Every house ~ Every business ~ Every week August 31, 2018 Volume 14 | Number 35 www.peachlandview.com
The Gateway 105A-4200 Beach Ave K 100 Peachland, BC V0H 1X6 K 29.8
Inside VIEW
Albas stays loyal to party amid schism/3
Peace Concert revived/6
Scarecrow season approaching/11
BUILDING BRIDGES – With an opponent on each side and her partner sitting across, Kat Lefebvre (right) contemplates her next move in contact bridge. The card game is played on Wednesday afternoons at the 50+ Activity Centre. To see a full schedule of programs, visit www.peachland50plusactivitycentre.ca.
Have a safe & happy long weekend!
Our office is closed Monday, September 3rd. See you Tuesday!
AUGUST 31, 2018
Province suing opioid companies Checking in from the Chamber VIEW STAFF
To try and recoup some of the money that British Columbians are wasting to deal with the opioid epidemic, the Province of B.C. launched a class action lawsuit against more than 40 opioid manufacturers. The lawsuit was filed in the Supreme Court of Canada and “aims to recover millions of dollars in opioid-related health-care costs incurred by the provincial government,” according to a press release from the Ministry of Attorney General. The defendants “have contributed to an epidemic of addiction” by placing “profits over the health and safety of the public.” The government’s filing alleges that the companies’ practices have contributed to an epidemic of addiction, and that they placed profits over the health and safety of the public.
99th FALL FAIR ~Peachland~
Our Fair is Fine at 99—Come Present Your Finest
It claims that the companies deceived prescribers and patients about the risks and benefits of opioids, “and that the companies have seriously harmed the public health-care system.” Also, the provincial government will be introducing new legislation in the fall. The opioid damages and health-care costs recovery act will be similar to the legislation that supported “Big Tobacco” litigation in 1998. “I have sat with family members who have lost loved ones to overdose, and we are taking action to address the terrible impact overdose is having on the lives of our children, partners and friends,” said Judy Darcy, Minister of Mental Health and Addictions. “Drug companies must take responsibility for their role, and need to put the lives of people ahead of profits.”
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Peachland Community Centre
Graham Steeves 416.948.6987 • gbsca2@gmail.com
Beach Ave & 6th Street
Adults $3 / Children (12 & under) 50¢
Huge props go to Andrew Gee and his team at KRB Construction and Performance Roofing for donating their time and materials to help out a local Peachlander, Paul Whitfield after a considerable portion of his roof was destroyed in June. “Doing this project is good for the soul,” Gee said. We’re proud to have Andrew and his business as a Chamber member. Stories like these make us even more proud to do business in Peachland.
Valley Medical Laboratories opening their doors September 10th 2018
Chelsea Argent and Orysya Fetterly from Okanagan Pharmacy Remedy’s RX are happy to announce that we are subletting our medical clinic space to Valley Medical Laboratories, who will be opening their doors on September 10th 2018, with business hours Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. They are a full-service laboratory offering a variety of blood, urine and other sampling. Please help us welcome Valley Medical Laboratories into the community.
Business Appreciation Event on September 27th
The Peachland chamber wants to show how much we appreciate our businesses by hosting a Business Appreciation Event! Bring your team, colleagues and even your family to the Peachland Visitor Centre on September 27th at 5:30 pm. We will have the Rotary of Peachland manning the grill, Niki Martinus will be on the mic, and the Boys and Girls club, with aid from the Peachland Ambassadors, will be playing games with the kids. We’ve got wine tasting, awesome prizes exceeding a total worth of $1,500 and your chamber service providers will be on hand to answer any questions you may have about the benefits of being a chamber member! RSVP peachlandchamber@ gmail.com
Chad Rogers is joining the Cecile Guilbault Group
Join us in giving a warm Chamber welcome to a new local Realtor, Chad Rogers. Chad of Peachland formerly the UK joined the group as a Buyers Agent. He can be contacted by phone at 250-808-8143 or by email at chad@cecileguilbault.com.
cy, chamber management, strategic planning, energizing your board of directors, understanding member value and the Chamber’s role in economic development. We will be there to network, learn and gain further resources to provide you with the best value and service for our membership. A portion of the costs has been covered by a bursary thanks to the generous support of Valley Wide Chambers Okanagan.
Business Excellence Awards November 17th 2018
The 2018 Peachland Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards is only four months away on Saturday, November 17th. Our team at the Chamber is currently in the process of organizing our sponsorships for this event and have designed packages for any budget. Join these businesses already confirmed as sponsors for this event; PDC Business & Tax, Vantage One Credit Union, Dragon Lotus Restaurant, Kelowna International Airport, Peachtree Village, Peachland View, Morrison Ridge Developments, Edward Jones, TD Benefits and Xocolicious. We still have 5 Award Categories available for sponsorship; Staff Member of the Year, Entrepreneur of the Year, Excellence in Customer Service, Excellence in Professional Services & Retail and Event of the Year. Can’t be a sponsor for this event? Gain some exposure for your business by providing a silent auction item; we’re looking for those too! This event will be the kick-off to the 20-year celebration of the Peachland Chamber of Commerce!
Join one of our sub-committees!
Your Chamber has been building sub-committees to tackle all aspects of running a successful Chamber. Our Directors have taken the initiative to join several of those committees, and now we extend the invitation to participate to YOU, our members. The Committees are; Membership and Engagement, Policy and Advocacy and Special Events. To find out more about joining a Chamber committee, please email peachlandchamber@gmail.com
BCCE Conference and AGM September 8th until September 11th
To better serve our membership, your Executive Director Patrick Van Minsel is attending the British Columbia Chamber Executives Society Conference and AGM. BCCE offers education, resources and networking between managers of Chamber of Commerce in BC. This conference agenda includes several essential workshops including poli-
INCOMPLETE LAST NAME – In the August 24 edition of the Peachland View on
page 6, the title announcing Patrick Van Minsel’s run for council was missing the Van in his last name. We apologize for any confusion.
AUGUST 31, 2018
Baxter ready for another term on board of SD23 Biker deaths double DAN WALTON EDITOR
Moyra Baxter is running for school trustee yet again. She’s planning to tack another four years onto her 22 year tenure. Why? “Number one I really enjoy doing it, and number two I believe I have a lot to offer to the Board of Education,” she said. Baxter has served as the Central Okanagan Board of Education’s chairperson for 12 years. Although she is from Peachland, she is committed to serving the entire region through the role. “While I’m known as a ‘Westside Trustee’, all trustees’ responsibilities cover every area of the school district. I’m just as concerned with a school in, say, Glenmore as I am with a school on the Westside. I will work equally hard in all areas of the district.” Baxter, who supported the board’s decision last year to remove Grade 6 from Peachland, said there’s a 99.9 per cent chance the District won’t eliminate Grade 5 next. But in that off chance she didn’t say she would oppose it.
“It’s not just making decisions for the area you’re elected,” she said. If Baxter does get re-elected she might have to deal with school strikes again. “We know we’re moving into contract negotiations with union employees, teachers and support staff,” she said. Although many of the issues are beyond the control of any school board, “we’ll be trying to move forward in a way that doesn’t disrupt services to students.” Baxter lists her main priorities over the next four years as: • Working to build healthy relationships with parents, the community as a whole, as well as with all employees and district staff. Trustees are elected
as representatives of their communities and must not pay lip-service to consultation with all stakeholders. • Updating our Long-Term Facility Plan. Having clear long-term plans in place should avoid decisions being made at short notice and assist the Board in always looking at the big picture. It is the role, and the responsibility, of each trustee to ensure that they have adequate, up-to-date information before making decisions, even if that means delaying a decision. Trustees are not elected to always support staff recommendations “because they are the experts.” If that were the case, then we would not need publicly elected Boards of Education. • Updating the Board’s and the District’s strategic plans on a regular basis. • Continuing to advocate for capital funds from the Ministry of Education for new and replacement schools in the district. Further to this, we must insist that government funding for K – 12 education is fair, stable, predictable and adequate. • Successfully completing negotiations on new contracts with both the Central Okanagan Teachers’ Association and the Canadian Union of Public Employees (our support staff). The election happens on Oct. 20.
Albas sides with Scheer amid Conservative fracture DAN WALTON EDITOR
Local MP Dan Albas is disappointed in himself for endorsing political traitor Maxime Bernier. Albas says he hasn’t spoken to Bernier since the defection. The schism came after Bernier caused a few riffs with party leader Andrew Scheer over free trade and free speech, until Bernier finally left the tories last week and announced he will be launching his own party. Albas – who remains completely loyal to Scheer – endorsed Bernier last year in the Conservative Party of Canada leadership election, to which Bernier was narrowly defeated by Scheer by 49 per cent to 51 (in the 13th round of a ranked balloting process). Early on, Bernier was supportive of Scheer and was appointed critic of innovation. But he was stripped of that role in June after an excerpt from his (never published) book came out, claiming Scheer only won the leadership race by recruiting “fake conservatives,” supporters of supply management who purchased party memberships solely for the sake of voting against Bernier’s promise to dismantle the cartel. When that happened two months ago, Albas told The View he fully supported Scheer and a united Conservative Party.
Albas said it’s regrettable that Bernier didn’t try and pursue his goals from within the Conservative Party. “Splitting of the Conservative vote will only play to the benefit of Justin Trudeau,” says Albas. When asked how long Bernier was planning to leave the party, Albas said “It’s impossible to say but I have noticed a change in his attitude and communications over the past few months.” Bernier seems to have become “Increasingly uncomfortable with his own role in the party,” and his defection was “more about him not winning the leadership.” Albas looked at the situation both ways. He said a politician who can no longer support their party leader should retire or leave politics. But on the other hand, Albas also said he’s a big believer of competition, and the right to form a political party is something many have fought and died for. “If people don’t feel satisfied they should have that option.” In Bernier’s parting words, he accused Scheer of avoiding sensitive issues because he’s pandering to political correctness, as well as abandoning true conservative principals by supporting too many tariffs. “…what we will get if Andrew Scheer becomes prime minister is just a more moderate version of the disastrous Trudeau government,” Bernier said in a statement.
“I have come to realize over the past year that this party is too intellectually and morally corrupt to be reformed.” It didn’t stop there. “The whole strategy of the party is to play identity politics, pander to various interest groups and buy votes with promises, just like the Liberals.” The Conservative Party has become so watered down that “It is afraid to articulate any coherent philosophy to support its positions,” Bernier claims. “Every public declaration is tested with polls and focus groups. The result is a bunch of platitudes that don’t offend anybody, but also don’t mean anything and don’t motivate anyone.” Also, he describes Scheer’s “positive Conservative vision” as wishy-washy words that don’t deliver any actual meaning. Albas was not impressed with Bernier’s choice of
words. “Some of the wording that he used is not as amicable as I would like,” said Albas. “When you work with someone building this country up, it’s regrettable to use descriptions that aren’t positive or productive.” Nevertheless, Scheer’s Conservative Party will still be the best alternative to “Trudeau’s many, many failures” in the 2019 federal election,” Albas says. Former Prime Minister Stephen Harper, whose efforts amalgamated two right-wing parties in time for the 2003 federal election, criticized Bernier over Twitter. “It is clear that Max never accepted the result of the leadership vote and seeks only to divide Conservatives,” Harper wrote. “His decision today allows the Conservative Party of Canada to move forward united behind our Leader Andrew Scheer.”
Twice as many motorcyclists have been dying in B.C. this year compared to last. There were 30 motorcycle deaths in the province between January and July of this year, more than double the number over the same period in 2017. The province is reminding drivers to be more cautious, especially with the large volumes of traffic anticipated during the holiday weekend. “BC Coroners Service data signals a significant increase in deaths involving motorcyclists this summer,” said Lisa Lapointe, chief coroner. “Our goal is to prevent deaths in similar circumstances by raising awareness of the fatalities and sharing preventative measures, so everyone can get to their destination safely. We urge all drivers on B.C. roadways to exercise caution and take time to plan ahead.” Over the past 10 years, 83 per cent of motorcycle deaths in B.C. were riders from the province; men accounted for 90 per cent of deaths; speed and impairment are the leading contributing factors; 70 per cent of deaths were contributed to either the motorcycle or its rider; and nearly three-quarters of B.C.’s motorcycle deaths occur in the Interior and Fraser health authority regions. Weekends are espe-
cially deadly with two days accounting for nearly half the fatalities throughout the week – 25 per cent of deaths occur on Saturdays and 20 per cent on Sundays. “The British Columbia Coalition of Motorcyclists has been deeply concerned and saddened by the alarming amount of fatalities involving motorcyclists this year,” said Tara Briscoe, manager, BC Coalition of Motorcyclists. “We hope that by raising public awareness on the matter that this number will decrease and that we can finish this riding season with fewer casualties. Everyone deserves to make it home to their families after a ride.”
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Labour Day Closure
We are closed Monday Sep 3 and re-open on Tuesday Sep 4
Peachland MLA Office MLA Dan Ashton or staff will be at the Chamber of Commerce each Wednesday afternoon. Drop ins welcome or call 250-487-4400 for appointments
AUGUST 31, 2018
QuoteWeek of the
Dan Walton Editor
Splitting of the Conservative vote will only play to the benefit of Justin Trudeau — MP DAN
Tracey Woodward Advertising Sales sales@peachlandview.com
Peachland Annick Stoltz
Office Administrator admin@peachlandview.com
Albas predicts prorogue in Ottawa Can’t afford compassion? DAN ALBAS
Mary Kletchko Associate Publisher designer@peachlandview.com
If you have been following Ottawa based politics recently you may have heard some speculation that Prime Minister Trudeau might prorogue the House of Commons, as the fall session is soon set to return. This begs the more obvious questionwhat does that mean? As I have written previously on this topic, prorogation is one of the more interesting Parliamentary procedures. In
essence each “session” of Parliament is not unlike a chapter in a book. As much as each chapter will have a beginning and an end, so too will a session of Parliament. Prorogation is officially defined as the ending of a session of Parliament. In this case the 1st session of this Parliament (the 42nd), would come to a close if it is officially prorogued by a proclamation of the Governor General at the request of the Prime Minister. Why request prorogation? Letter continues on Page 5 . . .
This paper needs to research letters better Dear editor:
News Hound
4437 - 3rd Street P.O. Box 1150 Peachland BC, V0H 1X0 250-767-7771 published by Aberdeen Publishing Inc.
Robert W. Doull, PRES rdoull@aberdeenpublishing.com The Peachland View is a free community newspaper that is distributed each Friday to everyone in Peachland. Anyone who lives outside of the distribution area but within Canada can purchase a subscription at $70 per year plus GST. The Peachland View reserves the right to refuse publication of any advertising or editorial submission at its discretion. Material submitted by columnists does not reflect the opinions of the Peachland View or its employees. The Peachland View retains complete and sole copyright of any content, including stories, photographs, and advertisements published in the Peachland View. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission or consent from the publisher is strictly prohibited.
email editor@peachlandview.com
Recently your paper has published seven unanswered letters to the editor by the same local professing to be an ‘expert’ in mining and the health of the community forests and water, his last one you printed twice? So far this resident has challenged and repetitiously criticized the efforts and opinions of many experts, professionals and passionate volunteers including: • The District of Peachland, the Peachland works department and head of Operations • The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure and the findings of the Peachland Transportation Study • On Site Engineers and the findings of their 2017 report on Munroe Road • The Peachland Watershed Protection Alliance and the opinions of the board of Directors • The BC Tap Water Alliance and the findings of the managing director • The Highway 97 In Place Committee and the opinions of the board of directors • The Peachland Residents’ Association and work of the board of directors • The Trepanier Ditch Water Users Committee and its longstanding directors
• The Friends of Beach Avenue and directors • In last week’s View this same author continued to bark up the same tree, now also criticizing and defaming more groups and individuals including: • The British Columbia Coalition for Forestry Reform and its membership • The Habitat Conservation Trust and the Public Conservation Assistance Fund Approvals Board • The Peachland Healthy Watershed Committee Board and its selection process • The writer’s opinions were all reported in the Peachland View as news; I would ask the View to research this writer’s numerous claims and accusations before they continue to print more unsubstantiated negativity. • We could also consider a one-year moratorium from his regular submissions! • I am doubtful other local papers allow this volume and intensity of negativity. • And to those who continue to stand up and protect what they believe in... As my gypsy grandmother used to say....” the dogs may bark, but the caravan, she travels on.” Robin Lang Peachland
To those of you who live in Peachland: I love your little town. At least I did until a few weeks ago. Then something happened and I think you need to know about it. Some thirty steps to your Gasthaus restaurant there was a sidewalk tripping hazard. The hazard was one concrete slab being higher than the previous one, with no caution marker. Well, on Thursday August 2, my wife and I were on our way to a dinner engagement at the Gasthaus restaurant. My wife is not prone to stumbling (and she wasn’t drunk) but on this occasion her shoe caught on the exposed vertical face of the higher concrete slab and she fell flat on her face, hit her forehead on the concrete, wrecked her glasses, bruised her knees, twisted her shoulder, and broke her wrist. After about four hours of waiting at the emergency ward of the Kelowna hospital, the doctor on duty confirmed that the wrist was broken. They put her arm in a cast and she was told to expect body aches and the need for an arm cast for five or six weeks. The next day I paid a visit to Peachland’s works department. I met with Jamie, their leadhand. I described the tripping hazard to him and his response was absolutely great. He was sympathetic, apologetic and ready for action. He grabbed a can of spray paint, we got into his truck, drove to the site of
the fall, and he sprayed the higher concrete slab with yellow paint to warn other strollers to be careful not to trip. Within just a few days Jamie had someone grind away the offending edge of the higher slab to make the walk-way safe. My wife was bed-ridden at home for about a week when I finally asked one of Peachland’s Directors for a token gesture. I was hoping the gesture would, at least in a small way, lift the spirits of my bruised and aching wife. The gesture could be a card, a rose, a dinner at the Gasthaus, a new pair of glasses, you name it. The Director’s response was a total shock to me. She said we have nothing in our budget to let us even consider such a thing. Furthermore, she said, the concrete slab that tripped your wife is only one and a half inches higher than the previous slab and, by policy, we don’t even monitor such minor sidewalk problems. I really think that someone more important than me should tell the District’s Directors that the so-called policy, if it indeed exists, is, of course Peachland’s choice, but it is a bad, bad choice and we should choose to change it. Besides, it, in no way absolves Peachland of responsibility or liability. Neither should it be an excuse for the absence of compassion. What do you think? Joe Fedosoff West Kelowna
AUGUST 31, 2018
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Prorogue . . . from Page 4 There can be a number of different reasons however the most common is that the next session of Parliament would open with a thronespeech. Many consider this akin to hitting the reset button as it allows the sitting Government to outline a new or different direction. Considering the next federal election is fast approaching, many believe there is political value in outlining a new agenda, hence
the speculation that the House may be prorogued in the near future. Is it unusual for the house to be prorogued? Looking back at previous Parliaments including the last one, there have been only five Parliaments that did not have two or more sessions. In fact many Parliaments had 3 or more sessions with some having as many as 5, 6 and even 7 sessions within the duration of an elected Parliament. Part of the reason for
this is that prior to having a fixed calendar, prorogation was the only way the House could adjourn for a period of time. One other interesting aspect of prorogation is that it can be used at the discretion of Government without the consent of the opposition (that would normally be required to adjourn the House). Because prorogation is a tool of government that does not require the consent of the opposition, it tends to be quite heavily opposed when it is used because it allows
the Government to defer debate or change the channel onto a different subject. I do not often engage in speculation however I believe this session of the House will likely end up being prorogued. My question this week: now that you know more about prorogation is, do you think it is an acceptable political tool for the Government to use? I can be reached at Dan. Albas@parl.gc.ca or call toll free 1-800-665-8711.
Many thanks, MMW Results, Splash Park and Renfrew Road CINDY FORTIN
MAYOR OF PEACHLAND Hello fellow Peachlanders, I hope everyone is enjoying their summer, despite the smoky haze that settled in the Valley for most of August. At the time of writing this, the smoke has mostly moved out of the area, the skies are clear and blue, and the sun shining. It feels good to take a deep breath of fresh air. Let’s hope for no more fires in this area. But we’re not out of the woods yet. The Valley is still tinder dry, and these fire-friendly conditions often carry on into October, so we all must be extremely careful not to spark a spark. I would like to give a big shout out to our Peachland volunteer fire department, BC Wildfire Services crews, other fire depts from the Central Okanagan and beyond, as well as support services and members of the Emergency Operations Centre. All these dedicated people work hard at protecting us, on the ground and in the air, hitting the fires, providing support services to residents and evacuees, and much more. And a very special heartfelt thank you to the residents of Peachland who came together when the fire situation
was getting very serious with offers of shelter for people and pets, and open arms support for one another. It's times like these that we see the real spirit and camaraderie of Peachland citizens, the true warmth and pride that defines our community. August smoke or no smoke in the air, work didn't stop. A lot has been happening. First, I'd like to congratulate everyone for participating in the Okanagan Basin Water Board's "Make Water Work" (MMW) Competition. While we did our best to reclaim our 2016 title of Make Water Work Champions, once again Armstrong managed to scoop up first place. But we can proudly say that we finished in the top three, which is still an enormous accomplishment, as we competed against all the communities in the north, central and southern regional districts, in-
cluding the electoral areas. Even more important than another championship plaque is continuing to pledge to do our very best to conserve water whenever we can, in order to ensure that there is an abundance for future generations. On another water note, I've had a few people ask about what happened to the idea of a small splash park for the younger children. This is something I've wanted for a while now, and Council did include it in our Strategic Plan. While it may seem contradictory to want a kids' splash park while promoting water conservation, the newer “water-wise” ones have options to reduce water usage, such as a fine spray, water that only turns on when touched, and recycled, treated water. All those details will have to be worked out before a decision is made
on how to proceed. We are currently looking at a couple of our parks to determine the best location, so hopefully next year Council and Parks will have made a location decision and can begin more detailed plans and construction. It would be a great addition to our outdoor recreation options. We need some outdoor activities for the little ones, too. Another thing that I'm hearing a lot about is Renfrew Road. I know it's looking a little scary near the south half. Water streams have been flowing under the roadway causing the asphalt to lift and arc. Other planned work projects have been put on hold, so that funds can be directed to Renfrew Road, which takes priority. I've been assured that crews are keeping a close eye on it, while doing the preliminary engineering work in preparation for a fix. This includes a geotechnical and hydrotechnical examination. Lastly, I'd like to remind you that I continue to hold a Mayor/ Public Coffee Chat Open House every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month, from 9am to 10am, to listen to concerns and discuss local issues with the public. I do change locations every couple of months. I am cur-
rently at The Bliss. If you want to make sure of the location, you can call the District office at 250.767.2647. You can also call that number to set up a oneon-one office meeting with me, if you prefer. Please note that I also provide notifications and community updates on Facebook at “Mayor Cindy Fortin”. Have a great weekend!
Ernie takes on the West Coast Trail Letter:
This comment is not to re ignite the bridge that I burnt down eight years ago but it should warn the residents of Peachland of a calculated attempt by certain groups in Peachland to assert their one sided agenda regarding the most recent letter from Gillian Evans. I am going to enjoy this week hiking the northern portion of the West Coast Trail with my daughter Brittney. Letter composed sitting in Starbucks at Horseshoe Bay Ferry Terminal. Ernie Hurd Peachland
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AUGUST 31, 2018
t I y r T THE SHOW GOES ON – Country
AUGUST 31, SEPTEMBER 16, 2018 2016
Edwards and Pam Ferens
End of Summer Gala!
last Sunday at the Community Centre.
The show was postponed and moved
indoors because theam thick smoke Wednesday Sept 7of • 11:30 - 12:15 pm that was smothering the valley. The show was Intro to Chair Fitness the final Peace Concert of the season— Monday Sept 12 • 11:30 am - 12:30 pm one of four that were sponsored by the
Intro to Functional Fitness
Rotary Club of Peachland.
nd at Peachla ! Recreation
Tuesday Sept 13 • 5:15 - 6:15 pm
to flourish. Tuesday Sept 20 • 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Volleyball (drop in)
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entertaining lifestyle
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Thursday Sept 22 • 6:30 - 7:15 pm
School Starts th
Active living &
Wednesday Sept 21 • 5:15 pm
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Follow us on Twitter! @PeachlandView
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1. Which advertiser has verve?
Be ready for the long weekend!
THE SECOND ANNUAL Peachland Family Glow Run will be hosted by the district’s recreation department this Sept. 23 at 6:30 p.m. That’s when registration starts, the three-km and five-km runs kick off at 7:30 p.m., according to director Cheryl Wiebe, who assures us there will be plenty of activities in addition to the run, including face painting and the photo booth, which last year was a hit amongs participants including Erin Chadwick, Jaxon Stratton, Addison Chadwick and Heather Stratton. Registration is half-price if you do it in advance, so save yourself $10 and phone 250-767-2133. Almost 50 runners took part last year, can we hit 100 this time? SCHOOLING ARTISTS – As part of the Peachland Little Schoolhouse Summer Arts Program, painters Christine Lefaivre and Christina Miller were using the building as a
2. Which advertiser can help you book your travel? 3. Name the two advertisers who are reminding you about school starting?
Find us at the Peachland Mall
gallery earlier this week, where they were able to create and sell their works.
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Publisher Contest winner for Aug 24 is The Fitzhugh newspaper is seeking a passionate, outgoing, and energetic individual to take on the full time role as Publisher. We are seeking a proven leader with entrepreneurial skills to contribute to the growth of this paper. As the Publisher, you will help develop a strategy for the newspaper as it continues to serve the community of Jasper. $ This role is multifaceted and includes managing, copyediting, human Peachland Wellness Centre’s of Summer Gala! resources, administration, and contributing to theEnd editorial direction of the Fitzhugh. It also has aDate: large sales/advertising component Event September 22, 2018as the candidate will be responsible for acquiring and managing advertising sales for the newspaper. Duties include: • Managing the finances, administration, and staff of the newspaper; • Selling advertising for both the Fitzhugh and its supplements; • Completing administrative tasks that are associated with advertising and the day-to-day operations of the newspaper; • Cold calling potential clients; • Building and maintaining strong relationships within the community; • Attending important public functions. This is a chance to join a fun and positive work environment and offers opportunities for career advancement and generous benefits. Interested candidates should email their resume and cover letter to: Robert Doull rwdoull@aberdeenpublishing.com
You too can win a pair of tickets ( 130 value) to the
Answer the three questions. Enter each week. Answers to questions can be found in ads on this page, and/or by visiting the advertiser. Drop your answers off by the end of the day Tuesday, at the Peachland View office at 4437-3rd Street or email your answers to admin@peachlandview.com The contest runs for four weeks: August 17, August 24, August 31 and September 7. Aberdeen Publishing Inc. is A total of 8 tickets be won. publisher of an may independent newspapers, magazines and 2 tickets will be awarded each week. websites in BC and Alberta.
camping supplies, beach toys & much more!
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Shop in Peachland and support your local businesses!
Largest selection of Peachland Souvenirs...
Watch sale! All watches will be 25% off for the entire month of September! jkschmidt.ca • 2477 Main Street • West Kelowna BC V4T 1K5 • 250.768.7353 • 1.800.406.3666
Retirement living your way!
... plus floaties & water toys!
Book all of your travel with
Call Bettyann to arrange your ‘Lunch & Look’ at 250-768-2934. We’re on Ingram Rd West Kelowna, right behind Save On Foods.
AUGUST 31, 2018
Local Events and Activities: Send the information for your Peachland event to admin@peachlandview.com BEEPS Summer Events: Bat Chats 10:30 am & 2:30 pm on both Wednesdays and Saturdays at the Visitor Centre; Bat Counts - Friday nights in front of the Visitor Centre at sunset. 50+ Centre: Bingo - Thursdays at 6:45 pm. Labour Day Pancake Breakfast - Sunday September 2, 8-11:30 am. Pancakes, fruit compote, sausages, coffee/tea/ juice. Adults $5, Kids 6-12 $3, Under 5 FREE Everyone Welcome Dawn Boys Yoga - Monday and Wednesday 9-10 am Saturday 9-10 am at Heritage Park. All levels and ages. $10 drop in, includes an aromatherapy neck and shoulder massage during savasana. Classes run weekly rain or shine. Burger & Beverage Fundraiser - Saturday September 8, noon to 4 pm at the Edgewater—$20 a ticket. Ticket includes burger & beverage and a chance to win a suite for 12 at the BC Lions game on October 6. Tickets are available at the Edgewater and the Peachland Legion. Proceeds in support of the Peachland Legion renew the roof
FITNESS ROOM 5 am-10 pm,
Community Centre
YOGA (RESTORATIVE) 8 am, $5 Drop in 50+ Activity Centre
99th Peachland Fall Fair - Saturday, September 8, 1-6 pm and Sunday September 9, 10-4 pm at Peachland Community Centre. Adults $3 and Children 12 & under are 50 cents. More info available at peachlandfallfair.ca French Impressionism in Europe - The influence of painters & writers on composers – a music-arts-culture-unique showcase experience with Viennese homemade culinary delights – Sunday Sep. 9 & 16 from 2-4:30 pm at Ad Lib Art Gallery 3063 Bridlehill Drive, $30.00 RVSP 250-768-1404 email: claudia. kargl@telus.net Learn To Play The Ukulele - Beginner class will be starting Tuesday September 18 at 1:15 pm at the 50+ Centre. This class is designed for people who have never held a ukulele before. There will be a few loaners available. For more info call Angela at 250-767-6574.
POUND 7:15-8:15 pm,
Community Centre
50+ Activity Centre
YOGA (BASIC BEGINNERS) 8 am, $5 Dro p in
50+ Activity Centre
PICKLEBALL (1.0-3.5) 9-11 am,
Community Centre
50+ FITNESS 9:15 am, $5 Drop in. Please bring a mat.
Community Centre
VARIETY SINGERS 9:15 am Drop in from June to Sept., 50+ Activity Centre
TAKE OFF POUNDS SENSIBLY 9:30 am, 50+ Activity Centre
Peachland Wellness Ctre Returns Sept 10th
TAI CHI noon,
50+ Activity Centre by donation
MEDITATION GROUP 11:30 am-12:30 pm,
Peachland Wellness Ctre Continues through the summer
PICKLEBALL (1.0-3.5) 1-3 pm, Community Centre
NEEDLE ARTS/QUILTING 1:15 pm, 50+ Activity Centre Returns Sept 17th
Community Centre
FITNESS ROOM 5 am-10 pm, FLOW YOGA 8 am, $5 Drop in
50+ Activity Ctre
50+ Activity Centre
MINI MOVERS YOGA Registered only 10-10:45 am,
FLOW YOGA 9-10 am,
WRITERS UNBLOCKED 6:30 pm, Peachland
Wellness Centre. First Wed of the Month Ends June 6th until further notice
the Little Schoolhouse
St. Margaret’s Anglican Church
Peachland Wellness Ctre 2nd & 4th Wed Returns Sept 12th
MINI MOVERS YOGA Registered only 10:30-11:15 am,
2nd & 4th Wed, Contact: Gary 250-767-3491
Community Centre
Cousins Park
50+ Activity Centre
MEN’S COFFEE & CRIB 1-2:45 pm, Peachland Wellness Ctre Continues through the summer
MAHJONG 1:15 pm,
COFFEE GROUP 10:30 am,
50+ Activity Centre, every 2nd & 4th Wed, Drop-ins Welcome
50+ Activity Centre
50+ Activity Centre Begins September 5
LINE DANCING 7 pm, $4 Drop in
PICKLEBALL (1.0-3.5) 1-3 pm,
SPIN, CORE, STRETCH 5:15-6:15 pm,
Community Centre
Community Centre
SUNSHINE SINGERS 1:15 to 2:15 pm,
Peachland Wellness Ctre Returns Sept 11th
IRON & SILK 10:45 am
50+ Activity Centre Returns in September
Gasthaus Restaurant. Everyone welcome
Community Centre
BARGAIN BIN 9:30 am-3 pm
Peachland United Church
MEN’S COFFEE & CRIB 10 - noon,
Peachland Wellness Ctre Continues through the summer
YOGA (BEGINNERS) 10:30 am, $5 Drop in
ART CLUB 12 pm, ENERGY FOR WELLNESS 50+ Activity Centre 1:00-2:30 pm, LADIES COFFEE & CRIB Peachland Wellness Ctre 3rd Thur of each month, 1-2:45 pm,
4th St Place
AA 12-1 pm,
Continues through the summer
WELLNESS CIRCLE 10 am-12 noon,
Peachland Wellness Ctre To register: 250-767-0141
BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT CAPC CREATIVE PLAY10 am-12 pm, TIME (0-6 YRS) Peachland Wellness Ctre 10 am-noon,
AA 12 pm,
50+ Activity Ctre Returns Sept 8th
Peachland Farmers and Crafters Market - Every Sunday from May 27 to Sept 30, 10 am to 2 pm at Heritage Park.
50+ Activity Centre
Community Centre
50+ Activity Centre
50+ Activity Centre
4th Street Place
SOCIAL BRIDGE 1:15 pm, 50+ Activity Centre Community Centre
CHESS 1:15 pm,
Community Centre
PICKLEBALL (1.0-3.5) 9-11 am,
Community Centre
All Candidates Forum- October 1st hosted by the Chamber of Commerce. Forum Committee at the Community Centre start at 6 pm. Meet and greet the candidates at 5 pm. Please send your election questions to rockyrs.tritonmarine@gmail.com
Business Appreciation - The Peachland Chamber of Commerce is hosting a Business Appreciation event at the
50+ Activity Centre Returns in Oct
Peachland Visitor Centre on September 27th at 5:30 pm. We will have the Rotary of Peachland manning the grill, Niki Martinus will be on the mic, and the Boys and Girls club with aid from the Peachland Ambassadors will be playing games with the kids. We’ve got wine tasting, awesome prizes exceeding a total worth of $1,500 and your chamber service providers will be on hand to answer any questions you may have about the benefits of being a chamber member! RSVP peachlandchamber@gmail.com.
YOUTH BOXING CLUB 6-8 pm, LIONS DEN MEETING 7 pm, 4440 5th St. every
50+ Activity Centre
Returns Sept 20th.
PICKLEBALL (3.5+) 1-3 pm, Community Centre
MEAT DRAW 4-5 pm,
CENTRAL OKANAGAN Royal Canadian Legion MODEL RAILWAY #69, 4407-2nd St. COMPANY GROUP 7 pm, Peachland Museum LEARN TO FLOW YOGA 5:30-6:30 pm,
Community Centre
YOGA (FOUNDATIONS) 8 am, $5 Drop in 50+ Activity Centre
BARGAIN BIN 9:30 am-3 pm
Peachland United Church
Community Centre
BINGO 6:45 pm
50+ Activity Centre (doors open 5:30 pm)
Peachland Wellness Ctre Continues through the summer
Peachland Library
Community Centre
Community Centre
50+ Activity Centre Returns Sept 8th
4th Street Place
at the Little Schoolhouse
Emmanuel Church, Westbank
PEACHLAND BAPTIST Service 10:30 am, Fellowship 11:30 am, 4204 Lake Ave.
MEAT DRAW 2-4 pm,
Peachland United Church
FLOW YOGA 9-10 am,
United Church
Community Centre
FITNESS ROOM 5 am-10 pm,
50+ Activity Centre
PICKLEBALL (1.0-3.5) 1-3 pm,
BARGAIN BIN 9:30 am-3 pm
Community Centre
Peachland Wellness Ctre Excluding Long Weekends Returns Sept 9th
THE PEACHLAND WALKING CLUB 1 pm, for details visit peachlandtrekkers.ca
TAI CHI FOR WELLNESS 50+ FITNESS 9:30 am, 9:15 am, $5 Drop in. Heritage Park Hosted by Please bring a mat. Peachland Wellness Ctre. Beginners and newcomers welcome, Returns August 23rd
50+ Activity Centre
MEAT DRAW 3-5 pm,
Royal Canadian Legion #69, 4407-2nd St.
FITNESS ROOM 5 am-10 pm,
Community Centre
1 Year Anniversary Event! Saturday September 22, 2018 11am to 2pm 64 - 5500 Clements Cres - Free BBQ food & Cupcakes - Giveaways - Live Entertainment & more! -
Royal Canadian Legion #69, 4407-2nd St.
PEACHLAND COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday worship: 2 pm, Meeting at St. Margaret’s Anglican Church
The Events Page is a community service page brought to you by
Vantage One Credit Union You are invited to submit your events to admin@ peachlandview.com The Peachland View reserves the right to edit for space.
AUGUST 31, 2018
Peachland United
September 8
YARD & TRUNK SALE 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
end of summer clear out Contact
250-767-9664 to reserve trunk space
Service Installation, Maintenance. Residential, Commercial. Lic’d, Bonded Insured. Do it Right Make it Safe. Peachland 250-863-5180
Renosense GET RESULTS! Home Repair Ltd.
Renovations including siding, decks, carpentry, drywalling, ceiling texturing, window & doors. Need walls moved? All work done to code. Call Eric
Alcoholics Anonymous Peachland Fellowship Meets Monday at 7 pm (closed meeting) and Friday at 8 pm (open meeting). Call 250-763-5555 for more info
Call 250 767 7771 or email admin@peachlandview.com
Reach almost 2 million people in 101 papers for only $395/week for a 25-word text ad, or $995/week for a formatted display ad communityclassifieds.ca 1-866-669-9222
Book by province or whole country and save over 85%! BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES
Offer help to families & friends of alcoholics. Meetings in Penticton on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays; and in Summerland Thursdays. For more information
bcyukon-al-anon.org al-anon.alateen.org
Type 1 Diabetes? Trouble Walking ? Hip or knee Replacement? or conditions causing restrictions in daily activities? $2,000 tax credit, $40,000 refund cheque/rebates. Disability Tax Credit.
Get your message to 3600 homes and businesses... Advertise on the classifieds page of the Peachland View! Phone 250-767-7771 or email admin@peachlandview.com
OVERSTOKE SALE 20X21 $5,845 25X27 $6,588 30X31 $9,564 33X35 $9,833 35X35 $11,955 End wall included. Pioneer Steel
1-855-212-7036 www.pioneersteel.ca
Okanagan Grower Acclimatized for this area. SPECIAL 4’ tall 10/$200 7’ tall 10/$350 Delivery & planting available. Call George at Budget Nurseries 250-498-2189 georgedemelo@mail.com
Janitorial Equipment & supplies for Sale Floor Machine 20” pad, Electric burnisher 750/2000rpm, Extractor, Swing Machine 20” pad, Small rechargeable sweeper. Dry mops, mop heads, handles, cleaners. All reasonably priced. Call 250-488-7071.
from only $4,397 MAKE MONEY & SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info & DVD:
www.NorwoodSawmills. com/4000T
1-800-567-0404 Ext:400OT
3000 ACRES OF COMPLETE High End Cattle & Grain Operation for Sale in Sask. Manages 2k to 3k Cow/Calf Operation with Complete Solid Infrastructure. 200k Acres Cultivated. Contact Doug
306-716-2671 or saskfarms@shaw.ca
Wallenstein 20Ton Log Splitter. Trailer Type. $950. Call: 250-767-9196 GARAGE SALE
Grace Lutheran Church
www.gracelutherankelowna.com We are wheelchair accessible
“Let Us Worship Together”
Easter Services
March 29, MAUNDY THURSDAY, Service: 7 pm March 30, GOOD FRIDAY Service: 10:30 am April 1, EASTER SUNDAY Service: 8 am Sonrise Service with Easter breakfast & Easter basket Hunt at the Gellatly Nut Farm, in case of rain please meet at Grace Lutheran Church 10:30 am Traditional Service of Holy Communion
Sunday Worship 10 a.m. Tuesday Morning
9:30 a.m. Study, Coffee & Conversation
Sunday Worship 2 pm
4th Street & Brandon Ave
250-767-3131 www.stmargaretspeachland.org
Sunday Mornings
250-460-2555 call John 250-767-2221
Office Hours 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Monday to Friday
Rev. Robin Graves
Lake Ave at 13th St 250-767-9237
Pastors: Kate & Steve Hobbs
10:30 am
Sunday Morning Service 10 a.m.
Pastor: Ian McLean
4464 4th Street
(St. Margaret’s Anglican Church building)
all are
to start the 1st week of September 2018 in Peachland. Call 250-809-4027
Visit: CareerStep.ca/MT or 1-855-768-3362
Why suffer Employment/Licensing loss? Travel/Business opportunities? Be embarrassed? Think: Criminal Pardon. US Entry Waiver. Record Purge. File Destruction. Free Consultation
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In-demand career! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get online training you need from an employer-trusted program.
Now Hiring
Hiring Labour And Carpenter Helpers
Tools, household, exercising & gardening equipment, furniture etc...
4421 4th Street
1162 Hudson Road W. Kelowna
• Most of our driving is in BC, AB, WA, ID, OR.
Extended medical after 6 months, phone reimbursement monthly. Full Time Work. Contact Info: vespertransport@hotmail.com Ph: 250.499.5773
Sat-Sun, Sept 1-2 9 am- 3 pm
Lake Avenue Peachland
Places of Faith Peachland United Church
Company Driver Needed
• Class 1 drivers license • Must be able to cross the border and pass a drug test • Minimum 1 years experience.
Full Time and Part Time Cooks and Cashiers. $12.65 to start—all shifts. Apply in restaurant with resume or at www.aw.ca
St. Margaret’s Anglican Church
Wednesdays Sept to May
Ladies Bible Study 9:30 am Dr. Gord Denison PASTOR
DISPLAY ADVERTISING (boxed): Mondays 4 p.m. CLASSIFIED ADS by noon Tuesdays (Must be prepaid, cash, Visa or Mastercard) Email: admin@peachlandview.com
NEWS COPY: noon Mondays CLASSIFIED AD RATES: Up to 30 words - $15.00; 20¢ each additional word. Per column inch $9.00 plus GST Garage Sale Ads include box and headline: $15.00 plus GST Home Based Business 1-Column Semi Display: $15 plus GST NOTICES: Weddings, engagements, birth announcements, cards of thanks, and other notices (min. charge) $15.00 plus GST up to 30 words, 20¢ each additional word.
Business display advertising rates on request. PHONE 250.767.7771 Fax: 250.767.3337 Email: admin@peachlandview.com Advertising Regulations: The Peachland View reserves the right to classify ads under appropriate headings and to separate and to determine the page location. The Peachland View reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisement. All claims of errors to advertisements must be received by the publisher within seven days after the first publication. It is agreed by the advertiser requesting space that the liability of the Peachland View in the event of failure to publish an advertisement or in the event of an error appearing in the advertisement as published, shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for only one incorrect insertion for the portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect or omitted item only and that there shall be no liability in any event greater than the amount paid.
AUGUST 31, 2018
VALLEY MEDICAL LABORATORIES will open the doors of their new Peachland location at Peachland Village Mall
on September 10th. Valley Medical Laboratories has operated privately-run labs in the Okanagan since 1969. The lab is owned and operated by a group of local physicians and already has 13 locations in Osoyoos, Penticton, West Kelowna, Kelowna, Winfield, Vernon and Lumby. The Peachland location of Valley Medical Labs will be accepting new patients, including anyone who has a standing order from another location. Once open, the lab will operate five days a week from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., excluding long weekends and holidays. For more information, go to https:/valleymedicallaboratories.com.
Kitchen/Bathroom Renos Decks & Railings Windows & Doors Siding & Rock work Small Jobs Welcome
PAYCHEQUE FOR PETS – Peachland Bosley’s co-owner Shawna Banman presented
a cheque worth $1,425 to Cheryl from Woofers Dog Rescue last week. The money was raised during Pet Appreciation Month to support the organization’s many needs including ongoing support for Harley, a diabetic golden retriever.
Time for evacuees to go home
Located in Peachland
We specialize in... • Septic field installs • Sewer hook ups • Rock walls • Stump removal • Drainage • Trenching • Backfilling • Driveway prep • Grading
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• Support • Training • Payroll • Bookkeeping • Income Tax
TMG Business Services
250.767.6521 Tammie Gilbert, CPB
Domestic • Import • European Automotive Maintenance & Repairs Fuel Injection Electronic Diagnostics Excellent Professional Service
Oliver Mendonza
250-767-3180 or 250-862-1646
“Specialize in Japanese & Korean vehicles”
Peachland’s Dawg! • Basic yard work (grass cutting, flower and vegetable gardens)
FREE HEARING TEST Tom Millar, RHIP Hearing Care Professional
778-754-1424 Inside the Peachland Visitor’s Centre (by appointment only)
• Sprinkler start up and repair • Hot tub maintenance • Weather stripping
• Small plumbing issues • Putting flat-packed furniture together • Plants watered while on vacation • Minor aesthetic renovations
“The Dawg’ll Do It” — just ask!
The smoke isn’t that bad anymore so people who self-diagnosed themselves as needing an evacuation are being asked to go back home. Emergency Management BC says people who have self-evacuated to larger communities due to smoke should consider returning home. In many communities hosting evacuees, accommodations are reaching capacity. Emergency Social Services are intended to help those on evacuation order, and while some exceptions were made during this wildfire season, accommodations are now needed for those on evacuation order. Because smoky conditions shift and move, self-evacuating to another community does not guarantee a person’s exposure
will be reduced, and unnecessary relocation or travel will only add stress and anxiety that can also have negative health effects. Due to weather patterns, in many cases the smoke conditions in major urban centres are worse than the areas residents have left. Here are some helpful tips if you are not on evacuation order and you are worried about smoke issues in your area: • Stay indoors and keep the air clean (windows/doors closed, no smoking, no burning fireplaces/ candles/incense, no vacuuming). • Reduce the amount of time spent outdoors. Avoid vigorous outdoor activities. • When in a vehicle, keep windows closed with air conditioning set to recirculate.
AUGUST 31, 2018
Scarecrows stuffing themselves back into shape
Young, Eileen
PEACHLAND SCARECROW FESTIVAL The Peachland Scarecrow Festival is back! Join the Town of Peachland in celebrating the Fall season with your participation in the 3rd Annual Peachland Scarecrow Festival from September 29th - October 31st. The Official Opening of the festival will be held at Heritage Park September 30th from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Bring the kids, some old clothes and accessories and help us build scarecrows! Music is provided by the Okanagan Fiddlers and Frieda Schwarz on the accordion. This is a free event for people of all ages.
It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Eileen Charlotte Young at the age of 88 on August 25, 2018. She was predeceased by her son Brian. Survived by daughters Kathleen (Tom), Brian’s wife Beverley, Patricia (Les), and Twyla (Peter). Grandchildren Jennifer, Amber, Nicole, Natasha, Peter, Jocelin, Jaylene, Cameron, Travis, Chelsea, and many great grandchildren. Eileen lived in Peachland for over 40 years, and made many friends with her beautiful smile and calming presence, we are all going to miss her dearly. She spent her last year and a half at the Heritage in West Kelowna, but always considered Peachland her true home. She was an active member of the Peachland United Church and the Seniors Centre. A service will be held on Sunday, September 2nd at the Peachland United Church at 1:00, tea to follow. In lieu of flowers, please donate to the BC Cancer Agency.
The Scarecrow Festival celebrations continue! Join us in Heritage Park on October 6th from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. for performances from the Okanagan Cloggers and music by “Papa Thom.” This event will be MC’d by Kerry Martinson; the “Wolfman of the Okanagan.” Bring your friends and family out for a great afternoon of face painting, guess the weight of the giant pumpkin, popcorn and have the kids help us decorate our pumpkins! This is another free, family friendly event. If you have any questions, please contact our festival committee members: Berkeley Stuart (250- 878-0182), Doris Muhs (250-767-2391) or the Peachland Visitor Centre (250-767-2455).
Pet of the Week
Email a picture and description of your pet to admin@peachlandview.com
South Okanagan/Similkameen SPCA
Name: Diesel Age: 1 Years ID 468532 Dog - Male - Australian Cattle Dog / Red Heeler / Husky
is a handsome, confident young dog. He is looking for an equally confident guardian to take him on adventures. Diesel is not properly socialized with other dogs, and will need to be kept on leash. Diesel likes to play and be active, and would likely do well on a larger, fenced property. He has been through several homes in the past, so we are looking for his perfect match to be his final forever home. Inquire with staff for more information about this lovely dog.
Sponsored by:
My Best Vacation Ever? Rose Valley for Cats Only Boarding, of course! For peace of mind and a happy cat, call:
West Kelowna’s Full Service Small Animal Hospital 112-2476 Westlake Rd., West Kelowna V1Z 2V2 Monday-Friday 8:00 am to 5:30 pm; Saturday 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
Let’s all get to know your business! Promote your business in the Peachland View with your story and your advertisement on the same page. Let our readers know what sets your company apart from the rest. We will help you write the story portion and we will design a full colour advertisement to run with the article. Or you can provide your story, which we reserve the right to edit.
Contact Tracey • 250
767 7771 • sales@peachlandview.com
5$ 5
August 31, 2018 Page 12
4786 Seaton Place, Peachland - The perfect home for
retiring and enjoying life to the fullest in the Okanagan! Has 2 bedrooms on the main and a great deck to sit back & take in the views as you enjoy the summer. Downstairs has a full living area for your loved ones with separate kitchen and up to 3 more bedrooms—with fresh paint and new carpet. Back yard is fenced for your pets. Plenty of room for your RV/Boat on this .41 acres. Includes a separate 43’ x 15’ workshop! Newer roof and HWT. Priced below assessed value. Call to get in to see it ASAP!!! MLS® 10160929
Real Estate Professional
Penthouse - BIG lake views
Lifestyle at the lake for $729,900 Three bedroom Penthouse MLS 10159493
Private Lakeshore Estate
400 feet of pristine waterfront Call for private viewing MLS 10133160
Call Debra Kelly
C: 250.864.6891
TroyFischer@remax.net OpeningTheRightDoors.com
0 9,9 6 $8
4014 Beach Ave - Semi-Watefront 3 Bed / 2 Bath one level rancher offers a nice layout and located on a flat lot. Only steps to waterfront walking path and minutes to fine dining, lakeside pubs, quaint shops and so much more! Perfect place to enjoy the Okanagan lifestyle!
MLS® 10162017
Advertise in the Peachland View 250-767-7771
reach EVERY home and EVERY business in this growing community NEW PRICE!
3963 Trepanier Heights Avenue
Super private location for this cute little rancher on a quiet cul-de-sac road in Peachland. 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms on the main floor with open floor great room design for kitchen and living room area. Some peek-a-boo lake views from both the upper deck and lower covered patios. Huge family room and extra large den/office or 4th bedroom on lower level. Basement has separate entrance and could be easily suited for the in-laws or extended family. One block to all three school bus pick-ups for elementary, middle and high school.
Sandy250-718-2761 Chevallier Realtor chevy@royallepage.ca
Patrick Bell
Joseph Jacoe
• Personal Injury • Wills & Estates • Real Estate • Civil Litigation • Family Law • Corporate Law 13211 N. Victoria Rd. P.O. Box 520, Summerland BC V0H 1Z0
1-800-663-0392 • 250-494-6621 • 250-492-8137