We believe in learning. All kinds of learning for all kinds of people, delivered in a personal style. We believe in its power to change lives, to open doors, to break down barriers, build societies and offer hope and possibility. Because wherever learning flourishes, so do people.
What we do Delivering measurable progress in education through complete, integrated solutions. Curriculum and Qualification Development
Teaching & Learning Resources ■
Inspiring print and digital resources for all phases of education from pre-school through to higher education and continuing professional development.
Extensive teacher support materials that make planning and using innovative resources in the classroom efficient and effective.
Creative digital solutions including the use of animations, video, images and interactive activities.
Online assessment tools for automatic diagnosis reporting and feedback.
Custom publishing solutions to meet specific needs.
Effective support for national reform ■
Working with national governments to realise education needs, understand curriculum development strategies and provide solutions.
Raising institutional effectiveness ■
Providing advice and services for curriculum development and qualifications, e-learning and educational technology, printed and digital resources, teacher training and professional development. Developing and tailoring specific programmes for school, district or national needs.
Qualifications that improve student attainment ■
English Language Learning ■
Using a global platform to teach the world English, through ongoing partnerships with universities and training agencies, and by utilising Pearson assets and brands.
Providing integrated programmes of teacher training, testing and resources to enhance English language skills worldwide.
Academic and vocational qualifications for schools, further and higher education, public and private sector employers and e-learning providers.
Educational Technology and E-learning
National and Institution Based Assessment
Learning platforms and management information systems that support schools, colleges and universities in the delivery of 21st century education.
Complete test design service from defining objectives and required measurements, through to the test media and analysis required.
Innovative approaches to teaching and learning that inspire and motivate learners to fulfill their potential.
Using data and information to drive personalised learning, and help communication with parents and the local community.
Using rigour and uncompromising quality, at every level, to be the global benchmark for measuring student progress.
Delivering cost effective management and administration.
Teacher and Leadership Development ■
Courses that cover the full range of teaching and subject-based skills.
Quality initial teacher training and continuing professional development.
Professional and personal development resources.
About Pearson Pearson helps learners all over the world to improve their life chances. For decades, Pearson has addressed the needs of educational institutions, teachers, and learners across the English-speaking Caribbean. From print-based publishing and the development of digital resources for schools and universities, to academic services, we actively meet local Caribbean curriculum requirements through dedicated resources,, as well as serve those following UK and US curriculums. Pearson’s “always learning” mentality ensures a constantly evolving portfolio of solutions for teachers and learners from early childhood through to CSEC® and CAPE®, higher education, and adult education. Facilitating the use of our resources and services in the Caribbean, we rely on an articulated team of sales and marketing professionals distributed across the breadth of the region.
Brands and companies you can trust Pearson brings together some of the world’s leading educational companies and brands with a proven track record of success. ■
Longman, Heinemann, Scott Foresman, Addison Wesley and Prentice Hall are recognised worldwide for the excellence of their resources and content.
Edexcel qualifications are used in over 100 countries – they are leaders in vocational and technical education and are the UK's largest awarding body.
Our technology companies such as Pearson Learning, Fronter and Phoenix are at the forefront of educational technology.
Pearson Assessment provides a complete range of assessment services, with Pearson Vue specialising in the delivery of innovative computer based testing.
“ What makes our company truly special is the way we use our imagination and ingenuity to entwine our unrivaled breadth of content and services to solve problems, to find personal solutions, and to help people learn more and learn better at every stage of their lives.” Marjorie Scardino, CEO of Pearson plc
Your Pearson With 37,000 employees in more than 60 countries, Pearson supports education around the world. Contact us to find out more about initiatives in the Caribbean, or to talk through your institutional or system needs. William Hrabrick Vice President – Caribbean Email: william.hrabrick@pearson.com Tel: +1 407 539 4618
Sheena Daley Caribbean Sales Manager – Schools and Edexcel Academic Email: sheena.daley@pearson.com Tel: +1 954 612 1068
Sharon Neita Caribbean Sales Manager – Higher Educational and Edexcel Vocational Email: sharon.neita@pearson.com Tel: +1 876 946 0926
Visit www.pearsoncaribbean.com to learn more