בעזרת השי"ת
AllT�� Your Vaccine Safety T�� Vaccine Questions H�n�bo��
T��Safety Vaccine T��Safety ANSWERED H�n�bo�� Vaccine H�n�bo�� Vaccine T��Safety H�n�bo�� VaccineSafety An Informed Parent’s Guide
An Informed Parent’s Guide An Informed Parent’s Guide
A Project Of
H�n�bo�� An Informed Parent’s Guide
An Informed Parent’s Guide
A Project Of
A Project Of
A Project Of
A Project Of
Vaccines For Expectant Mothers? • Halachic Points of Interest The Forgotten History of Polio • You asked questions We answered How To Prevent Your Children From Being Damaged By Vaccines The Unpublished Letters from Gedolei Yisrael Vaccines For Expectant Mothers? • Halachic Points of Interest History of Polio • You asked questions We answered The Forgotten NO ONE WHO HAS EVER RESEARCHED REGRETTED IT ow To Prevent Your Children FromVACCINES Being Damaged Bys Vaccines Haccines Interest J o i n t h eV g r o w i For n g Expectant n u m b e rMothers? o f i n f o• r H m alachic e d p aPoints r e n t of today! Unpublished Gedolei Yisrael 1 Letters TheHistory of Polio • Youfrom asked questions We answered The Forgotten ow To Prevent Your Children From• Being Damaged Haccines For Expectant Mothers? alachic PointsByofVaccines Interest V H he Unpublished Letters from Gedolei Yisrael NO T ONE WHOTHAS EVER RESEARCHED VACCINES REGRETTED he Forgotten History of Polio • You asked questions We answered
INTRODUCTION Most of us have spent our entire lives hearing the same story about vaccines. We are told that thanks to vaccines,deadly diseases have been eradicated and millions of lives have been saved. We are warned that if we stop vaccinating, the diseases will come back with a vengeance. Instead of receiving an accurate picture of vaccine effectiveness and risks, we receive an oversimplified yet frig htening portrayal of disease dangers, while the risk of vaccine-injury or death is written off as "one in a million".” From our research (and for some of us, from personal experience) many more than one in a million” lives have been ruined by vaccines. We don’t want any more people to be hurt needlessly. We encourage you to explore both sides,and make an educated decision.
HUMAN AND ANIMAL CELLS Human cells from aborted fetuses and human albuminn; pig blood, horse blood, rabbit brain, guinea pig, dog kidney, cow heart, monkey kidney, chicken embryo, chicken egg, duck egg, calf serum, sheep's blood and more. AMMONIUM SULFATE Suspected gastrointestinal, liver, nerve, and respiratory system poison. BETA-PROPIOLACTONE Known to cause cancer, suspected gastrointestinal, liver, skin, and sense organ poison. ANIMAL, BACTERIAL, AND VIRAL DNA Can be incorporated into the recipient's DNA and cause unknown genetic mutation. MONOSODIUM GLUTAMATE (MSG) A neurotoxin. Being studied for mutagenic, teratogenicity (fetal malforamtion), and reproductive effects. Can create mild to severe allergic reactions. Probable carcinogen: suspected in causing cancer of the liver, nervous, gastrointestinal, reproductive, respiratory, and immune systems. Linked to leukemia, brain, colon, and lymphatic cancer. POLYSORBATE 80 Known to cause cancer in animals. FORMALDEHYDE (FORMALIN) Major constituent of embalming fluid; poisonous if ingested. Probable carcinogen (cancer causing): suspected in gastrointestinal, liver, immune system, nerve system, reproductive system, and respiratory system. Poison. Linked to leukemia, brain, colon, and lymphatic cancer. MICRO-ORGANISMS (OFTEN UNDETECTED) Live and killed viruses and bacteria or their toxins. Millions of doses of
polio vaccine were contaminated with monkey virus (SV-40), now turning up in human bone, lung lining (mesothelioma), brain tumors and lymphomas. GELATIN Produced from selected pieces of calf and cattle skin, demineralized cattle bones, and pork skin. Severe allergic reactions have been reported. ALUMINUM Implicated as a cause of brain damage. Suspected factor in Alzheimer's disease, dementia, seizures, and comas. Allergic reaction can occur on skin. GENTAMICIN SULFATE AND POLYMYXIN B (ANTIBIOTICS) Allergic reactions can range from mild to life threatening. GLUTARALDEHYDE Poisonous if ingested. Causes Birth defects in experimental animals. MERCURY (THIMEROSAL) The second-most-toxic element on Earth (after Plutonium). Has an affinity to the brain, gut, liver, bone marrow, and kidneys. Minute amounts can cause brain/nerve damage. Symptoms of mercury toxicity are similar to those of autism. TRI(N) BUTYLPHOSPHATE Suspected kidney and nerve poison. NEOMYCIN SULFATE (ANTIBIOTICS) Interferes with B6 absorbtion. A deficit in the uptake of B6 can cause a rare form of Epilepsy and mental retardation. Allergic reactions can range from mild to life threatening. PHENOL/PHENOXYETHANOL (2PE) Used in antifreeze; toxic to all cells and capable of disabling the immune system's primary response mechanism.
The following interview with Mr. Moshe K. was reprinted from the Tachlis Publication. As one of the people involved in the inner work of the PEACH organization, he gives us the inside scoop.
How did you get involved with P.E.A.C.H.?
y position on vaccination precedes my involvement with PEACH. Almost 40 years ago, when I was growing up in London, England, an upscale pediatrician told my parents, ”cut down sugar and cut out the vaccines; they can damage the brain”. So my parents stopped vaccinating. It was no big deal when the 3 of us had mumps at once; we had fun and skipped school for a few days. We visited our classmates who had the measles and they visited us. After marrying, I compromised somewhat and we delayed and skipped some vaccines at first. Until as a bookworm, I came across more information that made me stop until I could do more research and be sure we were making the right decision. That was many years ago. When others began to get organized about sharing the information on vaccine-dangers with fellow-yidden, I knew I had to contribute in any way I could, even if just to save one life.
What do you believe about vaccines today?
believe that people should do more homework. The reality is that we’ve been misinformed about the real effects of vaccines. They are much more dangerous than most people realize. I also think that our understanding of vaccine-preventablediseases is not accurate. Vaccines are taking credit for something they have not done. In all reality vaccination worsened our health and increased death rates.
What’s your proof that vaccines are dangerous?
irstly, just ask any of the hundreds of thousands of parents whose children’s lives were ruined within hours of vaccines. I personally know many of them.
But secondly, .the studies don’t show the potential for harm because they’re not designed well enough to do so. They leave us without any way to be sure they are safe. However, there is plenty of evidence that vaccines cause harm. This is all retroactive- meaning, we are learning about the vaccine risks after they have been approved for public consumption. They are hurting many of their recipients. Since the 1990’s, The U.S. tax funded “vaccine courts” have paid out over 3 billion dollars to vaccine-damaged families. A disability and death tax was enacted for vaccines because U.S. congress and vaccine manufacturers admit that vaccines are, “Unavoidably unsafe.” They know children will be harmed. Most vaccine 3
package inserts (in section 13) state that they have never been tested for causing cancer, genetic defects, or infertility.
I thought vaccine reactions were less than one in a million.
pparently not. The U.S. government’s VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) receives about 30,000 reports of adverse reactions every year. 3,000-4,500 are labeled as severe. The FDA admits that the reported incidents may account for at most 10% of the actual number of adverse events each year, so you’ll have to multiply the reported incidents by at least 10 to get to the real number. Whatever that number is, it’s much more than 1 in a million. Then there is the real-life experience of seeing children develop seizures, go into anaphylactic shock, high pitched screaming- (which is a sign of painful and potentially disabling brain inflammation), terrible croupy cough, asthma, brain damage, paralysis and even infant death shortly after vaccination. You don’t have to be a detective to pick up on the cause-and-effect. In fact, I think the damage that vaccines have done would be obvious to everyone if the medical media had not succeeded in completely obscuring the obvious repercussions of vaccines, so we no longer see the cause and effect.
Aren’t vaccines and the vaccine schedule studied for many years with extreme scientific scrutiny?
ot quite. Safety studies are almost always very short; less than three weeks! This is obviously, an insufficient time frame, since vaccine damage can be prolonged, and the onset may be delayed. Also, they often test a new vaccine by using an existing vaccine as the placebo, instead of using something inert like saline. When the new vaccine causes as many reactions as the old one, they can report that it had no more side-effects than the placebo! This is totally misleadingthey didn’t test the vaccine against a placebo. Without proper safety testing, we have no assurance that vaccines are safe. The CDC says that it would be “impractical” to do long term safety studies, and “unethical” to withhold vaccines while long term studies are being done. But if they haven’t tested vaccines for their long-term consequences, then how can we be sure we want them? We have no way to know the risks if they don’t test for them.
Well, even if vaccines have risks, don’t you believe that they’re worth it because they prevent dangerous diseases?
ome vaccines work, some don’t. Measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox- do work for many people. But I still don’t think they’re worth taking because these vaccines cause worse problems than the mild diseases they may prevent. 4
Even vaccines that actually work, only provide temporary immunity. That’s why they give boosters. According to a Harvard study, mumps creates an antibody which protects the ovaries. And while ovarian cancer kills 1% of middle-aged women, it’s extremely rare among women who have had childhood mumps!
Isn’t measles a really dangerous disease? Didn’t it kill thousands of people before the vaccine was introduced?
t’s amazing how this fabrication has become so widespread. Measles was in reality a harmless disease before the vaccine came around. It’s only dangerous in poor malnourished children, who could also die because of nutritional deficiency from something as mild as a cold. Vaccines are killing a lot of children in impoverished countries, even today. About measles, in the U.S., in the years before the introduction of the measles vaccine, there were around 1-3 deaths per state. In some states there were no deaths at all. Numbers like that are not equated with deadly diseases. It’s misleading that they make it sound scarier than it really is. It’s true that it’s very contagious, but that doesn’t mean it’s dangerous. The MMR vaccine, meanwhile, is dangerous. It causes meningitis, brain damage, autism, cancer and many serious diseases.
Let’s back up a moment, here. Hasn’t the link between autism and vaccines been disproven already?
he Institute of Medicine voted that a “causal link could not be established”, but the vote was cast by ignoring evidence. It’s ironic that science isn’t always so scientific. It’s possible to pick and choose which studies and statistics you want to include in the final conclusions. The IOM recommended that no more research should be done into the vaccine-autism link. But, why would they want to prevent further research? It’s completely unscientific.
We’ve heard that the leader of the anti-vaccination movement (Dr. Andrew Wakefield) has been debunked and his study was retracted. Why would you follow this lone voice of dissent, especially after he was clearly proven wrong and stripped of his medical license?
here are so many misconceptions in that question, but I don’t blame you. It is sadly indicative of how greatly the vaccine industry has distorted reality. Dr. Wakefield was never the leader of the anti-vaccine movement. He was simply one of many thousands of people who’ve found a link between autism and vaccines. It’s tragic that speaking out cost him his medical license, but he didn’t deserve the infamy he received. They made an example of him so other doctors would think twice before expressing concerns about vaccines. I have heard him speak, and you can see that the only 5
thing that matters to him is the truth and children’s health. He is a very intelligent and scrupulous person. His unwillingness to back down from what he knew to be the truth is what cost him his medical license. (You can listen to Dr. Wakefield on the hotline 212-444-1900 ext 6-4-1 lecture #51)
People have accused anti-vaxxers of confusing the public with their unfounded beliefs about vaccines and autism.
hen you watch a child go from healthy to autistic before your very eyes, sometimes within hours or days of vaccination, and they tell you: “vaccines don’t cause autism! Ignore what your eyes see, disregard your suspicions. Uneducated emotional parents are always looking to find someone to blame…” Intelligent and inquisitive minds cannot be turned off so easily. Why would people’s personal experiences and observations confuse people? To the watchful observer, it’s actually quite obvious that vaccines cause autism, and too many other health problems. I don’t understand how they have managed to cover this one up for so long. The CDC and FDA know the truth, but just imagine what would happen if they admitted that vaccines cause autism. They can’t. They’ve dug themselves in too deep. If they admitted that vaccines cause autism, they would be taking responsibility for destroying literally millions of lives. They can’t do that. For them, there’s no going back.
That sounds like a bit of an exaggeration.
t isn’t. The evidence is clear. They’ve (the CDC/ FDA) known since at least 2004 that vaccines cause autism. The lead author of that IOM report I just told you about, which closed the issue on vaccines and autism, was senior CDC scientist, Dr. William Thompson. Well, he recently filed for whistleblower protection when he decided to reveal the evidence they’ve been hiding from us since 2004. They purposely suppressed data. They even destroyed evidence from their studies to cover up the autism link, because their studies made it very obvious that vaccines were causing neurodevelopmental delays. Thompson made copies of everything before it was destroyed. They’re still waiting for a congressional hearing, but the request has been ignored. This is public information. Anyone can look it up, if they don’t believe it.
Perhaps I should… A lot of people have accused you PEACH people of being biased and one-sided. Don’t you think you’d be more credible if you presented the other side too?
’m not afraid for people to read literature that promotes vaccines, we encourage you to. But I’m not going to go so far as to print their lies as if it’s truth. I’ve spent many years researching vaccines, and I’ve come to the conclusion that vaccines 6
are dangerous and that we’ve been misled. I believe the public is starving for this information! People who are blindly pro-vax are afraid to read our research. If they’re so certain of the truth, what do they have to lose? We encourage everybody to read both sides and make an educated decision. What makes the provaccine parties suspect is that they want you to have no faith in your own judgment and obey them blindly. You do the math.
Medical school is rigorous. Do you claim to know more about vaccines than doctors?
edical school may be rigorous, but if you read medical school textbooks you’ll see that their vaccine education is very simplified. It’s important to remember that doctors aren’t scientists or researchers. It is not their job to investigate vaccine safety. Their job is to give the mandated vaccines to their patients. They are usually unfamiliar with the ingredients and side-effects of vaccines, beyond what they were told. Some doctors are unaware that vaccines can cause severe reactions altogether. Even when kids have reactions listed in the vaccine inserts, The doctors often deny the connection. Do they even read the package inserts? Even according to the vaccine manufacturers, seizures after vaccines are very common. If it becomes epilepsy, they say the child had an underlying condition, rather than face the truth – that the vaccine caused the epilepsy. And yes, I do claim to know more about vaccines than most pediatricians. I’ve spent years actively researching this subject. You don’t have to go to medical school to obtain a brain. Baruch Hashem, we’re all granted one for free!
Perhaps a good way to present both sides fairly would be by arranging a public debate. I’m sure the other side has very strong arguments to defend their position!
e would love to have a public debate. I’ve been trying to arrange one for years – but no one is willing to take us up on our offer. If doctors have such strong proof about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines, you’d think that they would be willing to stand up in civil discussion. My guess is that because their real education of vaccines is so oversimplified, most doctors are not equipped to defend their positions when faced with the real evidence that we have gathered. They just don’t want to face us on an even playing field. However, there is a debate of this nature on the PEACH hotline if you’d like to hear it; its lecture 14 and it’s pretty unbelievable. (212-444-1900 ext 6-4-1)
Doctors are respected pillars of our community. Do you believe they are misleading the public and convincing them of something they know to be false? Are you accusing them of lying?
o, I don’t think they’re lying. I think they believe what they’re espousing. Doctors might be very virtuous and caring, but that doesn’t make them correct. No matter how much chessed they do, they should never be obeyed blindly. Only Hashem deserves that kind of trust. I don’t think they’re intentionally misleading the public. They believe what they’ve been taught, its part of their training. They just get all their information from the same source- the medical authorities and the vaccine manufacturers. They’re not allowed to question or they’ll get penalized. They would lose their medical license. It has already happened to doctors, time and again. It’s easier in the short run, to just go with the flow. It’s a difficult position to be in and I don’t envy them. Nevertheless, for a doctor to blindly follow the medical authorities without question is still wrong. Endangering the lives of children through dubious medical practices cannot be justified. Many doctors claim to have done a lot of research into vaccines. I find this hard to believe, because if they really did the research, then it would lead them to the real mitziyus, that vaccines are harming children. Could a frum, yarei shamayim really know the whole truth about vaccines and still administer them? It just doesn’t seem possible. The only way to explain how a caring doctor could endanger his patients is that he’s doing it so unwittingly.
I’ve heard that vaccine non-compliance is most common among uneducated people. And that once people get informed, they will of course choose to vaccinate.
ropaganda-wise, that’s a smart line to employ; no one wants to be perceived as “uneducated.” But in fact, the exact opposite is true. The majority of people in affluent countries who are rejecting vaccines today are highly educated. The pharmaceutical industry actually knows this, and they wrote about it in the World Health Organization’s “Best Practice Guidance: How to respond to vocal vaccine deniers in public.” In this book, geared to respond to those as they see as a threat to their profitability, (page 12), they write about individuals who refuse to vaccinate, and admit “some of whom are very highly educated individuals.” They recognize whom they’re up against, but they know how to employ psychological warfare, by convincing the public that those who don’t vaccinate are ignorant. It’s a tool to keep others from wanting to fall into that camp. Their goal seems to be to prevent people from trusting themselves, but in truth, most people who’ve stopped vaccinating have done a lot of research. Those who are on the fence should do more research until they own the information. Don’t allow yourself to be scared or insulted into obeying them. I have a lot of faith 8
in parents. If they follow their instincts and use their brains, they will choose to protect their children, not endanger them.
You said earlier that you believe some vaccines work. Why would you reject all of them?
he vaccines that work are more dangerous than the diseases they prevent. This is true for MMR and chicken pox. Most of the others don’t work. At all. DTaP causes pertussis- it doesn’t prevent it. It doesn’t work. And it’s a really reactive vaccine.
t causes a lot of bad reactions. That’s why they had to switch from DPT to DTaP; because the old vaccine caused too much harm. But sadly, the new vaccine is no safer, and it’s even less effective. There is conversation about switching back to DPT again! Polio, flu, meningitis, Human Papiloma Virus… these all can cause the diseases they’re meant to prevent. I have personally seen it happen. Especially whooping cough and flu. We get calls from people all the time who tell us that their child who got the DTaP, started coughing right away. Their infant caught the disease from a vaccinated child. This happens a lot. Flu? The amount of people who get the flu from the vaccine is just too many to count! I’m amazed that they’ve kept up this charade for so long. But thankfully, a lot of people are starting to wake up. They’re questioning, researching, and making their own educated decisions.
How could you question the Polio vaccine? It has saved millions of lives! Do you want to go back to the days of polio paralysis?
f polio dropped 50% between 1952 and 1955 do you credit the 1955 vaccine for that? That’s when it was introduced. The polio story is really complicated. But I can tell you that the vaccine has done nothing to prevent childhood paralysis. Jonas Salk, polio vaccine developer, testified that the OPV caused most if not all cases of polio paralysis since the 1960’s. How could the vaccine prevent a disease when it causes it? The polio vaccines continue to cause paralysis to this very day. They never prevented it. The book by Dr. Suzanne Humphries, called “Dissolving Illusions” is the most comprehensive treatment of the real history of infectious diseases. I recommend it to anyone who wants to know more on this subject.
When large groups stop vaccinating, there are outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases. Is that what you want? Don’t you think society has benefited from prevention of these diseases?
ome diseases, like measles, mumps and rubella, chicken-pox may come back if people stopped vaccinating. I’m not even slightly afraid of these diseases. I know that they’re not dangerous. I am afraid of the MMR vaccine. I would never risk my children’s health by giving them a dangerous vaccine to prevent a mild disease.
The CDC says that the recent measles epidemic is due to the “anti-vaxxers”. Aren’t you risking your own children’s health and public health by refusing vaccines?
he effectiveness of the MMR vaccine is wearing off. This has nothing to do with the “anti-vaxxers.” Measles is a normal childhood disease. The vaccine kills more kids than the disease would. It causes a lot of brain damage too. I’d rather my kids have a rash and a fever for a week or two than brain damage. Any parent would, they just don’t know the real risks of the vaccines and neither does their doctor. Public health is in a real crisis right today. Kids are seriously sick: ear infections, eczema, diabetes, asthma, ADHD, epilepsy, anaphylactic allergies- like peanut allergy, autism, leukemia, SIDS… these problems are growing worse every year. Vaccines may not be the only cause, but they are probably the main cause. Most of these problems are listed as potential risks in vaccine package inserts. Doctors like to say that everything is genetic, that these are inborn conditions. They’re not. Unvaccinated kids have a tiny fraction of all these problems compared to vaccinated kids. Parents who’ve stopped vaccinating see a difference between their unvaccinated and their vaccinated children.
What about the Autism? They say it has always been around. They’re just much better at diagnosing it now. Don’t you think you’re misleading the public by accusing vaccines of causing autism?
here was no such thing as autism until the 1940’s when it was classified in the DSM as a new disease. Do you think people used to be dumb? The symptoms of autism are very strange- they could not have been missed. We’re experiencing an epidemic. It’s worse every year. We have gone from 1 case of autism in 10,000 in the 1970’s, 1 in 2,500 in the 1990’s, and currently the rate is up to 1 in 45. What will it take to wake people up? Do we have to wait until every other child is autistic before we realize something’s wrong? I can prove to you that autism is a new and growing problem, with a very simple 10
comparison: How many 50-year-olds are autistic? How many 5-year-olds are? It’s not evenly distributed among all ages. The later you’re born, the higher your chance of being autistic. There’s no such thing as a genetic epidemic, so the cause has to be environmental. The evidence that vaccines have caused this epidemic is actually really obvious, since the autism population keeps rising as more vaccines are being mandated.
Aren’t unvaccinated kids unfairly endangering the people around them?
nvaccinated children or adults don’t spread disease by default. It’s quite absurd to imagine that just because they haven’t been vaccinated, that somehow makes them highly contagious with every disease known to man. On the other hand, recently vaccinated people can spread disease. The viruses can “shed.” This has been documented to have happened with polio, MMR, whooping cough, and probably others as well. That’s why recently vaccinated people aren’t supposed to go near cancer patients. Vaccine manufacturers warn about this. Since vaccines actually cause harm to people who aren’t sick, I don’t even think they’re halachically permissible. Aren’t people who want to force vaccines on others actively endangering them?
But people are living longer than ever before today because of vaccines!
o my unvaccinated grandmother is B”H healthy at 90 years, because her granddaughter receives 10 vaccines at 90 days? Vaccination is not the reason for longevity.
Then what is the reason?
he real causes of longevity today are mainly improved living conditions, hygiene, sanitation and nutrition. Vaccines have taken undeserved credit.
But vaccines save lives!
don’t think the evidence supports that, at all. But even if we are to assume they did, can you take a life to save a life? Can you take one life to save many lives? I don’t think so. There is no doubt that some will die as a result of vaccination. They call it “wastage.” That’s how they refer to human life. They know some will die, but they justify it, that the people who die are being sacrificed for public health. For the “greater good.” How can we justify this? It’s k’neged halachah.
If you don’t vaccinate your kids, aren’t you relying on others who’ve received vaccines to protect your kids from contagious diseases?
ot at all. As I explained, vaccinated children can spread disease. This doesn’t happen every day, but it happens. Of course unvaccinated kids can also spread disease – diseases they’ve been exposed to, but, I would never want other people’s kids to act as a human shield to protect my own! Everyone should do what’s best for their own child. No one should be risking his child’s health to protect mine. I would never want them to. Besides which, the protection is illusory.
What about herd immunity?
hat’s your definition of herd immunity?
Well, if enough people are immune to a disease, it won’t spread. As long as the majority has antibodies, the disease can’t spread.
hat is basically what they say. But is it reality? Herd immunity was a hypothesis originally based on the observation of cattle. Herds. They noticed that after most of a herd caught a certain disease, that disease disappeared from the herd, even the ones who didn’t catch the disease were protected. I’ll tell you what was really going on. In reality, all the animals were exposed. Some had symptoms, some didn’t. They didn’t do antibody tests in those days- it was the 1700’s. But each animal was immune because their own immune system remembered the infection. The herd could do nothing to protect an animal without antibodies. That’s why even today they haven’t been able to achieve herd immunity. They would have to make a population 100% immune to the disease. Everybody. Vaccines can’t do that, because not everybody becomes immune to a disease after vaccination. Even positive antibody titers don’t necessarily prove that you’re immune. Some people with high titers can still catch the disease. And some people never develop antibodies in the first place. Scientists today still don’t fully understand the immune system. A lot remains unknown. My point though is that herd immunity is not really possible. If you’re not immune, “the herd” of people who are immune won’t protect you from catching a disease. That’s not how it works for cows or people.
So how have they eradicated diseases? Didn’t they do that through vaccination and herd immunity?
o. Smallpox was eradicated through quarantine (isolating sick individuals). That’s what the World Health Organization admits. Diphtheria declined at the same rates in countries that didn’t vaccinate as countries that did. Improved 12
living conditions eradicated diphtheria. No disease has ever been eradicated through vaccination. How could it be? You expose everybody to a disease and then it disappears? Vaccine immunity wears off eventually and then the disease can come right back. Also, polio never really disappeared. They just changed the name. Now they call it acute flaccid paralysis, or transverse myelitis… There are more disabled children today than there were in the 1950’s during the worst polio epidemics. We just don’t see reality for what it is. They tell us they eradicated polio, and we believe it.
So you think schools don’t have the right to kick out unvaccinated kids?
here is no legal reason for schools to bar unvaccinated kids. Religious exemptions are legal in 47 states. In almost every case that parents took the school to court, the court sided with the parents, that they have the right to send their kids to school with a religious exemption.
Will parents of unvaccinated kids take responsibility if their child catches or spreads a contagious disease?
o schools bar recently vaccinated kids that shed disease for several weeks? There is no reason to fear unvaccinated kids! It’s baseless. In the case where someone catches a disease naturally, I think that the Ribono Shel Olam can take responsibility. But for a man-made vaccine-induced injury? That, I think man has to take the blame for. What has happened to our emunah? Instead of fearing Hashem, we fear meningitis! (By the way, the real source of the epidemic-levels of meningitis today is vaccines, like DTaP and MMR.) The best kept secret is that kicking kids out of school because of vaccines is k’neged halacha. Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlita, said that if you are afraid of unvaccinated children at school, then you should keep your vaccinated children home. His psak halachah has been ignored by too many schools and his letters have been boycotted by the frum media.
A lie can run halfway across the world while the truth is tying its shoes.
"" The National Vaccine Compensation Program has awarded over $3 billion in damages to children and adults injured by vaccines. "" Unusual highpitched crying after vaccination is often a sign of brain inflammation. "" The DTaP vaccine package insert lists both SIDS and Autism as adverse reactions, and that 70% of SIDS deaths occur within 3 weeks after the vaccine. (see package insert below) "" "A single vaccine given to a six pound newborn is equivalent to giving a 180-pound adult 30
vaccinations on the same day!" (Dr. Boyd Haley, Professor and chair, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Kentucky, 2001) "" After vaccine recommendations were accelerated in 1991, Autism rates in the US went up from roughly 1 in 2,500 to at least 1 - 45 today. "" The CDC admits that no long-term studies were ever done on vaccines. "" Vaccines contain Carcinogens (known to cause cancer) such as Formaldehyde and Polysorbate80 and childhood cancers are continuously climbing.
Did You Know
Dr. Viera Scheibner, Ph.D and fellow SIDS researchers developed an advanced infant the numbers are usubreathing monitor to determine ally very different than the risks factorsthose forreported SIDS.byThey the found that breathing suppression manufacturers. and cessation One were occurring study conducted predictably at 2,by4,a third andparty 6 months on DPT found nothat reaction of age, and discovered the in only 7% of patients. common causative factor was the Another 7% experienced DPT shot, given severe at those times. reactions, a full They observed 59% thatreported vaccination moderate was the singlereactions, greatest cause and 27% had (4) While mild reactions. of stress in small babies and the study was testing single greatest this factor preceding DPT, similar levels of seinfant death in avere large number adverse events areof cases. found with the current pertussis (aP) "Vaccination is acellular the single most (11) vaccine. prevalent and most preventable cause of infant death." Influenza
-Dr. Viera Scheibner, In 2005, The Lancet author ofpublished "Vaccination: 100 a review that Years of Orthodox Research" concluded, “The safety of
DTaP Package Insert Page 11 of 13 In the German case-control study and US open-label safety study in which 14,971 infants received Tripedia vaccine, 13 deaths in Tripedia vaccine recipients were reported. Causes of deaths included seven SIDS, and one of each of the following: enteritis, Leigh Syndrome, adrenogenital syndrome, cardiac arrest, motor vehicle accident, and accidental drowning. All of these events occurred more than two weeks post immunization.2 The rate of SIDS observed in the German case-control study was 0.4/1,000 vaccinated infants. The rate of SIDS observed in the US open-label safety study was 0.8/1,000 vaccinated infants and the reported rate of SIDS in the US from 1985-1991 was 1.5/1,000 live births.34 By chance alone, some cases of SIDS can be expected to follow receipt of whole-cell pertussis DTP35 or DTaP vaccines. Additional Adverse Reactions: • As with other aluminum-containing vaccines, a nodule may be palpable at the injection sites for several weeks. Sterile abscess formation at the site of injection has been reported.3,36 • Rarely, an anaphylactic reaction (ie, hives, swelling of the mouth, difficulty breathing, hypotension, or shock) has been reported after receiving preparations containing diphtheria, tetanus, and/or pertussis antigens.3 • Arthus-type hypersensitivity reactions, characterized by severe local reactions (generally starting 2-8 hours after an injection), may follow receipt of tetanus toxoid. • A few cases of peripheral mononeuropathy and of cranial mononeuropathy have been reported following tetanus toxoid administration, although available evidence is inadequate to accept or reject a causal relation.37 • A review by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) found evidence for a causal relationship between tetanus toxoid and both brachial neuritis and Guillain-Barré syndrome.37 • A few cases of demyelinating diseases of the CNS have been reported following some tetanus toxoid-containing vaccines or tetanus and diphtheria toxoid-containing vaccines, although the IOM concluded that the evidence was inadequate to accept or reject a causal relationship.37 Adverse events reported during post-approval use of Tripedia vaccine include idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, SIDS, anaphylactic reaction, cellulitis, autism, convulsion/grand mal convulsion, encephalopathy, hypotonia, neuropathy, somnolence and apnea. Events were included in this list because of the seriousness or frequency of reporting. Because these events are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequencies or to establish a causal relationship to components of Tripedia vaccine.2 Reporting of Adverse Events The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, established by the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, requires physicians and other health-care providers who administer vaccines to maintain permanent vaccination records of the manufacturer and lot number of the vaccine administered in the vaccine recipient’s permanent medical record along with the date of administration of the vaccine and the name, address and title of the person administering the vaccine. The Act (or statute) further requires the health-care professional to report to the Secretary of the US Department of Health and Human Services, the occurrence following immunization of any events set forth in the statute or the Vaccine Injury Table, including anaphylaxis or anaphylactic shock within 7 days; encephalopathy or encephalitis within 7 days, brachial neuritis within 28 days; or an acute complication or sequelae (including death) of an illness, disability, injury, or condition referred to above, or any events that would contraindicate further doses of vaccine, according to this Tripedia vaccine package insert.38,39 Reporting by parents or guardians of all adverse events after vaccine administration should be encouraged. Adverse events following immunization with vaccines should be reported by health-care providers to Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Reporting forms and information about reporting requirements or completion of the form can be obtained from VAERS through a toll-free number 1-800-822-7967.38,39 Health-care providers also should report these events to the Pharmacovigilance Department, Sanofi Pasteur Inc., Discovery Drive, Swiftwater, PA 18370 or call 1-800-822-2463. DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for extraneous particulate matter and/or discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permit. If these conditions exist, the vaccine should not be administered. SHAKE VIAL WELL before withdrawing each dose. After shaking, the vaccine is a homogeneous white suspension. Inject 0.5 mL(8) of Tripedia vaccine intramuscularly only. The preferred injection sites are the anterolateral aspect of the thigh and the deltoid muscle of the upper arm. The vaccine should not be injected into the gluteal area or areas where there may be a major nerve trunk. Before injection, the skin over the site to be injected should be cleansed with a suitable germicide. After insertion of the needle, (5,6)to ensure that the needle has not entered a blood vessel. aspirate
influenza vaccines given to babies and children 14 is unknown.” They even reported that they “found clear evidence of systematic suppression of data.” When the researchers contacted the vaccine manufacturers for the missing
In clinical trials, 93% of women who received the HPV vaccine reported adverse reactions within 15 days. Many women even withdrew from the study to avoid further reactions. There were 17 deaths during the clinical trials,
Common Vaccine Re
irritability, joint dis edness, lupus, mal migraine, multiple s myelitis, nausea, ne (including back, ne tic neuritis (includi visual disturbances, pitation, paresthesia ropathy, persistant pharyngitis, pruritu seizure, sleepiness, Syndrome, sweatin nodes, syncope, tach thrombocytopenia, infection, urticaria, ing polyarteritis n dizziness, v
local reactions (m redness, swelling a agitation, allergic r lactic reaction, an anorexia, convulsion vulsion, drowsines Syndrome, headach ritability, joint pain pain), paresthesia, sleepiness, swollen tiredness, urtica
local reactions (pai ing at injection sit tions, anaphylaxi anorexia, convulsi
Testimonials As Told To The Peach Support Network
n August 11, 1997, my eighth child was born. Two months later, I took him for a well visit where he was vaccinated for Polio, DPT, and I don’t know what else. He developed a fever, cried for a few days, and developed a strangelooking rash. He slept a lot and was very lethargic. It was hard to wake him up. He would take five hour naps during the day, which he had never done before. It took several weeks for the rash to go away and for him to appear a little less sick. At eight months, he was just starting to turn over. At nine months, I took him to the doctor, who vaccinated him for the second time. After the shots, he screamed inconsolably for a few days and was very stiff. It was very hard to wake him. I later found out that this was a not-sorare symptom of vaccineinduced encephalitis (brain inflammation). He also developed hemiplegia and could barely use his left hand and foot. After this, he didn’t turn over independently for another two years. He was diagnosed with microcephaly. I was told that the injection in his left arm had affected the function of his arm and leg. With years of intensive therapy, he regained function on his left side and started to walk independently by age 7½. At ten years old, he still needs full personal care and is globally delayed. It is clear to me that had he not been vaccinated, he would not have the disabilities he now suffers from. -Mrs. B. (Lakewood)
t her twelve– month well–baby visit, my daughter was developmentally advanced for her age, and she was already saying quite a few words. She received her round of vaccinations (including the MMR). Right afterward she developed a high fever and we witnessed a change in behavior. In the following weeks, I brought her to the doctor quite a few times; the reactions were severe and I was very worried. The doctor told me that this kind of reaction could occur as the result of the vaccine, but that it was only temporary, nothing to worry about. Three months later, the doctor wanted to administer another round of vaccines. I was very concerned, due to the strong reaction my daughter exhibited the previous time, but the doctor told me I was being foolish and that it is very dangerous not to receive the vaccines. I gave in and let him vaccinate her again. This time, her speech and intellectual development stopped and regressed, to the point that she was diagnosed with autism a few weeks later. The regression clearly started after the vaccines, but the doctor nonetheless denied the connection. Since then, I have refused to continue to vaccinate my daughter. I don’t care what they say, I saw with my own eyes how the vaccines caused her to become autistic. -Mrs. K. (Lakewood) 15
haya tucked the blanket around little Miriam’s chubby legs and fastened the car seat straps. Her beautiful six-month-old grinned at her and Chaya gave her one more peck on the cheek before sliding into the driver’s seat and heading towards the doctor’s office. It was time for Miriam’s six-month well baby visit. After receiving the DTaP vaccine Miriam gave a jerk, and seemed to go into shock for a moment. On the way home from the doctor, Miriam was inconsolable. She cried and cried for the rest of the day. That night, Miriam would not fall asleep, and screamed nonstop through the night, and the next few days. Friday night, three days after the vaccine, she seemed to calm down, and in the morning, a relieved Chaya waited for Miriam to wake up. After some time Chaya decided to check up on her baby. She picked up Miriam, who did not look like herself at all, and let out a horrifying scream.
Miriam didn’t make it through the night. This handbook is dedicated לעלוי נשמת
מרים בת יונה יששכר דוב who passed away from SIDS three days after her DTaP vaccine. May the awareness and prevention of, chas v'sholom, similar incidents to other children be a z'chus for her neshama.
every vacc
CommonReactions Adverse Vaccine CommonReactions Adverse Vaccine (continued) Vaccine Reactions (continued)
fever, Guillain-Barré 8 Do The BenefitsSyndrome, Outweigh The Risks? In response headache, hearing impairment, hyjoint disorders,(continued) lightheadpersensitivity, irritability, malaise, mote vaccin 6 Do The Benefits Outweigh Th e Risks? irritability, Page 11 of 13 irritability, joint disorders, lighthead66 Do Do Th Thee Benefi Benefits ts Outweigh Outweigh Th Risks? edness, lupus, malaise, meningitis, myalgia, nausea, oropharyngeal Page 11 ofTh 13ee Risks? irritability, jointmalaise, disorders,meningitis, lightheadoutrageous edness, lupus, and US open-label safety study in which infants Tripedia vaccine, 13 deaths in e Risks? migraine, multiple sclerosis, myalgia, 11 of 13 pain,Common persistant crying, rash, seiAdverse 6 14,971Do Threceived e Benefi tsPage Outweigh Th edness, lupus, malaise, meningitis, 7 eported. Causes ofsafety deaths included seven SIDS,Do andTh one each of the following: enteritis, and US open-label study in which 14,971 infants received Tripedia 13 7 deaths in e Risks? migraine, multiple sclerosis, myalgia, who would b 6 eofBenefi tsvaccine, Outweigh Th myelitis, stiffness, pain zure,Vaccine skin exfoliation, sleepiness, ndrome, cardiac arrest, motor vehicle accident, and drowning. All of these events eported. Causes of deaths included seven SIDS,infants andaccidental one of each of thevaccine, following: enteritis, Reactions and US open-label safety study in which 14,971 received Tripedia 13 deaths in migraine,nausea, multipleneck sclerosis, myalgia, Vaccine m myelitis, nausea, neck stiff ness, pain st immunization. The rate of SIDS observed in the 0.4/1,000 ndrome, cardiac arrest, motor vehicle accident, and accidental drowning. All ofwas these events (including back, neck, shoulder), opeported. Causes of deaths included seven SIDS, andGerman one of case-control each of the study following: enteritis, done would syncope, vertigo, vestibular disormyelitis, nausea, neck stiff ness, pain (continued) Sndrome, in the arrest, USThe open-label safety study was vaccinated infants the reported stobserved immunization. rate of SIDS observed in 0.8/1,000 the case-control study 0.4/1,000 tions. For example, a reactio to withhold a booster because cardiac motor vehicle accident, and German accidental drowning. Alland ofwas these events (including back, neck, shoulder), op- of a severe tions, and tic neuritis (including conjunctivitis, der, vomiting was 1.5/1,000 live births. By chance alone, some cases ofcase-control SIDS can bestudy expected to follow S991 in the US open-label safety study was vaccinated infants andwas the0.4/1,000 reported tions. tions. For For example, example, aa reactio reactio to to withhold withhold aback, a(including booster booster because because of aa severe severe cines are da stobserved immunization. The rate of SIDS observed in 0.8/1,000 the German (including neck, shoulder), op- of tic neuritis orwas DTaP vaccines. 1.5/1,000 live births. By chance alone, some cases of SIDS can be expected follow S991 observed in the US open-label safety study was 0.8/1,000 vaccinated infants and the to reported if it occurs within an ar reaction to a booster previous vaccine. tions.only For example, a reaction is cou to withhold because of aIncredibly, severe visual disturbances, andconjunctivitis, uveitis) palMeningococcal established tic neuritis (including conjunctivitis, DTaP vaccines.live births. By chance alone, some cases of SIDS can be expected to follow them? Not 991orwas 1.5/1,000 only only if if itit occurs occurs within within an an ar a reaction reaction to to aa previous previous vaccine. vaccine. Incredibly, Incredibly, MMR visual disturbances, and uveitis) paltions. For example, a reaction is cou to withhold booster because of a severe Common Adverse pitation, paresthesia, peripheral neuDTaP vaccines. only if it occurs within an arbitraril reaction to a previous vaccine. Incredibly, ingorvaccines, a nodule may be palpable atCommon the injection sites forAdverse several weeks. Sterile abscess time period, such as 48 hou apnea, arthralgia (joint pain), balafter shielding vaccine manufacturers and visual disturbances, and uveitis) pallocal reaction (blistering, burning/ pitation, peripheral neuevidence t forced upon only if it occurs within an arbitraril hasvaccines, been reported. reaction to persistant aparesthesia, previous vaccine. Incredibly, and ing a nodule may (compiled be palpable at from the injection sites for several weeks. Sterile abscess time time period, period, such such as as 48 48 hou hou after after shielding shielding vaccine vaccine manufacturers manufacturers and ropathy, crying, petechiae, vaccine package inserts) Vaccine Reactions pitation, paresthesia, peripheral neuance disorder, bone pain, change in the time period, such as 48third hours, wher Reactions after ropathy, shielding vaccine manufacturers andin 1991, ning (ie,vaccines, hives, swelling the(compiled mouth, difficulty breathing, orinserts) shock) hasabscess been has been reported. stinging, hardening, itchiness, red(compiled from from vaccine vaccine package package inserts) persistant crying, petechiae, a noduleofmay be palpable atVaccine the injection siteshypotension, for several weeks. Sterile reaction on day wo doctors from vaccine injury lawsuits, pharyngitis, pruritus, radiculopathy, vaccines a (compiled from vaccine package inserts) (continued) time period, such as 48 hours, wher containing diphtheria, and/or pertussis antigens. after shielding vaccine manufacturers and nions (ie,been hives, swelling of thetetanus, mouth, difficulty breathing, hypotension, or shock) has been has reported. reaction reaction on on the the third third day day wo w doctors doctors from from vaccine vaccine injury injury lawsuits, lawsuits, in in 1991, 1991, ropathy, persistant crying, petechiae, Once a be vacl (compiled from vaccine eatingswelling, habits, chills, diarrhea, dizziness, tenderness injecpharyngitis, pruritus, radiculopathy, reaction on of the third would doctors from vaccine injury lawsuits, in 1991, from vaccine inserts) tions, characterized byofsevere local (compiled reactions (generally starting 2-8package hours(continued) an injection), diphtheria, and/or pertussis antigens. nions (ie,containing hives, swelling thetetanus, mouth, difficulty breathing, hypotension, orafter shock) has been seizure, sleepiness, Stevens-Johnson “unrelated.” Twoday toapproved three we “contraindications” (for the DPT shot) were DTaP pharyngitis, pruritus, radiculopathy, reaction on the enthird day would be irritability, joint disorders, lightheaddoctors from vaccine injury lawsuits, in 1991, d oid. tions,containing characterized by severe local reactions (generally starting 2-8 hours after an injection), ions diphtheria, tetanus, and/orpackage pertussis antigens. tion anaphylaxis, seizure, sleepiness, Stevens-Johnson inserts) ness, site), ear pain, elevation ofarthritis, liver “unrelated.” “unrelated.” Two Two to toweeks three threeeven we we verse “contraindications” “contraindications” (for (for the the DPT DPT shot) shot) were were irritability, joint disorders, lightheadDTaP DTaP “unrelated.” Two to three is coE Syndrome, sweating, swollen lymph “contraindications” (for the DPT shot) were oneuropathy and of by cranial mononeuropathy have been reported following tetanus toxoid Page 11 of 13 oid. (12) DTaP tions, characterized severe local reactions (generally starting 2-8 hours after an injection), seizure, Stevens-Johnson local reactions (pain, redness, bruisge 11 of is13 edness, sleepiness, lupus, malaise, meningitis, ered normal trialto period! re-categorized as “precautions.” joint pain, ataxia (lack(drooping of amuscle coSyndrome, sweating, swollen lymph(12) “unrelated.” Two to three weeks is co “contraindications” (for the DPT shot) were this, le evidence inadequate to accept or reject a causal relation. oneuropathy and of cranial mononeuropathy have beenDTaP reported following tetanus toxoid (12) (12) After zymes, eyelid ptosis eyeoid. fectivenes edness, lupus, malaise, meningitis, be remo nodes, syncope, tachycardia, tinnitus, local local reactions reactions (pain, (pain, redness, redness, bruisbruisered ered a a normal normal trial trial period! period! E re-categorized re-categorized as as “precautions.” “precautions.” After After this, this, local reactions (pain, redness, bruisa normal trial period! Even if tE re-categorized astachycardia, “precautions.” cine (IOM) found evidence foraccept a in causal relationship between tetanus toxoid andtetanus both brachial le evidence isand inadequate toing, or reject a causal relation. Syndrome, sweating, swollentinnitus, lymph(12) After this,ordination ered oneuropathy ofsafety cranial mononeuropathy have been reported following toxoidin swelling, cellulitis, abscess and US open-label study which 14,971 infants received Tripedia vaccine, 13at deaths migraine, multiple sclerosis, myalgia, may affect fatigue, speech, nodes, syncope, local reactions (pain, redness, bruisreactions, researche ered a normal trial period! Even if t ne,evidence 13 deaths in evidence lid), facial which nerve adverse paralysis, caution was discarded; doctors were longer migraine, multiple sclerosis, myalgia, re-categorized astachycardia, “precautions.” Afterno this, ome. cine (IOM) found for a causal relationship between and both brachial thrombocytopenia, upper respiratory le is inadequate toing, accept or reject aSIDS, causal relation. ing, swelling, swelling, cellulitis, cellulitis, abscess abscess at at ing, swelling, at reported. Causes of deaths included seven and onecellulitis, oftetanus each oftoxoid theabscess following: enteritis, it is causin every vacc nodes, syncope, tinnitus, adverse adverse reactions, reactions, researche researche adverse reactions, researchers usua caution caution was was discarded; discarded; doctors doctors were were no no longer longer caution was discarded; doctors were no longer owing: enteritis, myelitis, nausea, neck stiff ness, pain seases of the CNS have been reported following some tetanus toxoid-containing vaccines or eye movements, ability to swallow, ome. injection site), allergic/anaphylactic thrombocytopenia, upper respiratory cine (IOM)cardiac found evidence for a vehicle causal relationship between tetanus toxoidabscess and brachial ing, swelling, cellulitis, atevents yndrome, arrest, motor accident, and accidental drowning. All ofboth these infection, urticaria, vasculitis (includmyelitis, nausea, neck ness, pain fever, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, adverse reactions, researchers usua site), allergic/anaphylactic injection injection site), site), allergic/anaphylactic allergic/anaphylactic caution was discarded; doctors were no longer ntaining thereported IOMinjection concluded that the evidence wasstiff inadequate to accept or seases of vaccines, the CNS although have following some tetanus toxoid-containing vaccines follow up with those patient of immunization. these events discouraged from revaccinating despite previome. thrombocytopenia, upper respiratory ment’s fea ost The been rate of SIDS observed in the German case-control study was 0.4/1,000 walking, picking up objects), atypiinfection, urticaria, vasculitis (includ(including back, neck, shoulder), op-despite reaction, angioedema, apnea, autism, follow up with those after discouraged from previinjection site), allergic/anaphylactic follow follow up up with withpatients those those patient patien ntaining vaccines, although thereported IOM(including concluded that the tetanus evidence wasshoulder), inadequate to accept or discouraged discouraged from fromrevaccinating revaccinating revaccinating despite despite previprevidy was of 0.4/1,000 seases thein CNS have been following some toxoid-containing vaccines ing polyarteritis nodosa), vertigo/ back, neck, opInwhether respons headache, hearing impairment, hyreaction, apnea, autism, DS observed the US open-label safety study wasangioedema, 0.8/1,000 vaccinated infants and the reported reaction, reaction, angioedema, angioedema, apnea, apnea, autism, autism, infection, urticaria, vasculitis (includ-despite previfollow up with those patients after discouraged from revaccinating and the cal measles,study bronchial spasm, cough, ntaining vaccines, although thevaccine IOM concluded that the cases evidence wasapnea, inadequate to accept or study period seeconcern ing polyarteritis nodosa), vertigo/ tic neuritis (including conjunctivitis, ab ous severe reactions. post-approval use of include idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, SIDS, body ache, brachial neuritis, bronchireaction, angioedema, autism, 1991 wasreported 1.5/1,000 liveTripedia births. By tic chance alone, some of SIDS can be expected to follow dizziness, vomiting period to see to whether they ha ous severe reactions. neuritis (including conjunctivitis, body ache, brachial neuritis, bronchistudy study period period to to see see whether whether pected to follow persensitivity, irritability, malaise, ous ous severe severe reactions. reactions. tism, convulsion/grand mal convulsion, encephalopathy, hypotonia, neuropathy, somnolence post-approval use of Tripedia vaccine include idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, SIDS, ing polyarteritis nodosa), vertigo/ body body ache, ache, brachial brachial neuritis, neuritis, bronchibronchiP or DTaP vaccines. mote vacci death, diabetes (type 1), diarrhea, dizziness, vomiting study period to see whether they ha ous severe reactions. visual disturbances, and uveitis) palbody ache, brachial neuritis, bronchichills, cough, convulsions (includvaccine rej in thisconvulsion/grand list because the seriousness or frequency of reporting. Because these events are tism, maltis, convulsion, encephalopathy, hypotonia, neuropathy, somnolence ered. Th is would make it imp post-approval use of ofTripedia vaccine include idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, SIDS, visual disturbances, and uveitis) paltis, chills, cough, convulsions (includered. Th is would make it impossible dizziness, vomiting myalgia, nausea, oropharyngeal chills, cough, cough, convulsions convulsions (includIPV (Polio) ered. ered. Th This is would would make make itit imp im dizziness, ear infection, ear nerve ation oflist uncertain it tis, istis, notchills, always possible to reliably estimate their(includfrequencies to in thisconvulsion/grand becausesize, of the seriousness frequency of reporting. Because these eventsorare tism, mal convulsion, hypotonia, neuropathy, somnolence pitation, paresthesia, peripheral neutis, orencephalopathy, chills, cough, convulsions (includered. Th is would make it impossible outrageous ing febrile and grand mal), cyanosis, ning vaccines, a nodule may be palpable at the injection sites for several weeks. Sterile abscess ing febrile and grand mal), cyanosis, harm in at pitation, paresthesia, peripheral neuIPV (Polio) omponents of Tripedia vaccine. ation of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequencies or to this list because of theing seriousness or frequency of reporting. Because these events are long–term from vac long–term damage from vaccines. pain, persistant crying, sei-damage s.inhas Sterile abscess local reactions (mass, pain, rash, deafness, encephalitis, eyerash, retinitis, ing febrile febrile and andtoand grand grand mal), mal), cyanosis, cyanosis, nomponents been reported. ing febrile grand cyanosis, ropathy, persistant crying, petechiae, of Tripedia IPV (Polio) long–term long–term damage damage from from vac vadb ation of uncertain size,vaccine. it diarrhea, is not always possible reliably estimate their frequencies or to drowsiness, earmal), pain, enlong–term damage from CDC vaccines. diarrhea, drowsiness, ear pain, enlocal reactions (mass, pain, rash, ropathy, persistant crying, petechiae, who would on (ie, hives, swelling of the mouth, difficulty breathing, hypotension, or shock) has been has redness, swelling at injection site), febrile convulsions, fever, Guillainzure, skin exfoliation, sleepiness, omponents of Tripedia vaccine. ensation Program, established by the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, requires diarrhea, diarrhea, drowsiness, drowsiness, ear ear pain, pain, enendrowsiness, earswelling pain, ofenshock) has been diphtheria, tetanus,diarrhea, pharyngitis, pruritus, radiculopathy, local reactions (mass, pain, site), rash, tions containing and/or pertussis antigens. cephalopathy, extensive of redness, swelling injection cephalopathy, extensive swelling pharyngitis, pruritus, radiculopathy, eensation providers who administer vaccines to maintain permanent of the Program, established by the National Childhood Vaccine vaccination Injury Act ofrecords 1986, requires allergic at reaction, Barré headache, ir- their The CDC in Gu done would syncope,Syndrome, vertigo, vestibular ctions, characterized by severe localcephalopathy, reactions (generally starting 2-8 hours after an of injection), Th ewrites CDCdisorwrites inParent’s their Pare extensive swelling of cephalopathy, extensive extensive swelling swelling heproviders vaccine administered incephalopathy, the recipient’s permanent medical record along with redness, swelling at injection site), eter who administer vaccines to maintain permanent vaccination records of the seizure, sleepiness, Stevens-Johnson ensation Program, established byvaccine the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act offatigue, 1986,of requires Everyagitation, vaccine comes with aanaphyproduct insert the injected limb, facial palsy, an injection), As long as agitation, allergic reaction, anaphyEvery vaccine comes with a product insertritability, Th evomiting CDC in their Gu the injected limb, facial palsy, fatigue, seizure, sleepiness, Stevens-Johnson Th Theewrites CDC CDC writes writes in inParent’s their their Pare Par xoid. cine and the name, address and title of the person administering the vaccine. The Act (or lactic reaction, anaphylactic shock, he vaccine administered in the vaccine recipient’s permanent medical record along with the leukocytosis, malaise, e providers who administer vaccines toinjected maintain permanent vaccination records of the Every vaccine comes with a product insert the limb, facial palsy, fatigue, der, Every Every vaccine vaccine comes comes with with a a product product insert insert Childhood Immunizations: “Q. How the the injected injected limb, limb, facial facial palsy, palsy, fatigue, fatigue, agitation, allergic reaction, anaphySyndrome, sweating, swollen lymph oneuropathy and oftoaddress cranial mononeuropathy been reported following tetanus toxoid cines are d Guillain-Barré Syndrome, headache, h-care professional report tovaccine the Secretary ofhave the US Department of Health and Human Childhood Immunizations: cine and the name, and title ofrecipient’s the person administering the vaccine. Thewith Act (or lactic many reaction, anaphylactic shock, he vaccine administered inGuillain-Barré the permanent medical record along the that lists lists possible eff ects of the studies on Syndrome, sweating, swollen lymph Syndrome, headache, gh-care tetanus toxoid anorexia, convulsions and side febrile conChildhood Immunizations: “Q. How measles, mumps (including epithat many possible side eff ects of the Childhood Childhood Immunizations: Immunizations: ble evidence inadequate to accept or reject causal relation. immunization of any events setthe forth in the theaperson statute or Department the Vaccinethe Injury Table, including professional toaddress report to Secretary of the US of Health and Human Guillain-Barré Syndrome, headache, cine and theisname, and title of administering vaccine. The Act (or lactic reaction, anaphylactic shock, that lists many possible side eff ects of the Guillain-Barré Guillain-Barré Syndrome, Syndrome, headache, headache, nodes,many syncope, tachycardia, tinnitus, high fever, hypoweMMR bewe sure vaccines don’tule cause lon anorexia, convulsions and febrile conthat that lists lists many possible possible side side eff effects ects of of the thedidymitis, orchitis, within 7 days; encephalopathy encephalitis within 7hypersensitivity, brachial neuritis within 28 days; immunization of evidence any events set forth in the statute ordays, the Vaccine toxoid Injury Table, including dicine (IOM) found forto aorthe causal relationship tetanus and both brachial nodes, syncope, tachycardia, tinnitus, them? Not high fever, hypoh-care professional to report Secretary ofhypersensitivity, thebetween US Department of Health and Human be sure don’t ca vulsion, drowsiness, Guillain-Barré parotitis), severevaccines vaccine. Most patients have never seen these as a wh high fever, hypersensitivity, hypowe be sure vaccines don’t cause lon nd both brachial anorexia, convulsions and febrile conelae (including death) an illness, disability, injury, condition referred to above, any within 7 days; encephalopathy or encephalitis within 7or neuritis within 28ordays; vaccine. Most patients have never seen these rome. thrombocytopenia, upper respiratory high high fever, fever, hypersensitivity, hypersensitivity, hypohypowe webe beA. sure sure vaccines vaccines don’t don’tca ca tonia, muscle immunization of any of events set forth in theirritability, statute ordays, the brachial Vaccine Injuryweakness Table, including vulsion, drowsiness, Guillain-Barré vaccine. Most patients have never seen these problems? Tracking vaccinated thrombocytopenia, upper respiratory Syndrome, headache, high fever, ir- whether skin reactions, myalgia, nausea, urther doses of encephalopathy vaccine, this Tripedia vaccine package insert. vaccine. vaccine. Most Most patients patients have have never never seen seen these these tonia, irritability, muscle weakness elae (including death) ofaccording an illness, disability, injury, condition referred towithin above, anyor local reaction (blistering, burning/ iseases the CNS have been reported following some tetanus toxoid-containing within 7ofdays; or to encephalitis within 7ordays, brachial neuritis 28ordays; tonia, irritability, muscle weakness documents, and it isvasculitis questionable forced upoc the risks” problems? A. Tracking vacc vulsion, Guillain-Barré problems? A. Tracking vaccinated spasms, myelitis (swelling oftovaccines the ning vaccines infection,drowsiness, urticaria, (includSyndrome, headache, high fever, ir- whether tonia, tonia, irritability, irritability, muscle muscle weakness weakness urther doses ofor vaccine, toorthis Tripedia vaccine package insert. elae (including death) ofaccording an illness, disability, injury, or evidence condition referred to(includabove, or anyor documents, and it is questionable whether ontaining vaccines, although the IOM concluded that the was inadequate accept s of all adverse events after vaccine administration should bevasculitis encouraged. Adverse events problems? problems? A. A. Tracking Tracking vacc vacc documents, and it is questionable ritability, joint pain, myalgia (muscle ocular palsies, optic neuritis (includinfection, urticaria, for many years looking for long-ter or spasms, myelitis (swelling of the or spasms, myelitis (swelling of the uate to accept or stinging, hardening, itchiness, redSyndrome, headache, high fever, irurther of vaccine, tospinal this Tripedia vaccine package insert. documents, documents, and and ititpersistant is is questionable questionable whether whether ines be reported byor health-care providers to Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting s of should alldoses adverse events according after vaccine administration should be encouraged. Adverse events theirritability, healthcare providers are aware of what ing conjunctivitis, cord), myocarditis, myositis, benefi t anal joint pain, myalgia (muscle ing polyarteritis nodosa), vertigo/ forpapillitis, many years looking for many yearsand looking for long-ter or spasms, spasms, myelitis myelitis (swelling (swelling of of the theSystem paresthesia, crying, ing polyarteritis nodosa), vertigo/ mation requirements or completion ofshould the form can be obtained fromSystem VAERS ines bereporting reported byspinal health-care providers to Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting theirpain), healthcare providers aware of what spinal cord), myocarditis, myositis, Once afor vacl their healthcare providers are aware ofese what cord), myocarditis, myositis, spost-approval of should all about adverse events after vaccine administration be encouraged. Adverse events for formany many years years looking looking for for conditions would be impractical…” ritability, joint pain, myalgia are (muscle ness, swelling, tenderness of injecuse of Tripedia vaccine include idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, SIDS, nausea, nerve paraespain), paresthesia, persistant crying, dizziness, vomiting 22-7967. mation about or completion of thecompression, form can be obtained fromSystem VAERS is written on these information sheets. Th their their healthcare healthcare providers providers are are aware aware of of what what cines purpura, SIDS, spinal spinal cord), cord), myocarditis, myocarditis, myositis, myositis, should bereporting reported requirements by health-care providers to Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting sleepiness, swollen lymph nodes, conditions would be impractical…” retrobulbar neuritis), pancreatitis, utism, convulsion/grand mal convulsion, encephalopathy, hypotonia, neuropathy, somnolence conditions would be imprac dizziness, vomiting nausea, nerve compression, paraespain), paresthesia, persistant crying, nausea, nerve compression, paraes22-7967. iswritten written on these information These about reporting or93% completion ofwomen form can Because be obtained from VAERS thy, tion site), anaphylaxis, arthritis,would thesia, persistant crying, pruritus, report these events of to requirements the Pharmacovigilance Department, Sanofi Pasteur Inc., Discovery sleepiness, swollen lymph nodes,sheets. is on these information sheets. Th ese verse even In trials, of who received conditions conditions would be be imprac imprac dmation in somnolence this listclinical because the seriousness ornerve frequency ofthereporting. these events are nausea, nausea, nerve compression, compression, paraesparaestiredness, urticaria, vomiting peripheral or facial edema, pneumoAdditionally, most of the studies are inserts indicate that vaccines actually carry great 22-7967. these events are 1-800-822-2463. report eventssize, to the Department, Sanofi Inc., Discovery is is written written on onIPV these these information information sheets. sheets. Th Thjoint ese esepain, Additionally, thesia, persistant crying, pruritus, In clinical 93% of women who received sleepiness, swollen lymph nodes, (Polio) ulation ofthese uncertain ittrials, isPharmacovigilance not always possible to reliably estimate their frequencies or to thesia, persistant crying, pruritus, rash, respiratory tractPasteur infection, tiredness, urticaria, vomiting ataxiaAdditionally, (lack of muscle co- of most the to studies ar inserts indicate that vaccines actually carry great IPV (Polio) 1-800-822-2463. requencies orofHPV to the reported adverse reactions report these events the Pharmacovigilance Department, Sanofi Pasteur Inc., Discovery nia, polyneuritis, rhinitis, seizures, most of the stu inserts indicate that vaccines actually carry great be remo In clinical trials, 93% of women who received thesia, thesia, persistant persistant crying, crying, pruritus, pruritus, components Tripediatovaccine vaccine. rash, respiratory tract infection, ducted by the vaccine manufacturer risk. Every patient is entitled, if not required, tiredness, urticaria, vomiting local reactions (mass, pain, rash, screaming, seizures, sensory disorder, HIB rash, respiratory tract infection, the HPV reported adverse reactions Additionally, Additionally, most most of of the the stu st inserts inserts indicate indicate that that vaccines vaccines actually carry carrysore great great d1-800-822-2463. be inspected visuallyvaccine for extraneous particulate matter and/or discoloration prior to ordination which may affect speech, local reactions (mass, pain, rash, ducted by the vaccine manufacture risk. Every Every patient isisentitled, ifactually not required, throat, Subacute Sclerosing rash, rash, respiratory respiratory tract tract infection, infection, within 15 days. Many even withdrew HIB screaming, seizures, sensory disorder, permit. Ifvaccine these conditions exist, the women vaccine should not be administered. dand becontainer inspected visually for extraneous particulate matter and/or discoloration prior to the HPV reported adverse reactions ducted by the vaccine manu risk. patient entitled, if not required, it is causin redness, swelling at redness, injection site), selves, rather than independent and swollen joints, sleepiness, local (pain, swellto seeEvery thereactions package insert before accepting anyPanencephalitis pensation Program, established by sore theMany National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act withdrew of 1986, requires screaming, seizures, sensory disorder, within 15 days. women even ability to swallow, and container permit. If these conditions exist, the vaccine should not be administered. redness, swelling at injection site), HIB ducted ducted by by the theby vaccine vaccine manu manu (SSPE), swollen risk. risk. Every patient patient is isredness, entitled, entitled, ifif not not required, required, dof inspected visually for extraneous particulate matter and/or discoloration prior to 1986, requires ngbe each dose. After shaking, the vaccine isto aand homogeneous white suspension. Inject 0.5 mL of selves, rather than by independent reactions (pain, swellsore swollen joints, sleepiness, to seelocal the package insert before anyeye movements, screaming, screaming, seizures, seizures, sensory sensory disorder, disorder, re providers who administer vaccines maintain permanent vaccination records of(8) the from the to avoid further reactions. agitation, allergic reaction, anaphyswollen lymph nodes, syncope (loss ing at injection site), reac-accepting within 15 days. Many women even withdrew container permit. If study these conditions the vaccine should not be administered. nand records of administered the nly. The preferred injection sites are the anterolateral aspect of the thigh and theanaphydeltoid muscle ng each dose. After shaking, the vaccine isexist, aswollen homogeneous white suspension. Inject 0.5with mL(8) of selves, rather than by indep sore and joints, sleepiness, parties, raising obvious questions to see the package insert before accepting any ment’s feaa medical treatment. Th isallergic is informed consent.lymph the vaccine in the vaccine recipient’s permanent medical record along the local reactions (pain, redness, swellagitation, allergic reaction, walking, picking up objects), atypinodes, syncope, thrombocyfrom the study to avoid further reactions. ing at injection site), allergic reacswollen lymph nodes, syncope (loss ld not be injected into the gluteal area or areas where there may be a major nerve trunk. d along with the selves, selves, rather rather than than by by indep indep nly. Theand preferred injection sites are the anterolateral aspect of the thigh andvaccine. theInject deltoid sore sore and and swollen swollen joints, joints, sleepiness, sleepiness, to to see see the the package package insert insert before before accepting accepting any any parties, raising obvious questions a ng each dose. After shaking, theand vaccine is athe homogeneous white suspension. 0.5muscle mL of (8) medical treatment. Th is is informed consent. of conciousness), thrombocytopenia, tions, anaphylaxis, angioedema, ccine the name, address title of person administering the The Act (or lactic reaction, anaphylactic shock, Th ere were 17 deaths during the clinical trials, from study to avoid further reactions. swollen lymph nodes, syncope (loss ing at injection site), allergic reac- how can ld not be injected into thereport gluteal area or areas where there may beAfter a major nerve trunk. topenia, vasculitis, vomiting cine. The Act (orthe lactic reaction, anaphylactic shock, integrity of these studies. Often, in cal measles, bronchial spasm, cough, Without knowing the true risks, parnly. The preferred injection sites are the anterolateral aspect of the thigh and the deltoid muscle parties, raising obvious que site toTh be injected should be cleansed with a suitable germicide. insertion of the needle, medical treatment. Th is is informed consent. tions, anaphylaxis, angioedema, concern ab of conciousness), thrombocytopenia, th-care professional to to the Secretary of the US Department of Health and Human ere were 17 deaths during the clinical trials, swollen swollen lymph lymph nodes, nodes, syncope syncope (loss (loss tiredness, unilateral facial paralysis, anorexia, convulsions, drowsiness, alth and Human anorexia, convulsions and febrile con-how can integrity ofdiarrhea, these studies. Often, in not be injected thevessel. gluteal area or areas where there may beAfter a major nerve trunk. parties, parties, raising raising obvious obvious que que Without knowing theTh true risks, par-death, diabetes medical medical treatment. treatment. Th is is is is informed informed consent. consent. has not entered aofinto blood site to be injected should be cleansed with suitable germicide. insertion of the needle, gld immunization any events set forth in athe statute or the Vaccine Injury Table, including tions, anaphylaxis, angioedema, of conciousness), thrombocytopenia, but investigators dismissed these events, claimanorexia, convulsions and febrile conTh ere were 17 deaths during the clinical trials, (type 1), anorexia, convulsions, drowsiness, tiredness, unilateral facial paralysis, comparing newof vaccines to innocuo Table, including ents do anknowing honest risk-benefi trisks, analysis? not entered a blood integrity these studies. O khas within 7 injected days; encephalopathy orfractional encephalitis within 7 thrombocytopenia, days, brachial neuritisadverse within 28 days; urticaria, vomiting, Sudden Infant limb swelling, high fever, site tobut be should be with adoses suitable germicide. After insertion of the needle, Chicken-Pox (Varicella) of ofcleansed conciousness), conciousness), thrombocytopenia, Without theGuillain-Barré true how(See can parvaccine rej investigators dismissed these claimnot given. Thevessel. effect of on the frequency ofevents, serious events vulsion, drowsiness, (9) should within 28be days; anorexia, convulsions, drowsiness, comparing new vaccines to innocuo ents extensive do an honest risk-benefi trisks, analysis? tiredness, unilateral facial paralysis, integrity integrity of of these these studies. studies. O Ou vulsion, drowsiness, Guillain-Barré has not entered adeath) blood vessel. Without Without knowing the the true true risks, how how(See can canlocal parpar-reaction uelae (including of an illness, disability, injury, orfrequency condition referred toadverse above, or any extensive limb swelling, high fever, urticaria, vomiting, Sudden Infant ing they were unrelated to the shots! mined. hould not bethat given. The effect of fractional doses on the of serious events dizziness, ear infection, nerve but investigators dismissed these events, claimbos, such asearsaline, manufacturers (9) Death Syndrome irritability, puritus (itchiness), pe(redness, hematoma, o above, or that any example ofknowing insert on page 7.) tiredness, tiredness, unilateral unilateral facial facial paralysis, paralysis, Syndrome, headache, high fever, irfurther doses of vaccine, according to thisunrelated Tripedia vaccine package insert. ing they were to the shots! mined. comparing new vaccines to i extensive limb swelling, high fever, ents do an honest risk-benefi t analysis? (See harm in at hould not besubcutaneously. given. The effect of fractional doses on the frequency of serious adverse events avenously or Syndrome, headache, high fever, urticaria, vomiting, Sudden Infant bos, such as saline, manufacturers irritability, puritus (itchiness), peDeath Syndrome example of insert on page 7.) (9)irdeafness, encephalitis, eye retinitis, comparing comparing new new vaccines vaccines to to ripheral edema, persistant crying, ents ents do do an an honest honest risk-benefi risk-benefi t t analysis? analysis? (See (See hardening, numbness, itchiness, they were unrelated toSudden the shots! mined. ns of ing all adverse events after vaccine administration should be encouraged. Adverse events avenously orthat subcutaneously. urticaria, urticaria, vomiting, vomiting, Sudden Infant Infant ouslybos, approved vaccines asmanufac their “pli ritability,edema, joint pain, myalgia (muscle irritability, puritus (itchiness), pe.cines Adverse events Infl uenza ripheral persistant crying, ritability, joint pain, myalgia (muscle such as saline, Death Syndrome example of insert on page 7.) should be reported by health-care providers to Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System CDC has d ously approved vaccines as their “pl avenously or subcutaneously. febrile convulsions, fever, Guillainurticaria, vomiting approvedSystem for administration to infants and children 6Infl weeksuenza to 7 years of age (prior to seventh pyrexia, rash, soreness, swelling, of saline, eporting bos, bos, such such as as manufac manufa pain), persistant crying, Death Death Syndrome Syndrome ripheral edema,on persistant example example of ofparesthesia, insert insert on page page7.) 7.)crying, rmation about reporting requirements or completion the form can be obtained totally unscientifi csaline, practice. local reactions (cellulitis, mass, eined series consists of a primary course of three doses administered atfrom 4,VAERS and urticaria, vomiting approved for administration toimmunization infants and children 6 of weeks to 7persistant years ofpain, age (prior to2,seventh pain), paresthesia, crying, from VAERS injection site), anaphylaxis (includously approved vaccines as t Barré Syndrome, headache, ir- c practice. totally unscientifi wo booster doses, at 15and toreactions 18 months of(cellulitis, age, atof4pain, to (prior 6 years of local mass, e822-7967. series consists of recommended a primary toimmunization course of three doses administered atto2,seventh 4, age, and urticaria, vomiting sleepiness, swollen lymph nodes, approved for administration infants children 6 uenza weeks to 7 and years age Infl infl ammation, ecchymosis, swelling, Pneumococcal ously ously approved approved vaccines vaccines as As longas ast sleepiness, swollen lymph nodes, for the first dose is 2 months of age, but it may be given as early as 6 weeks of age. The accines are wo booster doses, at 1593% to 18 months of age, andadministered atPasteur 4 to 6 Inc., years of ed series consists of recommended a primary immunization course ofuenza three doses at 2,Discovery 4, age, and report these events to the Pharmacovigilance Department, Sanofi ing anaphylactic shock), angioneuInfl Infl uenza In clinical trials, of women who received ritability, leukocytosis, malaise, Pneumococcal infl ammation, ecchymosis, swelling, Inc., urticaria, vomiting first three dosesis is2 8months weeks, a but minimum interval ofas4 early weeks. totally unscientifi c practice. theDiscovery firstdoses, dose age, be given as 46 The weeks of age. The accines are orhefor1-800-822-2463. received hemorrhage, hardening, itchiness), local tiredness, reaction (cellulitis, pain, itchilocalofwith reactions (cellulitis, pain, mass, wo booster recommended at 15 to it18may months of age, and at to 6recommended years of age, tiredness, urticaria, vomiting Pneumococcal rotic edema, aplastic anemia, aseptotally totally unscientifi unscientifi c c practice. practice urth dose isunsafe. 6-12 months. The of fifth dose isitrecommended before entry into kindergarten or he first three doses is2 8months weeks, with a but minimum interval of 4 early weeks. The recommended studies on local local reactions reactions (cellulitis, (cellulitis, pain, pain, mass, mass, local reaction (cellulitis, pain, itchifornot thethe first dose is age, may be given as as 6 weeks of age. The accines are hemorrhage, hardening, itchiness), measles, mumps (including epiHPV vaccine reported adverse reactions abdominal pain, anaphylactic shock, or ness, redness,(cellulitis, soreness,pain, swelling/ ed iffirst thethree fourth dose was the birthday. infl ammation, ecchymosis, urth dose isunsafe. 6-12 months. Theafter fifth dose is recommended before entry swelling, into not he doses is 8 given weeks, with a fourth minimum interval of 4 weeks. Thekindergarten recommended eactions local itchitic meningitis, ataxia, Bell’s Palsy, HIB Vaccines such asswelling, MMR and d Indeed, be inspected visually for matter and/or prior ness, reaction redness, soreness,site), swelling/ abdominal pain, anaphylactic shock, infl infl ammation, ammation, ecchymosis, ecchymosis, swelling, ed ifdose the fourth dose was given after the fourth birthday. they didymitis, orchitis, parotitis), severe urth isunsafe. 6-12 months. Theextraneous fifth dose isparticulate recommended before entrydiscoloration into kindergarten orto not HIB ule as a chills, chest tightness, death, diarrhea, hardening of injection anaoration prior to Vaccines asitchiness), MMR and within 15these days. Many women even withdrew hemorrhage, and container conditions exist,birthday. thehardening, vaccinesuch should not be administered. Whenness, determining vaccine safety, long- cellulitis, cerebrovascular redness, soreness, swelling/ Indeed, Third–partyaccident, studies usually reportwh a ed if the fourth permit. dosethey wasIf given after the fourth local reactions (pain, redness, swellwithdrew hardening of injection site), anachills, chest tightness, death, diarrhea, ministered. hemorrhage, hemorrhage, hardening, hardening, itchiness), DTaP are combined for Vaccines such asitchiness), MMR skin reactions, myalgia,erythema nausea, local (pain, redness, swelldiffi culty breathing, facial edema, phylactoid reactions, angioneurotic arguably When determining vaccine safety, longTh ird–party studies usually report Indeed, ingare each dose. Afterthey shaking, the vaccine isreactions a pain, homogeneous white suspension. Inject 0.5and mL(8) of abdominal anaphylactic shock, thereaction risks” hardening of injection site), anadizziness, encephalitis, DTaP are combined for from to avoid further reactions. Inject 0.5preferred mL(8) of the phylactoid reactions, angioneurotic term studies are never done. Often, the ing at injection site), allergic reacare arguably diffi culty breathing, facial edema, higher incidence of adverse nly. The injectionstudy sites arefatigue/weakness, the anterolateral aspect of the thigh and the deltoid muscle abdominal abdominal pain, pain, anaphylactic anaphylactic shock, shock, ctions. fever, hothealth. flashes/ edema, arthritis, pain,done. chills, Often, the ocular palsies, ing at injection site), allergic reac- The termphylactoid convenience, not opticedema, neuritis (includ-of adverse reaction combined for e deltoid –tested medistudies areback never higher incidence reactions, angioneurotic are facial Guillainchest death, diarrhea, uld not bemuscle injected into the chills, gluteal area orDTaP areastightness, whereare there may be anot major nerve trunk. The edema, arthritis, back pain, fatigue/weakness, fever, hot flmuscle ashes/ tions, anaphylaxis, angioedema, convenience, health. benefi t ana determining vaccine safety, longve trunk. Tharguably eremediwere 17 deaths during the clinical trials, When Th ird–party studies usually –tested studies have major design flchills, aws making it multiforme, ditionally, when parents are educat fltions, ushes, joint pain, malaise, decreased limb mobility, diarrhea, chills, chills, chest chest tightness, tightness, death, death, diarrhea, diarrhea, anaphylaxis, angioedema, ing conjunctivitis, papillitis, and trials, risk of germicide. unnaturally exposing siteput to be injected should diffi be cleansed with a suitable After insertion of the needle, edema, arthritis, back pain, chills, Barré Syndrome, Henoch-Schönlein When determining determining vaccine vaccine safety, safety, longlongconvenience, not health. The When Th Th ird–party ird–party studies studies usually eal into culty breathing, facial edema, studies have major design fl aws making it ditionally, when parents areusually educat decreased limb mobility, diarrhea, –tested medifl ushes, joint pain, malaise, muscle anorexia, convulsions, drowsiness, on of the needle, risk ofconvulsions, unnaturally exposing and joint weakness/pain, nausea, nerdyspepsia, ecchymosis, erythema hasput not entered a blood vessel. diffi difficulty culty breathing, breathing, facial facial edema, edema, e into anorexia, drowsiness, easy for them to miss many serious reacvaccine reactions, and know what but investigators dismissed these events, claimterm studies are never done. Often, the higher incidence of adverse retrobulbar neuritis), pancreatitis, decreased limb mobility, erythema diarrhea, zoster, impetigo, and know what to to many nts, claimfatigue/weakness, hot fldiseases ashes/ ecchymosis, and children joint weakness/pain, ner-events risk of unnaturally exposing e put claim that extensive swelling, high fever, easy dyspepsia, for themlimb toare miss many seriousOften, reac- Purpura, vaccine reactions, term term studies studies are never never done. done. Often, the the herpes higher higher incidence incidence of of adverse adverset into should not be given. The effect of vous fractional doses on thefever, frequency of nausea, serious adverse system disorders (including headmultiforme, febrile convulsion, fever, (9) extensive limb swelling, high fever, fatigue/weakness, fatigue/weakness, fever, fever, hot hot flfldiseases ashes/ ashes/ children to many seadverse dyspepsia, ecchymosis, erythema claim that necrotizing retinitis, non-febrile peripheral or facial edema, pneumoing that they were unrelated to the shots! rmined. (9)events multiforme, febrile convulsion, fever, studies have major design fl aws making it vous system disorders (including headditionally, when parents are fl ushes, joint pain, malaise, muscle irritability, puritus (itchiness), at once through the vaccinaots! children tomalaise, many diseases ache, dizziness, neuralgia, paraesGuillain-Barré Syndrome, headache, permanent eravenously claim that flflushes, studies studies have have major major design design flflpeaws aws making makingseizures, itit polyneuritis, ditionally, ditionally, when when parents parents are are irritability, puritus (itchiness), peushes, joint joint pain, pain, malaise, muscle muscle multiforme, febrile convulsion, fever, paresthesia, peripheral or subcutaneously. at once through the vaccinania, rhinitis, seizures, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, headache, permanent ache, dizziness, neuralgia, paraesjoint weakness/pain, nausea, nerripheral edema, persistant crying, thesia, confusion, febrile convulsions, anemia, joint pain, leuko-serious reaceasy hemolytic for them to miss many vaccine reactions, and know tion process has notcrying, been at once through the vaccinalities is simplyand ripheral edema, persistant Guillain-Barré Syndrome, headache, permanent edema, pneumonia/pneumonitis, and andjoint joint weakness/pain, weakness/pain, nausea, nausea, nernereasy easy hemolytic for for them them to to miss miss many many serious reacreacvaccine vaccine reactions, reactions, and and know know anemia, joint pain, leuko-serious thesia, confusion, febrile convulsions, sore throat, Subacute Sclerosing tion process been lities vous system disorders (including headurticaria, vomiting is approvedisforsimply administration to infants and children 6 weeks to 7 has years ofnot agemyelitis, (prior to seventh Guillain-Barré Syndrome, cytosis, malaise, myalgia, nausea, hemolytic anemia, myalgia, joint pain,nausea, leukourticaria, vomiting (prior to seventh evaluated. We must wonder Stevens-Johnson thromtion process has not been vous vous system system disorders disorders (including (including headheadhe series consists of a primary immunization course of three doses administered at 2, 4, and cytosis, malaise, lities isandsimply Guillain-Barré Syndrome, myelitis, Panencephalitis Syndrome, (SSPE), swollen neuritis, Bell’s soreof age, neck pain, paresthesia, pharyngitis, red booster at 2, 4, doses, We ache, wo recommended atdizziness, 15evaluated. to 18 paralysis, monthsneuralgia, of age, andmust atPalsy), 4 paraesto 6 wonder years cytosis, malaise, myalgia, nausea, bocytopenia, transverse myelitis, neck pain, paresthesia, pharyngitis, ache, ache, dizziness, dizziness, neuralgia, neuralgia, paraesparaesneuritis, paralysis, Bell’s Palsy), sore Pneumococcal why health authorities have 6for years of age, Th e Benefi ts Outweigh Th e Risks? evaluated. We must wonder lymph nodes, syncope, thrombocye the first dose is 2 months of age, but it may be given as early as 6 weeks of age. The accines are thoat, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, radiculoneuropathy, rash, serum sickPneumococcal MD, thesia, confusion, febrile convulsions, why health have eeks ofPatent-holder age. Thedoses is 8 weeks, neck paresthesia, varicella (vaccine strain) the first three with aconfusion, minimum interval of 4authorities weeks. The recommended radiculoneuropathy, rash,pharyngitis, serum sickthoat, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, local pain, reaction pain, swolitchiMD, Patent-holder thesia, thesia, confusion, febrile febrile convulsions, convulsions, not conducted any studies to eurth recommended sweating, swollen lymph synness, swelling of(cellulitis, injected limb, topenia, vasculitis, vomiting why health authorities have local reaction (cellulitis, pain, itchirck rotavirus vacdose isunsafe. 6-12 months. The fifth dose is recommended before entrynodes, into kindergarten or not Guillain-Barré Syndrome, myelitis, radiculoneuropathy, rash, serum sickMD, Patent-holder not conducted any studies to kindergarten ordose was ness, swelling of injected limb, swolsweating, swollen lymph nodes, synness, redness, soreness, swelling/ Guillain-Barré Guillain-Barré Syndrome, Syndrome, myelitis, myelitis, rck vacded if rotavirus the fourth given after the fourth birthday. cope, thrombocytopenia, vasculitis, len nodes, thrombocytopenia, HPV (Gardasil) ness,determine redness, soreness, swelling/ thePalsy), safety of and their not conducted any studies to rotavirus Vaccines such as MMR neuritis, paralysis, Bell’s sore ness,lymph swelling of injected limb, swolthey rckIndeed, rotavirus vaclen lymph nodes, thrombocytopenia, cope,determine thrombocytopenia, vasculitis, MMR andvaccine, Chicken-Pox (Varicella) hardening of injection site), anathePalsy), safety of their neuritis, neuritis, paralysis, paralysis, Bell’s Bell’s Palsy), sore rotavirus vaccine, vomiting, wheezing upper respiratory urticaria, local reactions (pain, redness, swellhardening of practices. injection site), sore anaCommon Adverse mon Adverse len lymph nodes, infection, thrombocytopenia, current thoat, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, was taken off U.S. determine the safety of their upper respiratory infection, urticaria, vomiting, wheezing DTaP are combined for rotavirus vaccine, phylactoid reactions, angioneurotic are arguably local reaction (redness, hematoma, vomiting, weakness/fatigue ing at injection site), acute disthoat, thoat, Stevens-Johnson Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, Syndrome, d for current practices. was taken off U.S. phylactoid reactions, angioneurotic Vaccine Reactions upper respiratory infection, urticaria, ne Reactions Vaccine manufacturers will cite many possible adverse reacsweating, swollen lymph nodes, synHepatitis B 99 after causing a vomiting, weakness/fatigue current practices. was takencausing off U.S. edema, arthritis, back pain, chills, seminated encephalomyelitis, aloconvenience, not health. hardening,(HPV numbness, itchiness, sweating, sweating, swollen swollen lymph lymph nodes, nodes, synsyn- The Before believing the conclut–tested medi99 after a Hepatitis B continued) edema, arthritis, back pain, chills, vomiting, weakness/fatigue (continued) health. Th e local reactions (itchiness, ecchymosis, Rotavirus thrombocytopenia, vasculitis, mber of deaths.) tions, and then write, “however,decreased no causal relationship has been Before believing the conclu99 after causing cope, a decreased limb mobility, diarrhea, pecia, pyrexia,anaphylactic/anaphylactoid rash, soreness, swelling, of Rotavirus local reactions (itchiness, ecchymosis, cope, cope, thrombocytopenia, thrombocytopenia, vasculitis, vasculitis, risk of unnaturally exposing mber of deaths.) 8 Do Th e Benefi ts Outweigh Th e Risks? limb mobility, diarrhea, sions drawn by the vaccine we put into Before believing the concluswelling, warmth, and nodule formacough/runny nose, diarrhea, fever, y exposing vomiting, wheezing reactions, ankylosing spondylitis ningococcal established.” Th is is a strange statement, as there is erythema ample dyspepsia, Rotavirus ecchymosis, sions drawn byredness, the vaccine mber of deaths.) cough/runny nose, diarrhea, fever, swelling, nodule formainjection site), anaphylaxis (includvomiting, vomiting, wheezing wheezing dyspepsia, ecchymosis, erythema tion, pain,warmth, tenderness, swellfussiness/irritability, gastroenteritis, children toand many diseases take a look sions drawn byto the vaccine he claim (inflammatory disease of the spine), cough/runny nose, convulsion, diarrhea, fever, algia (joint that pain), bal- tion,manufacturers, diseases multiforme, febrile fever, fussiness/irritability, gastroenteritis, pain, tenderness, redness, swellevidence establish a strong causal relationship between manufacturers, take a look ing anaphylactic shock), angioneumultiforme, febrile convulsion, fever, Hepatitis B ing at injection site), abdominal pain hematochezia, idiopathic thrombocyautoimmune diseases (including hefussiness/irritability, gastroenteritis, at the scientifi c data they are bone pain, change in ing at atHepatitis once through the manufacturers, take avaccinalook Hepatitis B B Guillain-Barré Syndrome, headache, er, permanent hematochezia, idiopathic thrombocyinjection site),constipation, abdominal pain he vaccinarotic edema, aplastic anemia, asepvaccines and associated Vaccines are frequently Guillain-Barré Syndrome, headache, (including cramps, di- are reactions. topenic purpura, Kawasaki disease, at the scientifi c data they local reactions (itchiness, ecchymosis, molytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, hematochezia, idiopathic Common Adverse s, chills, diarrhea, dizzihemolytic anemia, joint thrombocypain, leukotopenic purpura, Kawasaki disease, local localtheir reactions reactions (itchiness, (itchiness, ecchymosis, (including cramps, constipation, di- are using to make claims. You will be amazed tion process has not been at the scientifi cecchymosis, data they lities is simply arrhea, nausea, vomiting), achiness, loss ofof appetite, maladministration, hemolytic anemia, joint pain, leukotic meningitis,arthritis, ataxia, Bell’s Palsy, swelling, warmth, and nodule formaot been approved despite obvious evidence theirReactions dangers or inefthyroiditis), abdominal using to make their claims. You will be amazed topenic purpura, Kawasaki disease, Vaccine n, elevation of liver enVaccine manufacturers will cite many possible ad loss of appetite, maladministration, arrhea, nausea, vomiting), achiness, cytosis, malaise, myalgia, nausea, swelling, swelling, warmth, and and nodule nodule formaformato discover that thewarmth, evidence often contradicts agitation, alopecia, anaphylaxis, anrecurrent intussusception (including using to make claims. You will be amazed cytosis, malaise, myalgia, nausea, evaluated. We must wonder cellulitis, cerebrovascular accident, tion, pain, tenderness, redness, swellpain, bronchospasm, blood clots, loss of appetite, maladministration, (continued) d ptosis (drooping eye-their fectiveness. Th e above examples are illustrative of virtually st wonder to discover that the evidence often contradicts recurrent intussusception (including agitation, alopecia, anaphylaxis, anneck pain,death), paresthesia, pharyngitis, tions, and then write, “however, no causal relation tion, tion, pain, pain, tenderness, tenderness, redness, redness, swellswellorexia, angioedema, arthritis, Bell’s vomiting neck pain, paresthesia, pharyngitis, their conclusions. While a parent’s goal is tohave brain inflammation, disdizziness, encephalitis, celiac erythema toparalysis, discover that the evidence often contradicts ing atorexia, injection site), abdominal pain intussusception (including erve fatigue, why health authorities death), vomiting angioedema, arthritis, Bell’s every vaccine on the radiculoneuropathy, rash, serum sicktheir conclusions. While a parent’s is to market. recurrent ities have MD, Patent-holder ing ing at atPalsy, injection injection site), site), abdominal abdominal pain pain bronchial spasm, chills, conMeningococcal established.” Thfacial is chills, is edema, a strange statement, as there radiculoneuropathy, rash, goal serum sickease, cellulitis, cough, death, death), vomiting multiforme, Guillainain-Barré Syndrome, protect their children, the pharmaceutical (including cramps, constipation, ditheir conclusions. While a parent’s goal is to Palsy,not bronchial spasm, chills, con- to conducted any studies ness, swelling of injected limb, swolstipation, cough, diarrhea, dyspepapnea, (jointethically pain), bal(including (including cramps, cramps, constipation, constipation, didiprotect children, the pharmaceutical erck rotavirus vac(continued on page 8) studies totheir ness, swelling of injected limb, swoldeep to venous thrombosis, diabetes establish a strong causal relationship In response to the question of how thearthralgia CDC could earing impairment, hyBarré Syndrome, Henoch-Schönlein arrhea, nausea, vomiting), achiness, stipation, cough, diarrhea, dyspepindustry may have other goals.… (continued on pagein8)pro- evidence protect their children, the pharmaceutical len lymph nodes, thrombocytopenia, sia, dyspnea, dysuria, ecchymoses, ance disorder, bone pain, change determine the safety of their arrhea, arrhea, nausea, nausea, vomiting), vomiting), achiness, achiness, mellitus insulin-dependent, diarrotavirus vaccine, len lymph nodes, thrombocytopenia, industry may have other goals.… y, irritability, malaise, (continued on page 8)the ety of their agitation, vaccines and associated reactions. Vaccines are f Purpura, herpes zoster, impetigo, sia, dyspnea, dysuria, ecchymoses, mote vaccines whose safety has not been proven, they give alopecia, anaphylaxis, an7 upper respiratory infection, urticaria, edema, elevation of liver urticaria, enzymes, eating habits, chills, diarrhea, dizziindustry have other goals.… rhea, dizziness, disabling fatigue, agitation, agitation, alopecia, alopecia, anaphylaxis, anaphylaxis, ananupper respiratory infection, ausea, oropharyngeal current practices. was taken off may U.S. edema, elevation of liver enzymes, necrotizing retinitis, non-febrile orexia, angioedema, arthritis, Bell’s that “withholding approved despite obvious evidence of their dang outrageous response new vaccines from children encephalitis, erythema multiforme, vomiting, weakness/fatigue ness, ear pain, elevation of liver enerythema nodosum (infl ammatory orexia, angioedema, angioedema, arthritis, arthritis, Bell’s Bell’s vomiting,erythema weakness/fatigue tant crying, rash,orexia, encephalitis, multiforme, 99 after causing asei- erythema seizures, paresthesia, peripheral Palsy, bronchial spasm, chills, connodosum, eczema, fatigue/ eyelid ptosis (drooping eyefectiveness. e above examples who would benefi tconfrom them whilezymes, long-term studies were being condition),Th facial paralysis, fever, are illustrative o Before believing the concluexfoliation, sleepiness, Palsy, Palsy,erythema bronchial bronchial spasm, spasm, chills, chills, connodosum, eczema, he concluRotavirus mber of deaths.) edema, pneumonia/pneumonitis, weakness, febrile seizure, flfatigue/ ushing, (10) stipation, cough, diarrhea, dyspeplid), facial nerve paralysis, fatigue, Rotavirus Guillain-Barré Syndrome, headevery vaccine on the market. done would be unethical.” If studies would prove that these vactigo, vestibular disorstipation, stipation, cough, cough, diarrhea, diarrhea, dyspepdyspepsions drawn by the vaccine weakness, febrile seizure, fl ushing, cough/runny nose, diarrhea, fever, Syndrome, headache, eer,vaccine fever, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, thromsia, Guillain-Barré dyspnea, dysuria, ecchymoses, cough/runny nose, diarrhea, fever, Common Adverse ache, heart problems, hyperthyroidvomiting Guillain-Barré Syndrome, headache, cines are dangerous, wouldn’t it headache, be morehearing unethical to administer sia, sia, herpes dyspnea, dyspnea, dysuria, dysuria, ecchymoses, ecchymoses, fussiness/irritability, gastroenteritis, manufacturers, take a look zoster, high fever, hypesthesia, In response to the question of how the CDC could e impairment, hyedema, elevation of liver enzymes, bocytopenia, transverse myelitis, fussiness/irritability, gastroenteritis, ism, hypothyroidism, infl ammatory Vaccine Reactions ke a look herpes zoster, high fever, hypesthesia, edema, edema, elevation elevation of of Not liver liver only enzymes, enzymes, hematochezia, idiopathic thrombocythem? are vaccines notpersensitivity, withheld, but they are actually mote vaccines infl uenza, insomnia/disturbed sleep, MMR irritability, malaise, bowel disease, insomnia, joint pain,not been proven, th (continued) hematochezia, idiopathic thrombocyat the scientifi c data they are whose safety has encephalitis, erythema multiforme, varicella (vaccine strain) influenza,erythema insomnia/disturbed sleep, ta they are burning/ encephalitis, encephalitis, erythema multiforme, multiforme, topenic purpura, disease, n (blistering, myalgia, nausea,Kawasaki oropharyngeal forced upon us via government mandate.... lupus, multiple sclerosis, malaise, topenic purpura, Kawasaki disease, erythema nodosum, eczema, fatigue/ irritability, joint (continued disorders, lightheadoutrageous response that “withholding new vaccines using to make their claims. You will be amazed on page 7) Informed Consent loss ofpersistant appetite, crying, maladministration, erythema nodosum,(continued eczema, eczema, fatigue/ fatigue/ be amazed rdening, itchiness,erythema red- loss ofnodosum, pain, rash, seie 11 of 13 (Gardasil) motor HPV neuron disease, myalgia on page 7) Informed Consent edness, appetite, lupus, meningitis, weakness, febrile seizure, flcontradicts ushing, who would benefi tand from them while long-term studies w Oncemalaise, amaladministration, vaccine is publicly administered, high levels of adto discover that the evidence often g, tenderness of injecrecurrent intussusception (including zure, skin exfoliation, sleepiness, weakness, weakness, febrile febrile seizure, seizure, fl fl ushing, ushing, local reactions (pain, redness, swell(muscle pain weakness), myoontradicts recurrent multiple intussusception (including ne, 13 deaths in migraine, sclerosis, myalgia, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, headache, (10) anaphylaxis, arthritis, unethical.” studies would prove th syncope, vertigo, vestibular owing:their enteritis, conclusions. death), vomiting verse events accumulate. Nonetheless, it is rare for adisorvaccine done would Guillain-Barré Guillain-Barré Syndrome, Syndrome, headache, headache, carditis (infl ammation theIfheart), While a fever, parent’s goal is to ing at be injection site),of acute dismyelitis, nausea, neck stiff ness, pain death), vomiting oal is(lack to of these events herpes zoster, high hypesthesia, axia of muscle coder, vomiting nausea, nephritis (kidney disease), cines are dangerous, wouldn’t it be more unethical herpes herpes zoster, zoster,to high high fever, fever, hypesthesia, hypesthesia, dy wasprotect 0.4/1,000 be removed from circulation no matter how much damage seminated encephalomyelitis, alo(including back, neck, shoulder), optheir children, the pharmaceutical influenza, insomnia/disturbed sleep, and themay reported hich affect speech, utical optic oropharyngeal pain,withheld, but they (continued on departpage 8) infl influenza, uenza, insomnia/disturbed insomnia/disturbed sleep, sleep, tic neuritis conjunctivitis, them?pecia, Notneuritis, only are vaccines not anaphylactic/anaphylactoid pected to follow it (including isgoals.… causing. likely reason for this is MMR the health (continued onOne page 8) industry may have other nts, ability to swallow, pancreatitis, paralysis, pigmentavisual disturbances, and uveitis) pal19elicit public local reactionmay (blistering, burning/ (continued on pagewithdrawing 7) forcedtion upon us via government mandate.... ment’s fear that a vaccine king up objects), atypidisorder, pulmonary embolus, (continued (continued on onpage page 7) 7) pitation, paresthesia, peripheral neustinging, hardening, itchiness, reds. Sterile abscess bronchial spasm, cough, concerncrying, about vaccine safety and possibly cause large-scale proteinuria, psoriasis, Raynaud’s ropathy, persistant petechiae, Once a vaccine is publicly administered, high lev ness, swelling, tenderness of injechock)(type has been tes 1), diarrhea, rheumatoid arthritis, vaccine Despite cleartion evidence that vaccines cause verse phenomenon, pharyngitis, pruritus,rejection. radiculopathy, site), anaphylaxis, arthritis, events accumulate. Nonetheless, it is rare f arer aninfection, scleroderma/morphea, seizures, injection), ear nerve seizure, sleepiness, Stevens-Johnson harm in at least hundreds of thousands of people yearly, the joint pain, ataxia (lack of muscle coto be removed from circulation cephalitis, eye retinitis, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, stroke, no matter how m Syndrome,CDC sweating, lymph g tetanus toxoid which may affect speech, has swollen decided that they are ordination nonetheless worthwhile. ulsions, fever, Guillainsudden collapse with unconsciousit is causing. One likely reason for this is the hea nodes, syncope, tachycardia, tinnitus, eye movements, ability to swallow,
No Cau
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Vaccine Reactions
3 3
37 37
37 37
Package Inserts Package Package Inserts Package Inserts Inserts
2 2
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15 15 15
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Revealing Revealing Studies Studies
Revealing Revealing Studies Studies
The Jam-Packed Schedule 14
No Causal Relationship? 15
No Causal Relationship?
Informed Informed Informed Consent Consent Consent
בס"ד ה' מר חשון תשע"ה To the Board Members of the Bais Yaakov Of Baltimore It would be inordinate for me to reiterate the דעת תורהspelled forth in the letter signed by HaRav Shmuel Kamentzky, HaRav Malkiel Kotler. HaRav Elyah Ber Wachtfogel, HaRav Shmuel Meir Katz, HaRav Binyamin Zev Halpern, and HaRav Eliezer Dunner Shlita, Rather, I will elaborate on one point and clarify it further: The argument in favor of enforcing vaccination on all pupils is to guarantee the safety of all students. In reality, the medical establishment concedes that, unless there is an outbreak of a 'preventable' disease in town, the risk posed by the unvaccinated children is negligible. As a result, the Gedolim have ruled that, within the limits of the law, schools are not responsible for ensuring that all pupils are vaccinated. To further clarify this, should some children in a school get mumps, measles, etc, even if it would be traced back to an unvaccinated child, the school principal and members of the board would not be held accountable by Hashem. However, should a school obligate parents to vaccinate their children in order to accept them, the school principal and board members would be held accountable for anything that may result from such vaccination, whether as 'benign' as an allergy or as severe as a cardiac arrest. This is what happened in Cleveland this past summer. Basya Rivka Berkovich, a healthy 12-year old girl, received the DPT and Pneumococcal vaccine on July 28th, 2014. Within three hours she developed fever, and her condition deteriorated from day to day. Her organs started failing and she was hospitalized, but was נפטרthree weeks later. If vaccination was forced upon her by the school's board members, they will be accountable in בית דין של מעלהfor רציחה, no less. Unfortunately, reactions to vaccines do happen, some are hidden, some are benign, and some are more severe. And although the medical establishment claims that only a few adverse effects have been proven to be related to vaccines, Hashem who knows the reality will hold the responsible parties accountable even for what is yet unrecognized by science ( ואבן שלמה פ"ד אות ז,:)יעויין בביאורי אגדות להגר"א ב"ק ט. Although many people do not view the moral responsibilities of a school this way, we know that ( דעת בעלי בתים היפך מדעת תורה (סמ"ע חו"מ סי' ד' סק"יג בשם מהר"י ווייל.Vaccines are not 100% effective, which is why vaccinated children sometimes contract those diseases and can carry their germs. In other words, vaccines are only a form of השתדלות. Ultimately, it is Hashem's protection that guarantees the safety and health of our children. It is only by acting according to His will - not the medical doctors - that a school and its students can be worthy of his protection.
בס"ד . ר"ח אלול תשע"ה,יום א' לסדר ושמרת לעשות ככל אשר יודיך לכבוד המנהלים החשובים .של החדרים ובתי יעקב שבעיר התורה לדליקוואוד יצ"ו
In light of the recent attempt by some individuals that children who have not received the standard vaccines should not be accepted into school, we would like to state the following: • As שומרי תורה ומצוות, Menahalim must keep in mind that denying a child acceptance to school and forcing parents to vaccinate their children against their will are decisions involving serious Halachic שאלות. • Vaccination practices involve risks recognized by the medical establishment. In fact, In February 2011 the Supreme Court stated that vaccines are "unavoidably unsafe". Consequently,halachically no one has the right to force someone to vaccinate his children against his will. • Setting school policy on this matter understandably necessitates medical knowledge of the מציאותand the risks involved. However it also requires much דעת תורהregarding ' וכו, השתדלות,חיוב בטחון חיוב מצות ונשמרתם מאד לנפשותיכםall topics for which doctors are not qualified to rule upon. Recently, in a letter adressed to Hagaon Rav Chaim Kanievsky, Dr Shanik explained the reasons a school should not accept non-vaccinated children. Yet, after weighing all considerations, Rav Chaim Shlita paskened explicitly that schools cannot refuse such children. This psak has been endorsed by many Gedolim and Poskim (see enclosed letters): As שומרי תורה ומצוותwho rule our lives according to דעת תורהit would be nothing short of בזיון התורהand ' חילול הif the frum schools of Lakewood would disregard this psak. May the זכותof conducting ourselves according to דעת תורהbe a true protection for our children and bring lasting health to all the members of our community.
בס"ד כ"ט תשרי תשע"ה To whom it may concern, The Torah commands, טו ונשמרתם מאד לנפשותיכם,דברים ד. This Biblical commadment requires one to be very vigilant in caring for one's life, and refrain from any action that may put his life or health in danger. The benefits and risks of vaccination is a much debated topic in medical and scientific circles. Although one may follow the opinion of most doctors and choose to vaccinate his children, the individual who has done his research has the obligation to act according to his knowledge. If his research has led him to understand that the risks of vaccination are greater than its benefits, and particulary when his view is supported by many medical doctors and researchers, the commandment of ונשמרתם מאד לנפשותיכם obligates him to shield his children from vaccines. This is even more so when a parent has reasons to believe that his chldren are sensitive to vaccines. To act otherwise would be a transgression of the above Biblical commandment. Schools must honor the request for religious exemption from such parents, for it is entirely justified. Coercing parents to vaccinate against their will under the claim of protecting the public is a display of lack of בטחון, for the risk that the unvaccinated children are posing to the public is statistically so small that it is not the duty of a ' מאמין בהto worry about it (see the letter of Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita.) The medical establishment, too, is of the opinion that this risk is insignificant. This is the reason why schools are obligated by law to accept religious exemptions as long as there is no outbreak of preventable disease.. Additionally, anyone coercing someone to vaccinate against his better judgement becomes responsible before Hashem for any adverse reaction - big or small - that could result from it, ח"ו.
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און מאציע דאס פאר נוגע .ע אינ רה ב ינד רק ו ג וויכטי דעת ת אייע ע !קלאר ונט פון נט מיט ייט געז לייע אמק רקז פמע אוי
Interview with pediatrician, Lawrence Palevsky, M.D. including what he learned in medical school about vaccines
The truth about “Shaken Baby Syndrome” with SIDS researcher, Dr. Viera Scheibner
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny debates with Health Department representative, Dr. Tom Betz about vaccine mandates
Dr. Boyd Haley, Biochemist explains the science behind mercury in vaccines
Has autism been around forever? With Dan Olmsted, author of “The Age of Autism”
Nephrologist, Suzanne Humphries, M.D. tells the real history of polio
Confessions of a Pharmaceutical Rep
Family doctor, Sam Eggertsen, M.D. 34 More Testimonials explains why parents refuse to vaccinate
A lie can travel halfway across the world while the truth is tying its shoes.
The Truth About Vaccines Series with Ty Bollinger
—Chinese Proverb This handbook is dedicated
לעלוי נשמת מרים בת יונה יששכר דוב ho passed away from SIDS three days aſter her DTaP vaccine.
Are Vaccines Making Our Kids Healthier Or Sicker?
prevention of, chas v’sholom, similar incidents to other children be a z’chus for her neshama.
More Testimonials As Told To The Peach Support Network y husband is a nursery
The mother said, “Yes, just three days
and now she’s a bit concerned about