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KEYS FOR OTHER BIBLE TRANSLATIONS USED: NKJV-New King James Version A M P -The Amplified Bible TANT-The Amplified New Translation T L B -The Living Bible CEV -Contemporary English Version NASB -New American Standard Bible I SV-International Standard Version NIV-New International Version M S G -The Message Translation WEB-The World English Bible TNLT-The New Living Translation ASV-American Standard Version T E V -Today's English Version RSV-Revised Standard Version 3
Introduction The Daily Devotional Rhema of Bliss, is aimed at enhancing your personal spiritual growth and development. The daily devotional message will help in your day-to-day walk with God and be conscious of His divine presence and His assurance of love and grace, always. Start every morning with your prayers, songs and words of praise for God in your lips. Experience a new beginning, a new break through, a new prayer answered and a brand new encounter with our awesome God. Be completely energized with His blessed presence and protection. Gather your family members together and have the devotional together as a family. As you read and meditate on the word of God, you will be empowered with divine wisdom and knowledge .Your faith in God’s word will deepen your complete trust in Him. God has a plan for you and which will be revealed as you continue to build up your relationship with God Almighty. HOW TO USE THIS DEVOTIONAL FOR A GLORIOUS AND WONDERFUL IMPACT Read and prayerfully meditate on the message for the day. Pray the prayer aloud. Allow God to listen to your confessions and your prayer requests. Learn to listen to God’s responses. Read the given daily scriptures and by doing so, you will be able to complete reading the whole bible within a year. The scripture reading has been set aside for reading in the morning and evening before you go to bed. YOUR REWARDS AND JOYS Through this edition of the Rhema of Bliss, you are in for an exciting life time of experiencing God’s work in your personal life, in your family, in your business, in your studies, in your career and in your country. You will enjoy and experience God’s glorious presence and blessings in your daily walk with Him. New break through, New Victories and an abundance of greater blessing will fill you, always. RHEMA OF BLISS A Daily devotional that will change your life forever and will enable you to experience God’s love and His divine blessings always.
CONTENTS Monday September 1st ……..……………...God Is God Everywhere Tuesday September 2nd……..…………………. God of the Valleys Wednesday September 3rd….…………………. Be a friend of God Thursday September 4th……………Seeking God’s Face at all time Friday September 5th……………………………...Why Jesus Came Saturday September 6th…………………….….No More Reproach Sunday September 7th…………………The Beginning of Wisdom Monday September 8th………………...Believing Your Uniqueness Tuesday September 9th……………………………...True Believers Wednesday September 10th.Seeing a Greater Purpose In Adversity Thursday September 11th……………………Resisting Temptation Friday September 12th……………………...Worship Brings Power Saturday September 13th…………...Staying Alive Your Whole Life Sunday September 14th.…………………………..A Healing Prayer Monday September 15th………………………….Facing a Decision Tuesday September 16th……………………...Changing Directions Wednesday September 17th……………..Seeing the Works of God Thursday September 18th……………………….Just Say No to Sin! Friday September 19th…………….. Complete dependence on God Saturday September 20th………………. Forget What Lies Behind Sunday September 21st………………………..Showing Jesus Love Monday September 22nd…………………….He Directs Your Steps Tuesday September 23rd ………………………..God’s Secret Place Wednesday September 24th………………………The Time to Run Thursday September 25th………………………….Call To Worship Friday September 26th……………Fearless Living in Fearful Times Saturday September 27th……………………….Chosen to Be Holy Sunday September 28th………………………….Worry in Reverse Monday September 29th……………The Definition Of Discipleship Tuesday September 30th…………………………….Running Over
MONDAY SEPTEMBER 1ST God Is God Everywhere God is the God of the hills and the valleys. Ahab, the king of Israel, learned this when he faced the Syrian army. Even though the enemy army looked to be more powerful, the Lord told Ahab through a prophet that if he would be obedient, he would win the battle on the hill. Ahab did as he was directed, and the opposing army was defeated (I Kings 20:13-21 NKJV). The prophet came to Ahab again, warning him that the Syrian army would be back in the spring. Because the Israelites lived in the valleys, the enemy's plan this time was to attack in the valley because their king had been told, "Their gods are gods of the hills. Therefore they were stronger than we; but if we fight against them in the plain [valley], surely we will be stronger than they" (v. 23). That attitude must have challenged God, for He told Ahab, "Because the Syrians have said, 'The Lord is God of the hills, but He is not God of the valleys,' therefore I will deliver all this great multitude into your hand, and you shall know that I am the Lord" (v. 28). And God gave the Israelites their second victory over the Syrians. There are times in our lives when we find ourselves facing the enemy on high hills, and we are wondrously victorious. But there are also times when we encounter the enemy in the darkest valleys, and we're tempted to be fearful. But God's Word assures us that we need not be afraid because our God is the God of the hills and the valleys. He is with us at all times and in all places to fight all life battles for us.
Father with my soul I will bless the No matter where I am, I know lord with every thought and puryou are my God, who is with me pose in life. My mind will not wan- to fight all my battles der out of the presence of God. My life shall glorify the father, for you are my great deliverer, you are the God of the valley and the God of the hills, and I will continue to worship you every day as I live in Jesus name Amen
Morning Ezekiel 22 Evening Ezekiel 23
2 Corinthians 10:3-5, Colossians 3:2
TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 2ND God of the Valleys Joseph of the Old Testament was someone who experienced many valleys in his life. He was thrown into a pit by his brothers and sold into slavery. Later Potiphar's wife tried to seduce him, and then he was thrown into prison (Genesis 37:24; 39:7-23 NKJV). But God was faithful to Joseph in his hard times. When Joseph interpreted Pharaoh's dreams, he released him and made him administrator over all of Egypt! Joseph could have gotten egotistical in his high government position, but he didn't. He knew the Lord of the valleys had turned his suffering into fruitfulness. Joseph named one of his sons Ephraim, meaning fruitful in suffering, in recognition of what God had done in his life. Later, Joseph's father, Jacob, prophesied over him, saying, "Joseph is a fruitful bough...by a well; his branches run over the wall" (Genesis 49:22). Because he let God be real in his valleys, Joseph was blessed, and his branches ran over the wall to bless others as well. God saved his family and generations later through them brought forth the Messiah, Jesus Christ. The story of Joseph can help us learn an important lesson: Life is full of ups and downs, but God can make us fruitful in our valley times. When we let God be God of the hills-the good times-and God of the valleys-the low times-not only are we blessed, but we become a fruitful bough that grows and blesses others as well.
Father I acknowledge your Bless- God is making me fruitful in my ing over my life all the time. It is valley times. you who saved, cleansed and gave me your life so that I can have your life in me. You have been my great provider in my valleys and in my hills. You have always been there to see me through thick and thin. Thank you in Jesus Name I pray. Amen
Morning Ezekiel 24 Evening Ezekiel 25 10
Ephesians 2:10, Galatians 1:4
WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 3RD Be a friend of God “Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness, and he was called God’s friend” (James 2:23). The All-Knowing, All-Powerful, Creator of the Universe wants to be your friend today. He wants to walk with you and talk with you and share life with you. That’s why He created you—first and foremost, for fellowship. It’s as simple as opening your heart of faith to Him. If you have faith in God today then, just like Abraham, you are God’s friend. And the Bible says that God is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. That means He is faithful. He will never leave you. He will never forsake you. He is with you always. He is mindful of you—that means He is always thinking of you. What an honor and privilege it is to be called God’s friend! Let that sink down into your heart today. The next time the enemy tries to tell you that you are alone in this world, or that no one else understands what you are going through, just say out loud, “I am a friend of God.” With God as your friend, He’ll walk forward with you down the path of victory He has prepared for you!
Heavenly Father, thank you for being my friend today. Thank you for loving me and for being faithful to me. Help me to understand your friendship today so that I can be a better friend to those around me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Father your friendship helps me to overcome the friendship of the world, I choose to be with you, for you are my source of life.
Morning Ezekiel 26 Evening Ezekiel 27
Ephesians 5:16, Hebrew 4:10
THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 4TH Seeking God’s Face at all time Psalm 27:8 NIV My heart says of you, "Seek His face!" Your face, LORD, I will seek "If the sun is shining in the morning, I'll do it." "If he's there when I open the door, I'll know he's the one." "If I pass the class on world missions, I'll be a missionary. If not, I'll be a local pastor." We all know better than this, but it's amazing how often scenarios just like these pop into our minds. Such propositions are referred to as "laying a fleece" before the Lord or "seeking a sign." The term fleece comes from the account of Gideon. In Judges 6, Gideon is called by God to deliver Israel from the Midianites. Gideon questions whether God is even for Israel (verse 13), and he doubts his own ability (verse 15). So he asks God for a sign (verse 17). God gives him one, and then tells him to tear down the altar of Baal. Gideon is afraid to go during the day, so he goes at night. Then he questions again whether God will deliver Israel. This time he puts a lamb's fleece on the ground. If God will deliver Israel, then the lamb's fleece will be wet in the morning and the ground around it will be dry. The next morning it is so. That ought to satisfy him, right? Wrong! Wanting to be sure, and hoping that God won't get too mad, Gideon asks Him to do it again, but this time with the opposite result (i.e., the fleece dry and the ground wet). Not exactly the stuff heroes are made of. But God answers Gideon's request and then He reduces Gideon's army down to 300 men! The whole point of the passage is that God, not man, is the deliverer. God chose a man desperately seeking assurance and reduced an 13
army down to nothing so that the victory would clearly be His. The fleece wasn't a means of demonstrating faith; it was just the opposite. And it certainly wasn't used to determine God's will. God had already told Gideon what to do. Gideon was questioning the integrity of God, just as we do if we ask for a fleece when God has already shown us His will. "An evil and adulterous generation craves for a sign" (Matthew 12:39). As God's people, let's seek the face of God at all time and not sometimes
Lord, forgive me for the times I have looked for signs instead of seeking Your face. I commit myself today to walk only in the faith revealed in Your Word.
Your word says Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith, my faith is based on my hearing your word, as I go out today, I ask that you help me to live a faith filled life in you today, believing in the words you have said concerning me will come to pass
Morning Ezekiel 28 Evening Ezekiel 29
Ephesians 1:5, Colossians 4:12
FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 5TH Why Jesus Came "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." (John 10:10) Ever since childhood, I have always had a great admiration for the historical person known as Jesus. I had seen all of His movies. I thought very highly of Him. The one thing I didn't like about the life of Jesus was how the story ended. I thought it should have been rewritten with a happier ending. The part about Him being crucified wrecked everything. He was on this great roll, healing people and teaching people. But then it all came to an end. Why did they have to put Him on a cross and kill Him? It wasn't until after I became a Christian that I realized that the crucifixion of Jesus actually was the primary reason that He came to Earth in the first place. Jesus came to die. He spoke of it frequently and in great detail. His arrest and crucifixion didn't take Him by surprise. Jesus summed it up well when He told His disciples, "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many." (Mark 10:45). You see, Jesus was born to die that we might live. Have you accepted the gift of eternal life that Jesus purchased with His death? If not, you can accept that gift today. He came to give you his life, and for you to live that life more abundantly, whatever is happening in your life today, know that Jesus came to give you abundant life.
Father I pray today for constant abundance over all that you have provided for me, living your life has been a wonderfully assurance that have gave me victory over this world, I choose to remain in you and live in your word. Thank you for Zoe (the life of God) that is in me in Jesus Name Amen.
Am a Kingdom investor because Jesus gave me his life to set me free, I invest my time, finances and resources to promote this life of abundance that he has given me.
Morning Ezekiel 30 Evening Ezekiel 31
Romans 8:28-30 John 3:16
SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 6TH No More Reproach ..."Today I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from you".... Joshua 5:9 Joshua and the people had just crossed the Jordan River. They were camped at Gilgal. But before they could proceed they were required to circumcise all the males, because a whole new generation had grown up while living in the desert. This is where Israel, like a worm in a cocoon, was transformed. Circumcision is bloody, personal, and it exposes all that you are. God was saying that before you can become His army, you must roll away the reproach of the Egyptian way of life. You are no longer a slave to the ways of Egypt. It is a time to put aside the old way of life. Many are walking around as goats in sheep's clothes, practicing a form of religion without the true source of truth and power. Sin in our midst testifies against us. It keeps us in Egypt and never allows us to enter the Promised Land. Our lives must be circumcised in order for us to come out of Egypt into our own Promised Land of spiritual blessing with God. This transformation marks the first time Israel begins to taste the fruit of the Promised Land. No more manna from Heaven. The manna stopped the day after they were circumcised. There was no longer any manna for the Israelites, but that year they ate produce from Canaan. God is turning our plowshares into weapons of love to usher in a new generation of workplace warriors. But we will not be effective if we have the reproach of sin in our lives. Ask God to show you what needs to be confessed this day so that no reproach exists. 17
The cross of Jesus takes away all reproaches and brings you into the Promised Land filled with power, might and glory.
I have the victory in the name of Jesus. Satan is under my feet. I am not moved by adverse circumstances. I have made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I dwell in the Kingdom of God in Christ Jesus. I dwell in the kingdom of God and have peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit.
Today am leaving my past behind and moving into the promises of God over my Life in Jesus name Amen.
Morning Ezekiel 32 Evening Ezekiel 33
James 1:2 John 16:23
Healing I am healthy, whole, and well through the healing life of God within. With a dedication to a life of prayer, I am nurturing my ability to see wholeness wherever I look. No matter what the appearance, whatever healing needs may exist, I know that the true reality is wholeness, because the life of God is present within every person and circumstance. Should I feel a need for greater health, however minor or significant it may seem, I keep my thoughts and expectations on the healing life of God within me. I align my body, mind, and soul with God-life, which created me and heals me at depth. Praying for others, I affirm wholeness, recognizing the life of God is generating physical renewal within everyone. My spiritual vision is steady and clear in seeing wholeness, and I know in my heart that all is well. Your eye is the lamp of your body. If your eye is healthy, your whole body is full of light.�—Luke 11:34 JESUS OF NAZARETH "We have found the one Moses wrote about . . . Jesus of Nazareth". . . ."Can anything good come from there?" John 1:45--46 From the Father's Heart My child, do those who know you best question you the most? I, too, found it difficult in my own hometown. Let your character be above reproach, but remember, too, that those closest to you see your humanness every day. Others see the outside, but I view the heart. Others observe your mistakes, but I see your potential. A Grateful Response Some called you an ordinary man, the son of a carpenter. But you fulfilled every prophecy and surpassed every expectation. I, too, have found You-Jesus of Nazareth--and nothing but good have you given me. Thank You for showing me that ordinary becomes extraordinary with your touch, Lord. Simple Truth It's what God thinks of you that matters most. 19
Psalm 16:8 I have set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. The little boy rode his bicycle like a demon. He would pedal as fast as he could and fly down the street. He still had training wheels on his bicycle, though they did little to balance it. He had long since gained his balance, but he refused to let his parents remove them. Some of his friends made fun of him, but he felt safe and secure, so long as the training wheels were firmly in place. All of us have times in our lives when we need something or someone to help us. Sometimes these things become crutches to us, but other times they give us the confidence and support we desperately need. God is the only support we truly need, and we can rest assured that He will always be close by. With God before us, we can stand up against anything. He is not a crutch. He's the source of all strength and power. Prayer: Lord, be my strength. When I need help to get through the day, be with me and help me to know that you are there. Amen.
SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 7TH The Beginning of Wisdom “The reverent fear and worship of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom’s friend” (Psalm 111:10). Do you need more wisdom in your life today? The Bible says that the reverent fear and worship of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. That word, fear, in this instance, doesn’t mean “to be afraid” it means to have honor and respect. It means that we revere Him because He is God. Wisdom begins when you honor God. When you truly respect and worship Him out of a grateful heart, then Wisdom will operate in your life. One simple definition of wisdom is applied knowledge. It doesn’t matter if you have all the knowledge, facts, and figures in the world, or if you are a high school dropout. Honoring and worshiping God is what makes you wise. Start today and begin to declare His goodness and faithfulness in your life. That’s worship. Declare who He is with a humble heart of faith. Declare that He is your Provider, you Healer, your Redeemer. When you focus on your God, instead of focusing on your problems, you are honoring Him. As you honor Him, Wisdom will flow through you and you’ll be empowered to live the life of victory He has in store for you!
Father in Heaven, I choose today to honor and respect you as my God. Thank you for filling me with your Wisdom today so that I can live in Victory the way you intend. Help me make wise choices and honor you all the days of my life. In Jesus’ Name. Amen
Your wisdom will keep, defend, and protect me; I love her and she guards my heart into all truth. Jesus has been made unto me wisdom, and in him are all the treasure of divine wisdom.
Morning Ezekiel 34 Evening Ezekiel 35
James 1:5-6 1corinthians 1:30
MONDAY SEPTEMBER 8TH Believing Your Uniqueness “The most important thing is that I complete my mission, the work that the Lord Jesus gave me – to tell people the Good News about God's grace.” (Acts 20:24 NCV) God gave you a unique role to play in his Kingdom. You’re the only person in the world who can live your particular life for the glory of God. There is no one else in the world with your unique mix of spiritual gifts, passions, abilities, personality, and experiences. God shaped you for a very specific ministry, and no one else can fulfill your mission. Paul writes: “The most important thing is that I complete my mission, the work that the Lord Jesus gave me – to tell people the Good News about God's grace” (Acts 20:24 NCV). God doesn’t want us to waste a precious minute of our lives doing things that don’t matter – if the most important thing we can do is left undone. It’s never too late to move faithfully into your mission for God. You may think you don’t have any skills God can use, but the truth is God would never send you on a mission without making sure you had everything you needed – including your unique S.H.A.P.E. He sends you with his Spirit, the Holy Spirit, inside you to guide you. Let’s not waste God’s grace – The apostle Paul writes, “But because God was so gracious, so very generous, here I am. And I'm not about to let his grace go to waste. Haven't I worked hard trying to do more than any of the others? Even then, my work didn't amount to all that much. It was God giving me the work to do, God giving me the energy to do it.” (1 Corinthians 15:10 MSG) 23
How would you live differently if you really believed God had created you for a unique mission, one that only you could accomplish?
Father thank you for saving me for your purpose that I should be a blessing to as many who comes my way. Father help me to grow in your word so that I can always be ready to fulfill the mission you chose me to do here on earth. In Jesus name Amen
I am created for a Mission, chosen for a purpose, ready to be dispersed for my mission at all time, that through me many can come into the kingdom of God.
Morning Ezekiel 36 Evening Ezekiel 37
Ephesians 5:30 Psalm 84:11
TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 9TH True Believers "Those who have been born into God's family do not sin, because God's life is in them. So they can't keep on sinning, because they have been born of God" (1 John 3:9) Of the 12 disciples, we envision Judas Iscariot as the one with shifty eyes, lurking in the shadows. While the other disciples wore white, Judas would have worn black. He was the one you would have immediately recognized as the bad guy. But I think Judas Iscariot was the very opposite: a phenomenal actor who came across as an upright man, devout in his faith. As one of the Twelve, Judas had been handpicked by the Lord Himself, but eventually betrayed Him for a few pieces of silver. Judas made the choice to do the wrong thing, even though he had been exposed to so much truth. With his own ears, Judas heard Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mount. With his own eyes, Judas saw Jesus walked on water. He saw Lazarus rose from the dead. He saw the multitudes fed with the loaves and fishes. He saw the blind received their sight. He saw it all. He heard it all. Yet he became more hardened in his unbelief. Judas could go deeper into sin because he really never knew Jesus. If you are a true Christian and you begin to compromise, you will sense the conviction of the Holy Spirit. But if you can sin without any remorse, then one must question if you really know God. The true child of God, though still a sinner, simply will not live in a pattern of sin. 25
If you find yourself, as a follower of Christ, immediately experiencing conviction when you start to sin, then rejoice. It is a reminder that you belong to the Lord.
Father Help me at all times to know when I am out of track, so that my heart will continue to fill your presence in every step I take to advance my life into your kingdom. I want to be faithful to you in all my ways, as I live every day of my life. In Jesus name Amen.
Morning Ezekiel 38 Evening Ezekiel 39 26
Today is a day of victory in my life, in my office, in my home; I live my life for the glory of God in Jesus name Amen.
Philippians 2:2, 3 Ecclesiastes 4:9, 10
WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 10TH Seeing a Greater Purpose In Adversity But Paul shouted, "Don't harm yourself! We are all here!" - Acts 16:28 Paul and Silas had just been thrown into prison. An earthquake erupted and the jail cell was opened. It's Paul and Silas' opportunity. "Deliverance! Praise God!" might be the appropriate response. But this was not what Paul and Silas did. In fact, rather than leave, they sat quietly in their cell area. The guard, in fear of his life, knew that it would be automatic death if prisoners escaped. Paul and Silas did not leave because they saw a higher purpose for which they were in prison. They were not looking at their circumstance; they were much more concerned about the unsaved guard. The story goes on to explain how Paul and Silas went home with the guard and his family. Not only did the guard get saved, but his entire household as well. What a lesson this is for us. How often we are so busy looking for deliverance from our circumstance that we miss God completely. God is looking to do miracles in our circumstances if we will only look for them. Sometimes as workplace believers we become so obsessed with our goals we miss the process that God involves us in, which may be where the miracle lies. What if that bill collector who has been hounding you is unsaved and he is there for you to speak to? What if a problem account has arisen due to something God is doing beyond what you might see at this time? Our adverse situations can often be the door of spiritual opportunity for those who need it.
I saw this personally when God allowed me to go through a number of adversities. It took some time, but I saw some great
miracles as a result of those adversities. When God said that "all things work together for good for those who are called according to His purposes" (see Rom. 8:28), He meant all things. It is up to us to find the "work together for good" part by being faithful to the process. In the next adversity you face, tune your spiritual antennae and ask God for discernment to see the real purpose for the adversity.
Thank you father for making me to see what I should do in times of adversity, for even at times like that you are using it to work miracles in my life. Everything that happens in my life today will work for my good In Jesus name Amen.
Morning:-Ezekiel 40
Evening: - Ezekiel 41, 42 28
I am well balanced in the things of the spirit that I will use every opportunity that comes my way today to glorify God even in cases of adversity I will use it to glorify him
Colossians 1:9-10, proverbs 5:17
THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 11TH Resisting Temptation When the devil comes against me with sickness, lack, fear, temptation, or just plain trouble, I don’t try to have a conversation with him about it or figure out what he’s up to. Instead, I do what Jesus did in Matthew 4:1-11 nkjv—speak the Word of God to him! The Word is powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword (Hebrews 4:12). After Jesus was baptized, the Holy Spirit led Him into the wilderness for a showdown with the devil. Jesus had fasted forty days and nights when Satan came to tempt Him, saying, “If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.” Jesus answered him, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’” Then Satan took Jesus up to the top of the highest tower of the temple and said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down. For it is written: ‘He shall give his angels charge over you,’ and, ‘In their hands they shall bear you up.’” Once more Jesus answered him, “It is written again, ‘You shall not tempt the Lord your God.’” Next, Satan took Jesus to a high mountain and showed Him the kingdoms of this world. He told Him, “All these things I will give you if You will fall down and worship me.” But Jesus declared, “It is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only shall you serve.’” Finally the devil got so tired of hearing Jesus quote the Word that he left Him alone! Jesus didn’t try to match wits with the devil. Each time Satan tried to tempt Him, He said, “It is written.” He used the Word of God 29
and defeated the devil every time! By His example, Jesus showed us how to resist temptation. You are a winner, you are going to win over the temptation 1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.
Father thank you for given me the I rely on you dear God for it ability to overcome at all time, My gives me power to resist tempsavoir Jesus Christ was able to tation. overcome the world, so I have that same ability to over any temptation that comes on my way in Jesus name Amen.
Morning Ezekiel 43 Evening Ezekiel 44, 45 30
1 Corinthians 10:10-14, 1John 5:4-5
FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 12TH Worship Brings Power “But now bring me a minstrel. And while the minstrel played, the hand and power of the Lord came upon Elisha” (2 Kings 3:15). The Bible says that God inhabits the praises of His people. When you worship the Lord, His presence will manifest wherever you are. It doesn’t matter if you are at home, in the MRT, in the bus, or in your car or at work, God will inhabit your praises. And where God is, there is tremendous power available! The enemy cannot stand in the presence of our Mighty God! What do you need power for today? Do you need God’s healing power in your body? Worship Him. Do you need God’s restoration power in your relationships? Worship Him. Do you need His delivering power from a particular situation? Worship Him. As you worship Him, you will see your perspective begin to change. The things that used to bother you will no longer bother you. Old habits and addictions will automatically break off of you. Things in your life will begin to change when you live a life of worship. Start right now by worshiping the Lord out of your heart. All throughout the day, sing songs to Him and declare His goodness. As you do, you’ll experience the life of victory He has in store for you!
Father in Heaven, I worship you today and forevermore. You are the good and faithful God. Thank You for loving me. Thank You for accepting me. Thank You for working in my life today. I bless you today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
My day will be filled with your praises and your Joy will continue to remain in my heart forever and ever Amen.
Morning Ezekiel 46 Evening Ezekiel 47, 48
1 Peter 2:9-10 Genesis 49:9-10
SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 13TH Staying Alive Your Whole Life Are you living every day filled with hope and expectancy? Are you living life to the fullest? So many people today have simply lost their enthusiasm for life. At one time, they were excited about their future. They were pursuing their dream, but along the way, they hit some roadblocks. Things didn’t work out, and now they’re just going through the motions of life. They quit dreaming. They quit pursuing their goals. They lost their purpose. Don’t let that be you! Make the choice to stay alive your whole life by keeping your dreams in front of you. Remember, you have a purpose. You have a destiny. You didn’t just accidentally show up on planet Earth. God knew you before you were formed in your mother’s womb, and He has an assignment for you. You were created to make a difference—to impact our society—to make this world a better place. On the inside of you right now, there are dreams and desires put there by the Creator of the universe. Don’t let the pressures of life push those dreams down. Stir up those dreams. Stir up those gifts. Shake off every disappointment and press forward. This is a new day. Get a new vision. Make up your mind that no matter what comes your way, you’re going to keep pressing forward. You’re going to keep growing. You’re going to keep learning. You’re going to stay active. If you will stay passionate about life, knowing what your purpose is and being your best every day, God will pour out His blessings and favor on you, and you will live the life of victory He has in store for you!
My day is a blessed day filled with your purpose and will towards my life, I move on to fulfill your plan towards my life, for I know now that you created me for a great task, a task that only me can fulfill , I will never let any situations to shorten my existence. In Jesus name. Amen.
I will live and not die, my dreams will come to life and not dead, I will fulfill and not be dismayed.
Morning Daniel 1 Evening Daniel 2, 3
Psalm 91:10 Psalm 118:6
Healing Once, with God’s healing energy; I am filled with new strength and vitality. Prayer provides clarity concerning any situation. Knowing that I am one with God, I know, too, that every life-affirming thought is a prayer. As I think positive, healing thoughts, my mind and body respond in positive, healing ways. Breathing, when done in an awareness of God’s presence, is a prayer. As I exhale, I release all concerns. As I breathe in, I take in the very breath of life and realize the power and energy of God’s presence more fully. It is as though a light has come on in my mind, revealing my wholeness of mind and body. I hold thoughts of God’s healing energy as I pray for others also. I see every person I pray for aglow with health. One with God’s healing energy, we are filled with and expressing new strength and vitality. “Then your light shall break forth like the dawn and your healing shall spring up quickly.”-—Isaiah 58:8 JEHOVAH RAPHA Praise the Lord, O my soul and forget not all his benefits—who heals all your diseases. Psalm 103:2--3 FROM THE FATHER'S HEART My child, sometimes you hide from Me in your greatest pain, thinking I will not know—or care. Other times you think I have abandoned you at your point of need if I do not answer immediately. Trust Me with every symptom—physical, emotional, and spiritual. I am Jehovah Ralph, and in My time, in My way, I still bring healing. A GRATEFUL RESPONSE Lord, You pour Your salve of cleansing, healing, and forgiveness over my spirit. Time and time again, I lay my complaints at Your feet, yet You never turned me away. Like the woman who touched the hem of Your garment, I feel Your power and life flowing through me once again. SIMPLE TRUTH God's silence is never to tease us but often to test our abandonment to His perfect will. Psalm 13:1 35
Psalm 11:1 In the Lord put I my trust: how say ye to my soul, Flee as a bird to your mountain? Yani meant well, but sometimes Gail got so mad at her. Gail was a strong Christian, but Yani felt that Christianity was false, and so she kept trying to persuade Gail to try an Eastern faith. Gail had no trouble with Yani believing as she did, but she wanted them to be able to simply share the truth of their separate beliefs in order to grow and learn more. Yani wanted nothing to do with Christian teaching, and she vehemently fought to convince Gail of her erroneous faith. Gail saw no reason to flee from Christianity when in her heart she knew it was right. We are overexposed to choices. Every day someone will try to tell us that we need one more thing in order to make our lives complete. And tells us that we should be dissatisfied with what we have, that we need something different. The truth is, when we find what works, or what is right, or what we like, no one should be able to tell us that we're wrong. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life, and no one and nothing can ever take His place. We are already Kingdom people. There's no reason to try anything else. Prayer: When I feel surrounded by doubts and I question my faith, Father, reach out to me, that I might know I have nothing to fear. Teach me your truth each day. Amen.
SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 14TH A Healing Prayer I am the Lord that healed thee, God says in Exodus 15:26. And James 5:15,16 instructs us that the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availed much. Do you need a miracle today? Let's join our faith and agree for the miracle you need in your life as we pray together: Father, we come to you in the name of Your Son, Jesus, who has gone before us, who has suffered all the temptations and trials which are common to man and yet has emerged victorious. He, who is touched with the feeling of our infirmities, is near us now. I ask You, Father, to put Your Spirit in those who are joining me in this prayer. Let them feel your power. O God, may the very atmosphere around them be filled with the Spirit of God. Cast out the sickness and the affliction. Heal them from the crowns of their heads to the soles of their feet, for we believe in Your miracle-working power. In the name of Jesus of Nazareth. Amen. And now, in the name of Christ, be healed! Be healed in your soul of every sin. Be healed of every fear. Be healed of all sickness and disease. Believe in your heart that the Holy Spirit is lifting you up, strengthening you, healing you, and making you a whole person, equipped this very hour to be a victorious Christian
I receive my healing in Jesus name Amen
Morning Daniel 4 Evening Daniel 5,6 38
God has heard my prayer and is sending His healing power to me.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 psalm 107:20
MONDAY SEPTEMBER 15TH Facing a Decision Psalm 25:4 NIV Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths In today's and tomorrow's devotionals, I would like to share with you 10 questions you'll want to ask yourself and pray about when you're faced with a decision. The first five are generic. They represent moral issues and godly wisdom that are normative for all times. Have you prayed about it? Prayer was never intended to be a fourth-down punting situation in which we ask God to bail us out of our hasty decisions. It was intended to be a first-down huddle. We aren't supposed to ask God to bless our plans; we're supposed to ask God for His plans. Is it consistent with the Word of God? In our culture, ignorance of God's Word is no excuse since resources abound. I believe that every home should have at least a concordance, a Bible dictionary, a topical Bible, a good commentary, and a study Bible with notes. Most pastors would love to share what God has to say about a given matter. If they wouldn't, you have called the wrong pastor! Can I do it and be a positive Christian witness? A seminary student stopped by my office and told me about a job he had been offered. It would take care of his financial needs, but he had some reservations concerning the sales pitch he was required to use. I asked him if he could use the sales technique and be a positive witness for Christ. He didn't take the job. Will the Lord be glorified? Can I do this and give glory to God? In doing it, would I be glorifying God in my 39
body? Am I seeking the glory of man or the glory of God? Am I doing this to be noticed by man or am I seeking to please the Lord? Am I acting responsibly? God doesn't bail us out of our irresponsibility. But when we are faithful in little things, He will put us in charge of greater things. Don't get ahead of God's timing or you will be over your head in responsibilities. Seek to develop your life and message, and God will expand your ministry.
Dear Lord, help me take a good, hard look at these questions and then avoid at all costs any compromise with Your will in my life today in Jesus Name Amen.
Morning Daniel 7 Evening Daniel 8, 9 40
Your will is my pursue, I am moving in according as you predestine it for me, let me be able to live on in your love.
Psalm 34:7 Proverbs 3:26
TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 16TH Changing Directions Psalm 25:5 NIV Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long The next five questions to ask yourself regarding God's will are to help you when facing a change in direction. Is it reasonable? God expects us to think. His guidance may transcend human reasoning, but it never excludes it. God doesn't bypass our mind; He operates through it: "Brethren, do not be children in your thinking; yet in evil be babes, but in your thinking be mature" (1 Corinthians 14:20). We are warned in Scripture not to put our mind in neutral. We are to think and practice what we know to be true (Philippians 4:8, 9). Does a realistic opportunity exist? Closed doors are not meant to be knocked down. If you have a hopeless scheme, let it go. If it isn't God's timing, wait. If a realistic opportunity exists, and all the other factors are in agreement, then take the plunge. God may open a window of opportunity, but it will close if not taken advantage of. The faithless man asks, "What do I stand to lose if I do?" The faithful man asks, "What do I risk losing if I don't?" Are unbiased, spiritually sensitive associates in agreement? Be careful not to consult only those who will agree with you. Give your advisors permission to ask hard questions. Don't be afraid of "no" answers. If it isn't God's will, don't you want to know before you make the mistake of acting impulsively? Do I have a sanctified desire? Don't think that being in the will of God must always be an unpleasant task. The joy of the Lord should be our strength. I find my greatest joy in serving God and being in 41
His will. But don't get the idea that if everything is wonderful, you must be in the will of God. Is this a desire to satisfy a lust of the flesh or a Spirit-filled desire to see God's kingdom established and people helped? Do I have a peace about it? This is an inner peace. Is the peace of God guarding your heart and mind? If you have been able to answer yes to all 10 of these deciding factors, what are you waiting for?
Thank You, Lord, that I can trust you with the details and direction of my life today and all the rest of my life In Jesus Name Amen.
Morning Daniel 10 Evening Daniel 11,12 42
Today I open my heart to understand those wonderful things you have done in my life and those thing you are still doing to take me to a faithful end.
Romans 1:5, John 9: 4-5
WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 17TH Seeing the Works of God Others went out on the sea in ships; they were merchants on the mighty waters. They saw the works of the Lord.... - Psalm 107:2324a When you were a child, perhaps you may have gone to the ocean for a vacation. I recall wading out until the waves began crashing on my knees. As long as I could stand firm, the waves were of no concern to me. However, as I moved farther and farther into the ocean, I had less control over my ability to stand. Sometimes the current was so strong it moved me down the beach, and I even lost my bearings at times. But I had never gone so far into the ocean that I was not able to control the situation. Sometimes God takes us into such deep waters that we lose control of the situation, and we have no choice but to fully trust in His care for us. This is doing business in great waters. It is in these great waters that we see the works of God. The Scriptures tell us that the disciples testified of what they saw and heard. It was the power behind the gospel, not the words themselves, which changed the world. The power wasn't seen until circumstances got to the point that there were no alternatives but God. Sometimes God has to take us into the deep water in order to give us the privilege to see His works. Sometimes God takes us into the deep waters of life for an extended time. Joseph was taken into deep waters of adversity for 17 years. Rejected by his brothers, enslavement to Pharaoh, and imprisonment were the deep waters for Joseph. During those deep waters, he experienced dreams, a special anointing of his gifts to administrate, and great wisdom beyond his years. 43
The deep water was preparation for a task that was so great he never could have imagined it. He was to see God's works more clearly than anyone in his generation. God had too much at stake for a 30-year-old to mess it up. So, God took Joseph through the deep waters of preparation to ensure that he would survive what he was about to face. Pride normally engulfs such young servants who have such access to power at such a young age. If God chooses to take us into deep waters, it is for a reason. The greater the calling, the deeper the water. Trust in His knowledge that your deep waters are preparation to see the works of God in your life
Father help me to continue to see you in every step I take and everywhere I find myself, for you are the one who has my life planned out, you saved me and called me to be a workman in your vineyard, so that I will have a fulfillment in this world. All this I ask in Jesus name Amen.
Morning Hosea 1,2,3 Evening Hosea 4,5,6 44
Today I work into the promises of God towards my life, just like Joseph was remembered; I will be remembered today with favour, goodness, love and peace in Jesus name Amen
Genesis 34:4:6, Psalm 16: 3-6
THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 18TH Just Say No to Sin Resisting temptation works the same way. We all face temptations-even Jesus was tempted by Satan in the wilderness. But He overcame by quoting the Word to the devil. It's not a sin to be tempted. It's yielding to temptation that's a sin. The best way to avoid giving in to temptation is not to give it a chance. Don't entertain the thought. Learn to just say no to anything that may tempt you to sin. The Bible says, Resist the devil, and he will flee from you (James 4:7). By immersing yourself in the Word and casting down every thought that does not bring glory to God, you can stand against the devil and any temptation he might bring your way.
Your Father let the peace and soul I'm able to conquer temptation harmony that come from Christ, by resisting the devil with the rule supreme in me. May your diWord of God. vine wisdom be continually in my heart, helping me in deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in my mind. I am thankful and appreciative to you always. In Jesus name Amen
Morning Hosea 7,8,9, 10 Evening Hosea 11,12,13,14 46
Psalm 34:14 Proverb 16:7
FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 19TH Complete dependence on God So the Lord sent a plague on Israel, and seventy thousand men of Israel fell dead. - 1 Chronicles 21:14 When was the last time your overconfidence cost the lives of 70,000 men? That is exactly what happened to David. David made what might appear to be an innocent request of his general, Joab. But the minute Joab heard the request he cringed. He knew David was in big trouble for this one. You see, to number the troops was a great sin in Israel because it was against the law. Why? Because it demonstrated that you were placing more trust in numbers than in the living God. David displayed enough pride to cost the lives of 70,000 fighting men. God gave him three choices of punishment for his sin. A plague was the one he chose, and it resulted in the loss of 70,000. Throughout Israel's history, God set the stage for battles to be won, miracles to take place, and people to exercise faith. The stage was always set so that man could not take credit for what God did. Consider Gideon who was only allowed 300 men to fight an army of 100,000. Consider Jehoshaphat, who had to lead his army with his singers. God defeated the enemy. Consider Joshua, who was told simply to walk around Jericho seven times, and they would get victory. God did things in some very unconventional ways! How does this relate to you and me as believers? Well, the minute you and I place more trust in our abilities than in God, we are guilty of numbering the troops. 47
How does He punish us? Sometimes it's through letting a deal go
sour. Sometimes it's through problems with a client or vendor. Sometimes situations just blow up in our face in the office, at home or in the church. Other times, He lets us go on for a long time doing our own thing, but eventually He deals with it. The lesson here is to learn daily and have complete dependence on God. Use your gifts and abilities through the power of the Holy Spirit. Ask Him daily for direction and wisdom. His ways won't always line up with conventional wisdom. When we begin depending on our abilities only, God has a responsibility to make known to us who is the giver of the blessings.
Father I will depend totally on you always, not on my ways anymore, but on you, for you have the best life planned out for me, for you said that your purpose and plan towards me are for God, you want to bring me to an expected end, I lean on you and rest my totality on you forever. In Jesus name Amen.
Morning Joel 1 Evening Joel 2,3 48
I will allow Christ to dwell and guide my heart continues for the rest of my life, that as I go out today, he will guide me into absolute peace of mind.
Hebrews 4:14-16 1 Peter 3:12-17
SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 20TH Forget What Lies Behind “This one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind I press forward to what lies ahead” (Philippians 3:13). Are you determined to forget what lies behind? I know many people don’t fully understand what it means to forget the past. They wonder, “How can I forget something that’s happened to me?” But one definition of the word forget means to disregard intentionally, or to overlook. You have to intentionally disregard your past so that it doesn’t keep you from moving forward. That means the good and the bad. Sometimes our past victories keep us from rising higher as much as past failures. If we don’t let go of the old, we’ll never be able to embrace the new. It doesn’t matter what’s happened in your history, it’s time to forget what lies behind. Make the choice today to press forward. Trust that God has a better future in store for you. Trust that He’s working behind the scenes on your behalf. As you forget what lies behind and press forward, you will see the abundant life the Lord has in store for you!
Father in Heaven, I choose to forget the past today. I don’t want anything to hold me back from the future you have prepared for me. I choose forgiveness and ask that you help me, by Your Spirit, to press forward in every area of my life. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Morning Amos 1,2 Evening Amos 3,4,5 50
I choose to let my past go, because you have taken care of my past on the cross by dying for my sin and gave me your life, I learn to live that life today, and make full prove of that life in Jesus Name Amen.
Romans 8: 17-18 2Corinthians 4:14-18
Law of Attraction Holding thoughts of abundance, I attract all that fulfills me. As an unique, dynamic creation of God, I experience my Creator in many ways: as comforter, pillar of strength, confidant, and friend. In every moment, however, I also experience God as divine law, a fundamental principle of truth expressing good in my life and in my world. The spiritual principle that underlies all of life is one of reciprocation, of giving and receiving, of attraction. Holding thoughts of abundance, I change my way of speaking and acting, which attracts to me what fulfills and sustains me. As I focus my thoughts on wholeness and serenity, I naturally act in wholesome and peaceful ways. Healing and tranquility arise from within me, completing the cycle of spiritual principle. I attract all that I need through my awareness of God. “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. James 4:8 AWESOMENESS For who in the skies above can compare with the Lord? He is more awesome than all who surround him. Psalm 89:6--7 FROM THE FATHER'S HEART My child, are you struggling with the rigors of life's existence? Turn to Me. Is there a problem you don't understand? Let Me help. Look around My world. Would someone who created the mysteries of the universe abandon you without a clue? Your welfare is My business! A GRATEFUL RESPONSE Scientists and archaeologists marvel at heaven and earth's mysteries. All the genius of human inventions cannot compare to the creativity of Your hands. The birth of an infant, the design of the snowflake, and the intricacy of the human body are all too marvelous to comprehend. O God, You are awesome. SIMPLE TRUTH The beauty of a golden sunset is God's "Amen" to a perfect day 51
Psalm 13:1 How long wilt thou forget me, O Lord? for ever? how long wilt thou hide thy face from me? There is no worse feeling than feeling a distance from God. When we cry out in prayer, we need to feel His presence with us. When that feeling is absent, hopelessness and despair set in. We need to know, however, that the Lord has not really gone far from us, but we have pushed Him from ourselves. The Lord is always as close as a prayer, and we need but open our hearts to Him, and His presence will be felt once again. The Lord never hides His face from us, though often He will wait; stepping back like the loving Father that He is, to see whether or not we can struggle through a problem on our own. God wants to see us grow, and He often has to let us struggle a bit in order to allow that growth to occur. Even in those times of trial, however, the Lord is never far away, and He will not allow us to be tried beyond our endurance. Prayer: Help me to know that You are with me in every situation at every moment of the day. I need Your comforting presence in my life, O Lord. Without it, I cannot go on. Amen.
SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 21St Showing Jesus Love “Dear children, let us stop just saying we love each other; let us really show it by our actions.” (1 John 3:18 NLT) Jesus stopped. He stopped when people needed His help, when they needed His comfort, when they needed His protection, when they needed an answer to a perplexing problem. Jesus saw the interruptions in His life as divine opportunities to show God’s love to people in desperate need. Jesus approached love from a show first, then told perspective. He defined love as meeting needs, and when He touched people they realized “… they were in a place of holy mystery, that God was at work among them. They were quietly worshipful – and then noisily grateful, calling out among themselves, ‘God is back, looking to the needs of his people!’” (Luke 7:16 MSG) Jesus expressed His love through action. He calls us to be action figures, but He never wants us so busy saving the world that we ignore the interruptions of those in need. Like the Good Samaritan, Jesus wants us to be ever ready to help someone in need. (Luke 10) The Bible says, “If you see some brother or sister in need and have the means to do something about it but turn a cold shoulder and do nothing, what happens to God's love? It disappears. And you made it disappear.” (1 John 3:17 MSG, italics added) Jesus showed that faith and service go hand-in-hand. When the woman of poor reputation anointed Jesus’ feet with expensive oil and tearfully washed them with her hair, Jesus said to her, “Your faith has saved you. Go in peace.” Her act of service was a reflection of her faith in God. When the disciples of John the Baptist asked Jesus to verify He was the Christ, His response was to point to His service. He said, “Go back and report to John what you have seen and heard: The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor.” (Luke 7:22 NIV) And the Jesus- follower James stressed that we are to be doers of 53
The word, not just hearers: “Does merely talking about faith indicate that a person really has it? For instance, you come upon an old friend dressed in rags and half-starved and say, "Good morning, friend! Be clothed in Christ! Be filled with the Holy Spirit!" and walk off without providing so much as a coat or a cup of soup – where does that get you? Isn't it obvious that Godtalk without God-acts is outrageous nonsense?” (James 2:14a-17 MSG) Francis of Assisi once wrote, “Preach the gospel; if necessary, use words.” In showing our love, no task should be too menial. Jesus specialized in acts of service most people usually try to avoid: washing feet, helping children, fixing breakfast, and serving lepers. Nothing was beneath him, because his service flowed from his love. Practical love – Jesus indicated our acts of love should be very practical; even giving a cup of cold water in his name is an act of love. (Matthew 10:42) Serve today – Ask, “How can I serve others today?” Look around and address what you see: Help mow the lawn, watch a neighbor’s child, bring food to a shut-in, visit a sick friend. We serve God by serving others, and we can serve even better when we serve with other believers. (Ecclesiastes 4:9) Think about a ministry you can share with a small group of friends.
Father help me to see who I should show love to today, as I long to show your love to as many who comes on my way today. For the love you showed to me has made me to find myself, I want to help others find that love in you.
Morning Amos 6,7 Evening Amos 8,9 54
Love was what you use to conquer the world, I will continue to show that love to conquer my world in Jesus name Amen.
1 John 3:1-3 1 John 4:6-13
MONDAY SEPTEMBER 22ND He Directs Your Steps “The mind of man plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps” (Proverbs 16:9). What are you doing to bring your dreams to pass? Are you getting prepared? Do you have clear direction? Are you taking steps of faith? Success is intentional. You may not know what steps to take right now, but God has a good plan for your life. If you’ll do your part to seek Him and begin to make plans to succeed, God will guide you. He will direct your steps. You don’t have to vaguely go through life. God wants to show you His plan. He wants to pour out His blessing on you and see you living a life of victory. Decide today to make plans to succeed. Write down your goals. Make time to evaluate where you are in life. Evaluate your finances, your career, your relationships. Don’t go another week without having a plan for your future. Evaluate how you're spending your time and money. If you’ll go beyond dreaming and start making plans to succeed, God promises He’s going to direct your steps. He will lead you down the path of His favor. He’ll lead you into increase. He’ll lead you into promotion, and you’re going to see your dreams come to pass and walk in success in every area of your life!
Heavenly Father, thank You for directing my steps. Help me to see clearly the plan you have for me today and every day. I submit every area of my life to you and trust that you are working behind the scenes for my good. I bless your name today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Morning Obadiah 1
Father Lead me to my increase today, increase in my business, in my home, in my office, in my family, in the church, in my country lets me experience your absolute power in all I do today
Ephesians 3:17 Ephesians 4:23
TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 23RD God’s Secret Place Psalm 91:1 NKJV says, He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. What is the secret place of the Most High? A secret place is one that other people don't know about. It's a place others cannot assess. The secret place of the Almighty is a place where no weapon the enemy brings against you can get to you unless it goes through God. How do you dwell in God's secret place? By having full and complete confidence in God's love for you against all evil and in your love for Him. It's a two-sided deal. It involves God's love for you and your love for Him. Most of us have grown up hearing that God is love, and we know it's true from a mental standpoint. But we often struggle to get that knowing down into our hearts. Galatians 5:6 says that faith works by love. And the more you believe in your heart that God loves you, that He wants you to be healed, wants you to be delivered, wants you to be provided for, and wants you to overcome, the easier it is for you to dwell in the secret place of the Most High. First John 4:16 NKJV says, We have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God and God in him. When the devil comes against you with all kinds of pressure and trials, you need not fear because you are protected from his evil plots as you abide under the covering of God's love.
I have my place in you, a place of comfort, a place of success, a place of victory. This place is a place where you speak to my heart, where I pour out my request to you, thank you God for having that secret place with me, for I will continue to dwell in your secret place forever in Jesus name. Amen
Morning Jonah 1,2 Evening Jonah 3, 4 58
No evil power can touch my life because I dwell in the secret place of the Most High God.
Psalm 27:1-3 2Timothy 1:7, 8
WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 24TH The Time to Run "Now behold, two of them were traveling that same day to a village called Emmaus, which was seven miles from Jerusalem. And they talked together of all these things which had happened." Luke 24:13-14 I find, as a Christian, that I need to be reminded of things that I sometimes forget. Have you noticed that you don't always know as much as you think you know? I have found that I often forget what I ought to remember, and I remember what I ought to forget. In Luke 24, we find the story of two men who had forgotten some things they should have remembered. At one time, they had been passionate followers of Christ, but now their dreams had been destroyed as they watched Him died on a Roman cross. Even as He hung there, they were hoping for a last-minute miracle. But no miracle came. They felt discouraged and let down. So they decided to leave town. Jesus said that He would be crucified, and after three days, would rise again. He spoke of it often. But they had forgotten. Now they wanted to put as much distance between them and the cross as possible. We need to remember that every step away from the cross is a step in the wrong direction. When we are hurting or have failed spiritually, that is not the time to run away from the cross. That is the time to run to it. Maybe something has happened in your life and you feel as though 59
God has let you down. Maybe some tragedy has occurred. But God has not failed you. He has not forgotten you. Now is the time to run back to the cross. Now is the time to remember His Word and the promises it holds for you.
Father you have not given me a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline sound judgment. Jesus you have delivered me on the cross of Calvary, my sins where washed away, my guilt where taking away, at the cross I discovered my true self, my life was transformed, thank you lord for what you did for me at the cross of Calvary in Jesus Name Morning Micah 1,23 Evening Micah 4,5,6,7 60
It was for me you came and died so that I will be delivered. Now am delivered, show mw today who I will lead to the cross.
John 3:16 John 6:37
THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 25TH Call To Worship but they did not listen to him because of their discouragement and cruel bondage. - Exodus 6:9 It is very difficult to lead when those you are leading believe they have been mistreated and have lost all hope. Such was the case when God called Moses to bring the people of Israel out of Egypt. They had lived under many years of oppression and slavery. Yet God heard their cries. He sent someone to bring them out of slavery "so that they might worship God" (see Ex. 8:1). Interesting God didn't say, "to serve Him." Above all else, God desires our worship. A person cannot enter into true worship of God while still in slavery and bondage. In Proverbs, the writer tells us "hope deferred makes the heart sick" (Prov. 13:12a). There is a place in life where life becomes so discouraging and hopeless that we lose all hope, and it can actually make us sick. I have been at this place; it is a scary condition. It brings you to the edge of despair. The people would not listen to Moses. Yet God did not deliver immediately. In fact, it would be many plagues later before ultimate deliverance would take place. Why does God withhold deliverance at times? It is in order to bring greater glory from the situation. It isn't because He doesn't care. It is because His plan for mankind is resting in these events. It is a finely tuned plan that involves many people and situations - all operating at the same time. It can seem cruel at times. But God knows that His children cannot worship Him if they are in bondage and lose all hope. He won't allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear, so He has a plan of deliverance for each of us. This plan is not always the 61
kind of deliverance we might think is best. It sometimes has pain surrounding the deliverance. When a mother gives birth, that child is delivered into this world through much pain. But with that pain comes great joy on the other side. Every mother will say the pain was worth it because of the exceeding joy that child brought in the midst of the pain. Are you in bondage to today? What keeps you from entering true worship? Work can keep us in bondage if we fail to enter into freedom in Christ during our workday. Today, ask God to show you the areas of bondage that you are living in so that you may worship Him.
Any form of bondage that is still remaining in my life, I realize the blood of Jesus over it , to cleanse me from all unrighteousness, from bondage of poverty, bondage of failure, bondage of sin, bondage backwardness, bondage of witchcraft, bondage of backsliding, I set myself free through the blood of my lord Jesus Christ.
Morning Nahum 1 Evening Nahum 2, 3 62
I am free to be what God wants me to be today, because the blood of Jesus has given me my freedom to live the life of God
Romans 5:8, Ephesians 2:1-10
FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 26TH Fearless Living in Fearful Times We live in frightening times. All around us, there are threats of violence unlike any we have seen before. In the news, war and distresses in this days. More than two thousand years ago, Jesus' disciples knew what it was like to experience fear and worry as they faced an uncertain future. Jesus said something they really hadn't heard Him say before. He told them He would be leaving, and it turned their world—as they knew it—upside down. But then He went on to share some words to calm their troubled hearts. These words ring true in light of world events today and can calm our troubled hearts as well. Let's consider what Jesus said to His disciples: "Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also." (John 14:1–3 NKJV) Jesus starts by saying, "Let not your heart be troubled." Another way to translate this phrase is, "Don't be agitated or disturbed or thrown into confusion." He didn't say, "Mull over your problems." Rather, He said, "Don't be troubled." Life is filled with troubles. It seems that once you have one problem resolved, three more take its place. Job 5:7 says, "Man is born to trouble, as the sparks fly upward" (NKJV). It is so true. From the moment we come into this life, there are all kinds of troubles awaiting us. 63
Although there are reasons to be troubled in life, there are greater reasons to not be troubled. In Jesus' words, we find three reasons why we don't have to be gripped by fear, and why we can find hope in hopeless times.
Lord you are my light and my salMy child fear not for I am God vation; you protect me from danwith you all the days of your life. ger-whom shall I fear? When evil men come to destroy me they will stumble and fall! Yes, though a mighty army marches against me, my heart shall no fear. I am confident that you will save me from all troubles and grant me victory in all my ways in Jesus name amen
Morning Habakkuk 1 Evening Habakkuk 2, 3 64
Hebrew 13:6, Psalm 41: 10-13
SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 27TH Chosen to Be Holy “For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight” (Ephesians 1:4). Did you know that God had a plan for you before the foundation of the earth? He created you to be holy and blameless in His sight. Why did He do that? He chose you to be His ambassador, or representative, on the earth. God created you to reflect His glory. He created you to reflect His character, His righteousness, His holiness. Think about that for a moment. Part of your purpose on this earth is to be a representative for the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Let that sink in deeply on the inside of you. Knowing that should make you want to walk a little differently. It should make you want to talk differently. That should make you think a little more carefully about where you go and what you choose to do with your time. Are you representing God’s holiness today? Remember, what God’s called you to do, He’s equipped you to do. If there are things in your life that aren’t holy, God wants to empower you to overcome those things. Receive His strength and might today so that you can walk in holiness and live the abundant life He has for you.
Heavenly Father, thank You for choosing me today. I ask you to search my heart and remove anything that is displeasing in your sight. I accept your holiness today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen
Morning Zephaniah 1 Evening Zephaniah 2,3 66
Today, I clean myself from all unrighteousness to remain in your holiness, and dwell daily in your presence, because in your presence I am complete and content .
Psalm 16:11, psalm 130:3-4
Joy I rejoice in the transformative power of God’s love. In preparing His followers for His death and resurrection, Jesus told them: “So you have pain now; but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you.” He was explaining that the pain of separation is followed by joy that comes through acceptance and reconciliation. I know that the joy I experience is a reflection of the love of God within me. And while I may experience pain in a particular moment, joy is always within me, waiting to be expressed and embraced. Experiencing God’s love in prayer, I am open to joy that cannot be lessened or taken away from me. I rejoice, knowing that all things are possible with God! “You bestow on him blessings forever; you make him glad with the joy of your presence.”—Psalm 21:6 LIGHT OF THE WORLD "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." John 8:12 FROM THE FATHER'S HEART My child, have you ever stumbled through the dark in the middle of the night? Why would you choose to go through life the same way? I will be your flashlight, giving you only as much light as you need for the moment. Stop living in the dark. Turn on the light. A GRATEFUL RESPONSE Wherever I go, You are a light by day and a beacon by night, shining brightly to point me to shore. There is no place too dark for Your light to shine and no corner too remote. Like sunshine on a cloudy day, You burst forth with radiance. You are my sunshine, Lord. SIMPLE TRUTH Just like a hallowed, shining star, His light bids us follow Him, wherever we are. 67
Psalm 13:3 Consider and hear me, O Lord my God: lighten mine eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death. Bill was beginning to doubt his faith. He had been confirmed into a church almost twenty years ago, he had once read the Bible regularly, and he still prayed occasionally, always at meals. Still, he felt like he was just stumbling through life like a sleepwalker. Nothing seemed to matter, and Bill felt that his life laced purpose. There had to be something more, but Bill was wondering what it was. If the Lord is not a real and vital part of our lives, then we are only half living. God renews us and puts purpose into our being. We are spiritual batteries which constantly need to be recharged. We cannot be recharged apart from the power source: Jesus Christ. The Bible, the church, fellowship with other believers, prayer; these and many other activities draw us close to God and therefore energize our spiritual lives. Draw close to God and feel the power. It's waiting right now, and it is given freely. Prayer: Energize my life with the power of Your Holy Spirit, Lord. Grant that I might live life fully, not halfway. Open my eyes to the glorious life I have been given. Amen.
SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 28TH Worry in Reverse You probably know people who brag that they've read fifty or more pages of the Bible in one sitting, or they've read Isaiah thirtythree times, or they can quote the Bible "six ways backwards." But in many instances, the Word didn't get in them-they were just reading print on pages. Psalm 1:2 tells us that we are blessed when we meditate on the Word day and night. That's totally different from just reading the Word. So how do you meditate on the Bible? You take a verse, then look at each word and think about the words. The verse might say, "But he"-who is he? He is Jesus. Who is Jesus? Jesus is our Savior, our Deliverer, and our Healer. That's how you meditate on the Word. You take each word and think about it. I like to think of meditation as "worry in reverse." Instead of dwelling on a bad report you may have received, you meditate on the Word of God. You absorb the Word. That's how you retain the Word so that it becomes part of you. When it gets inside you, it's got to come out, because out of the abundance of the heart your mouth speaks (Matthew 12:34). Then, when Satan tries to attack you, the Word will come up out of your mouth, and you can defeat him in the authority of Jesus' name!
Today, Father help to rest my victory on your word, as I meditate on your word it give me the strength to overcome every temptation that comes on my way, and set me in the height of my victory, I rest my believed on you word. In Jesus Name Amen.
Morning Haggai 1 Evening Haggai 2 70
I'm free from worry and fear because I hide God's Word in my heart.
2Corinthians 1:20 John14:1,17
MONDAY SEPTEMBER 29TH The Definition Of Discipleship 1 Thessalonians 5:11 Encourage one another, and build up one another, just as you also are doing Jesus' primary call to His disciples is seen in His words "Come to Me" (Matthew 11:28) and "Follow Me" (Matthew 4:19). Mark records: "He appointed twelve, that they might be with Him, and that He might send them out to preach, and to have authority to cast out the demons" (Mark 3:14, 15). Notice that Jesus' relationship with His disciples preceded His assignment to them. Discipleship is the intensely personal activity of two or more persons helping each other experiences a growing relationship with God. Discipleship is being before doing, maturity before ministry, character before career. Every Christian, including you, is both a disciple and a discipler in the context of his Christian relationships. You have the awesome privilege and responsibility both to be a teacher and a learner of what it means to be in Christ, walk in the spirit and live by faith. You may have a role in your family, church or Christian community which gives you specific responsibility for discipling others, such as husband/father, pastor, Sunday school teacher, discipleship group leader, etc. You have the opportunity to help your children, your friend, and other believers grow in Christ through your caring and committed relationship with them. Similarly, every Christian is both a counselor and counselee in the context of his Christian relationships. 71
A good counselor should be a good discipler, and a good discipler should be a good counselor. Biblically, they are the same role. Your level of maturity may dictate that you do a lot of Christian counseling. But there will still be times when you need to seek or receive the counsel of other Christians. There will never be a day when we don't need each other.
Father, help me remember that I will never be so mature that I need not receive godly counsel from my brothers and sisters in Christ.
Morning Zechariah 1,23 Evening Zechariah 4,5,6,7 72
Help to fulfill my responsibility today in been a good disciple to others and for me to be a good follower in Jesus Name.
1 Corinthians 14: 1, Ephesians 5:1,2
TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 30TH Running Over “Give and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap” (Luke 6:38). God is a God of abundance! He wants to pour out His abundance on you until you are so full that you are running over with God’s goodness. And notice how this verse starts. It says, “Give, and it will be given to you.” Your giving sets the blessing of God into motion in your life. Giving is like a seed. When you plant an apple seed, it doesn’t just grow a single fruit. That one seed grows a tree that grows an abundance of apples. That’s what happens when you obey God in your giving. You get an abundant harvest in return. And when the blessing is “running over”, you have so much that you have to give more, and the cycle just keeps repeating itself! Is there something the Lord is telling you to give today? It can be financial or material. What do you have in your hand that you can bless someone else with? Take a step today and set the blessing of God into motion in your life. Open the door for His blessing to be running over in your life today!
Father in Heaven, I receive Your Word into my heart today. Thank You for choosing to bless me so that I can be a blessing to others. Show me ways to bless others and teach me to receive all You have for me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen
Morning Zechariah 8,9,10 Evening Zechariah 11,12,13,14 74
My hands are blessed, my ways are bless, I live in the absolute blessing of God today in Jesus Name Amen.
Philippians 1:11 John15:16
We trust you have been blessed by this devotional. We invite you to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life by praying this prayer. God, I acknowledge you in the existence of Jesus Christ and I acknowledge your love for me to come as a human and to die on the cross for me. I too love you and I desire to live my life in a relationship with you. Thank you that you love me. Thank you that you hear me when I call upon your name. I accept your death and your blood as the full penalty for all my sins and I acknowledge that by the blood of Jesus I am cleansed. I ask that you, having cleansed me, will in your spirit come into my life and make me your child. God I give you my life this day to take and to do with me whatever you will. I now walk in faith day by day and moment by moment in the love and resurrection life of Jesus Christ. To God be the glory and praise to His son Jesus Christ as I now confess that Jesus is my God, my lord, my savior, my companion, and also my friend, In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen. I now walk in the consciousness of my new life in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah!" Congratulations! You are now a child of God. To receive more information on how you can grow as a Christian, please get in touch with us through our contacts below:
God is always ready to Bless you and cause testimony to manifest in your life. We receive testimonies regularly praising the Goodness Of God. We invite you to come and visit us and hear more of such testimonies from many others concerning what God is doing in their lives. Do you need us to Pray with you today, the bible says in Matthew 18:19(GWT) "I can guarantee again that if two of you agree on anything here on earth, my Father in heaven will accept it. Call our prayer line today 62975171, let me agree with you in prayer, Heaven will be opened to answer our prayers, Whatever the situation is, with God, nothing is impossible. REV DONBRUCE If God has blessed you through this Rhema of bliss devotional, kindly mail to us your testimony so that as many that reads it, will be blessed concerning what God has done in your life, its good to testify what God has done in our lives so that he will continue to bless us more Abundantly. For more testimonies write:-
Reverend Donbruce a servant of the Almighty and powerful God, has embarked on God’s work and mission in the United States of America, West Africa and Singapore. Rev Donbruce, has been involved in leading various community development initiatives, namely “The Gathering of Clergy Leadership Conference” and The Gathering of Eagles” (Believers Gathering)”. He is the founder of Glory Cloud Interdenominational Outreach based at Dallas Texas as well as the African Headquarters located at Lagos Nigeria, an umbrella organization which provides numerous outreach services to the local African community. Rev Donbruce was educated in the United States of America. Graduated with a Diploma in Discipleship & a Pastoral Diploma, BA/BSc in Theology and Master of Divinity, he is now serving as the Senior Pastor of Rhema life church Singapore, and the general overseer of Rhema life Ministry inc worldwide. Rev. Donbruce, a bond servant of God continues to say “YES “to the calling of God to be His laborer in the harvest field. His sacrificial living for the lord has positively impacted the lives of many lost souls- changing hopelessness into renewed born again and revived people of God.