Friday, September 9, 2022 | Every house, Every business, Every week PEACHLAND VIEW 5872 Beach Ave, Peachland | 250-767-2500 | 1-877-767-2510 Is most of your travel within Canada? We offer Travel Medical coverage for an unlimited number of days No Medical questionnaire required. DROP IN OR GIVE US A CALL FOR A QUOTE. FEATURING Signature cocktails and treats Live Drawsentertainmentforprizes Exclusive offers To RSVP call (250) 768-9926Au tumnFe s t Open House Saturday, September 17th 1:00-3:00 p.m. 3630 Brown Rd, West Kelowna Multidisciplinary artist, performer and arts instructor Nereo Zorro (whose artistic alias is Scenereo) completed his Plentiful Garden mural this week, as the final contribution to the Making Waves Mural Festival that took place over the long weekend. Zorro’s mural can be found behind the Beach Avenue Medical building. For more about the mural festival see Page 5.


Cunningham in the race Councillor Mike Kent seeking a third term

I’m a resident, so when people think we’re going to do some thing and mess up Peachland, why would I mess up Peach land? I live Cunninghamhere.”says she tries to be on the side of common sense.“Ilike that we look at every development as an individual instead of just rubber stamping or having a box it has to fit into, because that discourages some developers. I like the fact that we are working with develop ers now. In the past we had a bad reputation for not being so kind to developers so I’m glad that that’s turned around. Ev eryone says there’s nothing to rent. We’re getting rentals, and they’re right beside the elemen tary school. It’s perfect. I think we need to fill the need.” Of all the council achieve ments, Cunningham says she is particularly proud of the splash pad. “It took eight years to get that. As we all know, it’s wheelchair accessible so when I saw a child in a wheelchair leaving the splash park, it made me super proud and happy that we got that done.”
Councillor Pam Cunningham

Councillor Pam Cunning ham announced this week that she’ll be seeking a seat at the council table for a third term. “I was a little bit on the fence about six months ago but I had a lot of positive people saying, ‘you should run again,’ and I agree with them. With COVID it feels like we did half a term,” Cunningham told the View. “I love being on council, I love Peachland, I love every thing about it. There are some bumps in the road sometimes and you can’t make everyone happy, but I try. I live here, too.
Peachland Councillor Mike Kent announced this week that he’ll be seeking a third term in the upcoming municipal election. Kent says he is committed to sound fiscal management of Peachland tax dollars, point ing to council’s modest 2.27 per cent tax increase during an inflationary time when other governing organizations imposed phenomenally high tax hikes. If re-elected, Kent says he will continue to advocate for full protection of Peachland’s watershed and support policy and initiatives that protect the community’s watershed and source water. He strongly supports the expansion of the sanitary sew er system and believes this can be best achieved by stra tegically targeting provincial and federal grant funding and adjusting future applications in order to place the district in the best possible position to be awarded funding. “I view expanding side walks, greenways and paths as a priority,” says Kent, who supported the acquisition of Turner Park, where he hopes to see a top level soccer field. Because building sidewalk infrastructure is so expen sive, Kent told the View the way to achieve that is to cap italize on opportunities that present themselves when de velopment comes along by piggybacking on top of im provements the developer is required to make. Kent says he will contin ue to work to ensure diverse housing options are available to Peachland residents and will support policies and ini tiatives that contribute to a thriving economic environ ment. “We have to look out for everyone, not just the sin gle-family homeowner,” said Kent. “We have to take care of every segment of our com munity.”Hesupports the proposed new protective services build ing, noting the risk of serious fire is increasing in the dry Okanagan.
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“Our fire department re quires the tools to be able to protect Peachland prop erty and lives. The current 60-year-old building is at the end of its serviceable life,” saysKentKent.promises to contin ue to fight for a preferred alternate route rather than four-laning through Peach land; he also supports the continued lobbying of MOTI to implement safety improve ments along Hwy 97, such as new lights and upgraded in tersections.Overhis eight years on council, Kent counts prudent management of funds, the acquisition of upland area Turner Park, construction of the water treatment plant, and acquisition of the Duck and Pug waterfront property among the primary achieve ments that council has made. “We’ve seen the Ponder osa development, which has been stalled, move closer to moving forward. We’re also seeing that New Monaco is close to moving forward. A lot of things that have been stagnant before I came to council eight years ago have been moved forward through diligent work with the devel opment community, law and policy and ensuring there is a concerted effort in looking at increasing vital infrastructure for the community.” Kent says he is a strong proponent of updating the of ficial community plan every five years to ensure it accu rately reflects the community vision. If re-elected, he prom ises to advocate for the use of a statistically significant citizens survey to help guide council priorities and deci sion making to ensure they are aligned with the priorities of the residents.

The District of Peachland makes no representation express or implied as to the condition or quality of the properties being for sale. Prospective purchasers are urged to inspect the properties and make all necessary inquiries to municipal and other government departments and, in the case of strata lots to the strata corporation, to determine the existence of any bylaws, restrictions, charges or other conditions that may affect the value or suitability of the property.
On the leadership front, Van Minsel promises to es tablish a strong team with the elected councillors and the district staff to achieve consensus that will create a defined plan of action. The platform states he aims to build relation ships with other levels of government to secure in frastructure funding for sewers, roads and sidewalks, advocate for a reliable sec ond electricity transmission line to Peachland, receive improved local medical ser vices from Interior Health, and partner with the prov ince for affordable housing.

The platform also states the municipality should explore expanding its boundaries to incorporate more of the watershed, as well as lobbying for respon sible logging practices. As a long-time Peachland Chamber of Commerce employee, its unsurprising that Van Minsel promises to work with the local busi ness community to improve the local economy and cre ate jobs. This week Van Minsel also launched a citizen sur vey for residents to share what local issues are most important to them. The survey asks resi dents for their opinions about spending money on sidewalks, a bylaw review, updating the OCP, max imum building heights on Beach Ave, dog parks, Turner Park amenities, sewer connection and mu nicipal service satisfaction. “I believe that listening to residents is the number one priority,” said Van Minsel. “This is why I am asking as many Peachland resi dents as possible to take this survey, to really better understand what their main priorities are.” The survey can be found at

PEACHLAND VIEW Reliable local news.
Priorities outlined in clude improving planning department permit re sponse times, avoiding cost overruns on the protective services building, trans parency around the use of taxpayers’ dollars, and reducing dependence on outside consultants by tak ing advantage of staff and residents’ expertise.
Van Minsel’s campaign has also launched an online survey to gather public opinion about various local issues In print and online.
Van Minsel says he will deliver a balanced ap proach to development and responsible rezoning to ac commodate growth. He promises to engage and listen to the community and address the needs of all neighbourhoods above Hwy 97 as well as downtown, including consultation for downtown revitalization.
Mayoral candidate Pat rick Van Minsel officially released his campaign plat form on Tuesday, along with launching an online survey to gather public opinion about various issues.
Pursuant to Section 647 of the Local Government Act, notice is hereby given that the following properties will be subject to TAX SALE unless Delinquent Taxes, together with interest, are sooner paid. The 2022 TAX SALE will be conducted in Council Chambers at the District of Peachland’s Community Centre, 4450 6th Street, at 10:00am on Monday, September 26 th , 2022.
Mayoral candidate Patrick Van Minsel announces campaign platform
Purchasers of tax sale properties should be aware that they will not have the right to receive title or possession until after a period of one year has elapsed following the date of sale. During the one-year period, the registered owner(s) of the property or the owner(s) of a registered charge may redeem the property thus canceling the sale. In that event, the purchaser would be entitled to receive a refund of the amount paid together with interest to the date of redemption as provided in Sec. 660 of the Local Government Act. The accepted bid price is due by 1:00p.m. on the date of Tax Sale or properties will be put up for re-auction. ONLY CASH, CERTIFIED CHEQUES OR BANK DRAFTS WILL BE ACCEPTED IN PAYMENT. The purchase of a tax sale property is subject to tax under the Property Transfer Tax Act on the fair market value of the Address Legals UPSET PRICE 318-02001.060 6 – 6711 HIGHWAY 97 Manufactured Home Reg #31061 $ 5,324.00 318-02001.240 24 - 6711 HIGHWAY 97 Manufactured Home Reg #15082 $ 1,289.02 318-02061.031 3 - 5371 PRINCETON AVE Manufactured Home Reg #46035 $ 1,587.31 318-02061.232 23 - 5371 PRINCETON AVE Manufactured Home Reg #51496 $ 1,392.08 318-10032.920 6365 RENFREW RD LOT: A; PLAN NUMBER: KAP25709; DISTRICT LOT: 221; $ 10,126.75 318-10092.370 5390 COLDHAM RD LOT: B; PLAN NUMBER: KAP25534; DISTRICT LOT: 1174; $ 10,848.84 318-10093.222 3908 DRYDEN RD LOT: A; PLAN NUMBER: KAP57062; DISTRICT LOT: 1174; $ 7,553.58 318-10098.172 6157 SEYMOURE LANE LOT: 11; PLAN NUMBER: KAP80739; DISTRICT LOT: 1183; $ 17,783.77 318-10131.584 5956 VICTORIA ST LOT: 4; PLAN NUMBER: KAP46173; DISTRICT LOT: 1185; $ 8,457.11 318-10141.540 5173 PINERIDGE RD LOT: 21; PLAN NUMBER: KAP24059; DISTRICT LOT: 2538; $ 10,148.57
Did muralattendyoulastweekend’sfest?
Firstly, the three newly painted murals are beautiful. I love them all, and applaud the people who brought in the artists to paint them. It is a great idea, and I hope to see more murals adorn our town in the future. I would just hope a better loca tion is chosen. The alley behind the pharmacy and medical clinic stinks atrociously. It is filled with stinky garbage bins, and unsightly debris. I can only imagine what smell the paint ers had to contend with while they worked. Instead of taking the time to admire the murals, I couldn’t wait to leave. For future murals, I hope a location is chosen where viewing the art can be a pleasant experience for all. D. Watters
On behalf of the Peachland Making Waves Mural Fes tival committee I would like to thank everyone who came out and supported our inaugural mural festival this year. Our artists have been outstanding: Lala, Sheldon Louis and Nereo have outdone themselves in our opinion. From all re ports everyone enjoyed the entertainment and are looking forward to next year. Special thanks to our sponsors for their financial support and to Judy and Wes Bedford and the Legion for entrusting their buildings to the care of our artists and to our hardy group of volunteers who helped us out in some many dif ferent ways. Thank you all so very much! Thanks again Peachland! See you in September 2023!
Visit our website to yourcastvote.
Don Urquhart Contributing Reporter Melissa Morris designer@peachlandview.comProduction

Letters submitted do not necessarily reflect the editorial policies or beliefs of the paper.
on subjects of interest to our readers. Short letters are most likely to be chosen for publication but the use of any material is at the discretion of the editor.
Consider the bin smell
5878A Beach Avenue Peachland, BC V0H 1X7 250 767 7771 published by Aberdeen Publishing Inc. Robert W. Doull, pres
The Peachland View is a free community newspaper that is distributed each Friday to everyone in Peachland. Anyone who lives outside of the distribution area but within Canada can purchase a subscription at $70 per year + GST. The Peachland View reserves the right to refuse publication of any advertising or editorial submission at its discretion. Material submitted by columnists does not reflect the opinions of the Peachland View or its employees. The Peachland View retains complete and sole copyright of any content, including stories, photographs, and advertisements published in the Peachland View. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission or consent from the publisher is strictly prohibited.
The editor reserves the right to edit letters for taste, brevity and clarity or to avoid obscenity, libel or invasion of privacy. Upon request we will use a pseudonym only, but only rarely and for compelling reasons.
A picture really does say 1,000 words
All letters must include your first and last name, and town or city of residence to be considered.
Joanne Layh Publisher /
All the best, Shelley Sweeney, Chair Peachland Community Connects - Peachland Making Waves Mural Festival Committee committee members: Lynne Herrin, Alex Morrison, Madeleine Nixon, Judy Wyper, Steve Sweeney
Inaugural Making Waves Mural Fest brings loads of entertainmentPHOTOSJOANNELAYH

As required by Section 227 of the Community Charter, estimated costs of providing the permissive tax exemptions for the current year and the next two years are presented above. Not-for-profit organizations, municipal properties, and recreational properties are required to complete a renewal application each year in order for Council to consider their application for permissive tax exemption. Exemptions are provided by bylaw adopted prior to October 31st of each year for the following calendar year.


Pursuant to Section 227 of the Community Charter, notice is hereby given that Council will give final consideration to Property Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 2365, 2022 at a meeting of Council on the 27th day of September, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. which can be viewed live via webcasting at Property Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 2365, 2022 proposes to exempt from taxation the following buildings and lands for the year 2023.
Notice of Permissive Tax Exemptions - 2023 Tax Exempted Properties
The Making Waves Mural Festival brought non-stop entertainment to Cousins Park on both Saturday and Sunday, where Hot Sax (left) played to a relaxed crowd. Over in the community centre there were various arts and crafts happening as well as kid friendly activities such as facepainting by Marita Graham, who demonstrated her artistry on West Kelowna resident Ralph Lenton (right).

THE PEACHLAND VARIETY SINGERS 49TH SEASON OF SINGING begins Sep 12 at 9:30 am in the 50 Plus Activity Centre. There are no auditions and anyone who enjoys singing is welcome. as they begin rehearsing for the Christmas concert which will be held on Dec 11 at 2 pm.

PEACHLAND FALL FAIR has the atomsphere of an old-fashioned country fair. Event takes place at the community centre from Sep 9 - 11.
THE ART OF METIS BEADING Taught by Metis artist, Odette Ryder, will take place on Sunday afternoons from Sep 11 to Oct 17 from 12:30 - 3:30 pm at the Peachland Visitor Centre.
RECYCLE BC POP UP RECYCLING DEPOT Drop off glass bottles and jars, foam packaging, plastic bags and overwrap, other flexible plastic packaging, plastic, metal and paper containers, paper, and cardboard free of charge Sep 10 from 10 am - 3 pm at the 2nd Street parking lot.
1Z0 1-800-663-0392 • 250-494-6621 • 250-492-8137 • Personal Injury • Wills & Estates • Real Estate • Civil Litigation • Family Law • Notary Services Joseph JacoePatrick Bell

ARTISTS OF THE OKANAGAN runs from Nov. 26 – Dec. 23 and reopens Jan. 7 – Jan. 22 at the Peachland Art Gallery. Returning for its eighth year this ever-popular exhibition features local artists feat. a variety of mediums. Victoria P.O. Box 520, Summerland BC V0H
CHAYCE KENNEDY live at Hainle Winery Sep 10 at 1:30 pm. $10 + complimentary glass of wine
END OF SUMMER GALA fundraiser for the Peachland Wellness Centre will feature an elegant sit down dinner, silent auction, door prizes and music by Sister Act, Kinda Kenny Rogers, and Marty Edwards and the Revival. Tickets $75 at the wellness centre or pharmacy. Event takes place Sep 24 at the Peachland Community Centre FAMILY GLOW RUN is an all-ages 5K run/3K walk/ run along Beach Ave. Check-in and family activities at Heritage Park 6 pm - 7 pm; adults $12 Aug 18-Sep 16 $15 Sep 17-Oct 6, $20 Oct 7 cash only; kids $5 Aug 18-Sep 16, $8 Sep 17-Oct 6, $10 Oct 7 cash only.

JACK-O’-LANTERN WALK ON THE HAUNTED DOCK Spooky fun in Heritage Park: goodie bag, decorations, music and photo booth. Mon Oct 31 5 pm - 7 pm. Entry by donation to the Peachland Food Bank. IMPRESSIONS ART GROUP runs from Oct. 15 –Nov. 20 at the Peachland Art Gallery. A collection of new works presented by this twelve-member art group who have, over the past decade, continued to advance the quality and scope of each member’s skills
FITNESSMONDAYSROOM 5 am - 10 PeachlandpmCommunity Centre INDOOR WALKING 8 am - 9 PeachlandamCommunity Centre ADULT DAY SERVICE 9 am - 3 Residencespmon 6th 50+ FITNESS 9 am - 10 am ($5 Drop In) 50 Plus Activity Centre PICKLEBALL (ALL PLAY) 9:05 am - 11 am Peachland Community Centre LADIES’ COFFEE SOCIAL 1 4thpmStreet Place BRIDGE 1 pm – 4 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre ACRYLICBEGINNER/INTERMEDIATEWORKSHOP 1 pm – 4 PeachlandpmLittle Schoolhouse PICKLEBALL (ALL PLAY) 1 pm – 3 PeachlandpmCommunity Centre WOODCARVERS 7 50pmPlus Activity Centre FITNESSTUESDAYSROOM 5 am - 10 PeachlandpmCommunity Centre YOGA 8:30 am - 9:30 am 50 Plus Activity Centre FLOW YOGA 9 am - 10 am 4th Street Place CARPET BOWLING 10 am - 12 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre THERAPEUTIC YOGA 10:30 am – 11:45 am 4th Street Place AA 12 50pmPlus Activity Centre PASSION 4 ART 1 pm - 4 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre MAH JONG 1 pm – 4 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre MEN’S COFFEE & CARDS 1 PWCpm (downstairs) T-SHIRT TIE-DYEING HUB Market, Cousins Park Drop-in or register;programs@$15/shirt PEACHLAND HUB NIGHT MARKET 4 pm – 9 pm Cousins Park LINE DANCING 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre SHOW AND SHINE, CARS AND COFFEE 5 pm - 7 pm May 3 to Oct 3 Peachland Village Mall PEACHLAND LEGION DART LEAGUE 7 pm - 11 pm Royal Canadian Legion #69 COMPUTER LITERACY By PeachlandCallAppointment2507670141Wellness Centre FITNESSWEDNESDAYSROOM 5 am - 10 PeachlandpmCommunity Centre INDOOR WALKING 8 am - 9 PeachlandamCommunity Centre 50+ FITNESS 9 am - 10 am ($5 Drop In) 50 Plus Activity Centre PICKLEBALL (ALL PLAY) 9:05 am - 11 am Peachland Community Centre NOVICE PICKLEBALL CLINIC 12 pm - 1 PeachlandpmCommunity Centre BARGAIN BIN 12 pm - 3 Peachlandpm United Church PICKLEBALL (ALL PLAY) 1 pm - 3 PeachlandpmCommunity Centre BRIDGE 1 pm – 4 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre WE ART HERE 12 pm - 4 pm 50 Plus Activity Centre LEGION KARAOKE 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm Royal Canadian Legion #69 SPIN, CORE AND STRETCH 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Peachland Community Centre CENTRAL OKANAGAN MODEL RAILWAY CO. Train modellers + visitors meet 7 Peachlandpm Musum FITNESSTHURSDAYSROOM 5 am - 10 PeachlandpmCommunity Centre YOGA 8:30 am - 9:30 am 50 Plus Activity Centre BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT 10 am-11:45 am Peachland Wellness Centre
LIFE IN TECHNICOLOUR & THREADS OF HOPE runs until Oct 10 at the Peachland Art Gallery. In this series of vibrant oil and pastel paintings, Dave Denson explores our relationship with colour and how one can find beauty in the grit of a city. In conjunction with the Fibre Art Network ‘s Threads of Hope, a fibre art exhibition exploring hope, longing and desire for the future of the world.
Traffic into West Kelowna was backed up on Labour Day following an accident on Hwy 97C near Peachland. At approximately 2:30 p.m., police officers from the West Kelowna RCMP detachment and the BC Highway Patrol attended the scene of the accident; before 4 p.m. all traffic circulation was reopened. “Several persons were involved in the accident but thank fully no one was injured,” said Cpl Judith Bertrand, Media Relation Officer for the West Kelowna RCMP. The cause of the accident is still under investigation, but a press release from the RCMP referred to the incident as “car versus boat on trailer.”
PEACHLAND VIEW 7SEPTEMBER 9, 2022 NEWS If youadver tise in the2022General LocalElections, it ’s importantyou know therules. ■ Register with ElectionsBCbeforerunning anyads ■ Includeyournameand contactinformationinall your ads ■ Accept contributions only from eligibleindividuals within the contributionlimits ■ Stay independent from candidatesand electororganizations (local politicalpar ties) ■ Keep your expenses underthe spendinglimits ■ Don’t advertiseonGeneral Voting Day, SaturdayOctober 15,2022 ■ File adisclosurestatement af terthe election Find ourguide forthird par ty advertisers andthe expenselimitsfor 2022 at localelections Theadver tisingrules in local electionscan be complex.Contact ElectionsBC before advertisingtomakesureyou knowthe rules. WT HE ADVE RT ISI NG RU LE S 20 22 GEN ER AL LO CA LE LE CT IO NS el ec to ra l. fi na nc e@el ec tio ns .b c. ca 1- 80 0-6 61-8 683 KN OW
Donna and Ted Cave installed this sign in front of their Beach Ave home to remind residents which members of council voted in favour of the building next to them as Peachlanders consider who to vote for in the upcoming municipal election.

Second annual Vintage and Collectable Motorcycle Show draws big crowdPHOTOSJOANNELAYH
Hwy 97C “car versus boat on trailer” crash Beach Avenue sign

The second annual Vintage and Collectable Motorcycle Show drew a big crowd to downtown Peachland last Sunday. Over 70 bikes were officially entered into the show, in addition to some others who turned up. It’s estimated that the event drew about 2,000 people to Peachland. Organizers were very pleased with the result and are already planning next year’s event.

PEACHLAND VIEW8 SEPTEMBER 9, 2022 CRAIG’S PAINTING Interior Exterior | Residential and Commercial Craig Battersby 604 240 7594 Summerland • Peachland • West Kelowna 25 Years Businessin 250 769 4910 | 1718 Byland Rd #3, West Kelowna | • SEASONA L & MAINTENANCE SERVICES • REPAIRS & R ENOVATIONS • SWIM SPAS • SWIM M ING POOLS • HOT TUBS KING POOL & SPA Your Westside Pool & Hot Tub Specialists “You’ve Got Water? We’ve Got Answers” INTER-VALLEY ELECTRIC • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • INSTITUTIONAL ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING & MAINTENANCE cell: 250-212-5622 email: Kris Klumpner INTER-VALLEY CST. LTD. REG 17640 Service with safety to the energy industry Peachland owned and operated FREE LOCAL DELIVERY • 250-215-6836 • Tree Removal • Topping, Limbing & Thinning • Stump Grinding • Fire Cleanup • Logging • Wildfire Prevention “ Over 29 Years Experience” 250-878-5597 Fully Insured FREE Estimates 6094 Ellison Ave, Peac hland 5866A Beach Ave, Peachland 250 767 6615 WARRANTY APPROVED VEHICLE SERVICE & MAINTENANCE Locally owned and operated • Licensed technician on duty Diagnostics • Brakes • Shocks & Struts • Tires • Wheel Alignments Oil Changes • Suspension • Air Conditioning • Imports & Domestic Black Version C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=100 PROFESSIONALCANADA MEMBER INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPERS OF CANADA BOOKKEEPERPROFESSIONACERTIFIEDL MEMBER INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPERS OF CANADA BOOKKEEPERPROFESSIONALCERTIFIED(IPBC Simplifying Your Books TMG Business Services 250.767.6521TammieGilbert, • Support • Training • Payroll • Bookkeeping • Income Tax COMMUNITY LOCAL SERVICES directory The Peachland Community Arts Council created a 20-ft Ogogopogo mural project for kids as their contribution to the Making Waves Mural Festival. Vicki Molloy, Terry Moore and Danika Smith put it all together and it was “a big hit with the kids” according to arts council president Deb Livingstone.

Resident Lynda Grant recently won an e-bike from the municipality as part of the town’s active transportation public engagement process. OThe district conducted a survey to gather public input into the development of an active transportation plan for the town. Residents who completed the survey were entered into a draw for an e-bike.

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PEACHLAND VIEW Reliable local news. In print and online. See something newsworthy? Send tips or photos to
1923 - 2022 Dorothy May (Scholl) Freels was born July 2, 1923, in Enterprise, Oregon. She passed August 12, 2022, in West Kelowna, British Columbia, at the age of 99 years. Dorothy is predeceased by her parents Jesse and Sara Scholl; her only sister Emma Jean Tubbin; and Robert Freels, her husband of 68 years; her 20-month-old son, Michael; and son-in-law David Caudle. Dorothy is survived by children Janine Caudle, Joslyn Freels (John McCutcheon), and Douglas (Marlene) Freels. Grandchildren; Jason (Maryann) Caudle, Cortni (Vince) Berke, Karlie Hartley, Reginald Freels, Carson (Ashley) Freels; and Great-Grandchildren; Rob Sinclair, Kendra Caudle, Brodee Berke, and Hazel DorothyFreels.attended elementary school in a one-room schoolhouse in NE Oregon, continuing her education at Eastern Oregon College in the field of elementary education. When the US Air Force Recruits (WWII) took over the women’s dormitory at Eastern Oregon College, the girls relocated into large homes in the area, Dorothy was elected president of her house of 24 young women. In her senior year, Dorothy was elected secretary of the College Student body. Dorothy and Robert Freels were married on June 5, 1945, near the end of WWII. Bob had spent 3 years in the South Pacific while serving in the US Coast Guard. Bob and Dorothy returned to Wallowa County, working for local ranchers, and purchased and sold a feed mill. In 1955, they purchased Indian Village/Fence Creek Ranch, located 35 miles NE of Enterprise, Oregon. Mom wrote: “Ranching was not an easy life, but for the individual who worked hard and enjoyed it as much as her family did, it was always rewarding and a great way to raise the family.”
Each Fall, the family would move the cows to the canyons (Fence Creek), where the kids would attend school at Imnaha. Come Spring, they would pack up and move back to Indian Village. Neither home had electricity until several years later. When the children were ready for high school, a move was made to town, where the family lived in a routine. Then the excitement of a move to Canada was in Bob’s mind!
Sat Noon to 3 pm

“You are loved, and you will be missed”. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting www.
In 1970, Bob and Dorothy sold all their Oregon properties and moved to beautiful Peachland, BC. In 1971 Peachland Transfer was purchased, and for the next 24 years, Dorothy kept meticulous books for the business. In 1995 Bob and Dorothy were on the move again! They sold in Peachland, and purchased on Nicola Lake, in Merritt, BC. And still, they had 2 more household moves to make while in Merritt. It was a well-lived, and fruitful life they lived together.
Photos must be high resolution (at least 300 dpi). If sending photos from your phone, choose “Actual Size”.
and collectibles SEPT 14-17 ONLY! Open
Peachland Fellowship Alcoholics Anonymous
PEACHLAND VIEW WANTED TO BUY GOLD, SILVER & PLATINUM BUYERS! purchasing all gold & silver bullion, jewelry, coins, nuggets, dust, scrap, pre-1968 coins, bulk silver, sterling +++ Numismatist purchasing entire coin collections & accumulations, Royal Canadian Mint coins, world collections, old $$$. +++ 250-8643521.
Meets Monday at 7 p.m. (closed meeting) and Friday at 7 p.m. (open meeting). Callfor250-763-5555moreinfo.
A Celebration of Life will be held for Myra at the Peachland Legion on Sep 19 from 1 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
21 November 1955 - 1 July 2022 Myra leaves behind husband Anthony (Tony), sons Colt and Michael, daughter Melanie, many grandchildren and many devoted friends.
In Loving Memory Of Myra Margaret Brackstone

ANNOUNCEMENTS In Memory Of FREELS, Dorothy May (née Scroll)

RECYCLEPLEASE NEWSPAPER.THIS One Stop Love StopShop pShop p3466 CARRINGTON RD #102, WEST KELOWNA 3466•250-707-5683 •250-707-5683 Open 7daysaweek CHECK OUT OUR NEW ARRIVALS NOW HIRING! COIN COLLECTOR looking to pur chase Coin Collections. Gold & Silver coins, Bullion, Bars, Maple Leafs etc. Any amount! Call Chad 250-499-0251 FORWANTEDSALEEDGING EMERALD CEDARS Direct from Oliver grower. Acclimatized for this area SPECIAL 5’ tall - 10 for $400 or 4’ tall - 10 for $250 Delivery available. Call Budget Nurseries250.498.2189(George)

After a two year hiatus due to COVID, the Peachland Yacht Club (PYC) recently held their annual Commodore’s Dinner at the Edgewater Bar and Grill, which included visiting commodores and dignitaries from Vernon, Kelowna, Westbank and Summerland Yacht Clubs. The PYC invites anyone interested in boat moorage to visit peachlandyachtclub. ca for more information. Shown clockwise from the bottom are Lloyd Sotas, Master of Ceremonies and departing membership director, Chris Ulland, Shannon Hawes, Deb Cross, Sandi Rusch, Harry Rusch, Andy Cross, Terry Hawes and Steve Ulland.

PEACHLAND VIEW10 SEPTEMBER 9, 2022 Sunday, September 11 Okanagan College 1000 KLO Road Parking lot #17 (off West Campus Road) 9 a.m. 2 p.m. Bring us your old, ‘Retired’ tires Safely dispose of any old �res you have collec�ng water and si�ng around your property! Help reduce breeding habitat for mosquitoes. The Regional District of Central Okanagan & Tire Stewardship BC are holding a free �re collec�on event - drop off old used vehicle �res with or without rims. This event is sponsored by the RDCO Mosquito Control program and Tire Stewardship BC More informa�on on Mosquito Control at Learn about Tire Stewardship BC programs at COMMUNITY


Classic Mercedes car raffle and big cash raffle launch this week Fall fair committee members

are reminding residents the fair happens this weekend!PHOTO CONTRIBUTED Book your ad in the 2023 Peachland Phone book. CALL JOANNE TODAY!

Welcome to the second progress update on the Peachland Hub project. It’s been about two and a half months since the first update - and a lot has hap pened.Weestablished a Design Project Committee (the “DPC”) to work with the Urban Arts Architecture team to move our early concepts into the schemat ic design of a viable project ready to submit grant appli cations. The first conclusion we reached was that to min imize costs we needed to keep the project to one storey. So Urban Arts devel oped four options for us to look at - two based on ren ovating and expanding the existing 50+ Activity Cen tre building, and two based on demolition and a fresh build. All of the designs were under 13,000 sq. ft., so they would all cost less than our original 16,200 sq. ft. concept. The DPC identified elements from all design that we really liked as well as others that needed more development. Urban Arts took this feed back and came back with refined options for renovate/ expand and new build. The next big realization (and a big shock) came when Urban Arts provided us with preliminary costing information. The first ob servation was that the costs for both renovation/expan sion and the new build were fairly equivalent, and a new build comes with much greater design flexibili ty and with opportunities to reduce operating costs.


Hub to host open house Linda Schneider, Tami Theriault, and Jenny Cooper

The shock was how much constructions costs have es calated in the past couple of years and how much higher the cost per sq. ft. the cost estimator used when com pared to what we had used in our business case. The re sult turned our $8.1million project into a $16 million+ project. The impact of this will be that we are likely to need additional grants and an additional year or two of raffle and donation fundraising before the con struction will be able to start.We’ve been running our Tuesday Night Mar ket in Cousins Park this summer. It is an excellent way to spend some time on a Tuesday evening and has been quite successful for its first year (although we really could use more Peachlanders coming down and visiting it). We’ve also had a presence at the Sun day farmers’ market to give people a chance to ask us about the Hub. Our “Make a 3 Times for the Hub Pledge” cam paign has gotten off to a slow start. But we are sure the excitement from our upcoming open house will motivate Peachlanders to start showing their support. Talking about our open house, it will be held on Saturday, Sep 17 at the 50+ Activity Centre from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Stop by anytime to talk with the steering committee and the Urban Arts design team and give us some feedback. We will also be holding two presentations during the event - one at 10:30 a.m. and one at 2:30 p.m. We are very excited as we just received our licenses so we will be launching our first two raffles this week!

Armed with this informa tion to DPC went to the steering committee with a recommendation that we proceed with a demolition and new build based design, which was approved.
Our “Help Us Build Car Raffle - Classic Mercedes Edition” will be for a blue 1982 Mercedes 380SL with the draw happening during the Community Christ mas Dinner at the 50+ on Christmas Day. Our “Help Us Build 50/50 RaffleBuild the Food Bank” will raise funds specifically for the Annex Building for the Food Bank; it will have a potential pot of $250,000 and the draw will be held during the Light-Up Cel ebrations at the Heritage Park gazebo. Tickets will be available online shortly - follow our Facebook page, website, and watch for post ers for more details. Come talk to us at the Tuesday or Sunday markets, or at the open house, or contact us at to learnStaymore.tuned for more up dates. Help Us Build
PEACHLAND VIEW 11SEPTEMBER 9, 2022 COMMUNITY Places of FaithPeachland PEACHLANDBAPTISTCHURCH Lake Ave at 13th St Sunday250-767-9237MorningService 10:30PASTORam Lyle Wahl There is a sermon audio available on our website each week. UnitedPeachlandChurch 4421 4th Street 250-767-2206 “Let Us Worship Together” Pastor: Ian McLean all welcomeare For 10:00am online Zoom service visit ZOOM AND IN SANCTUARY SERVICES AT 10:00 AM Grace Lutheran OnlineforforPrayingChurchabettertomorrowallofus!Worshipat: Watch the service from the videos tab right underneath the picture of the church. 1162 Hudson Road W. Kelowna BC 250-769-5685 St. AnglicanMargaret’sChurch 4464-4 St, Peachland, BC V0H Sundaystmargarets@shaw.ca250-767-31311X6ChurchServiceat10:00am.ZoomserviceonrequestEmailorCallforLinkComeJoinUs!AllareWelcome. Matthew 25:35 “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” Give your family peace of mind. Plan for tomorrow, today. L e e D a v i d s o n A d v a n c e d P l a n n i n g D i r e c t o r WEST KELOWNA 2541 Churchill Rd 250 768 3702 PENTICTON 1258 Main St 250 493 4202 Partners with Park Lawn ARBOR FUNERAL CHAPELS & CREMATORIUM PRINCETON 113 Vermilion Ave 250 295 6102 KEREMEOS 702 7th Ave 250 499 2121
206-5300 Huston Rd - OUTSTANDING unobstructed lake & mountain views can be enjoyed from this IMMACULATE 3 bed plus den / 3 bath semi-detached townhome in the desirable gated community ~ The Terraces. Hardwood floors, large windows to showcase the amazing views, main floor laundry, spacious covered deck, a/c, central vacuum, skylights, dbl garage low strata fees and more! Beautiful Lake Views $884,900 MLS® 10256428 Larry Guilbault 250-826-2047 5878E Beach Avenue Peachland, BC VOH 1X7 6118 Gummow Rd, Peachland $1,025,000 This is the home you been waiting for! Big Sky, Big Lakeview-180 degree from Summerland to Kelowna, Big Entertaining Yard with a spacious 1 bedroom Suite that lends itself to possible B & B potential, or ideal for family and friends. This lakeview home has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. The home includes an updated kitchen, stainless steel appliances, custom Westwood cherry cabinets, breakfast bar and so much more in upgrades. You can be entertaining in the large family room, with another office/media room, and a large lakeview deck. The yard is fully landscaped with pergola for privacy, huge RV parking. Oversized double garage. New Listing MLS 10261828 welcome home. Realtor ® rachel morrison 250 280 rachel@rachelmorrison.ca8070 Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated 15 units 1,850 sq.ft. and up starting in the $900’s 2 and 3 bed + den available now fall 2023 delivery 3 Bed 2 1,892Bathsquare feet single $939,000level+ GST two car private garage New Development 5300 BuchananProp.RoadSL2 MLS #10256275 PEACHLAND VIEW12 SEPTEMBER 9, 2022 Chad Rogers Going Above and Beyond Each office is independently owned and operated. REALTOR® CALL FOR FREE MARKET EVALUATION OF YOUR HOME 250 808 8143 m S 14-1470 Harvey Ave MLS®10258991 Country Estate with fabulous views of the lake and valley. This property offers a high producing Artesian Well which is not really common in the neighborhood and opens up many options for the land! The home has an open, bright and spacious main floor living with huge windows to enjoy the views, vaulted ceilings, and open floor plan. Large primary bedroom has a very spacious ensuite and walk-in closet. The office features built in cabinets and murphy bed. The lower floor is perfect for entertaining with wet bar and access to the lower patio and hot tub! RU3 Zoning allows for secondary suite or carriage home. 250-718-2761 $2,249,000 3496 Fenton Road Sandy Chevallier Realtor® 6034 Garraway Place $834,900 A wonderful 3 bedroom 2 bath ranch style home on large flat lot with RV parking in beautiful Peachland BC! You are going to absolutely love this one level home located on a quiet cul du sac in a beautiful neighbourhood just minutes to parks and amazing back country adventure while still enjoying all the conveniences of city living. This home features recently renovated bathrooms, flooring and some windows. The attached two car garage, large parking pad and additional RV parking is perfect for storing all your toys. MLS 10253608 250-575-3643 JASON COWARD Expertwww.sellingpeachland.caRealEstateServiceSince 2007 250.212.2654 NEWLISTING K 100 K 29.8 Trusted Agents Since 1999 Contact Us for a Complimentary Market Evaluation of Your Home $795,000 4239 4th Avenue Perfect investment rental or 1st time home buyers in beautiful Peachland BC....Lake and mountain views from this walkout rancher on a quiet no through street, new kitchen cabinets, 2 gas fireplaces, 3 bedrooms with 2 1/2 bathrooms, single attached garage with U/G irrigation. Septic tank and field have been replaced. MLS®10261604 Buying or SellingHome?a 250-826-5977 WWW.NICOLEREMILLARD.COMINFO@NICOLEREMILLARD.COM13244VictoriaRdNSummerlandBC CONTACT ME FOR YOUR FREE MARKET