the controversial use
Rocky J’s Beach Hut 1st & Beach Ave • 250-767-2454
Ron Beer, Peachland
The View editorial was a great read Dear Editor:
Monday June 13th – 7:00pm (no cover) supper & drink specials • Join us under the stars
self. All the Liberals had to do was reduce the rate now to 10 per cent and the people would have forgiven them for doing things by the back door. But...
of hydraulic fracturing, and that B.C. gas extraction companies must abide by “the world’s most stringent environmental regulations.â€? What will become of these CBM “areas of interestâ€? is yet to be seen. But with the provincial election around the corner, it wouldn’t hurt to ask our provincial government‌ what are their “frackingâ€? intentions. (Regarding fracking, that is.)
Get Informed
Peachland Centre Mall
6 - The Peachland View
June 10, 2011
This week’s Community Events page proudly brought to you by... Monday - Thursday: 11:30 am - 9 pm Friday - Saturday: 11:30 am - 10 pm Sunday: 9 am - 9 pm
Licensed & Family Friendly 5842 Beach Avenue,
We Deliver from 5 pm to close...
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Capacity for 6
NEW MENU ITEMS New Menu Items 4 new thin crust pizzas Chicken Quesadilla Thai Chicken Salad Spinach Artichoke Dip
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5:00pm til close
Tuesdays are Pasta night Homemade Spaghetti or Lasagna with caesar salad and garlic toast. $10.95
Thursday Steak Night is Back! Flat Iron Steak, Loaded Baked russet potato and grilled vegetables. $11.95 Live music every Friday Night with Papa Thom
Catch the Canucks On the Big Screen! Exclusive Hockey Night Specials Prime Rib Sundays Served with yorkshire pudding, grilled vegetables and garlic mashed potatoes with a demi glaze au jus. $16.95
Now until September - Community garden plots are available at no cost at the Wellness Centre from now until September. The beds are all raised and the soil has been replenished with Natures Gold organic soil. Gardening tools and water are available at the centre for your use. Please contact 250-7670141 to have a plot assigned. Sundays - Peachland Farmers & Crafters Market - Will run every Sunday until the end of September. The market is held in Heritage Park, Beach Ave. from 10 am - 2 pm. For more information check out or call 250-3170407. Saturday, June 11 - Royal Canadian Legion Branch 69 - Open Mike night with Paul Bert of Pentiction
at 7:30pm. The Legion looks forward to seeing you there. Saturday, June 18 - Peachland Sportsmens Association Family Fishing Weekend will be held at Shannon Lake Regional Park from 10am to 3pm. Everyone is welcome, no license required, everyone can fish. The netted area will be stocked and there will be prizes for youth and a BBQ for everyone. Tuesday, June 21 - Peachland Newcomers Club - AGM/Elections/ Guest Speaker will be held at the Little Schoolhouse on 4th Street at 7 pm. There will be refreshments and everyone is welcome. Contact Doris at 250-767-2391 or Linda at 250-767-6446 for more information.
Wednesday, June 22 - District of Peachland Sidewald & Pedestrian Connectiity Plan Open House The District of Peachland is working to improve the walkability of our community. They need your feedback. The open house will be held in Council Chamber, at the Peachland Community Centre from 3 to 6 pm. Friday, July 1 - Peachland Celebrates Canada Day - Plans are well underway and festivities promise an exciting day for everyone. Several of the planned activities require additional volunteers including the Peachland Beach Run, Children’s Carnival and more. To volunteer or for more information call 250-767-2133. Come out and contribute to your communities celebrations this year.
ONGOING EVENTS Friday,June 10 - Waterfront Grill & Piz- Tuesday,June 14 - Lions Den Meeting zeria - Live entertainment; PWC - Men’s Community Policing Station, 7pm; 50+ Coffee Club - 10am Activity Centre - Peachland Bridge Club, 7pm, Carpet Bowling, 10am Bridge - exSaturday, June 11 - Royal Canadian Le- perience and novice, 7pm & AA at Noon; gion Branch 69 - Meat Draw - 1500 hrs PWC - Tai Chi, 6pm Computer Literacy, & Open Mike Nite with Paul Birt; 50+ Ac- 10am & Photography Classes, 10am; tivity Centre - Carpet Bowling, 10am Royal Canadian Legion -Darts, 7pm Sunday, June 12 - PWC - Jerry Dober Wednesday, June 15 - 50+ Activity Sunday Breakfast, 8 am Centre - Chess, 1:15pm, Yoga, 1:30pm; PWC - Wellness Circle, 10am & CareMonday, June 13 - 50+ Activity Centre giver Support Program, 1pm; CO Model - Take Pounds Off Sensibly, weight lose Railway Company Group - Peachland program - 9:30am, Tai Chi - Noon, Quilt- Museum, 7pm; Westside Toastmasters ing - 1:15pm & Wood Carving - 7pm; - Lakeview Heights Community Centre, Peachland Quilters - 50+ Activity Cen- West Kelowna, 7pm; Peachland Baptist tre - 1:15pm; PWC - Ladies’s Coffee Club, Church Gym Night - Kids from Kinder10am; Royal Canadian Legion - Euchre, garten - Grade 6, Peachland Community 1900 hrs; Rocky J’s Beach Hut - Live on Centre, 7 pm; Royal Canadian Legion stage - Lauren Mann & Winborne, 7pm Branch 69 - Big Slick Poker 7pm & Ex-
ecutive Meeting, 7:30pm Thursday, June 16 -Peachland Baptist Church - Girls Club, 7pm; Yoga, PWC Bereavement Support Group, 10am; 50+ Activity Centre - Iron & Silk Exercise, 11am; Peachland Rotary Club - Noon, Gasthaus: Royal Canadian Legion - Poker Night - 1900 hrs. Boxing - Beginners boxing, both male and female is held Monday and Wednesday at 4th Street Place at 6 pm. For more information call 250-767-9538. The Sowers and Growers - Regret they will have to cancel this year’s Rose Show due to the cold spring and loss of many rose bushes over the winter. It is hoped the show will be held in 2012 under better conditions.
Would you like to feature your event in the Peachland View’s weekly Calendar of Events? Please call 250.767.7771 or email
The Peachland View - 7
June 10, 2011
Two weeks left to win two Harleys and Learn to Ride course! The Kelowna & District Safety Council’s fifth annual Harley Davidson raffle fundraiser is in the home stretch, with just two weeks of ticket sales left. “We sold out of the three for $50 tickets over the May long weekend, but we have lots of the $20 tickets left and people are still purchasing multiples: 2/$40, 3/$60, and quite a few have bought 5/$100. It seems that more people are willing to buy multiples once they know that the draw date is nearing,” says Tania Meyer, executive director. With approximately 500 tickets left, KDSC is hoping for another sell-out to meet its fundraising goals. The winner’s name will be randomly drawn on Father’s Day, June 19 at 3pm at Boyd’s Father’s Day Car Show at Kelowna’s City Park. The lucky winner will win two 2011 Harley Davidson Sportsters as well as a 32 hour Learn to Ride course from the Kelowna & District Safe-
ty Council. The bikes being raffled are a black 1200cc Sportster and a birch white and sedona orange 883 Super Low Sportster. The total prize value is $25,869.52, but the winner doesn’t have to be present at the draw in order to claim the prizes. Only 3,500 tickets were printed, so the odds of winning are really good. So far, each of the winners has been a Kelowna resident. The bikes are being trailered from one location to the next, so the first person to put any kilometers on the bike will be the winner. The prize hogs will be on display from now until June 18 at Princess Auto, where volunteers will be selling tickets each day from 9am – 5pm. Tickets can also be picked up in person at the KDSC office (395 Hartman Road, across from the YMCA in Rutland), or they can be ordered over the phone by calling KDSC at 250765-3163 (Toll Free: 888-580-7233). Visit www.kdsc. for full raffle information and for photos of the prize bikes. BC Gaming Licence #31313. As a fundraiser for KDSC, proceeds from this raffle will help ensure that all of its safety programs will continue to grow. The Kelowna & District Safety Council operates the Little Travellers’ Safety Village, runs one of the oldest and largest motorcycle training facilities in BC, and offers defensive driving programs for seniors. “As a non-profit organization, we really rely on this raffle to make our programs possible, and people can help us achieve our goals for as little as $20….and they’ll have a chance at great prizes as well,” says Meyer. So, don’t delay! Get your tickets now and you could be riding two new Harley Davidsons on Father’s Day! Submitted by Tania Meyer, executive director, Kelowna & District Safety Council
Well-deserving non-profits receive funds from the government Bill Barisoff, MLA - Commentary
Bill Barisoff
This past week, close to $400,000 was distributed to some 18 different non-profit organizations throughout the South Okanagan. $400,000 is not a huge amount of money against a provincial budget in excess of $40 billion annually, however in terms of value for dollar, these receiving non-profit organizations offer a tremendous amount of value to our community. The Okanagan School
of the Arts, Okanagan Symphony Society, Summerland Community Arts Council and the Penticton Peach Festival Society and the Kettle Valley Railway Society are just some of the organizations that will benefit from this funding. These and other groups help support arts, culture, sports and tourism in our region and would not be possible without the dedicated hard work of many volunteers. The recently held Rotary Okanagan International Children`s Festival is an-
other example of volunteers working with partial support from government in offering a truly world class festival for our children. I would like to formally thank the many wonderful volunteers who put on the many events, festivals and programs that help enrich the fabric of our community. This past Saturday I was pleased to attend the opening of the new Penticton Community Swimming Pool. This is a truly beautiful facility and as a grand-
parent I know it will be well loved by our kids and grand-kids. I would also like to recognize Penticton Mayor and Council, along with City staff for pursuing this facility and meeting the timelines that delivered this facility both on time and on budget. Job well done by all involved. Finally this week, I would like to recognize long time electoral Area D representative Bill Schwarz, who I understand will not be running again for local govern-
ment re-election in November. I have enjoyed working with Director Schwarz over the years, and have found him to be a dedicated supporter of many important projects around the south end of Skaha Lake. I am in the constituency office this week. If you would like to schedule a meeting do not hesitate to contact my office for an appointment. I can be reached in my Penticton office at 250-487-4400. Thank you.
Recreation Report Made in Peachland summer! By Cheryl Wiebe, Director of community services With the unusually cold spring it is hard to imagine that summer is knocking at our door. As school is winding down, it is time to start planning for those long leisurely (hot) summer days. Help your child develop a healthy lifestyle through swimming at Peachland’s own Swim Bay! Your child will learn to swim and stay safe in a fun environment that promotes a personal best and celebrates individual success. Our small class sizes in the beautiful Okanagan Lake make it a unique “made in Peachland” experience. Offering the Red Cross Swim Program, children in the beginner levels will focus on getting comfort-
able in the water, water safety and will learn progressions that will lead to stroke development in the higher levels. As the children progress, they will learn both competitive and survival strokes while building their distance and speed. Children will also learn about making safe decisions in, on and around the water. All levels of Red Cross preschool and Swim Kids are offered with programs running in two week blocks from 10 am to 12:30 pm daily: July 4-15, July 18-29, August 2-12 and August 15-26. Perhaps you have always wanted to learn to swim or develop your own strokes. There are a variety of programs for adults too. Last summer several adults took the leap of faith to learn how to swim.
Lifeguard Laura still talks about the personal satisfaction she felt in coaching this dynamic group to reach their own personal goals. From “Adult Swim Beginners” to “Adult Swim Ongoing” and “Swim Fit”, we have an adult program just right for you. Youth 15 years and over are also welcome to join the adult programs. Youth and adults are also encouraged to take part in our lifesaving programs. Bronze Star is an excellent way for youth to learn about lifesaving and improve their skills. As well, anyone wanting to become a lifeguard will need to take both Bronze Medallion and Bronze Cross. Summer is less than a month away, so register today 250-767-2133!
Your local news source
Peachland and Westside
Business Magazine Published June 25, 2011 / Booking Deadline June 20, 2011 Distributed to: • Every home and every business in Peachland • The Peachland Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Centre • Businesses in the Westside (800 hand-delivered)
The focus is on you, The second annual Peachland and Westside Business Magazine is the premiere place to showcase your business or service. We’re improving nearly every aspect of this well received magazine for 2011, so if you missed your chance last year - don’t delay! • Full colourful 8.5” x 11” pages • Year-round exposure • Quality magazine format
Reserve your page by June 20 2011 by calling Constance Roth at the Peachland View at 250-767-7771 or
8 - The Peachland View
June 10, 2011
Larry Guilbault
Man on the Street With the mail-out referendum ballots about to arrive in the mail of British Columbians, the View asked the question of some local citizens: Has the government’s barrage of pro-HST ads swayed your opinion on how you will vote in the upcoming referendum? Photos Cindy Fortin
5878E Beach Avenue Peachland, BC VOH 1X7
Hazardous Waste newspaper B&W ad 2011:Hazardous Waste -newspaper ad-delete
Got Household Hazardous Waste?
Jeanine Hurst: No, I am against the HST. I have no real problem with the way it was changed, but they are taxing a lot of services that shouldn’t be taxed.
Ernie Grueber: No, it hasn’t. I’m against the HST because of how it was done to us. I will be voting.
-things with flammable, corrosive, or poisonous labels-
9:26 AM
Mary-em (with granddaughter Ava): No. But I’ve got mixed feelings about the HST because of the HST/ GST rebate I receive once a year. But it also takes more out of my paycheques to buy things, which is difficult on a limited income.
For safe disposal year round,
take it to the Battery Doctors 1972 Windsor Rd in Kelowna.
Limits and restrictions may apply. For more info call 250.860.2866, or visit
50+ Activity Centre 5672 Beach Avenue, Peachland 250-767-9133 Call for Info
BIN Jackpot Grows Weekly Every Thursday, All Year - 6:45 p.m.
Lotto License #103899 - 19 years or older
Daily Events Monday
T.O.P.S. - 9:30 Tai Chi - 12:00 Quilting - 1:15 Wood Carving 7:00
Carpet Bowling 10:00 AA at Noon Friendship Tuesday movie (2nd and 4th) Bridge Experienced & Novice - 7:00
Chess - 1:15 Yoga - 1:30
Line Dancing 9:00 Iron & Silk Exercise - 11:00 AA at Noon Bingo - 6:45
Carpet Bowling 10:00 Great Place... Great People...
“New Members Welcome - $15 Per Year” Office open 9:30 - 11:30 • Weekday mornings
Darrell Voth: Not really, because I don’t watch TV. But I am really against the HST. I came here from Saskatchewan, and the prices here are high enough.
Jeanette Rempel: (owner of Your Dollar Store and More) No, it hasn’t swayed me. I really don’t pay much attention. I am actually for the HST, but hopefully the government will find more ways to help the families who are hurting from it. It is easier on book keeping, and if they reduce it, it will be even better.
Westgate Youth FUNdraising Fair this Saturday! Submitted by Westgate Church Youth In a world where 63 per cent of kids have their first drink of alcohol at the age of 11, and more than half of those are binge drinking by the age of 13, we recognize there is a desperate need for drug and alcohol free events which focus the young mind towards positive, encouraging activities. We, at Westgate Church, are passionate about providing a safe place where young people can learn their value, and live with a purpose. On Saturday, June 11, from 10 am to 2 pm, the youth and young adults of Westgate Church will be holding their “Westgate Youth FUNdraising FAIR” in the parking lot of the church (2221 Moose Road, West Kelowna). The fair will have a bouncy castle, clown, balloon animals, face painting, hockey games, raffles, games, a garage sale (starting at 8:00am), a barbeque and bake
Ultimate Canuck fan! Darryl Parks, may be Peachland’s -- or the province’s, for that matter -- biggest Canuck fan. Seen here with his son, Zebiddy, and daughter, Zoey. Parks won the Ultimate Canucks contest five years ago after doing a Canuck Blog on YouTube called, “Parksy’s Corner”. It is still on You Tube and his videos range from 2,000 hits to 70,000 hits. Two years ago he made a video called “Al Pacino’s Speech to the Canucks” which went viral on youtube, and was on the news. It was also sent to the Canucks to watch before the game. This year for the Canucks he started a new Canuck Fan Superstition on Facebook, which has over 1,000 members. After each win you have a celebration beer and you duct tape it to the previous winning beer. Their Canuck “Wizard Sticks” are now 14 cans high and there are may be a few more till the cup. Parks is currently vowing to win a Biggest Canuck fan competition out of Penticton.
Proud to meet your real estate needs in Peachland
Brenda Herrin
B.B.Q. Friday, June 24 6 p.m. Roland Quest 7 p.m. Free to members - $3.00 for non-members
Page 1
Photo submitted
Brenda Herrin Realty
sale, a cake auction, and lots of fun surprises. This month, our focus is to raise money to financially support our youth ministry and fund this year’s summer camps. “Each summer, we host fun camps for youth of all ages to learn about Jesus, be encouraged, and learn valuable lessons that we design to carry them through the tough years of adolescence. We wish to grow our camps, and eventually own our own camp where we can host ministries year round, and reach countless people with the love of God,” says Ouden. We would like to invite families and individuals looking for a good time and a great cause to come out to our FUNdraising Fair! Many of the activities provided will be free of charge, while others are by donation or at a set cost. For more information, 250-863-0680.
The Peachland View - 9
June 10, 2011
Peachland Wellness Centre provides important service By Lisa Spalleck Did you know that the Peachland Wellness Centre has a long-standing service called “Meals to Go”? We all know about the importance of eating a wellbalanced diet, but sometimes it can prove difficult to make it happen. The Meals to Go program is a great help to caregivers who already have so much to do, to people who have are recovering from a recent illness or surgery, and of course to the general public who just want to have a convenient, nutritious meal in their freezer. A healthy well-balanced diet means eating the right nutrients to provide the body with the energy it needs to function properly. People feel better and have a reduced risk of illness, depression and weight gain. All these factors contribute to an improved quality of life. While researching ideas for this article, the common theme amongst many nutritionists, was that we often
do not get enough variety in our diets. Most people choose from a very narrow selection of foods, and too often this includes highly processed foods. Our frozen meals contain whole foods and have been recently revised to reduce sodium levels, which is a major concern in frozen meals available at the supermarket. Having a few of our meals on hand can increase the variety in your overall diet and reduce boredom at mealtime. Many of our clients have been purchasing these delicious meals for years. They say the meals are much better than your typical store bought variety and taste very much like a homemade meal. One client says she is able to split one meal into two as they are so hearty. We all know the dilemma and stress of trying to figure out what to have for dinner. Our meals can help reduce that stress knowing you can purchase a wide variety of meal options that are good for you. Soups are available as well and are an excellent choice for a quick and healthy lunch.
Our friendly staff, Linda and Ruth, have a great selection of frozen meals that includes 20 different entrees and six different soups. All are labeled with ingredients and heating instructions for your convenience. We also have vegetarian options available for special order. Now that summer is finally here, why not try one of our meals rather than heating up the oven on a hot day? Please give our staff a call at 250767-0141 for more information. On another topic, the Peachland Wellness Centre is holding its Annual Garage Sale Fundraiser on Saturday, June 11 from 9 am to 2 pm. This past winter we received a very generous donation of the entire contents of a household. The items we are selling are not unwanted items pulled from the back of the closet, but quality items we all use every day. So please stop by the backyard of the PWC at 4426-5th Street and support the PWC and its programs.
Recycle your old phonebook! Summer Reading Club in the Central Okanagan
Now that the new Telus directories are hitting local doorsteps, the Regional Waste Reduction Office reminds you to recycle your old phonebook. Waste Reduction Facilitator Rae Stewart says new phonebooks are being delivered to area residents and businesses in the Central Okanagan over the next few weeks.” Together, these old phonebooks weigh over 166,000 kg. If all of them were tossed into the landfill they’d take up the equivalent space of 60 large dump trucks!” Stewart says, “By recycling instead of tossing out your old phonebook, you’re sharing in the solution - diverting waste from our limited landfill space and turning it into a valuable resource.” She adds that many residents are now opting to get their information online, and if so, are reminded to unsubscribe from publications no longer required. The old books are mixed together with other household paper products at Cascades Recovery, our local recycling facility on Cambro Road. There the paper is compacted and shipped to numerous recycling mills who make products like roofing felt, more newspaper and paper egg cartons. Simply put your old phonebooks in your cart for recycling and place your cart at the curb on your regular recycling collection day. You can also take phonebooks to your nearest recycling depot: Kirschner Road Recycling Depot, Recycling Depot at the Glenmore Landfill, or the Westside Residential Waste Disposal and Recycling Center (off Asquith Road) Businesses or others with large amounts of phonebooks for recycling should contact Cascades Recovery directly at 250-491-2242. For more information, call the Regional Waste Reduction Office at 250-4696250, or visit
Summer vacation is fast approaching for school-aged children in the Central Okanagan, and the Okanagan Regional Library (ORL) is ready to ensure kids don’t lose their literacy skills during the break with the Summer Reading Club (SRC). ORL branches will be holding a multitude of special activities, events, and contests to encourage young people to read over summer break. SRC is made possible thanks to sponsorship from the BC Library Association and the Ministry of Education, and with help from local Friends of the Library groups. This year’s Summer Reading Club theme is “Savour Each Word”. Students can visit their local branch to receive a reading record and register for weekly activities. At Central Okanagan library branches, registration for SRC is required and can be done in branches starting on the following dates: - Oyama – June 21 - Lake Country – July 2 - Rutland – June 18 - Mission – June 17 - Kelowna – June 25 - Westbank – June 20 - Peachland – June 29 Detailed information about each branch’s events can be found at branches or in the branch.
Bell, Jacoe & co. lawyers
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Council of the District of Peachland will hold a Public Hearing to hear representations of person who deem their interest affected by the Official Community Plan, Bylaw No. 1600 Amendment Bylaw No. 1969, 2010, at 6:00 p.m. on June 28, 2011, in Council Chambers located at the Peachland Community Centre, 4450 – 6th Street, Peachland, B.C. In addition, written submissions may be delivered to the District of Peachland Municipal Office, 5806 Beach Avenue, Peachland, B.C. V0H 1X7, prior to the Public Hearing date. Written submissions will be noted at the Public Hearing, and will form a part of the minutes. Council cannot receive any further submissions after the Public Hearing is closed. The District proposes to amend Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1600, 2000, so that: 1. Council can establish an Amenity Reserve Fund to assist with sustainable financing for amenities including recreational and other community facilities
Patrick Bell
Kimberly Kelly
Joseph Jacoe
• Personal Injury • Wills & Estates • Real Estate • Civil Litigation • Family Law • Corporate Law 13211 N. Victoria Rd. P.O. Box 520, Summerland BC V0H 1Z0
1-800-663-0392 • 494-6621 • 492-8137
2. The District can enter into agreement with developers regarding amenity contributions. 3. Through Section 904 (bonus density) or Section 905 (Phased Development Agreements) in the Local Government Act, amenity contribution procedures can be implemented. The proposed Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw Number 1969, 2010 may be inspected at the Municipal Office, 5806 Beach Avenue, Peachland, and B.C. during normal business hours (8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) Monday to Friday inclusive, excluding Statutory Holidays, from June 10, 2011 to June 28, 2011. Take notice that the above describes the general intent of the proposed Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw which has been read First and Second Times by the Council of the Corporation of the District of Peachland, and that the full Bylaw may be inspected at the Municipal Office, 5806 Beach Avenue, Peachland, B.C. This synopsis is not intended to be, and is not to be understood as a full interpretation of the Bylaws. NO REPRESENTATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL AFTER THE CONCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC HEARING
Visit us online at...
10 - The Peachland View
June 10, 2011
Peachland through Tania’s Eyes
Male California Quail, in my yard Amateur photographer and Peachland resident, Tania Simpson, started photography in 2007 and immediately found a passion for it. She chronicles the seasons, the people, and the wildlife of Peachland in almost daily photos of the area. View more at taniaseyes. The View will be publishing a weekly look at Peachland, through Tania’s eyes.
Keep animals out of your garbage They’re on the hunt for food, often under the cover of darkness, and your garbage may be the smorgasbord they’re looking for. “We’re talking about wildlife,” says Waste Reduction facilitator Rae Stewart. “Now that spring is here, some animals have come out of hibernation and are hungry and on the prowl for food. The best advice if you live in an area susceptible to wildlife is to reduce the risk of conflict by taking responsibility for your trash.” Stewart reminds residents not to put their garbage, recycling or yard waste carts out for collection until the morning of their actual collection day. “Bears and other animals have a keen sense of smell, so the idea is not to attract them to your garbage unnecessarily. If they find your waste, not only can they make a real mess, but could also pose a risk to you and your family, or to themselves by attracting the unnecessary attention of conservation officers.” The BC Conservation Foundation Bear Aware website also suggests keeping your garbage in a secured shed or garage until pickup day, and recommends not stockpiling or burying garbage. As well, it reminds that fish and meat remains should not be left outside and suggests
freezing or keeping them in a cool place until they can be placed into the garbage on your collection day. Stewart adds, “Many residents have had success with using bungee straps to secure the lid of their waste carts. Keep in mind though, any security devices you choose to deter wildlife from your trash must be released on the day of your collection so the lid can open freely and the container contents be emptied into the automated truck.” You’re also reminded to take care with what you put in your backyard composter. Things like cooking oil, grease, and dairy products should never be left outside or put into a compost bin, as this can attract wildlife to your backyard unnecessarily as well. For more information on deterring bears from your garbage, visit the Bear Aware website: www.bearaware. For additional inquiries, visit, or call the Regional Waste Reduction Office at 250.469.6250. Submitted by Bruce Smith, Communication and Intergovernmental Affairs Coordinator, Regional District of Central Okanagan
120 lb featherweight, Izzy Holt, right, of the Peachland Boxing Club defeated Salmon Arm favourite Myles Johnson of the Salmon Arm Bulldog Boxing Club. Photo submitted
Peachland Boxing Club member claims win in Salmon Arm competition Submitted by the Peachland Boxing Club It was winners trophies all around for the tiny Peachland Boxing Club Saturday night in Salmon Arm against the local Bulldog Boxing Club, who with Revelstoke, Kelowna, Williams Lake, and Vancouver’s Astoria Boxing Clubs held its first boxing competition in that town. In the 120 lb featherweight division 15 year-old Izzy Holt pulled off a welltimed win in the third round with a combination of well placed punches, rallying in the final 60 seconds to defeat a tough Myles Johnson, the local favourite of the Bulldog Boxing Club, with a split decision 3-2 in his favour. It was a grueling test of stamina and heart. Drawing upon his determination and coaching, Izzy, behind in the first round, tied it up in the second and came back in the third to win. In his corner was coach and father Peter Holt with Shamus Matherson as second, while coach Wardley yelled instructions from the back of the packed venue. Later in the evening, 15 year-old Eric Hahn-Hill of Summerland Secondary from the Peachland Boxing
Your local news source.
Club, showed discipline and skill in the ring, to acheive the only TKO of the night when he took it to Tyson Tomlinson of the sponsoring club. Tyson’s corner threw in the towel in the second round after it quickly became apparent that Hahn-Hill’s constant long left jab and overhand rights were just too much for the 115 lb bantam weight. Peachland’s 14 year-old Jesse Joseph weighed in early in the afternoon looking for a female competitor, hoping for her first bout. Said coach John Wardley, “It is really difficult finding competitors for Jesse matching age, weight and skill level in BC. We may have to go to Alberta just to get her a fight, but I tell you, this girl can hit harder than most of the male fighters in the club. Jesse is one of the most polite kids on the planet, but I would not want to step in the ring with her. When she spars with the guys, they go easy at first because she is a girl, until she hits them, then they know their in for a hard fight, some times one that they lose.” The Peachland Boxing Club is open every Monday and Wednesday at 4 Street Place from 6-8 pm. For more information call John Wardley, 250767-9538.
Call 250-767-7771
The Peachland View - 11
June 10, 2011
Shepherd’s Pie
Food For the
“Favouritism, the obstacle to love” By Pastor John Rankin, Peachland Baptist Church This is a sensitive and personal subject for me, and it is something most of us have been guilty of at one time or another. When I was growing up, my dad favoured me over my brother, and I guess that’s why it bothered me so much. The reason he favoured me is that my dad was very athletic and I took after him, and my brother didn’t. My dad got enjoyment out of coaching and watching me play soccer. Now there is nothing wrong with soccer and coaching, but my dad was trying to live out his dreams through me. You see, he had played semi-professional soccer, but had to drop out due to injuries, and he figured that I would take over where he left off. In fact, he wrote “a star is born” on the back of a picture of me at two years old kicking a soccer ball. My dad spent enormous amounts of time with me, in hopes of fulfilling his dream. Yes, it was his dream and not mine. All that I saw was his neglect of my siblings and especially my brother who was not as athletic. I realized very early on that I was being favoured because of what I could do for my father. The reality of favouritism hit me when I had taken time off from soccer because it conflicted with church attendance and then returned a few years later when the soccer schedule had changed. I found myself sluggish, and out of shape and not able to keep up, and ultimately on the bench where I received no favours, let alone any attention. I now knew firsthand the loneliness and worthlessness my brother felt, and the cruelty of favouritism, which boasts about achievement and status and looks down on what it perceives to be losers. The book of James has a poignant illustration of this and the caution against favouritism. James 2:1 says, “My brothers, as believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ, don’t show favouritism” There is nothing that illustrates the selfishness of the human heart than the way most people today are inclined towards the wealthy and talented while neglecting or ignoring the poor and ignorant. Against this sinful tendency James speaks out vigorously, for even Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory had no place even to lay His head.
Sunday Worship 10:00 am Morning Prayer Tuesdays - 9:30 am
With Paul Bert for Penticton Saturday, June 11 at 7:30 pm See you there!
BG Proactive Counselling
Family & Individual Counselling
Barb Gladue, M.A. in Counselling
4421 4th Street
“Ceremonies, Rituals And Initiations” Derrick Hamre, Lead Pastor Graduation Service
4th Street & Brandon Ave
Peachland Campus 11:00 am - Worship Service at Peachland Elementary School (with Kids Church)
2600 Hebert Road, West Kelowna 250.768.7638
would be the ones who would chase children away, seeing them only as an expense and nuisance and not a blessing from God. Surely God would be appalled at such behaviour and want to expose such evil behavior. All alike are precious to God and He shows no favouritism based on nationality, or whether male or female, rich or poor, talented or not. Furthermore, He desires that all be saved through His Son Jesus Christ who alone can save us from our sins, and from this awful behaviour and change us from the inside out so that we truly love our neighbour as ourselves. James 2:8 says, ‘If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbour as yourself,” you are doing right.’ It is not the philosophers, nor worldly wealth, that should guide us, but the Scriptures…the Word of God….the Word of truth! This royal law comes from the King of Kings, Jesus Christ, Himself. To favour some above others is not at all loving, for love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud (I Corinthians 13:4). Oh how much the world would change if it only believed and followed this. Contention and battles would cease and peace would prevail. How about you?….How are you doing in this area?
Peachland United Church Sunday, May 15, 2011
Rector Canon Sue Mayoss-Hurd Interm Priest, Rev. Canon Jim Kiddell
Open Mike
St. Margaret’s Anglican Episcopal Church
Office Hours 9:30 - 11:30 am Monday to Friday
Peachland Legion #69
With God there is no favouritism, and all people are precious to Him, but the poor in a very special sense are the objects of His love and care. Therefore there should not be favouritism in the world, and most certainly not in Christ’s church. There is a temptation for churches to favour the rich and influential to increase their membership and building projects, but that would be a huge mistake. The church will not be built by money or influence, but with the love of God in people’s hearts. It doesn’t matter in the slightest whether you are rich and poor. Job 34:19 says, “God shows no partiality to princes and does not favour the rich over the poor, for they are all the work of his hands.” God has given wealth to some so that they would use it to help others, and has withheld it from others so they would be rich in their faith and trust in Him. Everything we have whether material or spiritual gifts are to be used for the glory of God and not our own glory. Therefore it would be the highest evil and dishonour to God if we see a rich man enter our church and give him attention and preference over a poor man. That would be a perfect revelation of the true state of the heart of those in attendance who would favour those who they think could benefit them the most. They
“Let Us Worship Together”
Centennial Celebration Coming Sept. 2-4, 2011 Office Hours - Tue, Wed, Thur 9:30 am - 2:00 pm Hall rental contact Doreen 767-2132
Sunday Morning Service 10:00 am Rev. Elaine Diggle
Massage Therapist
Dr. Don MacRae Dr. Phil Kachanoski Dr. Karl Oppenheim Dr. Peter Cormillot Dr. Jeff Krawchuk
Wes Bedford, B.Sc Geoff Davis, B.Sc Garnet Lloyd, B.Sc
Peachland Dental Centre
Peachland Pharmacy
Function Massage Therapy
Elisa McCoy, RMT
A Friendly Welcome Awaits You At...
Peachland Baptist Church Children & Adult Sunday School 9:45 am Church Servies 11:00 am Children Church During Service Pastor: John Rankin Join Us For: Good Music Bible Messages Great Fellowship 4204 Lake Avenue
Beach Ave Medical Clinic Congratulations Dr. Chetty! Dr. Diaz will cover Dr. Chetty’s patients Call for Bookings:
250-767-3432 Open Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm Closed Weekends
12 - The Peachland View
June 10, 2011
phone: 250.767.7771 • fax: 250.767.3337 email:
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Council of the District of Peachland will hold a Public Hearing to hear representations of person who deem their interest affected by the Official Community Plan, Bylaw No. 1600 Amendment Bylaw No. 1969, 2010, at 6:00 p.m. on June 28, 2011, in Council Chambers located at the Peachland Community Centre, 4450 – 6th Street, Peachland, B.C. In addition, written submissions may be delivered to the District of Peachland Municipal Office, 5806 Beach Avenue, Peachland, B.C. V0H 1X7, prior to the Public Hearing date. Written submissions will be noted at the Public Hearing, and will form a part of the minutes. Council cannot receive any further submissions after the Public Hearing is closed. The District proposes to amend Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1600, 2000, so that: 1. Council can establish an Amenity Reserve Fund to assist with sustainable financing for amenities including recreational and other community facilities 2. The District can enter into agreement with developers regarding amenity contributions. 3. Through Section 904 (bonus density) or Section 905 (Phased Development Agreements) in the Local Government Act, amenity contribution procedures can be implemented. The proposed Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw Number 1969, 2010 may be inspected at the Municipal Office, 5806 Beach Avenue, Peachland, and B.C. during normal business hours (8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) Monday to Friday inclusive, excluding Statutory Holidays, from June 10, 2011 to June 28, 2011. Take notice that the above describes the general intent of the proposed Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw which has been read First and Second Times by the Council of the Corporation of the District of Peachland, and that the full Bylaw may be inspected at the Municipal Office, 5806 Beach Avenue, Peachland, B.C. This synopsis is not intended to be, and is not to be understood as a full interpretation of the Bylaws. NO REPRESENTATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL AFTER THE CONCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC HEARING
Peachland United Church
Spring Cleaning? Time for a Garage Sale... Call 250-767-7771
BARGAIN BIN SALE • Good clean clothing • Household items We accept donations on days that we are open.
Please do not drop off any donations while we are closed. OPEN THURS. - SAT. 9:30 - 3 PM
For Sale 2001 Pontiac GrandAm SE, V6, auto, air, tilt, cruise, p/windows, p/ locks, remote start, 210kms, mostly highway, good condition. $3,500 obo. Call 250-767-2032
FOR SALE For Sale Antique dining room table, 5 chairs, 2 extra leaves. $200. Call 250-767-2032
FOR RENT For Rent 1 bedroom suite, private patio, two entrances, wide lake view, large yard, lots of parking, all utilities included, free satellite TV, newly renovated, short walk to town centre, w/d included. $850 per month. Call 250-317-0053 For Rent Bachelor suite, full kitchen, full bath with jacuzzi, elect. heat & fireplace, alarm, utilities, private parking & entrance. No pets, smoking, partying. Suitable for single adult. References required and 1/2 month damage deposit. $650/ month. Avail. July 1. Call Denis at 250-859-6660 For Rent Peachland 2 bedroom house, a good location, fireplace, stove, fridge, dishwasher, pets negotiable, $825/month. Can be long term tenancy, available now. Call 250-215-0622
For Rent 1 bedroom basement suite, newly renovated, private entrance, parking, shared laundry, $750/month including utilities, NS, NP. Call 250767-2121 or 250-317-2593
Alcoholics Anonymous Peachland Fellowship
Meets Monday at 7pm (closed meeting) and Friday at 8pm (open meeting).
Call 763-5555 for more info.
For Rent Four - 10 x 10 white pop up tents, 50 white table cloths - 54 x 120. Phone 250-767-2455 or email
Saturday, June 11 9 am to 1 pm 5294 Sutherland Road, Peachland Ink jet printers, scanner, steam fruit and vegetable juicer, golf clubs, barbeque and more, plus FREE items
Cleaning Services Cabins to Castles - Great cleaning, no hassles. Housekeeping, cleaning, office or yard work, move-ins & move-outs, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly appointments. Experienced & reliable. Michelle, 250826-6285
Eavestrough Cleaning
Saturday, June 11 8 am to 3 pm 4875 Princeton Avenue Childrens toys, misc. household items and clothes, 3 bar stools, and more
and specialized roof repairs of concrete roof tiles, shakes and shingles. 35 years experience on sloped roofs. Insured Call Todd Smith 250-767-6603
Garage Sale
Peachland Wellness Centre Society’s Annual Garaage Sale of Exceptional Household items. Saturday, June 11 9 am to 2 pm 4426 5th Street, Peachland For more information call 250-767-0141
WANTED Suite Wanted 1 bedroom suite wanted, furnished if possible, utilities included. Call Scott at 250-317-0721
Licensed Property Management Services
“Serving Peachland and the Westside” • Placement of tenant • Full monthly management • Regular inspections for your peace of mind • Home Watch Call Today for your complimentary market evaluation!
Debra (RPM): 250-718-0511 Website: MacDonald Realty Property Management 4403 - 2nd St. Peachland, BC V0H 1X7.
NOTICE In the event of a postal strike we will endeavour to notify our clients of their upcoming renewal terms by email or phone. Clients who live locally can pick their policies up at our office or have them emailed. This applies to personal property/business policies. Please make sure to check your licence plates and make note if your car/rv/boat trailer insurance is coming due , if a strike occurs and is lengthy, ICBC renewal notices will not be received.
Peachland Johnston Meier Insurance 5878C Beach Avenue, Peachland, BC
1-877-767-2510 | 250-767-2500
Your Peachland View In the event of a strike by Canada Post you can pick up your copy of the View at the following locations: MarketPlace IGA - Peachland Centre Petro Canada - Peachland Centre Peachland Chamber of Commerce/Visitor Centre - Beach Avenue
Sunnyside Market - Beach Avenue Rocky J’s Restaurant - Beach Avenue The Peachland View - 3rd Street Bliss Bakery - Beach Avenue
Please note, this is only in the event of a strike. Thank you for your support.
The Peachland View - 13
June 10, 2011
From the Lion’s Den This month the Peachland and Summerland Lions Clubs donated $13,400 to Camp Winfield, the profits from their 13th Annual Golf Tournament. Camp Winfield is an Easter Seals Camp run and sponsored by local Lions Clubs. In attendance for the presentation were Peachland Lions Eldon Kerbes and Dan Rouleau, Rick Harker (Lake Country Lions /Camp Winfield Director), Cliff White of the Summerland Lions and Lynne Herrin. $8,800.00 of the
monies donated will pay for four camperships this summer and the remainder will be used for camp facility upgrades. The lucky couple who were the winners of the golf tournament tickets donated by WestJet to anywhere WestJet flies were Leif Bengtsson and his wife Bev of Kelowna. Leif is a Lion with Kelowna Mission Lions and is the Lions current Zone Chairman. The Peachland Lions would like to thank everyone who purchased tickets and hope
they can do it again next year. The Peachland Lions also presented the Peachland Boxing Club with a donation of $1,000.00. The boxing club is preparing for the Bronze Glove Tournament this summer and manager/coach, John Wardley, says the money couldn’t have come at a better time. This will allow the club to fulfill its commitment of sending all qualifiers who’ve worked hard in preparation for this prestigious event.
Peachland Service Directory Want to be listed? Call 250-767-7771 To book yours today!
Karen’s Place Hair and Body Works 250-767-0276
West Kelowna Construction LTD.
Residential & Commercial Building + Renovations Foundations • Framing • Insulating Drywall & Mudding • Painting - Entire House Decks • Shingles & Siding • Soffets Anything renovation related for the home or business. Call now. Low rates.
Correction, the telephone number listed in the white pages of the Peachland Telephone Directory should be 250-767-0276, Fax 250-767-0168 We are open Monday to Saturday & Thursday evenings by appointment.
5884A Beach Avenue, Peachland, B.C.
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You could be eligible for a ecoenergy home retro fit grant on all your window & door replacements and more! Call 250-801-3521 for more information!
Located in Peachland!
14 - The Peachland View
June 10, 2011
The Peachland View - 15
June 10, 2011
Around Peachland
Singer/songwriter and independent recording artist, Gorden James, entertained at the farmers market. You can check out James at Photo Constance Roth
Ashlea Bannerman, of Blowfish Glassworks, displays some of her unique and beautiful blown glass work. The glass artist was at last Sunday’s farmers market at Heritage Park in downtown Peachland. Photo Constance Roth
LEFT: Jack Weaver, left, in yellow, whacks the ball back over the net as his tennis partner for the game, Norm Hailes, looks on. The pair were at the Peachland tennis courts alongside Highway 97, across from the Peachland Mall, early Monday morning. RIGHT: Their opponents...Lillian Sturko, about to return the ball, and Mark Hasselback..., aren’t about to lose the game. Players meet randomly each Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings at the tennis courts. Interested players are invited to join them. Photos Cindy Fortin
Spring has sprung for the birds -- even if it hasn’t been that apparent to the rest of us. This Hummingbird is sitting down enjoying a drink. Photo Eric Hall
These beautiful yellow birds are Evening Grosbeaks, and the males are the colourful ones. They are found all across Canada and migrate to the southern USA. Photo Eric Hall
This last Monday a crane eased a modular classroom onto its cement foundation at Peachland Elementary School. This is a permanent structure for the school, not to be confused with a portable classroom. The modular classroom is hooked up to sewer, electricity, etc., like a regular classroom, with wheelchair access, wireless Internet, air conditioning, and more. It is considered an “addition” to the school, despite not being physically attached. Photo Constance Roth
16 - The Peachland View
June 10, 2011
The Cody Sisters!
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2 bed 2 baths, Steps to the Beach, Almost 1400 sq ft offers huge covered sundeck great views outdoor pool hot tub gym pets rentals ok with restrictions hurry good value here
Bryon Knutsen
(250) 863-1282 “Our” Community “Your” Realtor
• Director’s Platinum Award • President’s Gold Award • Master Sales Award
Shirley Geiger g 5878E Beach Avenue Sensational Lake Views ws
Lara Cody 250-868-7114
Leanne Cody 250-215-5028
Call for a free, no hassle, market evaluation & find out what your home may be worth in this market!
Mr. & Mrs. Clean live here, pride of ownership shows inside & out. Gourmet kitchen, living room & dining room up & down (in-law suite), den, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. Waterscape off large back patio, side patio & front deck “ALL” with lake views. Lots here to see. MLS®10005214
Bring your unwanted papers to the Peachland Village Mall and have them shredded for FREE! We’ll be set up in front of Big E’s from 9:00 a.m.- noon. Remember your food bank donation!
Each office independently owned and operated.
Saturday, June 11 9:00 - 12 noon Peachland Centre Mall
Let us negotiate for your best mortgage!
NEWER ELEGANT semi-detatched 3Bd/3Ba town home. ExtraOrdinary views from all rooms. Corner unit with .27a side lot part of property - privacy. Desirable walk-out rancher, higher-end finish upgrades, stylish courtyard and easy level entry.
#247 5165 Trepanier Bench Road, Peachland
$179,900 3331 McGinnis Road, West Kelowna Over $40,000.00 Under assessed value. Lake view walk-out Rancher. 5 bdrm, 3 bath. Beautiful front foyer with ceramics and French doors. Skylights throughout the home. Master bedroom has 3 closets and a 3 pce ensuite.
Builders -- Are you looking for value? Great value, stunning 0 lake views, great location that is close to everything, ,90 great opportunity to build your custom home 9 or for 49the contractors to build a spec home. All$services are here call get maps & walk the lots with
$389,900 MLS®10012718
Peachland Modular Home at Antler’s Beach -
This 2 bdrm home has been meticulously maintained and has an absolutely gorgeous lakeview! Large eat-in kitchen and large living room make retirement enjoyable. Sit on your covered deck and enjoy the view of Okanagan Lake and Antler Beach. This is a quiet and well maintained 55+ park. Walk to the beach just across the road and enjoy swimming & sunbathing in the long hot summer.
Shirley. BIG BIG LOTS 6292 Bulyea Ave is .37 of an acre MLS®9223963 - $190,000 6284 Bulyea Ave is .25 of an acre MLS®9223945 - $190,000 6278 Bulyea Ave is .28 of an acre MLS®9223979 - $190,000 6272 Bulyea Ave is 5.68 acres MLS®9223989 - $550,000
John Kilpatrick Bradly Dillman Peter Wannop Jackie Scott
Peachland View Lot - Great lakeview & privacy +. Enter
by easement road at top. Suitable for rancher with walk-out basement
Call: 250.768.2161
Kelowna Apartment Condo - Beautiful, well kept 2
bdrm unit on the 2nd floor in Magnolia Gardens. This is the best priced unit in the complex. The central location and proximity to shopping, parks & schools make this a convenient location to live. Call Brian at (250) 212-7255 for your personal showing.
Kelowna Bare Land Strata Home in Somerville Corner - Open plan, 3 bdrm unit in Somerville Corner.
Huge bedrooms including one in bonus room over garage. Many upgrades. Private yard with 12’ x 20’ covered patio. Fronts on to Cook Rd. One of the largest plans in the complex. Strata fees are only $110.00 per month! Call Brian at (250) 212-7255 for your personal tour.
9 39
3963 Trepanier Heights Ave, Peachland
Comfortable home at a GREAT PRICE can be all yours! Fantastic 3 bed/3 bth rancher with basement features open concept with many updates incl. granite counters, s/s appliances, gas stove, hardwood floors & lovely water feature the moment you walk in. 2 large decks & plenty of privacy in quiet area on a no-thru street. MLS® 10026968
BRIAN GREGORY 250-212-7255 Peachland Specialist
89 ,
Looking for the Perfect Home?
59 ,
5175 MacNeill Court
4203-6th Ave
8.45 Acres
$4 8
$4 5
Pri $5 ce 0, Re 00 du 0 cti on
4456 Trepanier Creek Road, Peachland
250-212-7255 Peachland Specialist
3984 Desert Pines Ave
6344 Renfrew Road
$3 18 ,0 00
$1 ,1 50 ,0 00
6711 Highway 97 S Highway S # 18 Peachland, BC - This 2 bdrm home has been meticulously maintained and has an absolutely gorgeous lakeview! Large eat-in kitchen and large living room make retirement enjoyable. Sit on your covered deck and enjoy the view of Okanagan Lake and Antler Beach. This is a quiet and well maintained 55+ park. Walk to the beach just across the road and enjoy swimming & sunbathing in the long hot summer. MLS®10012718
3838 Beach Ave MLS®10023432
#337-3996 Beach Ave MLS®10015027
One of these fine Realtors® might have a suggestions or two! Call the Peachland View to Advertise Today! We are always happy to Custom design your ad.
This upgraded walkout rancher has it all! Bright open floor plan with skylight dormers, vaulted ceilings, wrap around windows, and country kitchen with stainless steel appliances. Lower large bright upgraded 3 bedroom suite walks out to the large sunny back yard, on to the babbling creek and across the bridge to acres of wide open back woods.
“Buy land, they stopped making it”