There is a lot of work and resources and policies and legislation around wildfire suppression, and suppression is very valid and important, and mitigation has been sort of the lost little cousin.

Get used to networking Here’s where all reading. There take you out of to connect with Program certainly signature Pitch-Off you’re in your building a network. at SFU and a network — it does take networking, but
Do at least one This might possibly Co-op is so worth learn so much you — you can and build connections! be rough, but companies? Even companies you’d
Utilize Beedie I felt burnt-out especially in my support available your personal
Many Beedie resources available. form of career networking opportunities, headshot. It doesn’t through the Beedie website to learn

all the introverts will likely stop will be tons of events that will of your comfort zone and push you with people. The BASS Mentorship certainly did that for me — especially the Pitch-Off event. You shouldn’t wait until final year looking for a job to start network. Build a community of friends network of industry professionals a long time to master the art of but you should get started early!
one co-op work term possibly be the most obvious tip here. worth it. You have the possibility to more than what your profs teach can figure out what piques your interest connections! Your first seeking period will it gets better as you go! Got dream
Even if you don’t, start researching top you’d like to work at.
Beedie resources

burnt-out quite often throughout university, my final year, but there’s always available for your academic success, and and professional development.
students don’t tap into the plentiful available. There are resources in the career guidance, programs, workshops, opportunities, and even a free LinkedIn doesn’t take much time to browse Beedie community and our faculty learn about all the resources available!

Gorgeous girl at dining commons
It was 5:36 p.m. I was in line to grab ice cream from the soft serve machine when I saw you and your friends eating dinner. I was absolutely smitten — I couldn’t focus on finishing my meal after seeing you. You were eating spaghetti in a way that made my heart sing. It was love at first sight. When you finished your meal, you and your friends headed back over to UniverCity, where I saw you get into a dark-green 2008 Honda Civic. I dreamed about the fuel efficient adventures we’d have, with my matching dark red Toyota Camry. We’d be like Mario and Luigi. Please call me at [redacted number]!!!
– person running after your car a couple of nights ago

Beedie kid on the same flight from NYC
You were wearing an SFU Beedie hoodie, which immediately caught my eye since I’m in Beedie too. We ended up sitting together on the flight back from New York, and you told me about that internship you were setting yourself up for in finance. We talked all about the stock market on the way back, and you mentioned that your parents have a share in Disney — and I told you that mine do, too! If you’re reading this, I’m still so down to have another coffee chat with you ;).
– Beedie marketing girlGraduate student with fashion sense
I was walking past the AQ, fed up with all the commencement buzz, when . . . I saw you. You were wearing a cap and gown (obviously, a graduate), but what stood out most to me was your stunning pink shoes and matching pink pants. Barbie alert!!! Anyways, you blew me away with your pink-on-pink (icon), so if anyone has any idea who this stranger may be, PLEASE inform me ASAP <3.
– your Ken
Tall athlete at the gym
You saw me using the bench press and offered to spot me, even though I was with three of my friends. You had a red SFU athletics water bottle, matching backpack, and tracksuit. You said you play football, but every time I check the roster, nothing shows up — and I don’t know why :(. Regardless, I would like to add you to my roster and you could feed me pasta and lobster. Someone help me find this man, please!!!!!!!
– your gym girlie
Attractive bus-runner
I was taking the 143 up to the Burnaby campus when I saw you trying to push through the crowd of people. You kept screaming that you had class in five minutes, but no one heard you. I admired your determination so much and felt your pain when the doors shut right in your face. If you’re down to get to Burquitlam station a little earlier next week, maybe we can sit on the bus together.
– girl with the claw clip
Becky,if you’re reading this,we were in PHIL 240 together in1980.I know you had a boyfriend back then,but I’ve loved you ever since.Please break up with him.
– your old study buddy <3
Handsome Scottish stranger with a dapper moustache
I swear, I’ve never seen someone as attractive as you. I didn’t catch your face, but I noticed that dapper brown moustache of yours. You were wearing a patterned kilt, a matching hat, and a black vest. You were running across Burnaby Mountain, almost as if someone was trying to catch you, so I didn’t ask for your name . . . Then, you disappeared deep into the campus fogg. I hope I get to meet you again someday. – a secret admirer
1) Beyoncé, who?
Just as Beyoncé has Sasha Fierce, you, too, should create an alter ego. Playing pretend lets you embody all the traits you wish you had, eventually allowing you to become the person you have always wanted to be. Beyoncé better watch out!
2) Did you eat dairy?
Feeling like everyone is watching you? I got a life hack; imagine everyone around you on the toilet having explosive diarrhea. People no longer seem as intimidating when there is an explosion in the toilet under them now, do they? Thought so. You are very welcome.
3) Sorry, no golden buzzer.
If you just embarrassed yourself outside, don’t worry about it. You fell in front of one neighbour and two indoor cats staring out the window. You could’ve made a mistake on stage in front of celebrity judges that would end up getting millions of views online. That trip of yours doesn’t seem as bad now, does it?
4) Avoid high schools
The last thing you want to do is pass a high school. All those judgy teenagers? It’s a no from me. Save yourself the trouble and avoid them at all costs!! Even better, avoid public transit from 3:00–4:00 p.m. just to be safe. That’s what I call smart thinking.
5) Aritzia = worst nightmare
Does this even need an explanation? You don’t need a group of girls with slicked-back hair bombarding you 24/7 while they publicly judge you. I get enough of that from my Asian aunties at every family dinner. Thank you, NEXT.
6) Dress like an international student
Have you ever seen an international student not decked out from head to toe? Me neither. Dressing to impress can boost your self-confidence and attract compliments. Now, this doesn’t mean you must have complete designer outfits. This simply means washing your oily hair and putting on clothes that aren’t the grey sweatpants you’ve been wearing for seven days straight.
7) Always remember the wise words of Little Mix
“Fan of myself, I’m stannin’ myself / I love me so much.” Sometimes you need to be your own cheerleader. Be as obsessed with yourself as 12-year-old you was with Justin Bieber and his hair swoosh.
8) Headphones, please
Pull out the old headphones you’ve been using for the past three years and blast some music. People will be so distracted by how crusty your headphones have become that they won’t even notice you!
9) I need a Big Mac
I have a solution if you don’t know where to eat alone: MCDONALD’S. Solo friendly, and you won’t even need to talk to anyone if you use the kiosk (while you’re there, get me a large fries, please ;]).
10) Where’s my bed?
Lastly, but certainly not least (and my personal favourite), staying home! Avoid being perceived and save your money #doublekill. The only downside is that you might need to deal with your judgy mom. Still, better her than strangers wearing Artizia sweatsuits and Lululemon crossbody bags, right?
DIY beach at home

Summer bonfires at the beach look very cute, but one thing people forget to point out is how windy and cold it gets after the sun has set. Fear not; this is your reminder that if you plan on going to the beach, bring a sherpa jacket! This is with the ultimate goal of never forgetting that magical evening by trying to get rid of all the sand stuck to it.
Permanent vacation

The feeling of the airport on your way home after a vacation is bittersweet. You long to do laundry, see your pets, and sleep in your bed, but what if you could make it so that you had the ability to stay in vacation mode for a bit longer? Your answer: harnesses designed to be difficult to take off and thighhigh Converse boots (zipper not included), to make the final moments of your vacation extra sweet while in the security line.

One with nature
Did you know one can acquire the secret power of wall climbing and super speed during rain? Well, the only way this works is by doing the super secret frog dance and including as many frog-themed items in your hiking outfit as possible. Take advantage of your new superhuman abilities by grabbing your Crocs, putting them in sport mode, and fully embracing your inner frog in your next adventure.