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Vol 8-Issue 240 Date: Sun 30 November 2008

Sunday Breakthrough Service – 10.30 a.m.

Today 7 Dec

Ps Alicia Teo Rev. Ian Peters

-Raising a Mighty Army -A God who finds Life to the Dead

Tuesday Breakthrough Fellowship – 7.45 p.m.

2 Dec 9 Dec

Rev. Ian Peters Ps. Alicia Teo

-Finding abundance in Hard Times -Take if by Force

Wednesday Prophetic Intercession – 7.30 p.m.

3 Dec 10 Dec

Rev. Ian Peters Ps. Alicia Teo

-Repentance -Operating from the Heavenlies

Friday Bible Study – 7.45 p.m.

Ps. Noah will continue his series on I Corinthians

Church Vision : “ Moving People onto God’s Agenda ” Church Mission :     

Aligning people to God’s Agenda Equipping leaders for ministry. Mobilizing marketplace missionaries to know God in a deeper way. Discipling new believers Reaching all nations with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

CITY OF TRUTH CHURCH 114 Lavender Street, #05-01, Hock Seng Building Singapore 338729 Tel : 6341 5587 Fax: 6341 5586. Email: cityoftruth2005@yahoo.co.uk Url: www.cityoftruth.org

Be fruitful & multiply (Ge 1.28)

Bible verse for the month of December 2008 “And in every work that he began in the service of the house of God, and in the law, and in the commandments, to seek his God, he did it with all his heart, and prospered..” (2 Chr 31:21)

CITY OF TRUTH CHURCH ( a member of the OMEGA Team , USA )

OUR LEADERSHIP Senior Pastor Ps Alicia Teo Church Board Rev. Ian Peters Bro. Darien Choo Pastoral Board Bro Joseph Chiok (Prayer) Sis Elizabeth Chin (Church Administrator)

Sis Jasmine Yong (Secretary) Sis Jen Khoo (Treasurer) Editor Bro Jedaiah R. Choy Christian Education Ps Alicia Teo

“Never be lacking in zeal but keep your spiritual fervour, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. (Ro 12:11-12)

Beloved, It has been an awesome time with the Lord in Penang with many men and ladies being set free from emotional bondage. Many affirmed the accuracy of the prophetic word and I give God all the glory. The spiritual rain came down on the first night and WOW it was very heavy and then it abruptly stopped. The second night in another church God sends the fire. The third night He sends the spiritual hurricane which caught people off guard and many fell off their chairs. There was such an outpouring of the Holy Spirit that the place becomes messy and all chairs have to be removed prior to the message. On the final day of our departure at the FGA church I released the word ‘spiritual barrenness” and many responded to altar call to catch God’s fire and a touch from Him. Again prophetic words were affirmed with accuracy. Praise God! Look out for our new magazine which will be released on 4th Dec 2008 at our celebration of praise for God’s faithfulness for the past five years. Life is full of uncertainties packed with hurts, pain and anguish Over the years, I have come to recognize that God always gives back something better when He takes things away from us. This is why when people abandon my ministry, I try not to be hurting because I know God has something better in store for me. He will always turn our suffering into a blessing as long as we cling onto Him and impart His love to others. We need to be brave enough and determined enough to wait, because it often takes God time to turn a painful situation to good. It means we can embrace our pain and not resent it because a blessing is coming!

Nothing matters except the love of our heavenly Father when you are hurting. This should be our attitude. It was love that broke through the various healing sessions I had with my mentees. It is at revival that one learns the lessons of love. If we are to carry revival, love must be in our hearts. Over the 5 years of building City of Truth I have been hurt badly by many members of the Church, some of whom have left me, others still stand with me to carry out the vision God has given to me. It is at these painful moments that I found love in God and He taught me how to walk in love. He told me that He would not allow me to carry that dimension of His Spirit until love was the way of my life. He also wants leaders to walk in humility and grace carrying the weakness of others as Jesus Himself would do. Suffering-love must mark their ways toward other leaders and toward God’s children, patiently bearing the offense of others for Christ’s sake. He also told me that He would require all of His key leaders to live in love if they would carry the higher levels of revivals. God saw the heart of love I have given to people and I broke through revival at Penang. True humility does not consider self at all. It is easily entreated, easily forgives even without an apology. We are to care only for Christ’s glory and nothing else. This virtue is something that Christ has to produce in us. Although we must live to seek the lower places of humility He alone can produce this grace by the workings of His life in us. It is He who expunges the soul of pride and its unseemly elements to saturate us with His own lovely humility. Pride and seeking the praise of man is a horrible and destructive force to revival. It will eventually kill revival. How can we recognize pride? Can you receive correction without getting hurt, defensive or angry? Do you get jealous when the Lord uses another? Do you feel superior to others?

Do you need to justify yourself when you do wrong or are you easily entreated and correctable? Are you touchy, resentful or self seeking? Believe me I have travelled through refining in so many of these areas and have need for more which some of you probably know better than I can tell you. I know it is not easy to look at some of these issues but as the Lord begins to move in greater levels of glory we will all be glad to know that the Lord has refined us. Finally God cannot tolerate sexual sins – spiritual adultery or physical. If we cannot let go and let God and stand firm, we will eventually lose the anointing upon our lives. So be strong and steadfast and suddenly God will come in His mighty power to touch you just as He came down to touch many souls in Penang. Be blessed!

Rev Ian Peters will be ministering next week. Please invite all your friends: Tue: Finding abundance in Hard Times Wed: Repentance Thu (Anniversary): Harvest Sun: A God who gives Life to the Dead 25th December combined service – English, Indian and Indonesian – 10.30 a.m. This is an opportunity for us to see souls saved. So let us invite all our unsaved friends. After the lunch there will be a Christmas party. Please bring along presents worth at least $5.00 as gift exchange. There will be games and fun.

Ps Alicia Teo Sr Pastor ALL ARE WELCOME. (Please invite your unsaved friends.)


Vol 8-Issue 239 Date: Sun 23 November 2008

Sunday Breakthrough Service – 10.30 a.m.

Today 30 Nov

Ps Alicia Teo Ps Alicia Teo

Tuesday Breakthrough Fellowship – 7.45 p.m.

25 Nov 2 Dec

Business Clinic - Bro. David Skews Rev. Ian Peters

Wednesday Prophetic Intercession – 7.30 p.m.

26 Nov 3 Dec

Ps Alicia Teo Rev. Ian Peters

-Insights Into war in Heaven

Ps. Noah

I Corinthians

Church Vision : “ Moving People onto God’s Agenda ” Church Mission :     

Aligning people to God’s Agenda Equipping leaders for ministry. Mobilizing marketplace missionaries to know God in a deeper way. Discipling new believers Reaching all nations with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

CITY OF TRUTH CHURCH 114 Lavender Street, #05-01, Hock Seng Building Singapore 338729 Tel : 6341 5587 Fax: 6341 5586. Email: cityoftruth2005@yahoo.co.uk Url: www.cityoftruth.org

Be fruitful & multiply (Ge 1.28)

CITY OF TRUTH CHURCH ( a member of the OMEGA Team , USA )

Friday Bible Study – 7.45 p.m.

28 Nov

“Be therefore perfect even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” (Mt 5:48)

Bible verse for the month of November 2008 “… to restore the tribes of Jacob and bring back those of Israel I have kept. I will also make you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring my salvation to the ends of the earth.” (Isa 49:6)

OUR LEADERSHIP Senior Pastor Ps Alicia Teo Church Board Rev. Ian Peters Bro. Darien Choo Pastoral Board Bro Joseph Chiok (Prayer) Sis Elizabeth Chin (Church Administrator)

Sis Jasmine Yong (Secretary) Sis Jen Khoo (Treasurer) Editor Bro Jedaiah R. Choy Christian Education Ps Alicia Teo

Beloved, I am writing this bulletin from the hotel in Penang. It has been an awe-inspiring evening with the business fellowship and the home group. The fire of God was so strong that the Holy Spirit starts pouring the latter rain and the former rain together. Indeed the latter glory is better than the former glory. As I open up with the word of prayer, it seems that heavens were pouring out torrential rains that were so heavy that it could never end and the whole outpouring takes almost an hour before the spiritual rain stops. I give God all the glory and thank you for your prayers. The pastors and the leaders who were hurting were set free. Tonight I will minister to combined cell groups in another church. Words of yesterday’s outpouring spread like wild fire and many are coming for the Saturday ladies fellowship and tonight’s meeting as well as Saturday night’s prophetic intercession meeting. To God be the glory! I thank all of you prophetic intercessors for your prayer. We will be having a couple from Penang who will be joining us in December starting from the anniversary. Indeed the oneness in the spirit is so important. God has opened great doors for me in Penang. Next year we will do a prayer retreat and other seminars here. The

people were so hungry that they have already booked their seats for next year. Praise God! I thank God for using me to bring the Pentecostal outpouring experience. How important it is to mature in Christ! How important it is to have the oneness in the Spirit. Our mission is to preach and to warn sinners “that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus”(Col 1:28). It is important that we should allow God to use us mightily in the spirit. If we would only step back and allow God to do whatever He has to do, our walk with Him would be awesome. It was an eye opener in this trip for both Sis Jelyn and Bro Joshua as well as the members of FGA. Praise God! Church, “let us not lay up for ourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust corrupts and where thieves do not break through nor steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”(Mt 6:2021). So let our eyes be single, so that our whole body shall be full of light. (v22). It is important to “watch and pray”” (Mt 26:41). Prophetic intercession is so important to church. Do not reject it. Much as you desire to go your own way, I pray God will convict you to join us to prophetically pray for the nations, your Church, your family, your ministry and your business. Prayer changes things; prayer brings forth miracles. God is merciful. Much as we wanted to return to Penang on Saturday we were unable to do so as I have to minister to pastors and leaders in FGA Church

especially to the Senior Pastor. It was indeed a good opportunity for me as we wish to be connected with him in organizing future camps. Indeed God has caused the travel agents to make a mistake on our tickets for a plan and a purpose. Please pray for us so that they can be set free. I will minister to the leadership of the Church in the afternoon after lunch. We wish you a great service and stay blessed this week. Ps Alicia Teo Sr Pastor

Anniversary on the 4th December 2008 The Anniversary to be held on 4th December 2008 is round the corner. Please give forth your best to make sure this project is a success. We have yet to fill up the balance 10 tables. Your commitment to buy a table to fill up the seats of your family and friends is an expression of your taking responsibility of its success as member of the Church. Throughout the Bible, the poor, the orphans and widows are portrayed as holding a special place in God’s heart. Caring for the needy is an act of respect and honour for God, showing compassion to those less fortunate demonstrates a heart that is like God’s. (Prv 14:31). Jesus went one step further tell his disciples that whoever feeds others, feeds Him. When you support the anniversary, you support Him. Tuesday Business Clinic on 25th Nov 2008 – 7.45 p.m. Please invite friends. Come and be blessed.

ALL ARE WELCOME. (Please invite your unsaved friends.)


Vol 8-Issue 237 Date: Sun 9 November 2008

Sunday Breakthrough Service – 10.30 a.m.

Today 16 Nov

Ps Hendrick Ps Alicia Teo

Tuesday Breakthrough Fellowship – 7.45 p.m.

11 Nov 18 Nov

Bro. Samuel Lock Bro. Samuel Lock

Wednesday Prophetic Intercession – 7.30 p.m.

12 Nov 19 Nov

Ps Hendrick Prophet Rusty Russel

-School of Healing -God, is that You speaking?

Friday Bible Study – 7.45 p.m.

14 Nov 21 Nov

Ps. Noah Ps. Noah

Aligning people to God’s Agenda Equipping leaders for ministry. Mobilizing marketplace missionaries to know God in a deeper way. Discipling new believers Reaching all nations with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

CITY OF TRUTH CHURCH 114 Lavender Street, #05-01, Hock Seng Building Singapore 338729 Tel : 6341 5587 Fax: 6341 5586. Email: cityoftruth2005@yahoo.co.uk Url: www.cityoftruth.org

Be fruitful & multiply (Ge 1.28)

( a member of the OMEGA Team , USA )

OUR LEADERSHIP Senior Pastor Ps Alicia Teo

Church Vision : “ Moving People onto God’s Agenda ” Church Mission :     


Bible verse for the month of November 2008 “… to restore the tribes of Jacob and bring back those of Israel I have kept. I will also make you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring my salvation to the ends of the earth.” (Isa 49:6)

Church Board Rev. Ian Peters Bro. Darien Choo Pastoral Board Bro Joseph Chiok (Prayer) Sis Elizabeth Chin (Church Administrator)

Sis Jasmine Yong (Secretary) Sis Jen Khoo (Treasurer) Editor Bro Jedaiah R. Choy Christian Education Ps Alicia Teo

““…..I have heard the prayer and plea you have made before me; I have consecrated this temple which you have built by putting My Name there forever. My eyes and My heart will always be there.” (I Kings 9:3)

Beloved, Praise the Lord! A brother shared that after the previous week’s Wednesday Prophetic Intercession service, he received several inquiries, of which one has translated to sales. Last Wednesday, another brother shared that he has been offered a home in Tasmania, Australia free of charge. This has enabled him to start the work of discipleship there. Powerful testimonies indeed! We are going to believe God for the fulfillment of all the prophecies that were submitted for prayer and that the financial seeds sowed last Sunday be multiplied miraculously. Every harvest is a miracle, which can only come about with the grace and mercy of God. Most of us are just too busy and we need to slow down to listen to the Holy Spirit. As you sit down and listen, you will be able to hear the Holy Spirit asking you as to how much of your busyness was instigated by God. How much of it was the consequence of your own judgement and how much was guided by the Holy Spirit within you. The voice of God is always speaking to us and always trying to get our attention but to listen to His voice, a still small voice, we need to slow down in order to listen. Once we slow down, we will know His purpose for our life. God is constantly shaping us and leading us toward His purpose. I would advise you to come and listen to Prophet Rusty Russel’s message on 19th Nov which will improve your hearing of God’s voice. Last Wednesday I shared about the important tools of warfare: Proclamation and Praise! When you apply these two keys, no

weapon formed against you shall prosper and every tongue that speaks against you, you can condemn for this is the heritage He is giving to His servants. Vindication is the Lord’s and the battle belongs to Him. (Isa 54:17). Surely the arms of the Lord are not too short to save nor His ear too dull to hear. (Isa 59:1). These keys are the keys that unlock your doors of victory. David never failed to proclaim victory and he kept praising God. These could be the reasons why David was always victorious in battle. Above all, he always inquired from the Lord before he moves. He never acted without getting approval from the Lord. Praise and intercession sent up to Heaven produce results on earth. It goes up to the throne of God and is mixed with heavenly frankincense. It is then hurled onto the earth as mighty manifestations of spiritual power in our homes, churches, cities and nations. The more we pray, the more material we give the angel at the golden Altar to work with. This angel makes spiritual bombs and throws them back to earth. These bombs blow away the powers of darkness and release the prisoners from their bondages to sin and sickness. The more we pray, the greater is the outpouring of His spiritual power on us and our churches. When Paul was in prison, he sent praise and prayers up. The angel at the altar sent spiritual bombs down that shook the earth and set the prisoners free. (Acts 16:25, 26). The amount of worship and intercession which we send up determines the degree we receive the promised outpouring of the Holy Spirit quoted in Joel 2:28. If we want showers of blessings in our church, we must worship God in Spirit and in truth.

The volume of rain we enjoy will be proportionate to the praises and prayers we send to Heaven to be distilled back down on us as showers of blessing. It is only through the prayers of God’s people can God’s perfect will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. We play an important part in the divine cycle of prayer. It begins in Heaven but is completed on earth. Keep interceding and worshipping Him and stay blessed this week.

Ps Alicia Teo Sr Pastor

Celebrating our Fifth Anniversary The Anniversary is three weeks away and it is time that we hasten the sales of dinner tables and I appeal all members to buy one table each to fill up the seats with friends and relatives. The next anniversary celebration will be five years away. I therefore hope you will take responsibility of this Anniversary as members of God’s family in this pasture of the City of Truth Church and commit to buy a table at $500.00. WEDNESDAY 19TH NOV 2008 Prophet Rusty Russel will be ministering on our Prophetic Intercession Ministry on 19th Nov 2008. Topic: “God, is that You speaking?”. All believers need to learn to discern the voice of God so that their life’s journey will be smooth and full of abundance. Wednesday, 12th & 26th Nov 2008 These two weeks of prophetic intercession will be devoted to sharing of the School of Healing by Ps. Hendrick ALL ARE WELCOME. (Please invite your unsaved friends.)

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